A complete general summary horoscope for Sagittarius. Sagittarius

Let's discuss the horoscope for 2018 for the Sagittarius woman. Ladies of the fire sign are known for their love of truth. They sometimes harshly express their opinion, offending others. In 2018, Sagittarius, before saying something, should think carefully, but does a person need such a truth? Because of their straightforwardness in 2018, Sagittarius women run the risk of making a lot of enemies.

The ladies of the fire sign idealize themselves and their lifestyle too much, often belittling the people around them. This behavior of Sagittarius will not please the symbol of 2018 - the Dog. This philanthropic animal is ready to bite those who offend the weak. Therefore, if the lady of the fire sign does not want to suffer all year from failures and problems in various areas of life, she will have to restrain her emotions and not criticize others. Only by learning not to get into the personal lives of others, the Sagittarius woman will find harmony in 2018.

The Year of the Dog is a great period for solving family troubles and love problems. Sagittarius women in 2018 will be so attractive to the opposite sex that they can get married and even more than once. In order for the marriage to work out successfully, the representative of the fire sign will have to learn to control herself, without criticizing her loved one for nothing.

Sagittarius ladies who are already married should stop “cutting” their husband, he is already tired of this. It is recommended to direct the indefatigable energy of the fire sign in a peaceful direction: start traveling, learn to dance, make repairs in the apartment, in general, do something that is beneficial.

In the winter of 2018, Sagittarius will be loaded with work, overwork and stress will make themselves felt, you will begin to break down on the household. Try to avoid it.

In the summer, you won’t be able to take a break from everyday work, you will have to bite the bullet and continue working, this will improve your financial situation. But at the beginning of autumn, you can plan a well-deserved vacation that will bring a lot of positive emotions and new experiences.

This is how the stars predict 2018 for the Sagittarius woman, and what will actually happen depends only on us.

Advice 2: How will the life of Cancer women in 2018: horoscope

Horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac is interesting to many people. And although not everyone believes in the predictions of the stars, most people want to know what the new year promises.

Let's discuss horoscope for 2018 for the Cancer woman. The coming year will please the representatives of the element Water. Single Cancers will meet the man of their dreams, ladies in a long-term relationship will wait for a marriage proposal, and married women will decide to have a baby.

In April 2018 Cancer women can count on the support of relatives in solving financial issues. Close people will help with employment by offering Cancers a highly paid position.

Summer 2018 stars advise Cancer women to get to work, not caring that others are resting at this time. It is in the summer months that the ladies of the water element will feel a surge of strength and energy, it is recommended that the charge of vivacity that has appeared be directed to fruitful work. With this approach, autumn will be able to enjoy the result.

Cancer women in 2018 should devote their free time to their soul mates, showing them care and patience. When building relationships, ladies need to monitor their statements, a harsh word or an inappropriate joke will greatly hurt a partner. Reconciliation with a loved one will be very difficult. Cancer women will not be able to make amends for a long time, they will have to rebuild relationships, seeking the location of a partner.

In the fall of 2018, Cancer women they run the risk of having an affair on the side, new relationships will drag out the ladies. If the lover is wealthy, then the fair sex will not be stopped by the presence of a husband or just a beloved man, women decide on adultery without regrets.

This is how the stars prophesy 2018 year of Cancer woman, and what will happen to the representatives of the sign under discussion actually depends only on themselves.

She is the Don Juan of the Zodiac. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with any one trait - enthusiasm, a sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. She will experiment in sex with a light feeling so that all partners remain friends. However, she is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more inclined to follow the whims of romantic moods. She is reckless in love games. Each new lover is a token that she puts on a lucky number. If the connection comes to naught, she will take it philosophically. After a while, a new lover will appear, so is it worth getting upset?

She is vain. In her mature years, she is likely to have plastic surgery. One Sagittarius woman went to the famous Brazilian surgeon and, after spending several weeks there, her face was bandaged almost all the time, she managed to start several love affairs!

The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in entertainment. If it becomes boring, she is ready to cut her throat, if only there would be an interesting topic for conversation.

She doesn't know how to hide her feelings. Straightforward and frank, yet kind and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She constantly needs variety and a source of inspiration. She cannot be happy alone. Her happiness should be shared by others.

Usually a woman born under this sign is not against having sex with a promising partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. However, she can seduce, and it is sometimes difficult for a man to understand if she has started a sexual game or is just looking for a friend. Phrase:

"Why can't we just be friends?" - most likely was first uttered by a woman Sagittarius. Nothing can cool a reckless infatuation faster than such a question!

She never sits still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to move out. She is ready to quickly part with a job or a man who does not interest her. After all, there is always something to do, why endure boredom?

She is the perfect companion for those who want no day to be the same. When Arnold Bennet, the famous English writer, said that the problem with marriage lies in its routine, he meant life not with a Sagittarius woman. Her enthusiasm, readiness to meet halfway, sense of humor and wit will please any man,

She is a good listener, a good companion for a man who loves sports and adventures, and a wonderful hostess who can spice up any party, interesting people are always drawn to her. What more could the most ungrateful man want!

Before you put this book aside and go looking for a Sagittarius woman who will light up your home with her presence, think about this: she is a seductress and an incorrigible flirt. She scares away many admirers with her know-it-all appearance. Worst of all, in fact, her knowledge is not enough even to justify such an appearance.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not seek to restrain her desire to talk about other men she has known, and if her lover has disappointed her, she will not hesitate to say so.

It is not surprising that many Sagittarius women end their lives as old maids.

Her impatient, impulsive nature is always at odds with her own interests. She would live much better if she correctly assessed her strengths and weaknesses. It refers to those people who act first and think later and never heed the advice or warnings of others.

Although it seems that she is able to solve her problems on her own, this is deceptive. Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe spiritual crisis.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A person with a well-suspended tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men, while there is no real person nearby. Childish and proud, changeable and flighty, she is difficult to understand and almost completely out of control.

her sex life

Sagittarius women love to have sex outdoors. She will gladly make love in a tent, in a camper or on a sandy beach. One Sagittarius woman I knew loved to drive with her boyfriend to a deserted country road and make love on the roof of a car. Fortunately, the roof of her car was not folding. Perhaps this love of nature encourages many women born under this sign to join the naturist society.

She loves sex, but does not seek to prolong the preparatory stage. Most of all, she is interested in her own satisfaction. She does not mind foreplay, but prefers to quickly move on to the main occupation. She is capable of numerous but shallow orgasms.

Some men consider her behavior in bed tactless, and she can really be very inattentive to her lover. If he doesn't give her what she needs, she will masturbate in front of him, leaving him unsatisfied.

She likes to tease her partner until he loses control of himself. To do this, she interrupts the caresses that have begun, bringing her lover almost to the ecstasy of felicio, she sits on his cock, slowly sinking onto him. When he reaches a sensual peak, she rises again, and she does not care if a man comes too quickly. She squeezes his cock with her vaginal muscles and "milks" him to prolong the pleasure. And immediately after that, she prepares for the next attempt. After all, not everything works out the first time. Lindbergh (the American pilot who first crossed the Atlantic in an airplane) also had to change four planes before he finally crossed the Atlantic.

She loves the moments after intercourse when she can lie with her lover, smoke a cigarette, sip wine and talk about the pleasure they just experienced. Sex is an act of friendship, and she doesn't like lovers who act like the whole world has turned upside down.

The biggest difficulty is her inability to give herself entirely to her beloved work. She moves indiscriminately from one to the other, never putting up much resistance, but not feeling much pleasure either. She has a lot of experience, but little real feeling.

Unlike men, the Sagittarius woman is not prone to experiments. She is not interested in various devices, electric vibrators and so on. These exotic bedroom toys do not stir her imagination. She is not a connoisseur of erotica. She definitely prefers proven and natural forms of sexual play and does not attach importance to variations that seem to her ordinary excess.

Recently, a Sagittarius woman, about 45 years old, came to the author of this book for a consultation. Her problem was that, having entered into a relationship with a handsome young man, she did not want to engage in sexual tricks that he liked. For example, her lover urged her to put a banana in her vagina and then pull it out little by little so that he could eat it without touching it with his hands. It is quite natural that, being a Sagittarius, she found such excesses very vulgar. (Needless to say, he was a Scorpio.) This was not the kind of fruit salad that makes for a happy and lasting relationship.

Sagittarius' free attitude to sex leads him to make love with both women and men, and often with both at once. In lesbian relationships, she often plays an active role.

For some reason, she is often violent and sadistic in these situations. At the very least, she seeks to satisfy her own sexual needs. In relationships with lesbians, she uses a double artificial penis, which is simultaneously inserted into the vaginas of two women.

She does not necessarily limit her interests to people. She is very fond of animals, and her promiscuity can lead her to bestiality. She especially likes dogs and horses or other animals that she is able to tame. Xaviera Hollander describes such an episode in her best-selling book The Happy Hooker, and although no one has studied the opinions of readers, the popularity of this book can be largely attributed to the erotic excitement that its descriptions arouse in Sagittarius women.

Sagittarius man

At the first meeting with him, you will feel a surge of vitality. He is funny, charming, witty, and you will think that you are the most attractive woman he has ever met.

Do not be deceived! If you look closely, you will see that he is watching every woman in the room. The truth is, he wants them all!

When a pretty woman enters the room, he comes up to her, offers drinks, snacks, shows attention to her, does everything to charm her. He will be able to get her address and phone number, overwhelm her with phone calls, fill her with flowers, sweets and other gifts.

In romantic relationships, he is an idealist and believes that the next one will be the One. No matter how many times he is disappointed, his optimism does not decrease. He believes that every day brings new opportunities. He is pleased to wake up in the morning and find that a new Tuesday has come.

He is sentimental, he has a particularly sensitive heart. He wants to be in love, but he is cautious in connection. None of his connections last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems from scratch. After that, his love of analysis turns on, and he comes to the conclusion that the problem is insoluble.

He resists getting too close and doesn't like jealous women. He prefers connections with those who have some experience, as they tend to take love as easily as he does. He will please her just as much as she will please him, and he believes that there is a place for humor in every relationship.

He is not ready for a long, close relationship. He takes love too lightly. Falling in love, he does not assume obligations. He should always have an emergency exit. He never knows exactly what he wants. He is able to convince himself that the most important thing in life is to know what you don't want.

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. The truth is not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not distinguished by tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is a light, tolerant, understanding friend. But if he is your lover, become his shadow. He will want to help you grow. If he wastes time on you and you disappoint him, his affection for you will turn into dislike. He is sensitive even to criticism, even to trifles and to silent disapproval. He strives for perfection and demands complete physical and spiritual compatibility from those he loves. However, criticism from his side shows that he considers you a close person.

He loves mysteries and will keep the connection a secret even when it's not necessary. Subject to moods and easily discouraged, he can sometimes be irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long.

You may be surprised by his mood swings. He likes to do what he wants and does not easily make concessions. Experience tells him that he can achieve anything he wants.

He is very practical in financial matters, but his weakness is that sometimes he spends his energy on too small things. He comes across as a generous person. He loves luxury and makes expensive gifts.

He is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. Prefers small companies: too large a society under one roof is unpleasant for him. In fact, he prefers to do without a roof. He likes wide open spaces under cloudless skies and stars.

He loves to travel. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly match the character of Sagittarius. He's the type of person who went to the ticket office to buy a ticket anywhere because "he has friends everywhere".

He is always looking for new knowledge, his curiosity is indefatigable, and he shows great interest in sex education.

A woman who marries a Sagittarius must remember that this man, married or not, always remains a bachelor in his soul.

His sex life

Do you remember the song about a young man who, when he could not be near the girl he loved, loved the one who was there. It was probably Sagittarius. He flies from one woman to another like a bee, sucking nectar from each. He is unable to contain himself. He is in love with some ideal, a beautiful dream, and is looking for it everywhere.

Usually he does not indulge in active sex. He enjoys it, but that's not the point. Who wants to live in the middle of an earthquake? He prefers to wander in a quiet garden full of beautiful flowers.

He enjoys the very process of pursuit, for him all the joy is in the preliminary games. However, after he manages to lure the girl into the bedroom, he may experience disappointment. The symbol of this sign is Cupid drawing a bow, but his arrow does not always hit the target, at least not the first time! He strives to reach the climax as soon as possible. Often the situation looks like this: one or two - excuse me, madam, and the woman is left like clothes hanging in the closet.

On the other hand, sex never bothers a Sagittarius man. He makes love with pleasure. He will be the first to suggest a new position, another position - name them, and he will check everything for himself! I recently received a letter from a young woman asking if her Sagittarius man would be harmed by having sex three or four times a day. I told her that there was nothing more to be expected from a man born under the sign of Cupid.

A Sagittarius man is likely to have several connections at the same time. However, if all these women came together, they would discover why their ardent lover is so monotonous. Quantity replaces quality.

He enjoys oral and anal sex and often combines them. Don't be surprised if he tries to bring you to orgasm by sticking his finger up your anus. Be sure to buy a double artificial member - one for you, the other for him. He has such a great tongue that he will persuade you to do anything.

A master of erotic massage - both oral and manual - he knows how to stimulate erogenous zones. With his tongue, he skillfully touches the woman's nipples, thighs and genitals.

One of the sexual quirks of the male Sagittarius is the satisfaction gained from rubbing the genitals against the partner's body. A Sagittarius man can be brought to orgasm simply by holding his cock under his arm. One Sagittarius told me that he gets a special pleasure when a partner allowed him to rub his cock under the chin.

The Sagittarius man is especially interested in women's legs. He even finds intercourse more exciting if the woman is wearing stockings.

The bend of the calf or other part of the leg has an exciting effect on him. If a woman sits with her legs crossed, and a shoe sways on one of them, he simply goes crazy.

He has a penchant for other fetishes as well. He may ask the woman to wear gloves or shoes or both when making love. He will take the panties that his partner has recently been wearing and bring them to his face to inhale their scent. Any objection will be refuted, embarrassment is almost excluded.

He has a strong tendency towards bisexuality. He can easily move from a female lover to a male lover. None of them will become his main attachment. With regard to the Sagittarius man, the old Hollywood formula will look like this: a guy meets a girl, a guy breaks up with a girl, a guy meets a guy.

He has numerous and varied connections. He is immoral, like a yard cat. For him, sex is life, and he wants to experience life in all its manifestations. He tends to agree with the famous writer Herman Melville, who said: "I have experienced everything, I have achieved everything that I could."

First steps

They are pleasant and interesting conversationalists, so listen carefully and choose the right questions. Demonstrate a lively, sharp mind and let Sagittarius show his intelligence. If you are a beech - look for another partner. Sagittarians love only those who have a quick reaction. They have a great sense of humor, they do not like closed people who are unable to maintain an interesting conversation.

If you love horses or dogs, you will easily find a common language with them. The same applies to cats, however, they are not valued as highly as these creatures do not share the Sagittarius love for nature.

The first date is better to appoint in the air. Go for a swim at the beach (preferably a nudist one, if there is one nearby, as Sagittarius loves the unusual and bold), offer a picnic in the garden, horseback riding, a ski trip, or an expedition to the mountains. However, you must be confident in your abilities. Sagittarians are famous for their energy.

You can offer a trip with an overnight stay in tents. It will not be taken negatively. Sagittarius is outspoken when it comes to sex and never minds anything that is adventurous or out of the ordinary.

It's a good idea to suggest a rock concert, especially if it's held outdoors. Or buy tickets for a ballet or an operetta - Sagittarius is a fan of both. He rules everything that is accompanied by a lot of music and movement on stage.

If the party is at home, do not invite many guests. Sagittarians prefer small companies where you can communicate more closely with each other.

Give gifts. Gift something to wear out of the house - pigskin driving gloves, a wool cap and a scarf. Or something that meets their gypsy instincts - a travel bag or a passport case. A gift doesn't have to be luxurious. The main thing that is valued is attention, not cost.

It must be remembered that Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and it is up to you to decide if you want your relationship to go further.

Erogenous zones

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But in Sagittarius women, hair also belongs to them. Play with them, stroke, comb. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasted long enough, it might awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of the leg or lightly touching the tongue from the knee to the crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about the gentle stroking of the thighs. Homosexuals like to have their partners smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After that, the mere insertion of a member between tightly clenched legs can lead to an orgasm.

Sagittarius men and women are equally affected by rubbing with warm oil. On the hips, this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves, and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout the body.

And do not be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Last steps

When the denouement approaches, and you need to look for a way out, this will not cause you much anxiety. Sagittarius will undoubtedly share your sentiments. This connection can be completed without noise and scandal.

To bring the case to a denouement, dictate your will to them, tell them how to dress and behave in public. Criticize their clothes, pets, friends. Be unrestrained. Look for the bad side in everything. Sagittarius is an optimist who believes that opportunities open up behind every door. Refute it. If you want to get rid of a woman

Sagittarius, become a melancholic homebody. Insist that she change her job or hairstyle. Avoid long trips just to watch a movie. During dates, flirt with other women.

If the Sagittarius man starts to get on your nerves, throw a big party and invite people he doesn't like. Complain about the behavior of his dog. Saw him for the impracticality of his new ideas, projects and plans. Close the windows at night so that he is left without fresh air. Limit your sexual activity to the bedroom.

One morning you will find a note pinned to your pillow saying that from now on you are as free as he is.

Your guide of feelings

SAGITTARIUS - ARIES: They are well matched, but their flammable natures guarantee fireworks. However, their disputes are fleeting. They enjoy being together in and out of the bedroom. They have many friends. Both like outdoor activities and sports. If the sexual relationship develops, then everything else will be fine. This applies to both bonding and marriage.

SAGITTARIUS - TAURUS: Taurus strives for dominance, and Sagittarius does not intend to obey. In sex, it is likely that the steady passion of Taurus will not be claimed by Sagittarius, which is characterized by individual impulsive outbursts. A practical homebody Taurus will not fit a restless Sagittarius looking for adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline; long-term relationships require a miracle.

SAGITTARIUS - GEMINI: They are too restless and mobile for a serious connection. They quickly have extraneous interests, and they strive to satisfy them. They love fun, and for a while they are satisfied with each other's company, but then the Gemini will begin to criticize their partner, and Sagittarius will not like it. Communication is almost hopeless, but in rare cases it can be pleasurable.

SAGITTARIUS - CANCER: They are located at opposite ends of the Zodiac. Cancer needs security and stability. Sagittarius craves freedom and adventure. Cancer is too sensitive to put up with an outspoken Sagittarius. Sexual harmony is likely, but Sagittarius will soon feel that he can get into a cage and disappear. They are more likely to be good friends than lovers. In the long term, the views are unimportant.

SAGITTARIUS - LEO: This relationship is characterized by great openness and freedom. Leo holds the key to Sagittarius' feelings. They will be good partners in bed. But at the same time they will respect and enjoy each other's company. They have a common love of adventure, they easily cope with difficulties. A wonderful connection and perhaps one of those marriages made in heaven.

SAGITTARIUS - VIRGO: their bond will fall apart. The easy attitude of Sagittarius to life infuriates Virgo. In sex, they sometimes have bright flashes, but there are still 23.5 hours left in the day. The pedantic, calm Virgo, prone to simple life and intellectual predilections, has little in common with the reckless, impulsive, space-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Sagittarius Virgo seems boring.

SAGITTARIUS - LIBRA: Libra's tolerance is just what Sagittarius needs. Libra will follow the extravagant antics of Sagittarius with enthusiastic surprise. Both are sexually excitable, and reasonable Libra will be able to find his best side in a partner. They will be pleased with each other, few reasons for quarrels, many friends and interests outside the home. Good hopes for both short and long-term relationships.

SAGITTARIUS - SCORPIO: Sagittarius will contradict the sensual nature of Scorpio. The problem arises when Sagittarius is guided by his natural desire for freedom and independence, since Scorpio needs a reliable partner to rely on. Sagittarius is quickly irritated and soon cools down, Scorpio's anger constantly smolders until it explodes like a volcano. Physically, they may be compatible for a while, but marriage will not be heaven for them.

SAGITTARIUS - SAGITTARIUS: A wonderful but unpredictable combination. In their kitchen, something is being prepared all the time, but at whose expense? The inherent unpredictability of behavior in this combination leads to the manifestation of the worst features in both. Their tireless, freedom-loving natures will sooner or later demand freedom from each other. These are two wandering ships that are not destined to stay in the same port for a long time.

SAGITTARIUS - CAPRICORN: Cautious intriguer Capricorn fears the impulsive recklessness of Sagittarius. Capricorn pesters with annoying demands, and he is annoyed by the frankness of Sagittarius. There will also be a problem with money. Capricorn is tight-fisted. Sagittarius goes to the expense without thinking, and wants to have everything that can be bought. A wave of mutual discontent will sink this bond.

SAGITTARIUS - AQUARIUS: Aquarius, who is prone to balancing, can keep this connection in balance. They both love adventure. Sex will be varied, both in the bedroom and on a bed of needles in the forest. Both are not jealous and do not try to dominate their partner. They will be fun, imaginative lovers, and their bond will deepen in marriage.

SAGITTARIUS - PISCES: None of them can give a partner a sense of security. There may be moments of passion, but the sword of Damocles looms over this couple. It seems to Sagittarius that he is connected by the shyness of Pisces, and that his energy and optimism are slowly drowning in a swamp of despondency. An extremely difficult relationship and an almost impossible marriage.

ruling planet: Jupiter.
Lucky number: 3 (and all numbers divisible by 3) - 4, 9;
Symbol: centaur shooter, stars, wands, raised index finger;
Colors: blue, cyan, purple, crimson;
Stones: topaz, amethyst, chrysolite, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire, emerald, agate;
Flowers: carnation, daffodil, cornflower, palm;
Metal: zinc, tin;
Mascot: horseshoe, salamander;
Happy Days: Thursday;
Bad days: Wednesday;
Countries: Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, Spain, Latin American countries (except Mexico and Brazil) and Arab countries.

Aspects of the sign

Symbolic aspect. Greek myths associate the constellation Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, whom Hercules killed in essence for nothing, having mistaken his intentions, he killed with a poisoned arrow. Zeus took Chiron to heaven and allowed him to aim his arrow at Scorpio. But Hercules himself did not escape the retribution for this evil, since it was the blood of Chiron shed by him that brought him death. The symbolic interpretation of this sign is a bow with an arrow, but if you look deeper, it is a symbol of the tragic mistake and recklessness that often accompanies people under the influence of this sign.

Astrological aspect. The sign of Sagittarius anatomically invades a person’s life through his liver and thighs, as for the inner world of a person, the patronizing influence of Jupiter assists him in many of his plans and accomplishments, extinguishing the chain of accidents and predestinations, which in other cases could very negatively affect his future fate.

Kabbalistic aspect. Sagittarius is a symbol of the duality of nature. Sagittarians have a certain power over people. This sign gives organizational ability and the makings of a leader, but also wise humility in the face of inevitable circumstances. People born under this sign make decisions immediately, they build their own empire. They are beautiful, energetic, fast, capable, loyal, noble, generous and love freedom. Sagittarius have an explosive temperament and a benevolent character. Weak mystics and magicians come out of them, at best, popularizers of the occult.

intellectual aspect. In this regard, everything depends on the intellect of parents or educators, and if they send the Sagittarius child on the right path in time, then these children will become wonderful poets, dreamers, romantics, who, precisely with their impulsiveness and their organizational skills, will be able to rally around themselves a team of like-minded people who lead them to success. But we should not forget that Sagittarians sometimes embrace feelings of hopelessness and despair as a result of overwork and an overly active role in managing events over which they essentially have no control.

General characteristics of the Sagittarius personality

Sagittarians are most often open, friendly, honest optimists, full of nobility and enthusiasm; their energy is overflowing. Sagittarius quite often turn out to be inclined towards philosophy, their mind and heart are always ready to accept a new idea. In communication, Sagittarians often show generosity, frankness, readiness to find compromises. At the same time, people born under this constellation are impulsive, unrestrained in their language, extremely careless. Sagittarians love sports, especially hunting. They can work for a long time, quickly moving towards the goal, but they absolutely do not know how to stop in time and take a break.

Sagittarius man

They tend to be extremely positive people. They have a bright perspective in life, initiative, full of vitality. They are very versatile and enterprising, striving to expand the range of their knowledge. They enjoy travel and exploration, and their minds are constantly on the lookout for new experiences. They are an ambitious, optimistic people, and nothing seems to be able to bring down their optimism. Sagittarians are idealists, and this seems to keep them afloat even in moments of bitter disappointment, when all their exalted ones are broken. They tend to lose their heads when they are carried away by an idea. They are supporters of a gambling struggle for what they believe in and at the same time remain loyal and independent, somehow managing to combine both of these traits. Sagittarians are extremely versatile people and can find a lot of things to do . They are teachers and philosophers by nature. Nothing suits Sagittarius more than explaining to others the high moral principles, laws and ideas that unite the Universe. Because of this, they quite often find themselves in the role of theologians or scientists.

Sir Winston Leonard CHURCHILL(November 30, 1874 -1965) - great English politician
Ludwig van Beethoven(December 16 or 17, 1770 -1827) - brilliant composer
Mark Twain(November 30, 1835-1910) - remarkable writer.
Frank SINATRA(Francis Albert) (December 12, 1915 - 1998) - American crooner
Jim Morrison(December 8, 1943 - 1971) - rock musician and leader of the Doors group.
Eugene IONESCO(Ionesco) (real name Ionescu, Jonescu) (November 26, 1912-1994) - French playwright, founder of avant-garde drama.
Michel NOSTRADAMUS(December 14, 1503-1563) French physician, astrologer, legendary prophet.
Tycho BRAGE(December 14, 1546-1601) Danish astrologer and astronomer in the service of King Frederick II refined many planetary calculations.
John MILTON(December 9, 1608-1674) - a great English poet.
William Blake(November 28, 1757-1827) English poet, painter, visionary.
Charles de Gaulle(November 22, 1890 - 1970) French general and president.
Walt Disney(December 5, 1901-1966) film director, animator, artist and producer.
Kirk DOUGLAS(December 9, 1916) American actor and film director.
Bruce Lee(November 27, 1940–1973) Chinese-born martial artist, actor, and writer.
Steven Spielberg(December 18, 1946) American film director.
Brad Pitt (Pitt)(December 18, 1963) American film actor.
Alexander Isaevich SOLZHENITSYN(b. December 11, 1918) is a Russian writer.

Sagittarius Woman

She is usually modest and often has a high spirituality built on an unbreakable value system. Sagittarians love all sorts of rites and rituals. They are energetic pupils and students, they love to introduce new projects, so there are often brave scientists and researchers among them. At the same time, the longevity of Sagittarius is noted. Because of their independent nature, it is often difficult to maintain a close personal relationship with them. They often have a very relaxed disposition, generous in nature, but very resourceful in caring for the family and economical spending of household resources. In sex, they are hot, but at the same time they are perfectly able to control themselves. They have common sense and a sense of humor.

Maria LOUISE(Marie Louise) (December 7, 1791 - 1847) - French Empress from 1810 to 1814, second wife of Napoleon I,
Mary Stuart(Mary Stuart, Stewart) (December 8, 1542 - 1587) - Queen of France and Scotland.
Jane Austen(December 16, 1775) is an English writer.
Jane FONDA(December 21, 1937) is an American actress and social activist.
Tina TURNER(b. November 26, 1938) is an American singer and actress.
Caroline KENNEDY(b. November 27, 1956) is a famous American writer, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.
Britney Spears(Britney Jean Spears) (b. December 2, 1981, Kentwood, Louisiana) is a famous American pop singer.
Edith Piaf(Piaf) (real name and surname Edith Giovanna Gassion, Gassion) (December 19, 1915-1963) - French singer (chansonnier).

Sagittarius personal life

Many love affairs distinguish the first half of the Sagittarius life. Since Sagittarius is a double sign, people of this sign are of two types: the devoted idealistic and romantic type, who rarely leaves the straight and narrow path of virtue, and the completely opposite type, who rushes from one lover to another in search of perfection, and on this path he forgets why he started his search and what he was looking for in the end. Married life. harmonious if the partner was born under the sign of Aries or Leo. However, it is difficult to expect family harmony if the partner is born under the sign of Pisces or Virgo.

The influence of the planet on man is fate:

Born in the years of the Moon (1929,1936,1943, 1950,1957,1964, 1971, 1978, 1985, 1992, 1999)

Lunar Sagittarius is a dreamy vagabond who writes poetry while wandering under the moon. Sometimes he strikes at mysticism, is inclined to exaggerate his own strengths and weaknesses, and is inclined to bring all his problems to people. The first love affair is often harmful and backfires (which Sagittarius, as the true heir of the centaurs, tends to exaggerate and over-exaggerate). True happiness in marriage is rare, because the first love tragedy will leave an indelible imprint on his attitude towards his spouse.

Born in the years of Mars (1925, 1932, 1939, 1946, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1974, 1981, 1988, 1995)

The Martian Sagittarius is a classic type of centaur who is "ready to hang himself for company." Restless youth leads in youth to misunderstandings in the family, as a result of which this Sagittarius often breaks with relatives and begins to search for a friend. He is devoted to his friends to self-forgetfulness, which often leads him to losses and disappointments, but his dreamy character will again carefully help him find another friend, with whom he will again be childishly in love.

Those born in the years of Mercury (1928, 1935, 1942, 1949, 1956, 1963, 1970, 1977, 1984, 1991, 1998)

The Martian Sagittarius always has the mood to try himself in some new and unusual business. Their enchanting nature tends to hot and extreme plans, which sometimes leads them to the camp of gamblers, cheaters, casino regulars and risky stock players. In their youth, they often knock together and quickly lose their fortunes. Happiness helps them to acquire an inheritance, to enter into a happy marriage. Benefits are possible only through friends and patrons. Subsequently, they will acquire a favorable financial position, but in adulthood there is a great danger of monetary losses, especially through speculation. Even lawsuits are possible.

Born in Jupiter Years (1924, 1931, 1938, 1945, 1952, 1959, 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994)

This Sagittarius is passionate about travel and adventure, even if they can only watch it on screen. He more than makes up for the lack of extreme situations in real life by creating them for himself and successfully living in the virtual world. Jupiter favors Sagittarius actors and directors, as well as adventurers, jockeys, climbers, missionaries, as well as everyone who embarks on a new, uncharted path, creates a business from scratch.

Born in the years of Venus (1927, 1934, 1941, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1969, 1976, 1983, 1990, 1997)

Depending on whether this person is born closer to Scorpio or to Capricorn, their natures are divided into two types. A passionate nature lives in the first type, but the excess of his sexual energy is directed to creative activity, and not to Don Juanism. The second type (both men and women) is a constant red tape who trembles with joy at a new sexual victory and mentally enters it into the catalog of his lovers.

Born in Saturn Years (1923, 1930, 1937, 1944, 1951, 1958, 1965, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1993)

This type of Sagittarius is prone to cynicism and melancholy, in no small part caused by disappointment in a loved one experienced at an early age. Nevertheless, cynicism becomes the second part of his secretive nature, and the first part is still romanticism and the desire to do good to people, to look for the best in them. In terms of health, he is threatened by diseases of the abdomen, hip and knee joints (arthritis r.) - especially it is necessary to take care of the arms and legs.

Born in the Years of the Sun (1926, 1933, 1940, 1947, 1954, 1961, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1989, 1996)

In the solar Sagittarius, all the obvious advantages and disadvantages inherent in this sign are especially clearly manifested - “love, love like that, shoot like shoot.” These Sagittarians' love of sports often leads them to illnesses after they leave the big sport. Many solar Sagittarians are prone to accidents due to their tendency to take too much risk. They are more inclined to suffer from rheumatism, in recent years they suffer from overexcitation of the nervous system.

Sagittarius life forecasts according to planetary years:

In the years of Venus (2011, 2018)

During these years, it is important for you not to miss the favorable time in March and April, as your efforts and efforts at work will bring the most tangible results. You will be able to realize the most cherished dreams and plans, colleagues at work and superiors will appreciate you and reward you. The second half of the year will be successful for creative endeavors, you will have a chance to bring your original ideas and ideas to life. A good period for learning and professional development.

During the Mercury Years (2012, 2019)

Sagittarians by nature are exceptionally honest and exorbitantly energetic people, they show a willingness to help anyone who needs advice or help. Under the influence of Mercury, Sagittarius men conduct successful negotiations, become enviable diplomats, and in Sagittarius women, charm reaches its peak, which makes the lack of diplomacy and intolerance characteristic of many women of this sign invisible.

Lucky numbers: all numbers divisible by 3. Success time. Days of the week - Thursday. Months: end of March - beginning of April, end of July - beginning of August, winter. Years: 2015, 2022, 2029, 2036, 2043, 2050.

Unlucky times. Days of the week - Wednesday, Saturday. Months: end of February - beginning of March, end of May - beginning of June, a month before the birthday. Years: 2019, 2026, 2033, 2040, 2047.

Power item: metal horseshoe. Hang it on the front door or on the door of your room from the inside with the ends up. Talisman stones: topaz, amethyst, chrysolite, turquoise, opal, carbuncle.

Astropsychological portrait. Sagittarians are passionate, cheerful and open people. They think positively, in any circumstances they manage to remain optimistic. Many envy the success of Sagittarius, from the outside it is not clear for what merits life so generously bestows them. The secret is that these people carefully plan their future successes. Sagittarius knows in advance where he will go and what he will do. He may give the impression of a disorganized person, but in fact he has a rigid structure and a clear life position. Sagittarius is principled and moderately conservative, used to acting wisely, but often his actions are impulsive and thoughtless. It is important for Sagittarius to learn to wait and analyze their behavior.

Most Sagittarians are sociable, outspoken, independent and eager to break any shackles. Sagittarius is not able to deceive, intrigues and tricks are not for him. Tact and delicacy are not characteristic of him, although he considers himself a model of politeness and diplomacy. Sagittarians are always charming, and this is most often not related to appearance. The smile that flashes on the face of Sagittarius ignites those around. Natural charm helps him gain authority and hold high positions. And I must say, the chiefs from Sagittarius are excellent. Leading, organizing - their vocation.

Sagittarians need new experiences, they want to learn everything, have time and try everything before their earthly journey ends. They are spiritually open, they strive to spread their ideas to everyone, to teach people something. Showing their best qualities, these people become highly spiritual, they can devote themselves to religious activities, missionary work, and disinterestedly preach spiritual knowledge. If Sagittarius does not receive good spiritual and intellectual development, he can turn into an authoritarian, arrogant person, who has a weakness for awards and honors. Such a person does not tolerate defeat and criticism in his address. The most difficult task for Sagittarius is the struggle with their weaknesses and negative qualities. The main thing is that as a result of this struggle, it is not the animal that wins, but the human principle.

Fate line. The youth of Sagittarius is full of excitement and anxiety. Sometimes there are problems in their personal lives, but they gain financial well-being quite quickly: they either successfully marry, or receive an inheritance, or find influential patrons who help them get a solid position. It is not for them to acquire capital by their own labor. In general, Sagittarians are successful people both in their careers and in family life. There is a danger of large financial losses due to excessive gullibility, but everything will return in full. Sagittarians always manage to restore the lost state. There is a high probability of lawsuits, which, however, end in favor of Sagittarius.

Health. Diseases that Sagittarians are most susceptible to: nervous disorders, dislocations, sprains, sciatica, rheumatism, liver disease, internal bleeding. Sagittarians recover quickly and do not stay long in hospitals. In general, illness rarely prevails over these people, since they sincerely believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. Sagittarians need to eat products that contain silicon dioxide. Sources: fruit and vegetable peels, figs, strawberries, prunes, parsnips, brown rice, ripe cherries. Most people of this sign are distinguished by immoderation in food and drink, often eating on the go. They need to stop rushing. The diet should primarily strengthen the nervous and hematopoietic systems. In this regard, cow's milk, eggs, spicy dishes, lamb, pork are useful.

Love, sex, marriage. In love, Sagittarians are idealists and adventurers. In everything that concerns attachments, emotions, sex, Sagittarians are absolutely healthy people, they have no complexes on this basis. Sagittarius treats marriage as a necessary institution. He gets along with few people, but he deftly starts novels and also deftly gets out of them, managing to stay on friendly terms with his former passion. At the same time, he never seeks love adventures. People are attracted to him themselves, wherever Sagittarius goes, on a business trip, on a picnic, to the gym. Sagittarians are attracted by search, novelty, diversity. They openly demonstrate their feelings, as they cannot store experiences in the depths of their souls. Their feelings quickly flare up, but just as quickly cool down. They are wonderful friends, you can discuss the most intimate topics with them and not be afraid that you will not be understood or judged.

The best partners for a Sagittarius man- women from the signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. With Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Sagittarius, compatibility is average. With Leo and Pisces, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio.

The best partners for a Sagittarius woman- men from the signs of Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio. With Pisces, Aries, Capricorn, Gemini and Sagittarius, compatibility is average. With Leo and Virgo, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Taurus and Cancer.

Mutable sign, ruler of the sign- Jupiter. The element is fire.
lucky days- Thursday.
bad days- Wednesday.
Season- Spring.
good places- churches, palaces, plains, other countries.
Numbers- 3 (all divisible by 3), 4, 9.
Color spectrum- blue, blue, purple, crimson.
stones- pomegranate, turquoise, topaz, opal, carbuncle, amethyst, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- tin.
Flowers- carnations, daffodils, vysilek, palm.
Symbols- centaur archer, stars, wands, raised index finger
Mascot- Salamander.
Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 8, 13, 18 and their combinations 81318...

Born from November 23 to December 2- under the influence of Mercury - a brave and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports.
Lucky stones: agate, amethyst, lapis lazuli, jade, quartz, sapphirine, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, blood jasper.
Important years: 36, 40.

Born from 3 to 12 December- under the influence of the Moon - they have imagination and fantasy, they love long journeys, they have a changeable mood.
Lucky stones: turquoise, hairy, onyx, opal, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase.
Important years: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Born from 13 to 21 December- under the influence of Saturn - persistent, sensitive, loving luxury and gourmet nature, not having aversion to food in general, secluded to satisfy their gastronomic needs.
Lucky stones: hyacinth, garnet, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, chrysolite, zircon, black star.
Important years: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Characteristics of Sagittarius

"It's easy to accuse me of a lack of sound thoughts. And even, God forbid, of premeditated murder. But still, whatever you say (and everyone knows it), I'm an honest fellow, damn it, everything else is a lie!"

In any company of Sagittarius it is impossible not to notice right there. Most likely, he will be the first to approach you, slap his hand on the shoulder (quite hard) and say something like: "How do you manage to look so young when you are already over forty?" and smiling cheerfully at the same time. If the smile disappears from your face after that, he will try to explain to you for a long and tedious time that he had no intention of offending you - he was just used to telling the truth to your face. Do not judge him too harshly: behind his tactless manner lies a rather deep mind and high moral character, and his rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament usually makes him the center of attention in any society. Sagittarius does not consider his straightforwardness to be something offensive to the interlocutor - just pretense and lies are completely uncharacteristic of his character, and what is on his mind is on his tongue. And, of course, he never intentionally tries to offend anyone - he's just used to talking first, and then thinking.

Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lies are contrary to his nature and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. That is why he strives so hard for the truth.

Outwardly, it is not difficult to distinguish a Sagittarius: usually they are tall people with an athletic build, or short, but stocky and well-knit. Sagittarius has a large head with a wide forehead, pleasant features and humorous eyes of Jupiter, his patron. True, Sagittarius is rather clumsy in his movements, he likes to wave his arms when he speaks, and he can, without even noticing, easily brush the dishes off the table. Many Sagittarians often have a strand of hair fall over their eyes, like a horse's, and they are used to shaking their heads to push it back.

A typical character trait of Sagittarius is restlessness and "wanderlust - they are always running somewhere.

Sagittarians adore animals, especially horses and dogs, although some of them are morbidly afraid of animals. In general, the element of risk in something simply attracts them to itself. They love fast driving and flying. Many of them become test pilots. They love to tempt fate and play with death.

Despite their straightforwardness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice. Most of them are extroverts, talkative and open. They are almost always friendly, but quick-tempered, and if some boor on the street allows himself to hurt him or starts pestering a woman, then Sagittarius will quickly put him on the sidewalk. They speak and act first, and then they think.

Sagittarians, both men and women, feel a penchant for religion and in childhood love to take part in all kinds of church rites. However, with age, they begin to doubt religious dogmas and faith and look for other spiritual values. In general, there is something childishly naive in the behavior of Sagittarius: they do not want to take life seriously, although with age they will learn to bear the burden of responsibility for their work and family. However, this does not bring them much joy. If, however, they somehow cope with this, and in addition retain their optimism and ability to enjoy life, then they live to a ripe old age with a clear mind and all their abilities, without falling into insanity.

Sagittarius, in general, lead a sports lifestyle and therefore get sick a little. If they end up in the hospital, then most likely as a result of some kind of accident or injury, they recover extremely quickly. The liver, lungs, thighs, arms, shoulders, and intestines are most commonly affected. For the most part, Sagittarians are optimistic and believe that tomorrow will always be better than today. If a Sagittarius has a gloomy mood, it quickly passes.

Sagittarians are gamblers. Few of them can resist the temptation to toss a few dollars on the green cloth or bet rent money on the favorite. And if Sagittarius gets into Las Vegas, then you can be sure that he will lose to the ground.

Sagittarians are just as reckless in love, but when things start to smell like a wedding, they stop and think. However, they are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth. Sagittarians are fickle, but they want to see in a woman not only a sexual partner, but also a good friend with a highly developed intellect.

Among the shortcomings inherent in Sagittarius, one should recognize an increased temper, gluttony, a love of drinking (which can lead to alcoholism), caustic sarcasm and an inability to keep secrets.

Although Sagittarians have an excellent memory and amaze with their ability to remember historical dates, events, etc., they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - either gloves, then an umbrella, then keys or even a wallet with money.

Turquoise brings good luck, their favorite holiday is Christmas.

Sagittarius man

Sagittarians are ineradicable optimists, as fate often gives them gifts, people are cheerful and happy, with a lot of friends and acquaintances, but without enemies, elusive, always busy with something, everyone in a hurry somewhere, exceptionally lucky. Sagittarius can go out to dig for gold, come back with a bag of stones that do not contain a single gram of gold, suddenly find that it is uranium. If an object glitters under your feet and you bend down to pick it up, it will most likely turn out to be a piece of foil from a chocolate bar; if Sagittarius bends down, he will pick up a diamond lost by someone.

Sagittarius men are very amorous, windy. But if you don’t become jealous of him, suspect him of relationships with other women and give him complete freedom, but on the condition that you can consider yourself free and even have fans, one fine evening he will say that you are quite consistent with his ideal woman. Here you can admit that he suits you, if he does not encroach on your freedom. If during this conversation a fan calls and invites you to the theater, you can be sure, you can be sure that you will become his wife. But even after becoming one, stick to the same tactics, i.e. believe him, don't ask where he was, give him freedom. You will not be surrounded by new relatives, as Sagittarians generally do not attach much importance to family ties. You should not impose your relatives on him - it is better to go to visit them yourself.

Sagittarius is prone to squandering money, and if he does not fit into the family budget, he does not mind that his wife earns a little money - at least for her dresses, as he likes her to be well dressed when he introduces her to his friends. Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put in a lot of effort and tact to correct the mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive. But if we talk about "home criticism", then the wife should be ready to listen to anything in her address.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but over time he will be more and more busy with them - playing sports, going on long walks. It would be better if there were sons, but with girls he is especially gentle. The only thing he does not recognize in children is lies. And you must know for sure - if he calls you on a hike or somewhere else, leave the children and go with him, then you are guaranteed success in life with Sagittarius.

Sagittarius woman

And what can be said about Sagittarius women?

First of all, like men, they love to tell the truth. It would be better if they sometimes embellished a little: after all, not everyone wants to know the truth.

Sagittarius women are very independent and leave their father's house early to lead an independent lifestyle. When you need such a woman to do something for you, politely ask her, but do not order, as this can cause an unwanted reaction and even an outburst of anger, since they are very quick-tempered. Sagittarius will never and never change their habits, individuality, their freedom.

Such a woman is very smart and logical, she can solve the most difficult task, but her heart is defenseless, which makes her suffer. The main mistake is that very often friendship is mistaken for love, and love for friendship. She can say things that lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, and a breakup is inevitable, and then she will cry into her pillow all night, wondering why everything happened this way. But no one will ever know about this, as she will joke and laugh even more than usual. Like the Sagittarius man, it is difficult to persuade her to marry. It takes a lot of patience to get her for a wife.

But the prospect of remaining an old maid does not scare either, since they have a lot of different interests and they know how to derive pleasure from life under any circumstances. Since they neglect public opinion and are afraid of marriage, it is easy to conclude that these women are completely devoid of romanticism and sentimentality. Believe me, it's not like that at all. Such a girl or woman usually sheds streams of tears while watching a melodrama, she revels in poetry, and she probably keeps every letter she receives from you, a dried bunch of flowers, or tickets to a hockey game where you first met.

Many of the Sagittarius women go to actresses and succeed in show business, but, tired of the bright light of Jupiters, they are not averse to basking in the hearth. They are unimportant housewives, but strictly perform their duties around the house, although they do not like washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. Sometimes they need to be allowed to "ventilate" and let go a little travel.

Sagittarius women are persistent and lucky. They rarely have a bad mood, then she can become caustic, but everything passes quickly.

The Sagittarius wife, better than other signs of the Zodiac, receives and entertains guests, in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and hospitality of the hostess.

Sagittarians, ruled by the planet Jupiter, are incorrigible idealists. She, of course, admits to you that she fell in love with your image as a child, and then made several mistakes, mistaking someone else for you. When you finally appeared, she immediately recognized you and gave you her hand and heart, and is happy that she found you.

Sagittarians are usually not overly hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial sense of increased responsibility, behave like kind older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children and sometimes turning the house into a real circus. Gaiety, laughter, optimism, besides honesty, courage, intelligence bring up excellent children, children adore them. The lack of discipline is the only thing that the Sagittarius mother can be reproached for.


Rudeness and even rudeness are the main character traits that a new employee notices in his Sagittarius boss. But, looking closer at him, he will find in him something of Don Quixote. Isn't it strange? A month or two after a new employee has unsuccessfully tried to explain to a manager that this is not the way to treat subordinates and clients and that therefore he is going to resign, he suddenly finds that he is: a) honest and truthful; b) democratic, sincere; c) criticizes only openly; d) always ready to apologize for the insults; e) generous when it comes to bonuses and vacations, and f) generally a good guy, "one on the board."

If you suddenly lost "in the smoke" on the races, he will not refuse to give you a monthly advance, only reproaching you for not consulting with him on which horse to bet on. And if you suddenly had a serious quarrel with your girlfriend and go as if lowered into the water, he will let you go after dinner so that you can quickly make peace.

Sagittarius fiercely fights for his business and the prestige of the company and this causes respect for himself. So who is your boss - a sinner or a saint? Rather, both, and more, like all people ruled by Jupiter.

The Sagittarius leader loves travel, change, freedom, devotion, creative employees, big plans, bright lights, animals, good food and drink, does not tolerate selfishness, pessimism, stinginess, hypocrisy, secrecy, cruelty, deceit. Working with such a person, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but today is fun.


Sagittarius-employee brings a pleasant variety to the team. He is not a whiner, and if he sometimes inadvertently knocks over a filing cabinet or floods the papers with an upturned cup of coffee, then he fully compensates for this with his cheerful disposition and unfailing willingness to help in any business. Most employees born in November-December do not die of modesty when they are praised by their superiors, because they believe that they are also underestimated. The promise of the boss that in a year or two Sagittarius will receive an increase in salary does not suit the latter much: give him money now. Nevertheless, Sagittarians-employees are very diligent and conscientious workers. They do everything very quickly and from the outside it may seem that even carelessly, but the brilliant intuition that Jupiter awarded them does not allow them to make mistakes. These employees are extremely curious and are not content with just one order from their superiors - they definitely need to know what lies behind it. When being in the office makes such an employee feel sad - send him to air on a business trip - after all, they all love to travel, and they always have a suitcase with everything they need at the ready.


Famous people born under the sign of Sagittarius:
Ludwig van Beethoven, Walt Disney, Grimaldi, Pope John XXIII, Maria Callas, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, D. Carnegie, John Milnon, Frank Sinatra, N. Karamzin, N. Nekrasov, A. Lunacharsky.
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