Ways of transmission of infection: how to protect yourself from the disease? Blood poisoning: symptom, prevention, treatment Emergency preventive measures

Until recently, it was a completely fatal disease. Before the invention of antibiotics, it was possible to save the life of a person who had developed sepsis only by amputating the affected limb (if he was “lucky” with such a location). Now the patient’s chances of survival when sepsis develops are much greater, but they increase even more with the earliest possible diagnosis.

What causes sepsis

Purulent microorganisms that enter the blood cause the formation of toxins, which give rise to severe poisoning of the body, known as blood poisoning. The symptom (one of the first) in this case is an increase in temperature, but it is also characteristic of a host of other diseases, which is why the correct diagnosis is often made with a delay. It has long been clear how to treat blood poisoning with antibiotics, but they are not very useful for the body, so it is better to try to avoid sepsis.

Prevention is better than cure

Parents teaching their children to be clean and diligently treating even the smallest abrasions are aimed, among other things, at preventing such dangers as blood poisoning. A symptom in the form of a rapid pulse in parallel with a high temperature should alert anyone whose skin has recently been damaged and not carefully treated. Disinfection of even a minor scratch is mandatory! And if the wound is deep enough, and even particles of dirt, dust, small stones, or animal hair have gotten into it, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor. Sepsis can be “caught” by careless sterilization of medical instruments in the event of surgery, but here you already have to trust in the integrity of doctors. But the health of your own organs (both respiratory, genitourinary, and digestive) depends only on you and will provide an additional guarantee against infection.

Signs of sepsis

Even after receiving a very small wound, it is better to carefully monitor it for some time to make sure that blood poisoning has not begun. The symptom is swelling around the damaged area, which is accompanied by fever and should make you immediately rush to the hospital. If all this is accompanied by hardening of the injury site, a change in skin color, rashes (perhaps even all over the body), your suspicions may begin to develop into confidence. Most likely, negligence led to trouble, and you have (another) swollen lymph nodes to confirm this. However, the most frightening sign is if crimson “snakes” begin to crawl from the wound. This suggests that sepsis is no longer limited to injury, it has begun to steadily spread throughout the body, and your life directly depends on the experience and speed of action of doctors.

Treatment of sepsis

Now that you have read how to recognize blood poisoning, we can talk about its treatment. First of all, we must remember that trouble cannot be treated at home, with homemade or folk methods: only in a hospital, only by doctors. And only after the necessary tests that will clarify which bacteria caused sepsis. Based on research results, antibiotics are prescribed in large quantities, which are most effective against a specific pathogen. Often a drip is required. At the same time, the wound is thoroughly cleaned and necrotic tissue is removed (naturally, if there is free access to the wound). To improve, special nutrition, vitamins, and special serums are prescribed. And only then - drugs that will weaken the harmful effects of antibiotics.

But it’s better not to let a possible disaster reach such proportions. It is entirely possible to carry antiseptic wipes in your bag to treat minor scratches and abrasions. In case of more serious injuries, you should immediately contact a clinic.

Sex with herpes in the active phase of this disease is unacceptable due to the high risk of infection of the sexual partner. There is also a possibility of causing a re-exacerbation of herpes infection in a partner if he has previously encountered manifestations of the infection.

Sex and herpes

The herpes simplex virus can be transmitted through kissing and sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is important to take precautions during the period when characteristic rashes appear in the lips and intimate area.

For genital herpes

During the incubation period and at the stage of the appearance of a blistering rash on the genitals, you should abstain from sex.

Herpes type 2 is transmitted sexually in 99% of cases.

You should not have sex even at the stage when the ulcers dry out and crust over. It is necessary to abstain from sex for another 1 week after the disappearance of external signs of herpes, which means that the infection has entered an inactive phase.

On the lips

Vesicles in the lip area are a reason to exclude oral sex. If you have sex without kissing, the risk of infection is minimal.

For herpes zoster

By having sex with a partner who has the rash on the body characteristic of shingles, you can only become infected with chickenpox if you do not have immunity to it. Shingles is not transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Both diseases are caused by herpes type 3. After chickenpox in childhood, the virus remains in the body in a latent state in the nerve ganglia, without manifesting itself for a long time. The immune system suppressed the replication of virions, which led to the production of antibodies. A weakened immune system causes a rash to appear. But sex with a partner affected by this type of herpes will be safe if you have developed immunity to chickenpox.

Oral sex

Through oral-genital contact, you can become infected with herpes, which affects the intimate area, if the herpes on your partner’s lips is in the active phase.

There are cases of mutual infection.

The man was infected with a genital form of herpetic infection during a blow job, since his partner had severe herpetic rashes on the lips.

After this, the man infected his partner with genital herpes during the incubation period of this infection; the woman discovered a change in the localization of the blistering rash: symptoms appeared on the labia, and not in the mouth area.

How to live with herpes?

Cold on the lip. How to prevent and treat herpes

How to avoid infection?

The use of latex contraceptives does not reduce the risk of infection. The virus can spread to areas not protected by a condom through direct contact with the affected area (groin area in men, buttocks and labia in women). A condom can protect against infection at the initial stage of the disease (when there are no external signs of infection) - during this period, a large number of virions are found in semen and vaginal secretions.

The virus can be transmitted even if both partners use antiherpetic drugs in different dosage forms. Acyclovir and Valaciclovir only suppress the replication of the virus. The infection is in the active phase, but attacks healthy cells of the body with less aggressiveness. Therefore, this method can be effective for people with strong immunity.

Douching with Miramistin will help destroy the virus if you use an antiseptic solution in the first 2 hours after sexual intercourse.

But using the drug may not bring the desired result.

Prevention measures include:

  1. Refusal of sex during illness.
  2. Avoidance of promiscuity.
  3. If you are prone to relapses of herpes, it is recommended to abstain from sex in the presence of provoking factors for the development of the disease: hypothermia, severe stress, colds. During the incubation period there is a high risk of infection of the partner.

Herpes after sex

If herpes appears after oral sex or traditional sexual intercourse, you must undergo the following tests:

  1. A blood test to determine the type of viral infection using PCR. An enzyme immunoassay is also needed to detect antibodies to the virus.
  2. Analysis for syphilis, because sexually transmitted diseases have a similar clinical picture.

Treatment of genital herpes in most cases is carried out as follows:

Do not self-medicate. If you have herpes, only a doctor can prescribe the exact dosage, frequency and time interval for taking medications.


Knowing the basic rules of hygiene, you can easily protect yourself and your loved ones from many unpleasant, dangerous and even fatal infections. Below are the main ways infections enter the body and ways to avoid them.

Airborne mechanism

The transmission of germs and viruses occurs with tiny droplets of saliva and nasal mucus, which are released by a sick person while talking, sneezing or coughing and remain in the air for some time. This is how many infections are transmitted, for example, influenza, tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, chicken pox, meningococcal meningitis, etc.

The most dangerous airborne transmission of diseases is indoors and outdoors in spring and autumn. Winter frosts and hot summer sun, on the contrary, reduce its effectiveness.

A variation of this method is the airborne dust transmission route, when the source of infection is microbes found in dust suspended in the air. For example, tularemia, psittacosis, legionellosis, and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome can be transmitted.

There are several rules to protect against airborne infections:

1. Keep your distance. The further you are from a sick person, the less likely you are to “catch the infection.” Stay away from people who cough, sneeze or sniffle, even if they are your family and friends. It is advisable to isolate a sick person in a separate room. It is useful to frequently ventilate and quartz (treat with ultraviolet light) the room where a sick person is located; for this you can purchase a household UV lamp for home use. The use of aroma lamps with oils of coniferous trees, tea tree, eucalyptus or monarda can provide some help.

2. Create a barrier. To protect against flying microbes and viruses during short-term contact with a patient, in most cases, a 6-fold gauze bandage or a disposable mask, which are sold at the pharmacy, is sufficient. Remember that the same mask can only be used for two hours.

3. Lubricate your nose. To do this, you can use pharmaceutical products: oxolinic ointment, gel or Viferon ointment. These drugs have a combined effect: they strengthen local and general immunity and have an antiviral effect. If there is a high probability of becoming infected, upon returning home, wash, rinse your mouth, and also rinse your nose with warm, slightly salted water to quickly remove germs and viruses from the mucous membranes and skin.

Fecal-oral mechanism

The causative agents of the disease are excreted in the feces (feces, urine, vomit) of animals and humans and enter the soil and water. Further, if hygiene rules are not followed, germs and viruses can enter the body in different ways:

  • through dirty hands - while eating (dysentery).
  • food route - through contaminated foods: poorly washed fruits and vegetables (hepatitis A, botulism), eggs (for example, with salmonellosis).
  • waterway - through water contaminated with feces, of poor quality, for example, with cholera.
  • Participants in the fecal-oral mechanism of infection transmission often include flies and domestic cockroaches, which carry pathogens on their bodies, for example, with polio.

A surge in diseases with a fecal-oral transmission mechanism is usually observed in the summer, when the best conditions are created for the persistence of microbes in the environment and the spread of flies.

To protect yourself from unpleasant “surprises”, follow these rules:

1. Always wash your hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet. Try not to eat on the street and stop children from chewing cookies and candies while playing in the sandbox, while walking or in public transport.

2. All fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating. Delicate fruits such as grapes, berries, ripe peaches, etc. can be rinsed in warm water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate (until pink). Be especially careful when processing dried fruits and nuts that are sold without shells - they can be a source of many intestinal infections, including polio. Dried fruits can be scalded with boiling water or steamed for 5-10 minutes in the oven. It is convenient to fry the nuts in a dry frying pan.

3. When going on vacation to southern countries, do not drink raw water and homemade soft drinks offered by the local population, and do not order drinks with ice. It is advisable to use only bottled water from reputable manufacturers.

In the middle zone of our country, avoid drinking water from local reservoirs without first boiling, which often happens during picnics or hiking trips.

Contact and household path

Transmission of infections during close contact in everyday life (in the family, kindergarten group, etc.). The source of infection are household items (door and furniture handles, kitchen utensils, toys), towels and bed linen, personal hygiene products (toothbrush, comb, etc.). This is how many intestinal and respiratory infections, syphilis, etc. are transmitted.

To prevent infections that spread through contact and household routes:

1. Never use someone else’s personal hygiene items, such as a toothbrush, comb, or razor. Avoid using shared towels in cafes, canteens, and bathhouses (the same applies to slippers, flip flops, and other bath accessories).

2. When relaxing in water parks, baths, saunas, on the beach, when sitting on sunbeds, benches, chairs, shelves, place a personal towel or mat.

Sexual tract

Transmission of diseases during sexual contact (for example, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C, AIDS, etc.).

As a rule, the likelihood of sexual transmission of infection depends on the health of the genital organs. Intact mucous membranes are one of the protective barriers to bacteria, viruses and pathogenic fungi. When microtraumas or inflammation appear on the skin or mucous membranes, their protective properties are sharply reduced.

Therefore, the risk of sexual infection increases with rough or intense sexual contact, with inflammatory diseases (vaginitis, urethritis, etc.), with chronic infections (candidiasis, chlamydia, etc.) and vaginal dysbiosis in women (vaginosis), as well as against the background AIDS or other immunodeficiency conditions.

To protect against sexually transmitted infections:

1. Be selective in sexual intercourse.

2. Use barrier contraception (condoms) correctly.

3. Treat genitourinary infections in a timely manner.

4. Maintain personal hygiene.

There are also methods for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted infections - these are measures that are likely to help prevent infection in the first hours after unprotected sexual intercourse:

1. You need to urinate.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly, and then thoroughly wash the genitals, perineum and inner thighs with soap (preferably laundry soap).

3. Afterwards, treat the skin of the genital organs, perineum and thighs with a cotton swab, generously moistened in a solution of antiseptics, which can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription:

  • 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate (gibitan);
  • 0.01% solution of miramistin (septic tank);
  • 10% betadine solution.

4. Men are recommended to inject 1-2 ml of antiseptic solution (the above solutions of chlorhexidine or miramistin) into the urethra (opening of the urethra). After which it is advisable not to urinate for 1-2 hours.

5. Women are recommended to douche (wash the vagina) with chlorhexidine or miramistin (150-200 ml), as well as injecting 1 ml of one of these solutions into the urethra. Instead of douching, you can use vaginal suppositories: Farmotex, Hexicon, Betadine.

6. It is necessary to change contaminated underwear or, if this is not possible, isolate the genitals from it using a clean gauze napkin.

Emergency prevention significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting infections, however, for more reliable protection, it is recommended to consult a doctor in the coming days. After examination and examination, the doctor may, with your consent, prescribe postcoital prophylaxis or preventive treatment. This is taking medications against HIV and/or syphilis pathogens if there was a high risk of contracting these infections during sexual intercourse.

Parenteral mechanism

Transmission of infections through biological fluids, mainly blood, as well as saliva, genital secretions, sweat, semen, etc. Infection usually occurs during medical or cosmetic procedures, less often through close contact (kissing, shaking hands, intimate caresses, etc. ). This route of transmission is typical for scabies, herpes, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV infection, etc.

Sometimes, as part of this transmission route, infection is considered during the bite of various animals, when saliva gets under the human skin (for example, with rabies).

Prevention of parenteral infections is mainly the concern of medical workers, as well as employees of beauty salons, who must properly sterilize instruments. However, there are several tips that you can follow to reduce the risk of infection:

1. Do not go to dubious establishments for manicure, pedicure, piercing and tattoo services, as well as other invasive cosmetic procedures.

2. Be careful when handling syringes and needles.

3. Avoid contact with objects contaminated with other people’s blood and other liquids; if necessary, wear gloves.

4. If an accident occurs (injection with a used needle, for example), it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for preventive (prophylactic) treatment and further observation.

5. After being bitten by a dog, cat or any wild animal, be sure to go to the emergency room, even if the wound is very small. With saliva and particles of soil, pathogens of deadly infections can enter the wound: rabies and tetanus. By introducing special serums and toxoid, it is possible to prevent the development of these diseases.

Most often, vector-borne diseases are carried by flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs and ticks, and less often by other insects. Such diseases are most common in tropical countries. As a rule, the local population suffers from a mild form of the disease, while visitors, on the contrary, experience the disease very seriously. Therefore, when going on vacation, you need to take care of prevention: necessary vaccinations, repellents, mosquito nets and curtains. Vector-borne diseases include malaria, typhus, tularemia, etc.

Wound path

With the wound route of transmission of infection, the disease develops after spores of pathogenic microbes found in the soil or on the jaws, claws, needles and other parts of animals, snakes, fish, insects, spiders, and centipedes enter the wound. This is how tetanus, gas gangrene, etc. are transmitted. Therefore, all wounds received in “field” conditions must be shown to a doctor at the emergency room so that he can carry out the necessary treatment.

Vertical path

Transmission of infection from mother to fetus during pregnancy. This route is typical for rubella, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc. The likelihood of vertical transmission increases with various pathologies of the placenta - the child’s place through which the baby receives nutrition from the mother.

The only reliable way to protect against vertical transmission of diseases is their early treatment at the stage of pregnancy planning.

All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature. If symptoms appear, please consult a doctor.

Trees occupy a special niche in gardening. They require less care and do not bear fruit every year. In addition to various insects and birds that interfere with successful growth, the main enemies of “domestic” trees are tinder fungi.

What kind of mushroom lives on a tree

  • The tinder fungus is oblique and leafy. They develop under the bark of a tree and reach 3m in length and 40cm in width. I have two states: fresh and dry. The color is dark yellow. They grow mainly on deciduous trees and cause white rot.
  • Leafy tinder fungus. The biggest view. They mature up to 1m and 40kg. They live on the bases of old trees. The color of the caps is yellow-gray, the undercaps are white, and the legs are light. Used fried, boiled or dried as food.
  • Tinder fungi are sulfur-yellow. From 5 to 30cm. While the young are bright orange and shaped like cones, they darken with age and take on the shape of fans. Develops on deciduous and coniferous trunks.
  • Birch. They live on dead birch trees. Their shape resembles a convex plate of white or gray color. 5-20mm in diameter. Causes severe rotting and destruction of the tree.
  • Winter. The hat is hairy and white, 1-10 cm in diameter. Are edible.
  • Scaly polypore, pied variegated, haretail. Cream-colored mushroom with dark spots. It lives on broad-leaved trees and is consumed only when young.

How to save trees

Whatever the type of tinder fungus, they all harm and destroy the structure of the tree to some extent. Experienced gardeners have learned to deal with them. First of all, protect the barrel from various damage. A hole in the bark is an ideal place for fungal spores to “populate”. If it does happen that it was not possible to save it, they are treated from the base to the first branches with various gardening agents, and the bodies of already sprouted mushrooms are cut off and burned.


Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The disease has a specific course and symptoms, is considered very contagious, therefore, it has long been developedmeasures to prevent syphilis, this is especially important for children and pregnant women.

Activities include a set of actions in the individual and public spheres aimed at preventing Arazheni e. Existing recommendations can be divided into types: individual and public prevention, then nonspecific and specific, and there are also primary and secondary preventive measures. All types complement each other, and only an integrated approach solves the initially posed problem.

Public prevention measures

Specified prevention of syphiliscarried out by employees of medical institutions, consists of the following actions:

  • regular examinations of the population to detect the disease;
  • timely examination of pregnant women;
  • sanitary and educational work among teenagers;
  • treatment and medical examination of those who are sick and contagious to others.

Individual prevention

Such measures are based on warning infection with syphilis, a successful outcome depends on each individual person. There are a number of recommendations for the implementation of which a person is responsible to himself and society. Often, it is failure to follow recommendations that leads to infection.

The following measures will help prevent infection:

  • safe sex. We are talking about both condoms for any type of sex and choosing a reliable partner;
  • maintaining personal hygiene in terms of using your own household items - razor, towel, washcloth. Health care workers who come into contact with various biological fluids use PPE - gloves, masks, etc.;
  • disinfection. If unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place, it makes sense to treat the genitals with an antiseptic - a solution of chlorhexidine or another remedy. Sometimes like this emergency prevention of syphilisprotects against infection;
  • Before starting sexual relations with a new partner, both should be tested;
  • Regular preventive examinations and tests will allow problems to be resolved in a timely manner.

Preventative treatment

For such an insidious disease assyphilis prevention using the above measures is not the only thing that can protect a person. In particular, for persons who have been in contact with a sick person (including children, pregnant women), as well as newborns whose mother was sick, medication is providedpreventive treatment.

The same applies to persons who received blood transfusions from patients with syphilis. For this purpose, antibiotics are prescribed, more often from the penicillin group. Patients who are intolerant to this substance are prescribed antibacterial drugs from other groups.

Treatment of syphilisin adults, for the purpose of prevention, it involves prescribing an antibiotic in different forms:

  • Water-soluble penicillin is administered daily, the dose is divided into 8 doses every 3 hours, even at night. The course lasts 14 days;
  • Injections with penicillin sodium salt are given twice a day. Course – 14 days;
  • An injection of the durant form of penicillin is given twice a week. This is Bicillin-1 or Bicillin-3. The course lasts 14 days.

If the patient is intolerant to penicillin, he is prescribed drugs from the group of tetracyclines (Doxycycline), macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin). The doctor prescribes a specific drug based on data about the patient’s health, age and course of the disease.

This treatment is prescribed if no more than 3 months have passed since the date of contact. If the period is 3-6 months, before taking the medication, the patient is prescribed 2 examinations with a break of 2 months. If more than 6 months have already passed since the potentially dangerous contact, one examination is sufficient. If the result is negative, treatment is not necessary.

Preventive treatment in children is carried out for the same reasons - if there has been sexual / household contact with sick people. Potentially infected children under 3 years of age are prescribed antibiotics. For children over 3 years of age, the doctor decides on the need for preventive treatment on an individual basis. Children, like adults, are prescribed drugs from the penicillin group. For those who have not yet reached 2 years of age, sodium / novocaine salt of penicillin is administered. Those who are older are allowed to administer bicillins. An alternative is synthetic penicillins - Ampicillin and Oxacillin. The convenience of Ampicillin is that it can be taken in tablets.

Measures to prevent congenital syphilis

Considering that Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis, penetrates the placental barrier, the fetus may well become infected from a sick mother. If a pregnant woman has been in contact with an infected person/suffered from syphilis, after birth the baby should be examined by specialists: a dermatovenerologist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and neurologist. X-rays of the extremities and blood tests are required. If necessary, they can take fluid from the spinal cord for analysis.

Cephalosporins and penicillins are prescribed as needed in a course of 2-3 weeks, the dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the body weight of the infant.

In some situationsprevention of congenital syphilisnot needed, these are the following cases:

  • the woman suffered from the disease and underwent treatment before pregnancy;
  • during pregnancy, the woman took an antibiotic for prophylactic purposes;
  • the newborn has no signs of illness.

Only if all three of the above conditions are met, drug prophylaxis congenital syphilis is not required.

How to prevent intrauterine infection

If an adult knowshow to avoid getting infected with syphilis, and is able to take all the necessary measures for this, then the fetus in the mother’s belly is absolutely not protected. Intrauterine infection can end in disaster - from fetal death to developmental abnormalities. Therefore, preventive measures have been developed:

  • STD testing is done before pregnancy, at the planning stage;
  • Several times during pregnancy, a woman is tested for syphilis - during registration, at 26 and 30 weeks, immediately before childbirth. If the result is positive, an additional study is prescribed, and if the disease is confirmed, a course of antibiotic treatment is indicated;
  • preventive treatment of pregnant women who have previously been treated for syphilis.

Preventive treatment in pregnant women can prevent infection of the fetus, but not always. If the result does not show effectiveness, the doctor suggests that the woman terminate the pregnancy; the final decision rests with the pregnant woman.

To avoid this choice, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth being screened for sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis. For those who have recently undergone treatment, it is better not to become pregnant for a while until several tests confirm recovery.

Emergency preventive measures

In case of unprotected sexual intercourse, if there are suspicions that the partner is sick, in the next two days you can resort to emergency measures to prevent STDs. To do this, you need to go to a dermatovenerological dispensary or a venereologist at a clinic so that the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs. It is forbidden to take pills on your own! If the dose is chosen incorrectly or the group of antibiotics is not effective in a particular case, then the symptoms and test results will be blurred, while the disease will rapidly develop.

After the treatment prescribed by the doctor, they take tests, and then again for peace of mind. If no signs of syphilis appear within 2 months, then infection has not occurred.

How to prevent the spread of syphilis

Preventive measures are varied and effective, but much depends on the behavior of those people who carry the infection. To avoid becoming a source of health problems for other people, infected people must responsibly implement the following recommendations and follow certain restrictions:

  • if the test result is positive for syphilis, be sure to undergo the prescribed treatment without delay or interruption - this is dangerous both for your health and for those around you;
  • notify all sexual partners with whom you have had recent contact - they must get tested and check their health, and, if necessary, undergo treatment;
  • It is advisable to be treated in a hospital, where the schedule for administering medications every 3 hours will be strictly observed. Modern treatment regimens may suggest 1 injection once a week, but such treatment requires careful monitoring;
  • At the end of treatment, you need to follow a schedule of visiting a venereologist and taking tests, since syphilis can last a long time, cause relapses, etc. Treatment can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of years, depending on the stage of the disease. During treatment, you need to avoid sexual relations and visit a doctor.

To summarize, it is worth recalling that syphilis is a dangerous and highly contagious disease, which during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and child. For all patients, the disease is fraught with complications, as it causes serious aesthetic and physiological disturbances.

Timely preventive diagnosis, discrimination in sexual relations and a serious attitude towards your health will prevent you from encountering such a disease.

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