Boxer dog character description. The German boxer is an affectionate guard. Checking for infections

The German Boxer is a dog breed with a warlike appearance and a cheerful, good-natured character. The breed is almost universal and can be used as a bodyguard and even a guide for a person with disabilities.

The German Boxer breed originates from the Tibetan Great Dane-shaped dogs of the Brabant Bullenbeitzers. According to descriptions preserved from the 6th-7th century AD, they were courageous and strong dogs used in those days in bullfights. Due to the special structure of the skull bones, these dogs had powerful jaws and were able to hold the hunted beast for a long time.

The introduction in Europe of a ban on fights between animals, Bullenbeitzers turned into dogs of butchers, circus troupes and even robbers who used the breed as guards. The working qualities of these dogs attracted the attention of many fans, and cynologists Hepner, Rothberg and Koenig began to create a new service breed.

In a short time, selection work made it possible to obtain a strong, courageous, harmoniously built dog with a specific structure of the skull, a stable psyche and an iron grip on the jaws.

The first description of the German Boxer breed was presented in 1895. At the same time, a boxing club was created in Munich. At the exhibition in 1896, 50 dogs of this breed were already presented. The first German boxers combined the features of bullenbeisers and. Over time, the blood of Bullenbeisers began to prevail and the signs of this breed were manifested by 70% in new individuals.

During the First World War, the German boxer dog served as an assistant to police officers, watchmen, delivered the wounded and reports during hostilities, and even carried the wounded from the battlefield. The breed became more popular at the end of World War II.

The modern standard of the German boxer was approved by the FCI in 2002.

Appearance and breed standard, photos

The German Boxer is a dog of medium height, stocky, with well-developed dry muscles, prominently protruding under the short coat. All movements of the dog are noble, proud and show his strength. The height of the dog is from 53 to 64 centimeters, the weight of the German boxer is from 25 to 32 kilograms.

A photo. boxer dog breed

Three German boxers in the photo

The breed has the following standards:
  • Head square shape. The transition from muzzle to forehead is sharp. The muzzle is voluminous, wide.
  • Jaws strong. The lower one protrudes and gives the expression of the muzzle a menacing look.
  • Nose black, upturned and raised, slightly flattened.
  • Ears set high, after cupping, they acquire sharp outlines.
  • Eyes dark brown. Eyelids with black pigmentation.
  • Neck in the form of an elegant arc, rounded, muscular, dry. The transition to the withers is clearly expressed.
  • Body square-shaped, lean, with prominent muscles under the skin. The back is short and level. The loin is strong.
  • Croup oblique, rounded, wide.
  • Breast deep, to the elbows. Ribs are curved.
  • Tail set high. Bought briefly.
  • limbs are parallel to each other. The shoulder blades are long, oblique. The elbows are slightly pressed to the chest. Hind limbs with pronounced muscles. The knees are pushed forward. Paws are rounded, collected.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Fangs protruding to the surface of the muzzle.
  • Short, thick neck.
  • Narrow or humped back.
  • Weak limb muscles.
  • Falling paws.
  • Rolling movements, stilted gait.

Coat type and colors

The coat of German boxers is short, tight to the body, shiny. The structure of the outer hair is hard.

Boxers can be white, but such dogs are rare and this color variant is not included in the standard.

The main colors provided by the breed:

  • Brindle.
  • Red (fawn) with any shade from light to mahogany.

Both colors suggest a black mask and black ears. White markings up to 30% of the color are allowed, located on the paws, abdomen, chest. White color on the back and sides, as well as on the muzzle, is not allowed.

REFERENCE. The German white boxer is considered very rare. Due to its rarity, this color is considered to bring good luck to the owners. However, the world breed standard does not allow such a color.

Features of the nature of the breed

The German Boxer is a lively, cheerful and curious dog. This character of the dog is retained for a lifetime. The first representatives of the breed retained the aggression inherited from their ancestors, but the breeders overcame this trait of fighting dogs.

However, the spirit of the fighter in the breed has been preserved and it manifests itself in games and competitions. Specially trained German boxers can be very pugnacious. But basically representatives of the breed show aggression only in moments of danger.

The German Boxer is a lively, cheerful and curious dog.

At the same time, the anger of the German boxer is selective: the dog is merciless to enemies and infinitely devoted to the owner and family. The boxer, thanks to his instincts, protects the weak, so he will never hurt a child. If the kid violates the boundaries of what is permitted, and will bother the dog too much, he will simply leave and try to hide.

The German boxer is a sociable dog and does not tolerate loneliness, therefore he prefers to be closer to the owner all the time. Strangers make him distrustful. The dog will not rush at a stranger, but in case of danger it will be able to fight back.

Boxers often show aggression towards other dogs, especially those of the same sex. Given this feature, breeders recommend keeping dogs of different sexes in the house, otherwise the boxer will conflict, try to dominate.

The attitude towards other animals in the house depends on the correct upbringing of the dog. If a cat grows up in the same territory with a German boxer, he will be friends with her. Unfamiliar cats and other small animals are likely to be chased by a boxer.

Important. With improper upbringing or in the presence of tribal marriage, the German boxer may show increased aggression. Such a dog can become dangerous for others, but also for family members.

Basic rules of training

Experts recommend purchasing a German boxer as a first pet for inexperienced owners, as representatives of this breed are easily manageable and amenable to training. The main rule of boxer training is to communicate with the dog in a calm tone.

It is impossible to break into a scream and be nervous if the dog does not do something, because the German boxer is sensitive to the mood of the owner and will be nervous with him. From such communication in raised tones, there will be no sense.

The main rule of boxer training is to communicate with the dog in a calm tone.

As a service dog, the boxer must undergo a full course of special training with the assimilation of all the necessary commands. It is recommended to start developing working qualities from 5 months. It is advisable to seek help from a professional dog handler who will help the owner to train the boxer in service skills.

Before the puppy must learn the general rules of behavior in the house and on the street. Lessons should be short and fun, more like a game. First thing . A tray is placed in the house for this, and the dog is placed in it every time it sits down. If the puppy successfully descends into the tray, he is sure to be praised.

It takes place in natural conditions. As soon as the dog sits, you need to pronounce the appropriate command so that the association arises. After a few repetitions, the puppy begins to understand what is required of him.

The way to the heart of a German boxer is through the stomach. Using treats as a reward (crackers, bones from a pet store, biscuits) can achieve the desired behavior. Boxers are well motivated for such rewards, as they are real gourmets. They are even willing to work for a portion of their regular food.

The way to the heart of a German boxer is through the stomach.

If the learning process is carried out before the next feeding, the commands are learned much faster. Alternatively, you can set aside a small portion of the daily portion and use it as a reward after the lesson.

The whole method of training comes down to stimulating action through praise and treats. Boxers love to be praised and always try to please their owner. If the puppy does something wrong or starts to misbehave, the owner should show his displeasure by ignoring the pet. When a dog sees that they do not want to communicate with her, she understands the inadmissibility of such behavior.

Important. Punishing or hitting a dog for misbehavior is not allowed. The dog will simply be afraid of the owner, but will not understand what she is doing wrong.

The German boxer is a dog with a weak immune system, so its physical well-being directly depends on proper care and maintenance in the necessary conditions. A dog can live in a city apartment and a country house. But in winter, keeping a boxer in a kennel is not desirable, as he is prone to hypothermia.

German boxers are kept in an apartment or a private house, always warm.

For walks, you need to purchase a long leash and a special harness. Keeping a German Boxer in a collar is not recommended.

Hair and eye care

Grooming a German boxer is not difficult, as his short coat does not need to be combed. It is enough to go over the pet's skin once a week with a stiff brush or a special mitten to clean off dead hairs.

Frequent bathing is also not necessary for the German boxer, as the natural fat coating is washed off the skin. If the pet gets dirty, it is enough to clean off the dirt with a sponge dipped in a special shampoo, and then wipe it with a cloth dipped in clean water. If you wish, you can bathe the dog a couple of times a year.

The structure of the boxer's eyelids contributes to the accumulation of dust in the eyes, from which. The dog's eyes are rubbed daily. If yellow discharge accumulates in the corners of the eyes, they are removed with a damp cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction or strong brewed tea.

Ear cleaning and nail trimming

The dog's ears are also wiped with a wet disc. It is contraindicated to use sticks and other objects to penetrate the ear, so as not to damage your hearing. If an unpleasant odor or fluid leaks from the ears, and the dog rubs its head against objects or shakes it, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian.

A German boxer should have his nails trimmed periodically.

Boxers need to trim their nails regularly if they don't wear off on their own during walks. Too long claws contribute to deformation of the paws when walking. It is necessary to trim the very tips of the claw, without affecting the blood vessels. For the first time, it is advisable to entrust this procedure to a professional groomer and observe his actions.

Dog nutrition, choosing the right diet

Getting the right amount of nutrients at the time of feeding is the key to good dog health.

The natural menu of a German boxer should consist of products:

  • Lean meats.
  • Sea fish.
  • Porridge from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Dairy products.
  • Milk (for puppies).

A dog up to a year is fed from 5-6 to 3 times a day. An adult boxer should eat 2 times a day.

If the option of catering with dry food is chosen, you should not save money and regale the boxer with cheap brands. This is a serious health risk for the dog, since such foods contain a lot of preservatives, dyes, which can become a source of allergies and digestive problems. and allergies. To prevent the dog from getting cold, it is recommended to reduce the walking time in wet and frosty weather. To prevent it, you need to follow the recommendations for catering and the selection of cosmetics.

Boxers are also prone to the following diseases:

  • Deafness.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Deforming spondylosis.
  • brachiocephalic syndrome.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Turn of the century.

Choosing a puppy, in which kennels to buy and price

Before buying a puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of its acquisition and find out everything about the breed of the future pet. If a dog is acquired as a companion and family member, you can not focus on his exterior, but rely primarily on his mental disposition.

A photo. Little german boxer puppies

Three German boxer puppies in the photo

The choice on the basis of "I liked it" is not suitable if the dog is bought for participation in exhibitions and for breeding offspring. In this case, it is necessary to select a puppy, considering and evaluating its parents.

Dad and mom of the baby should be champions of dog shows, be balanced, meet the breed standards in appearance. It is also necessary to check the presence of hereditary diseases in the parents, since the health status of their offspring depends on this.

The German Boxer puppy should be well-fed, with a smooth, shiny coat that evenly covers the entire body. The baby should have clean eyes and ears. The puppy's behavior should be active, playful, even cocky.

You need to buy a puppy from trusted breeders or specialized nurseries. The baby must have a passport and a vaccination card.

You can buy a purebred German boxer puppy in the nursery.

You can buy a purebred puppy of a German boxer in the kennels of the cities:

  • Moscow - from $500 (,, www.yalins.ruww,,
  • St. Petersburg - from $400 (,,,,, .

A strong and muscular body, a frightening appearance and an upturned nose of a boxer hides a good-natured and sociable dog. The German Boxer is a service breed. The robust, square-shaped dog excels in police service and is used as a personal bodyguard.

Origin of the german boxer breed

Boxer was bred in Germany. The great-grandfather of the dog, the Brabant bullenbeiser, is a hunting dog that must catch wounded game and hold it with its wide mouth until the owner appears. By crossing a hunting breed with a mastiff and a bulldog, a boxer, recognizable by modern fans, appeared in Munich. The non-aggressive and pliable dog was officially registered in 1850. The first official breed club was founded in 1896.

Description of the breed

The German Boxer is considered to be one of the most playful service dogs used as a guard dog. The dog retains its playful character throughout its life, so it is not uncommon to see an adult dog that actively gallops with children on the playground. The dog lends itself well to training, loves communication and easily gets along with any pets. The breed belongs to the Molossians for its protective and external qualities.

Breed standard (appearance)

The characteristic of the breed includes an unusual appearance and high service qualities.

  • Head. The correct round shape, with an upturned nose. The forehead is massive, when the ears are raised, wrinkles spontaneously form on it. The head should not have a massive or too light appearance.
  • Eyes. Dark rather big and not very large size, not convex and not very sunken. There is a black mask around the eyes.
  • Lips. Meaty, with drooping wings.
  • Ears. Until 2008 they stopped, now they remain unchanged. Turned forward, hanging down.
  • Tail. Previously stopped, now remains unchanged, set high, saber-shaped.
  • Back. Shortened, with a strong skeleton and muscles, straight.
  • Paws. Not long, strong with dense pads. Elbows are not very turned back.
  • Neck. Muscular and dry with a pronounced transition to the withers.
  • Wool. Short ostevaya, the same length throughout the body, fits snugly to the skin.
  • Color. The most common redhead with a black mask, moreover, let's say a red color from sandy light to dark, almost fiery. Less common are brindle German boxers: along the body along the ribs against a red background, black, dark brown stripes pass. Standards allow red or brindle with white spots, but such puppies in a litter from purebred parents are rare.
  • The size. The male at the withers can reach 57-63 cm, the knots are smaller and have a size of 53 to 59 cm.
  • The weight adult male up to 30 kg, bitches up to 25 kg.

Boxer character

The German boxer has surpassed all expectations of cynologists. The dog is obedient, playful and has a number of positive qualities.

  1. The puppy is fearless almost from birth. Not afraid of large predators and strangers. In the police, the breed is used when detaining especially dangerous criminals; it is not afraid of shots and sharp pops.
  2. The balanced psyche of the dog makes the breed one of the friendliest. The dog is suitable for an amateur at any age. The breed is balanced and does not show aggression. The breed is known to be used throughout the world as a guide dog.
  3. The dog is very attached to the owner and family, so it will protect them to the last. But he suffers greatly when he loses his family, so before buying a puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons well.
  4. Easy to train and well trained. But the breed is lazy, so the owner will need patience.
  5. Great distrust of strangers, but bites only in the most urgent cases. Long warning growls and grins.
  6. It is distinguished by high cleanliness, the puppy quickly learns to go to the toilet outside, will not wallow in the mud and cannot stand dirty paws.
  7. The animal loves long walks in the fresh air and needs communication.

Aggressive or cowardly animals are culled and are not allowed to show. Suitable for content. Likes to lie on the sofa or bed, so it is not suitable for overly clean people. The dog is active only until the middle of life. After 7 years playfulness is maintained, but the dog becomes lazier.

Care and maintenance

  • You can comb a smooth-haired dog with a brush with natural bristles. A metal or hard comb can damage the top layer of the epidermis;
  • bathing the dog with special shampoos is allowed once or twice a year. The rest of the time, only paws and belly are washed;
  • after each walk, the paw pads are carefully examined, if small cracks or wounds are noticed, they are lubricated with an antiseptic;
  • twice a week, the dog's ears are cleaned with a cotton pad and a special septic tank. Hydrogen peroxide can be used for treatment;
  • the dog sometimes likes to lie down alone, so a place with a separate bed is allocated in the house. The rug should not be too soft or, conversely, hard. A piece of flannelette blanket or felt will do;
  • the dog's eyes are rubbed twice a week with a special tool, also suitable infusion of chamomile, calendula, strong tea infusion.

Breed health

With proper feeding and maintenance, the dog rarely gets sick. After purchasing a puppy, it is necessary to vaccinate against viral diseases: plague, hepatitis and rabies. Depending on care and health, the pet lives from 9 to 15 years. There is an opinion that sterilized bitches live an order of magnitude less, but disputes about this continue.

Among the frequent pathologies that a boxer is prone to are:

  1. Rheumatism. Proper care will help prevent the disease. The animal should not be supercooled, after walking the dog is wiped with a warm dry towel.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Without timely treatment, the dog may partially lose its sight.
  3. Inversion of the eyelid (Entropion).
  4. Problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The breed is prone to frequent digestive disorders, so the choice of food must be taken responsibly.
  5. Bitches after 6 years are prone to breast cancer.
  6. Allergy mainly to food.

Important! The dog needs to be shown to specialists every 3-6 months. And if any of the pathologies appears, you should not delay treatment.


You can train a boxer immediately after getting used to the owner and the house. Initially, the animal learns to respond to the nickname. For this, a sonorous and short nickname is chosen, which is repeated to the puppy in a clear and loud voice. Every time a dog responds to its name, praise it.

From 2-3 months they start learning basic commands: Sit, Lie, Come to me. Before starting the OKD course, the dog must learn to walk on a short leash, walk without running away from the owner. To do this, treats are taken for a walk, which encourages the correct reaction to commands. You should not scold the animal for an unfulfilled command; raising a puppy requires patience.

To train a dog, you need to purchase:

  • the leash is elongated and shortened;
  • collar;
  • treats to reward the animal;
  • ball or stick to teach the "Fetch" command.

Training takes place in a playful way. On the OKD course, the dog handler will teach you how to give voice and hand commands correctly and tell you how to teach the animal basic commands as quickly as possible.

The German boxer belongs to guard-guard breeds and if the dog is taken for service, then it is necessary to pass the ZKS. Unlike many large breeds, the boxer's psyche does not change after ZKS, the dog remains good-natured and supple. Aggression towards strangers is manifested only in extreme cases.


Since the boxer has a weak stomach and a tendency to allergies, the choice of diet should be approached responsibly. Feeding the animal with specialized food is considered optimal: Mighty Dog, Fancy Feast from Nestle, Royal Canin Boxer, Applaws, Summit Holistic. Specialized dry food is recommended due to the special structure of the lower jaw of the animal. It is difficult for a dog to grab crackers that are not the right size, and he simply swallows them. This affects the work of the digestive tract and the condition of the teeth.

The second feeding option is natural food. Since the dog is often prone to allergies, chicken, oatmeal and millet flakes are removed from the diet. It is acceptable to cook porridge on beef or veal with buckwheat or rice. Cottage cheese, dairy products are added to the diet.

Eggs should be given with caution. To make sure that the product does not cause allergies, give a small amount and wait a while. If there is no reaction on the skin, then the product can be given, but in a limited amount. Since cumulative allergies can greatly affect the health of the animal.

The amount of food depends on age:

  • from 1 to 3 months - 5-6 times a day for 150-200 years. cereals on a milk mixture, from 2 months they switch to a light beef broth;
  • from 3 to 6 months - gradually switch to three meals a day, vegetables are added to the diet, except for starch-containing ones;
  • from 6 months to a year - switch to two meals a day. At a time, the norm of food is 2 liters. Offal, cartilage are added to the diet.

Vitamins are used as supplements to natural food. Vitamins are suitable for a German boxer: Canhydrox GAG from Kanin, Brewers Yeast Tablets With Garlic from Beaphar, Healthy Heart from Nutri Vet.



Photo of a German boxer

In the photo below, a boxer is a standard red color with a black mask.

The photo shows a brindle dog with vertical multi-colored stripes.

Boxer with white spots on the chest and paws, according to the exterior, this color is not rejected.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Endurance in the cold
Heat endurance

We associate Germany with the Brandenburg Gate, Bavarian sausages, practical Germans, BMW cars, and, of course, German boxers bred there in the second half of the 19th century. The breed got its name due to the fact that dogs tend to fight with their front paws.

The German boxer is great for children with children, she is friendly, easily adapts to new conditions and even new owners. No wonder they say about the boxer that he is a dog of more than one owner. The breed has a very pronounced facial expression, and it is always clear by the face whether it is in a sad or good mood. The boxer's facial expressions made her popular with photographers. The dog is very photogenic, and is often found on posters, calendars, posters.

Boxers were pets of such famous personalities as Picasso, S. Stallone, R. Williams. Another fact surprises many: the breed has a universal blood type. There is a boxer named Winston - the most famous blood donor for dogs.

The German boxer is a combination of guard, working, hunting, pickling and indoor-decorative dogs in one person. It belongs to the 2nd group in the classification of the IFF, section 2 "Dog-shaped".

The boxer dog is a breed bred in Germany in the 19th century. The first dog, which was characterized by the features of modern animals, was demonstrated in 1850. The ancestors of boxers were the bullenbeiser breed - dogs that were popular in Western Europe and were used to hunt big game: bears, wild boars, wolves. Their power, strength and endurance are reflected in the name of the breed: the word "bullenbeiser" means "bullhound" or "biting bulls".

In Europe, two varieties of bullenbeisers were common: Brabant - for hunting wild boars, deer and Danzig - for baiting larger game: bears, wild bulls. In the 17th century, due to the beginning of the use of firearms for hunting and the reduction in the number of chicken game, the Danzig bullenbeisers ceased to be used and died out. And their relatives, more mobile and adapted to new conditions, the Brabant bullenbeisers, have survived. They began to be used as guards by cattle traders and farmers. From this variety, a new breed originates - a boxer, a dog that has become popular all over the world in a short time.

It is believed that the ancestors of the Bullenbeisers themselves are descendants of ancient fighting dogs brought by sailors to Europe from Assyria, an ancient state that existed before the 6th century BC. And these fighting dogs, in turn, are descendants of the Tibetan mastiffs. Thus, the German Boxer is a unique breed that has the blood of Mastiffs, Bullenbeisers and English Bulldogs.

The ancestors of boxers were pickling and guard dogs, which are characterized by aggression. When breeding boxers, breeders tried as much as possible to eradicate aggressiveness and ferocity, and make the dogs manageable. Their efforts were not in vain: the German boxer is a dog that is great for keeping in the family, it is peaceful, adequate and perfectly trainable.

In modern times, the Boxer is widely used as a working dog. She successfully passes the "service" in the police, is used as a bodyguard or guard dog. They easily learn the skills of guide dogs and become the best friends and helpers of people with disabilities.

Characteristics, description, character

At heart, a boxer is a guard dog. Her vocation is to protect the family and home, so he is wary of strangers. A boxer, whose character is a set of virtues, will delight his owners with positive traits all his life.

It has:

  • good nature. If the family has a network of children, other dogs and pets, then contact will be established, and the boxer will be kind and affectionate to everyone.
  • Family bonding and devotion. The boxer dog loves his owner very much, at home or on a walk he tries not to lose sight of him.
  • Energy and love for games. These qualities are retained in the dog even into adulthood.
  • Big mind.
  • « Reticence." Boxers rarely bark. His barking can only be caused by a serious reason.
  • Fearlessness. In a serious situation, when the owner is in danger, there is no limit to the courage of the dog and she is ready to protect the owner to the last.
  • Cleanliness. The breed is great for keeping at home and does not require much care.

Appearance characteristics

The Boxer, whose breed description and standards are constantly updated, is a large and stocky dog. This is a strong animal with a strong physique and powerful muscles. From all his movements breathes nobility, vigor and strength.

  • Square head with a sharp transition to a broad and powerful muzzle.
  • Long, dry and muscular neck.
  • Short, strong and straight back.
  • The protruding lower jaw gives the dog a slightly menacing look.
  • Upturned and flattened nose.
  • Highly set tail, which is most often docked. When the animal walks, it wags to the sides, which gives the dog a funny look.
  • Boxers are found in red or brindle color. Characteristic black mask and occasional white markings.

Boxers reach a height of 57-64 cm (males) and 53-59 cm (females). Their weight is 30-32 kg and 25-27 kg for males and females, respectively. Very often, due to their bright appearance and temperament, German boxers become show stars, competing with many other breeds.


Officially it is believed that the duration of German boxers is 10-13 years, but in reality they rarely live up to 10 years. The reason for this is their not very strong immunity. They get supercooled very quickly, prone to allergies and colds. In order for the dog to always feel good, it must be kept indoors without drafts, high humidity and not walking with it in wet and windy weather.

What diseases are most common in boxers?

  • Deafness, which is typical for puppies with a white color. Puppies are deaf for one or both departures, and the proportion of such deviations is high - up to 40% of individuals born white.
  • genetic disease - arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle and aortic stenosis.
  • Due to poor immunity, dogs are prone to allergies and hair loss.
  • Digestive problems: bloating, gastric volvulus, vomiting. The best prevention of such ailments is to prevent the dog from overeating and feed small portions several times a day.
  • Already by six months, German boxer puppies can be diagnosed hip dysplasia- a serious disease that, if left untreated, will begin to cause severe torment to the dog, lead to lameness and paw dragging.
  • There is another disease of the spine - deforming spondylosis, which can lead to paralysis. It arises a field of 5-6 years.
  • Brachiocephalic Syndrome characteristic of dogs with a too short muzzle. A boxer with this diagnosis will snore in his sleep, breathe hoarsely and suffer from shortness of breath (especially during training, walking and in the summer heat).
  • Hypothyroidism is a result of thyroid dysfunction. If chills, hair loss, rash, hyperpigmentation of the skin were noticed behind the dog, then this is a reason for immediate contact with the veterinarian.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision: eversion or inversion of the eyelid.

Care and maintenance

Proper and regular care is the key to the health and impeccable appearance of the German boxer. As soon as the puppy appears in the family, it is necessary to start accustoming him to hygiene procedures, and the dog will take them for granted.

How to take care of the skin and coat?

The boxer has a smooth and smooth coat, so it does not get tangled, tangles form on it. To keep the hairline in a well-groomed form, it is enough to regularly comb the dog with a soft brush or a rubber glove. This will get rid of keratinized particles and give pleasure to the pet. Hard brushes are contraindicated, as they can injure the boxer's delicate skin.

Dog bathing rules:

  • Bathing the breed should be taken very seriously.
  • It is advisable to bathe once a year, and after the water procedure, dry the coat thoroughly so that the dog does not get too cold.
  • If the boxer gets dirty during walks, then it is enough to wash the dirty areas.
  • Use a low pH shampoo for bathing.
  • The folds on the muzzle should be wiped daily to prevent inflammation and irritation.
  • To clean and disinfect wool, you need to wipe it with a special solution: vinegar, water and alcohol in a ratio of 1:1:1.

The breed has very delicate skin, and it is necessary to be more attentive to its condition. Combing with a rubber glove is not only a hygienic procedure. This and massage, which improve blood microcirculation, improves the well-being and mood of the pet. Sensitive and delicate skin on the paw pads requires inspection after each walk. Microtraumas received on the street can lead to inflammation and deterioration. In puppies and older dogs, on the advice of veterinarians, the skin on the paws should be lubricated with cream before and after walking.

How to take care of eyes, ears, teeth and claws?

  1. Daily cleansing eye boxer will prevent the development of conjunctivitis. The procedure should be carried out in the morning or after walking with cotton pads soaked in boiled water.
  2. For cleaning ears no special tools are required, just wrap a clean cloth around your finger and gently remove dirt. This procedure, carried out once a month, is the best prevention of ear infections. But if the auricle turns red and an unpleasant odor is felt, then you can’t do without contacting a veterinarian.
  3. Teeth you need to brush with a special toothbrush at least 2-3 times a month and do not use the usual, “human” toothpaste. When tartar appears, it is necessary to contact a specialist, only he can eliminate the defect.
  4. Long, uncircumcised claws- the cause of improper gait and inconvenience when walking. If the pet rarely walks on an asphalt surface, where the claws grind naturally, then you need to cut them with a special nail cutter.

Rest and walks of the German boxer

The main rule when organizing a place to rest is to place it in a conspicuous place and where there are no drafts and sources of heating. The boxer always keeps the owner in sight, so soft and wide bedding in a suitable place is the key to a comfortable and relaxing stay for the pet.

Training and education

The German Boxer is a smart dog that really wants to please and obey the owner, so it is easy to educate and train. Education and familiarity with the rules in the house must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house. As a rule, the puppy is in the house of a new owner at 1.5 months. From 3 months you can start training your pet. It is surprising that even a child who has reached the age of 12 can teach a dog the first commands.

The first commands to teach puppies are: Sit! Beside! Lie! To me! Like any other dog, a boxer can be stubborn, but a patient and persistent owner will insist on everything, directing the learning process in the right direction. If the dog remembers the commands, then this is for life. By the age of six months, the breed should know and follow all the basic commands.

In the process of education and training, the owner of the dog must behave like a friend. Perhaps strict and demanding, but a friend. In return, he will receive a loyal and friendly dog.


Healthy boxer puppies are amazing creatures. They do not scream, hold tightly to their mother's nipples and almost purr with pleasure. The most painful topic for puppies is tail docking. Many believe that the barbaric attitude, so in England this procedure has long been banned.

Boxers are born with their eyes closed, opening on days 10-13. But there is a certain percentage of puppies that are born with their eyes open, but they usually don't survive. Even with their eyes open, puppies can only distinguish between light and dark, and they begin to see well only by the fifth week.

In kennels, puppies begin to be sold when they are 45 days old. By the time the little boxer appears in the new house, the owner must have bought all the attributes for the full care of the puppy:

  • Bowls. They must be aluminum and on a height-adjustable stand. The dog's bowl should be at the level of the elbow joint. Many experts note that bowls located on the floor are also quite suitable. The dog spends about 10 years behind a bowl and during this time there are no loads on the neck and spine.
  • Mattress or underlay. The sleeping place should be soft and large so that the dog fits there in full growth. An important condition for the location of the lounger is away from heaters and drafts.
  • first aid kit with drugs prescribed and recommended by a veterinarian.
  • Collar and leash. Puppies need to be trained on a collar and leash. If you attach a tag with the owner's phone number or address to the collar, this will facilitate the search in case the dog gets lost. Experts advise buying a leash with a length of at least 2 m.
  • Toys - necessary attribute for a puppy and an adult dog. Boxers are playful and very bored when left alone. To make it easier for them to wait for the owner from work, you need to leave toys for her.

Catering for a German Boxer Puppy

A balanced diet and proper diet is the key to a puppy's health and development. Until the age of 2 months, the puppy should be fed at least 5-6 times a day, and then go to reduce meals:

  • from 2 to 6 months - 4 times a day;
  • from 6-10 months - 3 times a day;
  • from 10 months - 2 times a day.

The puppy's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, vitamin and mineral supplements. The meat should be varied: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. The main requirement for meat: raw or half-cooked, low fat, no bones (to eliminate the risk of injury to the esophagus).

N German boxers are a combination of guard, working, hunting, pickling, indoor and decorative dogs. Any boxer dog is great for families with small children, it is characterized by boundless friendliness, easily adapts to different conditions and a new owner.

History of the breed

The Boxer is a breed that was bred in Germany in the 19th century. The first dog, for which the qualities of modern dogs were characteristic, was introduced in 1850. Bullenbeisers are considered to be the ancestors of individuals of this breed - dogs popular in Western Europe, which were used in hunting bears, wild boars and wolves. These animals are very powerful, strong, hardy.

On the territory of Europe, 2 types of breed were distributed: Brabant, used when hunting for a wild boar, deer, and Danzig - used for baiting a bear, a wild bull.

In the 17th century, due to the beginning of the use of firearms during hunting and a decrease in the number of chicken game, individuals of the second species ceased to be used, as a result of which they completely died out. But their relatives, who are more mobile and adapted to other conditions, were preserved. They began to be used as watchmen. From this variety, modern boxers originated, which in a short period of time gained great popularity all over the world.

The ancestors of this breed are pickling and watchdogs, with pronounced aggression. In the process of breeding boxers, breeders wanted to eradicate this quality as much as possible. And their efforts were not in vain: German boxers are dogs that are great for living in a family. They are characterized by peacefulness, adequacy.

To date, the boxer dog, the description of the breed of which indicates the presence of a mass of positive qualities, is actively used as a working dog. They easily pass training in the police, work as bodyguards and watchmen. Individuals of this breed, ways to learn the skills of guides, become the best comrades of people with disabilities.

Description and character of a boxer

At heart, representatives of this breed are watchdogs. Their main calling is to protect the family and home, for this reason they are wary of strangers. Boxers, whose temperament acts as a set of virtues, please their owners with excellent qualities throughout their lives.

These dogs:

  • good-natured. If there are small children in the family, other pets, then contact will definitely be established;
  • attached to family, devotees. These dogs simply adore the owner, at home or on the street the animal will not lose sight of him;
  • energetic, love to play. These qualities are preserved in the dog in adulthood;
  • have a great mind;
  • laconic. Individuals of this breed rarely make a sound. An animal may start barking solely for a serious reason;
  • fearless. If something threatens the owner, the pet's courage is simply limitless, he is ready to defend him to the last;
  • cleanliness. Representatives of the breed are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

An excellent boxer breed, the breed description of which is constantly updated, is represented by large and stocky dogs. These animals are very strong, have a strong physique, powerful muscles. All movements of the dog are noble, strong, energetic.

The head of individuals of this breed is square in shape, there is a sharp transition to a strong muzzle. The neck is long, dry, muscular. The back of the animal is short, straight, strong. The lower jaw, which protrudes, gives the dog a menacing look. The nose is upturned, flattened. The tail is set high, it is mostly docked. While walking the dog, he wags, which looks very funny.

Boxers can be red or brindle. The presence of a black mask is characteristic, sometimes there are white marks.

The growth of individuals of this breed is: for males about 61 cm, for females - 57 cm with a weight of 31 kg and 26 kg, respectively. Not infrequently, because of their bright appearance and temperament, these dogs become the highlight of exhibitions.

Features of care and maintenance

As the characteristics of this dog breed show, the boxer is not a very whimsical creature in terms of care. At the same time, the correctness and regularity of the necessary events acts as a guarantee of the health and magnificent appearance of the German. As soon as the dog appears in the family, it is necessary to start accustoming the puppy to hygiene procedures. And in the future it will be taken for granted.

Boxers have a smooth coat, for this reason it does not tangle. Although this breed is characterized by the formation of tangles. To keep the animal's hairline in a well-groomed form, you need to comb your pet with a soft brush or a special rubber glove. Do not use hard brushes, because this can lead to injuries on the delicate skin of the animal.

It is recommended to bathe representatives of this breed once a year, and after such a procedure, it is necessary to dry the coat thoroughly to avoid hypothermia. If the pet gets dirty on a walk, then in this case it will be enough just to wash the dirty places. When bathing, you should use special shampoos. The folds on the muzzle should be wiped every day so that irritation and inflammation do not occur.

It is necessary to clean and disinfect the wool with a special solution consisting of vinegar, water, alcohol.

Basically, the boxer dog breed has a delicate skin, and it is necessary to constantly monitor it.

The dog's eyes should be cleaned every day. This will prevent the development of such an ailment as conjunctivitis. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and after a walk using a cotton pad and boiled water.

You can brush your teeth with a clean cloth and your finger. This event should be held once a month. It acts as the best prevention of infectious diseases of the ears. In case of reddening of the auricle and the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition of the pet. Boxers can only be fed with special feeds and natural food. These dogs need raw meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as well as other products that contain vitamins and other elements that are useful for the dog.

Training and education

German boxers are smart dogs who want to always please and obey their master. For this reason, these animals are easy to train and train. At the same time, it is necessary to educate a dog from an early age. Mostly, puppies get into the family at the age of one and a half months.

Starting from three months, you can start training your pet.

Surprisingly, a boxer dog is amenable to training by a child who has reached the age of twelve. When raising and training the owner of the animal must behave towards the pet in a friendly manner. Naturally, in this case, strictness and exactingness are allowed. But with proper upbringing, the owner gets a devoted and friendly dog.

Fighting dog breeds are distinguished by a gloomy disposition and aggressiveness, which is why they are fighting. But the German boxer is like a white crow - aggressive in appearance, but so kind and playful in his soul that sometimes you wonder if this is really a boxer? But the fact remains, this breed is the kindest and safest for the family, as long as there is no direct threat.

dog breed german boxer

Introduction to the breed

By the name it is clear that the German boxer appeared in Germany. Initially, it was used for hunting wild boars and bears, together with a distant relative, but later the dog was retrained as security guards and police assistants. This happened due to the complaisant nature and strong nervous system of dogs.

The German Boxer is a dog ideal for families with small children. It is simply unknown what needs to be done with a dog so that it bites the child of its owner.

boxer and child

You can lie on a dog, squeeze it, pull its ears and tail, and everything will be fine for him, and large adult dogs even enjoy such a massage. If the child still hurts, then the boxer will simply get up and leave.

To strangers boxers show caution, but not a single gram of aggression. But they treat unfamiliar children as they would their own - dogs simply adore them. They show the same warm feelings towards cats and other dogs. But, God forbid, another dog bares his teeth, barks, or shows any sign of danger - then the German boxer will rush to the defense without hesitation. The only exception is that boxers do not like their relatives, especially males.

Breed characteristics:

  • Height - up to 60 cm at the withers;
  • Weight - up to 30 kg;
  • Color - combinations of red, brindle, fawn and black, occasionally there are white marks;
  • Wool - short;
  • Life expectancy - up to 12 years.

We described the character of the dog in such a positive way, provided that it grows and is kept in the right conditions, surrounded by care, love, but at the same time trained to the best of a strict owner.

Here, according to the last remark, it is necessary to find a golden mean. If you are too soft, then the dog will be too arrogant and naughty, but excessive rigidity in education will also not make the dog kinder. You have to understand that this is a lapdog.

Buying a dog

We would not advise buying a boxer puppy through an ad in a newspaper from strangers:

  • The nature of the dog directly depends on its parents, it is transmitted through the genes;
  • You do not know in what conditions the puppy was born and lived. Or maybe he is something more, or embittered because of the brutal attitude.

Only in the kennel, breeders treat dogs not as a commodity, but as their wards, they worry about puppies, put their soul into their favorite business.

Puppy kennel

In the kennel, German boxer puppies will receive all the necessary vaccinations, professional care, living conditions and care. But the price, of course, will be slightly higher:

  • According to the announcement within 10,000 rubles;
  • In the nursery - 15000;
  • In the nursery - from 30,000 rubles.

Given that you are buying a real family member, this is not such a big amount. In the nursery you will be shown his parents, and if in the process of education there are questions or difficulties, you can always call them and consult.

Before you buy a puppy, carefully inspect it, the eyes and nose must be clean, the wool should not smell, no bald patches are unacceptable. By activity, the baby should be cheerful, playful, courageous. Be sure to ask about his diet in order to switch to yours gradually, over the course of a week, and avoid problems with the intestines.

Boxer Grooming

Virtually no maintenance is required. Their coat is short, haircuts and combing is not necessary, and washing is also in case of severe pollution. You will be required to trim your nails a couple of times a month (by the way, they are quite soft), and monitor your ears and eyes so that there is no debris and discharge.

But when it comes to character, there is a lot to work on.

German boxer on a walk

Dogs of this breed mature quickly outwardly, but in their hearts they will be playful carefree puppies for a long time, and all your attempts at training and teaching commands will seem like a futile exercise, they will still not do anything. This is where the key moment of education lies, they understand everything, and soon the moment will come when the dog will begin to fulfill them, the main thing is to be patient.

dog training

The dog must be walked every day, allowing you to throw out all the energy. Their muscles are very strong, and keeping within four walls is unacceptable. On the street, boxers will run and frolic to the point of exhaustion, this is their nature.

Get in the habit of walking with him to the nearest park, where training will take place. From the first days, the puppy should see the owner in you, so the voice should be strict, but without violence. Teach your dog the commands “No”, “Come”, “Sit” in order to have control in any situation. The German Boxer is a very smart dog, but it will take time before he begins to obey. And everything should be accompanied by physical activity - running, games, chasing, jumping, etc. Always praise the dog for doing the right thing, and scold him without anger for misconduct.

Feeding the dog

German boxers are famous for their constant excellent appetite, they are prone to obesity. They need to be fed fractionally, three times a day in small portions, this has a beneficial effect on the stomach than a single meal.

They eat everything - meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits. But in order to maintain excellent physical shape, they need a balanced, vitamin-rich diet, so it is recommended to alternate natural food with ready-made premium or super premium, as in the photo below.

Top quality food (clickable)

Be sure to keep an eye on the water, the bowl should always be full of fresh water. The meat is preferably raw, cut into pieces (minced meat only for puppies). Fatty varieties, like pork, are contraindicated due to their high fat content, but in cold winters or high loads, a couple of pieces a week will not hurt.

Do not eat in front of him if the dog has an empty bowl! At the sight of food, they begin to salivate profusely, and food from our table is forbidden to them!

Diseases of boxers

Although they are famous for their excellent health, there are several diseases characteristic of the German boxer:

  • Congenital heart defects;
  • Tendency to cancer;
  • They get cold quickly.

Damp rooms, drafts, cold temperatures are contraindicated for them. But such conditions are in principle contraindicated for any animal, this is not a secret.

For reference, German boxers lived with celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone, Pablo Picasso and Robin Williams.

Tired boxer

The German boxer is an ideal combination of wisdom, kindness, strength and devotion, which will not leave anyone indifferent from the family, of which he will become a member in the very first days after the purchase.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

German boxer, about the content of the breed, video

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