Aquarium fish care. For beginners about the care of the aquarium. Visible and invisible waste

As soon as you equip the aquarium and introduce new inhabitants into it, it will need to be constantly and carefully looked after. This is necessary so that the fish are healthy, and their home always has a proper appearance.

How to properly care for an aquarium at home

On average, 10 minutes a day is enough to put the aquarium in order. It needs to be cleaned 2-3 times a week. More time will be spent on irregular tasks that need to be done no more than 2 times a month.

How to properly care for an aquarium every day?

Daily care includes feeding your fish. Count them every day, monitor their behavior and condition. It is important not to forget to check all the devices that are installed in the aquarium. This includes a water filter, lighting elements, and other details.

Inspection of fish

Inspection of fish

Useful information: The best time to inspect the fish is feeding time. Then many of them swim up to feast.

If you purchased a night-time fish, you need to inspect the aquarium with a flashlight. Often fish have a certain place where they like to hide. Watch them and remember this place. If you notice that the fish is not behaving as usual, you should monitor it carefully. It is better to move it separately from healthy relatives. It happens that it is not possible to save the fish, and it dies. In this case, it is important to immediately remove the corpse from the aquarium.

Equipment check

You need to check the equipment while feeding the fish or when you are manipulating the light in the aquarium. Make sure that the water temperature is always kept at the same level. In addition, the water must pass through the filter properly oxygenated.

How to care for an aquarium every week?

Every week you will need to change the water in the aquarium. It should also be cleaned of detritus, wash the sight glass, wash the houses and algae, if any.

Water change

Replacing the water in the aquarium

The frequency of replacement and the volume of fluid can be different. It depends on the type of aquarium. These parameters are set depending on the amount of nitrates contained in the water. Initially, you can not change all the water, but only 20%. However, if the level of nitrates begins to increase rapidly, then it is necessary to change this indicator. If their concentration grows slowly, small amounts of water can be manipulated from time to time. An exception is the poisoning of fish - in such situations, it is important to change no more than one third of the water.

You can change the water using a special siphon - this way you will quickly pump out the stagnant liquid and fill in the purified one.

Important Information: Pretty dechlorinated water should be used. The chemical composition and temperature must correspond to those in the aquarium. It is necessary to pump water from the bottom, because that is where harmful detritus settles.

Substrate cleaning

Some aquarists, when pumping water to replace it, prefer to use a gravel cleaner.

With it, you can remove detritus from the upper layers of the soil, as well as drain it and remove the mule that accumulates there. This procedure should not be carried out too often, as you can disrupt the biological processing of waste deep in the ground. With constant disturbance of the filter layer (gravel), the efficiency of bottom filtration may decrease.

Algae removal

Don't forget to remove algae

There are many different devices available for this procedure. Purchase magnetic glass cleaners and an algae scraper from the pet store. When using the latter, you need to be extremely careful, because most often scrapers are sold with metal blades that can damage the glass of the aquarium or cut the silicone sealant that is in its corners. It is better to buy a scraper with plastic blades.

plant care

Aquarium plants also need regular care.. If you put a live plant in it, make sure that it does not deteriorate. After all, spoiled leaves can harm the fish. Some plants need to be pruned regularly. If the plants are decorative, they need to be washed frequently so as not to leave plaque and various sediments in the form of food or detritus in the aquarium.

Pruning and thinning plants

Living plants with long stems, such as hygrophila, most often grow rapidly in height and tend to the surface of the water. Often they get to the top of the aquarium, and do not stop there. The stem begins to spread over the surface, and the appearance of the plant, to put it mildly, is not very attractive. In order to get rid of such a problem, it is necessary to cut the plant so that it gives a new shoot. This time, several shoots will grow, which will come out of the leaf axils below the cut. After cutting the tops, branching will begin to form. As a result, instead of one long and ugly plant, a beautiful bushy one will grow. Do not rush to throw away the cut parts - you can get a new plant from them. So you can fill the entire aquarium with flora in the shortest possible time.


Beautiful ornamental fish

Plants feed on nitrates, which are formed from the waste products of fish. However, even in such aquariums where there are live plants, care should involve the removal of nitrates. This is done by regular partial water changes. Most aquariums have a ratio of fish to vegetation that exceeds that of an equivalent volume of natural water. In addition, fish living in aquariums often produce more waste than their relatives in the natural environment. This is due to their regular and nutritious feeding. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to introduce additional nitrates in the form of artificial fertilizers. An unsatisfactory appearance of plants can occur not so much due to a lack of nitrogen and other macronutrients, but due to a deficiency of microelements (iron, manganese, boron, and others), which are also necessary for their normal life.

Useful Information: If the plants in the aquarium look bad even though the water contains the right amount of nitrates, the problem most likely has nothing to do with a lack of nutrients. In extreme cases, if you can’t do without fertilizers, give preference to granular ones, which dissolve slowly. You need to add them directly to the soil, under the root of the plant.

Proper care of the aquarium requires certain time and physical costs. However, if everything is done the way it should be, this fish house will become not only an object of adoration for all the inhabitants of your apartment, but also one of the central elements of the interior. Here are some more helpful tips for home aquarium care.

Compensation for the evaporation of water in the aquarium

If the installed aquarium is properly closed, you will not have problems with excess water evaporation. But for open models, this can be a real problem. When water evaporates, you will need to regularly add liquid to it to the desired level.. Water should be of the same quality as that contained in the aquarium.

Good to know: Since only the water evaporates and the minerals it contains remain, this problem can cause an overgrowth of the mineral content. You can get rid of this problem quickly and easily - choose a suitable cover that will fit snugly to the edges.

Proper care of lighting fixtures

Aquarium Lighting

With constant use of aquarium lamps, their luminosity will decrease every day. Therefore, professional aquarists advise changing lighting elements every six months.

Aeration equipment and maintenance

  • The so-called vibrating air pumps have special air valves. They need to be cleaned regularly and replaced with new ones every six months.
  • Such devices have a special rubber membrane, which, after a certain time, may lose its elasticity. In this case, it must be replaced. For conventional air pumps, you can easily find a replacement, but if you have a check valve, it will need to be replaced completely.
  • Sprayers tend to clog frequently. This is due to the accumulation of bacteria and the deposition of calcium carbonate. In such situations, they also need to be either cleaned or replaced.
  • Reciprocating air pumps need constant lubrication and regular maintenance in repair shops. If you have such problems, read the manufacturer's instructions and decide how to proceed.
  • Duct hoses can deteriorate, become too hard, inflexible, or even brittle. Most often, this problem occurs in those areas that are constantly in the water. Solving it is simple: just change the damaged hose for a new one, or carefully cut the broken piece.

Cooling the aquarium in hot weather

Ice is useful for cooling water

In hot weather, the aquarium tends to overheat, especially if it is in a place where the sun's rays regularly hit. If possible, protect it from the baking sun with curtains or curtains.

There are two simple ways to avoid overheating the aquarium:

  • Cool down an overheated aquarium by changing the water. It is necessary to gradually pump out hot water and add cooler water. Just do it gradually so that the fish have time to adapt to the rapidly falling temperature.
  • Cool the water with ice. It is necessary to take a plastic bag and, placing ice cubes in it, lower it into the water. So you will not disturb the normal balance of nutrients in the water and will be able to quickly cool it to the desired temperature.

Aquarium care video

The aquarium is considered to be a stylish and original interior design solution. It gives the room lightness, comfort and a certain calmness. Psychologists unanimously say that the underwater world puts thoughts in order, relaxes and helps to find solutions to pressing issues. For this reason, all experienced doctors have an aquarium with fish in their office. It performs a healing and aesthetic function, so you need to learn how to properly care for bright aquatic inhabitants. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

How to care for an aquarium

  1. The main mistake that new fish owners make is the wrong choice of aquarium. Despite the fact that you are not yet a very experienced aquarist, a volume of 25-30 liters will not be enough. In addition, small containers are more difficult to maintain, it is much easier to maintain a natural environment in an aquarium of 55-75 liters. In this case, you will have the opportunity to keep several types of fish at the same time.
  2. The question that worries many is “How to fill the aquarium?”. All kinds of fillers for the aquarium will help to create a cozy, close to natural environment. First you need to take care of the soil, choose small pebbles. It comes in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, depending on the type of fish you plan to keep in your tank. If the inhabitants of the water have a bright color, choose discreet tones of the soil (sand, gray, black, white, etc.).
  3. When the issue with the soil is closed, take care of the flora. Root aquatic plants at the base of the pebbles, from which the fish will begin to absorb nutrients. Also, such manipulations will help the inhabitants feel more comfortable, they will be able to hide in algae or grass from overly active cohabitants. Whenever possible, give preference to natural greenery, rather than artificial.
  4. Be sure to purchase an aquarium thermometer. Record the water temperature daily, in case of deviations from the optimal values, turn on the heating. Reproduction of viviparous fish occurs in a narrow temperature range (18-28 degrees), it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each species separately.
  5. Be sure to check the hardness of the water and the cleanliness of the aquarium. Once every 5 days, replace 1/3 of the old soil with new soil. Do not turn off the water filter, if possible, clean it three times a week. Take care of the availability of lighting for the aquarium, the container should be lit 10-12 hours a day.

  1. For the most part, fish feeding is limited to 1-2 meals. The required amount of food directly depends on how much food the inhabitants eat in 10 minutes. Pay attention to the type of food, taking into account age factors and the time of year, when a lack of vitamins has a detrimental effect on the health of fish.
  2. If you keep fish that are most often awake at night, stop at feeding once a day. Such inhabitants of the water world eat in the light of blue color or before turning off the lighting altogether.
  3. Aquariums with fry require more frequent feeding. If adults eat 4% of the food of the total body weight, then the fry eat 15%, because they grow quickly.
  4. An important feature of feeding fish is the mode. Make a schedule for yourself, write down all the meals in it. You can not overfeed the fish, otherwise they will die. If in doubt, it's best to underfeed. From obesity, fish suffer from infertility and early death, especially for those species that have a tendency to overeat.
  5. Do not worry about the fact that you allegedly filled the fish with little food. Leftover food quickly decomposes in the aquatic environment, so they automatically become unfit for consumption. Also, there is a massive clogging of the aquarium, as a result of which it becomes necessary to regularly clean the filter and replace the soil.
  6. Once a month, give the fish a so-called "hungry day", do not feed them for a whole day to normalize digestion. Carry out such manipulations at the same time as cleaning and washing the aquarium, so that all changes in the usual way of existence take place at the same time.
  7. Feeders for aquarium fish, which are attached to the walls of the tank, are very popular. Such devices do not allow food to settle on the surface of the aquarium and clog the aquatic environment. In addition, when feeding live food, it will not sink to the bottom. The last clarification is extremely relevant when keeping fish that feed in the middle and upper zone of the aquatic environment.
  8. For those who still decide to use a special feeder, this recommendation will come in handy. Teach the fish to start eating at your call: pour food, then gently tap your finger on the wall of the aquarium in the feeder area. After about 2 days, the aquatic inhabitants will develop a reflex for food, so they will rigorously follow the food distribution area.
  9. Knowing about the natural environment of the inhabitants will help you choose the right balanced menu. Then you can easily combine one food with another, based on the preferences of individual fish species. The main thing is that the food is varied and natural, do not skimp on quality.
  10. Do not feed fish with dry food alone, combine it with live food. Every month, buy your pet a portion of previously unfamiliar food, carefully monitor the reaction. When feeding young animals, focus on live food. Make sure that the granules are not too large, otherwise the fish will not chew them, there will be problems with digestion. With too small grains or powder/dust food, the fish will become lazy and get fat quickly.

There are frequent cases when it becomes necessary to move fish from one place or, even worse, a city, to another. As a result, it becomes necessary to transport aquatic inhabitants in a more suitable way. Moving can cause enormous stress to the fish, so the preparation must be thorough.

Jar. Fish can be transported in tight plastic bags or in glass jars. The latter option is preferable, but the container must be handled with care. Depending on the number of fish, choose the optimal volume from 0.5 to 2 liters. When transporting aquatic inhabitants in the winter season, place a heating pad next to the container, wrap it in a thick woolen blanket, and then put the jar in your bag.

If the air temperature is above -7 degrees, you can use not a tight bag, but a regular plastic bag. Place the fish in a jar, wrap the container with a woolen cloth and a heating pad next to it, put it in a bag and start transporting freely. An important point: in this case, the time spent on the street should not exceed the mark of a quarter of an hour.

Do not fill the jar to the brim, leave 7 cm from the neck of the container. Under these conditions, keep the vessel with the fish outside for no longer than 40 minutes. If you plan to stay in the cold for a longer period, use plastic bags.

Package. Purchase transport bags from the pet store or the market, they are considered reusable. The product is a bag made of dense polyethylene with rounded edges.

They are partially filled with water (about ¼), after which they are latched with a special silicone lock. Next, you need to pump air into the cavity using a mini-compressor. Pump in oxygen to increase transport time.

When transporting fish in quantities of 500 or more in a 20-liter bag, the holding time sometimes reaches 70 hours. If you don't have many fish, get smaller bags and transport them in the same way.

You can often hear that such household inhabitants do not require financial costs and time, but this misconception is erroneous. Experienced aquarists will tell you in detail about how difficult it is to keep the fish and their water home in proper condition. The process requires a leisurely approach and attention to detail, the underwater world is not able to exist without competent outside support.

Video: home aquarium care

Beginning hobby aquarists usually have a lot of freshwater aquarium fish in their first home aquarium, and usually lose all pets within a few months. And beginners are often surprised to learn that the normal lifespan of pet fish actually changes in years, not months.

Depending on the species, home aquarium fish live about three to seven years or longer, and goldfish live more than 20 years. And the better the care of the fish, the longer they live.

In fact, at home, fish live even longer than in the wild, and often have better health. In nature, the food that fish eat comes and goes with the changing seasons and weather. Food supplies can be limited and fish often need more energy to get enough food to survive.

In addition, predators and larger fish do not give fry and young fish, and often even adult fish rest. In nature, fish rarely die of old age - weak and slow quickly become dinner. Therefore, although the home aquarium is a very limited aquatic environment, if properly cared for, the fish will be healthy, vigorous and will delight their owners for many years.

There are three basic rules for caring for pet fish.


Rule number one - do not overfeed the fish! All uneaten foods in the aquarium quickly pollute the water. Caring owners are usually very worried that their fish will remain hungry, so they feed them too large portions, thereby killing their pets. The best rule of thumb is to feed the fish enough food to be eaten within five minutes.

Most fish can be fed flake food. You need to use only branded, high-quality food products. There are many manufacturers of flake food, and it is better to buy several types of them and feed different ones each time. In this way it is possible to provide the fish with a more balanced diet.

Larger fish and catfish can be fed pellets. Freeze-dried products are especially beneficial for fish that need more protein. If pet fish are sometimes offered fresh frozen and live food, the fish will receive good nutrition.

Commercial fish foods have a limited shelf life, keep this in mind when purchasing. If the food containers in the store look dusty or look like they have been sitting on a shelf for a long time, look for food elsewhere.

It is better to buy food in small packages, since more than half of their original nutritional value is lost within three to six months. Therefore, if there are not enough fish to eat a large amount of food within 2-3 months, you should not buy flakes in large quantities.

For vegetarian fish, there are commercially available flake foods containing more vegetable matter than protein.

If there are small bottom catfish in the tank, remember that they should also get enough quality food, as well as other inhabitants of the tank. Bottom catfish should be given food just before the lights are turned on. In this case, the food will not be eaten by other fish, and catfish usually eat in the dark while other fish are resting. It is better for catfish to throw sinking heavy feed in granules.

Healthy pet fish can go without food for one to two weeks. If you're away on vacation for a week or more, don't worry about your fish starving to death without food. Fish are much more likely to die from severe water pollution or overeating than from malnutrition.

Rule two - at least once every two weeks you need to spend 30 minutes on aquarium maintenance - this helps prevent common and long-term problems. The main goal of regular maintenance is a stable and balanced aquarium. If everything is working properly, the fish will be healthy even if the pH or hardness is slightly out of range.

Water changes

Water changes are the most important part of aquarium and fish care. It is recommended to do partial changes at least once every two weeks, 10-30% of the water volume, depending on the biological load on the aquarium.

First of all, for the replacement procedure, you need to use a siphon. With the help of a siphon, the soil is “vacuumed”, the food that has not been eaten by fish, fish excrement and other harmful waste that has settled to the bottom is removed.

Tap water contains chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine is exhaled if water is left to stand for 24 hours, chloramine does not disappear. In any case, it is better to use a water conditioner to neutralize harmful impurities. If there is ammonia in the water, the nitrifying bacteria present in the aquarium will destroy it.

Well water does not contain chlorine or chloramine, but it may contain phosphates, iron, and other heavy metals.

But even if filtered water is used for replacement, it is recommended to regularly check it for vital parameters. Verification is carried out using tests for nitrates, nitrites, pH and carbonate hardness. It is recommended to test the aquarium water after each partial change.

Nitrates. Nitrates should be 10 ppm or less in a freshwater aquarium.

Nitrites. Nitrites should not be detected in the aquarium, only during the start-up phase. If nitrites are found, then you need to check the water for the presence of ammonia.

pH should be stable, usually in the range of 6.5 - 7.5 for most freshwater aquarium fish, but small deviations from the norm are allowed.

KH (carbonate hardness) is a measure of pH stability. If KH drops to 4.5 dH (hardness) or 80 ppm, then the hardness needs to be checked more often. Below 4.5 dH, the pH of the aquarium water drops. Adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to 100 liters of water raises the hardness by about 1 dH (17.8 ppm).


The filter must be washed at least once a month. The aquarium filter is a waste container, it is also necessary to clean it, like taking out the garbage from the house. For rinsing, clean water or water drained from the aquarium is used. If necessary, replace the filter media. Never use detergents or cleaners, bleaches or other chemicals to clean the filter.

home fish care schedule

Daily Verify that all equipment is working properly. Fish are fed 1-2 times a day. Keep an eye on the fish while feeding: if the behavior of the fish has changed, this is most likely an indicator of a potential problem.

Weekly check the number of fish. If any of these die, their decomposition can lead to ammonia and nitrites, resulting in high levels of nitrates.

Every second week check water for vital signs: pH, carbonate hardness, nitrites and nitrates. Use a siphon to drain 20-30% of the water. Rinse the filter sponge in drained water. Add clean water to the aquarium.

Monthly wash the filter, clean glass and decorations from algae. Check equipment, replace filter media, check expiration dates for fish feed, tests, conditioners.

Diagnosis of diseases in domestic fish is extremely difficult, and many books have been written on this topic. Fish suffer from a variety of diseases and few people know how to properly treat them. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. And this is where the third rule comes into play.

Fish that live in clean, high-quality water, receive a balanced diet and do not suffer from stress very rarely get sick. The immune system of fish is quite capable of protecting them from pathogens that are always present in the water. And even if the fish get sick, in clean water you can always notice the symptoms at an early stage.

First of all, you can determine the disease by the appearance and behavior of the fish, which is why it is so important to observe them during feeding. If something in the behavior of the fish is worrying you, it is best to check the water parameters to make sure there are no problems. For prevention, you can rinse the filter and replace 1/3 of the water in the aquarium.

If you suspect any disease, do not rush to add medicines to the water. Many fish medicines are ineffective or contain few medicinal ingredients, and not knowing what the fish is suffering from can do more harm than good to it.

For example, when treated with antibiotics in small doses, bacteria will not die, but they will develop resistance to drugs. And when treated with antibiotics in excessive doses, colonies of beneficial nitrifying bacteria can be destroyed, which is even more dangerous.

In the instructions for most fish medicines, it is recommended to do a water change before each application of the drugs, and most often it is thanks to the water change that the condition of the fish improves.

Try not to use medicines containing copper. Copper can build up in an aquarium and be released suddenly when the water chemistry changes, killing fish. Copper is especially dangerous in aquariums with soft water.

Another common and easily treatable fish disease is fin rot. It causes the fins of the fish to look uneven, break down, get shorter and shorter. This disease most often occurs due to poor water and irregular care of the fish. First of all, you need to clean up the aquarium, and then proceed to.

Another common disease among domestic fish is a fungus that appears as a fuzzy white cotton patch. This is a secondary disease that occurs at the site of a physical injury. If the water quality is poor, the fungus can enter the wound. This disease is also treated with proper aquarium care and the right medications.

What to do to breed fish? Where to begin? How to make the first start of an aquarium at home? What fish are the most unpretentious? Are shells necessary in an aquarium? What kind of soil should be chosen? These and many other questions arise for beginner aquarists when they decide to buy a home aquarium and breed fish. Of course, experienced aquarists already know many secrets and nuances in this difficult fish hobby. But what to do in this case for beginners? And in today's article, we will dwell in detail not only on what an aquarium is for beginners, but also what needs to be done in order to create a real work of art at home.

Rule number one - don't overfeed your fish!

After acquiring a new artificial reservoir for the house, it is better to start keeping the fish by feeding it no more than once a day. Of course, then it will be possible to feed her more often, but little by little. After all, an aquarium is, first of all, a closed habitat. If there is a lot of food, it is not eaten by fish, then it gets into the ground and begins to rot. From overfeeding, the fish begin to get sick, and then die altogether. How do you know if a fish is overfed or not? It's simple. Food, after entering the aquarium, should be eaten instantly, and not settle to the bottom. True, there are such fish as catfish. It is they who eat food that has fallen to the bottom. Also, the fish need to arrange fasting days, but only once a week.

Rule two - aquarium care

Aquarium is a very delicate matter. If you are buying aquariums for beginners, then it is best to focus on their equipment and only then think about launching. After all, everything requires maintenance and care, and the aquarium is no exception to the rule. In a new aquarium, the water does not need to be changed immediately, but only after a few months. And the basic rules for caring for an artificial reservoir are water replacement, but partial. You also need to watch for algae. Do not forget to change the filter, clean the soil. Don't forget to check the thermometer as well. And remember, you need to disturb the aquatic inhabitants as little as possible. The fish don't like it.

The third rule is the conditions for fish: what should they be?

In order for the inhabitants of their future home to always be in order, it is necessary to properly maintain them. First of all, they need to create optimal conditions for their habitat. And for this, before purchasing fish in a pet store, carefully study the information about a particular species of fish. After all, one fish may simply not be suitable for the environment, or the decor that the vessel is equipped with.

The fourth condition is the right equipment

Remember the main rule. First you need:

  1. Aquarium and minimum equipment for it.
  2. Priming.
  3. Plants.

And only after acquiring all of the above, you can think about choosing fish. An artificial pond should be chosen not very small. What is needed from the equipment? This is how it is referred to:

  • filter;
  • thermometer;
  • heater with thermostat;
  • lighting.

And when all this is acquired, you can start installing the vessel in your room. It is best to do this on a flat surface, after laying a tourist mat under the bottom of the aquarium. You also need to wash the soil and sand, pour it into the aquarium and fill it with cold tap water. Install a filter and a heater (it is especially important to monitor the water temperature in winter). Because the fish can die from the cold.

Next, we heat the water to 20 degrees and begin to plant the plants. You need to plant a home aquarium with live plants. They are simply necessary. Even if there are fish in the aquarium that like to eat plants, it is better to just feed them more. The water will be cloudy at first. And this is where you should not rush too much. The best thing is to wait about 7 days. And after the water becomes clear, you can launch the fish.

Important! When buying fish, do not forget to clarify whether they get along together.

Fifth rule - the filter must be washed in aquarium water

Don't make a fatal mistake. The filter must be washed not under running water, but with aquarium water. This is necessary in order to maintain the balance that is inside the filter.

The sixth rule is to collect more information about the fish

Do you want to avoid problems that may arise after the introduction of fish into the aquarium? Do not be shy, ask the seller in the pet store about the fish and their content, read different information and then everything will be right. After all, all fish are different. Some are small, others are large. Some are calm, others are aggressive. And there are, for example, predatory ones. Remember that both the comfort of the fish and the internal balance in the ecosystem of the vessel depend on your right choice.

What kind of fish can you choose? The most classic are guppies. Their content is not difficult. So, they are unpretentious, viviparous and eat different food. It is very easy to distinguish a female from a male. Swordtails are also viviparous, so there will be no problems with fry. Swordtails are similar to guppies in behavior and content. Danio rerios are very popular in the aquarium hobby. They are graceful, unpretentious and very mobile. They eat all kinds of food. Another type of fish is the cardinal. They are very small and unpretentious. They need to be properly maintained, and then they can live up to 3 years. When choosing fish, pay attention to their color and color. They shouldn't be pale.

Important! Beginner aquarists - do not breed a lot of fish at once!

The seventh rule is to start a new fish slowly!

As mentioned above, the launch of the fish should be done only when the artificial reservoir has settled at home. Remember that if all the rules are not followed, the water in the aquarium will quickly become cloudy and the fish will die.

Quite often, a situation arises when, after acquiring a fish, many beginners do not know what to do next. For experienced aquarists, this is not a problem, since they start the fish automatically. But beginners can have problems. First you need to put the bag with the fish just in the aquarium. Let it swim there. Thus, the fish gets used to the new environment. Yes, and the fish that are already in the aquarium will get to know her in this way. Then you need to start lowering the bag lower so that the water from the aquarium is collected in the bag. Let it stay like this for a little more time, and then launch the fish into the aquarium from the bag.

Important! The more expensive the fish, the more hassle with it!

Eighth rule - water quality

Whatever fish is purchased, any of them is very sensitive to the chemical composition of the water. And filling the aquarium should begin with checking the composition of the water. All parameters of the water composition can be checked using special tests for aquarium water. To do this, you need to purchase such a test.

Then draw the required amount of water into a clean, well-dried test tube, glass, glass. Add the indicator reagent to the water, shake the test tube with water. After 5 minutes, compare the result in the reference map. Actions need to be taken based on the results. If the water turned out to be very hard, then it needs to be softened.

The ninth rule is a good salesperson

Now, during computer technology, you can find any answer to any question at home by going online for this. But live communication is better. And if you are lucky and fate brings you with an avid aquarist, then success for a beginner is almost guaranteed in breeding fish at home. It would also be nice to make friends with the seller in the pet store, thus obtaining not only an experienced adviser, but also in the future, possibly, a good discount and the right to first choose the specimen you like.

The tenth rule - aquarium is my hobby!

The most important thing in aquarism is to engage in fish with great passion, but without forcing yourself. Do it in a way that brings pleasure and enjoyment. After all, this is a real vacation at home. You can spend a lot of time near an artificial reservoir, observing the behavior of fish.

In addition, scientists have proven that starting and watching fish normalizes blood pressure and calms the nervous system. And if there are small children at home, then this is also a very good educational moment. After all, from childhood, caring for fish will teach them to care and attention. After all, probably, few people want the first experience with an aquarium to be bitter and end in the death of fish. After all, it often happens that novice aquarists, unable to cope with problems, put an end to their dream.

Don't quit right away, and after a while there will come a period when an experienced aquarist will grow from an inexperienced beginner who will help beginners like him, who buy aquariums for beginners himself just a few weeks or months ago. Believe me - it's not difficult!

An aquarium with fish can become not only a stylish decoration for your home, but also a pleasant hobby, because watching and caring for aquatic inhabitants is a real pleasure.

Proper maintenance of aquarium fish is a guarantee that the inhabitants of a closed reservoir will be absolutely healthy and will delight the eye with bright colors. In order to properly maintain them, you need to provide the fish with optimal conditions (temperature, high-quality water and food). From the article you will learn how to provide the fish with comfortable living conditions, depending on the species and environmental factors.

Keeping aquarium fish at home

The word aquarium is understood as any body of water of a closed type, artificially created by man to contain various aquatic inhabitants. At home, aquariums can be both freshwater and marine.

They are inhabited by various types of fish: both predatory and completely harmless, nimble and unhurried. Some of them feel comfortable in a flock of brothers, others keep in pairs, there are also quite aggressive species.

Note: Whatever inhabitants you choose for your home aquarium, you should be aware that in a small aquarium the fish will lack space, so take care of a fairly spacious aquarium of any shape that suits you.

When setting up your home pond, choose a spot where it won't get direct sunlight, so a window sill or window seat isn't the best location. However, placement in a fairly dark place requires additional lighting.

In addition to the tank itself, you will need to purchase the following equipment(picture 1):

  • Compressor - serves to enrich water with oxygen;
  • Filter - used to purify water from food residues and possible dirt;
  • Heater - will be needed when keeping heat-loving fish;
  • Lighting;
  • Net for catching fish of the appropriate size;
  • Scraper for cleaning the walls from plaque;
  • A tube with a siphon - used when changing water, and also serves to clean up waste or particles of uneaten food;
  • Feeder for live or dry food.

Figure 1. Equipment needed to set up an aquarium

Temperature regime

The bulk of aquarium fish feel comfortable at a water temperature of 22-26 degrees. Some species, such as discus and some labyrinths, need warm water (28-31 degrees), while others, such as goldfish, prefer cooler water (18-23 degrees). Based on this, the temperature regime is determined by the species that inhabit the aquarium (Figure 2).

Note: However, whatever the water temperature, it is important to avoid significant (2-4 degrees) temperature fluctuations, as this leads to the disease of the fish. Such jumps most often occur in small aquariums (less than 50 liters) due to the rapid heating and cooling of small volumes of water. An open window left for a long time in the cold season leads to hypothermia of the air, and, accordingly, of the water in the aquarium. If the tank is not equipped with a thermometer, then such fluctuations can even go unnoticed and lead to infection of the fish with a bacterial infection.

Particular attention should be paid not only to the temperature of the water, but also to the air above it when keeping such species of fish as labyrinths, Siamese fighting fish, lalius. This is due to the fact that they capture air from the surface of the water, and if the air temperature is at least 5 degrees lower than the water temperature, then such fish can get sick and die. Therefore, when keeping certain species, special care must be taken when ventilating the room in which the aquarium is located.

Figure 2. Optimum temperature in the aquarium

On the other hand, overheating can also be dangerous. This is especially true for fish that are too full, because they need more oxygen, and there is little of it in warm water. Under what conditions does water overheat? It may be due to the heating of the aquarium by direct sunlight or the heat of heaters and batteries located at a distance of less than half a meter from the aquarium. Lamps illuminating the reservoir, with a tightly closed lid, can also lead to overheating of the aquatic environment. Therefore, experienced aquarists are advised to make additional ventilation holes in the lid of the aquarium.

Hardness of water

One of the most important conditions for the successful maintenance of aquatic life is water hardness. The total hardness consists of sulfate and carbonate. For the owner of the aquarium, carbonate hardness (kN) is more significant, since the solubility of carbon dioxide and the level of acidity depend on it. Hardness is determined as a percentage of calcium carbonate using special reagents. The higher the value, the worse the carbon dioxide will dissolve.

Note: The most acceptable are the following values ​​of water hardness: from 2 to 6 degrees of carbonate hardness and 3-8 degrees of total.

The percentage of water hardness increases with the dissolution of salts contained in stones, soil, with which water reacts. Therefore, it is important to know that stones and minerals located at the bottom of the aquarium can change the chemical composition of the water. So, limestones greatly increase the hardness of water, and corals and shells are composed of calcium carbonate, that is, they are not suitable for decorating a reservoir with soft water.

Ordinary tap water has a hardness of 10-20 degrees, respectively, it is not suitable for an aquarium. Find a way out of the situation will help filtered with a reverse osmosis filter, water. Resin has a hardness of 0 degrees, so tap water is diluted with it to obtain the required level of hardness. Soft water can be turned into hard water by adding limestone or a special mixture of salts to it.

Gas and salt composition of water

The salt composition of water (salinity) shows the concentration of ordinary table salt in salty and brackish water. In order to determine the salinity level, you will need a hydrometer. You should know that hard water contains more salts.

Among other things, water contains a large amount of gases. They enter the aquatic environment both through the surface with the help of various devices (filters, aerators), and are formed as a result of the vital activity of organisms inhabiting the aquatic environment. The main ones are: oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane:

  • Saturation of water with oxygen occurs as a result of plant photosynthesis. The top layer of water contains the most oxygen, so an aerator is used to evenly distribute this gas throughout the thickness. With an increase in temperature and salinity of the aquatic environment, the oxygen content in it decreases. The animal world of the aquarium reacts differently to the saturation of water with oxygen. So, cyclops crustaceans are undemanding to this indicator, while daphnia cannot exist without a sufficient amount of this gas.
  • For the safe keeping of most types of aquarium fish, it is necessary to keep the water clean, without turbidity, with constant mechanical agitation with an aerator and filtration. A decrease in the saturation of water with oxygen affects the growth of fish: it slows down due to the poor absorption of nutrients by animals.
  • It is known that in the process of respiration, all living organisms emit carbon dioxide. . Therefore, when the aquarium is overpopulated with plants and fish, the concentration of this substance becomes quite high, which leads to a change in the metabolism of fish. The fact is that against the background of an increase in appetite, the assimilation of food does not work properly, as a result of which the depletion of the body of the fish begins.
  • The removal of carbon dioxide from water occurs during the processes of plant photosynthesis, as well as with an increase in temperature and salinity of water. At the same time, the lack of carbon dioxide has a negative effect on aquarium plants, as it disrupts photosynthesis, which can lead to slower growth and tissue destruction.

As for hydrogen sulfide, it is formed as a result of the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria that occur on the remains of uneaten food. This gas carries an immediate danger to all living things, as it helps to reduce the concentration of oxygen in the water.

In parallel with hydrogen sulfide, another gas is formed in the soil, called swamp gas, methane. It appears where the decomposition of particles of dead animals and plants occurs. Maintaining cleanliness in the aquarium, its proper maintenance, aeration and filtration will help prevent its occurrence.

Water oxidizability

The maintenance of aquarium fish at home also depends on the oxidizability of the water. This indicator allows you to judge the amount of organic and inorganic substances in the aquarium, which are easily oxidized with the help of oxygen dissolved in water. Such substances include uneaten food and fish waste, as well as their decomposition products. This also includes hydrogen sulfide, nitrites and other substances.

Note: In other words, oxidizability shows the level of water pollution in general. The higher the level of oxidizability, the less oxygen is available for fish to breathe, since it is consumed by oxidation processes.

The fish will feel comfortable at an average level of oxidizability, when 4 to 10 mg of oxygen is consumed per liter of water. But a low level of oxidizability (2-4 mg of oxygen per 1 liter of water) is more typical for fast rivers and streams, although the same conditions can be created in a home aquarium to adapt wild-caught fish to captivity.

To determine the level of oxidizability, aquarists use the Kubel water assessment method. This is the so-called "manganese" test for water oxidation.

Let us consider in more detail the technology of this method at home(picture 3):

  1. Prepare a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of this substance in 20 ml of water, gradually adding crystals in small portions until they cease to dissolve. If, half an hour after making the last portion at an ambient temperature of +25 degrees, it will be possible to scoop up undissolved potassium permanganate from the bottom of the container, then the test solution is ready.
  2. For testing, 50 ml of water from the aquarium is collected in transparent plastic cups. 1 drop of a saturated solution of potassium permanganate is added to each probe and left for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of +20-25 degrees.
  3. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the cups are placed on a white sheet of paper and, viewed from above, the degree of discoloration of the solution is assessed. As a reference for comparison, you can use clean filtered tap water, tinted with potassium permanganate.
  4. At a low level of oxidizability, the color of the sample will practically not change, or it will change slightly, retaining a crimson hue. If the raspberry hue has disappeared and the color of the sample has changed to reddish pink or pink, then this indicates an average level of oxidation. But if the sample has become significantly paler, turned yellowish with a pink tint, and a dark precipitate has appeared at the bottom of the glass, an increased level of oxidizability can be determined with confidence. Finally, a high level will be manifested by the disappearance of red and pink hues and the appearance of a yellow or brown color of the liquid. Sometimes the sample is completely discolored, and a dark precipitate is clearly visible at the bottom of the container.

Figure 3. Checking the oxidizability of water in an aquarium

Such a test, of course, does not give the most accurate result, since a number of factors should be taken into account, however, at home it is a fairly informative and reliable way to check water for oxidizability and allows the aquarist to pay attention to only an emerging problem in time. In addition, this test is cheap, and the methodology allows you to repeat it regularly.

Water change

Experienced aquarists know that a complete replacement of water in an aquarium is rarely carried out, because then you need to be completely sure that the composition of the new water will fully meet the requirements of aquatic inhabitants for the quality and chemical indicators of the environment. Even the mass death of fish is not an indicator for a complete water change.

Note: However, in exceptional cases, such as the introduction of unwanted microflora, the appearance of fungal mucus, brown water bloom, high soil pollution, a complete replacement of water is simply necessary. Although such an event has a negative effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium: the leaves of the plants become discolored and die prematurely, and the fish can get sick and die. It should be remembered that replacing all the water with tap water can provoke the death of all living things in the aquarium.

Most often, 1/5 of the entire water is replaced. Such a change practically does not affect the state of the aquatic environment, which is restored in a day or two. At the same time, the larger the volume of the aquarium, the more resistant its aquatic environment to external influences (Figure 4).

Replacing half of the water leads to a fundamental imbalance in the home pond and can cause the death of some plants and animals. In this case, the environment will recover in a few weeks.

So, if you decide to go into aquarism, start with a relatively small aquarium of 100-200 liters, since in such a reservoir it will be easiest to form a habitat and achieve biological balance. However, it will be much harder to damage the environment in such an aquarium than in an aquarium with a smaller volume.

Figure 4. Technology for changing water in an aquarium

In a freshly stocked aquarium, it is recommended not to change the water for two months, as this will slow down the process of habitat formation. After the specified period, the aquatic environment of the aquarium will enter the stage of youth. Then you can start regular changes of a fifth of all the water in order to prolong its youth. In parallel with the replacement, you can also clean the reservoir: clean the glass with a scraper, collect garbage from the bottom with a tube with a siphon.

Six months after settling, the environment becomes mature. Now only gross interference can upset the existing biological balance. After a year, it is time to clean the soil in order to slow down the aging of the environment. It should be remembered that the total mass of water removed during soil cleaning should not exceed 1/5 of the total volume. This rejuvenation is repeated in a year. In this way, we prevent the destruction of the habitat, and the need for a major reorganization of the aquarium is eliminated for many years.

The choice of aquarium soil

Aquarium substrate, along with lighting, decorative materials, greatly affects the appearance and attractiveness of the aquarium. In addition, the soil is a nutrient medium for plants, and on its surface, appropriate conditions are created for the life of various bacteria, mosses, fungi and other microorganisms. The soil in the aquarium is also a natural filter that processes the waste products of the inhabitants of the aquatic environment, and also retains various microparticles that pollute the water. So, we can say that the aquarium soil is actively involved in maintaining the biological balance of the aquatic environment.

Soils for the aquarium are represented by three groups of substrates(picture 5):

  1. Natural: pebbles, sand, gravel, crushed stone.
  2. Obtained as a result of chemical or mechanical processing of natural materials.
  3. Soils of artificial origin.

If the grain size of the substrate is less than 1 mm, then such soil is called sand. You should be aware that river sand forms a too dense layer at the bottom of the aquarium, and therefore water cannot penetrate into its thickness, which leads to decay. Shaking the water in an aquarium with river sand leads to the release of a large amount of hydrogen sulfide into the water, as well as ammonia and methane, which is a danger to all inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.

The size of sand grains exceeding 5 mm indicates that you have pebbles in front of you. It, unlike river sand, has too good an ability to pass both water and food through itself, so its particles are trapped at the bottom, and the inhabitants of the aquarium cannot extract them.

Figure 5. The choice of soil for the aquarium

The best option would be rounded gravel. Its round grains with a diameter of about 5 mm are ideal as an aquarium substrate. It is not recommended to use shell rock, marble and coral sand as a bottom substrate, since they contain calcium carbonate, which increases water hardness.

Note: A simple experiment will help determine the presence of carbonates in the soil. It is necessary to splash a small amount of acid (table vinegar) on the intended aquarium soil. If bubbles or foam appear on its surface, this means that the soil contains calcium carbonates and cannot be used for an aquarium.

In addition, it is not recommended to use soil containing minerals, which are part of metal compounds, since they can poison all living things. If impurities of various rocks are present in the soil, they can be dissolved with hydrochloric acid. To do this, the soil is placed in a plastic container, filled with acid and left for several hours. Then the soil should be washed with running water for half an hour. At the same time, remember about personal safety: use rubber gloves.

Even if you can't acidify the soil, be sure to rinse it with warm water before use. The better the soil is washed, the faster the water in the aquarium will become clear.

You will find detailed recommendations for arranging an aquarium in the video.

Guppy aquarium fish: maintenance and care

The most common and popular aquarium fish is the guppy. The small size of these fish allows you to keep them even in a small aquarium of 15-30 liters. Guppies are not particularly demanding on water quality, so if the aquarium is not too densely populated and planted with live plants, it is quite possible to forego activities such as water filtration and aeration (Figure 6). In this case, it is necessary to regularly carry out water changes and clean the soil. An ordinary table lamp will do as a source of additional lighting.

Guppies are unpretentious in food: they can be fed with both dry and wet food. The fish are happy to pluck the bloom of algae from plants and stones. In addition, this type of fish can easily endure a week-long hunger strike, but overfeeding is fraught with water damage and the death of aquarium inhabitants. The life span of guppies is short, only a few years, and it depends on the temperature of the water. The higher it is, the less the guppies will live.

Figure 6. Ways to keep guppy fish

And yet, if you want to admire the large iridescent tails of male guppies, you will have to bring their conditions as close to ideal as possible. So, the water temperature of 24 degrees will be optimal, and a third of it will have to be changed once a week to settled with the same temperature. It is also useful to add table salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. Lighting also plays an important role. In addition to the additional, natural sunlight is also required.

Note: Elite guppy fish need much more maintenance, care and space than ordinary ones. For example, keeping an elite male requires one liter of water per individual, and 2 liters for a female, subject to water filtration, as well as intensive aeration. Therefore, to keep several individuals, you will need an aquarium with a capacity of 50 liters or more.

Male guppies sometimes fight for a female, but do not inflict serious injuries on each other. Most likely, they can suffer from other types of fish, larger sizes, when kept together. Therefore, the best neighbors in the aquarium will be peace-loving small fish species.

Cockerel aquarium fish: care and maintenance

Cockerel is an aquarium fish with fighting qualities and special beauty. Keeping this species together with other fish is almost impossible due to the cocky nature of cockerels.

The physiological features of this species make it unpretentious and undemanding to water quality (Figure 7). This is due to the fact that in addition to the gills, bettas also have a special respiratory organ called the labyrinth. Here, the blood is saturated with air, which the fish swallows through the mouth. Consequently, with such breathing, it depends to a lesser extent on the saturation of water with oxygen.

Figure 7. Content of betta fish

For this reason, the care and maintenance of betta aquarium fish is not particularly difficult, since this does not require water filtration and aeration procedures.

Note: However, the optimal temperature regime should be maintained within +24 - 28 degrees and hardness from 4 to 15, as well as the corresponding acidity level - 6.0-7.5. The lifespan of the fish and their size depend on these indicators.

When choosing an aquarium for keeping cockerels, it should be noted that 3-4 liters of water are required to keep one adult. This species belongs to the number of omnivorous fish: they eat both dry and live or frozen food. And yet, it will be better if you take care of live food (bloodworm, tubifex, zooplankton, even earthworms) for your pets. At one time, it is necessary to pour so much food so that it is completely eaten within 15 minutes. If food remains are visible after feeding, they must be removed immediately. Feeding is carried out 1-2 times a day. Overfeeding can cause obesity in males, so it is recommended to arrange fasting days for them once a week.

You will find the necessary information about the content of cockerel fish in the video.

Fish aquarium labeo: content

A popular aquarium fish of the carp family is the labeo. This is a species of rather large fish (up to 15 cm in length), living for about 5-6 years. Labeo eat feed containing plant fiber. Additionally, they can be fed vegetables: slices of zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce. They also absorb animal feed with pleasure, but algae do not attract them at all (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Ways to keep labeo fish in an aquarium

In general, caring for the labeo is simple and consists in providing space and a large number of plants on which the fish find food for itself, without damaging the plants themselves. This species loves clean, fresh water, so filtration and water changes are a must. The average water hardness and temperature regime in the range from +22 to +26 degrees will be optimal.

Aquarium scalar fish: care and maintenance

A popular species for aquarium maintenance are scalars, which, due to their unusual body shape, are rightfully considered an adornment of the underwater kingdom (Figure 9).

The fish is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention. So, the temperature regime of the aquatic environment can range from +22 to +26 degrees. At the same time, this species of fish can easily endure a significant drop in temperature to +18. Since the angelfish is a rather large fish, you will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 100 liters and a height of more than 50 cm to keep it. At the same time, it must be densely populated with plants.

Figure 9. Rules for keeping scalars

With regards to nutrition, angelfish prefer to eat live food, although they do not refuse dry ones. It would be useful to know that due to their large size, this type of fish cannot pick up particles of food that have sunk to the bottom. Therefore, food must be organized so that the fish can absorb food at a time when it slowly sinks from the surface to the bottom of the aquarium. The angelfish are fed twice a day. In addition, it is recommended to arrange a fasting day for them once a week, since overeating is highly undesirable for these aquarium inhabitants.

Triton aquarium: content with fish

If you want to diversify the water world of the aquarium with a newt, you should know that the upper limit of the acceptable temperature of the aquatic environment for it is at +22 degrees, while for most fish the temperature is above +25. Therefore, the water in the aquarium will have to be periodically cooled with ice bottles (Figure 10). In addition, not every species of fish is suitable for keeping together with this amphibian. Guppies, neons, cardinals, and goldfish coexist better than others with newts.

Note: An aquarium containing a newt should be equipped with a good filter, and a fifth of all water should be changed every week. It is important to know that one amphibian will need 10 to 15 liters of water.

As for the bottom soil, a rounded substrate of a rather large size is best suited so that the newt cannot swallow it. It is advisable to plant the soil with aquarium plants, since amphibians need them to wrap eggs. For lighting, use fluorescent lamps, as they do not heat the water.

Figure 10. Keeping a newt in an aquarium

Newts prefer live food: bloodworms, tubifex, earthworms and snails are their favorite treat. Amphibians will not refuse finely chopped liver, shrimp and squid. A feature of feeding newts is the fact that these animals see only moving food, so you can put food on them with tweezers. Young individuals are supposed to be fed several times a day, and adults - every other day.

Aquarium goldfish: care and maintenance

Gold aquarium fish are one of the subspecies of silver carp. For their maintenance, a spacious aquarium is required at the rate of 2 dm.sq. bottom area per 1 long-bodied individual and 1.5 dm.sq. for 1 short body. In this case, the shape of the aquarium itself plays an important role. The best option would be to choose the classic form, in which the length is twice the width, and the height of the water layer is no more than 50 cm (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Keeping goldfish in an aquarium

It is recommended to use gravel or large pebbles as soil. Since goldfish are very fond of digging in the ground and digging up plants, you will need a powerful filter to eliminate regular turbidity of the water, and the plants themselves will have to be planted in pots. Take care of good natural light as well. If we talk about the temperature regime, then for long-bodied fish the temperature will be optimal from +17 to +26, and for short-bodied fish - from +21 to +29 degrees. At the same time, water hardness should be at least 8. Goldfish tolerate salt water well, therefore, if they feel unwell, it is recommended to add 5-7 g of salt per liter to the aquatic environment. Remember to regularly replace part of the total volume of water in the aquarium.

Note: These fish are friendly and well suited to be kept with other species other than veiltails. But due to their natural slowness and blindness, goldfish often starve, because their more nimble neighbors have time to collect all the food before them.

Their diet can include a variety of foods: live earthworms and bloodworms, white bread and compound feed, unsalted oatmeal and semolina, minced meat, lettuce, seafood. However, it is not advisable to feed goldfish exclusively with live food, as they may develop indigestion. Therefore, it is recommended to soak dry food with aquarium water in a separate container before feeding.

Like other types of fish, goldfish should not be overfed to prevent obesity and infertility. Therefore, the feeding procedure is carried out twice a day for 15 minutes, then the remnants of uneaten food are immediately removed.

Aquarium crayfish: content with fish

Unlike newts, crayfish are fairly easy to care for, however, they are not suitable for keeping in a community aquarium, as they have a habit of hunting large fish at night. This is especially true for slow species or those who live near the bottom (Figure 12).

Note: There are cases when crayfish themselves become a victim of certain types of cohabitants. For example, a cichlid easily tears apart an adult crayfish. Therefore, the best way out would be to separate the content of cancer from other types of aquatic life.

Most of them do well in cool water, and only a few prefer warm water. For keeping one individual of cancer, an aquarium of small sizes with volumes of 30-40 liters is quite suitable. You should know that the water in the aquarium, which contains cancer, requires fairly frequent replacement and regular cleaning. It is safest to use an internal filter to cut off the escape route for the crayfish. For the same reason, your aquarium should be well covered with a lid.

Figure 12. Keeping crayfish in an aquarium

If you want to keep several individuals, make sure that in your home pond there is enough space for all crayfish, as these animals are known for their tendency to cannibalism. That is why every molted crayfish should have the opportunity to find its secluded place in the aquarium, where it can wait out not the best of times.

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