Youth Day: congratulations in verse, prose and beautiful pictures for the holiday. Official congratulations on Youth Day in prose

On June 27, all Russian youth celebrate their holiday. At the state level Youth Day in Russia in 2018 it is celebrated 26 times. The order on Youth Day was signed by Boris Yeltsin in 1993.

Youth is love, optimism and faith in the future. On this day you can send colorful congratulations and beautiful wishes in verse, Happy Youth Day to all your loved ones, because in our souls we remain young for the rest of our lives.

The country's main youth holiday is celebrated every year on June 27, and Youth Day 2018 will be no exception. Tomorrow, in all cities of Russia, from dawn to dusk, you will be able to see many incredibly exciting events, concerts, master classes and other exciting things.

Regardless of whether it is Moscow or a smaller town, there will still be a fascinating holiday for the joy of carrying. Wherever you go, everywhere you can see an enchanting concert and, of course, everyone’s favorite fireworks display.

To begin with, it is worth saying that Youth Day has a rather impressive history. This holiday began to be celebrated back in 1958. Then the government of the USSR decided that it was necessary to devote one day a year to youth, whose development they paid especially much attention to. The holiday itself was approved to be celebrated on the last Sunday of June.

Youth Day was celebrated en masse and on a grand scale: solemn parades were organized at which young people proclaimed slogans calling for the active participation of youth in the public life of the state.

After the collapse of the USSR, many of the then holidays lost their meaning and were simply forgotten. But the holiday of youth lives to this day and is celebrated quite lavishly. In Russia it was approved to celebrate June 27, although many countries of the former Soviet Union It is still celebrated on the last Sunday in June. In Russia, one might say, it has also been preserved this tradition. Although the holiday has acquired an established date, it often falls on weekdays, so the celebration is moved to the weekend.

Since the holiday does not have any special national significance, there are no special traditions associated with it. The main tradition of this holiday is to have fun. Also, many holiday events are dedicated to love for one’s country, because the main objective government - to raise the younger generation as patriots.

At ceremonial parades, youth are often congratulated by veterans, famous athletes And public people, which talk about the course of development of the state and the importance of patriotism.

Also very important when educating young people is popularization healthy way life. Therefore, on this day there are many sports competitions, in which everyone can participate.

In addition, various flash mobs are held to attract people to public problems, talent shows, and concerts. I often come to cities for such holidays popular stars and sing completely free of charge on the streets of the city, Ros-Register reports. In addition, various young talents have the opportunity to perform on city stages.

An integral part of the city day is the bright fireworks display that ends the entire celebration.

Today is your day, youth!
Your best holiday.
Let the slogan: “Youth - give!” -
Leads to different victories!

Youth Day! Hooray! Hooray!
Both adults and children are happy!
This is a day of energy and enthusiasm!
Youth are the support of the nation!
On this day there is fun in the streets,
Everyone goes on the roller coaster and carousel!
We wish everyone to be energetic,
Both kind and cute!

Youth does not last long -
Appreciate her impulses.
Youth is so careless -
Appreciate her anguish.
Live, learn, fall in love,
Meet secretly at the entrance.
Enjoy your youth to the fullest
And don’t part with her!

Happy Youth Day
I want to congratulate you.
Noisy hello
I'll fly to you.
Quickly, swiftly
I wish you life
Happy holiday
Congratulations to you.

We choose fresh breeze
And the star that shines brightly,
And the peaks in the blue sky -
We can handle anything in the world!
Let us dream about different things,
But today we have a holiday,
We sing songs today
Let's rock together, together!

While you are young life is easy -
Take this chance
From thoughts to build cities,
Take the advance in full.
Love and respect people
After all, we are all so similar,
Share your smile
On Cool Day - Youth!

You're lucky, you're a representative of the youth,
And youth seems to last forever!
On this holiday I still wish
You should always strive for good!
Help your elders and you will become the same
Aging is inevitable in our lives!
But if you leave youth in your soul -
You will be able to preserve your youth forever!

Today we'll have fun
And you should enjoy it.
Today is a youth holiday,
Plus, it's international.

And I hasten to congratulate you,
I ask all the youth and you too.
Today and always do not lose heart,
And don’t forget youth day.

But I will say at this hour,
I am writing congratulations for you.
So that you are always happy,
And they called you loved ones.

A special day came in June
Youth Day is a reason for fun,
And to lift your spirits,
Let's read out congratulations.
We wish today is a holiday
Added vigor and joyful laughter.
Spring always lived in my soul,
And the rest would not be a hindrance.

Being young is happiness.
Not only with body, but with soul.

They remind you and me
That you can stay young

You shouldn't give in to the years
Don't doubt yourself
And we should get together
Celebrate Youth Day!

Youth is healthy optimism and love. This is faith in the future, this is strength, courage and recklessness! This huge potential, which can change a lot, and we need to help young people realize it and direct it to the benefit of the whole society. Let's wish today's youth to find themselves. So that the meaning of life is not just to get comfortable, but so that young people set specific goals for themselves and achieve them! Let their life be bright, cheerful, full of events and adventures. But let them not forget that the history of their native land is written from their destinies, and its development in the future depends on them!

Congratulations on the Youth Day of Russia! I wish you never to lose your youthful taste for life. Be active, purposeful, and believe in success. Strive for your dreams, enjoy communication, emotions and new feelings. Have fun, develop and get maximum pleasure!

The most golden years of youth. After all, there are so many things ahead, so many peaks that you have planned to conquer. Today is Youth Day of Russia. I want to sincerely congratulate you all and wish you goodness and peace, joy and good luck. May the path you choose necessarily lead to happiness. May the Lord help you in all your endeavors. Love beautifully, work and study well, be the masters of your destiny. You are our support and hope. I wish you success and good luck in everything. May fortune always smile on you.

Youth Day is the most wonderful holiday. How many new discoveries and achievements you have ahead of you. Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on this day. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May notes of sadness never creep into your souls. Have fun, rejoice, because you are young. Always be energetic and confident. We wish you wonderful friends throughout your life. Let sorrows never disturb you, but only good luck awaits you ahead. Be optimistic in life.

Happy Youth Day,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish my sister -
Appreciate your youth
These days pass quickly.

Live a beautiful, bright day,
Don't think about bad things at all.
I just want to prosper
And never lose heart!

On Youth Day
I want to wish,
Happiness - to the point of trembling,
Don't lose love.

Be positive
And bring joy
On a long journey
Find your dream!

How wonderful it is to be young!
Captivate with the beauty of soul and body.
Burn, dare, do wonders, create
Always, everywhere and without limit.

Always be forever young
I wish you this holiday.
Always love and be loved.
Happy Youth Day!

Young people on this holiday
Not only relatives congratulate
Children, elders, simple workers,
The governor and the president himself,

Everyone is preparing words of congratulations,
Everyone wishes goodness and love.
After all, the future of our land is
The work of the younger generation.

May life be sweet
Like the taste of soda
It’s easy to get tickets to success,
Fun and lively parties,
And fashionable trench coats, and sneakers with label...
Always remain different from everyone else
Live, smile. Happy Youth Day!

To all the young and brave,
Active, awesome,
Happy Youth Day everyone!
May success await you all.

Live, enjoy
And achieve your goals.
Let there be no barriers
Let everyone be happy!

Being young is happiness.
Not only with body, but with soul.
May every day be crazy passions
They remind you and me
That you can stay young
And at thirty, forty, forty-five.
You shouldn't give in to the years
Don't doubt yourself
And we should get together
Celebrate Youth Day!

Anything is possible when you are young.
I can handle any task.
Are you optimistic?
And you believe in your star.

And that's right and true
And this is what victory is all about.
Confidence is the sister of success
With her you will go your way to the end.

And may your star help,
And may you have enough strength to accomplish everything.
Yes, everything is possible in this world.
And create this world for the young.

Glorious day - youth day -
Let's celebrate now.
To be beautiful and good
They had life, we had life.

To make your head spin
Just a fair wind
I wish you wiser
And successes will become more noticeable.

May we always be different
Just successful steps to everyone.
Congratulations on this holiday
Youth of all ages!

Congratulations on Youth Day and I want to wish you to always be on the wave of young dreams and bright hopes. May life conceal good luck and joy in every day, may new roads to happiness and success open up, may the future be promising and bright for you.

We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday that honors youth, we wish you inexhaustible optimism, health, love and youthful enthusiasm.

Happy Youth Day to all girls, boys and those who consider themselves young at heart. I wish you all to be in love, carefree, cheerful, mischievous, cheerful, energetic, proactive and enterprising and, of course, responsible.

Youth Day is the most wonderful holiday. How many new discoveries and achievements you have ahead of you. Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on this day. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May notes of sadness never creep into your souls. Have fun, rejoice, because you are young. Always be energetic and confident. We wish you wonderful friends throughout your life. Let sorrows never disturb you, but only good luck awaits you ahead. Be optimistic in life.

Young people are treasured everywhere, young people are honored everywhere. These words confirm concern for the younger generation of Russia. On Youth Day I want to wish you great happiness, great beautiful love. Always bring joy and positivity. May your dream certainly come true, may the path you have chosen be correct. Wish you good health, eternal youth and well-being. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Good luck with everything. May the holiday give you great mood.

We were all once young, and we also had sparkles of hope and enthusiasm in our eyes. Today is a very beautiful and bright holiday - Youth Day. Dear girls and boys, please accept our congratulations. Always be strong and young, businesslike and pretty. Dare, learn and love. Always be stricter with yourself. We wish everyone good health, boundless happiness, and a clear conscience. Let the cheerful strings of youth ring in your soul for a long time. May your guardian angel protect you.

Today is a wonderful holiday - Youth Day. This is a holiday for everyone in the world. After all, everyone was young once. We celebrate this wonderful holiday with joy, because age is only a matter of mental strength. Congratulations to all the youth of Russia. We wish you peace, joy and self-confidence. May your burning and enthusiasm be enough for long years. May God grant that you never lose the heat of your soul, that faith and hope always remain with you. I wish you well-being, prosperity and warmth.

The most golden years of youth. After all, there are so many things ahead, so many peaks that you have planned to conquer. Today is Youth Day of Russia. I want to sincerely congratulate you all and wish you goodness and peace, joy and good luck. May the path you choose necessarily lead to happiness. May the Lord help you in all your endeavors. Love beautifully, work and study well, be the masters of your destiny. You are our support and hope. I wish you success and good luck in everything. May fortune always smile on you.

On a beautiful summer day, all of Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Youth Day. Let me congratulate you and wish you a lot of joy, fun and happiness. Let your plans come true and your dreams turn into reality. Always be progressive, do not stop there, go forward, conquering more and more new heights. We wish you good health and good luck. Love and be loved, be friends and let friendship be stronger than steel, trust and be confident in yourself. May the angel of goodness definitely fly to you.

The youth of the country rejoice and have fun, celebrating their wonderful holiday. I sincerely congratulate you, dear girls and strong guys. Let a smile always sparkle on your face, and let a golden angel fly above your head, which will bring good luck. Let the birds of happiness fly to your home. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Let nothing darken your life, Let friendship help you overcome any adversity. May there always be a place in your heart for mercy and kindness. Live so that older generation could be proud of you.

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart, be happy, cheerful, and don’t be sad about your fate. Conquer all adversity with a smile on your lips, never hide love from everyone. Try to open your hearts more and more often, let youth flow through you. On this day we wish you success, a sea of ​​smiles and joyful faces. Happy Youth Day!

Do you know how to be young? If your answer is “Yes”, then you are lucky! Youth Day is just for you, this is a wonderful occasion to congratulate yourself. “Happy holiday!” - say it proudly and loudly. Let your heart rejoice and your soul sing along. You remember this always and everywhere, that there is such a day, a holiday of light and love.

Youth is a wonderful stage in the life of every person. It is in such moments that you can have fun until you drop, enjoy every unforgettable moment, discover new secrets and not think about anything. So let no adversity overshadow your life on this warm summer day. Happy Youth Day!

Happy Youth Day to every resident of our vast country. Ask why everyone? The answer is quite simple: after all, each of us has gone through, or is going through, a magical period of youth. And it is youth that we remember for the rest of our lives. So let these wonderful memories always warm your soul and never fade away!

Well, young people, your day has come. Today everything feels like a dream! The faithful are nearby friends, warm summer day, wonderful atmosphere. We wish that on this day all your most cherished dreams come true, that your life becomes more and more new with every new moment. new meaning so that your soul always remains young and never grows old. We sincerely congratulate you on Youth Day!

Youth Day is a great holiday that gives hope for a wonderful future. After all, youth has no boundaries, it cannot be destroyed or broken. Please accept our sincere congratulations on Youth Day today. Always remember that you are young at heart and always try to walk your life’s path with this tribe in your heart and a bright star!

Youth Day is a wonderful holiday that gives unforgettable emotions and a great mood for for a long time. It’s like a little reminder that age is just a number, but the soul is immortal. Congratulations on this wonderful summer day and the holiday of youth, and we also wish you to remain young always!

Youth Day has arrived. Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, when the whole country is celebrating. After all, each of us wants to feel a little younger. And many people manage to do this very well. So we wish you to always remain as cheerful and happy, and enjoy every day you live, always filling it with new and new emotions.

Rejoice now while you are young. After all, life is fleeting, you won’t notice it when it goes away. For this purpose, a native holiday was created, the Day of Youth, Smiles, and Fun. May your every day be filled with happiness, and may grief be forgotten like bad weather. Hear these wishes, accept them and know that youth is eternal, and this is all the power. So always be strong and rich, go towards your goal, achieving success.

Youth is an important and main reward of fate. Don't lose this gift and don't miss it. Congratulate not only your friends on Youth Day, but also remember your grandmother. She is always young, don’t look at her age. She may look a little older, more experienced, wiser, but life in her is seething even more intensely. Congratulate everyone around you on Youth Day, and you will suddenly become happier and more joyful.

Youth is ours bright hope for a happy future! We congratulate you on your holiday and wish you a fun time enjoying your younger years. May your life be a triumphal march towards progress, goodness and maintenance family values that will help make the world a cleaner and more beautiful place. Go to a happy future, remember and respect the past!

Youth is a wonderful resource in Russia. Talented, energetic, educated, with ambitions and plans! Young people are those who still have a lot ahead of them. This is a worthy replacement for the older generations. These are the people who are the future of our country. Happy Youth Day!

Youth are our future and present, this is what we must support today in order to be sure that tomorrow will be bright and joyful. So let Russian youth be successful in everything, complete every undertaking and, in spite of everything, confidently look forward. Happy holiday to you, Happy Youth Day of Russia.

Youth are our future. So let young people be lucky everywhere: in their careers, in love, in new beginnings and favorite activities. The main thing is that everyone at least occasionally has a chance to realize their desires, improve their skills and learn something new. Happy Youth Day to you, Russians.

On Russian Youth Day, I wish everyone who is young at heart positivity, conquering heights, crazy prospects, and good luck in their endeavors! Have fun to the fullest, youth will endure anything, but leave this activity for mature years. Develop progressively, remember your dream. Love and receive reciprocity, be a person with a capital letter!

Youth are the future and present of the country. This is the hope and support of a flourishing state. So let everyone who is young in heart and soul feel like this: strong, wise and necessary. May your every step be correct and your thoughts pure.

Youth is healthy optimism, love, faith in the future, strength, courage and recklessness! This is a huge potential that can change a lot, and we need to help young people realize it and direct it to the benefit of the whole society. We wish today's youth to find themselves, so that the meaning of life is not just to get comfortable, but so that they set specific goals for themselves and achieve them! Let their life be bright, cheerful, full of events and adventures, but let everyone not forget that the history of their native land is written from their destinies, and its future development depends on them!

(Parody of Zhirinovsky) Have a confident future, definitely!

Song: smart, beautiful, cool

Happy Youth Day
We hasten to congratulate you,
The most reliable
We'll dedicate poems.
We believe that success is with you,
You will achieve it without interference,
You will achieve your main goals,
We love, we hope, we believe.
We will be proud of you!
Let life shine with happiness.

Happy Youth Day to my granddaughter,
I wish you all the best.
So that I meet a guy worthy of meeting,
Who tried for you alone,

Good luck in your studies and work,
Good luck in your business and in any concern,
Let only the best happen in life,
Let your dream come true!

Young people love everywhere,
It's good that there are so many of us
This holiday is awesome
We will definitely celebrate.

All the boys and girls
Don't stand on the sidelines now -
We celebrate Youth Day,
We celebrate, we celebrate.

We will sing, walk, laugh,
And love and kiss
All day and all evening,
We will be young forever!

Young people of all nations,
Sunshine to you both in summer and winter!
Sadness and adversity will evaporate,
And happiness will show its face to you!

So that you are full of the best knowledge,
The heat of the soul has not been lost,
To shake hands with each other,
So that there is faith and love!

greeting card

Grandson, you are a young guy!
Congratulations with all my heart,
The day has come for youth
He sent you good things.

May your grandson always be lucky
And luck awaits in business,
May love accompany you
Inspiring again and again!

Today is youth day,
And it’s impossible for us to get bored,
On holiday you need to have fun,
Don't whine and don't get angry!

Young people are like that
Everything is simple, groovy,
And he doesn’t sit still,
And he doesn’t tell anyone else!

Be successful, young people,
You can't escape success
And you have a lot of love,
Luckily the road is smooth!

Young people today are progressive
And I wish young people
Don't pass by troubles passively,
Helping older people.

Let the smile on your face sparkle,
And I also wish with all my heart -
Let him fill his pocket with money
Golden angel of luck!

Youth Day is the day of everyone in the world,
After all, everyone was once young.
Let us today, like children,
Let's repeat all the pranks of the past.

Everyone has the right to have fun.
And age is only a matter of mental strength.
Today we intend to forget
And again conquer the whole world.

When young people sing a song of friendship,
For goodness and peace on the planet,
Evil forces make everything tremble,
There is no more wonderful music in the world!

Your holiday is coming across Russia,
Walks along the roads of the Motherland,
May that path lead us to happiness,
May God help the youth!

We choose the fresh wind
And the star that shines brightly,
And the peaks in the blue sky -
We can handle anything in the world!

Let us dream about different things,
But today we have a holiday,
We sing songs today
Let's rock together, together!

Beautiful congratulations in verse

May your youth be eternal,
The sun will dispel the smoke of sadness,
Today, young, brave,
We will give you the warmth of hearts!

May happiness come to your soul,
And your holiday will be wide,
Wonderful friends for your life,
In any business, so that it comes to fruition!

Youth Day has arrived
I wish you vigor and strength
Always remain beautiful
And smile at kind people.

My niece, appreciate
Wonderful days of youth.
They pass quickly, you know
But still, don’t be discouraged!

On this blooming day of June
Young people came out to celebrate!
We were all young once,
He is good with pure impulse!

Be cheerful so that the strings
Ringed in the corners of the soul,
They played a dream of wonderful melodies,
The moments were good!

Youth is a holy brotherhood,
You'll never win
Our main wealth
You can't run away from him!

Seriously, young people
I wish with all my heart,
Let sorrows not disturb you,
Great success awaits you in business!

Oh how good
Living in a big country!
You will be a star in everything
If you're young!

On a sunny day
You are not alone,
It's fun to go together
No matter how cool you are!

We are not too lazy to walk
On Youth Day!
On behalf of all Russia
Congratulate your friends!

Be a hundred years and winters
Forever young!
Don't forget to love and sing,
Celebrate your holiday!

You are young, healthy - there is no gift more expensive!
The paths are open, the whole world on the palm!
I wish you love on this Youth Day!
Let it be filled with bright joy!

I wish you not to be afraid of anything,
Go to the heights, without being timid for a moment!
And forever remain young at heart,
Only in terms of wealth, growing older over the years!

May the road of life be bright,
So that only peace reigns throughout the entire earth,
And let the wealth of the soul arrive,
So that the golden calf is not your idol!

We have a place for young people everywhere,
You strive to fly your thoughts upward,
May there be a lot of luck,
And the best feelings for the holiday take off!

Happy Youth Day to everyone who is young,
Who is young at heart and soul!
Today is a very good reason,
What a day it turned out to be!

Let's meet friends
And let's remember our youth.
Whatever fate may be -
We are all on a journey, not on the edge.

I wish you youthful enthusiasm!
I wish you cheerfulness and love!
So that there is no discord in families,
Let all the best be ahead!

There is a magical holiday in summer,
Youth day is like that.
Everyone celebrates it
Even grandfather is gray-haired.

After all, we are all teenagers at heart,
Youth is in our blood!
This is a holiday of youth,
Well, that means the whole country!

Let the summer streets
Smiles and laughter will float!
Joyful evening fireworks
Lights up everyone's faces!

Celebration of youth and happiness!
A celebration of the young at heart!
If you are a teenager at heart,
So this holiday is yours!

Let the smiles sparkle
A ringing laugh like a string!
Today we need to have fun!
Happy Youth Day, Country!©

Badly Great

Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate the youth of the Kursk region, all workers in the field youth policy Happy wonderful holiday - Russian Youth Day!

It’s not for nothing that youth is called the best time of human life. You - ambitious, active, full of strength and energy, ready to create - can handle all difficulties, you just need to choose a worthy goal.

Youth policy in the Kursk region is aimed at creating conditions for self-realization of every boy or girl. This is facilitated, among other things, by such projects as the International camp of youth activists “Slavic Commonwealth”, festivals “Student Spring of the Nightingale Region”, “Youth of Russia”, “Serving Russia”, forums “Youth. The science. Innovation”, “You are an entrepreneur” and others.

Young Kurdish residents actively participate in international, all-Russian, interregional forums, contests, competitions... This year alone, 30 people became winners of a national competition of youth projects and received federal budget grants. At the Central Russian Economic Forum, young scientists presented more than 600 innovative developments over seven years, and it is important thatevery second project is implemented.

The “You Are an Entrepreneur” program is being successfully implemented in the region: enterprising young people who are able to make non-standard decisions and know how to take responsibility come into business. And it was young people who became the basis of the volunteer movement in the country.

The region’s 530 volunteer teams unite more than 15 thousand people. They help doctors social workers, rescuers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, environmentalists, rush first to where free assistance is needed.

Youth is a time of bold dreams and bright achievements! Always strive for your cherished dream! Take action! Realize yourself! Go for it!

Happy holiday, Happy Youth Day!

And about. Governor of the Kursk region Alexander Zubarev

Dear boys and girls! Dear friends! Congratulations on Youth Day - a holiday of optimism and youth, confidence

and independence!

Youth, as a rule, is the brightest, most memorable period of every person’s life. This is the time when the carefree nature of youth goes hand in hand with responsibility for your future. Being young means maintaining an active lifestyle.

The range of issues that interest modern youth is diverse. Young people strive to gain knowledge and realize their potential.

The future of not only your native district and region, but also of our entire beloved Russia depends on you - today's schoolchildren and students, young professionals and researchers, engineers and workers, entrepreneurs and administrators, politicians and public figures.

Congratulating the boys and girls of the Medvensky district on the holiday, I sincerely hope that the sense of social justice inherent in modern young people, reckless entrepreneurship and healthy ambitions will give results that will benefit all of Russia. Let the example of the older generation, their experience and wisdom help you on the path to success in life. After all, it is up to you to continue the baton of good deeds for the benefit of people and your native country.

May confidence always be with you tomorrow and the desire to never stop there, and energy, creativity and intelligence help you win new and new victories!

With deep respect, Head of Medvensky district V.V. Katunin

Dear friends! Boys and girls! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday - Youth Day!

Youth Day is a holiday for all of Russia, and youth is the brightest, most memorable period in the life of every person. This is the time of formation and determination of one’s own life path, a time of dreams and hopes, sincere love and daring achievements.

Many roads are open to you, there are conditions to get a decent education and fully realize your creative and professional potential. Yes, there are many difficulties along this path. And how hardworking and persistent each of you is in achieving your goals will ultimately determine whether you can truly become successful person. We have high hopes for you, young and energetic people, and we rely on your initiative, endurance, and devotion to your native land. We believe that each of you will be able to realize your abilities and talent. I wish you good health, optimism, inexhaustible energy, love and always self-confidence and good mood!

Sincerely, regional Duma deputy V.S. Kuznetsova

Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on Youth Day!

You, representatives of the younger generation, are the future of Russia. In five, ten, fifteen years, the responsibility for the fate of the country will fall on your shoulders. Therefore, your successes today mean the stability and prosperity of our state tomorrow.

Active citizenship, courage, determination, receptivity to everything new and progressive, striving for excellence, creativity, characteristic of modern youth, have enormous creative potential. Today, our region and the country as a whole are faced with many important tasks, which cannot be solved without you: young, energetic, promising, ready to take responsibility, set goals and achieve them.

We are rightfully proud of the talented Kursk youth, who actively participate in the social and political life of the region and the country, show high results in studies, scientific and creative activity, successfully runs a business, wins convincing victories at the most prestigious competitions, festivals and competitions.

I wish you to always remain enthusiasts and initiators, to successfully implement your wildest ideas. Dream, conquer new heights, set high goals and achieve them, study and work for the glory of our great Motherland! May you always have confidence in the future and the desire to never stop there!

Good luck on life path! Let everything that is planned come true!

Happy holiday! Happy Youth Day!

MP State Duma Victor Karamyshev

Dear residents of Kursk, boys and girls! Please accept the kindest and most heartfelt wishes from the Kursk Regional Duma on the Youth Day of Russia!

Youth is the most active part of society with special worldview and a desire to make the world a better place. It is on you that hopes for the future of the region and the country rest. Schoolchildren, students, young scientists, entrepreneurs and specialists of various professions, you will have to increase the economic and intellectual potential Nightingale region, determining its development. Our youth actively participate in the life of the region, achieving significant results in all areas of activity. Thanks to you, the volunteer movement is developing, strengthening the ideals of mercy and charity in society.

Youth policy is one of priority areas work of the deputy corps. We welcome your determination and initiative; various competitions, festivals are organized for you, programs are funded that provide social support active and talented. A Youth Chamber has been operating under the Kursk Regional Duma for many years, and a Council of Young Deputies has been created. This is not only a good school for future leaders and legislators, but also an open platform for discussing socially significant issues and initiatives.

I wish all young people to believe in themselves and not be afraid of difficulties. Let your dreams come true and conquer the steepest peaks!

Chairman of the Kursk Regional Duma N.I. Zherebilov

Congratulations on Youth Day


My congratulations are addressed today to those on whom we have all our hope in the future - our wonderful youth! May your young life be simply wonderful! Enjoy your free days, learn new things with pleasure and make grandiose plans, boldly go towards them, holding on to your true friends and your ideals!

Today is Youth Day, a holiday for our young generation, yesterday’s boys and girls, who today have turned into young men and charming girls! I congratulate you, and as an elder I want to wish you not only happiness, good luck and good health, but also wisdom and strength in order to fulfill your dreams and build a bright future with your own hands!

Happy Youth Day! I congratulate you and wish this young time to last longer, because now is the time for fun and adventure! But don’t let your head spin too much and you can always see the future ahead, which you need to strive for!

Happy Youth Day! You are so eager to grow up, because in adult life so many interesting things! But at the same time, always keep the ringing, sunny youth in your hearts, do not forget about the dreams of your youth and always achieve your goals! Love, dream and be brave in the belief that a better day awaits you tomorrow!

To a good person, a representative of our wonderful youth, on their festive day, I wish to live cheerfully and carefree, with a passionate interest in learning new things, and thinking about tomorrow, to appreciate today with all its gold! I wish not to lose ardor and enthusiasm over the years, but to direct them in the right direction in order to create happiness for myself and my family!

Youth is a priceless time when it is laid solid foundation a future on which to build happiness for yourself and your family. On Youth Day, I congratulate you and wish you to appreciate every moment, cherish the best memories and dream of more and enjoy all the good things in our lives!

When you are young, life seems to spin you around on a carousel - all around you are desires, dreams, and the whole world seems to be calling you to accomplish feats and discoveries! On Youth Day, I wish you to maintain this magical feeling longer and at the same time grow up, improve and confidently paint a picture of your happiness!

At this hour, accept my congratulations on Youth Day! What is youth? A time on the verge of childhood and maturity, in which, as if in a magic garden, you can grow wonderful flowers and fruitful trees... So let your garden bloom in lush colors for many years and for your hard work, kindness and inspiration bring you ripe and sweet fruits!

On Youth Day, I want to wish those who are young and look into the future with enthusiasm and pride, not to leave their youth hastily, but now to gain seriousness, patience and the ability to work tirelessly. After all, it is through an ardent desire and the work put into it that a person achieves success in everything he wants and finds happiness!

Happy Youth Day! Your heart rejoices and sings when you see that young people you know are intelligent and talented beyond their years, value goodness and try to make their contribution to the general happiness of their family! I want to wish you long, wonderful years of prosperous life and fulfillment of all your desires!


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