Cloudy water in the aquarium. Cloudy water in the aquarium: what to do? Cause of cloudy water in the aquarium

There are many reasons for such an annoying phenomenon as cloudy water in an aquarium - from a bacterial outbreak to improper feeding of the inhabitants of a living corner. Then the vessel looks unattractive, in addition, such an environment is harmful to the inhabitants of the reservoir. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what is the source of the problem and eliminate it.

Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy?

This problem occurs for several reasons:

  • algae reproduction;
  • an abundance of putrefactive bacteria;
  • overpopulation;
  • excessive feeding of fish;
  • poor filtration system;
  • careless pouring of water and lifting of suspended particles from the ground.

Water in a domestic pond is always alive. Its purity is a consequence of the interaction of algae, inhabitants and a mass of bacteria. The timing of the problem is important. Water may become cloudy during the first launch of an underwater living area or in a vessel with a long-established biological balance. The second case is more dangerous, it shows that mistakes were made when caring for the underwater world. For example, aquarists often wonder why the water in the aquarium turns green even if it is replaced. And the reason may be the exaggeration of lighting and the development of algae.

Cloudy water in the aquarium after starting

Often the water becomes cloudy when the vessel is first started. This is due to the fact that it has not yet established a biological balance. If the water becomes cloudy after starting the aquarium, nothing needs to be done. In it, for several days, unicellular organisms - ciliates, amoeba - intensively multiply. The water turns white, as if milk has been added to it. You should wait a bit, and it will again be transparent.

At this time, no fish can be placed in the vessel. After the microorganisms absorb all the organics edible for them, they themselves will die off (but partially) and the water will brighten. Their number remains at a level that is sufficient for the processing of organic matter supplied with fish food. A stable biological balance sets in, which should last for years.

Cloudy water after restarting the aquarium

A poor-quality cleaning system can be the answer to the question of why there is cloudy water in the aquarium, and complications also arise with a filter in the vessel. Sometimes it clogs, stops removing microscopic debris, the device needs to be washed and cleaned. An extra layer in the device will improve the straining system. If an increase in nitrates is noticed in the vessel (normally, their indicator is 0), the population of colored bacteria increases. Then the container is left alone for a week - they do not feed the fish, do not clean the filter. The waste of the inhabitants will allow the development of beneficial bacteria and the water should be purified.

Cloudy aquarium water after water change

The same problem (turbid water in the aquarium) occurs if the water in the vessel is completely replaced or most of it is replaced. In order for the biological balance to be established faster, it is necessary to supplement the container with a part of the liquid from the old reservoir. This will accelerate the reproduction of harmless organisms for this living corner. Most of the water cannot be replaced - the procedure does more harm than good. It knocks down the biological balance - there is cloudy water in the aquarium after the change. It is recommended to renew up to one third of the total volume of fluid once a week.

Why does the water in the aquarium with fish quickly become cloudy?

Cloudy water can also occur in an overcrowded aquarium, especially if there are few plants in it. In such a vessel, metabolic products are a nutrient medium for a mass of unicellular organisms. If the water becomes cloudy in an aquarium with a lot of fish, extra individuals are deposited. Otherwise, it will lead to mass death of the inhabitants. Settlement rule: one centimeter of fish per liter of liquid. That is, 2-3 fish of medium length can be launched into a ten-liter vessel.

When overfeeding pets, the environment will become dirty. It is important to ensure that the food is eaten by the fish in 10-15 minutes, the rest will settle to the bottom and cause the growth of putrefactive bacteria. The rule here is that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. If the reduction in nutrition did not help, you can not give the inhabitants 2-3 days to eat - harmful bacteria will die.

In an aquarium with snails, the water quickly becomes cloudy

Sometimes the sand is so fine that it does not sink to the bottom, which is very harmful to the fish. It is better to use a coarse-grained composition. In addition, sand must be washed and boiled before use in order to remove contaminants and bacteria that cause the reproduction of unicellular organisms. Gravel often stains the water - if a pink soil is used and the medium has acquired a reddish tint, activated charcoal will help.

The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy - what to do?

To figure out how to remove cloudy water in an aquarium, you need to understand the cause of the phenomenon. It can be judged by the color of the medium formed in the reservoir:

  • Green muddy water in the aquarium indicates the active reproduction of algae. The most obvious reason is an overabundance of light. It is necessary to exclude direct sunlight from entering the vessel and reduce the time of artificial lighting. You can launch daphnia into the pond - they actively eat algae.
  • Brown water appears due to the presence of decorations made of wood, new. They release tannin and humic acids into the liquid, coloring it in the color of tea. Pre-soaking the decorations, frequent water changes and its filtration will help to cope with the problem. Dyes are adsorbed by activated carbon.
  • Mass reproduction of unicellular algae leads to whitening of the water. This is due to a “bacterial boom”, if the reservoir is young, there has been a large water change, or because of its overpopulation. If whitening occurs after starting the aquarium, nothing needs to be done, the liquid will clear up in a few days. In other cases, it is necessary to carry out filtration, it is advisable to reduce the feeding of the fish and not to carry out water changes more than the norm in order to create a bacterial balance.

Turbid water treatment for aquariums

There are chemical treatments for cloudy aquarium water that can make it crystal clear. They should be used in cases of emergency and use products from the same manufacturer so that dangerous reactions do not occur. The most famous mixtures:

  1. Tetra. It has a wide range of products, they save from all types of turbidity. Bactozym Conditioner will help to quickly establish a bacterial balance. With Biocoryn, the fight against green water in the aquarium is effective, it prevents the growth of algae;
  2. ZMF. The tool protects against the biological decay of organic matter, prevents diseases such as rot and fungus. Makes aggressive tap water habitable for fish.

Turbid water spoils the aesthetic appearance and negatively affects the living conditions of the inhabitants. Its appearance can be not only a prerequisite for flowering, but also be a signal of a number of problems with plants, soil and its composition, talk about the disease of fish and other pets. The fight against it is solvable, but requires the attention, observation and caution of the owner.

An aquarium is a special artificial reservoir with an individual biological balance. Changing one part can lead to a change in the whole. So, consider the main causes of turbidity:

  • improperly selected soil;
  • improper feeding of the inhabitants;
  • overpopulation;
  • frequent or incorrect water changes;
  • missing or defective filter;
  • the presence of large fish;

All these factors lead either to mechanical pollution of water, or, worse, to bacterial pollution.

Let us consider in more detail the cases of mechanical pollution. These include the small size of the aqua-dwelling, the presence of large fish, and irregular soil.

The small size of the aquarium leads to frequent biochemical outbreaks, especially if the inhabitants are chosen incorrectly. Thus, the smallest containers are usually reserved for shrimp, snails, and other relatively neutral inhabitants.

When turbidity appears, it is necessary to review and, if possible, change the population of the aquarium, regulate the filtration. Perhaps the problem is in the wrong type of filter.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. Change the location of the filter (from horizontal to vertical or vice versa), as the landscape can interfere with the flow of water.
  2. Replace the filter itself. A stronger filter or another type of filter (bottom, internal, external) may help.
  3. Change filter media.
  4. Monitor the lighting per day, if necessary, reduce it.
  5. Change the population from too large fish to small or reduce their number.

Cloudy water can be caused by over-feeding the fish. You should deliberately underfeed your pets for at least a few days, make sure that the food is eaten completely. How to determine if the fish are full? After 15 minutes from the start of feeding, you need to remove all the remnants of the feed, preventing the residues from rotting at the bottom and subsequent spoilage of the water.

The soil must be properly selected, it is desirable that it be unpainted and well washed. And also it must be correctly poured, not exactly horizontally, but with an inclination towards the back wall in order to make it easier to clean.

Very often, burrowing fish, such as cichlids, are able to raise turbidity in an aquarium. In this case, it is recommended to change either the fraction of the soil, or to think about its quality. River sand, which looks so beautiful in an aquarium, can become dusty even with slight fluctuations if not washed properly.

Owners of colored soil may also notice water staining in unnatural colors. This phenomenon says a lot about the quality of the soil. In this case, it is recommended to remove it, because the paint is unsafe for fish and plants.

The water in the aquarium turns green: reasons

The color of the water in the aquarium is determined by various factors. Among them, the presence of living plants or snags, the properties of food, low oxygen saturation, the reproduction of bacteria and, as a result, the growth that settle on the ground, glass, and everything that is in the water.

The reproduction of microscopic green euglena algae leads to the staining of the aquatic environment in a yellow-green or bright green unnatural color. There are always a small number of them in any aquarium. They get with food, and are contained even in clear water. And their active reproduction, caused by improperly organized, excessive lighting of the aquarium, leads to greening. Trying to keep the fish in sight, you still need to protect them from direct sunlight, as well as from enhanced artificial lighting. In winter, lighting should be turned on for no more than 10 hours, and on a summer day - for 12 hours. Otherwise, algae can cover both the walls and decor items, and it will not be so easy to wash them in the future.

To combat single-celled algae, you can place a hornwort plant in the aquarium, which absorbs excess nitrogen from the water, and the growth of microalgae will be stopped. If possible, plant daphnia, and after a day remove them from the purified water.

An increased level of phosphates in the water also leads to its rapid greening. These salts can be found in large quantities in fish food and enter the water with feces. Tap water can serve as a source of phosphates. To combat excess phosphate, fast-growing plants can be planted. Chemical methods are also used for cleaning. On sale there are special conditioners that are harmless to fish and vegetation.

The hornwort actively absorbs organic matter from the water, competing with microscopic algae.

Cloudy white

Such phenomena may indicate a bacterial outbreak and an imbalance in the aquarium. It happens, as a rule, in freshly launched containers or when too much organic matter is added to the water. Nitrifying bacteria begin to multiply excessively, and ciliates, in turn, do not have time to absorb them.

In the first days of launch, cloudy water is a normal process that accompanies the installation of the biobalance of the aquarium. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to launch the inhabitants in the first 7-14 after filling the aquarium.

Often, when newcomers see milky-white water, they immediately begin to drain it completely and refill it again, and after 3-4 days the process is repeated. The first thing an aquarist should do when seeing cloudy water is to leave the aquarium alone. Usually after 3 days it "settles down" and becomes transparent. To speed up the process, you can add a small amount of water from another aquarium with a favorable environment to the container. You can also use special conditioners, such as Tetra AquaSafe.

Also, water can turn white from excessive abundant water changes. In this case, the aquarium should also be left alone and allowed to settle.

If after a week the water remains whitish, then in this case, you need to take some action. First you need to replace the filter sponge, as well as frequent water changes. To purify aquarium water there is a special conditioner from Tetra - CrystalWater. As a last resort, it can be done.

When buying fish, novice aquarists are always advised to consult with specialists working in the store. They will help not only to correctly choose the soil, filter, food, but also explain what types of fish can be planted in one aquarium.

Cloudy water in an aquarium is a common phenomenon that almost every aquarist has encountered. Sometimes the causes of the problem are found quickly, and sometimes it takes a long time to figure out why the water is cloudy. How to deal with the formation of turbidity, what is recommended to do and what not?

When does turbidity appear in water?

The causes of cloudy water in an aquarium can be varied, and it is not as easy to deal with them as it seems at first glance.

  1. Turbidity can occur due to floating in the pond of small particles of algae, solid organic matter and cyanobacteria. There is another subtle reason - poor washing of aquarium soil and inaccurate pouring of water from a clean container. This type of turbidity does not threaten water and fish, you can do nothing with it. After a while, the cloudy part of the water will settle, or seep into the filter, remaining there. The formation of turbidity can be provoked by fish that love to surf the ground, but these actions are quite harmless for the reservoir.

  1. Turbidity of the water in the aquarium can be caused by cichlids, gold and veil-tailed fish - their active movement in the reservoir is the cause of the resulting turbidity. If there is no filter installed in the tank, it will be difficult to clean the water.
  2. Often, cloudy water appears after the first start of the aquarium, after filling with fresh water. You don’t need to do anything, after a day or two the sediment will sink to the ground and disappear. The mistake of beginner aquarists is a partial or complete renewal of water, which is considered a gross mistake. When adding new water to a newly started aquarium, the bacteria will increase even more! If the aquarium is small, you can install a sponge filter that will quickly clean the pond.

Watch a video about the device and the operation of the internal filter.

  1. Harmful bacteria in the aquarium can also be the cause of haze. When the water turns green, it means it's time to draw conclusions - this is an unnatural color. Turbid and green water is formed due to overpopulation of the aquarium with fish or plants. That is, the aquarium liquid passes through the filter, but is not cleaned. The abundance of metabolic products provokes the formation of putrefactive microorganisms, ciliates and other unicellular organisms. If the ciliates are beneficial, then the bacteria can harm the plants - they will begin to rot. In order not to be surprised why fish and plants often get sick, keep the aquarium clean and well-groomed.

  1. Why do unicellular animals reproduce? Because you do not have time to empty the tank after heavy feeding. For the aquarium hobby, it is better to underfeed than overfeed. This rule will protect the fish from problems. After overfeeding, the water turned cloudy again - what to do? Arrange an unloading diet for pets, in a couple of days the bacteria will die out, the water biobalance will be restored.

  1. Incorrectly installed decoration. Driftwood, plastic from low-quality material dissolve in water, forming a cloudy shade. If the decorations are new wooden, but untreated, they can be boiled or infused in saline. Plastic snags are best replaced with new ones.
  2. In an old, stagnant fish hatchery, sediment is formed due to "whiteness after fish treatment", this is when drugs and cleaning chemicals for aquarium glass were used in the pond. Such substances have a number of side effects, they disrupt the biological balance, neutralizing the favorable microflora.

How to overcome turbidity in water?

Now we know the reasons why the water becomes cloudy in the aquarium, and what to do in each case. However, there are general rules, without which it is impossible to completely eliminate the problem.

  1. Siphon the soil in the aquarium. Open the filter, wash it and clean it. Then add activated charcoal to it - this must be done to absorb harmful substances. It is forbidden to do a complete water change and rinse the aquarium soil, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die out and will not be able to process rot and algae.

See how to siphon the soil in the aquarium.

  1. In some cases, it is necessary to do intensive aeration of the aquarium - when there are a lot of fish food residues, and a fasting day is not enough. Oxygen will quickly remove excess organics.
  2. If an unpleasant odor disappears in the aquarium, then the fight against turbidity ended successfully. Also, to eliminate bacterial turbidity, you can use elodea by planting it shallowly in the ground.

Turbidity in the water: types

The color of turbidity will tell about the sources of its formation:

  • The color of the water is greenish - this is the reproduction of unicellular algae;
  • Brown water - peat, humic and tannins, poorly processed driftwood;
  • Milky white color - unicellular bacteria begin to multiply;
  • The color of the water matches the color of the soil or the stone recently laid on it, which means that the soil was furrowed by fish, or the stone turned out to be fragile.

Drugs that prevent the appearance of cloudy sediment

  1. Aquarium charcoal is an absorbent that is added after cleaning the tank to the filter for a period of 2 weeks. After extraction, you can fill up a new portion there.

  1. Tetra Aqua CrystalWater is a product that binds fine dirt particles into one, after which they can be removed or passed through a filter. After 8-12 hours the pond will be crystal clear. Dosage - 100 ml per 200 liters of water.
  2. Sera Aquaria Clear also binds sediment particles by passing it through the filter. During the day, dirt can be removed from the cassette. The drug does not contain harmful substances.
  • Before adding sorbents to the water, it is better to move the fish to another container.


To avoid cloudy water, it is necessary to control the level of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia in it. They are released as a result of the vital activity of fish, plants and improper care of the reservoir. Therefore, fish should be populated in the tank, the size of which corresponds to its volume. Proper feeding of pets, timely cleaning of their waste products, removal of rotten plants will regulate the water balance. If the aquarium does not have a mechanical or biological filter, change 30% of the water weekly to fresh and settled. Do not add chlorine-scented or boiled tap water.

See also: What kind of water to pour into an aquarium with fish?

If the water becomes cloudy after starting the aquarium

After the first start of the aquarium, the water sometimes becomes cloudy, while acquiring an uncharacteristic color. Turbidity in itself is not a terrible phenomenon, it is a signal that something is wrong in the water and there is a need to do preventive procedures to fix the problem. Turbid water after launch appears due to a number of reasons, having studied which, the tank can be put in order.

What aquatic environment is typical for new aquariums

A few days after installation and launch, the water in the aquarium became cloudy. Why is this happening?

  • The fact is that in the "immature" reservoirs the biological environment has not yet formed, the beneficial bacteria have not spread sufficiently, and are in a state of "stress". While they multiply massively, and after a few weeks their colonies will adapt to a new reservoir. Bacteria do not multiply abundantly in older aquariums.
  • The water in a new aquarium also becomes cloudy from light soil particles that rise under the influence of frequent water changes. When pouring water directly onto the ground, its grains rise sharply, floating for a long time. This process creates a visual cloudiness of the water. To avoid this, it is necessary to do a careful and gradual infusion of liquid into the tank. After that, the sediment will “calm down” and settle to the bottom. Purchased fish are unlikely to create a "hurricane" in a new home - they are shy and often hide in shelters. Water with sand sediment is harmless to fish and plants.

  • Beginners in the aquarium trade can overfeed the fish, causing leftover food to float in the middle layers of the water, or settle to the bottom, mixing with the ground. Later, putrefactive bacteria multiply in the water, releasing toxins. Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are decay products that can poison all inhabitants of the aquarium. It is better to give pets less food than to overfeed.
  • Why do small grains of white sediment appear in the water? To clear water from cloudiness, some home aquarists immediately add water purifying chemicals to the water. Before adding to the tank, they need to be diluted in a separate bowl until completely dissolved. These substances, in addition to filtration, change the parameters of water. White sediments appear on the snags, decorations and in the water itself, and the fish does not feel well. In this case, it is better to move the pets to another container.
  • Watch a video about why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy.

  • New water may become cloudy due to the growth of single-celled algae. After the launch of the reservoir, where the lighting is too bright and the aeration and filtration system is poorly established, algae actively multiply, causing turbidity.
  • It should be remembered about ciliates - microscopic orderlies of water. In the first days, they also multiply rapidly, giving the water a milky white color. At this time, it is impossible to populate fish, for starters, let the parameters of the reservoir stabilize.
  • The gray color of the water after start-up indicates insufficient washing of gravel before backfilling. It is necessary to do the washing until it becomes crystal clear in running water. If the sediment does not disappear, it means that the stone contains impurities of phosphates, silicates and heavy metals. To accurately detect the problem, it is better to use litmus paper with an alkaline indicator. It may be worth getting rid of such gravel, replacing it with a quality one.
  • After starting, the water turned cloudy brown, what should I do? The reason is obvious - wooden decorations can stain water, and the use of peat to soften water or filter soil imposes its brownish color on it. Tannin and humus are safe for fish, but change the pH level, which may not be suitable for some types of pets. The actions are as follows - get the driftwood out of the water, and soak them for several days in infused running water. Move the fish out and replace the soil.
  • If the water has become cloudy and turned into an unnatural color (pink, black, blue) - take a closer look at the color of the soil and stones. Activated charcoal will help bring the water back to its normal color - it discolors the paint.

After life wakes up in a new aquarium, you need to do the necessary procedures so that turbidity does not appear in it.

  1. In a new aquarium, do not partially renew the water for 2-3 weeks until the microflora stabilizes. A complete water change is harmful to both fish and plants.
  2. In order to avoid organic sediment at the bottom of the aquarium, fasting days must be done for the fish. Give the fish as much food as they will eat in 1-2 minutes. You can collect uneaten food residues with your own hands using a special siphon.

    See how to properly feed aquarium fish.

  3. Install a quality filter and aerator in your aquarium. Often cloudy water appears due to a poor purification system.
  4. Use a heavy soil with a sinking fraction. Some types of sand or gravel are not able to settle to the bottom even a few days after the installation of the reservoir. Such soil is deadly for all inhabitants of the reservoir. Either rinse it thoroughly or use coarser sand.

Causes of green sediment in the tank

Why did the water turn cloudy and turn green - what to do about it? This question is often asked by beginner aquarium keepers. There is a simple answer to it - a strong growth of algae (cyanobacteria). By turning on abundant lighting over a body of water, they thrive. A cloudy environment with microscopic algae will not harm the fish, but it causes an ugly aesthetic appearance.

Daphnia and shade do an excellent job with the flowering of water. Move the tank to a shady area where the algae will be sensitive and stop growing. Then launch the daphnia, but only so that the fish do not eat them. A large number of daphnia can eliminate green water. Algae are also eaten by ordinary snails, which in a couple of days will clean the pond to a shine.

Precipitation in the form of bubbles

Why are small air bubbles visible on the walls of the new tank? Answer: It's all because of the untreated tap water from which the chlorine has not eroded. Such water smells sharp and has a slightly white tint. If the water for the aquarium is properly insisted and not filled in early, then there will be no such effect.

It is not recommended to settle fish in insufficiently infused water - excess air is harmful to them. The circulatory system of waterfowl processes such air into bubbles, clogging the walls of blood vessels. As a result of this process, the fish become ill with a gas embolism and die. The first symptoms of the disease: swelling of the whole body, saturated dark color. Later, the fish begin to swim on their side, they do not let anyone near them. If the fish are not evicted in time, they will become even worse. Restore the normal gas balance in this water, then the animals will survive and regain their healthy, beautiful appearance.

Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy?

Turbidity in an aquarium is one of the most common problems that even the most avid and experienced aquarists face. Only a few people know why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy. There may be several reasons for this problem. This is a bacterial outbreak, and a rare replacement of water, and improper feeding of the inhabitants of this home "reservoir". Other factors may also be the cause.

In some cases, it is enough to eliminate or eliminate the causes of cloudy water in the aquarium so that the balance is fully restored. However, this phenomenon often leads to the fact that fish and plants die in muddy water. First of all, the “decorative fish farmer” needs to find out the cause of flowering or cloudy water. Any action should be taken only after that.

The water in the aquarium quickly becomes cloudy: what could be the reasons?

Cloudy water in an aquarium is not uncommon when starting a home pond. This is due to the fact that a bacterial outbreak occurs, which is caused by the active reproduction of unicellular organisms in water. That is why it is better to postpone the settlement of fish for a while. You need to wait a while for the balance to be established in the water, and it will become transparent. If you change the water, the water in the aquarium will become cloudy again.

If the water in the new aquarium becomes cloudy, at least 5-7 days should pass. Only after that you can safely launch the fish. During this time, the biological balance will be restored. To speed up this process, you can add some water from an old aquarium.

Often the aquarium becomes cloudy due to overfeeding the fish. Water spoils rather quickly if the food is not completely eaten by the inhabitants of the mini-pond. It settles at the bottom of the tank and can spoil the life-giving moisture. This is another common reason for this problem.

Video - cloudy water in the aquarium

Cloudy water in the aquarium can also be expected as a result of poor water filtration. The cleaning system must be well thought out. This is especially important when there are a lot of inhabitants in the aquarium. If the problem is not eliminated in time, it can cause poisoning of the fish with decay products. "Inhabitants of the reservoir" may not survive such an attitude.

The problem of green and cloudy water in an aquarium can be hidden in microscopic algae, or rather, in its rapid growth. If organic matter accumulates at the bottom or too much light is directed at the tank, then microscopic algae can actively grow. But when the lighting is not enough, the algae will turn brown and begin to rot. If the water in the aquarium quickly turns cloudy and smells bad, the root of the problem may lie in the growth of blue-green algae.

The aquarium is cloudy: what to do?

If such a nuisance did happen, you need to determine why the water in the aquarium has become cloudy. Only the exact answer to this question will set the direction for further action. If the root of the problem lies in the overcrowding of the aquarium, you need to reduce the number of its inhabitants or increase the filtration. If the remains of uneaten food settle at the bottom, the number of servings should be reduced or bottom fish should be added, which will eat up the leftovers.

If you managed to find out why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, and the cause was an excess of light, you need to darken the aquarium. If there is not enough lighting, it needs to be added. It is possible to stop the excessive growth of algae. To do this, snails or fish will settle in the reservoir, which feast on algae and excess vegetation.

What else causes the water in the aquarium to become cloudy? Due to the low-power filtering system. A prerequisite for maintaining biological balance and decent maintenance of the aquarium is the presence and normal operation of high-quality filters. If, nevertheless, the aquarium has become cloudy, you can add a special additive, which is sold in specialized stores. However, in most cases, it is not possible to restore the balance in the water.

To understand why the water in aquariums becomes cloudy, you need to understand the cause of this process. However, it should be remembered that the water in the "reservoir" is always alive. Her condition is a consequence and result of the interaction of a number of tiny creatures, so certain conditions and time are needed for recovery. But hasty and wrong decisions can lead to even greater destruction, so you need to act carefully.

What to do if the water in the aquarium is cloudy:: the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy what to do:: Aquarium fish

Occasionally water in aquarium starts to blur. There are many reasons why this process occurs. It can be associated both with the vital activity of the fish and the quality of the food, and with various objects inside the aquarium, including the filter. The turbidity of the water itself aquarium not dangerous, but it is still necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of such a phenomenon.

In most cases, the cause of cloudy water is the mass reproduction of bacteria. If your aquarium is new, then you can not worry - this is a completely normal phenomenon that will pass with time. If your aquarium has been “ripe” for a long time, then be sure to transplant the fish into another container and change the water. Sometimes water begins to become cloudy due to improper use of chemicals. Therefore, read the instructions carefully again to find out your mistake, and then transplant the fish to another aquarium, as there is a risk of poisoning. Water can also become cloudy due to food that immediately begins to disintegrate in the water - even before it is absorbed fish. Such products include, for example, fresh meat or improperly thawed food. In this case, change the diet of the inhabitants of the aquarium, using high quality food. Sometimes water begins to be painted in different, completely uncharacteristic tones. In most cases, this is due to the color of the aquarium decorations. For example, peat or wood turns the water brown, while pink gravel gives the water a reddish tint. In most cases, this phenomenon is not dangerous for fish. To get rid of strange shades, simply treat the water with activated charcoal tablets, as they are excellent absorbents. Water can become cloudy as a result of rising substances that have accumulated in the substrate of the aquarium. The release of such a substance can occur as a result of the activities of fish or the person himself. There is no need to worry about this - the mule should be removed by the filtration system. If a water starts to become cloudy, then be sure to check the filter - it may be broken or not working intensively enough. Quite often, dead fish become the cause of water pollution. In the Big aquarium it is quite difficult to notice a small dead fish that has sunk to the bottom. Therefore, try to check the aquarium and its pets as often as possible. If you find a dead fish, immediately fish it out of the water, as it begins to decompose very quickly.

How to get rid of turbidity in an aquarium :: how to remove white turbidity in an aquarium :: Aquarium fish

Many aquarists face the problem of cloudy water in aquariums. There are several reasons for this phenomenon - algal blooms, biological surge, high levels of organic carbon. How to get rid of muddy in aquarium?

Question “opened a pet store. Business is not running. What to do? » - 2 answers


1. The appearance of white or gray muddy in the new aquarium may be connected to the laying of the soil. Rinse the soil thoroughly before placing it in the aquarium. As a rule, 1-2 days after laying the water in aquarium becomes transparent. The presence of cloudy water for three or more days after placing the soil may indicate insufficiently thorough washing.

2. If, after filling the soil into a new aquarium, the water became clear, and then turbidity appeared again, this indicates the establishment of the biological balance of the system. Such turbidity is called bacterial. After the formation of a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria, it usually disappears on its own. In order to make life easier for the fish during this period, it is recommended to replace 1/4 of the aquarium water daily. Try to feed the fish as little as possible. In the first month of using the aquarium, do not let too many inhabitants into it.

3. The reason for the appearance of green muddy in aquarium is usually an algal bloom. To remove green muddy you need to change 1/4 of the water daily. Remove and rinse the aquarium filter media thoroughly. Reduce the amount of feed. Turn off the light and leave it on until the green haze has disappeared. If possible, purchase a special UV sterilizer or use algae removers sold in pet stores. To avoid green haze muddy, it is recommended to place the aquarium in such a way that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. It is strictly forbidden to place aquariums on the windows on the south side.

4. The appearance of yellow muddy may be caused by several factors. Such an effect may appear from an excess of waste products of fish. In this case, you need to purchase a more powerful aquarium filter. If you have recently placed a snag in the aquarium, most likely the cause of the yellow muddy exactly in this. You should know that the process of leaching wood pigment lasts from 2 to 6 months. After that, the water will become transparent again. During this period, it is recommended to change the water in aquarium a little more often than usual. Another reason for the appearance of yellow muddy there may be rotting plants. Remove dead and diseased algae from the aquarium. Purify the water with activated carbon. However, you should know that it absorbs not only harmful, but also useful substances from water. Therefore, the maximum period of use of the carbon filter is one week. After applying this filter, you need to make sure that all other water indicators remain normal.

New aquarium and fish. Why is the water cloudy? how to deal with it?

Yuri Balashov

the aquarium is new, then patience is needed for tap water to become aquarium water. While the aquarium is running, do not change the water, do not turn off the filter, feed the fish, so that in 2 minutes. s "ate all the food, turn on the light, for a maximum of 6-8 hours, etc., etc. Good luck.

cat Basilio

Cloudy water can occur for various reasons, and it is not always easy to deal with this phenomenon. In the most harmless case, the water becomes cloudy due to small particles of soil suspended in it, for example, after careless pouring of water into an aquarium. Such turbidity does not have any unpleasant consequences and after a while disappears on its own when the turbidity settles to the bottom.

The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy due to the appearance of a large number of putrefactive bacteria in it, which are very harmful not only to fish, but also to aquatic plants. The reason for the appearance of such bacteria is improper feeding and excessively dense planting of fish in an aquarium. One of the first rules in the aquarium hobby is to underfeed rather than overfeed. If you follow this rule, you will get rid of many possible problems in advance.

In a newly equipped aquarium, in the first days the water may be cloudy due to the strong reproduction of unicellular organisms in it. After the aquarium is prepared and filled with water, you need to be patient and not rush to stock it with fish. It happens that on the second or third day the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, as if a few drops of milk had been dropped into it, because after a complete replacement of the water, microorganisms usually develop rapidly after a while, and the water becomes cloudy not from weed particles, but from ciliates, there is a so-called "infusor dregs".

An overgrowth of bacteria can occur in your aquarium every time you change a large amount of water, as well as in cases where you forget to remove uneaten food or rotting plants from the aquarium in time. Such turbidity, if its cause is eliminated and waited for a while, disappears.

In an aquarium, interrelated chemical and biological processes are constantly taking place, as a result of which some animals and plant organisms are born, while others die.

A huge mass of bacteria living in the water column, in the soil and in the filter filler processes the decay products and vital activity of plants, food residues, and fish excrement. Bacteria are, in turn, food for ciliates, etc.

In an overcrowded aquarium, cloudy water can occur if it is not sufficiently well ventilated or filtered. In such an aquarium, the accumulated metabolic products serve as a good breeding ground for the mass reproduction of bacteria and unicellular organisms. In this case, you need to quickly remove extra fish or improve the filtration or blowing system. If the situation is not corrected in time, this can lead to illness or even mass death of fish, not to mention the fact that such an aquarium looks very ugly.

A complete change of water in the aquarium should not be carried out!

It is necessary to monitor the proper nutrition of fish.

The constant presence of food at the bottom of the aquarium is unacceptable!

In the first days in a newly launched aquarium, the water may be cloudy due to the strong reproduction of unicellular organisms.

In an overcrowded aquarium, cloudy water can occur due to insufficient venting or water filtration systems.

go to any aquarium site, there are sure to be articles for beginners ... in a new aquarium (less than 2-3 weeks) there should be no fish, only water, which must first become cloudy, then clear itself (various types of bacteria develop). there is no need to change it!
if the aquarium is already settled, then the cause of cloudiness is most likely overfeeding, then change half of the water, and do not do this again; -)

Natalya A.

When you start a new aquarium at the start, a bacterial outbreak is inevitable, everything is fine with you, wait a few days, the biological balance will be established and the water will clear itself, you don’t need to change the water in any case, do absolutely nothing, but wait. The only thing is that the fish were launched early, but you can and should feed them a little bit.

Marina Filippova

I agree with Natalya Abumova, as the director of the pet store, I can also tell you: the balance will be established by itself, beneficial bacteria breed in the aquarium, and in the filter, if any, so the water turns white. Wait a bit. In the future, in no case do not change the water in the aquarium completely, only partially, for example, in an aquarium of 30 liters, only 5 liters of water should be replaced once a week with fresh settled water, otherwise each time a new reproduction of beneficial bacteria and each time clouding and loss of the population of the biotope and even among plants. If there is no time to defend the water or you want to slightly improve the habitat of the fish - use air conditioners for aquarium water, ask the consultants of the pet store about it) good luck in your endeavors!

Andrey Kovalenko

"If there is no time to defend the water ... - use air conditioners for aquarium water" - well, well, many beginners peck at such words of consultants, having bought a bunch of all sorts of fish (in the same store), come home and "launch "The aquarium and then the air conditioners (thinking that the biological balance has already been established) put a lot of fish there at once, and as a result they get ... .
but I especially liked this - "or if you want to slightly improve the habitat of the fish - use air conditioners for aquarium water, which ask the consultants of the pet store)" - sounds like an advertisement :)))
P.S. So my advice is to run an aquarium without any chemicals. (quieter you will go further)

Oksana Stepanova

Hello friends. Today we will talk about such a moment as cloudy water in an aquarium. This phenomenon is very common and many beginner aquarists are afraid of it and do not know the causes of this phenomenon and how to deal with it. In today's article, I will try to shed light on this mystery and I hope that newcomers after reading this article will, as they say, "in all weapons." And so, let's start to understand.
Cloudy water in an aquarium can be for many reasons, and sometimes it is not easy to deal with this negative moment. The main reason why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy is that small particles of solid substances, algae or bacteria float in it. There is also a harmless moment of muddy water - this is if you did not rinse the aquarium soil well and did not carefully fill in the water after cleaning the jar. Such turbidity does not represent any harmful consequences for your aquarium, and after a certain time, the turbidity will partially settle, and partially fall into the filter and remain there. They can also raise the dregs of fish swarming in the ground.
Turbid water in the aquarium is often encountered by owners of aquariums with veiltails, cichlids and goldfish, which constantly dig in the ground, plus in aquariums in which there is no filter. Cloudy water also appears after starting the aquarium, when you fill it with fresh water. Do nothing with it, this muck has risen from the ground, it will literally settle within a day. A very common mistake of beginners - they see muddy water after starting the can, they immediately begin to change it and add fresh water and the process repeats. In the absence of a filter in the aquarium, the water begins to deteriorate quickly, and it deteriorates more in small aquariums. Sponge filters come to the aid of the aquarist.
Cloudy water in the aquarium
Turbidity of bacterial origin has an extremely worse effect on the aquarium. If the aquarium is overcrowded and there are few aquarium plants, then the water may become cloudy. Water is essentially only passed through the filter but not filtered. In this case, there will be a lot of metabolic products in the water, which will serve as excellent food for bacteria and all kinds of unicellular organisms. Also, the water can become cloudy in the aquarium due to ciliates and various putrefactive bacteria that are abundantly distributed in such water. These reptiles are equally harmful to plants and fish. The main reason for the development of these bacteria is an overabundance of organic matter in the aquarium.
Another reason why the aquarium is densely populated with these unicellular organisms is excessive feeding and overcrowding of the bank. Remember once and for all the golden rule of the aquarium trade - it is better to underfeed than overfeed. If you adhere to this rule, you will protect the inhabitants of the aquarium and yourself from unnecessary hemorrhoids from these problems. If, nevertheless, such a fate has befallen you, it is better to give the extra fish to one of the friends of the aquarists. In case of cloudy water, do not try to feed the fish, as you will make it even worse. It is better not to feed the fish for a couple of days, the bacteria will die during this time, and nothing will happen to the fish. Make them a massive unloading day :)
Cloudy water in the aquarium
Here's another tip for you - if the water in the aquarium is still cloudy, you need to immediately correct the situation, or you will lose all the fish. Due to the persistence of bacterial turbidity, the aquarist does not have time to think and wait like “what if the water becomes clear”. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, then the situation may become critical, and it will not be easy to get out of it. In advanced cases, sometimes there is no point in fighting cloudy water, only a complete replacement of water will help with the establishment of a new biological balance.

And so, why is the aquarium cloudy? Here we consider the case whenbecomes cloudy it is water, but if the walls of the aquarium become cloudy (covered with a white coating), then read about it.The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy for several reasons:

  • The first and most commonthe wrong bacteria settled in the aquarium and not where we would like. They settled right in the water and multiplied excessively, forming bacterial turbidity. Usually the water becomes cloudy due to bacterial turbidity when setting up a new aquarium, this happens two to four days after planting. Sometimes later if there is regular fish.
  • The second reason for cloudy water is the presence of suspended matter in the water, which most often occurs due to the use of poorly washed soil. In this case, the water becomes cloudy immediately after it is poured into the aquarium. If this turbidity is catastrophic, then it is necessary to drain the water, and remove the soil and rinse thoroughly. If there is only a slight "turbidity", then you can try to get by not with radical, but with conservative measures: do not touch the soil, but use special products based on coagulants to combat clouding of the water in the aquarium. Among these can be mentioned "Dennerle ClearUp!", "JBL Clearol", "JBL Clynol", "Tetra Aqua Crystal Water" ().

But back to the first reason for cloudy water - the formation of bacterial turbidity. It is created by many billions of rapidly multiplying bacterial cells. How to eliminate this dregs? Now I will answer, but at the beginning I will say a few words about the benefits of "correct aquarium" bacteria.
In fact, without bacteria in the aquarium, well, just nowhere. But only it should be beneficial bacteria. One of them,participating in the so-called "",oxidize ammonia, which is dangerous for fish, turning it into relatively safe nitrates, others decompose excess organic substances into simple inorganic compounds: carbon dioxide, water, sulfates, phosphates ... It is these bacteria that are necessary in an aquarium and it is they that make the water crystal clear with wonderful smell of freshly mowed meadows. However, beneficial bacteria by themselves do not always start up in an aquarium. Therefore, it is desirable to place them there specially.If you have not done this, then some bacteria will start in the aquarium on their own, only the wrong ones can start up ... As it often happens in life, something that is undesirable usually happens by itself. Here is a similar case with bacterial turbidity ... A holy place is never empty, and if there is no useful and good bacterial microflora in the aquarium, a bad one will certainly settle there. Here it is:

The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy due to the huge number of heterotrophic bacteria. Why are there so many of them? Yes, because there is a lot of nutrition (organic matter) in the water for them. In order for the turbidity to disappear, it is necessary to deprive these bacteria of nutrition. Actually, measures to combat turbidity of water are aimed at this.

How to deal with cloudy water in the aquarium?

  1. Introduce beneficial bacteria into the aquarium, which will leave the bacteria that cause cloudy water hungry - preparations such as Dennerle FB7 BiActive,Dennerle BactoClean Bio (), from filter media from a well-off aquarium.
  2. Check the operation of the filter, if not, then buy and install. It often happens that the sponge in the filter is too small, in this case it is necessary to buy a filter with a large volume of filter material or, if possible, add filter material to an existing filter. Can install - it will be an effective and very economical solution, though not very aesthetic.
  3. Since beneficial bacteria settle on the filter material and in the aquarium soil, rinse the sponges and siphon the soil without fanaticism so that these bacteria are not washed off. More precisely, do not touch the filter until it issues, and not until clearly visible accumulations of silt form on it and in it. I note that an external filter is always more efficient than an internal one, and if you have had cloudy water more than once, and the filter in the aquarium is internal, then change it to an external one. The external filter can temporarily use ultra-fine water purification filter media., which allow you to filter out bacterial turbidity ().
  4. Do not feed the fish for 2-3 days, and then feed a little, until the situation is completely clear.

As a rule, the measures listed above to combat the cloudiness of the water in the aquarium help. In fact, they are all aimed at ensuring that the aquarium develops as quickly as possible.
For those who missed the first partarticles:

Photo 2. Turbidity in the water in a newly equipped aquarium (turbidity in a new aquarium) is quite common. First, numerous bacteria develop in the water, which form this bacterial turbidity. Within a few days (a maximum of a week), this turbidity disappears. It is important at this time not to overfeed the fish, and it is even better to survive this period of muddy water before the introduction of fish there.

Photo 3. The same aquarium a week later. The turbidity of the water went away on its own. This is a normal process of maturation of the aquarium biocenosis.
If passed days eight - ten, and the turbidity in the aquarium does not even think to pass, then your case is not typical, but difficult, and here you will have to apply special measures: buy and install.

Discussion on the Aquarium forum: " ".

Owners of densely populated aquariums, where the water often becomes cloudy, will find it useful and interesting to read.

Cloudy water in an aquarium is one of the most common problems for both beginners and experienced aquarists. There are a lot of reasons for this problem: from a bacterial outbreak to improper feeding of the inhabitants of the home "reservoir".

Why does the water in the aquarium become cloudy?

Turbid water in an aquarium is unaesthetic and, in addition, is very dangerous for the health of fish. This kind of problem can happen for several reasons. Improper maintenance of the aquarium, rotting algae, the presence of putrefactive bacteria, overcrowding, over-feeding of fish - these are just the most common causes of cloudy water. This problem can occur due to suspended particles of soil, which are formed due to careless pouring of fresh water into the aquarium. This is a completely harmless turbidity, after a while it will disappear by itself when the suspended particles sink to the bottom of the aquarium.

Quite often the water becomes cloudy when you first start the aquarium. This is due to the fact that it has not yet established a biological balance. In this case, no action is required. You should wait a little, and the water itself will become transparent.

Cloudy aquarium water can be caused by a faulty or poorly designed cleaning system. The aquarium must have a filter. This is especially important when there are a lot of fish in it.

Turbid water in the aquarium: what to do

Aquarium water is always alive. Its condition is the result of the interaction of its inhabitants, including algae. That is why it takes time and a competent approach to restore water.

First you need to identify the exact cause of this trouble. If the root of the problem lies in the overpopulation of the "reservoir", it is necessary to urgently reduce the number of its inhabitants, or improve the cleaning system by purchasing a more powerful filter. It will help maintain the biological balance in the home pond. Overpopulation is especially dangerous in aquariums that are not equipped with cleaning and aeration systems. The water in them quickly becomes cloudy, and the fish in it simply suffocate.

If food residues constantly settle at the bottom of the aquarium, its amount should be reduced. Remember: feed should be given only as much as the fish can eat at a time, and not a gram more! The rule here is: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. You can also add bottom fish to the aquarium, which will happily eat up leftover food. However, this is only possible if the volume of the aquarium allows it, otherwise you will achieve overpopulation and nullify all your efforts to eliminate the problem of cloudy water.

Among aquarists, there is one iron rule - one liter of water is required per centimeter of fish. It turns out that only two or three fish with an average body length can be populated in a ten-liter aquarium.

Putrefactive bacteria are another enemy of aquarium cleanliness. They appear, as a rule, with an excess of food. If reducing the amount of food does not help, you can try not to feed the fish for two or three days. Believe me, such unloading will not harm the inhabitants of the aquarium, rather, it will benefit them. In addition, putrefactive bacteria, having lost their source of nutrition, will simply die.

Aquarium cleaning is important. Keep your aquarium clean. Many novice aquarists, when the water becomes cloudy, resort to drastic measures - they completely replace it. At the same time, not only all the water is extracted from the aquarium, but also fish, algae and soil. The latter is thoroughly washed, almost sterilized, and sometimes completely replaced with a new one. The result - the water in the aquarium becomes clear. True, not for long: a month later, it will again become mercilessly cloudy! In addition, its inhabitants experience tremendous stress as a result of such general cleaning. For them, such an approach is like a flood, an earthquake and a fire put together for us.

No need to replace all the water completely! It will be enough to drain a few liters of water from the aquarium once a week and replace them with a fresh portion. The aquarium soil should be cleaned using a special device - a siphon. By following this simple rule, you can easily keep the water in the aquarium clean for a long time.

The problem of cloudy water may be the rapid growth of "bad" algae. If food remains constantly accumulate at the bottom of the aquarium or the "pond" receives a lot of light, dangerous algae, which are popularly called "black beard", may begin to grow in it. Getting rid of this misfortune is not so easy, but possible. This will help the siphon of the soil, frequent water changes, as well as replanting higher plants and snails into the aquarium. The latter like to feast on algae, including the "bad" ones. Over time, the "black beard" will disappear, and the water will become clear.

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