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The election of the mayor of Moscow in 2018, in terms of importance, will be on the same level as the procedure for electing the president of Russia. Moscow is the political, cultural and financial center of the Russian Federation, in which almost all the main state institutions of the state are located. If only for this reason, the election of the mayor of the Mother See is a non-trivial event. Still fresh are the memories of the 2013 election campaign, which was remembered for scandalous statements and mass protests. Therefore, the closer the elections, the more the excitement around the upcoming plebiscite is being pumped up.

Date of elections of the mayor of Moscow

The electoral campaign, exciting the minds of political scientists, will take place in 2018. The exact date of the procedure for electing the mayor of the capital is unknown. The will of the citizens of the Russian Federation takes place on a single voting day (EDV) - the second Sunday of September. Based on this formula, the plebiscite will take place on September 9, 2018. However, there is a reservation in the law on a single day of voting. If elections to the authorities of the subjects of the federation or local self-government and the procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation or deputies of the State Duma are scheduled for the same year, then the EDG is postponed to the day of the presidential or parliamentary elections. In this case, the will of Muscovites will take place on March 11, 2018. This is the date of the presidential election. However, there is still a lot of time until X hour. Therefore, the exact date of the plebiscite will be made public later.

Who will participate in the election of the head of Moscow in 2018

Five years ago, in September 2013, several dozen candidates were vying for the mayor's chair. In total, 41 applications were submitted to the Moscow City Election Commission at that time. Among the applicants for a high position were leaders of social and political movements, as well as the most ordinary people: pensioners, businessmen, teachers and people of working professions. Many of them were nominated as self-nominated candidates. But in the end, the struggle unfolded only between 6 candidates:

  1. Sergei Sobyanin (self-nominated);
  2. Alexei Navalny (RPR-PARNAS);
  3. Ivan Melnikov (KPRF);
  4. Sergei Mitrokhin ("Yabloko");
  5. Mikhail Degtyarev (LDPR);
  6. Nikolai Levichev ("Fair Russia").

The electoral race with an impressive result was won by Sergei Sobyanin, who had previously ruled the capital for three years. Sobyanin's success was brought by his personal and business qualities. As the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Semyonovich actively reformed the urban economy, ridding the city of the sad legacy of the past head of the metropolis. This is what allowed him to gain 51% of all votes during the elections. Opponents of Sergei Sobyanin failed to reach the hearts of voters. As the campaign progressed, they often slipped into dirty political tricks. Most of all, Alexey Navalny was remembered for his scandalous antics. But this is not surprising. Outsiders always tend to blame their failures on the winners.

But all this is a thing of bygone days. Who is this time ready to go on a campaign for the chair of the mayor? A complete list of candidates for the election of the head of Moscow in 2018 has not yet been determined. However, some figures have already made curious "body movements".

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

The former prisoner of the Chita correctional colony No. 10 avoids active participation in the political life of the country. However, this did not stop him from opening a school to train candidates for municipal deputies in Moscow. In total, the “factory of deputies” should train up to 400 “graduates”. Khodorkovsky hopes that among them there will be a sufficiently intelligent and talented person who will submit not only to the chair of the people's choice, but also to the post of mayor of the capital. The founder of the “school” himself does not yet intend to participate in the election of the mayor.

Yuri Luzhkov

It must be assumed that Yuri Mikhailovich was fed up with the everyday life of a wealthy Moscow pensioner, so the legendary mayor of Moscow is again ready to return to duty. On this occasion, the 80-year-old politician even burst into a brief but very curious pre-election speech, in which he promised to return flea markets, numerous barbecue houses, markets and “give the green light to the talent of Zurab Tsereteli.” In his election campaign, the doctor of chemical sciences, the author of more than 200 publications and honorary professors of countless Russian and foreign academies is ready to rely on "the general population." In his concept, these are “Tajiks selling shawarma, Armenians who own khinkal and kebab shops, Azerbaijanis selling tangerines.” If this is not banter, then Luzhkov's campaign in the election of the mayor of Moscow in 2018 may become one of the most memorable in the history of the capital's plebiscite. Well, Yuri Mikhailovich can only wish good luck in his endeavors.

Sergei Sobyanin

The current mayor Sergei Sobyanin is not wasted on high-profile pre-election promises. The mayor is engaged in much more boring and routine activities: he opens new metro stations in record time, builds new road junctions, saving Muscovites from traffic jams, and improves the city entrusted to him in every possible way. Sergei Semyonovich commented with extreme restraint on the possibility of his participation in the elections: "we'll wait and see." There is only one objective reason why Sobyanin will not run for the post of mayor - the transition to a high position in the state apparatus of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin greatly appreciates the professionalism of Sergei Semyonovich, which can serve as a reason for such an imperious castling.


Most applicants for the mayor's position are not yet known. For now, politicians are "probing the ground" in order to assess their chances in a plebiscite. However, some contenders are already gaining political fat, making loud statements. So it's safe to say that the election campaign is slowly gaining momentum. Muscovites should wish to be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, as they did in 2013. The future mayor should be "their own person", who knows the capital's economy very well and is not afraid of strong-willed decisions. After all, under his control there will be a huge metropolis in need of further reforms!

The election campaign for the election of the mayor of the capital officially started on June 11. The nomination of candidates and the collection of necessary documents began on June 12.

Each of the candidates must collect 73,021 signatures, which corresponds to 1% of the total number of voters.

Sergei Sobyanin

Acting Mayor of Moscow, self-nominated

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the village of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky District, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region. After school, he moved to Kostroma, where he entered the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute, graduating with honors in 1980 with a degree in mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools.

Sergei Sobyanin. Photo: site

In 1989 he received a second education - law (All-Union Law Correspondence Institute, Ulyanovsk branch). Candidate of Legal Sciences (1999, the topic of the dissertation is "The Legal Status of Autonomous Okrugs as Subjects of the Russian Federation").

He served as Governor of the Tyumen Region (2001–2005), Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia (2005–2008), Deputy Prime Minister of Russia – Head of the Government Office of the Russian Federation (2008–2010). Since October 21, 2010 Mayor of Moscow. On June 4, Sergei Sobyanin will turn to the President of Russia with a request for his resignation in order to hold direct elections of the mayor in September. Now he is the acting mayor of Moscow.

Mikhail Degtyarev

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies, candidate from the LDPR party

Mikhail Degtyarev. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Mikhail Vladimirovich Degtyarev was born on July 10, 1981 in Kuibyshev (Samara). In 1998 he graduated from the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum, and in 2004 from the Samara State Aerospace University (Department of Aircraft Engines), a year later he received the specialty "manager" at the same university.

In 2012, he completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of World Civilizations at the Faculty of Modern Law with a degree in law.

In July 2004, he was elected to the Samara City Duma. In December 2005 he joined the LDPR. He is an assistant to the chairman of the party Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

March 11, 2007 Degtyarev was elected to the Samara Provincial Duma. In 2009, he was included in the personnel reserve of the President of Russia (500 managerial personnel). In December 2011, he was elected to the State Duma from the Samara Region.

In January 2012, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies.

Nikolay Levichev

Chairman of the party "Fair Russia", candidate from the party "Fair Russia"

Nikolai Vladimirovich Levichev was born in 1953 in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Leningrad State University named after A.A. Zhdanov. He worked as a researcher at the Vavilov State Optical Institute, then as the director of a pioneer camp.

Nikolay Levichev. Photo: ITAR-TASS

From 1991 to 2002, he was the general director of the book publishing house "Klyuch-S" Publishing House, which he founded. was elected co-chairman of the National Council of the party.

From 2003 to 2006 - First Deputy Chairman of the RRP. In 2007 he was the general director of the Russian Life magazine. In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life party. In April 2011, he was elected chairman of the Just Russia party.

Ivan Melnikov

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, candidate from the Communist Party

Ivan Melnikov. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Ivan Ivanovich Melnikov was born in 1950 in the city of Bogoroditsk, Tula Region. Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov with a degree in mathematics.

From 1997-1999 he was Chairman of the Science and Technology Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, head of the Mathematics Teaching Methods Office at Moscow State University. He has the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

He was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor" and the badge "Excellence in Public Education".

Five times he was elected to the State Duma, and since 2011 he has been the first deputy chairman of the State Duma.

Sergei Mitrokhin

Chairman of the Yabloko party, candidate from the Yabloko party

Sergei Sergeevich Mitrokhin was born in 1963 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin and is a candidate of political sciences. He was one of the founders and authors of the first Russian samizdat newspaper "Chronograph".

Sergei Mitrokhin. Photo: ITAR-TASS

From 1990 to 1995, Mitrokhin served as deputy director of the Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies.

From 1994 to 2003, he was a State Duma deputy from the Yabloko faction, deputy chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government.

Since 2001, he served as deputy chairman of the party, and in 2005 he was elected to the Moscow City Duma. He has been the chairman of the party since 2008.

Alexey Navalny

Blogger, creator of the RosPil and RosYama Internet projects, candidate from the RPR-PARNAS party

Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny was born in 1976 in the village of Butyn, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, in 2001 - the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of Russia with a degree in Securities and Exchange Business.

Alexey Navalny. Photo: ITAR-TASS

From April 2004 to February 2007 he was the chief of staff of the Moscow regional branch of the Yabloko party.

Since 2009, he has served as an adviser to the Governor of the Kirov Region, Nikita Belykh, and is the founder of the Governor's Initiatives Support Fund.

In June 2012, he joined the board of directors of Aeroflot.

Two criminal cases have been initiated and are being investigated against Navalny. The first was filed in December 2012 against Alexei and his brother Oleg Navalny. The brothers are accused of overstating the cost of cargo transportation by more than 20 million rubles. In the second criminal case, Navalny is accused of organizing embezzlement of other people's property on an especially large scale.

Svetlana Peunova

Chairman of the "Will" party, a candidate from this party

Svetlana Peunova. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Svetlana Mikhailovna Peunova was born in 1958 in Kuibyshev (Samara).

In 1978 she graduated from the Kuibyshev College of Music, in 1983 from the Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute, in 2001 from the Samara Medical College. N. Lyapina, in December 2006 - Faculty of Law, Samara State University. In October 2006 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "Medical Psychology" at the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen.

From 1998 to 2007, Peunova served as president of the regional public organization "Regional Center" Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists.

In December 2003, she ran for the Russian State Duma as an independent candidate. In March 2004, she took part in the election of the mayor of the city of Togliatti. In March 2007, she ran for the Samara Provincial Duma.

Gleb Fetisov

Chairman of the Green Alliance - People's Party, businessman, candidate from the Green Alliance party

]Gleb Fetisov. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Gleb Fetisov was born in 1966 in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region. In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. He graduated from the magistracy of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

In 1990 he worked as a senior researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 2001, he became a member of the Board of Directors of OAO VimpelCom. In July 2001, he was elected to the Federation Council of Russia from the Voronezh Region. In 2004, he received a stake in the telecommunications holding Alfa Group - Altimo. In May 2009, of his own free will, he resigned from the Federation Council.

In 2009, he founded the investment bank My Decker Capital in China. On December 24, 2009, he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. On April 24, 2012, he was elected chairman of the Green Alliance - People's Party.

Sergei "Spider" Troitsky

Leader of the rock group "Metal Corrosion", self-nominated

Sergei Evgenievich Troitsky was born in 1966 in Moscow. After graduating from school in 1983, he worked at the Krasny Proletary printing house and the editorial office of the Moscow News newspaper. In 1989, Troitsky created the "Hard Rock Corporation", the purpose of which was to unite all informal groups in Russia.

Sergei Troitsky. Photo: ITAR-TASS

"Spider" is running for mayor of the capital not for the first time - he was nominated for this post in 1993. In addition, in December 1998, he ran for by-elections to the State Duma of Russia.

In August 2012, he announced his intention to be elected mayor of Khimki, during the election campaign he distinguished himself with a number of provocative slogans.

Candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow

Among the candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow, documents were also submitted to the election commission by the rector of the CIS Institute Mikhail Frolov, chairman of the Central Committee of the political party "Communists of Russia" Maxim Suraikin, businessman Igor Suzdaltsev, unemployed Alexey Denisov and Sergey Tolmachev , electrician Alexander Gorlov, advocate Vyacheslav Makarov. In addition, the head of the VNIIgeosistem sector Valery Ruchnov, businessman Ivan Karpushkin, housing subsidy specialist Nil Elagin, director at Kultura State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Andrey Ivanov, and pensioner Vera Efremova, an individual entrepreneur, announced their desire to run for mayor. Vladislav Buzarov, General Director of the Institute of High Technologies "Bionanotech" Anatoly Gorshkov. They also nominated Alexander Surzhko from the Moscow branch of the Party of Spiritual Transformation of Russia, public figure Alena Popova from the Civil Force party, blogger Samson Sholademi, pensioner and public figure Igor Artanov, two unemployed - Andrey Kim and Sergey Golkin, pensioners - Andrey Dukharev and Vladimir Kuvshinov, Sirazdin Ramazanov, nominated by the Social Democratic Party of Russia, temporarily idle Muscovite Olesya Vishnya and chairman of the "Constitutional Committee" K "to counter the genocide of the Russian people" Alexei Nazarov.

Thus, in total, more than 30 people have already submitted documents for registration as candidates for the mayoral elections. However, as the chairman of the Moscow City Duma Vladimir Platonov suggests, not all candidates will have time to prepare the necessary documents by the appointed date.

"30 days are given to collect the necessary documents from the date of publication of the Moscow City Duma resolution on the elections. It is necessary to collect more than 73 thousand signatures of voters in their support. However, experience shows that by the end of the deadline for submitting documents to the Moscow City Election Committee, there will be fewer candidates who have collected the full package, and after verification further reduced," he said.


Amendments to the Electoral Code of the city, establishing the direct election of the mayor, were adopted by the Moscow City Duma on June 27, 2012. The mayor is elected for a term of 5 years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The mayor cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms.

Mayor of Moscow may be elected a Russian citizen who has a passive electoral right, does not have foreign citizenship or a residence permit abroad and has reached the age of 30 years.

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