The tail of a Scottish cat is a barometer of health. Greasy tail of a cat: photos, symptoms and treatment of yellow plaques

Cats are very neat animals, but sometimes the owners notice that some kind of bump has appeared on the tail of their pets. What could it be?

A lump on the tail of a cat, what kind of sore is it, with an abscess

It is advisable to take your pet to see a doctor. If the owner noticed a lump on the tail of a kitten, it may be a birth defect or a healed fracture of the tail. When an animal is not disturbed by the formation on the tail, there may be no reason to panic.

An abscess may indicate that there was a tail injury. An infection got into the wound, and purulent inflammation began.

The lump on the tail of the cat hurts, it was revealed how to treat

In adult cats, a bump on the tail may appear as a result of a fight. In places of bites, the skin becomes inflamed, pus accumulates under it. Veterinarians advised to process sore spot hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine, preventing the development of an abscess.

Processing is carried out several times a day, removing the pus formed in the cavity of the cone before processing.

The lump on the cat's tail is soft, does not hurt, at the base

If the bump on the cat's tail does not hurt, it may be a wen. Only a doctor in a clinic can remove it. He will tell you how to adjust the pet's nutrition in order to normalize the work. sebaceous glands, improve immunity.

If the cat has cancer, the tail will have to be removed. Conduct a course of chemotherapy, support immunity with vitamin and mineral complexes, use Phytoelite Metastop.

The cat has a lump on the tail, oily hair, what could it be

Oily hair near the bump on the tail may indicate a violation of the sebaceous glands in the animal. What a lump is, a biopsy taken at a veterinary clinic can show.

If it's a lipoma or benign tumor, its removal will contribute to the complete recovery of the cat. If the bump is malignant neoplasm, long-term treatment after surgery will be required, which can prolong the life of the animal for some time.

After surgical intervention it will be necessary to examine the cat daily, and in case of infection, consult a doctor. If the lipoma bursts, surgery will need to be done immediately to save the animal. Therefore, it is better not to delay the visit to the clinic.

In the article will be discussed about a problem that appears only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...

Very often, a vigilant owner of a four-legged mouser may encounter such unpleasant phenomenon like a bump on a cat's tail. Usually at this moment the owner has a lot of versions and guesses about the reasons for the appearance of the bump. The main question is what causes the seal in the tails of mustachioed pets?

Possible causes of bumps

The appearance of a bump on the cat's tail signals a violation in the cat's body. Most often, such a seal accompanies the following problems:

  1. cancerous process in the skin;
  2. disruption of the sebaceous glands (as a result - the formation of wen);
  3. various injuries;
  4. Availability purulent sacs(often leads to further development abscesses);
  5. congenital defects of the tail.

Only a veterinarian should determine the occurrence of bumps on the tail. It is unacceptable to engage in self-diagnosis and, even more so, treatment that is inconsistent with the doctor.

Sometimes the owner of the pet does not pay due attention to the fact that the animal has a seal, considering it a harmless wen. Especially since the cat may show absolutely no concern about the bump. However, this phenomenon cannot be ignored. Otherwise, you can allow the deterioration of the animal's condition and miss the time necessary for treatment.

Features of the course of diseases and methods of treatment

Conditions in which a cat has a lump on its tail are usually accompanied by a number of symptoms. According to them, the doctor diagnoses the disease.

Cancer tumor

With the growth of the cancerous process, one can often observe that the cat has a bump under the tail. If a similar diagnosis has been made to a furry pet, the doctor usually prescribes amputation of the tail or part of it (depending on the location of the seal).

In addition, the cat may be shown chemotherapy and reception auxiliary drugs . Balanced diet and the intake of suitable vitamins will significantly speed up the process of rehabilitation of the animal.

Tail injuries

An injured tail can cause a lot of health troubles for a cat, because the fluffy process is part of the spine. A fight with a neighbor's cat or dog, inattentive children who pinched their tail with a door, falling from a tree - there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of cones.

Fractures are often the result of trauma. You can determine a closed fracture by examining the cat's tail - damaged tissue have a swollen and swollen appearance. At open fracture you can see that the bone on the tail came out of the laceration.

An injured pet should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. He will take x-rays to diagnose the fracture and make sure the cat doesn't have any additional back injuries.

Complex open fractures require surgical treatment. With a closed fracture without cracks, it is sufficient to apply a rigid fixing bandage. In particular severe cases tail docking is recommended.

Tail tissue damaged by a blow, bite, or other injury does not require special diagnosis. They are usually visible to the naked eye. First aid in such cases involves disinfection with hydrogen peroxide and the application of a sterile bandage to stop bleeding. In the future, injured places can be treated antiseptic ointment(Levomekol has proven itself well).

Even if there is a small scratch or bite, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian. minor damage can lead to grave consequences in the form of infection, blood poisoning and other troubles.

Very often, a bump at the base of the tail is the result of a cat’s “fights” with its four-legged counterparts. During the fight, rivals like to bite each other's tails. As a result, on the cat's tail is formed purulent abscess. Over time, the bumps break through, pus and ichor come out of it. A wound remains on the skin at the site of the abscess, which must be treated. The opening of the abscess can take place in several ways.:

  • the procedure is performed by the owner at home;
  • access to the services of a veterinarian;
  • elimination of the abscess by the animals themselves.

If it was decided to do the procedure at home, it is better for the owner of the cat to enlist the support of one of the family members. The animal reacts sharply to painful intervention and it will be problematic to keep it alone. After the abscess has been opened, you need to squeeze out the accumulated pus and treat the inflamed area with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Often the cat can help itself by licking the site of the abscess with its tongue, as a result of which the breakthrough occurs without outside interference.


Zhirovik (an alternative name is lipoma) is a soft subcutaneous formation. It is formed as a result of the growth of adipose tissue. If you find one or more wen in a cat, you should contact your veterinarian. Through a biopsy, he will determine whether the mass is benign or malignant.

Eliminate the wen with drug therapy not possible with only surgical intervention. However, such a measure is recommended only in the case when the formation is malignant and threatens the life and health of the cat. IN similar situations except surgical removal wen, the animal is also given courses of chemotherapy. In other cases, the wen is considered a completely harmless phenomenon and does not require removal.

birth defects

Sometimes in small kittens one or more small bumps on the tail can be observed. There may be no hair around them. If pressing this area does not cause discomfort to the cat or pain, more likely we are talking about a congenital defect - a crease in the tail. Usually this condition does not cause health problems in the cat.

Preventive measures

The main measure to prevent the appearance of bumps on the tail in cats is regular visits to the veterinarian. It is enough to pay a visit to a specialist in order to scheduled inspection animal once every six months (but at least once a year). It is important to remember that diseases late stages are more difficult to heal, and sometimes not amenable to therapy at all. That is why you should trust the health of your pet professional hands veterinarian.

It would seem - such a cautious creation! But in our world, no one is immune from illness. One of the most common is the formation, the so-called subcutaneous bumps in cats.

Physical examination

If you notice that the kitten has a bump, neoplasm, tumor, it is necessary to examine the kitten for other neoplasms that can appear anywhere - on any part of the body. Just examine with gentle, stroking movements of the hands the entire skin covering animal, trying to detect some other strange growths and neoplasms. Feeling for some other “tumor”, make sure that this object is really not provided for by anatomy. To do this, this area of ​​​​the body must be examined from the other side and only then draw conclusions. If the lump is also present on the other side of the body, then most likely it is just some kind of anatomical detail, however visual inspection will not be redundant.

The main causes of cones

A bump or other growth may indicate cancerous tumor. In this case, it is necessary to contact the clinic as soon as possible, because. The road becomes every minute. The sooner you take your pet to the veterinarian, the more likely your pet is to recover. However, bumps or tumors that were found on the body of a cat / cat may indicate other ailments: a cyst, enlarged lymph nodes, hemorrhages, foreign object or tissue swelling, hernia, abscess.

The cat's pulse is checked with inside back paw. IN calm state pulse should be between 100 and 140 beats per minute. Changes in any of the parties are a cause for concern.

Whatever the illness of your pet is - whether it be neoplasms on the body or just suspicious behavior, do not self-medicate in any case - contact your veterinarian and do not delay it!

Diseases, and especially tail injuries, are quite common cause visits to veterinarians. fracture, dislocation, open wound or a bump on the tail of a cat not only hurts the pet, but can also cause serious violations in the work of the whole organism, because the tail is part of the spine.

She fell out of the window, unsuccessfully jumped from a tree, had a fight with a dog, the children accidentally pinched the tail of the cat with the door - completely protect the pet from similar troubles is unlikely to succeed.

Owners suspect a cat's tail fracture when part of the vertebrae below the fracture site are dangling or at an angle to the intact part of the tail, in an unnatural position. A closed fracture and cracks may not be noticeable, but the cat’s tail hurts, the pet does not allow to touch the injured vertebrae, and the tissues at the site of the injury are swollen and edematous. In fractures with a significant displacement, a bulge is visible under the skin - the edge of the vertebra from the inside rests against the adjacent tissues. An open fracture of the cat's tail is immediately noticeable: part of the damaged vertebra protrudes outward through the torn adjacent tissues.

Any injury to a cat's tail, and especially a fracture, can lead to aggression on the part of even the most affectionate pet, because it hurts a lot. The cat must be urgently delivered to a veterinarian who will provide first aid and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is imperative to take an x-ray to establish the type of fracture, and most importantly, to make sure that the cat's tail is really broken. Complex fractures with displacement or fragmentation of the vertebrae require surgical intervention. At closed fractures and cracks, if there is no need to remove the fragments, a fixing bandage is sufficient. In all cases, painkillers are prescribed and sedatives, often the veterinarian recommends using an Elizabethan collar.

In some cases, when the vertebrae are damaged so severely that one operation is not enough to restore their integrity, tail docking in cats is indicated. The tail is cut one vertebra above the damaged area using local anesthetic, on cartilaginous tissue. Usually within a week the cat is fully restored and forgets about the trauma experienced. It is difficult for owners to decide on such a serious step, but sometimes tail docking in cats is much more humane than exposing animals long-term treatment, several times to operate under general anesthesia, stuffed with analgesics and forced to endure unnecessary pain.

Read also: Mastocytoma in cats: predisposition, diagnosis and therapy


The tail is made up of vertebrae connected cartilage tissue. A dislocation is a displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other. The tail looks deformed, sticks out unnaturally to the side, the tissues in the area of ​​injury are painful and swollen. In most cases, it is impossible to independently determine whether the cat’s tail is broken or just a dislocation (unless it is an open fracture, and the owner is not a doctor). The pet needs to be urgently delivered to the clinic. The doctor will take a picture, set the displaced vertebrae and apply a fixing bandage.

Violation of tissue integrity

Tissue damage as a result of a bite, cut, impact or other injury is visible visually and in most cases does not require hardware diagnostics. If the cat's tail hurts very badly or the wound is extensive, the pet should be taken to the clinic immediately.

First aid: hydrogen peroxide for disinfection, sterile dressing to stop bleeding and prevent infection. Small abrasions, scratches and other wounds can be treated with any antiseptic ointment (for example,

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