Veterinary requirements for the export of dogs abroad. What documents are needed to transport a dog or cat? Documents for taking a dog abroad

Pets often travel with their owners. When transporting them by bus or rail transport, there are no problems. But how are dogs transported on an airplane? Rules for the transportation of these animals have been established.

Can you take a dog on a plane

Air carriers do not impose bans on the transportation of pets. They regulate certain rules. The carriage of a dog is carried out directly in the aircraft cabin or in the cargo hold. To do this, the owner must have the appropriate documents and permissions.

Important! When flying on international flights, a passenger with a dog must comply with the rules for importing animals of the country of arrival.

Many states establish strict norms for the weight of an animal that is imported into their territory. Customs services require not only certificates from a veterinarian international standard but also a certificate of breed.

Rules for transporting dogs on an airplane and in "luggage"

To travel with your pet, you must first obtain permission from the airline from which you purchased the ticket. According to the established rules, no more than 5 animals should be on board the aircraft. It is necessary to notify the company that the passenger is flying with a pet no later than 36 hours before departure.

Note. If a traveler arrives at the airport with a pet without obtaining permission from the air carrier to transport it, he will not be allowed to board the flight.

To transport dogs in the cabin of an aircraft, the following requirements must be met:

  • mandatory accompaniment of a pet by an adult;
  • the weight of the animal should not exceed 8 kg;
  • it should be in special cage, container (their size should not exceed 1.15 in width, length and height).

The animal should feel comfortable in it, freely lie down or stand up to its full height.

Passengers who carry pets as " hand luggage", seated in remote places: near emergency exits or toilet rooms. At the same time, travelers should have a first aid kit with them. On the high altitude Many animals experience discomfort and pain.

Animals weighing more than 8 kg travel in the luggage compartment.
To do this, you need to place them in special large containers or cages. Their size must be at least 1.55 m in width, length and height.

The passenger checks in such baggage in a special window. It is necessary to carefully check the correctness of filling out the documents for the container with the dog. It has a barcode on it. On it there is an automatic distribution of luggage. After that, the animal is placed in a special compartment with fixed pallets. So it will be much easier for him to transfer the flight.

What is important to know when booking

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting animals of the airline in which tickets are purchased. When booking, you must indicate that a dog is traveling with the passenger. At the same time, its weight and dimensions of the container are indicated.

Note. If the weight of the animal is 5-8 kg, you can clarify whether a soft small bag is suitable for transporting it.

You must also indicate the breed of the dog. It is worth considering that many airlines prohibit the transportation of brachycephalic dog breeds. It is better to book a place for a pet in advance, as the number of places on board for them is limited.

Before the flight, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian, who accepts directly at the airport. First you need to clarify the time of its work. You may need to arrive a few hours before departure.

Documents for transporting a dog in Russia

For transporting a pet around the territory Russian Federation certain documents are required. The first - veterinary passport . It is filled in by a veterinarian after the primary vaccination.

It contains the following information:

  • breed of dog;
  • her color;
  • nickname;
  • age;
  • Owner's name, address and telephone number;
  • vaccination data.

Your pet must be vaccinated against rabies before flying. This disease is dangerous for humans.

Important! All vaccinations must be done no later than 30 days before departure.

On the basis of the veterinary passport, they issue veterinary certificate state sample according to the form No. 1(usually this document is called the F1 veterinary certificate). It confirms the absence dangerous diseases in an animal.

It contains the following information:

  • Name of the owner;
  • route;
  • the name of the pet;
  • his gender and age, breed;
  • vaccination dates;
  • results of verification studies.

This certificate is obtained from the veterinary service.

Important! The validity of the document is 5 days from the date of issue. Therefore, it is received 1-2 days before the flight.

At the airport, the pet undergoes additional veterinary control. The procedure takes 40 minutes. Some air carriers recommend that passengers go through such control a day before departure. In this way, unforeseen situations can be avoided.

Documents for taking a pet abroad

To transport an animal on international flights, you must comply with the rules established by customs service countries of arrival. Transportation of dogs on an airplane abroad is possible only if they have international veterinary passport. Labels from vaccines that were made to the pet are pasted into it.

Initially draw up veterinary certificate of the state sample. Then it is exchanged for an international veterinary passport at the checkpoint. The document is valid for 90 days.

Note. The certificate of international standard must be kept during the trip. It will also be required when leaving a foreign country.

During the trip, the animal may get lost. Find out information about its owner helps chipping. This procedure, in which an empty capsule with a microchip is injected under the skin of a pet. He was assigned a unique number. It is read by a scanner. By this number, you can easily find out information about the owner of the animal. It is worth considering that microchipping is mandatory when traveling abroad.

Shipping cost

Transportation of an animal in the cabin of an aircraft is paid according to the rules of excess baggage. Only guide dogs can fly for free. As for charter flights, the cost of transporting a pet depends on its weight. It varies between 100-200 euros.

Carry Requirements

The container for transporting the animal must be made of durable plastic. You can use a cage or a soft bag as it. The latter option is possible when transporting a pet in the cabin.

Only one dog can be in one container. It should have special windows for air access.

It has information about the dog on it. When flying abroad, it must be transferred to English language. The bottom of the container is forgiven soft cloth. An absorbent diaper is placed on top of it.

There must be a collar around the dog's neck. The leash from it is placed at the bottom of the carrier or container. During the flight it is forbidden to fasten the animal. There must be a lock on the door of the container so that the dog does not get out of it on its own.

Preparing an animal for flight

It is forbidden to feed the animal 4 hours before departure. It is also not recommended to do this during the flight. First you need to take a walk with your pet so that he goes to the toilet. It is forbidden to give him sleeping pills and sedatives. They lower the pressure. Combined with jumps atmospheric pressure they can cause death.

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As soon as the time comes to get ready for vacation, the question immediately arises of how to be with your beloved dog. And many are wondering if it is possible to go? Yes, you certainly may! After all, many breeders and owners of champion dogs often travel abroad with their dogs to visit exhibitions.

Main difficulty taking a dog abroad is the need to draw up and collect the documents necessary for veterinary service at the border and customs.

Documents for taking a dog abroad

So, in order to bring a dog across the border, the following documents are required:

1. Veterinary book of international standard. It is better to immediately issue such a book so that it contains all the vaccination marks, the dog's name (according to the pedigree), the owner's full name, address, as well as the brand number (if any) and the microchip number. Entry into Europe of animals without a microchip is FORBIDDEN! Microchips must be of ISO 11784 standard. In non-European countries, a stamp may be sufficient (for purebred animals).

2. Veterinary certificate established sample according to the form No. 1. This certificate is issued in the state veterinary clinic (State veterinary district department, only it issues such a certificate, not a single private veterinary clinic does not have the right to issue it), 3 days before the date of departure, you go to the state veterinary department and receive this certificate. It states that the dog is vaccinated against infectious diseases, including rabies. The rabies vaccination must be done no later than 30 days before receiving the certificate, otherwise you simply will not be given it.

Based on all these data, you will be given a certificate that must be certified by the state veterinary administration, ask the veterinarian. clinic where this can be done.

This certificate at the border will be exchanged for an international certificate, according to which you will pass the veterinary control in the country of arrival. On the way back, you must obtain a similar certificate in the country of arrival.

3. Certificate from the cynological organization (RKF) for purebred dog . Help about what dog taken abroad, will not harm Russian dog breeding, that this is not the only representative of the breed (or the only standard) and his departure will not lead to the extinction of the breed from the country.

All of these documents must be completed in English.

Transportation of dogs abroad by plane

First, when buying a plane ticket, notify the airport staff that you take your dog with you to get her a seat on the plane. For example, according to the rules of the Aeroflot company, up to 4 dogs can be in the cabin. If your dog weighs less than 9 kg, then it will be allowed to be transported in the cabin, but in a special carriage (you will have to buy it in advance). When you check in for your flight, you must pay for the travel of the animal, calculated as the price for excess baggage, in the amount of the weight of the animal, at the rate for the first class (even if the dog travels in the luggage compartment).

The luggage compartment for transporting animals is a heated compartment separated from the luggage by a wall. Animals are transported in special containers rigidly fixed on the floor. The dog's cage should be 10 cm higher than the sitting dog's head and long enough to allow the dog to lie down with its front paws extended and turn freely.

In addition, there must be water in the container (best of all, a drinking bowl fixed on the wall). At your request, the veterinarian can give the dog an injection with a sedative before boarding.

The dog must be wearing a comfortable collar and an unfastened leash must be left in the box.

But for dogs in the cabin required condition- muzzle. And for any breed and size.

Do not forget about the rules of the host country. Many countries have restrictions on the importation of animals or special requirements to the passport. Check them out before your trip.

And the most important thing is dog quarantine upon arrival abroad. For example, in Cuba and Thailand, the quarantine is 14 days, in the USA - 1 month, in Sweden - 4 months, but in the UK and Cyprus - the quarantine is as much as 6 months.

Quarantine is mandatory for all imported animals and is paid by the owner ($150-600). The animal will be in a special customs office at the airport. Get ready for it.

  • dog must be walked
  • got drunk
  • no need to feed the dog
  • Place an absorbent pad on the bottom of the box
  • provide the dog with water for the entire period of the flight
  • If the dog is agitated and nervous, have the veterinarian give her a sedative or sleeping pill.
  • At least once every tourist who has pet thought about taking the dog on holiday. But, it rarely went beyond the idea, because bureaucratic problems immediately surfaced, which discouraged all desire to take four-legged friend with myself.

    Problems with veterinary documents, the risk of quarantine are just two of the many things that can get in the way of such travelers. But are the problems really unsolvable, and such a luxury can only be afforded by powers of the world this?

    Veterinary dog ​​passport

    Consider the most important requirements for dog owners who are planning a joint trip or a trip to international exhibition.

    And it all starts, like with people, with documents.

    Required documents

    The first document to be prepared is veterinary passport dogs. It can be bought at any veterinary clinic, but there will be difficulties with filling it. The main mark that should be there is information about rabies vaccination. It is also worth asking about other passport and vaccination requirements at the embassy of the country you plan to travel to. General rule- Vaccinations must be affixed no earlier than 6 months before leaving Russia.

    Second important documentinternational veterinary certificate. To get it, you must already have a completed passport, on the basis of which the document will be drawn up. This service is not provided by all clinics, and not in all clinics it is cheap. Indeed this is evidence only 3 days, so you need to draw it up immediately before the trip.

    You will also need certificate of absence of breeding value in the animal. This document is issued by two organizations: the Russian Cynological Association or the Union Cynological Organizations Russia. The request is most often made by the club where you bought your dog. Help also valid only 3 days.

    EU countries will require hallmarks or microchip at the dog. If everything has been clear with the stigma for a long time - almost all clubs still stigmatize puppies, then chipping an animal in our country has not yet taken such turns. The microchip is implanted near the pet's ear or neck absolutely painlessly and stays there until the dog's death.

    IMPORTANT: A number of countries at the time of entry of a pet require mandatory quarantine - several days to two weeks. The animal is kept in a special center at the airport or train station in the maximum comfortable conditions receiving stable nutrition and care.

    Veterinary certificate international standard

    Necessary things

    After receiving the documents, you should make sure that you have taken everything you need for the trip.

    Air travel with a dog

    If you are planning to travel with your dog by plane, get ready for the harshest requirements that a tourist can have.

    First, at the booking stage, you must notify your airline that you are flying with a dog. The policy of many carriers limits the number of dogs on board, so you need to be prepared at any time that you will not be allowed on the flight. But, as a rule, at this stage everything goes without trouble.

    You do not need to buy a ticket for a dog, but you will have to weigh it and pay for the weight of the dog as excess baggage. Although, some airlines (for example, a number of German air carriers) have introduced a flat fee for a "dog" seat.

    If your dog weighs over 8 kg, then they will not let her into the salon even in a carrying cage. For such animals, special carriers for the luggage compartments of the aircraft are sold at airports. An exception is a guide dog, which has a muzzle and a leash fixed on the owner's leg.

    If your dog definitely flies in the luggage compartment, then you need to choose aircraft with heated compartment- This is the IL-86 or the latest models of Boeing. At any time, you can visit your pet by going down the stairs to the luggage compartment with the stewardess.

    IMPORTANT: No airline will be responsible for the death or injury of a dog in flight, therefore, only you will have to take care of its comfort in the luggage compartment. Better to be inside the cage a warm blanket. It is also worth monitoring the availability of water and food.

    Transportation of a dog by train

    If you live close to the border and the journey is not that long, the train is a very good option for traveling with your dog. If all the formalities with the documents did not cause any complaints from the conductors, then there will be only a few nuances that, unlike the aircraft, are easy to solve.

    First, you will most likely have to buy the whole compartment. You can’t ride in reserved seat cars with dogs (and in Europe there is no reserved seat at all). Otherwise, the dog will have to be kept in the vestibule, which is also not the most the best option.

    Second, the passage of dogs on the train paid, and it costs like a 20 kg baggage ticket. If suddenly the pet weighs more, then you will have to buy a ticket for 40 kg of live "luggage".

    Transportation of a dog by bus

    Most often, this method is used by those who are taking their pet a short distance - to an exhibition or to a neighboring country on vacation. You won’t use standard bus routes here - you will have to order a special bus, fortunately - there are a lot of animal transportation services now.

    By ordering such a bus, you will definitely not regret it - traveling in the company of dog lovers will be doubly more fun, and the carriers themselves always treat animals with big love and care.

    carrier cage

    Transportation of a dog by car

    The easiest way, which does not require cages and other unpleasant attributes from you, is a personal car. If there are no questions with the documents, then the only thing that customs can find fault with is the lack of a muzzle. However, this issue can be resolved in a matter of seconds before crossing the border.

    Important information

    Before planning your trip, make sure that the hotel you are visiting is pet friendly. It is worth warning the management several months in advance, indicating the breed of the dog, and assuring that there will be no problems with documents and vaccinations.

    Also at the planning stage, you should take care of the insurance of your dog. Now a lot of companies are engaged in this, both in Russia and abroad. They insure their pets not only against an accident, but also in case of infection and other troubles.

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