RBC report on the 62 oncology hospital. Alexander Burlakov: An oncologist should always be a psychologist. Moles as a risk factor

The 62nd oncological hospital in Moscow, which many patients rightly consider the best specialized institution in the country, is being optimized, and the head doctor Anatoly Makhson is leaving his post.

News from LiveJournal

At the end of November, the popular culinary blogger Stalik Khankishiev appeared on LiveJournal, in which he talked about what his family had to face when Karina, Stalik's daughter, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The family received advice on treatment in one of the German clinics, as well as in the Moscow city oncological hospital No. 62 - the recommendations received by the doctors turned out to be similar. The doctors managed to cure Karina: they coped with an aggressive form of breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. The woman is now healthy, and the boy who was born to her is absolutely healthy.

In his publication, Stalik Khankishiyev said that he had heard from his daughter that the hospital might be closed. For clarification, Stalik turned to the chief physician of the 62nd hospital, Anatoly Makhson. It became clear that the hospital was not being closed, but was being optimized. However, the word “optimization” in Russian healthcare has not been associated with anything good for some time now.

The publication of Khankishiev caused a resonance, collecting hundreds of comments and reposts. Users shared their opinions about the hospital, staff, treatment - in short time many have been written positive feedback about the medical facility.

From autonomous to budget

The capital's Department of Health denied information about the optimization of the 62nd hospital, however, the hospital will turn from an autonomous institution into a budget one. This is the order of the Moscow government of November 8, 2016.

What does it mean? This means that the hospital will not be able to purchase medicines for patients, acting in accordance with federal law No. 223-FZ, independently negotiating with drug suppliers. After the status change for the 62nd hospital, only centralized purchases will become available - through the Department of Health of the City of Moscow (this is regulated by Law No. 44-FZ).

Anatoly Makhson said that the prices for medicines purchased in the course of such centralized purchases are several times higher than for purchases organized under No. 223-FZ. Here are just a couple of examples: in 2016, hospital No. 62 purchased zoledronic acid for 1,019 rubles per vial, while the health department spent from 4,135 to 17,125 rubles on the packaging of the same medicine. A pack of Paclitaxel cost the hospital 1,337 rubles and the department 2,636 rubles.

The cost of drugs purchased by the Department of Health has increased every year - in 2014, a bottle of irinotecan cost 518 rubles, and in 2015 - 5844 rubles. The hospital purchased the medicine in 2016 at a price of 1,213 rubles per vial.

Saving Lessons

Moscow Vice Mayor for Social Affairs Leonid Pechatnikov explained that Anatoly Makhson received permission to purchase medicines with an expiring expiration date for the hospital - 2-3 months before it ends. It was profitable for suppliers to sell these drugs at a lower price, but this did not affect the effectiveness of the drug in any way - the manufacturer guarantees that the drug will retain its properties until the expiration date. Only the 62nd hospital had the opportunity to buy such medicines, no other oncological medical institution in the capital had such a right.

Pechatnikov noted that from January 1, 2017, Federal Law No. 223 will cease to operate in Moscow, which is being done to combat various abuses by other autonomous institutions. He explained that the rise in prices for medicines is connected with the directive letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation regarding the setting of the initial cost of the auction - it was recommended to indicate not the minimum price on the market, but the maximum one. Now, “the letter has been disavowed” and tenders will be carried out according to the same scheme that was used before it was received - that is, a scheme that allows saving.

Anatoly Makhson called Pechatnikov's statement "strange". He said that he was able to purchase medicines at a low cost, not only with a shortened, but also with a normal expiration date. He called the letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation advisory and optional.

No contract

Now it became known that the capital's health department does not plan to renew cooperation with Anatoly Makhson, who headed the hospital for 27 years. Makhson himself does not exclude the possibility that he will remain in the hospital as president of the hospital, "if the staff asks for it." The head of one of the surgical departments will most likely be appointed to the position of Makhson.

The hospital staff objects to the doctor's resignation from his position. Employees wrote open letter, under which about 700 signatures have already been put. They ask to refuse the reorganization of the hospital and extend the employment contract with Makhson.

Since mid-December, another check has begun at the hospital, conducted by the Moscow Health Department. Anatoly Makhson noted that this was the 16th inspection in 2016, and 34 of them were carried out over the past two years. No violations were found during them.

There will be no reorganization

The change in the status of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 was commented on by the Moscow Health Department. “There are no plans, let alone administrative documents for the closure of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 in the Department of Health of the City of Moscow . On the contrary, the Department of Health plans to further strengthen and develop this clinic. Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62 is one of the leading clinics in the capital in terms of oncology. It is equipped with the most modern laboratory, x-ray, endoscopic, ultrasound, surgical equipment. The hospital has the only molecular biological laboratory in the city healthcare system, which allows detecting genetic disorders and prescribing modern targeted drugs to patients. Over the years, the hospital has traditionally developed organ-preserving surgery for tumors of the bones, lungs, breast, and kidneys.

Changing the type of medical organization (from autonomous to budget) health insurance. The transition to a budgetary type of medical organization will allow organizing the activities of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “MGB No. 62 DZM” at the expense of funds received from insurance organizations for the provision of medical care and funds from the city budget. In addition, changing the type from autonomous to budgetary will allow streamlining the structure of medical organizations of the state health care system of the city of Moscow. The efficiency, quality and accessibility of medical care to residents of the city of Moscow, while maintaining the guaranteed volume of medical care, will remain unchanged.

“Changing the type of state or municipal institution is not a reorganization. When changing the type of state or municipal institution, appropriate changes are made to its constituent documents. Article 17.1. (Introduced federal law dated 08.05.2010 N 83-FZ). The Department also noted that "an audit is being carried out in connection with citizens' appeals for the quality of medical care in the 62nd Cancer Hospital, which is the basis for organizing and conducting unscheduled control activities."

What is the "optimization" of the 62nd hospital?
What are the true reasons for "optimization" and attempts to remove the head physician, who gave the hospital 27 years?
Why do patients lack medicine?
What to do to stop the outrages?

Before publishing this material, I decided to consult with wise people. One of them said:
- Stalik, I have a bad prognosis for the fight against corruption.
But I was not going to fight corruption, I do not want to get into politics, but I will fight for life to the last. Yes, we are talking about the life and death of almost millions of people. Silent in this case- a crime.
You don't have to get into this! - told me the second friend.
- We'll take care of everything! - promised the third.
But now, when the egregious facts, from which the hair stands on end, have been written on the medical portal.ru - why be afraid? On the contrary, let those who are engaged in "business" tremble, which I will talk about under the cut.

A few years ago, in order to save budget funds, it was decided that medicines for medical institutions would be purchased centrally, through auctions. Like, if you buy in bulk, it will come out cheaper and the auction itself should provide a minimum price. In addition, it is easier to control - all data is available on the website zakupki.gov.ru

First, the good news. Significantly more money was allocated for the purchase of drugs for the treatment of cancer patients in 2016 than before. Okay, right?
But along with the increase in funding... purchase prices have risen. Do you know how many times? Sit down and hold on to the arms of your chairs so you don't fall off.

Two years ago, A.N. Makhson, the head physician of the 62nd hospital, was the chief oncologist in Moscow.
In 2014, Irinotecan 100 mg was purchased at a price 518 rubles per bottle through auction No. 0173200000513001231.
In 2016, under the new chief oncologist of the capital, the same drug was purchased at a price 5 844 (five thousand eight hundred and forty four) rubles per vial through auction No. 0173200000515001479.
At the same time, in the same 2016, the 62nd hospital, which had the right to independently purchase at the expense of earned money, purchases Irinotecan at a price 1213 rubles. Such an increase in the price of the drug can be explained by a change in the exchange rate. But how to explain the increase in prices by more than ELEVEN (!) TIMES public procurement?

Don't believe me? Check - all data is open on the website zakupki.gov.ru
As a result, in 2014, the Moscow city health department purchased 7,500 packs of Irentoekan, and in 2016, only 4,765 packs. At the same time, the money for the purchase of Irentoekan in 2016 was spent approximately SEVEN TIMES MORE than in 2014.

Listen again: 37 patients out of 100 will die because they will not get Irenotecan at a sevenfold increase in the cost of purchasing this drug.

Of course, Makhson A.N. with his independent purchases at a price almost five times cheaper, he spoiled the whole picture for businessmen and officials. This is probably why, by a decree of November 8, 2016, hospital No. 62 was transferred from autonomous to budget. So that they don’t buy anything on their own, but treat the sick with what the state will issue. So that there is nothing to compare with, as it is written in the article.

Under the spoiler, I place a detailed, but far from complete document sent to me by Makhson A.N.

Analysis of the system of centralized procurement of chemotherapeutic drugs
for oncological hospitals in Moscow and additional medicinal
provision of oncological patients in Moscow.

For chemotherapy treatment of Muscovites under the CHI program, chemotherapy drugs were purchased for Moscow hospitals using the city's budget funds centrally, in order to "save" budget funds, because when buying in bulk, prices should be lower and easier to control.
Due to the lack of centrally purchased chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of patients under the compulsory medical insurance program, MGB No. 62 was forced to independently purchase drugs from extrabudgetary funds for the treatment of patients under the compulsory medical insurance program (more than 73 million rubles).
Due to the sharp rise in prices for domestic drugs in last years, a comparative analysis of purchases for 2015-2016 was carried out. basic chemotherapy drugs, which were carried out by the Department of Health of Moscow and GAUZ MGOB No. 62 according to the official website zakupki.gov.ru
Auctions for the purchase of drugs historically take place in the fall of each year so that drugs can arrive as early as January of the following year.
As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the price for a number of domestic drugs increased from 5 to 10 times from 2015 to 2016, which explains the increase in complaints from cancer patients about the lack of a number of chemotherapeutic drugs under the DLO program in Moscow in 2016.
So in autumn 2014, for treatment in 2015 - 7500 vials of Irinotecan 100mg. DZ of Moscow was purchased at a price of 518 rubles. For a total amount of 3,885,000.00 rubles. (auction No. 0173200000513001231), and in the fall of 2015 for 2016, the same drug in the amount of 4765 vials was purchased at a price of 5844.00 rubles. per bottle for a total amount of 27 846 660.00 rubles. (auction №0173200000515001479). In both cases it was domestic drug. Thus, the price of a domestic drug has risen more than 11 times over 2 years.
In addition, it is noteworthy that in 2016 the Moscow Oncological Hospital No. 62 made an independent purchase of the same drug (Irinotecan 100 mg), due to its lack of centralized supplies, in the amount of 2900 vials at a price of 1213.00 rubles. per bottle for a total amount of 3 517 700.00 rubles. (auctions No. 31603274973 and 31603597603). Thus, the overpayment of the DZ of Moscow amounted to at least 22,066,715.00 rubles.
The next example is for 2015. Moscow Department of Health is purchasing 9,000 vials of Paclitaxel 100 mg. at a price of 552.00 rubles. per bottle for a total amount of 4,968,000.00 rubles. (auction No. 0173200000513001218), and in 2016 the purchase of 8400 bottles of the same drug already cost the city 48,720,000.00 rubles, because a bottle of it already cost 5,800.00 rubles, i.e. more than 10 times more expensive (auction №0173200001415001172).
At the same time, MGOB No. 62 purchased 1,000 vials of this drug at a price of 1,304.82 rubles. per vial for a total amount of 1,304,820.00 rubles, or 4.5 times cheaper than with the centralized purchase of the same drug from Moscow DZ. In this case, the overpayment of the DZ of Moscow amounted to 37,759,512.00 rubles.
Another example - in 2015, the Moscow Department of Health purchases 8500 bottles of Docetaxel 80 mg. at a price of 3093.75 rubles. per bottle for a total amount of 26 296 875.00 rubles. (auction No. 0173200001414001436), and in 2016 the same drug is already purchased at a price of 19,474.95 rubles. (3226 bottles), i.e. more than 6 times more expensive, for a total of 62,826,188.70 rubles.
In the same year, MGOB No. 62 independently purchases this drug at a price of 7,500 rubles, almost three times cheaper, and the overpayment of the DZ of Moscow amounted to 38,631,188.7 rubles.
The next example is the purchase of the drug Zoledronic acid. DZ of Moscow in 2016 buys 13,564 packs. For the amount of 103 812 666.00 rubles. with a range of prices per package from 4 135.00 rubles. up to 17 125.00 rub. for packing. MGOB No. 62 in 2016 independently purchases 1490 packs. Zoledronic acid at a price of 1019 rubles. for packing. Thus, the overpayment of DZ only for this drug amounted to 89,990,950.00 rubles.
Only on the example of the purchase of 5 drugs, hundreds of millions of rubles were unreasonably overspent in the 2016 budget period of the Moscow Department of Health.
The fact is that until 2014, the formation of the starting price for auctions organized by the DZ of Moscow was carried out based on the results of negotiations and receipt commercial offers from manufacturers or suppliers medicines. Moreover, the starting prices for auctions were determined by the smallest offer. After the change in 2014 of the chief oncologist and head of the Moscow Department of Pharmacy, the initial price for the auction began to be formed based on the maximum registration price of the drug for this INN, which is arbitrarily determined by the supplier. This price has nothing to do with the cost of the drug. Usually, the highest registration price for each INN is held by original drug, generic manufacturers register it 10-15% less, but this does not reflect their real cost. At the same time, if there are not many possible suppliers of large volumes, most often 2-3 manufacturers, then there is a possibility of collusion between them: drugs are collected by one of the privileged distributors, which unites several manufacturers and they win the auction for the maximum possible price. At the same time, for the sake of order, they pretend to reduce prices by 15-20%, imitating budget savings for the buyer (or regulatory authorities).
As an example, we can cite an auction for the supply of oncological hospitals in Moscow with Docetaxel, announced by the Moscow Department of Health in November 2015. The auction was won by Pharmriva, and drugs from 4 different manufacturers with a range of prices for Docetaxel 80 mg from 17 to 26 thousand rubles. bottle.
MGOB No. 62 in 2016 independently purchased the drug Docetaxel 80 mg. in a vial for 7500 rubles, and the same drug was supplied to the hospital in a composite auction at a price of 25355.00 rubles. per bottle (auction 0173200001415001425). Interestingly, in the same auction, Docetaxel was supplied at 160 mg per vial (i.e., the dosage is 2 times more) at a price of 18794.80 rubles. - a large dosage was 25% cheaper than a widow of a smaller one.
Since there are currently a large number of generics on the market, and auctions are announced by INN (international generic name) a large number of producers can participate in them. At the same time, if suppliers and manufacturers fail to agree among themselves, and the auction price is formed at the registration price, the initial price can be reduced tenfold.
As an example, the following auction No. 0173200001416000647 for the purchase of
Anastrozole. The initial price is based on the registration price of the original drug Arimidex at 8,078.40 rubles. for packing. Auction price RUB 484,704,000.00 (60000 packs). As a result, the contract was won by Propharm for 18,000,000.00 rubles, i.e. 300 rubles each for packaging, i.e. the cost of the initial price of a package has decreased by 27 times. If the firms were able to agree, the cost of one package could reach thousands of rubles. However, what's the point of looking for almost half a billion rubles in the budget to buy a cheap drug, if it was known in advance that the price would fall so sharply. All previous purchases of this drug were also at a price several times lower than the cost of the original drug. All information about these purchases is available in open sources.
At the end of 2015, it was pointed out to the Chief Oncologist of Moscow and the head of the pharmacy department of the DZ of Moscow that with such an approach, as well as with large purchases of low-demand expensive drugs (the application was made with a clear predilection for individual manufacturers and distributors), no there will be enough funds to purchase the most important and sought-after anticancer drugs. And this will lead to a large number unsecured prescriptions. However, many patients will not receive necessary treatment or there will be long breaks in treatment. This is exactly what happened in May, June, July 2016, when a defect arose in several of the most important drugs at once. Only in polyclinic department MGOB No. 62, to which 2 districts of Moscow are attached, for 10 months of 2016 there were more than 3,000 unsecured prescriptions with a waiting period of up to 1.5 months. At the same time, some essential drugs(eg trastuzumab) and this led to more bigger problem in the treatment of cancer patients. Unfortunately, no conclusions were drawn in this case either. For 2017, the approach to drawing up an application and organizing auctions has not changed.
As a result of such a system of organizing centralized purchases of chemotherapy drugs, despite a significant increase in budgetary funds allocated for these purchases, the number of unsecured prescriptions under the DLO system is increasing. So in the polyclinic of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 in 2016, there were more than 3,000 unsecured prescriptions with a delay of up to 1.5 months. At the same time, the cycles of treatment of oncological patients are violated and, as a result, one should expect not a decrease in mortality from oncological diseases, but rather, on the contrary, an increase in it.

I ask you, fellow citizens, to check for yourself each figure from the above document. According to my most rough estimates, the overpayment for the purchase of only five drugs for the treatment of cancer patients amounted to 600 million rubles.
For this money, it would be possible to cure very, very many of those who died without receiving proper treatment. That's only five drugs!

I am not a revolutionary. I do not call to the barricades, I do not invite to rallies. Thanks to naive idealism, I hope that this information will be of interest to the competent authorities and they will sort out true reasons what is happening. But a sense of reality tells me that in the end we will be A.N. Makhson, the journalists who dared to write the truth, and I will turn out to be criminals.
Makhson has been in charge of the hospital for 27 years - if you dig deeper, you yourself understand. Well, the Fergana Forest that I robbed has long been demanding retribution.

Okay, to hell with them. Not afraid. What will they do to me? Will they go to jail for cooking books? Hit on the head with a piece of iron in a dark alley or shot? Yes, not from vodka and a cold, after all, to die! In this case, any option suits me, except for one: to die without medicine, in agony, simply because for someone your life is pah, a penny, a fraction of a percentage on foreign accounts and every day of their comfortable, cloudless existence is just a few fresh graves in "non-prestigious" cemeteries.

I am not a prosecutor. And I do not consider myself entitled to accuse people of committing a criminal offense on the basis of just some numbers there. But in a philistine way, I can ask myself the question: are there any signs in these actions corruption crimes? Or is it just "business, nothing personal"?
Wait, but this is just personal, moreover, personal, concerning each of us. Sooner or later, each of us will get sick or injured. And why should the duration of our lives depend not on the will of the Lord God, but on some fucking, nasty business?! So they'll be rowing grandmas with trucks, and we'll die? No, guys, this is definitely a crime, at least - moral! Do you understand what they do? By "earning" this money, they completely deprive millions of patients of the right to life! These are someone's children, parents. These are orphans left without maternal love. These are young people who died prematurely, who could have done a lot of good, and now lie in the ground.

On the one hand, we are shown on TV the results of the fight against corruption. They say that every major official, in fact, is under the hood. But these guys with clean hands, warm hearts and cold heads, which is that cap, do not see, yes, where our money goes and why PEOPLE DIE?!

Let's help them! This is our direct civic duty!
I am absolutely sure that together we are a huge force. We are from open sources we can find out the names of the owners and management companies that participated in the auctions, where signs of collusion are seen with the naked eye. Let's take a look at their progress. What are they doing there - what houses have they built for themselves, what yachts have they bought? How are our tears monetized, what joy did our grief give them?
I ask you: let the relatives of all the people who died of cancer this year and those who die next, know who to invite to the wake.

Or take the same officials. Those who put signatures do not even need to be calculated - everything is known. Why are they so cheeky? Why does the vice-mayor of the capital, Mr. Pechatnikov, after looking at the above documents, decide to transfer the 62nd hospital to the budget ones? In whose interests does he work - in ours or in the interests of those companies where the price of medicines suddenly increased 11 times in a year?!
I understand that now among high-ranking officials it is not very fashionable to answer people's questions. We will not wait for answers from Pechatnikov. But it is in our power to make sure that other people ask him our questions, in front of whom he will sit and tremble at attention. Let some kind of social competition arise between other people - who will be the first to ask our questions to this person. May he justify himself, may he turn out to be the most honest person on earth - I sincerely wish him this!

Many people wrote to me last time that a petition should be drawn up. Do you seriously believe in it? Do you believe that we will put anonymous signatures and something will change there, right? Well, okay, here's someone already. 8,300 people have already signed up. We can easily collect both 100,000 signatures and 400,000. The wording there is a little wrong, because they will say "There is no optimization, on the contrary, we decided to put such a good hospital on budgetary support, and we have so much money, funding increases every year!" And we know who is good from those money - not the sick, alas.
But let's see if it works or not.

But I know exactly what will work for sure. PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE AS WIDE AS YOU CAN! Because my previous article "My daughter got cancer" worked. All interested persons have read it. The noise has risen, the journalists are digging deep. Now we need to make sure that this very factual information becomes public, so that no rooftops can help, so that the bastards either run away from our country or sit down for a long time! Yes, of course, I would like to return the stolen to the budget - after all, how many lives could be saved for this money!

As a maximum program, I cherish the dream that among the new deputies in the State Duma there will be one daredevil who will submit a change to the criminal law for consideration. For theft and corruption in the field of medicine, the punishment should be the same as for the murder of more than two people by prior conspiracy, as part of a criminal group. Because in fact, from the point of view of morality, such theft is massacre. Those who steal cannot fail to realize that without medicine, the sick die. And good laws are those that are fully consistent with the morality that operates in society.

Natalya Poklonskaya, former prosecutor of the Crimea. For some reason I remembered you, I hope it's no coincidence. Here is your chance to stop all the sneers directed at you. Prove once again that you are an honest prosecutor, an honest deputy. Do whatever you can. In the next election, I promise to come to every election meeting and explain to voters what a wonderful person you are. And others will come, I'm sure.

PS I completely forgot to write that today I had a strange dream. I dreamed that the position of the head physician of the 62nd hospital had already been sold for 1,100,000 US dollars. I saw the money so brightly, they say, a million to someone there, and a hundred - to an intermediary. If only I could find out - am I the reincarnation of Joseph the dreamer?
Oh, scary, scary. Oh, I'm afraid. If something happens to me, then in a whisper, in the kitchens, with the radio turned on, tell each other about the reasons, about who benefited from it. Because I do not intend to be silent in any other way!

PPS Thanks to the vile actions of Maxim Novikovsky (Mirkushov, in fact), my Facebook has been blocked just since the publication of the previous article. And for me it is a very powerful platform for disseminating information. Please spread this article on Facebook as widely as possible, help me, yourself, your parents and children. Click on the social media logos above this paragraph - it costs nothing!

Originally posted by rusanalit at "Optimize" (close) the 62nd oncology hospital

Original taken from stalic Q My daughter has been diagnosed with cancer

It's very hard for me to talk about it. First, because we have never experienced such severe and prolonged pain. Secondly, because I know that people on the Internet are much meaner and meaner than in real life. Surely there will be scum who will try to hurt us even more.
But I have someone to write this text for. Because so many - alas - have yet to face cancer. And I understand that now our experience, knowledge and some information can help these people.


I had a friend, Sergei. I played in the ensemble in the 16th school, and he played in the 23rd.

Here he is in the middle.

And this is him in his student years. Red shoes are from that same rock and roll.

And then he moved to Kaliningrad. When I moved to Moscow, I came to visit me a couple of times during my holidays. I was happy.

Once I woke up at five in the morning, and his wife calls on Skype. Cries and says:
- Seryoga has lung cancer.
That's the same thing he complained about his heart, he thought that this heart hurts! And then there was, he called and said that his neck hurts and he was undergoing electrophoresis. It turned out - cancerous tumor grown.
I thought at first:
- Oh, cancer ... it's like that serious disease. Will he stay alive? We need to send them money for treatment and tell them not to return it.
And then I thought:
- Why is she calling me? Really, no one else? It turns out that I am the closest to them? Do they rely on me? Help? Take on this burden? Do I need it! But, stop, stop. Since the Lord sends, it means that for some reason it is necessary. Yes, on the other hand, if I don’t help him now, and if this happened to me, who will help me then?
Thoughts flashed through my head in an instant, and on Skype I said:
- Come to Moscow today! Let's get treated!

Oh, and I was arrogant then! I thought it was so easy to arrange a person from Kaliningrad for treatment in Moscow on December 25th.
First, Moscow is fenced off from the rest of Russia by an insurmountable palisade of bureaucratic regulations, pieces of paper and some kind of "pink coupons".
Secondly, on December 25, everyone who can make a decision is already resting.
To whom I just did not turn! To everyone, to all acquaintances, friends, friends of acquaintances. Several people helped me, especially dunduk_culinar - Marat Abdullaev. It was he who advised me to apply to the 62nd city oncological hospital, which is located on Novorizhskoye Highway, a dozen and a half kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. We got a "pink coupon" and drove off.
Council. Invite me:
- Who are you sick?
- I'm his friend. I am treating him.
- You see, his tumor is very large and is located in the upper part of the lung, one might say, near the shoulder. We need to do an operation - open the chest cavity, get to the tumor, take a piece of this tumor for a biopsy. Only then will we know which chemotherapy drugs should be used to treat him. But all this - after the New Year.
- When?! Yes, in the three days that I have, he has weakened right before my eyes! He can no longer climb the stairs to the second floor, his voice has disappeared. After the New Year - is it after the "old" New Year? Yes, a few more days for hospitalization, tests, preparation for the operation ... It will just be time to drink three glasses and a glass of compote.
I continued:
- Listen, because I see that you are all competent, experienced people. You almost certainly know what type of cancer he has, right? Let's start chemotherapy today, if we hit, we will continue, and if not, then we will act according to the proposed scheme.
The doctors reluctantly agreed. They took Sergei to the emergency room, and only then did he understand everything:
- Do I have cancer? I will die?
- Seryoga, what are you doing! You - well, so, there is some kind of tumor, you need to be treated, because many pass.
In the ward, besides him, there was a priest. Seeing that Sergei did not really like the hospital atmosphere, the priest said:
- And you should be baptized with both hands at once, that you got here, in the 62nd! I haven't been anywhere! You have not seen other hospitals, but here - order.
In fact, the ward was located in an old building, but it was quite clean there, a good bed, and warm. But a hospital is a hospital, you know.

And so, a young, smart, cheerful and cynical doctor comes and brings Seryoga with jars on his chest. Tubes, catheters. Explains to me and Sergey's wife what and how. Like, in three days you will pull out the catheter, and that’s all.
- Wait, doctor! How about we take him? Where? Home?
- Yes! Let's celebrate the New Year!
Wow! With such and such banks and tubes - I thought they were only in intensive care. I ask carefully for the second time:
- What can he do?
- To him? Now everything is possible for him! You think about yourself, what is possible and what is not. And now he doesn't care!
- What, and drink? And barbecue?
Yes, whatever you want!

A couple of days later, for New Year's table, Sergey has already cheered up. He reached for a barbecue, asked for cognac. And then he suddenly cleared his throat and, pretending to check the microphone, spoke:
- Once! Once!!! One two Three! Voice! The voice has arrived!
Hooray! The chemotherapists hit the mark!
After the second course, he felt even better, and I told his wife to go home. What is here? We can handle it ourselves!
He endured the third course worse, from the fourth he was very ill - he felt sick, vomited, but he understood that he had to be patient.
Closer to summer, radiotherapy began. And so, we are walking through the park of the 62nd hospital for the next session, and Seryoga says:
- Look, Stalik! Summer!
I say:
- So what? June! Yes, of course it's summer!
- And I'm alive!
I turned away so he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.

Seryoga returned to Kaliningrad, went to work. I went to a concert of my favorite rock band "Nazareth", gave me a CD autographed by Dan McCafferty and began to communicate with the priest from the church.
In the fall, he got worse again. I told his wife:
- Well, let there, in Kaliningrad, they will instill the same chemistry as in Moscow! What difference does it make where to drip?
I, a fool, could not even imagine that somewhere they would drip something different from what was in Moscow. They took it twice and he got worse.
- Let's then again to me, to Moscow!
By this time I was already familiar with the head physician of the hospital and knew how and where to get the same "pink coupon". (by the way, they have now been canceled, but this did not make it easier for non-residents)
Two cycles of chemotherapy in Moscow and suddenly Sergey comes to me and with some kind of evil fun of a doomed person says:
- BUT! All! I've been discharged! - And he slashed with his hand from top to bottom.
- What are you? How is it - written out? Did it get easier for you? Or will they do something else?
- Not! I was told that now I can go and be treated with folk methods.
Yes, how is it?! Let me call Anatoly Nakhimovich, the head physician.
- How it is? Why was he released?
- Stalik, we have done everything that is necessary. If we do something arbitrarily, and then he dies - and he will die for sure, this is already one hundred percent - then we will be to blame.
- So what? Nothing can be done?
- Well, there is one drug, dear, really. Tartseva. But it does not cure, but only prolongs.
I found such a drug for Sergey. Wrote in LiveJournal and someone gave us the rest after the deceased relatives, for free. Then he bought another pack with a good discount, because the expiration date was expiring in three months, but he would have had time to drink one pill a day. But he didn't.


My daughter was doing well. She graduated from college and got married. The husband is a great guy, hardworking, calm, self-confident. A girl was born. They moved to Moscow, we helped to buy an apartment, a car. And then my brother-in-law lost his job.
He was so worried about this that he ended up in the hospital. I arranged for treatment, everything ended well. We return with him from the hospital, and at home we are in for a great joy. Daughter says she's pregnant! A few months later, an ultrasound shows that there is a boy. They jumped up to the ceiling for joy!
Two weeks later, the son-in-law calls:
- We'll come, we need to talk.
What happened? Working day, he already got a job. Why isn't he at work? Why did he have a dull, unaccustomed voice?
They come, the daughter is crying. What? Are they getting divorced? What misfortune? And she:
- Dad, mom, I have cancer! breast cancer.

Just the day before, we had a married couple visiting us, where the wife also suffered from cancer, but was cured. I saw with my own eyes what she had a good appetite, she was cheerful, they would have said to dance - she would have danced. I to them:
- Where were you treated? In Germany? Give contacts! And you can’t talk to the doctor, maybe he will advise colleagues not in Munich, but in Berlin, where my sister lives?
The next morning I received a chain of letters by e-mail. Then the Germans corresponded until midnight, describing the situation to each other and consulting. As a result, I had the contact of the best surgeon-oncologist.
But besides that, I called the 62nd hospital. Anatoly Nakhimovich said:
- Stalik, pull yourself together, come in the morning.

Meanwhile, the daughter said that she felt the tumor two months ago. Went to the clinic. She was told to go to a mammologist. But by that time the mammologist had already "optimized" and she waited for an appointment for more than a month.
After all, I asked while my son-in-law did not have a job:
- Need money? Do you have money? Take it if you need!
But they didn’t take it, they were shy, but my daughter didn’t have several thousand rubles to go to a paid doctor. Okay, that was our mistake, of course. My children misunderstood the word "modesty" and used it in the wrong place. But think, how many women in Russia have nowhere to get this money from?! That is, many will not be able to get to the doctor on time, just like my daughter.
After all, the mammologist said:
- Immediately in oncology!
And the daughter did not want to scare us, she went somewhere herself, took tests, and came to us when it was already known for sure - cancer, third stage, metastases. Two months ago, the cancer was just beginning, it was then necessary to start treating it!
Thank you very much, optimizers, effective managers. I bow low at your feet. I pray to God that you never experience what I, father, experienced! And if something happens - you are celestials, you will be cured.

I'm also a guy not halam-balam. I had money - I saved up for an apartment for my son. I also borrowed from friends, they gave me everything from whom I asked. A classmate called
- Stalik, I have 12,000 dollars, come and take it!
- Lyuda, thank you, I have already collected enough money!
And half an hour later he calls again:
- Stalik, I still have a million rubles. Of these, I will need only half a million by the summer for my daughter's wedding, and you can return the rest when you have them.
- Thank you, Luda, if needed, I'll call, I'll come.
Not long before this, this Lyudmila's mother had died of cancer; she understood what we were facing. But we had no problems with money, and tens of millions of my fellow citizens have such problems. And you read further about how it is better not to get cancer if there is no money.

We arrived at the 62nd. The head physician summoned the head of the chemotherapy department, Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky. Karina was taken away somewhere, and they began to read the documents and look at the tests. I was told:
- Stalik, your daughter has a very severe form of cancer. The survival rate is as follows: for the first year 50%, for three years - 30%, for five years - 10%. Who lives longer than five years, we consider healthy.
And further:
- Get ready for the fact that you have already lost your daughter. Let's save the child.
Do you understand, can you imagine for a moment what I experienced that day?
But I wasn't about to give up. Karina underwent an emergency additional examination, and I was already preparing a visa, tickets, my sister made an appointment with a doctor, my sons ran about getting a residence permit - it was necessary to register Karina so that she could be treated in this particular hospital.
D.L. Stroyakovsky returned to the head physician's office with papers.
- Stalik, I looked. In the world, only 18 cases of such cancer during pregnancy have been studied. There is one way. Let's try. First 4 cycles of chemotherapy. Then C-section. After that, more chemistry, but here one medicine is needed, which is not yet available in Russia. It is very expensive - about 5,000 euros per ampoule. Every three weeks one ampoule during the year. Then the operation. Then radiotherapy.
- How to do chemotherapy during pregnancy?
- Starting from 4 months, the placenta does not miss chemotherapy, we will use special drugs, with caution.

Everything was spinning in my head, thoughts were confused.
- I'll still take her to Germany. I have money, I can't save on my daughter, I can't take risks.
- Stalik, in Germany you will fall into the hands of intermediaries, they will pull money from you. For what we did today, they will charge you 10-15 thousand euros, and then also treatment. It is enough to bring from there the medicine that we told you about.
- No, I'll go.
But the next day, I nevertheless took my daughter to the hospital and she received the first course of chemotherapy. A day later we were already in Berlin.

Thanks to my sister and contacts obtained through friends in Germany, we managed without intermediaries. The surgeon referred me to a fellow chemotherapist. A female professor, excellent English, friendly, self-confident. She looked at the documents and asked:
- You have all the tests, we trust our colleagues from the 62nd, we know them. What do you want from us?
- Please write a treatment plan.
And she began to write. Word for word everything that D. L. Stroyakovsky wrote.
Only she didn’t write about that expensive medicine. I asked why she did not want to use this medicine?
- But this is a very expensive medicine, we can try to do without it ...
- Listen, this money is being printed somewhere here in Germany, I will get it. But my wife will not give birth to my daughter again!
I asked how much it costs to be treated in Germany, how much an operation costs, how much radiotherapy costs. She convinced me that our surgeons, and especially in the 62nd, are no worse than in the Berlin Sherite Clinic. Yes, it is better to undergo radiotherapy in Germany, where the equipment is better, and therefore the doctors are more experienced - they simply have something to work on. And at the end she said:
- Well, if you have a desire to be treated, there is money, then all you have to do is pray to God and everything will be fine! Yes? Deal?
We were already leaving, and I remembered:
- Where is the money to pay?
- There's an ATM down there. If you wish, pay 500 euros there.
With the money saved, I took my daughter to Paris and Rome. We had time before the next course of chemotherapy, and judging by the words of the German doctor, her mood was very important. And I decided - let him see beautiful cities, let him calm down a little. By the way, the doctor in Germany was very happy when she heard that we had already begun treatment. Said:
- Well done! Correctly!

After the first course, the daughter felt that the tumor had decreased. Ultrasound confirmed her assumption. After the second and third sessions, the tumor remained within the same limits, did not grow, but did not decrease either. And after the fourth, the tumor began to grow again and we were told to urgently perform a caesarean section. The baby in the womb was 7.5 months old.

This is how we saw him for the first time.

This is how he became by the day he was supposed to be born. Here our grandson is exactly nine months old, counting from conception.
Many thanks to the doctors of the regional perinatal center for all their work, for the generosity of the soul, for the fact that they looked after him, were not afraid to take on a very difficult case.

Immediately after the birth of our grandson, we had another chemotherapy, using the same one - new and expensive drug Periette, which was to be brought from Germany.
My sister in Berlin has a good friend, a doctor, a native German who married a Serb and converted to Orthodoxy. She called all the pharmacies in Berlin and found one in which they agreed to sell us Perietta with a minimal markup. I flew to Berlin, bought five ampoules and remembered that the EU has a tax-free tax refund system. But the pharmacist hadn't even heard of the special checks that had to be issued. His sister explained to him, he went to look for information on the Internet, printed out the form, carefully filled it out and we went to the airport.
At the airport, the customs officer was surprised at the amount on the form and asked:
- What is it you have so expensive?
I showed the ampoules and explained why I needed them. Unexpectedly, the customs officer switched to Russian (apparently, he taught it at school):
- If you give these documents here, at the airport, at the next window, you will receive only 10-11% of the amount, the company will take the rest. This is a lot of money, you still need it. There is still time before your flight. Go back to the pharmacy, give these documents to the pharmacist and he should return you 19%.
You should have seen the pharmacist's face - everything that he thought about himself was written on it. "Why did I contact these Russians!"
But when everything was explained to him and after long consultations with the tax and customs office, he came out holding a wad of money in his hands and said:
- Ya, ya, everything is correct, I must return it to you, here is ain, zwei, dry ... and one euro cent!
As a result, the medicine cost us almost twice as much as we thought.

The medicine began to work miraculously. A week later, my daughter told me that she felt with her fingers and realized that the tumor had disintegrated into several grains. Three weeks later, when I took her to the next procedure, she said that there was a small tumor there, the size of a grain of rice. Ultrasound confirmed her assumption!
A few days later, D.L. Stroyakovsky called:
- Stalik, another woman has the same diagnosis as your daughter. But everything is very neglected in her, already the fourth stage and metastases are everywhere. Can you help her buy such medicine?
Yulia Belousova called me. I began to explain to her. And she says:
- Okay, I'll get a visa in two weeks, I'll fly ...
Out of indignation, I switched to "you":
- What are you? Do you understand what you're saying? What two weeks? Come to me, I will give you medicine, do it tomorrow! Then you fly and bring me!
We became friends, began to call each other often and flew to Berlin for medicine in turn. Yulia is a good woman, she has a great husband, Dmitry, they have two teenage children. It was very important for me that Yulia also stayed alive. And she will live as long as she will inject this Periette. That's what doctors say, at least.
The family of Yulia and Dmitry was well-to-do, but their money began to melt rapidly. She called me, she cried:
- I so wanted to finish building this house, and now it has to be sold, in a crisis, for half the price.

And suddenly one day she says:
- Stalik, do you know what the Moscow region received a small amount of Perietta, the state bought?
And I went to the State Duma, to the Health Committee. He came and told me everything. I was listened to by the Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Kalashnikov S.V. and said:
- We will try to help you. Go to my assistant, write a statement, he will deal with your issue.
I went to an assistant and cheated. Let Sergey Vyacheslavovich Kalashnikov forgive me, but I entered the second name in the application - Yulia Belousova.
Two months later, the assistant reported the good news that a positive decision had been made to purchase medicine for my daughter and Yulia. But now, according to the Public Procurement Law, our lot is put up for auction and we have to wait for the allotted time.
Listen, please, carefully, read these lines. These are cancer drugs. Cancer can sometimes kill people in a matter of weeks. They burn like matches. But cancer drugs must be purchased under the Public Procurement Law. And wait for the right time. Not one day before!
Yulia and I still had money left, we could buy this medicine on our own. But people who can afford such purchases, well, if a few percent. And the rest?!

We waited! We were given three ampoules per hand. The remaining ampoules were promised to be given out later. But two months later we went to the pharmacy, but ... there were no medicines, they didn’t arrive. I flew back to Berlin. A month later it's gone again. And again. I no longer bothered the deputy, but called his assistant. He was outraged:
- How it is? Purchased for you for the entire course of treatment! I'll find out.
They gave out two ampoules. And again no. Again flew to Berlin, again called the State Duma. They gave out two more ampoules.
For the third time, a big scandal arose and the remaining ampoules were given out all at once.
Do you know how these medicines were given out? No passport, no signature. Dmitry came, "I am the husband of the sick Yulia Belousova" and they give him three ampoules worth 900,000 rubles. Understand who needs it and why cloudy water in this case?
Yes, exactly to those who sell these medicines on the Internet: http://aptekamos.ru/apteka/price.html?id=75337&r=1
These medicines should not be sold over the counter. Consider that each ampoule is played with someone. Do you understand? There are people who decide for themselves who should see the red sun, who should stroke the child's head, and who should not. And they redistribute the years and months of life of those who have no money in favor of those who have money.

FURTHER FATE of the 62nd Hospital

There are many cancer hospitals. There are those where doctors are a little less indifferent, there are those where they are a little less than completely indifferent. Many have resigned themselves to the fact that their patients do not receive medicines, are operated on antediluvian equipment, and do not have the opportunity to do CT scans.
The 62nd hospital is wonderful. In addition to Karina and Yulia, several of my friends have recovered in this hospital over the past time. My close friend, also a doctor from Fergana, took his son to Israel. I convinced him to come back and be treated here in the 62nd. My friend, a CMN himself, a resuscitator, was very worried at first. But when we came with him to the hospital and the surgeon showed on the computer a video recording of the operation, where scalpels come out of centimeter tubes, then "sewing machines", then tweezers, some kind of clamps - in general, it all looked like science fiction, like a movie from the future, only then my friend said:
- Yes, I never dreamed of seeing this! Their equipment is, of course, the strongest.
Here is what his son wrote to me, and I quote:

My history:
Petersburg, in private clinic, was diagnosed with a tumor of the stomach. They suggested expectant tactics - whether the tumor will progress. But my parents convinced me that I needed to go to Israel for high technologies (to be examined and operated on there, if necessary). I went. All the same examinations were duplicated there in the same form, only money was stolen many times more. They suggested surgery. While waiting for the results of their examination, he returned to the Russian Federation and was examined at the 62nd Moscow oncological hospital. The conclusion and actions of the Israelis were the same as in the 62nd - you need to operate. The operation was offered the same (laparoscopic removal of the tumor), but only in Israel they broke the amount of 22 thousand dollars for this, and even with the reservations that this is "not the final cost", that it may still increase depending on various circumstances(such as lengthening the duration of the operation, the need for "intraoperative" examinations, etc.) In the paid department of the 62nd operation, the operation cost me 100 thousand rubles. Satisfied with the result. I liked the hospital: competent, friendly staff, modern equipment, cleanliness and comfort. Many thanks to the chief doctor of the hospital Makhson Anatoly Nakhimovich for organizing the work and thanks to the attending physicians Dr. Yury Yuryevich Kaner and Yury Dmitrievich.
I don't know Yury Dmitrievich's last name.

Those who returned to normal life patients, I personally know a few more people. Well, what can I say, look at my daughter, these are photos from my grandson's birthday:

This is her with her husband and our grandson.

This is with the head physician of the 62nd hospital Makhson A.N.

And this, next to my son-in-law and grandson, Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky.
We invited these people to our holiday because it is their holiday too. Because these people have become family to us. Because if it were not for their golden hands, I would not be so happy:

The other day my daughter called:
- Dad, do you know that the 62nd hospital is closed?!

I called the head physician. Not that they are closing - they are optimizing. Probably, about the same way as they "optimized" the mammologist, because of the absence of which we missed the very beginning of my daughter's illness, why I then had to do two operations, such complex chemotherapy, radiotherapy. Okay, thank God, everything ended well for us - there were medicines, there were knowledgeable doctors, was the equipment. And what will happen to those who fall ill after us?

I understand that there will be people who will say, "Since such treatment is not available to us, let no one have it." Remember - after these words, you stood on the same level with those optimizers who are killing our health care. The optimizers will have money for Israel-Germany-America, and if sanctions happen, they will "solve issues" for them, but you won't have a single chance at all, because once the BEST hospital is being closed, or because the restless Makhson A. N. interferes with someone, whether because someone needed a luxurious land plot 14 km from Moscow, I don’t know, I can’t think of a single reason why at least someone could come up with the idea to close SUCH a hospital. Such hospitals should not be closed or optimized, but their experience should be disseminated. But the experience is that the chief physician should not give a quiet life to officials - knock out, demand, get. And next to such a head physician, golden heads will automatically appear, like a chemist Stroyakovsky, to whom there will be a queue in any country, wherever he works, like a surgeon Burlakov, like laboratory assistants - after all, laboratory 62 is one of the best in Europe. Imagine, there are only two laboratories in the whole of Europe, the rating of which is higher than that of the laboratory of the 62nd hospital. And this is what needs to be optimized, right? Kill, kill? Don't these people understand that destroying such a hospital is tantamount to building a gas chamber?! They don’t think that it’s okay - people, you think there, some little people - God sees everything ?! Are they not afraid of him? Or will they pay off with candles, with temples? Hey guys, officials, guardians of our budget!!! Why, after all - people, and every person is a TEMPLE! There is no need to build temples, your sins will not be forgiven there, it is better to help the children so that their mothers are alive. Yes, these children may not thank you, but you yourself will feel like honest people! Or do you not know what a thrill it is, the pleasure of being in harmony with your conscience is unknown to you?!

I would not share our personal history with the Internet, I would not show you our family photos.
But our story is no longer personal. Because now my daughter is healthy, but anyone can get sick, remember that. Now this is your story. Now something depends on you, dear readers.
Spread, ring all the bells! Social networks have become a significant force, let's use our strength to the fullest.
Dear journalists! If you need, we are ready to communicate, we are ready to tell you everything in more detail than what is described here. Dozens of other sick people who have recovered will tell you everything, and their relatives will tell you about the dead. Remember, both you and your relatives can end up both in this world and in the next, but, alas, the Lord God does not always decide this - sometimes officials. So help them make the right decision!

The former chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 asked the FSB to check the Moscow Health Department to determine whether the purchase prices were too high. This was reported on Tuesday, December 27 by the Vademecum portal.

On December 23, Anatoly Makhson, the former chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital (MGOB) No. 62, sent applications to the FSB and investigative committee with a request to check the purchases of the Moscow Health Department (DZM) and bring officials to criminal responsibility if violations are detected. Purchase prices for five cancer drugs and two pieces of medical equipment purchased by the department in 2016 were overpriced by 217.8 million rubles, the statement said.

For example, the hospital bought Novotax for 2,900 rubles per unit, and the Department of Health - for 25,400 rubles - a difference of almost nine times. Makhson asks to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Moscow Vice Mayor Leonid Pechatnikov, explaining how the 62nd clinic manages to save money, said that the hospital bought medicines with an expiring shelf life, which the city cannot afford - the official's speech was published by the Vademecum portal.

Business FM published an interview with Mahson, in which he pointed out the difference in the purchase price of appliances.

“In our hospital we have two devices in the same laboratory, absolutely identical, from the same company, bought with a gap of three months. One device costs 5 million rubles, the other - 13 million. The only difference is that for 5 million we bought it ourselves, and for 13 million we received it through a centralized purchase by the Health Department,” said Anatoly Makhson.

The conflict between the Moscow Department of Health and the head physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 began in November.

Related materials

On November 8, the Moscow government ordered to change the status of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 from autonomous to budget - "in order to improve medical care". On December 1, the relevant order No. 963 was signed at the Moscow Health Department. The Moscow authorities justified this decision by the need to “improve and optimize the activities” of the hospital, as well as “improve the quality of the services it provides.” At the same time, the Moscow authorities have repeatedly emphasized that the 62nd hospital is one of the most successful hospitals in the capital, but did not explain why such a hospital should be optimized.

Anatoly Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, opposed the transfer of the hospital from an autonomous status to a budget one. Anatoly Makhson told TASS that the decision of the capital's health department to transfer the institution from the status of an autonomous to the rank of a budget institution would greatly limit the ability to purchase cancer drugs at optimal prices, which would ultimately affect patients.

Moscow Cancer Hospital No. 62 is one of the best in the country. It has been operating as an oncology hospital since 1959. According to the chief physician Anatoly Makhson, in 2016 more than 20 thousand people became patients in the hospital, and doctors performed about 6.5 thousand operations. Mortality does not exceed 0.7 percent.

Mikhail Laskov, an oncologist and hematologist, an employee of the European Medical Center, in a conversation with the Meduza portal, noted that the main advantage of the 62nd is its staff.

“There are some competent specialists in other institutions, but the 62nd has a fantastic team for Russia, highly qualified doctors who are always up to date with the latest news and the latest developments. The hospital has always rationally distributed resources, for example, they didn’t buy anything insanely expensive, but it’s not clear what they need it for. But at the same time, we methodically assembled this complex puzzle: when all the individual services - diagnostics, chemotherapy, surgery and others - work very well and smoothly,” Laskov said.

Mass Media about us

Mass Media about us

Who is most susceptible to lung cancer?

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women. It ranks first in terms of mortality. So who is most susceptible to this disease and what are the most effective methods of diagnosis and treatment? Narrated by Dmitry Kanner, Pavel Kononets and Daniil Stroyakovsky.

Risk and chance "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", February 5, 2018

Channel "MediaDoctor", program "Oncology with Professor Makhson: breast cancer"

Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky, Head of the Chemotherapy Department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, talks about the treatment of breast cancer.

It is unacceptable to refuse ultrasound in oncology

Vladimir Viktorovich Kapustin, Head of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, on why both Russian and foreign specialists diagnose cancer Special attention given to the use of ultrasound.

The robot will wait "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", October 5, 2017

Channel "Mediadoctor", program "Oncology with Professor Mahson: chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy"

Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky, Head of the Chemotherapy Department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, talks about chemotherapy treatment, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Channel "MediaDoctor", program "Oncology with Professor Makhson: lung cancer"

Pavel Vyacheslavovich Kononets, Deputy Chief Physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, talks about the treatment of lung cancer.

Treatment of bladder cancer - problems and solutions

Bladder cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases in the world, moreover, surpassing almost all others in the frequency of relapses. About the difficulties of choice, the pros and cons various options surgical treatment this disease says the head of the urological department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 Valery Ivanovich Shirokorad.

Why Oncologists Can't Cure Bladder Cancer VADEMECUM Weekly Business Magazine [Come with Me], August 22, 2017

Cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence

The key to effective cancer treatment is the concentration of diagnostic, surgical, chemotherapeutic and radiological services within one institution, the possibility of both inpatient and outpatient treatment. This is how the patient care system at the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 is arranged.

62nd will live! Rossiyskaya Gazeta, March 6, 2017

Every parent at the birth of a boy should know at least the elementary rules for maintaining men's health.

Valery Ivanovich Shirokorad, head of the urological department: "In order to keep a man healthy for as long as possible, you need to think about this when the son is still in the womb. And even more so after his birth."

Take care of your strength from a young age Rossiyskaya Gazeta, March 2, 2017

Channel "MediaDoctor". Program "Doctor's times"

Is an oncological diagnosis an obstacle to active sports or, on the contrary, does sports help to overcome the disease? Answer to this and others topical issues- in a conversation with Dmitry Kanner, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62.

A malignant tumor does not interfere with the birth of a healthy child

Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky, head of the chemotherapy department at the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62: “In our time, the combination of pregnancy and cancer is not uncommon. And it is not fatal. Cancer occurs long before pregnancy, but due to the secrecy of the course, it is detected accidentally during pregnancy. In the 1980s, they learned how to treat pregnant women with lymphomas and leukemia, and proved that chemotherapy in the second and third trimesters is safe for the child and saves the mother. similar situations the joint work of oncologists and obstetricians-gynecologists is very important. And positive experience We have such a job."

Pressing to the chest. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", November 24, 2016

Symposium "Past and Future of Antiangiogenic Therapy for Gastric Cancer"

In Moscow, within the framework of the XX Russian Cancer Congress, a symposium "The Past and Future of Antiangiogenic Therapy of Gastric Cancer" was held. The participants of the symposium discussed the development of one of the most promising methods of tumor treatment. The symposium was attended by the head of the molecular biological laboratory of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, Ph.D. Irina Demidova.

Issues of anti-angiogenic therapy for gastric cancer were discussed in Moscow. RIA AMI, November 21, 2016

Lung cancer: detect and cure

Surgeons, chemotherapists, radiologists - without the coordinated work of these specialists, effective treatment of patients with oncological diseases impossible. It is impossible without timely diagnosis allowing for an accurate diagnosis. Leading specialists of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 spoke about the most effective methods for diagnosing and treating lung cancer.

"Moscow in detail": how lung cancer is treated. TV channel "Moscow 24", November 8, 2016

Channel "MediaDoctor". Medical Management Program

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, talks about problems, opportunities and prospects Russian healthcare.

Modern drug therapy gives a chance to cure even the most severe cancer patients

In Copenhagen, an international congress of oncologists was held, dedicated to the latest methods of diagnosing and treating cancer. Participant of the event, Head of the Chemotherapy Department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky talks about the existing problems, achievements and prospects in the treatment of oncological diseases.

Non-transferable recipe Rossiyskaya Gazeta, October 6, 2016

High-tech medical care for cancer patients

Quantity oncological operations made with the help of high-tech equipment, is growing every year. Before surgery, doctors at the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 can examine the tumor in detail in order to decide on the need and method of intervention, and to perform the operation itself with minimal trauma for the patient.

"Life in the big city": Medical technologies in the capital. TV channel "Moscow 24", August 30, 2016

What new technologies are used in oncosurgeryTV channel "Moscow 24", September 16, 2016

"Moscow in detail": how the capital is fighting oncologyTV channel "Moscow 24", September 22, 2016

Is there a link between cell phone and brain cancer?

Discussions about the harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation have been going on for more than a year. Many researchers come to the conclusion that mobile phones are dangerous, especially for children. But the link between the use of cell phones and brain cancer has not been established.

Mobile phones make children weak-minded and interfere with writing dictations The site of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", August 18, 2016

Immunotherapy in cancer treatment - new possibilities?

The first innovative immuno-oncological drug for the treatment severe forms cancer was registered in Russia this spring. In USA and Europe similar drugs have been in use since 2011. Perhaps very soon they will be used in our country.

Breakthrough drugs for cancer treatment will appear in Russia Information agency INFOX.ru, August 15, 2016

Cancer moves back

Until recently, cancer was a verdict for every patient who heard this diagnosis. Today the achievements of science and medicine, the latest technology in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases allow not only to cure a significant number of patients, but also to maintain a high quality of life. However, there are still problems, without the solution of which we can talk about victory over terrible disease just impossible.

Cancer moves back Literary newspaper, July 6, 2016

Association of Melanoma Specialists established in Russia

One of the main reasons for the high mortality from melanoma in Russia is late diagnosis. Thus, the country is experiencing an increase in the incidence of this type of cancer, while 12% of patients die within a year after diagnosis, the country's leading oncologists said at a press conference on May 23. To change the situation and stop the problem, the Association of Melanoma Specialists has been created in Russia.

Stop the rise in deaths: doctors created the Melanoma Association IA REGNUM, May 24, 2016

Get tanned and not get sick

Summer is coming - season beach holiday and, of course, sunburn. One of traditional ways preparation for it among the fair sex is considered a trip to the solarium. This is not always justified, and often also unsafe. "morbidity different types skin cancer is constantly growing, and most of all in northern countries," said Professor Anatoly Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow Clinical Oncological Hospital N 62, in an interview with RG. However, scientists continue to look for a way to get a tan without losing health .

Burnt by sunburn "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", May 12, 2016

Minimally invasive resection of the esophagus for cancer - the search for a path or a confident step forward?

Surgical treatment of cancer of the thoracic esophagus for a long time remains one of the most difficult problems of oncosurgery. It's obvious that essential role c It is precisely the oncologically adequate surgical component that plays the role in increasing the rates of disease-free and overall survival.

P.V. Kononets, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery, GAUZ "MGOB No. 62 DZM"

Fire on the tumor - accurate aiming!

January 14, 2016 at the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation a new community of specialists was registered - the Interregional Public Organization "Association of Cancer Pathologists". The President and one of the initiators of its creation, head of the pathoanatomical department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Grinevich, talks about the main goals and objectives of the Association.

V.N. Grinevich, head of the pathoanatomical department of GAUZ "MGOB No. 62 DZM" "Oncology Today", April 2016

TV channel "NTV". Program "Accents of the week"

Every year more than 500,000 people in our country are diagnosed with cancer. At the same time, young people are increasingly becoming patients of oncologists. The problem of the lack of a national program to combat oncology is exacerbated by many factors, including the untimely appeal of patients to a medical institution, when it is no longer possible to completely cure the disease.

Cancer treatment abroad: pros and cons

The desire of the patient who heard terrible diagnosis"cancer" is being treated in the best medical institution, where "they will certainly help", of course. At the same time, "the best" is often associated with the word "foreign". But is it really any better? Is it necessary to spend time, effort, and often a lot of money for treatment in foreign clinics, despite the fact that our country has both highly professional specialists and modern equipment for the treatment of oncological diseases?

Pavel Kononets, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery at the Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62, and Dmitry Kanner, Head of the Department of Abdominal Oncology, speak in detail about the current situation.

Blind choice. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, April 14, 2016

Angelina Jolie hospitalized with pancreatic problems

Doctors commented on the news that the star was hospitalized with a sharp weight loss.

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62: "Angelina Jolie was diagnosed with a BRCA1 genetic mutation, which high risk development of breast and ovarian cancer. She opted for a prophylactic mastectomy, but this operation could not lead to such weight loss.

Angelina Jolie is in the hospital and is facing problems with her pancreas. The site of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", April 5, 2016

Pavel Kononets: cancer patients in our country are treated no worse than abroad

There are tumors that stubbornly resist the most modern methods of treatment. In oncology, these are primarily tumors of the lungs, liver, esophagus, and pancreas. This is probably why there are noticeably fewer specialists in the treatment of these tumors among oncologists than in other areas. With one of them - the deputy chief physician for surgery of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital N 62, Pavel Kononets, the columnist for "RG" is talking.

Interview with a scalpel in hand. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, March 3, 2016

New times - new opportunities

In June 1957, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council decided to organize the Moscow City Hospital No. 62 on the basis of a sanatorium in the vicinity of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region. In 1960, the hospital was re-profiled into an oncological one. Thus began the history of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62.

How does one of the largest oncological institutions in our country live and develop today? What goals and objectives does it set for itself?

A story to be continued. "Medical Bulletin", December 24, 2015

Alexander Burlakov: An oncologist should always be a psychologist

Breast cancer ranks first among oncological diseases in women. And not only in Russia, all over the world. In addition, this localization is constantly getting younger. Therefore, more and more often it goes beyond the medical problem, becoming an ethical problem. The RG columnist talks about this with the State Prize laureate, Dr. medical sciences, leader surgical department Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 by Alexander Burlakov.

Cling to your chest. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 24, 2015

TV channel "TV Center". Program "Doctor I.." Women's phobias: breast cancer

Perhaps all women are afraid of the diagnosis of breast cancer. At the same time, 10-15% of breast diseases are due to genetic causes.

Mutations in which genes are greatest danger Can breast cancer be prevented? Irina Anatolyevna Demidova, head of the molecular biological laboratory of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, tells.

Sanctions and public procurement of medicines

Along with European and Turkish tomatoes, many were also subject to "sanctions" foreign drugs- and vital and necessary. According to Decree No. 1289, published on the government website on December 2, which was signed by Dmitry Medvedev, now foreign medicines that have at least two Russian (or manufactured by neighboring countries) analogues will not be able to get into public procurement.

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comments on the situation.

The ban on imported drugs in Russia is fraught with disaster for patients. The site of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", December 2, 2015

Medvedev stepped on a sore ear. POLITIKA.RU portal, December 2, 2015

Moles as a risk factor

Why is a large number of moles dangerous? Can they turn into a tumor? These and other questions are answered by the oncologist of the fluorescent diagnostics room, photodynamic therapy and dermatoscopy of our clinic Tatyana Yurievna Kurakina.

Newspaper "Moscow. North-West", November 1, 2015

According to experts from the World Health Organization, the use of processed meat products can serve as a factor provoking a number of oncological diseases. Irina Anatolyevna Demidova, head of the molecular biological laboratory of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comments on the situation.

Medical care for cancer patients in Moscow: problems and prospects

Cancer care has always been one of the most acute problems of Russian health care. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comments on the situation.

In Moscow, oncologists continue to sound the alarm: there is not enough money for treatment. News agency Regnum, October 1, 2015

Cancer care: is a crisis coming? Newspaper "Arguments and Facts. Health", October 8, 2015

Instead of an outdated reception - a comfortable multifunctional center!

On September 2, our clinic hosted the grand opening of a new multifunctional center that combines the registry, help desk and call center. Electronic document management and electronic queue systems will ensure the efficient distribution of the ever-increasing flow of patients, and a spacious and comfortable room will significantly improve the conditions for visitors to the clinic.

Opening of a new multifunctional center in oncological hospital No. 62. Information centre Government of Moscow, September 2, 2015

Informational portal M24, September 2, 2015

Medical care for cancer patients has become more accessible. TV channel "Moscow 24", September 2, 2015

TV channel "TV Center", September 3, 2015

Out of turn. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 3, 2015

Moscow oncological hospital №62. Rossiyskaya Gazeta website, September 2, 2015

Hospital advisory circle. Newspaper "Evening Moscow", September 2, 2015

An electronic queue appeared in the registry of oncological hospital No. 62. Moscow City News Agency, September 2, 2015

A multifunctional center was opened in the Moscow Cancer Hospital No. 62. Information portal Medical Bulletin, September 2, 2015

In the largest oncological hospital in Moscow, an electronic queue has been launched. Website of the newspaper "Moscow-Info", September 2, 2015

In Moscow, a multifunctional center was opened in oncology hospital No. 62. Information portal RuNews24, September 2, 2015

To the doctor by e-mail. News portal KRAGOR, September 3, 2015

TOP-5: the main events of the week. Information portal Medical Bulletin, September 4, 2015

Engagement and Healing. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 10, 2015

Treatment should be comfortable. Newspaper "Moscow. North-West", September 27, 2015

The most common diseases of the residents of the capital are respiratory diseases and oncology

Unfortunately, constant stress and poor ecology become the cause of a common disease among the townspeople - cancer. Anatoly Makhson said that about 40,000 citizens a year make this diagnosis, and 18,000 people die of cancer. At the same time, in 2014, the death rate from neoplasms increased by two percent.

Harm of a big city: what Muscovites most often get sick. Information portal M24, August 31, 2015

TV channel "Healthy TV". Surgery Program: Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is perhaps one of the most psychologically "difficult" diagnoses for a patient. After all, very recently surgery This group of diseases in most cases consisted in the amputation of the affected organ. Today, the patient can not only be cured, but also maintain the highest possible quality of his life. For example, patients after surgery to remove affected bones and joints lower extremities with the replacement of the defect with an endoprosthesis, they gradually learn to walk independently without additional support.

70 to 90% of people of reproductive age are carriers of the human papillomavirus

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted? What tests are needed to detect the disease? These and other questions are answered by gynecological department Mamed Taghievich Tagiev.

Beware of HPV! Sobesednik.RU, July 30, 2015

The best prevention of bowel cancer is regular check-ups

Who needs a colonoscopy and how often? What factors increase the chance of developing colon cancer? Tells the head of the department of endoscopy Boris Sergeevich Lensky.

Intestine: so that he was healthy! Sobesednik.RU, July 15, 2015

TV channel "TV Center". The program "In the center of events" with Anna Prokhorova

The Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 not only cures patients of cancer, but also preserves the quality of life as much as possible.

Sunburn: pros and cons

What can be dangerous sunburn? Where is it safer to sunbathe - on the beach or in the solarium? Are there effective means of protecting the skin from harmful radiation? These and other questions are answered by Tatyana Yuryevna Kurakina, an oncologist in the office of fluorescent diagnostics, photodynamic therapy and dermatoscopy at our clinic.

You ask - the doctor answers. Newspaper "Moscow. North-West", July 6, 2015

TV channel "Healthy TV". Program "Surgery": surgery for colorectal cancer and liver metastases

Metastatic liver cancer has recently been considered a doom for the patient. However, over the past 10-15 years, significant changes have taken place in the treatment of oncological diseases: new effective surgical, radiation and chemotherapeutic methods of treatment have been developed. Competent combination modern technologies and an individual approach to each patient allows not only to save the patient's life, but to ensure its highest possible quality.

Increase in compulsory medical insurance tariffs for the treatment of oncological diseases

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, on the situation that has developed after the transition to a single-channel system of financing for compulsory medical insurance.

Moscow plans to increase compulsory health insurance rates for oncological diseases. Information portal M24, June 25, 2015

Immunotherapy - a new method of cancer treatment

Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky, head of the chemotherapy department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, talks about the prospects for use.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta website, June 1, 2015

British doctors call immunotherapy a breakthrough in cancer treatment. Information portal Medical Bulletin, June 2, 2015

Scientists have found an effective method of treating cancer. Online publication Argumenty.ru, June 2, 2015

Psychological support for patients with cancer

There is a position of a psychologist in the staff structure of oncological dispensaries in Russia. However, as experts noted earlier, in many institutions these specialists are not enough due to cost cuts.

Pechatnikov suggested creating a support service for cancer patients in Moscow. Website of the weekly business magazine VADEMECUM [Come with me], May 15, 2015

Unique 3D surgeries at the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62

Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62 is a modern clinic that meets international standards and is equipped with the most modern equipment. One of the main principles that high-class specialists of the hospital adhere to in their work is the maximum preservation of the function of the affected organ.

There is nowhere to retreat. Behind the 62nd. Rossiyskaya Gazeta website, May 14, 2015

The Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 successfully performs 3D operations while preserving the organ and its functions. Russian information portal RRNEWS.RU, May 14, 2015

For the first time, unique 3D cancer surgeries are being performed at the Moscow Oncology Hospital. Website "Ryazan Vesti", May 14, 2015

Unique 3D oncological surgeries have been started in Moscow. Information portal "SakhaNews", May 14, 2015

Treatment of oncology within the CHI system

How, with what and for how much cancer patients are treated after a sharp reduction in oncology funding. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comments on the situation.

Question to Putin: Is there money for Crimea, but not for cancer patients? Sobesednik.RU, April 18, 2015

The Ministry of Health curtailed the oncology program

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson: "Analyzing the data on the survival of patients treated in specialized and non-specialized medical institutions, it becomes obvious that the indicators differ by 10% -15%, or even 20%, in favor of those who health care was provided in oncology hospitals.

Oncology: hope never dies. Portal Innov.ru, March 30, 2015

Where and how in Moscow they provide assistance to cancer patients

Commentary by Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the city oncological hospital No. 62.

Oncology: where to go for treatment, medications and psychological support. Information portal M24, March 26, 2015

cancer insurance

Anatoly Makhson, chief doctor of the city oncological hospital No. 62, spoke about the responsibility of people for their health and the possibilities of modern medicine.

We are offered to insure against... cancer. Information portal Medpulse.ru, March 23, 2015

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will develop a concept of permanent psychiatric care for cancer patients

According to the concept, a psychiatrist will work with every cancer patient along with an oncologist. The possibility of using antidepressants and tranquilizers in the treatment of such patients will also be discussed with doctors.

Anatoly Makhson, chief physician of the city oncological hospital No. 62, noted that with single-channel financing, when only the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund allocates all funds for the treatment of patients, medical institutions can't afford to keep psychiatrists to work with cancer patients.

A psychotherapist will constantly work with each oncological patient. Information portal M24, February 25, 2015

Cancer patients will receive psychiatric care. Website of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva", February 25, 2015

The Ministry of Health will involve psychotherapists in the treatment of cancer patients. Medical portal medportal.ru, February 25, 2015

The Ministry of Health will involve psychotherapists in the treatment of cancer patients. Website of the weekly business magazine VADEMECUM [Come with me], February 25, 2015

On the facts of suicides of cancer patients in Moscow will be checked

Since the beginning of February, according to media reports, 11 cancer patients in Moscow have taken their own lives. "In each situation, of course, you need to carefully understand, - says Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, head physician of the Moscow city oncological hospital No. 62. - Judging by my practice, cases of suicide among cancer patients are extremely rare"

Like death. Lenta.ru, February 25

A "hot line" to support cancer patients has been launched in Moscow. The site of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", February 24, 2015

If mom had cancer

Is cancer hereditary? How to protect yourself from insidious disease? Irina Anatolyevna Demidova, head of the molecular biological laboratory of our clinic, tells.

If Mom Had Cancer... Is Cancer Hereditary? Sobesednik.RU, February 18, 2015

cancer insurance

A new insurance program has appeared in Russia women's health. According to the developers, it will financially protect women in case of cancer and in some other situations. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson is convinced that the problem of treatment malignant tumors will help solve population-based insurance (following the Western example), when “all working people will be insured little by little, and if 360,000 of them fall ill, then insurance companies will have enough money to pay for treatment.”

Cancer can be insured. Russian Agency for Medical and Social Information AMI, February 24, 2015

The non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life supported an insurance program to protect women's health. Social Information Agency, February 24, 2015

CHI tariffs are less than the cost of the service itself

Oncologists officially warned the Ministry of Health that they would be forced to refuse treatment for cancer patients. The reason is the transition from direct budget financing to the CHI system. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comments on the current situation.

How much does it cost to die from cancer. Rossiyskaya Gazeta website, February 3, 2015

Moscow oncologists are sounding the alarm: they have nothing to treat patients with. IA REGNUM, February 4, 2015

Anatoly Makhson: Compulsory medical insurance rates do not even provide salaries to some hospitals. Website of the weekly business magazine VADEMECUM [Come with me], February 4, 2015

Oncology is on the verge of a crisis. The site of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", February 4, 2015

The prognosis is disappointing: oncologists fear that soon they will not be able to treat their patients. Medical portal medportal.ru, February 5, 2015

Ministry of Health vs Cancer: 0:1? Website of the "Obshchaya Gazeta", February 6, 2015

Vladimir Putin is called to fight cancer. Website Kommersant.ru, February 9, 2015

The "Movement Against Cancer" asks Vladimir Putin to prevent a shortage of medicines for cancer patients. IA "Free News. FreeNews-Volga", February 9, 2015

A disaster in oncology. Medical portal medportal.ru, February 10, 2015

Cancer patients in Russia may be left without adequate care. Information agency INFOX.ru, February 11, 2015

It's too expensive to get sick. Website of the Gudok publishing house, February 12, 2015

Medical portal medportal.ru, February 12, 2015

The Moscow City Duma proposed to allocate a subsidy for cancer treatment. Website of the newspaper "Our district - Kotlovka", February 12, 2015

The head of the Moscow City Duma Commission proposed to allocate a subsidy for cancer treatment. Russian Agency for Medical and Social Information AMI, February 13, 2015

VIII Forum "Movement Against Cancer": a new strategy for Russian healthcare. ALLONCOLOGY.com, February 13, 2015

There is no cure for cancer patients. Website "World of News", February 16, 2015

How much money does the government plan to use to treat cancer patients? Russian Agency for Medical and Social Information AMI, February 17, 2015

The truth is a useful thing. Lenta.ru, February 17

"A cancer diagnosis is not a fatal sentence"

A round table under this name was held on February 3, 2015 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. It was attended by: director of the N.N. Blokhin Mikhail Davydov, Deputy Director for scientific work N.N. Blokhin Mikhail Lichinitser, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology N.N. Blokhin Vladimir Polyakov, Chief Physician of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 Anatoly Makhson and Head of the Chemotherapy Department of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 Daniil Stroyakovsky.

Health system reform

On the difficulties and prospects of the reform, the dangers of treatment folk remedies and responsibility for one's health, says the head of the chemotherapy department of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, Daniil Lvovich Stroyakovsky.

Oncologist: Everyone is afraid of cancer. And this is generally normal. Sobesednik.RU, January 22, 2015

Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 is one of the largest medical and diagnostic oncological centers in Russia

There is no need for patients with oncological diseases to go abroad for treatment - there are medical institutions in Russia that employ specialists of the highest level.

Where cancer is treated: cancer centers in Russia. Website of the publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda", December 12, 2014

Not only cure, but also maintain a high quality of life

The specialists of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 set themselves the task of not only curing a cancer patient, but also maintaining the highest possible quality of life, restoring, as far as possible, body functions.

Such work is to save and preserve. Newspaper "Trud" №170, December 5, 2014

Optimization of the healthcare system

Recent economic difficulties are forcing the state to allocate funds more rationally, as well as to optimize the healthcare structure. Professor Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, Chief Oncologist of Moscow, Chief Physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, spoke about the situation in clinics that decided to change their form of ownership.

Anatoly Makhson: "We thought it couldn't get worse..." Russian Agency for Medical and Social Information AMI, November 17, 2014

Vice Speaker of the State Duma Lyudmila Shvetsova passed away

On October 29, Lyudmila Shvetsova, Vice Speaker of the State Duma, who devoted a significant part of his life to solving the social problems of our state, passed away. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, chief oncologist of Moscow, chief physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, recalls his acquaintance and joint work with Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The era is gone. What remains is memory. Website of the Parliamentary Gazette, October 29, 2014

In memory of Lyudmila Shvetsova. Parliamentary Gazette No. 38 (2667), October 30, 2014

Changes in the structure of the Association of Oncologists of Russia

The structure of the Association of Oncologists of Russia (AOR), which, along with federal agencies and professional communities includes the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, will change in the near future: the number of board members will decrease to 30 people. At the same time, individuals will also be able to join the association.

The structure of the AOR has changed. Website of the weekly business magazine VADEMECUM [Come with me], September 16, 2014

Creation of a registry of patients suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma

The R-Pharm group of companies will support the creation of a register of patients suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma. The project was initiated by the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62. Soon several more Moscow and regional specialized clinics will join them, which will expand not only the scope, but also the geography of the project.

"R-PHARM" supported the national project for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Website of the weekly business magazine VADEMECUM [Come with me], July 11, 2014

Russian doctors perform unique operations to restore the voice

Specialists of the Novosibirsk City clinical hospital No. 1, headed by the head of the department for the treatment of head and neck tumors, performed a complex operation to restore the voice using a unique prosthesis. The operation was supervised by Elena Nikolaevna Novozhilova, a leading surgeon in the field of voice prosthesis implantation, head of the head and neck tumor department at the Moscow City Oncological Hospital N62.

Vladimir Kapustin, Head of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, held a master class "Radiofrequency ablation in malignant neoplasms" at the Murmansk Regional Oncological Dispensary.

Khibiny.com, May 26, 2014

Moscow doctors shared their professional experience with Murmansk colleagues. "Nord-News", May 26

Doctors from Moscow and Murmansk exchanged professional experience. Murman.ru, May 24, 2014

Doctors from Moscow and Murmansk exchanged professional experience. Information agency "B-port", May 24, 2014

Moscow days on the health of northerners. Murmansk Bulletin, May 23, 2014

Availability of pain medications for cancer patients

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, Chief Oncologist of Moscow, Chief Physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, and Andrey Sokolov, Deputy Chief Physician of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62, comment on the situation.

Moscow will develop a system of oncopsychiatric care. Electronic periodical "MK.ru", April 2, 2014

Die in pain. Radio station "Echo of Moscow", February 18, 2014

Anatoly Makhson: "The crazy system does not allow patients to prescribe effective painkillers." Internet edition "Orthodoxy and the World", February 14, 2014

Pain. Internet portal "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", February 12, 2014

Painkillers for cancer patients. Radio station "Echo of Moscow", February 11, 2014

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