How is homeopathy used to treat prostatitis? Treatment of prostatitis with homeopathy: main nuances, review of drugs Recipes for treating prostatitis and adenoma with homeopathy

Enlarged prostate (prostate adenoma) is a malaise of mostly older men. Approximately 70% of all 70-year-old men suffer from this disease to a greater or lesser extent.

The first signs are frequent, including nighttime, urge to urinate and a weakened stream of urine. When urinating, patients have to strain more than usual. If tissue growth continues, the bladder often does not empty completely; the remaining urine then decomposes and provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. This contributes to inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, and therefore sometimes surgical intervention is necessary.

Often prostate adenoma is accompanied by so-called urinary incontinence, i.e. droplets of urine either drip constantly, or involuntary loss of urine occurs, for example, when sneezing or coughing. General recommendations for urinary incontinence are given when considering bladder hyperesthesia and urinary incontinence in stressful situations.

Prostate enlargement is not always benign. It is in old age that the symptoms of prostate adenoma and prostate cancer may be similar. Therefore, the cause of the ailment should be discussed with your doctor.

If urine stagnates due to severe enlargement of the organ, this can lead to irreversible kidney damage. With any enlargement of the prostate, you should be constantly monitored by your doctor.

Basic complex homeopathic remedies

  • Conium maculatum Oligoplex

Conium maculatum Oligoplex combines medications that have a beneficial effect on the enlargement of prostatitis and also effectively affect tissue swelling.

Contain maculatum D4 (spotted hemlock) indicated for many diseases of the elderly. It helps with weakness, weakened brain activity and memory, paralysis, as well as sexual weakness and chronic inflammation of the prostate.

Characterized by lack of erection, despite sexual arousal, or ejaculation of sperm without arousal. Conium maculatum is effective in treating urinary incontinence if the stream of urine suddenly stops while urinating. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on tumors. The causes of such diseases can be excitement, love sadness and sexual excesses.

Absinthium D1 (wormwood) affects the brain. This remedy is used in homeopathy for nervous tremors, agitation and insomnia, as well as for constant urge to urinate.

Agaricus muscarius D3 (fly agaric) It also has a beneficial effect on the brain and helps with states of excitement. The main symptom is a feeling as if the body is being pierced by ice needles. Agaricus muscarius helps with frequent, sudden and strong urge to urinate, as well as with pricking pain in the urethra.

Arsenicum album D8 (white arsenic) has a profound effect on all organs and tissues of the body. This remedy helps with tissue enlargement, digestive disorders and inflammation. The main symptoms are severe restlessness and extreme thirst. Patients do not like to be alone when they are sick because they are afraid of dying.

Chelidonium D2 (celandine)- an important remedy for the treatment of the liver and gall bladder, especially the latter, for inflammation of the kidneys, pain in the male genital area, as well as for tumors and warts.

Clematis D3 (clematis) acts mainly on the skin, glands, eyes, urinary tract and male genital organs. This remedy is often especially effective for inflammation in these areas. Characteristic is the appearance of a rash on the skin with the formation of blisters, as well as the release of mucous urine in bursts or parts. Usually the patient needs to wait for some time until urine begins to flow.

Condurango D3 (condurango) stimulates appetite and improves general condition, has a beneficial effect on tissue growth and cancer. The main symptom is painful tears in the corners of the mouth.

Galium aparine D2 (bedstraw) extends its healing properties mainly to the urinary organs, improves kidney function, collects water and promotes the healing of abscesses.

  • Rhododendron Oligoplex

If it is impossible to completely empty the bladder and you have to press hard on it, or if you have a constant urge to urinate, Rhododendron Oligoplex may improve the condition. The substances it contains primarily affect diseases associated with urination.

Rhododendron Oligoplex should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to iodine without consulting your doctor if you have thyroid disease.

Rhododendron D2 (rhododendron) affects various areas of the human body. In homeopathy it is used for rheumatic diseases, neuralgia, headaches, digestive disorders and kidney disease. It also has a good effect on the male genital organs, helping with inflammation of the testicles. Disease symptoms appear or worsen as thunderstorms approach.

Aurum chloronatum natronatum D5 (gold chloride) has a pronounced effect on the male genital organs, primarily with swelling of the testicles.

Pareira brava D2 (buckwheat root) helps with renal colic, prostate diseases and bladder inflammation. This remedy is also effective for pain that radiates when pressing on the upper thigh, a constant urge to urinate with a feeling that the bladder is distended.

Sabal serrulatum D3 (palm) has great healing power, affecting the prostate, testicles and bladder. It is effective primarily in cases of irritation or enlargement of the prostate gland, and helps with weight loss. The main symptom is the fear of falling asleep because of the fear that something might happen. Sympathy causes great anger in patients.

Spongia D3 (iodine sponge) has a healing effect on the respiratory tract and heart, and also helps with thyroid dysfunction. This remedy is used to treat painful inflammation of the male genital organs, especially if the disease is accompanied by exhaustion, weakness, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body and shortness of breath.

  • Echinacea Oligoplex

To prevent infectious diseases, it is recommended to additionally take Echinacea Oligoplex for approximately three weeks. This product contains drugs that can strengthen the body's defenses and prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Echinacea Oligoplex should not be used if kidney function is impaired, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This remedy is also contraindicated for infants and small children. It should not be taken in case of serious diseases such as tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, or in case of hypersensitivity to active substances. Sometimes itching, skin rash, swelling of the face, shortness of breath or dizziness may occur. Then you should stop using the medicine and consult your doctor.

Echinacea angustifolia D2 (Echinacea angustifolia) increases the body's defenses and has a special effect in cases of purulent infections, blood poisoning and inflammation of the lymph glands, for example in case of wounds. The main symptom is severe fatigue.

Arctium lappa D4 (burdock) acts mainly on the skin and urinary organs, helps with acne, boils and rashes in the head, face and neck, as well as with frequent urination.

Baptista D2 (wild indigo)- an important antipyretic, especially if the disease is accompanied by suppuration and muscle pain.

Colocynthis D4 (gentian root) relieves spasmodic pain in the gastrointestinal tract, especially if caused by anger, helps with inflammation of the bladder with pain throughout the abdomen during urination and is especially suitable for treating ailments associated with adolescence.

Lachesis muta D8 (lanceolate snake venom)- an excellent remedy for fever and numerous inflammations, accompanied by a tendency to heavy bleeding.

Mercurius cyanataus D4 (mercuric cyanide)- an effective remedy for acute infectious diseases, if the formation of abscesses and tissue decay threatens. Therefore, it is taken for purulent inflammation of the throat, abscesses, inflammation of the kidneys and lungs.

Rhus toxikodendron D4 (poison sumac) helps with rheumatic pain and is especially effective on the skin and mucous membranes. Rhus toxicodendron is especially effective during exacerbation of symptoms: at night, at rest and in damp, cold weather. Symptoms are relieved by warmth and movement.

Sulfur D6 (sulfur) It is one of the most significant basic remedies in homeopathy. It has a profound effect on all tissues of the body and is one of the most effective remedies for various skin diseases. Symptoms include burning heat, itching, and noticeable worsening when scratched or washed. Sulfur increases the body's ability to defend itself.

If your prostate is enlarged, you should avoid hypothermia and very cold drinks. Especially after drinking ice-cold beer, the prostate may suddenly swell and severely narrow the urethra.

Many men have heard a lot about how homeopathy works for prostatitis. The modern method of treatment is based on taking medications that are designed to improve the health of the body. They usually contain natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the organs of the genitourinary system if taken in limited quantities.

Drug therapy, which requires taking pharmaceutical drugs with a high content of chemicals, does not always have a positive effect on the health and general well-being of a man. Therefore, many of them are in search of an alternative method of prostate treatment. This is exactly what homeopathy was developed for. It helps stop the inflammatory process in the gland, and does not cause serious harm to the body. For homeopathic medicines to work, they must be taken according to a certain schedule. Only a competent specialist can select it, like the medicine itself.

Not all doctors believe in the effectiveness of homeopathy

Advantages and disadvantages of homeopathy

Treatment of prostatitis with homeopathy has a huge number of advantages. That is why it continues to lose its popularity among men who want to get rid of inflammation in the prostate. The therapeutic method boasts the following advantages:

  • Homeopathic medicines contain herbal ingredients. Thanks to this, they can be taken for an extended period. The longer the patient drinks the drug prescribed to him, the more stable the result he is able to achieve by the end of the therapeutic course. Treatment usually lasts about 1-2 months;
  • Preparations intended for homeopathic therapy are absolutely safe for humans. Their components cannot be detected in plasma or blood. Therefore, they cannot cause side effects. The only thing that some patients encounter during treatment is an allergy to the components of the natural medicine;
  • Due to the fact that a man takes homeopathic medicines for a long time, their effect is enhanced. A long course of treatment is exclusively beneficial to health.

Homeopathic medicines contain only natural ingredients

We must not forget about the disadvantages of homeopathy, designed to eliminate the signs of prostatitis. Because of them, such treatment is not suitable for all patients with this diagnosis. Doctors highlight the following disadvantages of therapy with herbal preparations:

  • Sometimes medications contain components that are of questionable effectiveness. Due to the fact that the preparations lack an active substance, it is difficult to understand which plant is responsible for achieving this or that result. Therefore, it is not always clear to patients how exactly a homeopathic medicine works;
  • Homeopathic remedies are expensive, so not all men with prostatitis can afford such treatment;
  • Thousands of doctors claim that homeopathy only slows down the spread of the disease, and does not stop it. Therefore, one day the problem will make itself felt again. Only by that time will the pathological process begin to proceed in an advanced state, which is fraught with serious complications for the patient;
  • Many experts are confident that the result that patients may notice after taking a homeopathic remedy is just a placebo effect. Therefore, therapy with these drugs makes no sense.

The negative aspects of homeopathy include the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to specific components of herbal preparations. That is why it is strictly forbidden to independently select such remedies for treatment. They should only be prescribed by an experienced homeopath.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of prostatitis

In men diagnosed with prostatitis, an inflammatory process in the prostate gland is detected during diagnosis. Homeopathy helps to cope with the disease and prevent its early relapses. For these purposes, drugs that are included in this list are prescribed:

  1. "Gentos." Designed to suppress active proliferation of prostatic tissue;
  2. "Prostamol Uno" Eliminates signs of swelling and inflammation in the gland area;
  3. "Sabal-gomaccord." Copes with prostate dysfunction. Suitable for the prevention of prostatitis and hyperplasia;
  4. "Impaza". Improves the condition of smooth muscles and the performance of the genital organs.

Most homeopathic preparations contain a whole complex of medicinal plants. But there are also mono-means. They have a similar principle of action with multicomponent medications. Only in the case of the latter, a longer selection of a suitable drug is required. The most popular among them are “Aconite”, “Apis” and “Bryonia”.

Like other drugs, Prostamol Uno is of plant origin.

Features of treatment

When treating with homeopathic medicines for prostatitis, you must follow the instructions that are in the package with the medicine. If you take medications without following the correct treatment regimen, you can cause significant harm to yourself.

According to the rules, medications that are prescribed during a course of homeopathy must be placed under the tongue and gradually dissolved. You cannot bite into pieces and immediately swallow pills, as this is a violation. The medication should be taken in such a way that its active components can quickly enter the blood through the blood vessels. And there are a lot of them in the sublingual area.

The granules should be taken about half an hour before eating. It is not advisable to drink them down, as this will reduce the effect of the active components of the homeopathic medicine.

There is another method of taking homeopathic medicines. Some medications can be dissolved in a certain amount of drinking water. It should be warm. Before taking a dose of the drug, you must wait until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. This process may take some time.

Homeopathy is not intended for the treatment of prostatitis, which occurs in an acute form. In this case, the patient should not refuse to take quickly effective medications. These can be antibiotics and agents with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

If a patient has chronic prostatitis, then homeopathic medicines will become his first aid. In such a situation, they are most beneficial, since they can be taken for a long time, while having a positive effect not only on the gland, but also on other organs of the genitourinary system.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

The prostate gland is located in the pelvis, between the bladder and penis. Features of the anatomical structure and topography of the organ have become the main reason for the formation of specific symptoms in the case of inflammatory processes in the gland.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that the genital organs, as well as the prostate gland, are literally penetrated by a dense network of venous and arterial vessels.

Any inflammatory phenomenon or other pathological condition in one organ causes discomfort or painful manifestations in other structural formations.

Dangerous diseases of the male sphere

Prostatitis leads the list of the most insidious and dangerous diseases that affect the vast majority of men, especially in old age. Treatment usually quickly produces results, provided that the man consults a doctor in a timely manner. However, due to the fact that the problem is quite delicate, and the symptoms are intimate and specific, many patients try to ignore the symptoms that appear.

Experts divide prostatitis into two main categories:

  • infectious nature (60% of all cases of the disease);
  • stagnant type.

Infections can affect the structure of the prostate gland at any age. This kind of pathology is dangerous for people who have promiscuous sex. Stagnation occurs with an inactive sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sexual abstinence, and lack of important vitamins or minerals in the diet.

Basic principles

Despite the growing popularity of alternative methods and the effectiveness of homeopathic practices, this area remains incomprehensible and mysterious for many. Homeopathy as a science is more than two hundred years old.

The main principle is to treat the disease with what is similar to it. Simply put, the medicine is selected that will correspond to the basic principles of the pathogenesis of the disease, as well as the structure of the patient’s body, the nature of his physical problems.

Taking a homeopathic product is carried out according to strict laws and clear rules. Ideally, medications will help get rid of pain, improve the process of urination, and increase potency.

Main therapeutic areas

Treatment of prostatitis should always be comprehensive, carefully planned, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body and the specifics of the patient’s lifestyle. Among the prerogative therapeutic regimens for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, the methods offered by homeopathy should be noted.

Therapy with homeopathic medicines is considered an alternative to the traditional practices of official medicine. The patient has the right to choose the method of treatment that he finds most justified and acceptable. Homeopathy is a unique treatment based on specific knowledge and techniques for influencing the human body.

Traditional methods:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • taking antiviral drugs;
  • correction of the immune response;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • physiotherapeutic effects;
  • manual therapy;
  • diet;
  • phytotherapy.

Advantages of alternative techniques

Homeopathy treatment should be carried out under the careful supervision of a specialist who is well versed in this area. Self-medication of prostatitis using these techniques can lead to disastrous consequences.

The main advantages of alternative therapy:

  • none of the drugs is capable of causing addiction;
  • almost complete absence of side effects that accompany traditional treatment with pharmacological products;
  • all drugs are suitable for active therapy and correct preventive effects;
  • the beneficial effects are felt throughout the body;
  • taking most medications is quite simple, convenient, and does not cause moral or physical discomfort.

Due to certain circumstances, the drugs used for homeopathic treatment of prostatitis are not as widely known as pharmacological products used in standard therapeutic regimens of official medicine.

The most popular homeopathic remedies:

  • sabal-gomaccord;
  • Prostate-Bioline;
  • edas;
  • gentos;
  • medorium;
  • aloe extract;
  • preparations based on belladonna;
  • aconite.

Progressive countries in Europe and leading clinics in the USA have been successfully using homeopathic medicines for a long time. Homeopathy is acceptable for relieving the unpleasant symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis. Most drugs are used to enhance the beneficial effect during physical therapy or manual treatment.

In modern medicine, homeopathy is considered one of the safe and effective options.

It is based on the use of special substances, individually selected for each patient, taking into account the nature of the symptoms present.

Each treatment method has its positive and negative aspects, and homeopathy is no exception.

The main advantages include the following:

  • therapy is carried out for any condition of the disease, even very advanced ones;
  • positive and impact on the entire body as a whole;
  • is not addictive;
  • can be used as ;
  • small percentage of side effects;
  • exception ;
  • long period of use is allowed;
  • the composition of the preparations consists of natural ingredients;
  • no allergic reaction;
  • good compatibility with other medications.

If the drugs are selected in the correct dosage, then it is observed, and the urination process returns to normal.

Disadvantages of treatment and contraindications

The main contraindication is non-compliance with the exact time of taking the drugs. Also, in case of sharp progression of prostatitis symptoms, treatment with homeopathic remedies should be discontinued. Taking drugs in the form of sweet pills is contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes.

The disadvantages include the following facts:

  • drugs do not have the desired effect in some serious and;
  • expensive specialist service;
  • You cannot self-medicate and you need to take medications only strictly according to your doctor’s prescription;
  • relatively long course of treatment;
  • cannot be combined with manual therapy often prescribed for prostatitis, and.

How is homeopathy used to treat prostatitis? Over the past few years, more and more often people are bombarded with advertising on television of various types. This is no wonder, because many men have begun to face this problem.

Prostatitis is a purely male disease and is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men.

What reasons can cause the disease?

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Urinary retention.
  3. Irregular sex life.
  4. Sedentary work.
  5. Infections of the genitourinary system.
  6. Smoking, alcohol abuse.
  7. Injuries.
  8. Constipation.

There may be many reasons, but whatever they are, a man, faced with this problem, sometimes feels shame and embarrassment. And the longer the diagnosis is not established and effective treatment is not started, the more difficult it will be to achieve results.

Before you start taking medications of any origin, you need to be examined by a specialist, and this adds stress to the strong half of humanity. But the problem of men's health must be solved immediately, at the first complaints, overcoming the discomfort associated with an examination by a doctor.

What types of prostatitis are there?

An examination carried out with modern equipment will allow us to determine the type of disease. Prostatitis can be bacterial in nature. In addition, it can develop into a chronic stage.

But do not confuse prostatitis with prostate adenoma. It's not the same thing. An adenoma is a benign tumor.

It is now commonly called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Treatment for adenoma and therapy for prostatitis differ.

  1. Problems with urination, pain, burning sensation.
  2. Sexual dysfunction, weak erection.
  3. The appearance of floating threads in the urine.
  4. Fast fatiguability.
  5. Chills.

These are not all the symptoms that appear with this disease. It is impossible to describe all the problems that may accompany a man exposed to such an illness.

Homeopathy for the treatment of prostatitis

What are the homeopathic methods for treating prostatitis? Some decide to be treated only with traditional methods, while others are looking for an alternative in the form of homeopathic medicines. Nowadays, the patient has the right to independently decide on who to undergo treatment.

Traditional treatment methods include antibacterial therapy using antibiotics. Many people, disillusioned with medication treatment, resort to other methods of healing. Currently, homeopathy is widely used to treat prostatitis. At the moment, countries such as Russia, the USA, and Germany are suppliers of drugs in this category.

Since there are many different homeopathic remedies available, it is important to consult your doctor.

According to the examination data, he will be able to prescribe the treatment that will be more effective in each individual case. For prostatitis, homeopathy is one of the effective treatment methods.

Benefits of homeopathic therapy:

  1. There is no addiction to the medicine.
  2. Side effects that are inevitable with drug treatment are excluded.
  3. Homeopathy can not only be treated, but also used for prevention.
  4. The effect extends to the entire body.
  5. Reception should be carried out according to the rules, at the appointed time.

As for point 5, this may alarm the patient. It is not always possible to take a pill at a certain time if you need to work or, for example, you are invited to visit or go on vacation. In this case, you can take the drug with you.

  • "Sabal-Gomakkord";
  • "Bioline Prostate";
  • "Edas-132";
  • "Androvit";
  • "Gentos"
  • "Populus Compositum";
  • "Medorium";
  • aloe;
  • belladonna;
  • aconite.

Don't try to prescribe treatment for yourself. The name of these drugs will not provide you with a clear picture of how and what to take. Only a specialist will help you choose the right treatment for each individual case.

Prostatitis is not a death sentence. It is very important to have the right attitude in treating men's problems. Often, men tend to keep silent about their illness, and when problems begin in their intimate life, they completely lose heart. Such a psychological factor can undermine family life. But there is a way out, and therapy started in time will allow you to continue to enjoy life.

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