Uzi orbits. Examination of the visual center of the eye using ultrasound Ultrasound of the eyeball decoding

The eye is one of the most complex systems in the structure and functions of the human body. Violations in the work of the elements of the eyeball, blood supply lead to a decrease in the quality of vision. An ultrasound of the eye is the safest and fastest way to examine the structure and tissues of the visual organ. Such diagnostics refers to special methods, which, along with a standard examination by an ophthalmologist (which includes visometry, that is, checking visual acuity using familiar tables, tonometry, refractometry, and others), guarantees an objective picture of the object being examined.

Echobiometry and echography are studies carried out using high-frequency ultrasonic waves, which, reflected from tissues, are captured by a sensitive sensor and project an image onto the screen of the device.

When using color Doppler, which allows you to stain the vessels, the ophthalmologist evaluates the capillaries, vessels and blood supply of the eyeball.

The technique has gained popularity due to its speed, safety and good information content.

  • various stages of myopia (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia);
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • preoperative and postoperative examination;
  • monitoring the course of diagnosed diseases (cataract, glaucoma);
  • suspected retinal detachment;
  • neoplasms in the tissues of the apple;
  • injury and injury to the organ;
  • diseases of the muscles that hold the eye, vascular or optic nerve-related pathologies;
  • clouding of the cornea;
  • study of eye sockets, thickness and features of fatty tissue;
  • hereditary predisposition to diseases of the visual organ;
  • anomalies of the blood supply;
  • tracking the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment;
  • diseases in the anamnesis - hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nephropathy;
  • congenital pathologies.

The procedure is performed for diagnostic and prophylactic purposes.

Ultrasound of the fundus will allow you to determine the degree of development of the disease with complete clouding of the apple.

How to prepare for a session

An ultrasound examination of the state of the eyeball is prescribed to detect diseases, especially in the early stages of their development.

Perform ultrasound of the eye in specialized centers and clinics. Hospitalization is not required. It takes from 15 to 35 minutes in time.

In order for the study to show true, undistorted results, you need to properly prepare for its passage.

The woman must remove all makeup from the eyes and the area around them, a special gel will be applied to the upper eyelid, and during the procedure the makeup will be damaged.

Young children need to be told in advance, it is advisable to show how the procedure is carried out (a lot of videos on the Internet), this will help them psychologically tune in and not be afraid of the examination.

Contact lenses and glasses will have to be removed.

It is important to inform the ophthalmologist about allergic reactions to local anesthetics if the scan is performed in mode A.

What are the contraindications

There are no contraindications for the study, it is completely safe.

Ultrasound can be performed on pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly. Diseases of a hematological nature, oncological diseases do not interfere with the examination.

With caution, the method is prescribed in the following cases:

  • injured eyeball, eyelid;
  • open wound of the eye, adjacent tissues;
  • hemorrhage in the retrobulbar zone;
  • inflammation of the eyeball;
  • bleeding, facial tissue burns.

How is an ultrasound of the eye done and its varieties

Ultrasound is performed using a special device.

The patient is in a reclining position or lying on a couch. A special gel is applied to the closed eyelid, which ensures that the sensor slides over the skin and transmits a signal to the monitor. Sometimes a special solution is dripped into the eye, and after it begins to act on the eyeball, a sensor is placed. During the procedure, it is forbidden to move, this can distort the result.

The gel is removed from the eyelid with a napkin, the effect of the solution passes by itself.

The quality and clarity of the study will depend on the capabilities of the ultrasound machine.

There are several ways of ultrasound examination of the eye:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics in mode A (echobiometry);
  • examination in mode B (ultrasound);
  • three-dimensional study of the eyeball (echoophthalmography);
  • duplex ultrasound scanning (dopplerography).

Echobiometry is a rarely used research method. It is performed before surgical procedures. The essence of the technique is as follows: anesthetic drops are instilled, and a sterile sensor is placed over the open eye.

Dopplerography evaluates blood flow in the region of the eyeball, features of the vessels and capillaries of the organ.

Based on the results, the sonologist fills out a special protocol that is issued to the patient. An ultrasound can be deciphered by a specialist who issued a referral for an examination.

A- and B-modes

A- (one-dimensional study) and B- (two-dimensional echography) modes are carried out on a closed eyelid, separately or together.

One-dimensional scanning is performed to study the size of the organ, assess its individual structures and eye orbits. The subject is on the left side of the sonologist. An anesthetic is dripped into the eye to ensure immobility, and with the help of an apparatus installed on the organ, a graph of the parameters of the eye is plotted. The horizontal axis draws the distance to certain organ tissues per unit of time. The vertical axis displays the echo amplitude and strength.

A two-dimensional examination is carried out in order to study the internal structure of the eyeball. The specialist moves the sensor along the eyelid, and the signal wave is transmitted to the screen in the form of multi-colored dots of different saturation.

The combination of two modes shows a detailed picture of the state of the organ. If necessary, the methods are combined to study the vascular system of the eye.

Doppler scanning of blood vessels

Scanning of vessels using energy (study of the amplitude and speed of blood flow) or pulsed wave (analysis of noise in the vascular network of the organ) dopplerography.

According to the results of the analysis, the specialist evaluates the features of blood circulation.

Doppler ultrasound, or USDG, of the blood vessels of the orbit of the eye is prescribed if the following abnormalities are suspected:

  • spasms of retinal arteries and vascular obstruction;
  • blood clots in the eye veins;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the carotid artery.

What does an ultrasound of the eye show?

Deviations and diseases that the examination helps to identify:

  • refraction of the visual organ;
  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • pathology of the optic nerve;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes;
  • changes in the tissues of the lens.

Ultrasound can detect diseases in the early stages.

Deciphering the results

Based on the results of the examination, the specialist makes a conclusion about the compliance with the norm or the presence of a pathology of the organ of vision.

  • the lens is invisible;
  • the vitreous body is transparent;
  • refractive power - from 52.6 to 64.21 diopters;
  • axis length - from 22.4 to 27.3 mm;
  • the optic nerve has a hypoechoic structure, with a width of 2-2.5 mm;
  • the posterior capsule is clearly visible;
  • inner shells in thickness - no more than 0.7-1 mm;
  • the size of the anterior-posterior axis is 16.5 mm;
  • vitreous body volume - 4 ml.

Small deviations are considered the norm in ophthalmology, they do not need treatment, they are only observed. To prevent diseases, the doctor may recommend taking a complex of vitamins with lutein and zeaxanthin.

Ultrasound of the eye is a research method that is widely used in ophthalmology. This is a safe, informative, painless way to diagnose most eye diseases, revealing an abnormal structure. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to study movement, muscle structure, the optic nerve, and obtain data on neoplasms.

Survey options

Ultrasound of the eye is based on the susceptibility of tissues to ultrasonic waves and their transformation into an image that is displayed on the monitor. As a result, the doctor has the opportunity to:

  • measure the size of the eyeball;
  • evaluate the duration of the vitreous body;
  • determine the size of the ciliary department;
  • measure the thickness of the inner shell;
  • identify tumor processes;
  • study the condition of tissues;
  • evaluate the choroid;
  • determine the presence of retinal detachment;
  • detect the presence of a foreign body;
  • determine the turbidity of the vitreous body;
  • detect injury to the eyeball.

Ultrasound of the eye can be done in the presence of clouding of the eyeball, at the same time when other diagnostic methods are rather difficult. Usually, the study is supplemented by Dopplerography, which allows you to assess the strength and direction of blood flow.

Indications for research

Indications for ultrasound of the eyeball are:

  • preoperative or postoperative period;
  • detection of blood clots, determination of their volume, localization;
  • violation of the integrity of the vitreous body;
  • eye control in diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of bulging eyes;
  • pathological foci of the optic nerve, motor muscles;
  • the threat or fact of detachment of the inner shell of the eye;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • the presence of a foreign body;
  • high myopia;
  • diagnosis of neoplasms and their control.

Also, ultrasound indications are based on an assessment of the condition of the cornea, lens


The ultrasound method of research is completely safe, thanks to which they can diagnose people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women. Since it does not pose a danger to the fetus, children.

However, there are contraindications for this examination. It:

  • the presence of wounds on the eyelids, periocular area;
  • retrobulbar type of bleeding;
  • presence of open injuries, burns.

Types of ultrasound

Modern ophthalmic practice has several types of ultrasound, which differ in individual technical capabilities that affect what one or another diagnostic type shows.

With the help of the A mode, information about the eye tissue is obtained, and certain characteristics are measured. It is considered indispensable before an ophthalmic operation. This technique is additional, does not give a complete visibility of the picture.

Using the two-dimensional mode, an image of the structure of tissues, blood vessels, and the structure of the eye is obtained in 2D. With the help of a combined study, extended information is obtained, including the possibilities of the first two types of ultrasound. 3D scanning allows you to see the picture in 3D. It gives an image located in any eye layer. Duplex color study allows you to study the visible ultrasound structure of the eye tissue, blood flow in real time.

The first 2 types of ultrasound are most often prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Moreover, the first type implies direct contact with the eye, as a result of which the use of an anesthetic is necessary. Other diagnostic modes do not require the administration of an anesthetic drug. Since the doctor leads the eyelid with the sensor.

Sometimes the procedure is performed in the supine position.

How is the procedure carried out

Many people are interested in how this procedure is done, where this diagnosis can be made. Ultrasound is done in a specially directed room. Usually the doctor makes the following recommendations. The patient should be comfortable in the chair. When examining in A-mode, an anesthetic is instilled into the eyes. As soon as it begins to act, the doctor makes gentle movements along the outer surface of the eye.

In other regimens, the administration of an anesthetic drug is not required. The subject closes his eyes. Takes a calm state, a gel is applied to his eyelids by a doctor. The examination lasts about 10-15 minutes. After that, the gel is removed from the eyelids with a napkin. The results are then handed over to the patient.

Survey norm

The interpretation of the results is carried out by a specialist. The norm contains the following results:

  • a healthy lens is not visible by the device, which is associated with its transparency. If this area is fixed by the device, then there is its turbidity;
  • also, the vitreous body should not be fixed as a result of its transparency;
  • axis value must be less than 27.3 mm;
  • refractive power varies from 52.6 to 64.2 D;
  • hypoechoic structure of the width of the optic nerve reaches 1 mm;
  • the thickness of the inner shell reaches 1 mm;
  • the volume of the vitreous body is within 4 ml, the length of this area should be no more than 16.5 mm.

Diagnosis is carried out only according to indications


Ultrasound diagnostics of the eye does not require special preparation. The doctor explains to the patient the essence and purpose of the procedure. If the diagnosis is assigned to the child, then it is necessary to explain to him the complete painlessness of the technique. When the examination is carried out in A-mode, then clarifications are made about hypersensitivity to the painkillers used during the diagnosis period and a suitable remedy is selected.

Ultrasound examination is performed both in a hospital and in a clinic. If the procedure was performed earlier, then the patient must take the result of the previous study with him. The fair sex does not need to use decorative cosmetics before the diagnosis, since the doctor will apply gel on the eyelids for better glide of the sensor.

An ultrasound examination of the eye provides information that will allow you to prescribe a quality treatment and facilitate an ophthalmic operation.

Ultrasound of the eye (or ophthalmoechography) is a safe, simple, painless and highly informative method for examining the structures of the eye, which allows them to be imaged on a computer monitor as a result of the reflection of high-frequency ultrasonic waves from the tissues of the eye. If such a study is supplemented by the use of color Doppler mapping of the vessels of the eye (or color doppler), then the specialist can also assess the state of blood flow in them.

In this article, we will provide information about the essence of the method and its varieties, indications, contraindications, methods for preparing and conducting an ultrasound of the eye. This data will help you understand the principle of this diagnostic method, and you will be able to ask the ophthalmologist questions that arise.

Ultrasound of the eye can be prescribed both to detect many ophthalmic pathologies (even at the initial stages of their development), and to assess the condition of the structures of the eye after performing surgical operations (for example, after replacing the lens). In addition, this procedure makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of the development of chronic ophthalmic diseases.

The essence and varieties of the method

Ultrasound of the eye is a simple and at the same time highly informative method for diagnosing eye diseases.

The principle of ophthalmic echography is based on the ability of the ultrasonic waves emitted by the sensor to be reflected from the tissues of the organ and converted into an image displayed on a computer monitor. Thanks to this, the doctor can receive the following information about the eyeball:

  • measure the size of the eyeball as a whole;
  • evaluate the length of the vitreous body;
  • measure the thickness of the inner membranes and the lens;
  • assess the length and condition of retrobulbar tissues;
  • determine the size or detect tumors of the ciliary department;
  • study the parameters of the retina and choroid;
  • identify and evaluate characteristics (if it is impossible to determine these changes in time);
  • differentiate primary retinal detachment from secondary, which was caused by an increase in tumors of the choroid;
  • detect foreign bodies in the eyeball;
  • determine the presence of opacities, exudate or blood clots in the vitreous body;
  • reveal .

Such a study can be performed even with clouding of the optical media of the eye, which can make it difficult to diagnose using other methods of ophthalmological examination.

Usually, ophthalmic echography is supplemented by Doppler sonography, which allows assessing the condition and patency of the vessels of the eyeball, the speed and direction of blood flow in them. This part of the study makes it possible to detect abnormalities in blood circulation even at the initial stages.

For ultrasound of the eye, the following varieties of this technique can be used:

  1. One-dimensional echography (or mode A). This research method is used to determine the size of the eye or its individual structures and assess the state of the orbits. When carrying out this technique, a solution is instilled into the patient's eye and the device's sensor is installed directly on the eyeball. As a result of the examination, a graph is obtained that displays the parameters of the eye necessary for diagnosis.
  2. 2D echography (or mode B). This method allows you to get a two-dimensional picture and characteristics of the structure of the internal structures of the eyeball. It does not require special preparation of the eye, and the sensor of the ultrasound machine is installed on the closed eyelid of the subject. The study itself takes no more than 15 minutes.
  3. Combination of modes A and B. This combination of the above methods makes it possible to obtain a more detailed picture of the state of the eyeball and increases the information content of the diagnosis.
  4. Ultrasonic biomicroscopy. This method involves digital processing of the echo signals received by the apparatus. As a result, the quality of the image displayed on the monitor is increased several times.

Doppler examination of the vessels of the eye is performed according to the following methods:

  1. 3D echography. This method of research makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the structures of the eye and its vessels. Some modern devices allow you to get a picture in real time.
  2. Power Doppler. Thanks to this technique, a specialist can study the state of the vessels and evaluate the amplitude and velocity values ​​of blood flow in them.
  3. Pulsed wave dopplerography. This method of research analyzes the noise that occurs during blood flow. As a result, the doctor can more accurately assess its speed and direction.

When conducting ultrasound duplex scanning, all the possibilities of both conventional ultrasound and Doppler studies are combined. This method of examination simultaneously provides data not only on the size and structure of the eye, but also on the state of its vessels.


Ultrasound of the eye is one of the diagnostic methods recommended for patients with myopia or hyperopia.

Ultrasound of the eye may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • high degrees or farsightedness;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • pathology of the eye muscles;
  • suspicion of a foreign body;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • trauma;
  • vascular pathologies of the eyes;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the organs of vision;
  • chronic diseases that can lead to the appearance of ophthalmic pathologies: kidney diseases accompanied by hypertension;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of oncological eye pathologies;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of therapy for vascular changes in the eyeball;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the performed ophthalmic operations.

Doppler ultrasound of the eye is indicated for the following pathologies:

  • spasm or obstruction of the retinal artery;
  • thrombosis of the eye veins;
  • narrowing of the carotid artery, leading to impaired blood flow in the ophthalmic arteries.


Ultrasound of the eye is an absolutely safe procedure and has no contraindications.

Patient preparation

Ophthalmic echography does not require special preparation of the patient. When prescribing it, the doctor must explain to the patient the essence and necessity of performing this diagnostic study. Particular attention is paid to the psychological preparation of young children - the child must know that this procedure will not cause him pain, and behave correctly during the ultrasound scan.

If it is necessary to use mode A during the study, before the examination, the doctor must clarify with the patient the data on the presence of an allergic reaction to local anesthetics and choose a drug that is safe for the patient.

Ultrasound of the eye can be performed both in a clinic and in a hospital. The patient should take with him a referral to the study and the results of previously performed ophthalmosonography. Women should not use eye make-up before the procedure, as a gel will be applied to the upper eyelid during the examination.

How the study is done

Ophthalmoechography is performed in a specially equipped room as follows:

  1. The patient sits in a chair in front of the doctor.
  2. If mode A is used for the examination, then a local anesthetic solution is instilled into the patient's eye. After the start of its action, the doctor carefully installs the device's sensor directly on the surface of the eyeball and moves it as necessary.
  3. If the study is performed in mode B or dopplerography is performed, then anesthetic drops are not used. The patient closes his eyes and the gel is applied to his upper eyelids. The doctor places the sensor on the patient's eyelid and performs the study for 10-15 minutes. After that, the gel is removed from the eyelids with a napkin.

After the procedure, the ultrasound specialist draws up a conclusion and hands it over to the patient or sends it to the attending physician.

Norm indicators

The interpretation of the results of ophthalmic echography is carried out by a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics and the attending physician of the patient. For this, the obtained results are compared with the indicators of the norm:

  • the vitreous body is transparent and has no inclusions;
  • the volume of the vitreous body is about 4 ml;
  • anterior-posterior axis of the vitreous body - about 16.5 mm;
  • the lens is transparent, invisible, its posterior capsule is clearly visible;
  • eye axis length - 22.4-27.3 mm;
  • thickness of inner shells - 0.7-1 mm;
  • the width of the hypoechoic structure of the optic nerve is 2-2.5 mm;
  • refractive power of the eye with emmetropia - 52.6-64.21 D.

Which doctor to contact

An ultrasound of the eye may be ordered by an ophthalmologist. For some chronic diseases that cause changes in the state of the eyeball and fundus, such a procedure may be recommended by doctors of other specializations: an internist, neuropathologist, nephrologist or cardiologist.

Ultrasound of the eye is a highly informative, non-invasive, safe, painless and easy-to-perform diagnostic procedure that helps to make the correct diagnosis in many ophthalmic pathologies. If necessary, this study can be repeated many times and does not require any breaks. For an ultrasound of the eye, the patient does not need to conduct special training and there are no contraindications and age restrictions for the appointment of such an examination.

Ultrasound (ophthalmoechography) is an ultrasound examination of the structures of the eye apparatus.

A procedure is prescribed to obtain detailed information to establish a clear diagnosis.

Allows you to identify ophthalmic pathologies at the beginning of their development.

This diagnostic method allows you to detect a wide range of ophthalmic diseases. The study is safe and painless. The highly informative technique makes it possible to obtain an image of the orbit on a computer monitor. The image is obtained as a result of the reflection of ultrasonic waves of high frequency from the tissues of the visual organ.


Ophthalmoechography is performed when the initial examination is not enough. The procedure is indicated for the following problems:

  • injury to the organs of vision;
  • myopia or hyperopia;
  • intraorbital or intraocular neoplasms;
  • anomalies of the eye sockets and apples;
  • intraocular hemorrhages;
  • anterior ischemic neuroopticopathy.

An ultrasound examination is indicated for diagnosing and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy for vascular pathologies, monitoring the condition after surgical intervention on the organs of vision.


Ophthalmic echography is not performed for patients with burns of the eyeball and eyelids. Contraindications also include:

  • open injuries;
  • injuries of the periorbital region;
  • intraocular bleeding.

What will the analysis of the ultrasound of the eye show?

Ultrasound examination of the organs of vision allows you to diagnose many diseases. This diagnostic procedure helps to identify refractive errors, diseases of the optic nerve, dystrophy, malignant and benign neoplasms and tumors.

Ophthalmic echography allows you to monitor the course of the disease and determine the progress from the prescribed treatment.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the eye

Ultrasound examination does not require special preparation. Before the procedure, you will need to remove cosmetics, remove contact lenses.

If the study is carried out on a small child, you need to show him how it is performed. This will help to psychologically set up the baby not to be afraid of diagnosis.

If there are allergic reactions to anesthetic drops, inform the specialist. Typically, anesthetics are used when scanning in A mode.

How is an ultrasound of the eye

It is possible to examine the entire eye with just a few probe movements. The eye is divided into 4 dynamic quadrants and another one through a static cut through the macula and optic disc, also known as the longitudinal macula.

The quadrants are designated T12, T3, T6 and T9. They correspond to the dial superimposed on the eye.

An ultrasound examination is performed through the patient's eyelids, applied to the eyelids after the application of anesthetic drops.

Before the procedure, a special gel is applied to the surface of the upper eyelid. It provides contact of the sensor with the tissues of the organ of vision. In diagnosis, the ophthalmologist applies light pressure to the eyeball and asks the patient to make movements in the direction of the quadrant to be assessed.

This ensures the optimal position of the eyeballs and makes all structures accessible for detailed inspection.

The probe rotates around so that the sound waves always pass through the center. This rotational movement maximizes the amount of retina visualized during the scan.

Cross-sectional view 1 - study T12:

  1. the patient looks up;
  2. the probe is placed on the bottom;
  3. scanning should begin from the limbus, finding the shadow of the optic nerve in order to orient and make sure that the posterior segment is being diagnosed;
  4. the probe is slowly advanced towards the inferior fornix until imaging of the T12 quadrant is complete.

When examining the T6 quadrant, the person looks down. You need to make sure that the computer receives the image of the retina/optic nerve.

When scanning the medial/lateral quadrants, the patient looks to the left. After imaging the retina and optic nerve, gently pass the probe over the anterior portion to complete the evaluation of this area. To view the T3 quadrant of the left eye, the patient must still look to the left, but the probe will be placed at the medial limbus.

The T9 quadrant scan of the right eye is simply a reverse T3 scan. The patient's gaze is directed to the right side.

In the ultrasound protocol, the eyes do not indicate quadrants.

Types of ultrasound

There are several types of ultrasound. Each of them performs certain tasks and is done using its own technical features:

  • B-scan uses sound waves to produce an image. Allows you to get a two-dimensional picture. The ultrasound unit converts sound energy into electrical energy. The patient closes his eyes, the probe with the gel is placed over the eyelid. The ultrasound is non-invasive, the examination is painless. Dilation is not required. Takes about 10 minutes.
  • Optical biometrics. This test measures the length of the organs of vision so that the correct dimensions of the intraocular lens can be calculated when a cataract is removed. An anesthetic is instilled. An ultrasound probe is placed in saline to produce a series of one-dimensional echoes that measure length. Dilation is not required. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes.
  • Ultrasonic biomicroscopy. Shows a view of the front of the eyeball. Using this technique, it is possible to examine the cornea, iris and ciliary body.
  • OCT (optical coherence tomography) uses light waves. Most often, testing is done in patients with macular degeneration. The central visual part of the retina (macula) is examined, its layers are measured. Dilatation is required for this ultrasound technique for optimal viewing of the macula. Manipulation takes up to 15 minutes after full pupil dilation.
  • 1D mode. It is used to obtain information about eye tissues, measurements of various parameters and characteristics.
  • 3D echo-ophthalmography. Allows you to see all the features of the structure of the visual analyzer, the location of the vascular system.

Deciphering the results

The evaluation of the results is carried out by an ophthalmologist. He compares the data obtained with the WHO norm. Thus, certain parameters are distinguished that allow excluding ophthalmic diseases.

The norm for a healthy organ of vision:

  • The lens remains invisible, but the back wall is visible.
  • The vitreous body is normally transparent. The ultrasound can't see it. Its volume is 4 ml.
  • The axis length is a significant parameter. It is 22.4–27.3 mm.
  • Refraction power - 52.6–64.21 d.
  • The optic nerve is represented by a hypoechoic structure. Its width is 2–2.5 mm.
  • Inner shells - 0.7–1 mm.
  • The anterior-posterior axis of a gelatinous transparent substance that fills the space between the lenses and retinas is about 16.5 mm.

Normally, there should be no floating opacities of low intensity, the ultrasound section of the retrobulbar part of the optic nerve should not be expanded, it is symmetrical and visualized throughout.

Ultrasound scanning can detect diseases in the early stages of development. Deep structures allow you to get a complete picture of the health of the patient's eye orbits.

If deviations from the norms are detected, additional tests and tests are prescribed. Then the ophthalmologist prescribes the treatment, guided by the information received and his own knowledge.

Which doctor conducts the examination

Ultrasound is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Also, such a procedure can be prescribed by a therapist, neurologist, nephrologist or cardiologist.

With the advent of the ultrasound examination method, it has become much easier to make a diagnosis. This method is especially convenient in ophthalmology. Ultrasound of the eye allows you to identify the slightest violations in the state to evaluate the work of muscles and blood vessels. This research method is the most informative and safe. It is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from hard and soft tissues. The device emits, and then captures the reflected waves. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the state of the organ of vision.

Why is an ultrasound done?

The procedure is carried out in case of suspicion of a variety of pathologies. It not only allows you to correctly diagnose, but also allows the doctor to adjust the treatment if necessary. With the help of ultrasound of the orbits of the eyes, the specialist determines the features of their movement inside the eyeball, checks the condition of the muscles, and an ultrasound examination is also prescribed before operations to clarify the diagnosis. Ultrasound of the eye should be done with such diseases:

  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism;
  • dystrophy or;
  • tumors inside the eyeball;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • with the appearance of spots and "flies" before the eyes;
  • with a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • after operations to control the position of the lens or the condition of the fundus;
  • with eyeball injury.

Ultrasound is often prescribed for diabetes mellitus, hypertension and kidney disease. Even for small children, it is done if a pathology of the development of the eyeball is suspected. In such conditions, ultrasound should be performed regularly to monitor the condition of the organ of vision. In some cases, an examination is simply necessary. For example, with clouding of the retina, it is impossible to study the state of the eyeball in any other way.

What pathologies can be detected by this method of examination

Ultrasound of the eye is a very informative procedure, since it can be used to see the state of the organ of vision in real time. During the study, the following pathologies and conditions are revealed:

  • cataract;
  • change in the length of the muscles of the eyeball;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • the exact size of the eye socket is determined;
  • the presence of a foreign body inside the eyeball, its position and size;
  • change in adipose tissue thickness.

Ultrasound of the eye: how is it done

This is the safest method of examining the organ of vision. Assign it even to small children and pregnant women. Contraindications include only a serious injury to the eyeball or retinal burn. Ultrasound of the eye takes only 15-20 minutes and does not require any special preparation. The only thing is that you need to come to the procedure without makeup. Most often, ultrasound goes like this: the patient sits or lies on the couch, and the doctor drives a special sensor over closed eyelids, lubricated with a special gel. From time to time he asks the subject to turn the eyeballs to the side, up or down. This allows you to observe their work and assess the condition of the muscles.

Types of ultrasound

There are several types of ultrasound of the eye. The choice of examination method depends on the disease and the patient's condition.

  • A-mode is used very rarely, mainly before surgery. This ultrasound of the retina is performed with the eyelids open. Beforehand, an anesthetic is instilled into the eye so that the patient does not feel anything and does not blink. This method of examination allows you to determine the presence of pathologies in the organ of vision and shortcomings in its functioning. With its help, the size of the eyeball is also determined.
  • The most commonly used mode is B. In this case, the probe is guided over the closed eyelid. Drops should not be used with this method, but the eyelid is covered with a special conductive gel. During the procedure, the patient may need to move the eyeball in different directions. The result of the study is issued in the form of a two-dimensional picture.
  • Doppler examination is a scan of the eyeball, which allows you to study the state of its vessels. It is carried out with thrombosis of the ophthalmic veins, narrowing of the carotid artery, spasm of retinal vessels or other pathologies.

To get a more accurate diagnosis, in difficult cases, several methods of examination are prescribed.

How to choose an ophthalmological center

After receiving the doctor's recommendations about the need for an ultrasound examination, the patient is free to choose where to do it. In almost all cities, you can now find an ophthalmological center with special equipment. Experienced doctors will carry out the procedure correctly and painlessly. When choosing a center, you should not focus on prices, but on the qualifications of specialists and patient reviews. On average, an ultrasound of the eye costs about 1300 rubles. You should not look for where to make it cheaper, as it is better if all the rules of the survey are followed. After receiving the results, you can consult an ophthalmologist in the same center or go to your doctor.

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