How to calm nerves at home. How to calm the nerves and make them steel

The human nervous system, like any organ, wears out over time. Constant stress, unrest, quarrels, tensions, emotions have a very bad effect on her. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question of how to quickly calm the nerves and relieve stress at home, what herbs, foods and light exercises will help us with this.

How the human nervous system works

The central nervous system is a rather complex mechanism. The main components of the system are the spinal cord and the brain, which are reliably protected: the brain is protected by the cranium, the spinal cord is located inside the spine.

The nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Sympathetic system consists of a plexus of nerves that extend from the spine and provide innervation to organs in the human body. The role of the sympathetic system is to protect the body from stress, for example, with a strong fright, adrenaline is released. This does not happen by itself, the nervous system gives commands that manifest themselves in the form of frequent heartbeats, dilated pupils, sweating increases.

parasympathetic system it does the opposite - it calms the body. The adrenal glands receive a command to stop the release of adrenaline, the heartbeat returns to normal, breathing slows down, the person relaxes.

Main functions of the central nervous system (CNS)

The nervous system has quite extensive functions. Everything that a person does is controlled by this system. Breathing, heartbeat, the taste of food, the movement of blood through the vessels, the perception of aromas, the ability to see and hear, walk, jump - all this controls the central nervous system. The mental state of a person, emotions, the ability to speak, to perceive oneself and the world, is also in the power of the nervous system. These and many other functions depend on the state of the human nerves.

In order for the system to perform its functions properly, it is important to take care of your health and not neglect the tips that help keep our nerves healthy and calm.

Causes of a nervous state

Like the entire human body, the central nervous system can be depleted under the influence of various factors:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Infectious diseases that affect the brain and spinal cord.
  • Malignant processes in the brain.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Emotional disorders.
  • Overwork.
  • Frequent unrest and conflicts.

Why nervous disorders are bad for health

Often a person develops a habit of reacting sharply to everything. If this happens year after year, the result will be disappointing. Inability to control oneself can cause serious harm to the body and health in general. You need to learn how to quickly calm your nerves and bring your emotional state back to normal so that there are no consequences in the form of various diseases.

There are many cases of nervous overexcitation and tantrums that ended in a heart attack, a stroke. Also, manifestations of nervousness adversely affect the stomach, liver, endocrine organs. , gastritis, thyroid diseases are directly related to constant unrest, stress and nervousness.

What to do at home to calm down

The first and simplest thing that experts advise in order to quickly calm the nerves, find a comfortable and calm place, sit or lie down, close your eyes and slowly count to a hundred, without thinking about anything, taking deep slow breaths and exhalations. This is the simplest meditation for calming the nerves, the result of which should not be underestimated.

Washing with cold water will help you quickly calm down and gather your thoughts. Taking decoctions or infusions of soothing medicinal herbs will help normalize the nervous state and cheer up.

Herbal sedatives for nerves

  • You can make medicinal tea at home

- Melissa 1 tsp

— Water 200 ml.

Place a teaspoon of lemon balm in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for half an hour and drink to calm the nerves. The infusion has a sedative effect, when taken, the pulse becomes even, the pressure decreases.

  • Valerian roots

This plant is known to everyone as a very good sedative.

- Valerian root 10 gr.

- Glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the roots of the plant and leave for half an hour. Take the remedy throughout the day in small sips.

  • Hop infusion

— Water 200 ml.

Hop cones pour boiling water in a thermos. Infuse the remedy for half an hour. Take three times a day, 50 ml.

  • Wormwood

This herb has anticonvulsant and sedative properties.

- Wormwood 1 tsp.

- Boiling water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the grass and let it brew for one hour. Take the remedy three times a day before meals for a tablespoon.

  • Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is one of the simplest and most affordable remedies that helps with nerves. The herb can be brewed and drunk as a tea at home.

Brew one teaspoon of chamomile with one glass of boiling water, drink with honey.

  • Strawberry juice with milk

Mix strawberry juice in equal parts with milk. The drink can be drunk all day long, it is tasty and saves the nervous system from tension, acts as a sedative.

What else can you do at home to quickly calm down

  1. Bath with milk. It is necessary to draw warm, but not hot water into the bath, add three glasses of milk. Plunge into the water, lie down for a while completely relaxed.
  2. Fresh air also has a great effect on the human condition and helps to calm the nervous system. You can just open the window and breathe in the air, taking deep calm breaths, or take a walk in the park.
  3. A contrast shower is perfectly refreshing and helps to control emotions.

How to calm nerves with breathing exercises

Breathing exercises, calms the nerves and relaxes. To perform the exercise correctly, it is important to adhere to the rules that will help you perform gymnastics in order to calm down and relax.

  1. To perform breathing exercises, you must lie down or stand with a straight back.
  2. It is necessary to close your eyes, it helps not to think about anything and calms the nerves.
  3. Focus on controlling your inhalation and exhalation.
  4. Throw all negative thoughts out of your head and completely relax all muscle groups.
  5. It is necessary to imagine how the body is filled with oxygen. Muscles relax, a pleasant warmth spreads through the body.

Option one

Take a deep breath to inflate the stomach, while exhaling the stomach falls. When inhaling air, it is important to hold your breath for two seconds, you need to exhale air more slowly than inhaling for 4 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.

Option two

This process must be controlled, while inhaling, raise the collarbones, while exhaling, gently lower them. Repeat 15 times.

Option three

You need to inhale the air, starting filling from the abdomen, then the chest goes and the collarbones rise. Exhale in reverse, starting with the collarbones, then the chest and abdomen. This is a wave-like breathing, you can perform it 15 times.

The following exercises will be useful for brain function

Gymnastics helps the hemispheres of the brain cope with the load and activates their activity.

The essence of the exercise is to alternately breathe through the left and right nostrils. With the thumb of the right hand, you must first pinch the right nostril, then the left with the little finger. Alternately breathe first with the right, then with the left nostril slowly drawing in air: inhale with the left - exhale with the right, then inhale with the right - exhale with the left, etc.

Exercise for calming and relaxing

Perform light, slow breaths, fully concentrating on the exercise, put your hand on the solar plexus, breathe in with your stomach and chest.

stress relief exercise

Take a short and not very deep breath, hold the air in the lungs for four seconds and slowly, slowly exhale the air. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the process again.

The following technique is aimed at increasing the flow of blood to the brain - it will relieve excitement, nervous tension and anxiety. The palm of one hand should be placed on the forehead, the second on the back of the head. Inhale and exhale smoothly and evenly, holding your breath between them for a second.

Treatment of nerves and stress in our hands

Many processes in the body depend on the functioning of the nervous system. It cannot be assumed that stress, quarrels, conflicts will pass by themselves and will not leave an imprint on health. The best assistant to the nervous system is a person who controls himself and does not pour out his anger and emotions on others.

At home, you need to learn how to quickly switch from an increased nervous state to a calm one. If nervous tension is associated with work, then when you come home you need to learn how to leave all problems behind the threshold. You can turn on calm relaxation music to calm your nerves or listen to the sounds of nature, take a bath, spend an evening with family and friends.

You can not accumulate pain and resentment in yourself - this has a very negative effect on the nerves. To resolve differences, you need to find time to talk about the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere. Resolved problems fall down like a stone and a person feels calm.

Foods to help calm your nerves

In order for the nerves to be strong and calm, it is necessary to monitor the diet. Some experts argue that people prone to outbursts of anger, irritability, nervousness need to eat 350 grams of certain foods that will help you quickly improve your well-being and calm your nerves.

The list of products that favorably affect the functioning of the central nervous system includes chocolate, cheese, caviar, pork, beef, poultry, nuts and milk. These products are filled with tryptophan, an amino acid. Once in the body, the substance turns into serotonin, it promotes mental relaxation, a feeling of emotional satisfaction arises. Eating these foods in moderation can help calm your nerves and ensure a good mood.

And now watch this incendiary video, which literally in a minute will cheer you up and you will start dancing:

Modern people rarely lead a calm measured life. Each of us has enough problems of a different nature that can not only spoil the mood, but cause a whole storm of negative emotions. If there is a feeling of tension, irritability or emptiness, uncertainty, this means that the nervous system does not cope well with overloads. This condition can provoke problems with sleep, exacerbation of chronic diseases, headache. How to calm the nerves and relieve tension to help yourself? There are enough funds that relate to both traditional and traditional medicine. Let's consider the most effective.

How to quickly calm your nerves

These tips will help bring the nervous system back to normal, especially if they are performed in a complex manner. They are suitable for those who want to know how to calm their nerves without pills.

Breathing exercises.

The alternation of a deep breath through the nose and the same exhalation through the mouth 10 times, then 10 minutes of rest, can be repeated again. Performing this exercise, you should sit comfortably in a chair or on a sofa, close your eyes and relax all the muscles. Drive thoughts away.

Spa treatments.

Are you angry and looking for a way to calm your nerves? and visit the salon, where experts will help you recover with the help of a relaxation procedure.

Hot shower or herbal bath.

Water treatments are great for soothing the nerves, but hot showers and soothing herbal infusions are the most effective. If you turn on calm quiet music while taking a bath, then the tension is removed quickly enough. Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can fill the bathroom with your favorite fragrant foam. A hot bath gives a strong relaxing effect.


Try counting to yourself from 0 to 100 and back.

Communication with animals.

Domestic fluffies are excellent psychotherapists, their purring has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Walking barefoot.

Thus, the impact on the points located on the feet and responsible for certain organs and systems is carried out. In winter, you can scatter peas or buckwheat on the floor and walk, stepping on the grains.


This procedure helps and strengthen the immune system. Douche should be started using warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.

Jogging or brisk walking.

Physical activity effectively restores raging nerves.

Be alone.

For some people, the effective way and the answer to the question of how to calm the nerves is to be in a quiet environment alone with yourself. It is advisable to lie down, relax, turn off the phone. It is also good to fill the room with your favorite aroma with aroma candles or lamps.


Turn on some light relaxing music. You can download songs of this style to your computer. No need to listen to fast music or rock in a nervous state. This will only aggravate the condition.


When a person starts to get nervous, a favorite thing that brings moral satisfaction will help to switch and get out of this state. Someone likes to sew or knit, embroider or make something - any hobby will help to come to a state of balance.


It is good if there is an opportunity to walk through the park or just along a sparsely populated street. Fresh air has a positive effect on the body and restores the emotional state.

Calm the nerves with traditional medicine

How to calm the nerves, if the smallest problem drives a person crazy, the mood is subject to rapid changes, and the nerves “give up” for no apparent reason? In this case, you can turn to traditional medicine. Herbal decoctions give a good result, but they should be used if there is no allergic reaction.

  • Mint, Melissa, Chamomile. These herbs are considered the easiest means that have a calming effect, strengthen the nervous system and have a positive effect on the entire body. They can even be used by children.
  • Valerian. It is a powerful tool that effectively soothes shattered nerves, relieves anxiety, relieves insomnia. However, to get the desired effect, you need to take a decoction of valerian root for at least a month.
  • Motherwort. It is used as a decoction, and alcohol pharmacy or home tincture. The tool perfectly relieves phobias and anxieties.
  • St. John's wort. Perfectly strengthens the nervous system. If St. John's wort is taken systematically, then a person becomes more resistant to stressful situations.
  • Lime tea. A tool that effectively helps get rid of irritability, depression and chronic fatigue. It is good to add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to linden tea.

You can find many ways to calm your nerves at home, and then in a calm state look for ways to solve the problem.

Daily quarrels, failures in personal life and studies, rudeness of the boss - all this can wake up the beast even in the most balanced person.

Frequent nervous breakdowns exert adverse pressure on a person's mind by destroying neurocytes in the brain.

Unfortunately, most of the population prefers to calm their nerves with the help of pills prescribed by a doctor, which are often addictive and no longer have the proper effect on the central nervous system.

In addition, pharmaceutical preparations have a negative effect on internal organs, the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system suffer the most. Without thinking about the possible serious consequences, patients often treat one thing and cripple another.

Before the development of modern medicine, people treated their ailments with the help of various folk methods, this also applies to the nervous system.

Our grandmothers to this day vouch for the fact that treatment with the help of old proven means is only positive. They are definitely right and just about how to calm the nerves without pills, read below in an informative article.

In fact, you can calm your raging nerves quite simply. For example, Aromatherapy and warm baths are the most popular soothing therapies..

This method will help to relax, calm down and wash away all the negativity that has stuck to the day. Pleasant water temperature, sea salt, bath foam, candles and subdued light will help you forget all the not-so-positive moments of the day.

A couple of drops of soothing essential oil will help you truly immerse yourself in nirvana. When choosing oils, you should be guided by your sense of smell.

However, the following oils are the most relaxing for the body and mind:

Tea tree

In addition to the use of aromatic oils, it is recommended to use herbal baths two to three times in seven days. Take a handful of your chosen herb and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for fifteen minutes, strain and pour into the water in the bath.

The most relaxing effect is endowed with such herbs:
St. John's wort

After completing the full procedure, you will not only calm your nerves and relax, but also saturate your body with useful vitamins.

Pouring water- This is another of the most effective means to calm the nervous system. The first to notice the positive effect of douches on the central nervous system was Sebastian Kneipp, a physiotherapist.

Back in the nineteenth century, he determined and compiled the technology by which it is necessary to perform pouring.

It consists of steps where each item is performed five days in a row:
First point. Light dousing with cool water in the morning and afternoon.
Second point. The next step is to pour over the torso and knees.
Third point. Full torso dousing, bathing and back dousing.

Every day, adhering to the method of the scientist and following the instructions, you can easily get rid of nervous breakdowns and accompanying depression for a long time.

Wrapping in salty cloth also seems to be a good method to combat neurasthenia.. Folk healers recommend wrapping yourself before going to bed with a natural cloth, previously soaked in a saline solution.

Covered with a warm blanket on top, you need to lie down until the fabric is completely dry. After that, you can change into clean clothes. This technique must be repeated once every one and a half weeks, for two to three months.

After the performed procedures, you will forget about neurasthenia, if not for good, then definitely for a long time.

Yoga also occupies a leading place among the ways to recreate peace of mind. This practice came to us from India and found its fans.

There are many varieties of yoga, and all of them are designed to affect the physical and psychological level. Choosing the right direction for yourself is not difficult. An expert will help you master the first steps in this practice.

Subsequently, after you have mastered the technique enough, you can safely practice yoga in times of mental and mental discomfort.

With the correct training, you will feel how the air enters the brain centers and saturates them with oxygen. Therefore, if for some reason there is no time left for yoga, it is not forbidden to perform breathing exercises when it is convenient and in any place.

Massage not only perfectly relaxes the body, but also calms the nerves.. Modern salons provide a variety of massage techniques.

However, before visiting a massage therapist, talk to a doctor who will advise you on a specific direction in this kind of practice.

Tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants will help maintain your spiritual harmony. Preparing soothing drinks is easy. We will consider the recipes most useful for your nerves below.

1) Chamomile tea
A tablespoon of the color of chamomile pharmacy is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for five minutes. The drink should be taken at bedtime in half a glass.

2) Motherwort tincture
Take five grams of the "motherwort" plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the drink for thirty minutes to infuse, then stir in a teaspoon of flower honey. You need to drink the tincture slowly, about two times two hours before taking the meal.

3) Peony root tincture
A teaspoon of finely chopped roots must be poured with three glasses of boiling water and insisted for about half an hour. It is necessary to take the liquid three times a day, one tablespoon ten minutes before the feast.

4) A decoction of the bark of viburnum
Take an aluminum dish, into which pour six grams of ground viburnum bark and pour a glass of boiling water into it. Boil the mixture for five to seven minutes on a small flame. After the time has elapsed, let it brew for twenty minutes and strain the drink. It is recommended to take a decoction inside one tablespoon four times a day before serving meals.

Do not lose sight of the fact that calming naughty nerves without pills is as easy as shelling pears, if you divert your attention to something else.

So, for example, men can let off their “steam” by working out in the gym, and women have always been helped by shopping. If you feel that the edge of a breakdown is close, remember your hobby.

Every person has his own hobby, which brings great pleasure. So what else is needed to lower the boiling point?

Give yourself a day off and visit the forest, where you can always shout out and release anger. Agree, this is better than having fun with people close to you.

In unscheduled cases, it is not a sin to make an appointment with a psychologist. Qualified specialists will help you understand the problems, listen and help with advice.

Remember that it is much easier to treat the problem in time than to spoil the life of yourself and your surroundings!


Palpitations, sweating, tearfulness, disturbed sleep and appetite, irritability, when trying to force yourself to work, headache and irritation occur. Weakness, a state of weakness, a painful reaction to sound, light, laughter, and others are all symptoms of neurasthenia (neurosis).

Folk recipes based on natural ingredients will help to put the nervous system in order. Your choice of 18 best recipes from affordable and inexpensive ingredients. All the power of nature for your health!

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

1. Meadowsweet tea will soothe irritated nerves.

Reduces the excitability of the nervous system tea from meadowsweet (meadowsweet). You need to take 2-3 pinches of a dry plant, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water and drink like tea. The course is a month. Note: The prescription should not be used by people with increased blood clotting.

2. With insomnia, the mixture will help to improve sleep and calm the nervous system.

Mix 500 g of honey, 1 des.l. pharmaceutical tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, 3 lemons, minced, 1.5 tbsp. ground almonds or walnuts and keep in the refrigerator. Eat 1 tbsp. in 15 min. before meals and at night. Eat the whole mixture.

3. Lovage will help with nervousness and insomnia, pain in the heart.

1 tbsp crushed roots pour 1 tbsp. cold boiled water, insist at room temperature for 4 hours, strain and take 1/2 tbsp. 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. The course is a month.

4. Baths will put the nervous system in order.

1 tbsp. dry chopped grass motherwort, yarrow and valerian root brew 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew and, after straining, pour into a hot bath. Take such baths for half an hour, periodically adding hot water so that the temperature is comfortable. It takes 3 procedures to get rid of a nervous tic and restless sleep.

5. A collection that will calm the nervous system.

Mix 2 parts of willow-herb leaves (fireweed), 1 part of meadowsweet flowers and leaves, 1 part of peppermint and 1 part of nettle leaves. 1 tbsp brew in a teapot 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, drink a glass 2 times a day.

6. Motherwort will relieve severe irritability and irascibility, insomnia and pressure surges.

The juice of fresh motherwort should be squeezed out of the herb and before going to bed, take 30 drops per 1 tbsp. water. For the winter, this juice is prepared as follows: motherwort grass is passed through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with vodka in a ratio of 2: 3. In this concentration, motherwort juice is stored for a very long time and does not deteriorate. Take this tincture 20 drops 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp. water.

7. Lemon and motherwort will relieve irritability

To stop being nervous and regain your peace of mind, use a homemade tincture. Mix the zest of 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs and 1 glass of water. Pour boiling water over the mixture, leave for 3 hours in a closed enameled bowl and then strain. Take 1/2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day after meals.

8. Cucumber grass is an excellent remedy for heart neuroses, depressed mood and insomnia.

To prepare the infusion, use the stem, leaves and flowers of borage: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 4 hours, filter. Take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week.

9. Prunes and spices will strengthen the nerves.

To strengthen the nervous system, rinse a glass of prunes, put in a saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of Cahors, heat over low heat, add 5-7 black peppercorns, one bay leaf, a few clove buds, half a teaspoon of cardamom. Close tightly and refrigerate. Therapeutic dose - no more than 40 ml per day before bedtime.

10. Herbs will relieve nervousness and depression.

The following collection will help from neurosis and depression: centaury umbrella - 10 g, St. John's wort - 10 g, angelica root -5 g, - 5 g, red wine - 2 l. Pour the mixture into the heated (hot) wine. Let stand 12 hours. Shake, do not strain! Pour into glassware along with herbs and roots. In nervous and depressive states, give 20 ml of wine after meals. (The alcohol will evaporate when boiled. You can give 1/2 dose to children).

11. A mixture of nervousness, irritability.

With increased nervousness, irritability, eat a mixture of 30 g, 20 g of raisins and 20 g of cheese daily. It tones the nervous system, relieves fatigue, headaches, strengthens the heart muscle.

12. Collection from insomnia and neurasthenia.

To get rid of insomnia and neurasthenia, try this recipe: 30 g of valerian officinalis rhizomes, 30 g of peppermint leaves, 40 g of three-leaf watch leaves. Pour everything with a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for about 45 minutes. Strain, squeeze the raw material and add boiled water to the original volume. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

13. With neuritis and neurasthenia.

For neuritis and neurasthenia, use a decoction of raspberry leaves and stems. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. leaves, hold on low heat for 5 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can also make a tincture of raspberry leaves and stems. Pour 3 parts of vodka 1 part of raw materials, leave for 9 days, strain. Take the first 10 days, 20 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals; the next 10 days - 30 drops 30 minutes before meals; third ten days - 50 drops 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. If possible, take at the same time with tincture of raspberry leaves and stalks an infusion of willow-tea leaves: pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. leaves and leave overnight in a thermos. The daily dose of infusion is 0.5 liters. The course is a month, a break is 7 days. Repeat as needed.

15. Herbs for diseases of the nervous system.

16. Collection from neuroses.

With neuroses, the collection will help: valerian root - 4 parts, thyme, oregano and motherwort grass - 5 parts each. 2 tbsp mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours, strain. Drink three times a day before meals, starting with 1 tbsp. and gradually increasing the dose to 0.5 tbsp. Such preventive courses can be carried out 2-3 times a year for 10-12 days.

17. Cherry for neurosis

Cherry helps relieve stress and get rid of neuroses. 1 st. pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped cherry tree bark, bring to a boil, leave for 5 minutes, filter. Taking 1-2 glasses a day before meals, you will forget about neuroses for a long time!

18. Balm for nerves

Balm for centenarians 250 grams of pine nuts under running water, rinse, dry, detail. Pour nuts into a two-liter jar, pour half a liter of good vodka, add 250 grams of sugar and keep in a dark place for 14 days, stirring gently every day. After two weeks, carefully drain the liquid, and again add 200 grams of sugar and half a liter of vodka to the nuts. Another 14 days to insist. Then combine the two solutions, strain and drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Strengthens the nervous system and prolongs life.

Almost everyone faced with the fact that they began to notice manifestations of previously unusual emotions and feelings: anger, aggression, irritability, irascibility, apathy, uncertainty, anxiety. But all this refers to the signs of a nervous breakdown, caused, as a rule, by overwork, feelings for any reason. Such situations are especially typical for people who hide and accumulate their emotions. But not without reason they say: nerves are not made of iron. Any system, including the nervous system, sooner or later fails. It is not worth ignoring such signals, since the central nervous system is responsible for our entire body, and the consequences of not relieving stress in time can affect your health.

Of course, the ideal option is to learn to completely control your feelings, emotions, to stop all their attempts to master you in the bud. You will be able to stop taking the unpleasant situations that await us all around to heart. Breathing exercises and meditation techniques will help in this. Courses teaching these techniques are currently available in most cities. Choose the time and sign up for them, because peace of mind contributes to solving a lot of problems. Increased demands on yourself is a direct path to a malfunction of the central nervous system, so try to get rid of inflated claims to your personality. Be sure to indulge yourself at least on weekends by devoting time to your favorite pastime, which brings sincere joy, a sense of satisfaction. In order not to break loose on loved ones, it’s better to be alone for a while, listen to relaxing music, take a bath with airy foam and soothing herbs, remember your favorite moments from the past, it’s better if it’s something funny. Just don't shut yourself up, that's not the way out. No less effectively overvoltage is removed by walks in the fresh air, jogging in the morning. Just do not overdo it so that physical devastation is not added. Massage is also very effective. Sign up for a treatment or do it yourself, preferably with essential oils. If possible, watch your favorite movie, or even better, go to the cinema. Try to get enough sleep. For nerve problems, adjust your diet. Enter papaya, orange, green beans, sweet potato, all green vegetables, milk, yogurt, pasta, dark chocolate, oats, honey, nuts into it. Give up coffee, it is a causative agent of the nervous system. Forget about alcoholic drinks, they make it easier if it becomes, then for a very short time, but then it will only get worse. It is better to drink a decoction of wild rose, fruit drinks, soothing herbal teas from lemon balm, mint, fireweed, thyme, motherwort, linden flowers. If you need to calm down urgently, throw out your emotions on some object (box a pillow, kick a sofa, write an angry letter, pressing hard on a pen or pencil - paper will endure everything). Stock up on ordinary balloons and, if necessary, blow out all the negativity in them, trying to do it quickly. Find a deserted, quiet place and put all the anger into your voice by allowing yourself to yell. Have you tried breaking dishes? It's a pity and you don't want to get out, do you? Believe it or not, some people purchase unbreakable cups and plates specifically for this purpose. Nerves, as they say, are more expensive. In order not to be rude to relatives or colleagues in the heat of anger or irritation, instead of a momentary answer, hold your breath for as long as you can, then imagine yourself as a boiling kettle and mentally let off steam, while exhaling in reality. Or, turning on your imagination, personify yourself with a fish that, with all its desire, cannot answer. Believe me, with due imagination, this helps, some people break out into uncontrollable laughter. What kind of rudeness is there? To calm your nerves, use drugs such as Persen, Valemidin, Novo-Passit, Glicised, Adonis-bromine, Valerian, Corvalol and Valocordin drops. Eglonil, Phenibut, Aminazin, Triftazin, Moditen are very effective, but a doctor should write a prescription for them, consult a neurologist. Keep in mind that these tools are not so harmless. It will not be superfluous to resort to folk methods and procedures. Try this: combine two tablespoons of lemon balm and a liter of dry white wine, insist for half a month in a dark place, not forgetting to shake. Then strain the infusion, drink 30 ml three times a day. Or take thyme, plantain, motherwort, crushed rose hips, valerian roots, two teaspoons each, pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. Take after meals, one teaspoon twice a day. This recipe will also help: pour one hundred grams of hawthorn fruit with a glass of hot water, boil for a quarter of an hour. Drink 100 ml every day.

Remember that nervous strain is fraught with hypertension, endocrine disorders, stroke and heart attack, oncology. This will serve as a reason to avoid once again stressful situations and monitor your health.

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