Why do you feel dizzy when playing sports? Dizziness after exercise: Feeling dizzy, what to do

Some people who start exercising experience dizziness after exercising.

This condition can be accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. In some cases, such a reaction of the body is normal, and there is no reason to panic.

To avoid such discomfort after physical activity, you need to know the possible causes.

Physiological reasons

Many people feel dizzy during exercise or after it, but not many people know why this happens.

These may be reasons that are not necessarily caused by diseases; often such a condition is physiological and the reasons include the following:

  1. Lack of oxygen. During physical activity, people's bodies need more oxygen than usual. If there is insufficient ventilation in the room and air does not get in, then you often feel dizzy after classes.
  2. Poor nutrition. When the body cannot receive a sufficient amount of useful and nutrients from daily nutrition, there is not enough energy for the load. After a while, exhaustion occurs, you feel dizzy, nauseous, and may even have a headache after sports.
  3. Binge eating. You need to remember that before training you need to eat right and not overeat. This causes complications in digestion and it becomes difficult for the body to cope with food and stress. As a result, you may experience dizziness during and after exercise, as well as heaviness and stomach cramps.
  4. Adrenalin. During physical activity, an increased amount of adrenaline is released into the blood and this hormone can cause vascular spasms, which is why dizziness sometimes occurs. A similar effect of the hormone can occur during emotional instability and stress.
  5. Use of medications. If medications are used in the form of antibiotics, tranquilizers or blood pressure medications, then after training you feel dizzy and this may be a side effect of the drugs.

In general, the reasons described should not cause any fear or anxiety. The symptoms are easy to stop and do not pose any threat.

Causes in diseases

There are other reasons that are much more dangerous than those described, since they are caused by diseases inside the body and do not appear under the influence of external factors.

The main diseases that cause dizziness are:

  1. Hypotension. With low pressure and stress, blood circulation becomes stronger so that the muscles receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen. Due to this, the vessels dilate, and after training, all processes return to normal, blood circulation decreases significantly, a rapid drop in pressure occurs, which provokes dizziness and nausea.
  2. Hypertension. During physical activity, pressure always rises rapidly, but if there are no diseases, then the body will adapt, and if the pressure is already high, then the pathology worsens. During the training process, a person immediately begins to experience pain in the back of the head, as well as nausea. Doctors recommend that hypertensive patients avoid heavy exercise altogether.
  3. Sugar level. People with low blood sugar levels, as well as people on a diet, may have various ailments. Dizziness, nausea and general weakness after training are the norm for this category of people. For diabetics, this condition can be fatal.

If you constantly feel dizzy, especially during or after exercise, then it is better to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will rule out diseases.

The doctor can also indicate the types of sports that are preferable to engage in in a particular case.

Cupping methods

Knowing why you feel dizzy after exercise, it is important to understand what measures you can take.

When dizziness after exercise is constant and even appears very rarely, you should adjust your lifestyle to get rid of the symptoms.

To prevent and relieve symptoms you need to:

  1. Normalize sleep. You need to sleep at least 7 hours at night, and if you rest less, the body cannot recover normally and is in constant stress and tension, which is why you feel dizzy during and after exercise.
  2. Nutrition adjustments. On training days, you need to give up heavy foods that cannot be quickly digested in the stomach. It is necessary to exclude fried and fatty foods, fast foods. Before starting exercise, you need to eat 1.5-2 hours in order to avoid heaviness, cramps and pain.
  3. If dizziness appears during exercise, then after exercise you need to eat a little chocolate to give the body carbohydrates.
  4. You need to control your emotional state all the time and not let it reach a critical state. To relax, you can use a massage or a bath.
  5. After sports, about half an hour later, you can drink a protein drink or consume dairy products. This will relieve nausea and dizziness.
  6. Before loading, you need to warm up, and after - stretching.

Using the tips described, you can get rid of discomfort, and if it appears, then simply stop the load and rest.

Presence of diseases

What mechanisms occur in the body that contribute to dizziness?

How to provide help if an attack occurs in the gym during training?

Dizziness may occur during exercise. A person feels that he is losing his balance and his vision begins to swim. If the body is not used to receiving stress, for example, a person works in the office for 8 hours, then during exercise the body experiences stress.

What to do first?

If you suddenly feel dizzy, you should not panic or fuss. Find a place to sit, close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to calm down. It’s very good if you have the opportunity to lie down. The head and shoulders should be at the same level. At the same time, the blood supply to the brain is normalized. Under no circumstances should you make sudden movements, as this can lead to a new attack and loss of balance.

It is better to sit closer to the place where the air comes in, drink water, rinse your face and ears. If you do not have the strength to complete all the procedures yourself, you need to contact any person or the trainer on duty. There is no need to be ashamed of your problem; there is nothing more important than health.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Dizziness when turning or bending the neck is most likely associated with osteochondrosis, when changing body position, destruction of certain receptors of the vestibular apparatus is possible. If attacks occur frequently during sports activities, then you need to consult a neurologist. The specialist needs to tell you as accurately as possible the situation when you started feeling dizzy.

Is exercise allowed for dizziness?

When the first symptoms of dizziness occur, you must stop training, sit down or lie down. Once symptoms subside, reduce exercise weight and intensity. Over time, the body must adapt and bear the load more easily.

If dizziness occurs constantly, then you need to consult a doctor.

You need to play sports; over time, the body will be trained and doing the exercises will become easier. Physical education will help improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You don't need to go to the gym every day. The optimal time is two to three times a week for an hour and a half.

Improvements will not come immediately; you need to get ready for long-term work. Under no circumstances should you train through force and pain. When choosing exercises, soberly assess your strength and health status.

It is better to give preference to slow exercise or moderate cardio training., exclude workouts that do not involve respite. For example, on a treadmill, choose the lowest incline angle and walk at a calm pace. You need to lift dumbbells at a moderate pace. Start with light weights.

Prevention measures

These symptoms can be avoided by choosing the right exercises. A specialist who has some experience working with people can choose the load. Determining exactly why you feel dizzy is quite difficult. First, you need to know the accompanying symptoms. If you have problems with blood pressure, you need to see a doctor.

Physical exercise helps keep your body in good shape. Constant muscle work does not allow the heart to relax. It is created for the uninterrupted movement of blood through the vessels. Daily workouts can be done at home using treadmills. But some people feel dizzy and nauseous after running on a treadmill.

What is a treadmill for?

Sports industry companies create fully functional treadmills that can improve human health. For those who do not want to go outside and do not like to run in the fresh air, treadmills have been created. You need to train to achieve the following results:

  • weight loss;
  • increasing endurance;
  • stabilization of heart function;
  • elimination of respiratory diseases - asthma, bronchitis;
  • restoration of mobility in the knee, hip and ankle joints;
  • alignment of posture with scoliosis and osteochondrosis;
  • building muscle mass in the legs and torso.

Exercise is needed to enhance heart function and prevent obesity.

Standard Treadmill Modes

You should not start training immediately with heavy loads. The best option for beginners is a gradual approach that will help avoid nausea and dizziness.

The treadmill has the following modes:

  1. Walking. Obese people should train in this mode to prepare the heart for heavy loads. Belt speed 1-2 m/s.
  2. Slow running. In this case, the track is located horizontally, the tape moves at a speed of 4-6 m/s. This is how the calf and thigh muscles are trained.
  3. Fast running is intended for athletes and physically fit people. All muscle groups in the legs and torso are included in the work. Movement speed 8-15 m/s.
  4. Walking and running uphill. The path is set at different angles, depending on the preparation. Walking is suitable for older people, and running is for younger people who need to build up their lower leg muscles.

Often dizziness and nausea during training are caused by insufficient preparation for physical activity. Why this happens and how to deal with such conditions - the trainer will tell you.

Every workout, even at home, should be coordinated with a personal trainer to avoid negative consequences for the heart, muscles and joints.

Complaints after running

Before purchasing a treadmill, you need to clearly define your training goals and your own strengths. After physical activity, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • prostration;
  • nausea, rarely vomiting;
  • trembling in the arms and legs;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • headache.

These unpleasant sensations force you to abandon the treadmill after the first session. However, you should not get excited, you need to endure the first 3-4 workouts, after which the dizziness and nausea will pass.

Why do you feel dizzy after exercise?

There are plenty of reasons why your head is spinning and your legs are shaking. There is an opinion among professional trainers that the poor condition of the treadmill field is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Eat food 10 minutes before physical activity.
  2. Low blood sugar (2-3 mmol/l).
  3. High blood pressure and hypertensive crisis.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotonic type NCD.
  5. Orthostatic collapse with a sudden change in body position.
  6. Heart pain, paroxysmal tachycardia.
  7. Excessively fast running.

When running intensely on a treadmill, the body loses up to 2-3 thousand kcal per hour. Muscles consume large amounts of glycogen to function efficiently. In the blood, 30% of glucose is needed to maintain brain function, and the rest is used for the functioning of muscles and internal organs. Physical activity can reduce sugar levels to 2-3 mmol/l, at which a loss of strength appears and consciousness is impaired.

Pressure surges on a treadmill

Typically, treadmill training is carried out by young and healthy people. But sometimes people start running even after 40 years. At this age, blood pressure may fluctuate, causing dizziness and nausea.

If a person suffers from hypertension, a hypertensive crisis may occur during training. At the same time, the pressure jumps to 170/95 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Vascular spasm in the brain and heart leads to tissue hypoxia. My head starts to hurt, sparks flash before my eyes and I feel nauseous. To alleviate the condition, the person sits on the floor. Only calming down, stopping exercise and taking a blood pressure pill relieves unpleasant symptoms.

In another case, when young people suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, their blood pressure drops sharply during physical activity. Hypotension reaches 90/55 mm Hg. Art., a person begins to lose consciousness, dizziness and nausea, dry mouth, and general weakness occur. A sip of water and a horizontal position with your legs raised up will help ease the condition.

Low blood sugar after running

Before training, but not earlier than 30 minutes, you need to eat high-calorie food. The best way to do this is:

  • sweet dried fruit compote;
  • cooked meat;
  • egg white.

These products will replenish the body's energy reserves before physical activity.

Running fast helps burn calories, which are necessary for endurance during training. At the same time, metabolism increases, muscles intensively consume glucose. Normal blood sugar levels (3.3-5.5 mmol/L) before exercise can change quickly after a grueling workout.

The sharp burning of glucose causes changes in the general condition. A person may simply feel dizzy, feel very tired and exhausted. At the same time, I constantly feel sick and my fingers tremble. Shortness of breath appears, the skin turns pale and the person is forced to lie down on the floor.

First aid in this condition is to put the patient down, give him some sweet water to drink, or give him a suckable candy.

An experienced gym trainer advises the following techniques:

  1. During training, you need to wear comfortable shoes, preferably sneakers.
  2. After a 10-minute run, you need to drink 200-300 ml of water.
  3. Clothing should be light and comfortable - a cotton T-shirt and shorts.
  4. It is prohibited to drink energy drinks before training. They excessively increase heart contractions, which can cause hypertensive crisis and dizziness.
  5. During the first lessons, avoid high loads, which can lead to ruptures and sprains of ligaments or muscles.
  6. If you feel nauseous, have a mint candy on hand.
  7. Treadmill classes are carried out on clearly scheduled days and times, in which case the body has time to restore its strength.

You can and should do running. Constant movement keeps the heart and muscles toned and strengthens the body to counteract negative factors.

Sport is deservedly considered one of the effective ways to improve your appearance, prolong youth and improve health. However, many people experience dizziness after exercise. The article discusses the reasons why you feel dizzy after running, and basic recommendations that will help solve the problem situation.

Why might you feel dizzy after exercise?

Dizziness during training does not appear out of nowhere. There are always objective reasons for such a state. By getting to know them in more detail, you can avoid painful conditions and calmly play sports. The conditions under which the disease appears are divided into three main groups:

  • excessive loads;
  • incorrect tactics during sports;
  • pathological conditions.

Each reason is discussed separately below.

Causes of problems during intense workloads

In the struggle for a beautiful body contour and a chiseled figure, beginners forget about everything. They rush to conquer sports equipment, just to quickly achieve the desired result. Therefore, they begin to actively train. An unprepared body in extreme conditions works hard and gets tired quickly. Constant overexertion causes dizziness after running on the treadmill.

Behavioral reasons

Correctly determining the load is not enough to avoid dizziness. You also need to pay attention to the method of performing movements and proper breathing when playing sports. This is very important, because oxygen is necessary for the normal functioning of every cell. In particular, this affects the brain. Experiencing a lack of oxygen, it functions in an energy-saving mode and an attack occurs.

Physiological reasons

They concern interruptions in the normal functioning of the organs of the circulatory system during exercise on a treadmill. Such failures occur when the body’s response to sudden movements and frequent changes in posture during physical activity is insufficiently effective.

The circulatory system of healthy people manages to adapt to changing circumstances. However, due to the presence of pathologies, blood pressure surges occur during training. That's why my head is spinning.


During exercise, a huge amount of thermal energy is released. Therefore, it becomes too stuffy in an unventilated room. Oxygen starvation occurs in all organs. It provokes a decline in vitality, and after training you feel dizzy.

A special technique has been developed; its essence is to perform exercises with an artificially reduced level of oxygen in the surrounding air. It is believed that it increases a person's endurance.

However, you should not resort to such methods without consulting a specialist.


If you have a number of diseases, you should avoid physical activity or reduce its intensity. Let's consider which pathologies are the most dangerous and require consultation with a doctor:

  1. Heart diseases. Lead to changes in blood pressure and circulatory disorders. Poor circulation leads to a lack of oxygen in all cells of the body. This has a particularly negative effect on brain function. As a result, activity decreases and weakness appears. That's why I feel dizzy after running on the treadmill.
  2. Neurological diseases. Nerve cells regulate the proper functioning of the body. Disruption of their normal functioning increases the load on the brain. While running, the load on a person increases greatly, all organs work under wear and tear. The response in this situation is to switch to an energy-saving operating mode. That's why I feel dizzy after running on the treadmill.
  3. Pathologies of the inner ear. This organ directly regulates balance. Therefore, when there is inflammation or infection in the inner ear, coordination of movements is disturbed and dizziness occurs.
  4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Jogging gives good tension to the spine and legs. If initially there are diseases of these parts of the body, then they suffer greatly. A sharp pain is felt, leading to confusion and dizziness.
  5. Diet. With insufficient nutrition, fatigue is felt quickly. Energy enters the internal environment along with food. Under no circumstances should you run on an empty stomach.
  6. Unstable psycho-emotional state. Nervous breakdowns lead to increased fatigue. When you exercise on a treadmill in a weakened state, you may feel dizzy a few minutes later. This happens when the body exhausts its reserve sources of energy.

These are the main conditions that can lead to dizziness after working out on exercise equipment. But the spectrum is very wide. Therefore, before starting classes, you should find out about all existing diseases.

Symptoms of dizziness

When you feel dizzy on the treadmill, other unpleasant sensations arise. The most common:

  1. Feeling of weakness, excessive fatigue.
  2. Decreased visual acuity.
  3. Extraneous sounds in the ears.
  4. Midges before my eyes.
  5. Tingling and...
  6. Exercising or developing chills.
  7. May cause nausea, followed by vomiting.

If any of these symptoms occur, you must leave the treadmill immediately.

How to distinguish the body's behavioral response from physiology

To distinguish the preconditions for an attack after physical activity, it is worth remembering one simple rule. If your head feels dizzy directly due to intense movements, the problem lies in physiology. And if the malaise occurs in the absence of a change in the position of the trainee, then the reason lies in the behavioral reaction.

Both conditions are not dangerous. Just don't set too big goals on the treadmill right away.

How to avoid dizziness after exercise

To prevent undesirable consequences, you should remember and implement the following recommendations:

  • Do not start exercising on a treadmill if your health is poor.
  • Don't torture yourself with unreasonable efforts.
  • Eat about two hours before class. Nutrition should be balanced. The dietary option will lead to loss of strength, and overeating will lead to heaviness and nausea.
  • Drink enough clean water.
  • Do not jump outside immediately after class. First you need to come to your senses.
  • Plan your exercise time so that after sports you don’t have to rush to work or other energy-consuming activities.

How to eliminate unpleasant sensations

You can get rid of dizziness in the following ways:

  1. Stop the activity.
  2. Don't panic, calm down.
  3. Sit down, relax.
  4. You need to breathe deeply, open a window if possible.
  5. Rest for at least fifteen minutes.
  6. When the condition stabilizes, there is no need to continue. It's better to go home and rest.

Types and signs of head pain

There are several types of headaches that you can experience on the treadmill. Let's get acquainted with their signs:

  1. Localized pain in the facial area indicates the possible presence of sinusitis.
  2. Increasing pulling sensations in the occipital part indicate increased blood pressure.
  3. Violation of cranial pressure leads to acute pain, accompanied by vomiting.
  4. Compression of the artery leading to the brain provokes pain in the back of the head with minor movements, even during yoga. Fingers and limbs go numb.

First aid if you feel sick during training

When you suddenly feel dizzy on the treadmill, you should take the following measures:

  • stop classes;
  • lay the victim on his back;
  • if he feels dizzy without stopping, give him a sniff of ammonia;
  • ventilate the premises;
  • let the patient calm down and drink a glass of water;
  • rest for a few minutes.

Treatment for headaches after running

When exercise in the gym brings discomfort, and attacks from the treadmill recur, you should definitely contact a medical facility. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Drug therapy for headaches

Among the tablets for eliminating a dizzy and sore head, the most popular are:

  • Medexol.
  • Celecoxib.
  • Vinpocetine.
  • Vestibo.

You can take tablets only as prescribed by a specialist.

Traditional methods of getting rid of headaches

If you want to refrain from drug therapy, folk advice will help:

  1. Having a small bottle of horsetail essential oil will help relieve pain when inhaled.
  2. Eating seasonal berries will relieve headaches and dizziness.
  3. A decoction of mint will relieve unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Yoga is great for relieving dizziness.

Why is it important to increase the load correctly?

An untrained person experiences enormous stress when the intensity of training is unexpectedly high. All organs work at an accelerated pace. That's why I feel dizzy after running on the treadmill. Therefore, it is very wise to increase the speed gradually. First you need to run at a moderate pace. Constant acceleration will have a gentle effect on the trainee; the trainee will not encounter unpleasant consequences.

How to behave if you have headaches after physical exercise. loads

When after classes, you can’t continue training, exercise through force. This will only make things worse. Also, you should not resume training after a short rest. You can, on the contrary, give the body a rest and restore strength. If the dizziness was a one-time occurrence, it’s okay. It is repeated - you need to think seriously.

How to Avoid Falls on the Treadmill

When you feel dizzy while running on a treadmill, you can fall and get seriously injured. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn the following:

  • Before classes, you should warm up by doing the following exercises - swinging your arms, bending to the side, rotating your legs, squats.
  • The speed limit must be increased gradually.
  • You can only start and finish exercises with the treadmill completely stopped.
  • If you feel unwell, it is better to grab the special handrails.

What to do to stop your head from worrying when playing sports

The following preventive measures will help you to avoid wondering how to avoid the symptoms discussed above after running on a treadmill:

  1. Avoid too intense physical activity. loads
  2. Rest more, get good sleep.
  3. Switch to proper nutrition.
  4. Forget about alcohol-containing drinks and smoking.
  5. Do not be nervous, do not enter into conflicts, avoid stress.

The most important thing is to monitor your health. Knowing about the presence of the disease will allow you to take measures to treat it, and thereby protect yourself from dizziness on the treadmill.

I get dizzy after doing squats and hyperextensions. How can this be avoided? Should I continue doing these exercises? Maybe just stop training for a while? Why is this happening? Is this due to the fact that I am hypotensive? I also have varicose veins. I really hope for your answer.


Often, dizziness that occurs during training frightens people and they stop their training.

Of course, loss of consciousness is an unpleasant thing and no one wants to experience this condition. Let's figure out whether it is possible to avoid dizziness during training and, if so, how to do it.

Who usually experiences dizziness during fitness activities?

Often these are people with low blood pressure, so-called hypotensive people. Typically, hypotensive patients have an increased heart rate.

In addition, people with increased heart rate are also characterized by increased excitability.

Often these signs are combined with another one - vascular weakness, which is usually expressed by venous disease and pain in the legs.

So, dizziness often occurs in people whose health status differs in four ways:

1 Hypotension (low blood pressure)
2 Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
3 Increased stimulation of the nervous system (sharp mood swings, neurosis)
4 Vascular weakness (sometimes varicose veins).

The cause of dizziness in people with these symptoms is orthostatic phenomenon. In other words, any straightening of the body from a horizontal to a vertical position can cause dizziness.

It happens that low blood pressure before training occurs from the beginning of a “healthy lifestyle”

In ordinary life, a person eats a lot and moves little. The body gets used to this and adjusts the pressure to a sedentary, well-fed lifestyle.

But suddenly the person wanted to go on a diet without salt and carbohydrates.

A sharp decrease in salt and carbohydrates leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and I wanted to add fitness to a diet without salt and carbohydrates.

Lack of salt, lack of carbohydrates and, as a result, low blood pressure makes a person lethargic.

However, a reasonable person thinks that this is “banal laziness”; gathers his will into a fist; comes to the gym and starts doing bending exercises with enthusiasm. Orthostatic collapse occurs.

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