Get rubbish out of your eyes. Rinse with water or saline. What can be the reason for the penetration of foreign bodies to the mucosa

Naturally, our eyes are protected by eyelashes, but sometimes this protection is not enough. And various small particles get into the eyes. In many cases, protecting yourself from this is next to impossible.

People often suffer and find themselves in such a situation because of the specifics of their profession. Working with a grinder, almost everyone faced such a problem.

And the eyes are an organ that needs to be protected. Any foreign matter should be removed from the eye as quickly as possible. In order for toxic oxidation products of non-ferrous metal to enter into chemical reaction with living tissue and fluids of the eye, one day is enough.

This should not be allowed, as the complications are very serious. You can permanently go blind or lose an eye. Therefore, in a situation where shavings from a grinder got into the hole, what should be done at home is very important to know.

Sometimes the victim manages to pull the foreign body out of the eye on his own. But often the problem occurs during the workflow. And when dust and chips fly in different directions, it is better to ask for outside help.

In any case, this situation requires right action . This will make it possible to avoid serious consequences and save your eyesight.

An unpleasant case when metal chips got into the eye refers to mechanical damage. According to the severity, the following types of eye injuries are distinguished:

  1. Light degree- does not threaten cosmetic defects or loss of vision.
  2. Injury medium degree - light cosmetic defect, visual impairment is slight.
  3. Severe degree- a significant deterioration in vision or its complete loss as a result of the appearance of defects in the structure of the eye.

Localization traumatic injury could be the following:

  • damage to the eyeball;
  • eye sockets;
  • accessory parts of the eye.

The main symptoms of damage:

  • involuntary closing of the eyelids, it becomes difficult to open them on their own;
  • redness of the eye;
  • pain in the eye area;
  • release of tears;
  • blurred vision.

These are the main signs of damage, but they do not make it possible to determine with high accuracy how much damaged eye. The degree of damage can only be established by an ophthalmologist using a microscope.

After removing the chips from the grinder, the same symptoms can be observed, with the exception of severe lacrimation. Especially if the damage is deeper than upper layer corneal epithelium.

This is due to post-traumatic edema. Therefore, even after correctly rendered first aid, it is better to see a doctor..

How to get shavings out of your eye

If there is no way to quickly get to medical institution, then you need to know what to do on your own if scale from a grinder gets into your eye. All procedures must be performed with clean hands.

They should first be washed with soap under running water and do not touch objects. Then follow this instruction:

First aid. How to remove a foreign body from the eye

Dross is a spark from a grinder, grinder, welding and other hot metal body..

If a spark from a grinder gets into the eye, it will cause a burn at the point of contact with the epithelium of the conjunctiva or cornea. Scale is firmly fixed on the surface of the eye, and the above methods very rarely help to get it on your own.

If the chips can be removed, the next step should be to treat the burn it left.

To avoid serious complications an ophthalmologist should remove the burn. He uses local anesthesia drops, a sterile needle and a microscope.

After the procedure, be sure to follow all the doctor's prescriptions at home. These are mainly antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You can use such drugs in the form of ointments. For example, ointment Floksal.

If metal shavings get into the eye, then the cornea heals within a week. AT severe cases recovery may take two weeks.

Often a superficial epithelial translucent opacification is formed. If the scale has got and stuck to central departments cornea, vision may be reduced.

If it is incorrect to provide first aid for eye injuries, serious negative consequences can occur:

If there is a foreign body in the eye, you can not:

To save yourself from unpleasant problem, which poses a threat to the eyes, it is important to observe safety precautions when performing repair work, especially welding.

Be sure to wear a helmet and goggles. Working in them is not very convenient, but this is the main guarantee of safety.

It is very difficult and almost impossible to pull the chips out of the eye without going to a medical institution. In most cases, it is firmly fixed on the surface of the eye and cannot be done without the help of an experienced ophthalmologist.

In order not to lose sight, it is very important to apply a number of measures, even if there is almost nothing to worry about after the incident. It is necessary to remove a foreign body after contact with the eye as soon as possible.

Physical factors at long-term exposure or improperly rendered first aid can reach the cornea, the iris of the lens, vitreous body and even retinas. This causes visual impairment.

Mote caught in the eye best case cause discomfort, and at worst can cause serious damage to the mucosa or the eyeball itself. How to remove from the eye foreign object find out in this article.

How to remove mote from the eye from under the upper eyelid

A mote that has fallen on the eyeball or stuck under the upper eyelid can be pulled out by yourself or with outside help. Let's figure out how to do it:

  • Feeling that something is bothering you under the upper eyelid, pull it down, blocking the lower one. Do everything with clean, washed hands.
  • Hold the eyelid for half a minute, and then release. At this stage, the mote may come out.
  • If the contamination remains in place, have someone help you and examine the eye. Open it wide and look down. If a foreign object has become visible at the top of the eyeball, let the person helping you carefully remove it with a napkin soaked in water or with a wet edge of a handkerchief.
  • If this does not help, the eyelid will need to be turned away. Take cotton swab and put on the eyelid from above, hold the eyelashes and turn the eyelid outward. Remove the mote when you see it.

How to remove mote from the eye from under the lower eyelid

It is much easier to remove the interfering particle from under the lower eyelid. If there is a person nearby who is ready to help you, ask him to find a mote while you look up with wide eyes. If you are acting on your own, then go to the mirror, pull your eyelid with your fingers and find a foreign object. Take it out with a corner of a dampened napkin or cloth.

How to remove a mote from the eye - washing the eyes

When the contamination is not visible or you could not get it out using the above methods, rinse your eyes:

  • Wash your hands clean and wash your face warm water without closing your eyes. Small dust particles are often washed off in this way.
  • Another way is to immerse your face in a bowl of warm boiled water open your eyes and blink a little. You can rotate your eyeballs in different directions.

What to do with a mote stuck in the eye

If metal shavings get into the eye, try to remove it yourself using a magnet. But this can only be done if the chips do not stick into the eye.

An object stuck in the eye poses a certain danger, so here are some recommendations on what to do in such a case:

  • You can not rub your eyes so that the foreign body does not go even deeper. It is even advisable to reduce the frequency of blinking and not touch your eyes with your hands.
  • If the object is large enough, severe pain without the help of doctors you can not do. In this case, you need to apply several layers of gauze to the injured eye, and then cover both eyes with a bandage and ask someone to take you to the hospital or call the doctors.
  • After removing a foreign object from the eye, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drops as a prevention of infection.

  • Remove the mote from the eye only with clean, soapy hands.
  • You can take out a particle only with something wet, but not with a dry cloth and not with tweezers.
  • So that the mote does not get into the eye at all, it is advisable to wear glasses in windy weather. Eye protection is essential during any construction and repair work.

If a foreign object gets into the eye - one of the most sensitive organs of our body - we experience severe discomfort. I want to rub my eyes, tears well up - in a word, the situation is not pleasant. If the mote has not penetrated very deeply, then you can get it yourself (only with clean hands, of course), but the fact is that such a problem can be encountered, for example, during repairs, when the eyes are not protected at all. Construction dust or wood shavings can seriously damage the eye - penetrating injury can also occur! Therefore, it is important to know not only how to remove the mote from the eye, but also about the methods / means of protecting the visual organs under certain circumstances.

One of the most common causes of eye injury is a foreign object that has sharp edges.

Note! This object can be on the surface or penetrate deep into the eye. Tellingly, even the most minor injury is very dangerous.

The person himself at this time will experience a feeling of "sand" in the eye with all the ensuing consequences - itching, profuse tearing, burning. Less often there is pain or even bleeding. In any case, before you start removing the mote, you must make sure that this is the problem. After all, sometimes these symptoms can indicate a developing eye disease.

On a note! If the mote has not been removed after a certain number of washes, see a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, the complications can be the saddest!

In addition, there are items that you simply cannot remove on your own. It's about about a foreign body that has penetrated the cornea - here without medical assistance definitely not enough. If the symptom is ignored, everything can end even with loss of vision.

We remove the mote from the eye. Emergency help

Table. What to do after getting a mote in the eye.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Make your eyes tear up. Lachrymation can begin on its own after a foreign object hits, but if this does not happen, try blinking quickly. You can't rub your eyes!

If tears do not help, try to determine exactly where the mote is. Examine the wide-open eye, moving it in different directions. If necessary, you can pull the upper and lower eyelids, look under them. AT this case external assistance may be required.

Stretch upper eyelid to the bottom, then rotate your eye. Eyelashes of the lower eyelid at the same time can remove a foreign object. May need to be repeated several times this procedure. If it doesn't work, try another method.

Use a cotton swab dipped in clean water, to remove the mote. Obviously, you must first determine the place of its (mote) location. In no case do not remove a foreign object located on the cornea in this way!

Rinse your eye with water room temperature. If there is no one to help, use a pipette to rinse.

You can also use a saline solution for rinsing or eye drops"Artificial tear". If this method does not work, it remains only to consult a doctor.

In what cases is medical assistance required:

  • the mote could not be eliminated by any of the methods;
  • after removal, you feel discomfort, pain, redness is observed;
  • a foreign object is inside the eye;
  • had vision problems.

Learn more about flushing

So, we found out that washing the eye is effective in most cases. What can be used for this:

  • eye glass. A small cup with a special rim. Tilt your head back, place the cup on the eye socket and begin to water the damaged (necessarily open) eye a little;
  • bowl of water. Fill a bowl with clean water, dip your face in it, start moving your eyes from side to side and blink very quickly;
  • clean glass. Direct the jet of water so that it flows from the forehead, and not directly into the eye. In this case, the eyelid should be ajar;
  • empty bottle of eye drops . It's simple - you need to fill it with clean water and use it for its intended purpose.

Important! When you remove the mote, rinse your eyes again - with a decoction of chamomile or all the same clean water. To prepare a decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, pour into 1 liter of boiling water. Then insist until the water cools down, then make compresses.

By the way, a compress can also be made from tea bags, after squeezing excess liquid. You can also soak cotton pads in tea and wipe your eyes with them.

Another good way- the use of honey. Boil it in water (1 teaspoon per 200 ml), cool the resulting product and use for lotions. This will take the redness off.

Removal of sharp objects (metal shavings, etc.)

In such a situation (if metal shavings or a piece of glass got in), you should not rub your eyes - instead, immediately call ambulance. Do not try to remove the item with a magnet! Better be patient, do nothing until the arrival of the doctors and blink as little as possible.

The consequences of hitting such objects include:

  • erosion of pericorneal tissues;
  • severe pain (due to damage to nerve endings);
  • corneal damage;
  • blurred vision;
  • inflammation, infection.

If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, then:

  • do not touch your eyes;
  • do not use cotton for bandaging (unless the eyelids are damaged and there is severe bleeding);
  • do not rinse the eye (there is one exception - this is the ingress of chemicals).

Before any action, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, and the victim himself (by the way, he needs to be reassured) should be taken to the emergency room.

And if the eyelids are injured, then:

  • clean the damaged area with an antiseptic solution or water;
  • apply ice, but do not press hard on the wound itself;
  • cover the damaged area with a sterile bandage;
  • at heavy bleeding- apply a cotton-gauze bandage.

How to protect your eyes? List of ground rules

  1. If you work in a factory, always wear special safety goggles that will prevent chips, dust and other objects from getting into your eyes.
  2. In strong winds, it is also advisable to protect your eyes with goggles.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the visual organs, and also make sure that there is no soap left on the palms (the latter can cause more severe irritation).
  4. Do not rub your eyes - if the mote is sharp, it will damage the cornea / mucosa.
  5. If the situation is serious, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.
  6. Do not use a dry cloth (especially with a fine pile) to treat the eyes.
  7. If a metal piece is stuck, do not try to remove it yourself.
  8. Do not put pressure on the visual organ, trying to eliminate the mote.
  9. Do not use toothpicks, knitting needles, scissors, tweezers and other traumatic tools to remove a foreign object!

Applying eye drops

After removing the mote (independently or with the help of doctors), preferably in preventive purposes apply the following.

Antibacterial agent, which is prohibited for use only in case of individual intolerance. The drug should be dripped three times a day, two drops.

This antibiotic is widely used to treat eye infections, but is contraindicated in children, pregnant women and those who are allergic to the components of the drug. It is necessary to drip 4 times a day, 1 drop.

Effective antimicrobial drug, which must be instilled every 4 hours, 2 drops.

Evenly and permanently covers the affected area, stimulates regeneration processes. Contraindications are the same as those of "Tobropt" (plus a period breastfeeding), the agent must be placed in the conjunctival sac 4 times a day.

It has a restorative effect, protects the cornea from damage (relevant for those who wear contact lenses), reduces dry eyes. Prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

What about folk remedies?

Here folk remedies that can be used for washes:

  • aloe juice. Dilute it in water (1:10) and make lotions for half an hour;

  • clover juice. mix Fresh Juice with boiled water (1: 2), rinse your eyes with the resulting composition;
  • parsley. Take a bunch, boil in 1 liter of water, then insist for two to three hours. Rinse the damaged eye with the finished product three times a day;
  • cherry blossom infusion. Take 5 g of infusion, pour 1⁄2 cup of boiling water. Finished product will effectively kill microbes;
  • onion. Take 1 onion, boil it, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the broth. When the liquid has cooled, you can use it for washing.

Important! Before taking any of the remedies described above, be sure to consult your doctor!

How to avoid getting foreign objects in the eyes?

Presented below preventive measures will help you avoid this unpleasant situation.

  1. Working with electrical appliances, iron parts or chemical. substances, be sure to wear a protective mask or goggles.
  2. When watching an eclipse, wear sunglasses.
  3. Take care of eye protection if you want to play football, hockey, paintball and other similar games.
  4. Riding in a car, without fail buckle up.
  5. Be careful when fishing - the hook can seriously injure your eyes.

  • if salutes, fireworks are launched near the child, then take him as far as possible;
  • keep various chemicals out of reach;

  • forbid the baby to look at the sun without sunglasses;
  • make sure that the purchased toys do not have cutting / sharp parts;
  • tell your child how to use a pencil, pen, scissors correctly (and safely!)
  • watch what the baby plays (for example, darts is not the safest pastime).

So, we found out that it is often easy to remove a speck in the eye - for this you need to quickly blink or rinse it. But if the mote is sharp and large, you cannot remove it yourself - it is not only painful, but also dangerous. It is better to consult a qualified doctor who will remove the foreign object under sterile conditions, due to which the risk of complications will be minimal.

Video - Removing a speck from the eye

A grain of sand under the eyelid can cause the development dangerous pathologies visual organs.

If you cannot remove it yourself, you will have to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you may lose your sight.

Causes and consequences

Mote in the organ visual system causes discomfort. Their intensity depends on the type and structure of the trapped particle, the degree of damage to the cornea.

Usually a person experiences itching and burning, the protein turns red, appears.

There may be several reasons for this condition:

  • fatigue of the muscles of the eye;
  • injury;

These pathologies are accompanied by a feeling of litter under the skin fold. The task of a specialist is to find the source of the problem and eliminate it.

A foreign body on the cornea can be detected in the following situations:

In babies, litter in the eye can be the result of a sudden wind, unsuccessful games in the sand.

The danger of the situation is as follows:

  • the risk of infection;
  • the appearance of an inflammatory process;

If the matter is in the speck that has fallen, then its prolonged presence on the cornea can cause serious pathologies:

  • inside the eye;

There is a possibility of blindness, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor in time.

How to properly remove the mote from the eye at home on your own

First of all, you need calm down , you can't panic. It is forbidden to touch the organ of vision with dirty hands.

Before taking out the "garbage", you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

at home

To get a grain of sand out of your eye yourself, you should do a number of activities:

  • look in the mirror and try to see the grain of sand;
  • pull off the upper, and then the lower eyelid;
  • remove the object with a disk of cotton, gauze or handkerchief;
  • rinse the eye.

If the particle could not be seen, you need to do the following:

  • pour into a saucer warm water(not from a tap);
  • put dishes in front of you;
  • bring your face closer to the cup and rinse the eyeball with water;
  • you can put your face in a bowl of clean water and blink widely;
  • it is best to cry, tears will help get rid of the mote.

If there are houses antiseptic , it is advisable to drip it into the eye to reduce the risk of developing inflammation.

Usually use:

  • Yellow mercury ointment;
  • Tetracycline.

If there are no such remedies in the house, decoctions of herbs are used:

  • chamomile with calendula;
  • celandine with plantain;
  • oak bark with yarrow.

Can be diluted honey warm water and put a little in the eye. This will stop the inflammation. A tea bag placed on the eye will help relieve swelling and redness.

At a loved one

If a mote gets into the eye of an adult, the following measures must be taken:

  • move to a room with good lighting;
  • put the victim on the bed;
  • ask the person to move eyeball counterclockwise if the grain of sand is stuck under the upper skin fold, and vice versa - if under the lower one;
  • move your finger along the covered eyelid, moving the foreign body to the corner;
  • when a mote appears, remove it with a cotton swab.

Usually helps washing eyes. It is necessary to lay the person horizontally, turn his head to the side towards the affected eye. Then you need to bring a glass of water to your face and gently direct the stream of liquid down.

Advise to do baths in a deep bowl filled with water. The victim should put their face in the liquid and blink. After the manipulations, it is necessary to rinse the eye with an antiseptic solution.

Can not use needles or other pointed devices. In conclusion, you should drip antiseptic solution. If there is bleeding, it is forbidden to remove foreign bodies and wash the organ of vision. It is necessary to apply a sterile napkin with a bandage and call for medical help.

The child has

If a weed particle gets into the eye of a child, the following must be done:

  • examine his eye by pulling back the eyelids;
  • try to remove the "garbage" with a handkerchief;
  • it is important that the baby does not rub his eyes with his hands and does not blink, this will only increase irritation;
  • ask him to blink, move his pupils to the sides.

In most cases, the mote comes out on its own. Get her out from under top century harder than from under lower .

You can do it this way:

  • you need to distract the child;
  • calm him down;
  • seize skin fold above the eye with two fingers;
  • pull up;
  • move it a little and return it to the opposite position;
  • if the mote cannot be found, it is necessary to massage the eyelid with a finger;
  • remove it from the eye with a cotton swab.

After removing the weed particle, it is necessary to drip to the child Sulfacyl Sodium. If the baby is three years old, you can use. Other medicines can be used only after consulting a doctor. You can not smear the baby's eyes with cream.

Some parents practice with the help of language. Gently open the eyelid with the tongue and hold it 2-3 times from the edge to the inner corner. So you can feel the mote and lick it out. It's safe and painless method. It is especially suitable for breastfeeding. In any case, the newborn should be shown to a specialist in order to avoid complications.

What to do if you can't get it out

If the mote cannot be removed by the above methods, you can use other methods:

  1. Pink water . She can wash the mote, soothe the irritated cornea.
  2. Cucumber. One slice is placed on the eyelid to reduce irritation and remove a foreign body.
  3. Magnet. It will help to pull the shavings from the metal. With a magnet, they spend about a century so that the chips come out by themselves.

It happens that a weed particle cannot be pulled out on its own. Then you need to go to the clinic.

It is necessary to visit it in other situations:

  • inflammation develops;
  • visual acuity worsened;
  • a piece of litter is in the eye of the baby;
  • the pain does not disappear after the elimination of "garbage".

It is worth contacting a doctor if, after removing the litter, an uncomfortable feeling or pain remains. This may indicate damage to the cornea.

It is advisable to carry out the removal of a particle of litter from a professional. If you clean the mote yourself, you can bring germs and injure.

The doctor provides outpatient care. It usually takes a little time, and the chances of maintaining vision are much higher.


Scale in the eye - the most common cause patients seeking emergency medical care. We are talking about a small iron shavings, which can bring a lot of problems to the patient. Most often, a foreign body is in the human eye in case of non-compliance with safety precautions in the process of working with a welding machine.

What does the patient feel?

If a person gets scale in the eye, almost instantly he begins to experience sharp pain. The presence of a foreign body in the eye causes a feeling of discomfort, interference, burning, pain, the mucous membrane turns red. Lacrimation, increased photosensitivity, swelling of the eyelid, blurred vision are diagnosed.

Sometimes when hit, the patient does not observe clearly severe symptoms. This is not typical for thermal burn scale. Symptoms will instantly manifest themselves, giving a signal about the need for medical attention.

How to behave in case of injury?

Iron scale, once in the patient's eye, is attached to the surface of the cornea, then it undergoes an oxidation process and rusts. The cornea in the area of ​​injury becomes brown.

It is very difficult, even impossible, to remove a foreign body from the eye on your own. The only thing that can be done before providing ophthalmic care is to carry out a series of manipulations:

  1. Rinse the eye under running cold running water (duration of the procedure - 15-20 minutes).
  2. Drip eye drops containing an antiseptic.
  3. Put on the eyelid a compress in the form of gauze soaked in cold water, or a chilled tea bag. Alternatively, you can use half a washed, peeled potato, or simply dip your face in a bowl of cool water.
  4. Fix the compress with a bandage, put a patch on top.
  5. Contact a doctor.

In carrying out the above activities, and is, in fact, first aid for an eye injury.

What should not be done to the patient in case of injury?

Have you got a speck, eyelash or scale in your eye? Do not do the following to avoid complicating the situation:

  • eye rubbing;
  • frequent blinking;
  • squinting of the eye;
  • instillation of aloe juice, honey and other folk remedies into the eye.


Regardless of whether you have a speck or scale in your eye, professional diagnostics involves a preliminary examination of the mucous membrane of the eye. For these purposes, apply slit lamp. Symptoms that appear may be the reason for an ultrasound or x-ray.

Scale in the eye is usually located on the surface of the cornea, sometimes penetrating deeper. The degree of penetration depends on the size of the foreign body and the speed with which the particle rushed into the eye. Metal shavings are classified as deep-seated foreign bodies.

What is the descaling process?

Before removing scale from the eye, local anesthesia eyes with one of the antiseptics. The patient is seated in front of a slit lamp. The specialist removes a section of the corneal surface with a piece of metal and removes the foreign body using a needle from a 10.0 syringe. After the procedure, the damaged eye is instilled with an antibiotic solution.

What's next for the patient?

The doctor removed scale in the eye. What to do next? It is necessary to undergo anti-inflammatory treatment. To this end, ophthalmologists prescribe antibacterial drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course recommended by experts lasts five days. Can be used antibacterial drugs in ointment form. In the case of deep scale, the doctor prescribes NSAIDs and inside.

The healing process of the cornea usually takes 7-14 days. There are frequent cases of formation of epithelial translucent opacities. In the case of localization of a foreign particle in the center of the cornea, we can talk about a decrease in vision.

The cornea is cloudy: how to fix the situation?

In case of clouding of the cornea after the transfer, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. As an effective and safe means against the "cloudy look" honey drops have proven themselves well. This method of treatment cannot be called exclusively folk, many experts advise a remedy in case of a similar problem. The flower is taken as the basis of the medicine. Before use, it must be diluted and used throughout the year. Honey should be diluted not with ordinary, but with distilled water, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The breeding scheme is as follows. For the first week, dilute half a teaspoon of honey with 3 tablespoons of water. In the second and subsequent weeks (up to and including the 5th), increase the amount of honey by half a spoon (the amount of water remains unchanged. On the sixth week and beyond, we dilute the components in a 1:1 ratio.

Treatment in this way is contraindicated in patients suffering from viral diseases eyes, especially provoked by the herpes virus. Otherwise, the disease will worsen.

Lack of first aid in case of injury is fraught with what?

What if first aid for an eye injury is not provided? What can result in the patient's inaction? Among the consequences of this may be:

  • cicatricial deformity of the eyelid on the affected eye;
  • eyelash growth in the wrong direction;
  • inability to fully open the affected eye;
  • fusion of the eyelids;
  • adhesion of the lacrimal ducts;
  • the appearance of "cloudy vision";
  • decreased vision;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • eye cataract;
  • inflammation of the structures of the eye, which is the cause of partial loss of vision;
  • glaucoma - an increase in intraocular pressure;
  • active formation of rust near a foreign particle - a change in the color of eye structures.

Therefore, scale in the eye and normal functioning eyes are incompatible things. Such an injury requires immediate medical attention.

In the risk group in the case of the described eye injury are people who regularly use in their work and Everyday life welding machine or grinder. Scale in the eye - serious problem, health threatening the victim. The primary measure of protection against getting a metal fragment in the eye is to wear special glasses. Follow the safety rules in the process of work, and your eyes will be protected!

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