Quinax eye drops, many cheap analogues. Quinax - a drug of the metabolic group

Quinax eye drops are often prescribed by doctors to patients to treat several types of cataracts. Cataract is an eye disease caused by clouding of the lens. This disease results in significant visual impairment. In particular severe cases total blindness may occur. Therefore, it is so important to start treating cataracts in a timely manner using modern effective drugs. These drugs include Quinax drops.

Composition, description and release form

Quinax is a clear purple-red solution, which is available in a sterile plastic bottle with a 15 ml dispenser.

One ml of the solution contains 150 micrograms of sodium azapentacene polysulfonate, which is the main active ingredient. In the production of Quinax eye drops, excipients were also additionally used:

  • methylparaben;
  • sodium borate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • boric acid;
  • other components.

pharmachologic effect

Main active substance drug is azapentacene, which is a metabolic, that is, a substance that has positive influence on fat, protein, carbohydrate and electrolyte metabolism.

The principle of action of the drops is that, by acting on indirect proteins, they contribute to their dissolution, which improves the transparency of the lens of the eye. In addition, Quinax has antioxidant properties.

The medicine has a good therapeutic effect, which appears only in case of long-term use.

See also, with the help of these drops they treat inflammatory processes eye.

Dosage and correct application

Usually, doctors prescribe this drug to be dripped into the cataract-affected eye, 1-2 drops at intervals of 3 to 5 times a day. It must be remembered that each type of cataract is treated different ways, so to determine effective dose in each case, you must consult a doctor.

In order for Quinax drops to work effectively, they must be able to bury them correctly. To do this, you need to slightly tilt your head back, pull the lower eyelid a little with your finger and apply drops to the corner of the eye, where the conjunctival sac is located. The medicine is instilled without touching the eye mucosa with the end of the dropper to prevent microbes from entering the solution.

After each use, the bottle is tightly closed. Store open drug in a cool, dark place.

In the process of treating cataracts with this drug, it is better to refrain from wearing contact lenses. But if this is not possible, then the lenses are removed before applying the drops. It will be possible to dress them again after 15-20 minutes, after instillation.

Indications and contraindications

Quinax eye drops are used in complex therapy during treatment various kinds cataracts. It can be a congenital or senile cataract, traumatic or secondary manifested.

It is forbidden to use these drops if the patient has intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood

AT enough there is no data on the use of Quinax drops both in the treatment of cataracts in pregnant and lactating women, and in children. According to official instructions, this is possible if therapeutic effect and the benefits of treatment for a woman will be greater than the risk of possible manifestations side effects in a fetus or child.

Side effects and overdose

Using eye drops Quinax in accordance with the instructions for the drug, no side effects were noticed. Cases and consequences of an overdose of the drug when applied externally have also not been identified.

However, according to patient feedback exceptional cases after applying the drops, there was a slight burning sensation in the eyes, which disappeared in a few minutes. In isolated cases, allergic reactions were observed in the form of skin redness, itching, urticaria.

Also, users in the reviews report that in the first days of using the drug, slight blurred vision may occur, which quickly stops.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies, cost, analogues

Eye drops Quinax will be sold to you at the pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor. There are drops in the range of 350-450 rubles per pack.

This drug has no analogues in terms of the active substance, but there are drugs on sale that are similar in therapeutic effect:

  • Vitafacol;
  • Indocide;
  • Multimax;
  • Oftan Katahrom;
  • Nakloof;
  • Strix forte;
  • Taufon.

Terms and conditions of storage

This medicine is stored in a place protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not lower than 8 and not higher than 24 degrees. The shelf life of Quinax drops is 3 years, but from the moment the sterile packaging is opened, the drops can be stored and used within 1 month.

Quinax is one of the most powerful and effective eye drops for cataract treatment. The tool is able to cause rapid tissue regeneration, allowing you to accelerate healing and improve vision. It is used in the presence of any type and form of catarrhal lesions.

Pharmacological effects

Getting to the anterior chamber of the eye, Quinax provokes the processes of resorption of opaque proteins in the lens. Along the way, the activation of proteolytic enzymes of moisture particles occurs, which makes it possible to alleviate and eliminate early and more late symptoms cataracts.

In addition, Quinax drops are able to maintain the necessary microflora in the eye, protecting the lens from excessive oxidation. Due to partial systemic absorption, the drug can only be used under the supervision of the attending physician.

Composition and form of release

Quinax is a special solution of red-burgundy color. It must have great transparency without unnecessary impurities. Part medicinal product includes:

The drug is available in three forms: a plastic bottle with a special dropper dispenser with a volume of 5 ml, 10 ml or 15 ml.

Indications for use

All forms of cataracts can serve as indications for the use of Quinax:

  • age, observed most often in old age;
  • traumatic caused mechanical damage lens;
  • congenital, characterized by an underdeveloped lens;
  • secondary, caused by other ophthalmic or chronic diseases.

AT rare cases Quinax can be prescribed in the presence of eye damage that is not accompanied. Sometimes eye drops are used for a quick recovery process in the postoperative period.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug at regular intervals into the conjunctival sac. Be sure to wash your hands before use. The dosage and number of receptions of Quinax are determined by the attending physician.

  1. At easy course disease, the usual dosage of the drug is 1-2 drops 3 times a day.
  2. At medium degree severity of the disease, it is recommended to instill 2 drops 4 times a day.
  3. In severe cases, 1-2 drops of Quinax are used 5 times a day.

Taking into account the past and current history, stronger or weaker dosages of the drug are sometimes prescribed, which are then adjusted depending on the result obtained.

Video - How to instill eye drops

Contraindications for use

On the this moment among contraindications to use, only individual intolerance to the active or additional components of the drug is called.

At the same time, there are absolutely no data on the use of Quinax in children younger and infancy. Therefore, the use of eye drops in such patients is at risk and is possible only in last resort. In adolescents, the use of Quinax is allowed only with a guaranteed favorable outcome of the therapy.

Side effects and overdose

Adverse symptoms and cases of overdose are not officially registered. In rare cases, patients complained of itching and blurred vision immediately after using the eye drops.

The period of pregnancy and lactation

There are no reliable data on the use of Quinax in pregnant women. The use of eye drops during this period is possible only with a favorable outcome of treatment, as well as with minimal risk for the unborn baby.

Due to the observed partial absorption, the use of Quinax may be dangerous during the period breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use eye drops, it is advisable to postpone feeding or use previously expressed breast milk.

Thiomersal, which is part of the drug, is quite powerful substance and is poorly excreted from the body, unlike other components of the drug. It is this substance that can harm the baby during breastfeeding. The patient should learn more about his condition during this period from the attending physician.

special instructions

  1. Quinax should not be used as a short-term therapy.
  2. Before use, be sure to shake and slightly warm the drops in your hands.
  3. Even after the apparent relief of the disease, treatment should be continued until the drops are completely canceled by the doctor.
  4. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the progression of the disease.
  5. Under no circumstances should you touch the tip of the dispenser with your fingers.
  6. After use, the drug must be tightly twisted to prevent dust and excess air from entering it.
  7. After opening the bottle, the drops should be stored for no more than 28 days.
  8. If you still decide to use lenses, before using the drops, they should be removed 20 minutes before the procedure and put back on after the same period of time.
  9. Quinax does not affect the clarity of vision and the frequency of reaction. Eye drops can be used by drivers and those who work in hazardous industries.
  10. The medicinal product should be stored at a temperature not lower than +7 °C and not higher than +23 °C.

Drug analogues

This guide is for informational purposes only, as it does not special occasions the course of diseases. Each specific case requires a consultation with an ophthalmologist. If you experience any discomfort from the use of Quinax, you should contact medical care. In the presence of previously unknown symptoms and side effects, you should stop using the drug and also make an urgent appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Quinax is a drug for the treatment of patients with cataracts. It helps to increase the transparency of the lens by resorption of opaque proteins. This becomes possible due to the activation of proteolytic enzymes in the fluid of the anterior chamber of the eye. Due to the antioxidant effect, it reduces the degree of damage to the lens by active radicals.

Composition and form of release

The solution of the drug is intended for instillation into the eyes. The concentration of the active substance (dihydroazapentacene sodium polysulfonate) in it is 0.015%, that is, 15 mg of the drug is in 1 ml.

Excipients include: sodium borate, sodium hydroxide, methylparaben, boric acid, thiomersal, hydrochloric acid, propylparaben.

The drug is available in bottles with a dispenser made of polyethylene. The volume can be 15, 10 and 5 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Quinax belongs to the group of metabolic drugs, that is, it provides regulation of metabolic processes in the anterior chamber of the eye, as well as the lens. By activating proteolytic enzymes that are found in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye, it stimulates the breakdown of opaque proteins. As a result, the transparency of the lens increases. In addition, Quinax prevents oxidation free radicals sulfhydryl groups that make up the lens.


The drug is indicated for use in the complex therapy of all types of cataracts: congenital, traumatic, senile, secondary.

Mode of application

Quinax drops are instilled into the eye (in the area of ​​the conjunctival sac) 3-5 times a day. The dose ranges from 1 to 2 drops in each eye. The drug must be used for a long period, because with short-term use it is not possible to achieve a significant effect.


Side effects

Subject to the dosage and method of application, no side effects were noted.


At topical application overdose was not detected


No drug interactions were noted.

Please note that such a disease as a cataract is treated only surgically!
dripping various drugs and delaying the solution of the issue You not only spend money, but also increase the risk of complications that can lead to complete and irreversible loss of vision.
If you have been diagnosed with "Cataract" - do not hesitate, contact the specialists of the "Moscow Eye Clinic", who will help you quickly and painlessly restore your vision.

special instructions

Since there are no objective data on the use of Quinax during pregnancy and lactation, it should be abandoned during this period.

Before instillation of the drug must be removed contact lenses. You can put them on again after half an hour.
During instillation, avoid direct contact tip of the vial with the mucous membrane of the eye to prevent infection.

Quinax is available by prescription. An opened vial should be used within one month only.

The price of the drug Quinax

The cost of the drug "Quinax" in pharmacies in Moscow starts from 340 rubles.

Quinax's analogs

Quinax eye drops are a drug that allows you to get rid of cataracts. Cataract is the most common disease that can occur in almost every person.

Quinax eye drops - a drug against cataracts

If a person is faced with a similar problem, then the lens of the eye gradually becomes cloudy. As a result, your vision may be significantly reduced. Due to the occurrence of such a problem, the quality of life of many people deteriorates significantly.

Quinax eye drops instructions for use

If you plan to use this drug, then remember that it promotes the resorption of opaque lens compounds. This process is due to special enzymes that are contained in the composition. Quinax eye drops allow you to activate the enzymes that are contained in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye.

By using this solution, it is possible to provide reliable protection lens.


If you plan to purchase these drops, then be sure to study the composition. The main components included in the composition are:

  1. Dihydroazapentacene sodium polysulfonate.
  2. sodium borate.
  3. Propylparaben.
  4. Thiomersal.
  5. Hydrochloric acid.

These are the main components that are present in the composition of these eye drops. To date, the sale of drops is carried out in special bottles that have a convenient dispenser. Instruction Quinax eye drops says that you need to use the drug up to 5 times a day. At the same time, 1-2 drops should be instilled into the conjunctivitis sac.

These drops are great for long-term use. If during the treatment you interrupt it, then remember that this will not give you any results. To see quick effect interruption is not recommended.

A bottle of Quinax drops

After opening, the bottle must be stored in a dark place. Thanks to this, he will not lose his action. The shelf life of the bottle is currently 2 years. To avoid the ingress of microbes, the instructions for Quinax eye drops indicate that the product must be carefully instilled. Thanks to this, you can avoid infection in your eye.

It's important to know! Quinax is enough effective remedy which will help in the fight against cataracts. Many reviews report that the drops really improve vision and remove cloudiness.

Beneficial features

After using this solution, you can:

  • Regulate metabolism in tissues, as well as the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • Activate the enzymes that are contained in the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • Stimulate the resorption of the protein complex, which leads to clouding of the lens.
  • Increase the transparency of the eye.
  • Provide an antioxidant effect.

These drops can be used if there are signs of the following types of cataracts:

  1. congenital.
  2. Senile. Signs of such a cataract may appear with age. Initial signs diseases can form at the age of 50. It is at this age that many people begin to feel a loss of visual acuity.
  3. Traumatic.
  4. Secondary.


Long-term use of this drug side effects are not observed. Sometimes side effects may occur in patients who are sensitive to the components that are contained in the composition. The effect of this drug on pregnant women has not been tested, which is why it is not recommended to prescribe the drug for this category of people.

If you use these drops with other drugs, then remember that in this case the interval must be observed. If you plan to use eye drops, then wearing contact lenses is not recommended. Even if you wear them, you must remove them before use. If, after instillation, you find that your vision is getting worse, then driving a car must be abandoned.

Average cost of drops

The price of Quinax eye drops in Russia can vary significantly depending on the region. average cost this product is about 370 rubles. If you plan to purchase goods in Ukraine, then the cost can be from 120 to 160 hryvnia. You can buy this drug only with a doctor's prescription. If necessary, you can also consult with an ophthalmologist.

Quinax analog eye drops

If you cannot find this drug, then you should not be upset. There are other drops in pharmacies that may have a similar composition:

These are the main drops that have similar substances in their composition. We hope this information is helpful.

Quinax is a Belgian drug for the treatment of clouding of the lens of the eye. The Belgian remedy belongs to the metabolites that regulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the lens structure.

Quinax is available in the form of eye drops in dosages of 5, 10 and 15 mg. Active substance medicinal product- sodium azapentacene polysulfonate. The price of the Belgian original is high, from about 230 to 450 rubles. for 1 bottle, depending on the region of the Russian Federation.

Not everyone can afford such a medicine, so people are looking for how to replace Quinax with cheaper and no less quality drug.

Today, many countries are issuing cheap analogues Quinax, which, in terms of effectiveness and indications for use, are no different from the original, but are much cheaper.

Analogues of Russian production

Today, analogues of Kvinaks of a domestic manufacturer are popular and in demand due to their availability and reasonable prices.

Table: analogues of Quinax (eye drops) of Russian production.

Name of medicine Prices in rubles Description of the pharmacological product
Alfit 2 180–200 Alfit 2 is a phytocollection of herbs designed to improve vision.

Alfit 2 should be used by people who do not have a tendency to allergic reactions on herbs.

Anthocyan Forte 280–330 Anthocyan Forte is biological additive(BAA). It is made in the form of tablets.

The composition of the medicine includes only natural ingredients:

  • Zinc.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Anthocyanins of blueberries and currants.
  • Grape proanthocyanides.

Product properties:

  • Antioxidant effect.
  • Vascular protection.
  • Normalization of intraocular pressure.
  • Prevention of cataract development.
  • Reduced damage to capillaries.
  • Prevention of macular degeneration.
Taurine 56–68 Taurine is one of the cheapest analogues of the Belgian remedy.

Taurine properties:

  • Improvement of energy processes.
  • Functionality normalization cell membranes.
  • Improvement of metabolic processes.
Taufon 69–180 Taufon is available in the form of eye drops.

Appointed for:

  • Corneal dystrophy.
  • Corneal injury.
  • cataracts.

Other foreign analogues

Many foreign countries offer their imported cheap analogues of the drug.

List of modern foreign generics:

  • Bestoxol. Romanian inexpensive generic. The composition includes taurine, which has an anti-cataract effect. Available in drops in dosages of 5 and 10 ml. It is used in diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye. Price from 23 rubles.
  • Vita Yodurol. The substitute is produced immediately by two countries: France and Switzerland. Vita Iodurol is intended for the treatment of lens opacity. It is made in the form of drops. Contains adenosine nicotinic acid, magnesium and calcium.
  • Vitafakol. The cost of a French medicine varies from 250–330 rubles. used for cataracts.
  • Catalin. Produced by a Japanese pharmaceutical company. Its price is not much lower than Quinax, but the spectrum of action is very wide. It is used for complex therapy of senile cataract. The average cost is 450 rubles.
  • Oftan Katahrom. Price from 130 rubles. for 1 vial (10 ml). Active ingredients:


    All components have an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Ujala. Eye drops made in India. The cost is from 120 rubles. used for recovery natural vision in people.
  • Uniclofen. The country of origin is the Slovak Republic. Uniclofen is made in the form of eye drops. Has an analgesic property. The average cost in Russia is 180 rubles.
  • Artelak. German drug for the treatment of dryness of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye. average price 200 r. The active substance is hydromelose, which is an artificial substitute for tear fluid.
  • Vidisik. German pharmacological product designed to eliminate dry eye syndrome and treat dry keratoconjunctivitis. The cost is 196 rubles.
  • Hydromelulose. Manufacturer Slovakia. Hydromellulose is produced in the form of a solution with epithelialization and antiseptic action. Price from 140 rubles.
  • Oftagel- Finnish product. Helps eliminate dry eye syndrome. Cost from 130 rubles.
  • Oftolik– Indian pharmacological agent for the treatment of dry keratoconjunctivitis. Price from 155 rubles.
  • Sikapos. Produced in the form of a gel, intended as an artificial substitute for tear fluid. Price from 183 rubles.
  • Catarax. Manufactured in Romania. The best analogue Belgian original. Its disadvantage is the price of 400 rubles. Available in drops that do not sting the eyes. Dosage - 15 mg.

    It is used to treat various types of cataracts. It is a complete synonym for Quinax. The composition of Catarax includes azapentacene, which is very well tolerated by the human body and causes caustic side effects.

Ukrainian substitutes

Table: Ukrainian-made substitutes.

Name of the pharmacological product Cost in rubles Description of the medicinal product
Potassium Iodide 120–140 Potassium iodide is used to maintain resorption processes in the human eye. It is used for atherosclerotic changes in retinal vessels.

It is prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections of the conjunctiva.

It is forbidden to use a pharmacological product for nephrosis, nephritis, acne and pyoderma.

phacovid 218–240 Facovid is available in the form of tablets.

Properties of a pharmacological product:

  • Anti-radical.
  • Detoxification.
Emoxipin 312–350 Emoxipin is a pharmacological agent that prevents lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. It is prescribed for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages.

Quinax is a quality drug. But dear. Therefore, if you were prescribed it for the purpose of treatment, then you can replace it with a cheap synonym or generic of Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian manufacture or any other production foreign country. But before replacing it is worth consulting with your doctor.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that many substitutes for the Belgian original did not pass clinical researches on pregnant women.

Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not use drugs on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe a medicine if the expected benefit for the mother is less than the expected pathologies for the baby from taking these medicines.

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