A single approved no-smoking sign. Order of the Ministry of Health on approval of the requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement - Rossiyskaya Gazeta



In accordance with part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 8, Art. 721) and clause 5.2 .207_1 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526; 2013, N 16, Art. 1970; N 20, Art. 2477; N 22, art. 2812; N 33, art. 4386; N 45, art. 5822; 2014, N 12, art. 1296),

I order:

Approve the attached requirements for the no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement.

V. Skvortsova

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
July 2, 2014
registration N 32938

Requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement

1. The sign on the prohibition of smoking is made in the form of an image of a certain geometric shape using various colors, graphic symbols (color-graphic image) and is a circle with a red border (with the exception of an additional sign on the prohibition of smoking, placed in accordance with paragraph 6 of these requirements, the image of which may differ and be in a different color), the width of which must be at least 13.7 mm (appendix to these requirements). The diameter of the circle must be at least 200 mm, including the border. In the center of the circle, a graphic image of a cigarette is placed horizontally, which consists of three black rectangles. The size of the first rectangle must be at least 120 x 25 mm, the second and third - at least 6.2 x 25 mm. Rectangles are placed from left to right. The distance between the first and second rectangle must be at least 5 mm, between the second and third - at least 6.2 mm. On top of the second and third rectangles, wavy lines with a width of at least 5 mm are placed, depicting smoke. The cigarette is crossed by a red transverse strip at least 17.5 mm wide. The red transverse stripe is made at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal with an inclination from the top left of the border to the right down to the border and should not be interrupted by the graphic symbol of the sign (cigarette).

2. A no-smoking sign placed in vehicles, as well as a no-smoking sign placed in accordance with paragraph 6 of these requirements, may be smaller than the size established by paragraph 1 of these requirements.

3. The color graphic image of the no smoking sign is applied using various technologies to the surface of the carrier material, including metal, plastic, silicate or organic glass, self-adhesive polymer film, self-adhesive and printed paper, cardboard.

4. It is allowed to accompany the sign on the prohibition of smoking with the inscriptions "No Smoking", "No Smoking" and (or) information on the amount of fines for smoking.

5. A no-smoking sign is placed at each entrance to territories, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited (for vehicles - on the door from the outside), as well as in public places, including toilets.

In premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary residence, a no-smoking sign is additionally placed near the place of registration (reception service).

6. An additional sign on the prohibition of smoking is placed by decision of the owner of the property or another person authorized by the owner of the property, on the territories and in the premises used for carrying out activities, including:

a) on the door of the room or in the room (for premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary accommodation);

b) near the bar counter, in the halls, including banquet halls, cabins and offices (for premises intended for the provision of trade services, public catering, market premises);

c) in the vestibule (for trains);

d) in the cabin (for aircraft).

Application. No smoking sign

This "No Smoking" sign Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 214n) is used when smoking can cause fire on the doors and walls of rooms, areas where combustible and flammable substances are present, or in rooms where smoking is prohibited. The full text of the order can be read in the section "STANDARDS" on the main page of the site (link will open in a new tab).

Quote from the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 214n:

“The sign on the prohibition of smoking is made in the form of an image of a certain geometric shape using various colors, graphic symbols (color-graphic image) and is a circle with a red border (with the exception of an additional sign on the prohibition of smoking, placed in accordance with paragraph 6 of these requirements, the image which may differ and be in a different color), the width of which must be at least 13.7 mm (appendix to these requirements). The diameter of the circle should be not less than 200 mm, including border*. In the center of the circle, a graphic image of a cigarette is placed horizontally, which consists of three black rectangles. The size of the first rectangle must be at least 120 x 25 mm, the second and third - at least 6.2 x 25 mm. Rectangles are placed from left to right. The distance between the first and second rectangle must be at least 5 mm, between the second and third - at least 6.2 mm. On top of the second and third rectangles, wavy lines with a width of at least 5 mm are placed, depicting smoke. The cigarette is crossed by a red transverse strip at least 17.5 mm wide. The red transverse stripe is made at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal with an inclination from the top left of the border to the right down to the border and should not be interrupted by the graphic symbol of the sign (cigarette).

* there is no white border on the sign, in contrast to the sign P 01 GOST R.

➤ To see these parameters clearly, CLICK ON THE ICON below the main image of the sign (you can open it).

PENALTY (CAO RF, Article 6.25)

Non-compliance with the requirements for a no-smoking sign, for the allocation and equipping of special places for smoking tobacco, or failure to fulfill obligations to monitor compliance with legal norms in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption (introduced by Federal Law of 10.21.2013 N 274 -FZ)

  1. Failure to comply with the "requirements" for a no-smoking sign denoting areas, buildings and facilities where smoking is prohibited, and for the procedure for its placement shall result in the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to sixty thousand roubles.
  2. Failure to comply with the requirements for the allocation and equipping of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco or the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to eighty thousand roubles.
  3. Failure by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity to fulfill the obligations to monitor compliance with the norms of legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption in the territories and premises used to carry out their activities, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from sixty thousand to ninety thousand roubles.

The Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Khakassia informs that Rospotrebnadzor is entrusted with the functions of supervising the presence of a no-smoking sign in places where tobacco smoking is prohibited.

Proper placement of no-smoking signs is an important element in the promotion of smoke-free spaces. Signs help both smokers and the public at large to identify places where smoking is prohibited and also give the right to ask the smoker to stop smoking. Requirements for the installation of the sign are regulated.

Recall that the ban on tobacco smoking in almost all crowded places has been in effect since June 1, 2014 (in accordance with the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption"). Smoking is prohibited in premises intended for the provision of personal services, trade services, public catering, market premises, non-stationary trade facilities, housing services, hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary accommodation, in long-distance trains, on ships on long-distance voyages, when providing passenger transportation services, on passenger platforms used exclusively for boarding trains, disembarking passengers from trains when they are transported in suburban traffic.

A no-smoking sign is placed to indicate areas, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited (in accordance with Part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N15-FZ).

The requirements for the prohibition sign and the procedure for its placement were approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 12, 2014 N 214n and entered into force on August 17, 2014.

A no-smoking sign is placed at each entrance to a territory, facility or building where tobacco smoking is prohibited (for vehicles - on the door from the outside), as well as in public places, including toilets. If the premises of a building or facility provide for the provision of different types of services, a no-smoking sign is placed at the entrance to each room where this or that service is provided.

In the premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and accommodation, a no-smoking sign is additionally placed near the place of registration.

The color-graphic image of the sign and its size (at least 200 × 200 mm) are regulated, with the exception of signs in transport.

An additional no-smoking sign may be placed by decision of the owner of the property:

On the door of the room or in the room of hotels, premises intended for the provision of services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary accommodation;

Near the bar, in the halls, including banquet halls, booths and offices - for trade, public catering, markets;
- in the vestibule, in the cabin - for trains, aircraft.

Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for monitoring the presence of a no-smoking sign in places where tobacco smoking is prohibited. Failure to comply with the requirements for the sign entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

For officials in the amount of ten to twenty thousand rubles,
for legal entities - from thirty to sixty thousand roubles.

Compliance with the regulated requirements for a no-smoking sign allows, along with the spread of a smoke-free space, to protect the health of citizens from the effects of smoke and the negative consequences of tobacco consumption, thereby contributing to their healthy lifestyle.


In our institution, on the doors to the buildings and at the entrance gates, there are complex signs "Tobacco smoking and the use of open fire is prohibited." But according to Federal Law -15, the Ministry of Health recently came up with a new “Smoking Ban” sign. Do we still need to place it in accordance with order 214n of 05/12/14? Do we have a no smoking sign? duplication is obtained

The No-Smoking sign is for use where smoking may cause a fire. GOST R12.4.026-2001.
"No Smoking" sign Addendum to Order No. 340m dated May 30, 2013 "On approval of the requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement."

In fact, both signs are equivalent and withstand the same functional load.
However, the purposes and reasons for their need are different. The first protects property from fire, the second protects the health of citizens. The ministries that provide state supervision over the implementation of these requirements are also different. The articles of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation are also different.
Hence the need for the use of both signs.

Below I enclose the order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsov, as useful for edification.

“In accordance with Part 5 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, No. 8, Art. 721) I order:
Approve the attached requirements for the no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement.
Requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement.
1. These Requirements establish mandatory conditions, restrictions, or a combination of them to the sign on the prohibition of smoking and to the procedure for its placement to designate areas, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited.
2. The sign on the prohibition of smoking is made in a color graphic image in accordance with the Appendix to these Requirements, with the exception of an additional sign on the prohibition of smoking, placed in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Requirements, the image of which may be in a different color.
3. A no-smoking sign must be at least 200×200 mm in size, with the exception of a no-smoking sign placed in a vehicle and an additional no-smoking sign placed in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Requirements, the dimensions of which may be smaller.
4. The color graphic image of the no smoking sign is applied using various technologies to the surface of the carrier material, including metal, plastic, silicate or organic glass, self-adhesive polymer film, self-adhesive paper and other materials.
5. A no-smoking sign may be accompanied by the words "No Smoking", "No Smoking", "Nosmoking" and/or information about the amount of fines for smoking.
6. A no-smoking sign is placed at each entrance to territories, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited (near vehicles - on the door), as well as in public places (toilets).
If the premises of a building or facility provide for the provision of various types of services, then a sign prohibiting smoking is placed at the entrance to each room (to each group of rooms) in which this or that service is provided. If all premises of a building or facility are intended to provide one type of service, then a no-smoking sign is placed at each entrance to the building or facility.
In premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary residence, a no-smoking sign is additionally placed near the place of registration (reception service).
7. An additional sign on the prohibition of smoking may be placed by decision of the owner or another person authorized by the owner:
a) on the door of the room or in the room (for rooms intended
for the provision of hotel services, temporary accommodation services and (or)
provision of temporary accommodation);
b) near the bar, in the halls, including banquet halls, booths and offices
(for premises intended for the provision of trade services,
public catering, market premises);
c) in the vestibule (for trains);
d) in the cabin (for aircraft).



On approval of the requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement

Canceled based on
Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 21, 2014 N 82
Document submitted for state registration

to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. -
(Information from 06/11/2013).

In accordance with part 5 of article 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 8, art. 721)

I order:

Approve the attached requirements for the no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement.

V.I. Skvortsova

Requirements for a no-smoking sign and the procedure for its placement

by order
Ministry of Health
Russian Federation
dated May 30, 2013 N 340n

1. These Requirements establish mandatory conditions, restrictions, or a combination of them to the sign on the prohibition of smoking and to the procedure for its placement to designate areas, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited.

2. The sign on the prohibition of smoking is made in a color graphic image in accordance with the Appendix to these Requirements, with the exception of an additional sign on the prohibition of smoking, placed in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Requirements, the image of which may be in a different color.

3. A no-smoking sign must be at least 200 x 200 mm in size, with the exception of a no-smoking sign placed in a vehicle and an additional no-smoking sign placed in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Requirements, the dimensions of which may be smaller.

4. The color graphic image of the no smoking sign is applied using various technologies to the surface of the carrier material, including metal, plastic, silicate or organic glass, self-adhesive polymer film, self-adhesive paper and other materials.

5. A no-smoking sign may be accompanied by the words "No Smoking", "No Smoking", "No Smoking" and (or) information about the amount of fines for smoking.

6. A sign on the prohibition of smoking is placed at each entrance to the territories, buildings and facilities where tobacco smoking is prohibited (near vehicles - on the door), as well as in public places (toilets).

If the premises of a building or facility provide for the provision of various types of services, then a sign prohibiting smoking is placed at the entrance to each room (to each group of rooms) in which this or that service is provided. If all premises of a building or facility are intended to provide one type of service, then a no-smoking sign is placed at each entrance to the building or facility.

In premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary residence, a no-smoking sign is additionally placed near the place of registration (reception service).

7. An additional sign on the prohibition of smoking may be placed by decision of the owner or another person authorized by the owner:

a) on the door of the room or in the room (for premises intended for the provision of hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary accommodation);

b) near the bar counter, in the halls, including banquet halls, cabins and offices (for premises intended for the provision of trade services, public catering, market premises);

c) in the vestibule (for trains);

d) in the cabin (for aircraft).

Appendix to Requirements. No smoking sign

to the requirements for a no-smoking sign
and to the order of its placement, approved
order of the Ministry of Health
Russian Federation
dated May 30, 2013 N 340n

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official website of the Ministry of Health of Russia
www.rosminzdrav.ru (scanner copy)
as of 06/05/2013

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