Causes of dizziness during exercise. How to avoid dizziness during training

It would seem that physical exercise should only bring benefits and strengthen the body. But often an unpleasant and frightening surprise may await an athlete in the form of a condition in which he feels dizzy after training. There is no need to be afraid of this: it is rare that dizziness is associated with some serious problems. Perhaps you just need to slow down the pace or exclude a number of elements from the training.

Why might you feel dizzy after training?

The reasons for dizziness after exercise are very varied. They can be associated both with the construction of the training itself and with existing diseases that become more active during vigorous activity.

So, the first group of reasons consists of the following points:

  1. Incorrectly chosen execution technique. Each exercise is characterized by its own technique and rhythm of execution. Any deviation from the rules can cause your vision to become dark and your head to feel dizzy. This is especially true for elements that are in one way or another connected with the neck muscles.
  2. Overdoing the training. Dizziness, nausea and other manifestations of poor health after training are a completely adequate reaction of the body to extremely intense training. The body is simply not able to withstand such a load, and dizziness is a consequence of a drop in intracranial pressure.
  3. The body of many people, especially those suffering from low blood pressure, simply cannot withstand intensive training and produces a defensive reaction in the form of dizziness.
  4. Incorrect breathing technique. Many novice athletes breathe incorrectly during training or forget to breathe altogether. This leads to artificial brain hypoxia and dizziness.
  5. Lack of energy. Any workout involves energy consumption. Her exhaustion may manifest as dizziness.
  6. Increased heart function. With intense training, the heart begins to work harder, dilating the blood vessels. After training, the work of the heart returns to normal, as well as the blood vessels. As a result of a sharp disruption of blood circulation, blood pressure may decrease and, as a result, dizziness and nausea may occur.

The list of causes of dizziness and related to the health of the practitioner is shown in the table:

Problem How does it affect the body?
Cervical osteochondrosis Maximum exercise causes muscle spasm, which can cause pain radiating to the back of the head and manifesting as dizziness.
Intracranial pressure Causes pain in the head, dizziness and a feeling of fullness in the parietal region after training due to stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid.
Otitis It negatively affects the course of the workout and the condition after it - dizziness and shooting pain will haunt the practitioner throughout the entire workout.
Hypertension With this illness, you can only perform a certain number of elements and preferably under the supervision of a trainer, otherwise not only dizziness, but also vomiting with nosebleeds is possible.
Atherosclerosis Causes dizziness and acute pain in the forehead.
Sinusitis Your head may feel dizzy after jumping and bending.

Even with a common cold, the body can react differently to the training process, so it is better to wait it out than to aggravate the situation.

Symptoms associated with dizziness

Both during the training itself and after it, you need to pay special attention to your body in order to take immediate action in case of any deviations. Thus, dizziness is not the only negative reaction of the body to intense training. It may be accompanied by headache, nausea, confusion, and, as a result, inappropriate behavior.

Dizziness can also be accompanied and caused by:

  • sharp muscle pain;
  • overheating of the body, manifested by fever;
  • pain in the heart area.

Often the head may feel dizzy along with the appearance of “midges before the eyes.”

If dizziness goes away on its own and does not have any other symptoms, then we are talking about ordinary hypoxia. In this case, you just need to catch your breath and reduce the intensity of the training.

How to prevent dizziness after exercise?

To avoid headaches after or during training, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do the exercises correctly.
  2. Gradually increase the intensity of the workout: before a heavy set there must be a warm-up.
  3. Follow the breathing technique, never holding it.
  4. Don't let your body overheat.
  5. Drink as much water as possible during the training. Do not drink strong tea or coffee after training; it is better to replace them with regular mint.
  6. To avoid energy depletion, have a carbohydrate snack an hour before training.

It would be a good idea to keep a log of your training process. This will help you avoid overtraining. Often, headaches coupled with dizziness can be caused by incorrect posture, so you also need to monitor this.

How to eliminate unpleasant sensations?

You can independently eliminate unpleasant sensations in the following ways:

  • lie down, keeping your head above heart level;
  • take a relaxing bath;
  • Brew mint for drinking.

In any case, the training must be stopped. It wouldn't hurt to measure your pulse and blood pressure.

In case of one-time cases of dizziness after training, you just need to rest and find the reason for their occurrence in order to prevent it in the future. If you experience frequent dizziness during or after exercise, you should consult a neurologist to identify the causes of the ailment with his help. Often the cause of dizziness is vascular spasm, and this is fraught with other serious consequences. You should also closely monitor for additional symptoms. If the reason is simple overtraining or incorrect technique, then you just need to eliminate this problem. If you have problems with blood pressure, it is better to consult a specialist.

Post-workout nausea is a common problem. It is not always associated with the nature of the load or diseases. Minor dietary irregularities, lack of recovery, or individual characteristics of the body can cause an attack. But sometimes a “cloudy” state is a sign of health problems. Knowing its causes will help you get rid of nausea.

Pressure drops

Hypotonic people are familiar with the feeling of exhaustion after training. Symptoms appear quickly:

  • Sweating increases;
  • Your head starts to feel dizzy;
  • “Shortness of breath” appears;
  • Visual perception changes, the eyes may become dark

Doctors recommend monitoring your blood pressure on a training day, and postponing exercise if there is a problem. You need to get specific recommendations on creating a training plan, nutrition, and medications from a therapist and sports doctor.


Women feel it in the last third of the menstrual cycle. And this is completely natural. Nausea may be a reaction to an enlarged uterus. General unwellness can be caused by lack of sleep, an onset of a cold or a headache. In this case, it is better to skip amateur training, and professionals should reduce the load within reasonable limits.

A drop in sugar levels is a problem for those losing weight on a low-carb diet. They should take BCA to support their body during a tough workout. Anyone looking to lose weight should eat a balanced diet and consume complex carbohydrates before exercise. If this is not possible, fruit is allowed half an hour before the start of class, but it is better to avoid juices. They sharply increase blood sugar levels and just as quickly “collapse” them.

Iron deficiency (anemia)

Constant nausea and a feeling of lightheadedness can be symptoms of anemia. After training, the discomfort gets worse. If the problem is recurring, you should take a biochemical blood test and follow the doctor’s recommendations. Iron capsules are usually prescribed. The condition is not a contraindication to moderate physical exercise.

A heavy meal can cause nausea. The food does not have time to be digested, remains in the stomach, and prevents you from exercising at full capacity. Nausea can be avoided by taking enzymes with a solid meal, or by planning your diet so that you don't eat right before your workout. Is the problem recurring and every healthy meal seems “too heavy”? It is recommended to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist. The cause of severity can be not only overeating, but also a lack of certain enzymes that needs to be corrected.

Sodium deficiency

Sodium is a microelement for maintaining water-salt balance. There are not enough of its ions, a person may feel sick. The body “hints” that it would be nice to drink mineral water or eat salty food. Sodium is excreted through sweat and during active physical activity - this is a natural process.

Sodium can be taken either additionally, in tablets, or in the form of regular table iodized salt. Don't go on a salt-free diet unless medically necessary, and you won't experience nausea.


Overheating is a common reaction to exercising in poorly ventilated gyms, taking thermogenics, and trying to lose weight by doing exercises in thermal suits. With heatstroke, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, the person feels very bad, his consciousness is confused, his speech is incoherent, and he may “pass out.” In this case, it is necessary to position the patient so that he does not choke on vomit, loosen clothing, ensure air flow and call an ambulance.

This is a common problem among security forces. If you use weightlifting belts that are too tight and do not unfasten the belt after an approach, blood circulation may be impaired. And as long as there is a certain amount of food in the stomach, the body will try to get rid of the unnecessary in a natural way - vomit. This is why wearing hard belts in fitness is not recommended, as well as exercises that require straining on the belt.

Poor circulation is a common problem among lovers of corsets for weight loss and waist reduction. Perhaps such equipment disables the oblique abdominal muscles from working, but it will almost inevitably make you sick from using it. For the sake of health, you should just learn to do the exercises correctly, and not waste time choosing belts.

Poisoning or allergic reaction

An allergen can be anything from the perfume of your beautiful neighbor on the treadmill to the phenolic compounds emitted by some unscrupulous water bottle manufacturers. Dizziness and nausea with vomiting, loss of consciousness and swelling are serious symptoms for which the victim must receive immediate help. Allergy sufferers should carry a nebulizer with them and warn the gym staff about possible health problems.

Water deficiency can be either accompanied by cramps or “limited” by nausea. When dehydration is combined with alcohol intoxication the day before, the athlete vomits bile and has a metallic taste in the mouth. If dehydration is caused by an improperly organized diet for weight loss (a desalted diet in the hot season), you should immediately give electrolytes, for example, Rehydron or Gatorade drink. In case of poisoning, you must call a doctor. If muscle cramps begin, even minimal ones, the training is stopped and the athlete is shown to a doctor.

Deficiency of carbohydrates, glucose

Normally, a person should have some amount of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia plagues those on a low-carb diet. Not only can such a diet be dangerous to the health of a non-professional athlete, but it also contributes to nausea during training. The best advice here is to adjust your diet so that your diet creates a slight calorie deficit, and allows you to lose weight, but does not force you to suffer from nausea every workout.

Those who have had their gallbladder removed or have suffered from pancreatitis can also feel sick during and after exercise. In this case, you need to see a doctor for the underlying disease.

Important: if nausea occurs during high-intensity training, due to overtraining and fatigue, you should seek help immediately. It is known that overloads of this kind can cause rhabdomyolysis, that is, a disease in which catabolic processes literally destroy the body and the excretory system.

To block nausea, you can drink some water or tea, eat something sweet, or take glucose with any sports nutrition drug. This helps, but only if the nausea is caused by hypoglycemia.

If a person is sick, but does not yet know about his illness, chocolates do not stop the manifestation of symptoms. Therefore, when folk remedies do not work, you need to seek medical help.

The following measures can be taken to prevent nausea after exercise:

  • Normally organized meals. Small meals every 3-4 hours, with plenty of complex carbohydrates before training. The last meal before the start of class is approximately 2 hours;
  • Wise Use of Supplements. If you are on a strict weight loss diet, you should take an amino acid complex during training to prevent too rapid loss of nutrients and muscle catabolism;
  • Maintaining water balance. Drink at least 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. In hot weather, you should drink more; if the exercises are long or high-intensity, it is best to choose an isotonic drink;
  • Blood composition monitoring and a competent selection of vitamins, minerals, microelements, as well as additional sports nutrition products.

Post-workout nausea is a common problem. Understand the reasons for its occurrence, and try not to ignore the malaise. In fitness, it is important to properly distribute loads in order to maintain health and achieve your goals without discomfort, pain and poor health.

If you experience nausea and dizziness during exercise, there is no need to worry. This is quite normal during the preparation process. Every bodybuilder will say that he has also experienced such a condition - nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. They had all this too. This was especially noticeable when a large muscle group was being trained. And many are even proud of the fact that after lifting a lot of weight they feel sick. Many people have a negative attitude towards such peculiar signals from the body. Beginners in sports perceive these unpleasant signals especially strongly. And they can be understood, because few people like nausea and vomiting and dizziness and bring pleasure. If you are experiencing something similar, we will tell you why this happens and what you can do about it.


First of all, it is worth saying that this situation can arise if you eat and drink too much before training. Blood during exercise does not contribute to the digestion of food, but rather goes to the muscles. When this happens, the food you ate before your workout lingers in your digestive system and causes nausea.

If for this period you are following a diet, or did not eat anything before training, then the body experiences overload during the period of weight lifting. Such conditions lead to dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. And later you may experience muscle weakness. There is no need to sound the alarm for this reason. The point is that you didn't get enough nutrients.


Just eat a chocolate bar and everything will return to normal. You will feel a surge of strength and energy. Your health will improve.

Low blood pressure can cause nausea

Have you ever changed your body position and started feeling dizzy?

If the answer is yes, then the gym may have a similar situation.

Your blood can't keep up with you, and you don't get enough oxygen to your upper body, including your brain. As a result of all this, my head begins to spin. Also, low blood pressure can be caused by a number of reasons: you haven’t eaten enough, you haven’t slept enough, you have heavy work loads, and much more.


These are just a few reasons that can lead to nausea and dizziness during training. But if we take into account bodybuilders, then this is most likely the exception to the rule.

After all, such people are accustomed to watching their diet, they do not eat everything, but carefully compose their menu, eating only healthy food, which is full of microelements that are required for the body. Such people, as a rule, have different symptoms than ordinary people - greater physical exertion. After all, even the healthiest body can endure some workouts with great difficulty and effort. You now understand what results in dizziness and nausea during exercise. And you can correct the situation so that this does not happen again.

What can be done to prevent this from happening again?

Alternatively, you can reschedule your meal 3-4 hours before training.


It is recommended to eliminate pre-workout supplements, and this is quite reasonable. It is necessary to find the optimal water balance. Don't be thirsty, but don't drink too much liquid either. If you begin to feel the first signs of malaise (dizziness, blurred vision, increased sweating), then stop training. It will be nice if you can lie down for a while with your knees bent or raised. You can also squat down. Once you feel better, continue your workout, but reduce the intensity.

The body's reactions to training

I get dizzy after doing squats and hyperextensions. How can this be avoided? Should I continue doing these exercises? Maybe just stop training for a while? Why is this happening? Is this due to the fact that I am hypotensive? I also have varicose veins. I really hope for your answer.


Often, dizziness that occurs during training frightens people and they stop their training.

Of course, loss of consciousness is an unpleasant thing and no one wants to experience this condition. Let's figure out whether it is possible to avoid dizziness during training and, if so, how to do it.

Who usually experiences dizziness during fitness activities?

Often these are people with low blood pressure, so-called hypotensive people. Typically, hypotensive patients have an increased heart rate.

In addition, people with increased heart rate are also characterized by increased excitability.

Often these signs are combined with another one - vascular weakness, which is usually expressed by venous disease and pain in the legs.

So, dizziness often occurs in people whose health status differs in four ways:

1 Hypotension (low blood pressure)
2 Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
3 Increased stimulation of the nervous system (sharp mood swings, neurosis)
4 Vascular weakness (sometimes varicose veins).

The cause of dizziness in people with these symptoms is orthostatic phenomenon. In other words, any straightening of the body from a horizontal to a vertical position can cause dizziness.

It happens that low blood pressure before training occurs from the beginning of a “healthy lifestyle”

In ordinary life, a person eats a lot and moves little. The body gets used to this and adjusts the pressure to a sedentary, well-fed lifestyle.

But suddenly the person wanted to go on a diet without salt and carbohydrates.

A sharp decrease in salt and carbohydrates leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and I wanted to add fitness to a diet without salt and carbohydrates.

Lack of salt, lack of carbohydrates and, as a result, low blood pressure makes a person lethargic.

However, a reasonable person thinks that this is “banal laziness”; gathers his will into a fist; comes to the gym and starts doing bending exercises with enthusiasm. Orthostatic collapse occurs.

Physical exercise helps keep your body in good shape. Constant muscle work does not allow the heart to relax. It is created for the uninterrupted movement of blood through the vessels. Daily workouts can be done at home using treadmills. But some people feel dizzy and nauseous after running on a treadmill.

What is a treadmill for?

Sports industry companies create fully functional treadmills that can improve human health. For those who do not want to go outside and do not like to run in the fresh air, treadmills have been created. You need to train to achieve the following results:

  • weight loss;
  • increasing endurance;
  • stabilization of heart function;
  • elimination of respiratory diseases - asthma, bronchitis;
  • restoration of mobility in the knee, hip and ankle joints;
  • alignment of posture with scoliosis and osteochondrosis;
  • building muscle mass in the legs and torso.

Exercise is needed to enhance heart function and prevent obesity.

Standard Treadmill Modes

You should not start training immediately with heavy loads. The best option for beginners is a gradual approach that will help avoid nausea and dizziness.

The treadmill has the following modes:

  1. Walking. Obese people should train in this mode to prepare the heart for heavy loads. Belt speed 1-2 m/s.
  2. Slow running. In this case, the track is located horizontally, the tape moves at a speed of 4-6 m/s. This is how the calf and thigh muscles are trained.
  3. Fast running is intended for athletes and physically fit people. All muscle groups in the legs and torso are included in the work. Movement speed 8-15 m/s.
  4. Walking and running uphill. The path is set at different angles, depending on the preparation. Walking is suitable for older people, and running is for younger people who need to build up their lower leg muscles.

Often dizziness and nausea during training are caused by insufficient preparation for physical activity. Why this happens and how to deal with such conditions - the trainer will tell you.

Every workout, even at home, should be coordinated with a personal trainer to avoid negative consequences for the heart, muscles and joints.

Complaints after running

Before purchasing a treadmill, you need to clearly define your training goals and your own strengths. After physical activity, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • prostration;
  • nausea, rarely vomiting;
  • trembling in the arms and legs;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • headache.

These unpleasant sensations force you to abandon the treadmill after the first session. However, you should not get excited, you need to endure the first 3-4 workouts, after which the dizziness and nausea will pass.

Why do you feel dizzy after exercise?

There are plenty of reasons why your head is spinning and your legs are shaking. There is an opinion among professional trainers that the poor condition of the treadmill field is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Eat food 10 minutes before physical activity.
  2. Low blood sugar (2-3 mmol/l).
  3. High blood pressure and hypertensive crisis.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotonic type NCD.
  5. Orthostatic collapse with a sudden change in body position.
  6. Heart pain, paroxysmal tachycardia.
  7. Excessively fast running.

When running intensely on a treadmill, the body loses up to 2-3 thousand kcal per hour. Muscles consume large amounts of glycogen to function efficiently. In the blood, 30% of glucose is needed to maintain brain function, and the rest is used for the functioning of muscles and internal organs. Physical activity can reduce sugar levels to 2-3 mmol/l, at which a loss of strength appears and consciousness is impaired.

Pressure surges on a treadmill

Typically, treadmill training is carried out by young and healthy people. But sometimes people start running even after 40 years. At this age, blood pressure may fluctuate, causing dizziness and nausea.

If a person suffers from hypertension, a hypertensive crisis may occur during training. At the same time, the pressure jumps to 170/95 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Vascular spasm in the brain and heart leads to tissue hypoxia. My head starts to hurt, sparks flash before my eyes and I feel nauseous. To alleviate the condition, the person sits on the floor. Only calming down, stopping exercise and taking a blood pressure pill relieves unpleasant symptoms.

In another case, when young people suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, their blood pressure drops sharply during physical activity. Hypotension reaches 90/55 mm Hg. Art., a person begins to lose consciousness, dizziness and nausea, dry mouth, and general weakness occur. A sip of water and a horizontal position with your legs raised up will help ease the condition.

Low blood sugar after running

Before training, but not earlier than 30 minutes, you need to eat high-calorie food. The best way to do this is:

  • sweet dried fruit compote;
  • cooked meat;
  • egg white.

These products will replenish the body's energy reserves before physical activity.

Running fast helps burn calories, which are necessary for endurance during training. At the same time, metabolism increases, muscles intensively consume glucose. Normal blood sugar levels (3.3-5.5 mmol/L) before exercise can change quickly after a grueling workout.

The sharp burning of glucose causes changes in the general condition. A person may simply feel dizzy, feel very tired and exhausted. At the same time, I constantly feel sick and my fingers tremble. Shortness of breath appears, the skin turns pale and the person is forced to lie down on the floor.

First aid in this condition is to put the patient down, give him some sweet water to drink, or give him a suckable candy.

An experienced gym trainer advises the following techniques:

  1. During training, you need to wear comfortable shoes, preferably sneakers.
  2. After a 10-minute run, you need to drink 200-300 ml of water.
  3. Clothing should be light and comfortable - a cotton T-shirt and shorts.
  4. It is prohibited to drink energy drinks before training. They excessively increase heart contractions, which can cause hypertensive crisis and dizziness.
  5. During the first lessons, avoid high loads, which can lead to ruptures and sprains of ligaments or muscles.
  6. If you feel nauseous, have a mint candy on hand.
  7. Treadmill classes are carried out on clearly scheduled days and times, in which case the body has time to restore its strength.

You can and should do running. Constant movement keeps the heart and muscles toned and strengthens the body to counteract negative factors.

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