Ruslana. Meaning of the name. Relationships and family life. Love and family relationships

Ruslan is a truly international name, common in Russia and many other countries. The name has ancient eastern roots, and comes from the Turkic name Arslan, which means "lion" in translation. Researchers believe that the name Ruslan came into use after the publication of A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Starting from the 10th-11th centuries, the generally accepted tradition of naming children according to Orthodox saints excluded the use of this name in Rus' until the 19th century. The name continued to be used on the territory of Russia by Muslim peoples, and therefore was not completely forgotten. After the 1917 revolution, it became official. Now the name Ruslan is no longer perceived as Muslim, since boys of various nationalities are called this way, including Catholics and Orthodox.

Among the famous owners of the name Ruslan, one can note such outstanding personalities as the poet-publicist Ruslan Khasbulatov, the first president of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, Russian football players Ruslan Nigmatullin and Ruslan Pimenov, Ukrainian chess player Ruslan Ponomarev and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In Orthodoxy there are no saints with the name Ruslan, therefore the holy martyr Rustik, presbyter of Paris, is considered the heavenly patron of all Ruslans. It is with this name that Ruslan should approach the Sacraments, ask for protection and help. This saint is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, in the St. Danilov Monastery there is his icon.

According to legend, Rustik accompanied St. Dionysius during his wanderings around the world. He converted many to Christ, for which he was seized by the pagans and thrown into prison. For spreading Christianity and unwillingness to renounce Christ, Saints Rusticus and Dionysius were subjected to cruel tortures and then beheaded.

All owners of the name Ruslan, baptized under the name Rustik, can celebrate their name day on October 16th.

Personality characteristic

Ruslan is the owner of a phlegmatic type of character, which means he is calm, balanced, conservative. The energy of the name gives a man masculinity, firmness, justice. He is lucky in life, endowed with great strength, both physical and mental, is not afraid of any work and is always successful.

Of the negative character traits, one can answer Ruslan's narcissism, his constant desire to assert himself and prove his superiority. He is very attracted to various awards, awards, promotions - all this amuses his pride, allows him to feel his importance. Ruslan perceives any gift of fate as a tribute to his personality.

Ruslan is a person with an active social position, leading a rich, full of impressions life. Sometimes he lacks independence, which is more than compensated by activity in society. He is a liberated personality, and energy comfort will always come first for him. Ruslan makes contact easily even if the interlocutor is unfriendly.

Ruslan longs for communication, cannot imagine himself without society, always speaks more than he listens. Everything he does is done with his heart, all emotions are natural - Ruslan can quite sincerely cry from resentment and happiness.

This person is not prone to introspection, but this does not mean that he has a poor inner world. Under unfavorable factors, Ruslan can really become a superficial person - not delving into the essence of the matter, rarely thinking about his own or other people's words, living one day. Everything will depend on willpower, self-organization, efforts and, to a large extent, on education.


Little Ruslan is a restless and capricious child, requiring increased attention to himself. He is characterized by excessive emotionality, a violent expression of emotions and desires. He is cunning, he learns early to skillfully manipulate adults, to play on their feelings.

The kid does not like loneliness, prefers cheerful companies and noisy games. It is difficult for a boy to "bridle" his emotions, and parents need to teach the child how to behave in a given situation. It is very important to direct the overflowing energy of the baby in a positive direction - for example, give him to engage in a sports section. At the same time, it is very important to develop patience and perseverance in Ruslan, without which it will be difficult for him to study at school.

It is very important that parents become friends for the growing Ruslan, who will always understand and support, and not strict judges and critics.


To maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, it is enough for Ruslan to eat right and not acquire addictions. But Ruslan often tests his health for strength, follows his whims, can get involved in gambling and everything that will add adrenaline to his blood.

He is prone to depression, especially with a lack of communication, misunderstanding on the part of people close to him. But still, Ruslan pays a lot of attention to his appearance, which allows him to maintain good physical shape for a long time.


Ruslan is attracted to spectacular women with a pronounced sexuality. He likes to treat his woman like a spoiled princess, to be proud of her appearance. And women reciprocate - as a rule, a man never feels a lack of fans.

Ruslan's sexuality is active, bright, dominant. He can charm women with his assertiveness and determination, a strong "masculine principle" is the main secret of his success with the opposite sex. Next to him, it is easier for a partner to show her “feminine principle” - to feel weak, fragile, in need of protection. However, often the novels of this man turn out to be short-lived, and feelings are superficial.

Behind the facade of Ruslan's self-confidence lies the fear of failure and doubt, therefore, like any other man, he needs a woman who is not only liberated, but also quite delicate, generous with praises.

Marriage and family, compatibility

As a rule, the owner of the name Ruslan is a good family man who values ​​his loved ones. The wife and children will feel protected next to a man for whom the family will always be a priority. But Ruslan will not allow even his beloved wife to command and impose his lifestyle. He is possessive and jealous, which sometimes greatly complicates family life.

Ruslan's house is always open for friends, he is a wonderful host and hospitable person. A man prefers active leisure, so it’s good if the family lives in a private house or has a summer house. Ruslan's wife will have to learn to pay enough attention to her husband, otherwise he will easily find solace on the side. In addition, a man completely lacks such a concept as “personal territory”, therefore, it should be accepted that he will not perceive the “personal territory” of his wife either. Ruslan will seek to control everything and everyone around him.

The most successful marriage for Ruslan is possible with women named Irina, Oksana, Olga, Tamara, Margarita, Natalya and Elena. Relationships with Valeria, Marina, Sophia, Yana, Christina, Veronika should be avoided.

Business and career

Ruslan is an energetic, active, sociable, gambling man. Monotonous, painstaking work that does not contribute to the disclosure of potential is not suitable for such a person. Ruslan longs for recognition, and he needs a profession in which he can satisfy his thirst for communication, always be in sight.

Ruslan can make a brilliant lawyer, teacher, law enforcement officer, politician, free entrepreneur or advertising agent. In leadership positions, he will also feel quite comfortable. But Ruslan is not ready to win his positions slowly, he wants everything at once, which can prevent him from building a successful career. It is tuned for fast results.

In general, Ruslan can be called a careerist who, for the sake of professional success and public recognition, is ready to work hard and hard. In a team, he feels like a fish in water, has an innate ability to win over people and use their energy to achieve his goals.

Talismans for Ruslan

  • The ruling planet is the Sun.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Virgo and Leo.
  • The most successful time of the year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are green, orange, brown.
  • The totem animal is a lion, symbolizing strength, confidence, personal power, as well as "predatory" feelings - such as anger and aggression. The lion totem makes a person control his temperament and aggressive impulses, teaches him to correctly express his emotions so as not to scare people away from himself.
  • Totem plant - plane tree and dandelion. The plane tree (or plane tree) is an ornamental tree that embodies mercy, firmness of character and love. The ancients believed that the plane tree deepens consciousness and enhances attention, so many scientific discussions took place under this tree. Since ancient times, this tree has been surrounded by honor and respect among various peoples of the world. Dandelion is a symbol of healing and hope. An infusion of this unpretentious flower will help to find healing from many diseases for people whose totem it is.
  • Talisman stone - jasper and aventurine. Jasper is a magical stone that protects from the evil eye, evil thoughts and rumors. The stone is a vigilant keeper of any hiding places, for example, with documents or family heirlooms. If there are jewelry or jasper products in the house, family relationships become more harmonious and calm. The stone can become a talisman of good luck, family happiness and material wealth. Aventurine helps a person to reveal the subconscious and hidden creative potential, and also helps in finding the meaning of life. The stone has a positive effect on the psyche of its owner, calming and removing negativity.


Aries- nature passionate, open, optimistic. He is always full of ideas and plans for the future, sometimes he likes to brag and thus cause a storm of applause. Ruslan-Aries has an imperious, outstanding character, and a weak nervous system. He is often hindered by a complete lack of diplomacy and an inability to subtly approach different situations. In the family and in the team, the despotism inherent in a man often manifests itself - he seeks to control everyone and everything, to always be aware of all events. Very often, behind the external self-confidence of Ruslan-Aries, sentimentality and an inferiority complex are hidden. For this reason, he can be very jealous, although he himself will not lose interest in other women until old age.

Taurus- a demanding, direct person who does not know how to play up and deceive. He is cautious and slow, practical, used to planning everything in advance, and not living one day. This is a business person who knows how to work and “make” money, who is not afraid of any, even the hardest physical labor. Ruslan-Taurus, like no one else, embodied all the qualities of a real man, and he needs the same wife - appreciating traditional family values, impeccably faithful and economic. He himself does not belong to the category of irresponsible Don Juan, and the financial side of life with him is excellent. Divorce in the family of Ruslan-Taurus is practically impossible, but if this still happens, then the man will worry for a long time, and he will not marry a second time soon.

Twins- person is charming, artistic, sociable. In society, he behaves violently, in every possible way tries to draw attention to his person. He has a lively and critical mind, and his character is very changeable and difficult to understand. For all its seeming openness and goodwill, this is a very secretive person who never reveals his true plans, thoughts and feelings. The process of adaptation to new circumstances and society takes Ruslan-Gemini a minimum of time, but most of his knowledge is superficial, and friendship is not durable. A woman in his society receives a huge amount of attention, however, family life with him is not stable both financially and in terms of relationships. Usually in the life of Ruslan the Twin, more than one marriage happens.

Crayfish- a delicate person, filled with a sense of inner nobility, but at the same time not too self-confident. He has a very fine mental organization, characterized by sensitivity and emotionality. But most of his grievances and emotions are not noticeable to others, because, afraid to show his vulnerable soul, Ruslan-Rak hides behind a mask of composure and a wonderful sense of humor, sometimes turning into sarcasm. He can truly open up only to close people, therefore, like no one else, he needs words of support and love, and criticism should be very careful and delicate. The priority in life for this man will always be his family and children - he will make a faithful, caring, loving spouse and caring father. “Both in sorrow and in joy ...” - for Ruslan-Rak, these are far from empty words.

a lion- a bright, extraordinary personality, a great adventurer and optimist. Often in his aspirations, he ignores all prohibitions and goes over the heads, although there is no deliberate cunning and meanness in his nature. On the contrary, he is noble and indulgent, especially to those who are weaker and less successful. However, the ambitions of Ruslan-Lev do not always keep pace with his capabilities, so there is a danger of getting stuck in a debt hole for a long time. Love for beautiful women and a luxurious, carefree life make a man look for a way to make good money, although he is not interested in money in itself, and he spends it easily. In the family, he will definitely be a leader, sometimes despotic and very jealous, but in return he will give a lot - all his bright love, care and loyalty. But a woman should never step on his sick pride and always remember that much more can be achieved with praise and a kind word from Ruslan-Lev than with reproaches and resentment.

Virgo- a proud and businesslike man, striving for perfection in everything. He is practical, prudent, not sprayed on trifles and is sure that any problem can be sorted out and solved in a logical way. Ruslan-Virgo has a strong will, but sometimes he is too critical, selfish and picky. Caution in everything is his life principle, which protects him from great losses, but also does not lead to great success. By nature, a man is not too romantic, but he treats his family with great trepidation and does everything so that his loved ones do not need anything. Living together with Ruslan-Deva will be stable, without scandals and major financial upheavals, so he needs a calm, homely wife who does not require romance and frequent changes. A man does not aspire to become the head of the family, but he will not allow himself to be pushed around.

Scales- a romantic, imposing man, a real conqueror of women's hearts. Due to his natural charm, he is able to find a common language with the most reserved person, it is easy to join any team. Ruslan-Libra is a born diplomat who avoids conflicts and open quarrels in every possible way, and does not like to take responsibility. By nature, he is not a leader, although he cannot be denied practicality and rationalism. He can save up money for something for a long time, and then spend it in one day in a burst of generosity. This person takes marriage extremely seriously, but even in this case, he will always cheat on his wife. The doors of Ruslan-Libra's house are always open for many friends, and he will spend part of the time with them outside the house. But at the same time, the wife will not feel deprived of something - the care and attention of this man will be enough for everyone.

Scorpion- a strong-willed, courageous, purposeful person, very demanding of himself and others. Sometimes he can be cruel and dangerous, as he is afraid of only one thing in this life - losing his loved ones. Neither people's rumors, nor the loss of one's own reputation, no dangers and difficulties can frighten or break him. However, a passionate nature is hidden under external equanimity, but the man does not allow himself to relax for a minute. The life of Ruslan-Scorpio is active, intense - to any business, like passion, he gives himself completely and without a trace. Next to him, only the same bright, passionate nature can get along, which is not afraid of the unbridled temperament of a man. A wise woman will find in the person of Ruslan-Scorpio a wonderful husband and a caring father to her children. But she will have to learn one inviolable rule - her husband is the head of the family, and this will never change.

Sagittarius- a sincere, open man, with a charming smile and a clear mind. His bright head is always full of ideas, his character is full of optimism, and his soul is always young. Under the influence of his light aura, others also see the world in brighter colors and begin to believe in miracles. Brilliant business qualities, the ability to think strategically and work with information, including fundamentally new, help Ruslan-Sagittarius to realize his many ideas. A man is always open to new knowledge and new technologies. A man looks at the marriage bond with great apprehension, as he is afraid of any obligations and is very afraid of losing his independence. But even with this arrangement of marriages in the life of Ruslan-Sagittarius, there is usually more than one. A cloudless family life cannot be a guarantee that one day a man will not want to regain freedom.

Aquarius- the personality is original and independent, easy-going and pleasant in communication. It is difficult for him to tune in to achieving one goal, so his plans are rarely implemented, and the results are not always satisfactory. The nature of Ruslan-Aquarius is unpredictable - he is capable of dangerous adventures and strange deeds, easily relates to violations of various rules, laws, morality. Family life with this man is as unstable as his financial situation. In his wife, he wants to see, first of all, a friend and like-minded person who will listen to him, delve into, sympathize with. The owner of it will turn out to be not important, as well as the getter. Ruslan-Aquarius is not characterized by responsibility, he will not understand the intricacies of the female soul, and if family life ceases to suit him, he will easily break off relations.

Fish- a person with a fine mental organization, endowed with a vivid imagination. Possessing great natural potential and many talents, he experiences difficulties in realizing them, as he is very unsure of himself and does not know how to deal with circumstances. He prefers to go with the flow and wait for the gifts of fate, rather than act. But with wise, and most importantly, tactful leadership, Ruslan-Pisces can achieve significant results. He is not a spender at all and knows how to count money perfectly, but the main thing in his life is love and family. He really needs a strong rear, a reliable and comfortable home, where he is loved and expected. He needs guardianship and moral support, which a man receives first from his parents, and then wants to receive from his wife. She will need a lot of patience and love to withstand the impracticality and some irresponsibility of her husband, as well as his touchiness.

But much less widespread. The name Ruslana in the female form is used in only a few Slavic countries.

The original name Ruslan has an unclear etymology, although there are even several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Ruslan is a modified name Rustem. The name did this transformation in the culture of the Turkic peoples, and only then it got into the Russian language. It is believed that the name Rustem came to the culture of the Turkic peoples from the culture of their Iranian-speaking peoples. In the Iranian-speaking culture, the name Rustem was borne by one of the heroes of the Shahnameh epic.

According to another version, the name Ruslan comes from the Scandinavian Rysaland. This name in Scandinavian culture was borne by the land known to us as Kievan Rus.

The meaning of the name Ruslana for a girl

A girl named Ruslana has an active and changeable character. It is difficult to bring up a girl with this name, because she is quite a capricious and nervous child. This problem is also characteristic of boys named Ruslan. It is best to exclude from the life of the child any factors that increase the nervous tension of the child. Watching TV (computer) and even smaller multimedia media have a rather destructive effect on the nervous system. Watch the girl, after which her mood changes for the worse, and then exclude this from her life.

Ruslana is quite an inquisitive girl, but her mobility does not allow her to keep her attention in the lessons sufficiently. It is best if the lesson time is reduced, but in a modern school this is quite difficult. It is very useful for a child to play sports. This will allow you to direct motor activity in a positive direction, and be calmer in the classroom. With all this, Ruslana has a good wit, which speaks of a creative nature.

Ruslana's health is strong. Her weak point can be called the nervous system, but in general she is a very healthy girl. If the child goes in for sports, then this will create an even greater positive reserve. The girl likes to spend a lot of time outdoors, which of course has a positive effect on well-being.

Ruslan's short name

Diminutive names

Ruslanka, Ruslasha, Ruslanya, Ruslanochka, Ruslanushka, Rusichka, Rusinka, Lanochka, Lanushka.

Ruslan's name in English

There is no name Ruslana in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Ruslana.

Ruslan's name for a passport- RUSLANA.

Translation of the name Ruslan into other languages

Church name Ruslan(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. This name is not in church calendars.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

An adult Ruslana can be described as an impulsive, energetic and strong-willed woman. She is more restrained than in childhood, but still her impulsiveness and sudden mood swings confuse others. All this is adjacent to the ocean of energy, and strong-willed qualities complete the picture. She looks down on people who don't stand their ground. He loves to argue and is not at all afraid of conflicts. With all this, Ruslana knows how to make a good impression. Her zest for life and optimistic attitude attract people to her, as well as her excellent ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Ruslana works most successfully in the creative direction. She shows inclinations even in childhood, which often becomes the beginning of a long path to success. Her fate in trade is no less successful, but Ruslana herself has a different opinion about this. Trade does not impress Ruslana for a long time in terms of self-satisfaction. It is worth noting that she has excellent intuition and a flair for successful novelties. Ruslana's non-standard thinking allows you to see the useful where no one would ever think.

In family relationships, the male part of Ruslana's character is manifested. She is constantly trying to take a leading position in a relationship, which of course does not particularly please her partner. If she still succeeds, then soon she herself will stop liking such a man. Ruslana needs an even more courageous and strong-willed person than herself. It is with such a man that she can be happy. Ruslana does not like to do household chores and does not accept the concept of "women's housework" at all. However, over time, this situation will change for the better. The longer Ruslana is married, the more calmly and balanced she approaches everything in her life.

The secret of the name of Ruslan

Ruslana's secret can be called the fact that she quite often commits rash acts. Unfortunately, this has been the case throughout her life. She often regrets what she has done, but is completely unable to correct herself. Relatives have to put up with this peculiarity of hers, and of course help her get out of the current situations.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Wood- Ash.

Plant- Sorrel.

Stone- Fire Opal.

This is a very interesting, peculiar personality, well aware of his own worth and requiring recognition from others. The meaning of the name Ruslan does not have an unambiguous interpretation.

Where is Ruslan from?

In most cases, the name is attributed to the Turkic, as a derivative of the common Arslan - "lion". By the way, that is why the symbol of a lion is considered to be Ruslan's talisman. Other interpreters note the European or Slavic origin of the name Ruslan. But the fact remains: this name is often found in both the Christian and Islamic worlds. It is especially popular among the peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

Little Ruslan

As a child, he is very capricious and capricious. This child literally weaves ropes from parents, and he always gets what he wants.

He is very smart, precocious, reasonable and incredibly cunning. Studying is easy for him, and this often discourages him, and he continues to study “on the machine”. Little Ruslan is very sociable, however, he prefers to be among adults than to play with children of his age. That is why he does not like to go to kindergarten - after all, there you need to obey the general rules, but he cannot stand this. After all, he should be the center of attention!

Ruslan in his youth

He always has many friends, but he is rarely disinterested. In everything, he should see a benefit for himself (not necessarily material) - in friendship, in studies, in relationships, in work.

More than anything in the world, he values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom, while he will not rush headlong into any activity. Ambition is another quality that contains the meaning of the name Ruslan. He must always be in sight, he wants to be noticed at all costs. And he succeeds.

Ruslan's career

In work, as in all his life, he longs for one thing - recognition. Seeing no prospects for career growth, he can cool down to his work and do it without any zeal. Not without reason, when choosing a profession, he prefers those types of activities where he will be in sight and will receive a quick return. Ruslans make brilliant artists, politicians, free entrepreneurs. The meaning of the name Ruslan also implies strength and external beauty, which helps him go through life with his head held high. How can one not recall the epic hero Ruslan from the poem by A. S. Pushkin!

Ruslan's personal life

The characteristic of the name Ruslan in this regard also does not get out of the general rut. In his personal life, in relationships with women, he must also dominate and be on top. When choosing a life partner, he, paradoxically, is guided by

his main principle: everyone should pay attention to him and admire his choice. But at the same time, he is insanely jealous, the sense of ownership in him is so strong that he can arrange a scene of jealousy right in public. Even being a good father to his children, he expects others to recognize his incredible fatherly qualities.

What's in a name?

The meaning of the name Ruslan, even in one sound, creates a feeling of something bright, dynamic, beautiful, but unpredictable. And this is quite consistent with the image of a man whose name is Ruslan.

According to the version most common and recognized by most people, the male name Ruslan is the Russian version of the Turkic name Arslan (Aslan), which has the proud and majestic meaning of "lion".

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    general characteristics

    Sometimes the meaning of the name Ruslan is translated as "blond".

    Short forms:

    • Russia;
    • Rusik;
    • Ruslanka;
    • Ruslanchik;
    • Rustic;
    • Russia;
    • Ruska.

    This male name has a powerful energy that determines his fate. Such a person has a developed intellect and unprecedented endurance. Proud, strong, conceited Ruslan always knows what he wants and achieves it by any means.

      Some people with a similar name are touchy and vindictive - they do not know the word "mercy", do not forgive other people's mistakes and do not give anyone a second chance. Ruslan has few true friends, and this is not surprising, because for his own benefit he is ready to deceive and substitute.

      Ruslan has such negative qualities of character as pride and stubbornness. Sometimes men with this name are petty, vindictive, prudent and selfish.

      Childhood and youth

      Little Rusik grows up as a harmful, capricious, emotional child. He does not tolerate various criticism (even if it is useful and justified), therefore he perceives any attempt to point out errors with hostility. But Rusya loves praise, and so much so that if she does not receive it from her entourage, she immediately begins to take offense. Getting along with the baby is difficult, but this does not mean that parents are obliged to indulge his fickle desires.

      Despite the negative character traits, the future energy of the child can be directed in a positive, creative direction. Grown up Ruslan will be grateful to you for the reverent love for sports or creativity that you instilled in him in early childhood.

      In adolescence, the guy's character becomes more explosive, dangerous and selfish. He does not particularly care about the opinion of teachers, parents and other people of the older generation. The young man constantly gets involved in various adventures and agrees to any risky actions, without thinking at all about the consequences. Peers are afraid of Ruslan because of sharp attacks of aggression and temper, but respect him for his bold, original decisions and hardened character. Despite this type, the guy is smart beyond his years, so he consistently gets good or excellent grades, sometimes even among the best students.

      Relationships and family life

      Most of the men with this name have a strong, toned physique, because they are actively involved in sports, and with enviable regularity. It is not surprising that Ruslan enjoys such great popularity among a variety of girls, because his appearance attracts. However, the man named Ruslan is not at all in a hurry to choose a faithful companion - stormy, passionate novels in the life of a young man flare up as quickly and suddenly as they go out and fade away. Throwing another beauty into the abyss of mental suffering is in the order of things for him, but Ruslan will not tolerate the same act from a girl towards him, because this is a real blow to his male pride.

      Not every Ruslan is suitable for a strong, strong-willed, self-confident woman with a strong inner core. For relationships, especially long-term ones (in a family, for example), he will look for a soft, modest, flexible girl who is always ready to obey her man and agree with his opinion in any situation. Despite the fact that Ruslan can meet with some of the fair sex for quite a long time, he is in no hurry to get married, and if he does marry, then he must marry a woman with a stunning appearance, because marriage is another way for him to assert himself profitably.

      The first attempts at family life often turn out to be a failure for Ruslan, but the man hopes for the best, so he marries several more times. In a serious relationship, he always remains faithful to his partner, despite the huge number of fans who constantly surround his person. From a woman, Ruslan, in turn, requires mutual fidelity, therefore, if he finds out about the betrayal, he never forgives her. He becomes a good father and a good family man, but he does not feel any special love for children, even if he tries to do everything possible for them.

What does the name Ruslan mean?
Ruslana - this is a beautiful name in a literal translation into Russian means - "lioness".

origin of the name Ruslana:
This name came to us precisely from the ancient Turkic-Tatar languages, and it also has some Arabic roots.

Character transmitted by the name of Ruslan:
So the name Ruslan is, first of all, a derivative of such a male name as Ruslan. And today, more and more, this name is becoming incredibly popular in Belarus, and in Russia, and in Ukraine. So these girls are most often bottle-fed, and this is probably why they grow up extremely restless, they sleep quite badly at night, they are irritable and even very capricious. Parents, as a rule, are not at all sweet at first with them. They are also a little lazy, and at the same time it is sometimes extremely difficult to make them, say, learn their lessons, and it is not at all easy to wake them up in the morning. But they are learning, meanwhile, quite well.

Among other things, this girl will always grow up very lively, and able to easily stand up for herself. And she won't let anyone hurt her. It should also be noted that Ruslana, as they say, “will not go into her pocket for a word,” she will simply rebuff any of her offenders at that very moment. But at the same time, she simply cannot afford to listen to someone, since she does not possess any kind of restraint at all.

In early childhood, there are always many friends around Ruslana, and it should be noted among them there are still a greater number of boys.

Later, already growing up, this girl becomes a little softer, much more tolerant, but she, as a rule, does not give up all those leadership positions all her life. Often she has a rather high opinion of herself, but she usually understands other people very poorly, and besides, she is capable of doing some absolutely rash acts, and I must say, in which she can later repent greatly.

Outwardly, always attractive Ruslana is very popular with many men, however, despite this, she chooses a husband for herself for an incredibly long time. This is probably because she takes this important step in her life too seriously. She is unusually charming, extremely sensual, which practically guarantees her incredible success with the entire male half of humanity. Usually, the family life itself for this interesting woman named Ruslana, as a rule, always develops successfully, although, of course, she cannot be called some kind of super exemplary hostess at all. She does not like to do numerous household chores or worries at all and tries to shift them as much as possible to her husband or to the woman who will live with her, perhaps it will be either her mother or mother-in-law. But she is much more willing to raise her children, and at the same time she also prefers to always be the absolute leader in her family. Mad love for her children often makes her choose the specialty of a teacher or just an educator as a profession. She will also be able to work even as an engineer or somewhere in the field of active trade.

Among other things, it must be noted that Ruslana will never cheat on her husband, however, she will definitely require exactly the same absolute fidelity from him. The color of this beautiful name is always matte scarlet. And her talisman is jadeite, if we talk about her totem animal, then this is definitely a zebra.

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