The dog hiccups all the time. The dog hiccups for a reason! Determine the cause and start treatment

Dogs hiccup quite often. Some dog breeders notice that this happens after eating or fright (especially in puppies), and it happens that the causes of hiccups are not noticeable and initially not clear.

A hiccup is a sharp reflex inhalation that is associated with repeated contraction of the diaphragm.

Why does the dog hiccup?

In a dog, hiccups can be long-term or short-term, depending on the causes of its occurrence.

  • The hiccups that a puppy has or adult dog after sudden filling of the stomach. This happens when a dog eats too fast and greedily. The same hiccups occur if the dog eats dry food and does not have enough water. Therefore, it is better for puppies to soak dry food in water.
  • The puppy may hiccup after violent games with you or peers. His nasopharynx just dries up and he needs to drink.
  • Also, puppies often hiccup from hypothermia, especially if they are a small short-haired breed or. Then you need to wear it even in the apartment, because the puppy stays on the floor, where there can be drafts.
  • If the dog hiccups for a long time, the reasons may be more serious: ingestion foreign object, diseases gastrointestinal tract(for example, acute gastritis), dirofilariasis.

With prolonged hiccups, a heart attack may begin or it indicates a lesion of the central nervous system if the animal has been transferred serious disease( etc.).

What to do when a dog hiccups?

  • With short-term hiccups after eating, the dog needs to be watered warm water. You can also give your dog a piece of sugar to eat.
  • If the puppy eats too quickly and swallows air, but refuses water after eating, you can gently massage his stomach. Puppies also need to be wormed regularly.
  • If the hiccups persist, some dog breeders advise taking the animal by the front paws and lifting them so that he stands on his hind legs for a while. This exercise costs about three minutes.
  • Did the hiccups go away this time too? Then you need to inject the dog with metoclopramide. It is a specific dopamine receptor blocker that soothes hiccups, especially if they are associated with gastrointestinal problems.

If for your dog prolonged hiccups- not uncommon, you need to contact the veterinarian and undergo an examination. Most likely with the health of the dog serious problems and she needs treatment for some disease.

Hiccups are characteristic not only for people, but also for animals. Dogs are no exception. If you speak with medical point vision, then this phenomenon occurs as a result of spontaneous contraction of the diaphragm with an unexpected and sharp breath. In most cases, hiccups do not pose a health risk and go away on their own, although they cause noticeable temporary discomfort, preferably after eating.

Puppies are more vulnerable in this regard than adults. This is due, first of all, to an undeveloped system of the digestive tract, weak internal ligaments, increased mobility and nervous excitability.

The following factors can provoke natural hiccups in animals:

  • Binge eating. Especially in cases where the dog eats mainly dry food and consumes insufficient water. A sharp filling of the stomach above the norm leads to the expansion of its walls, squeezing the diaphragm, excitation nerve endings and, as a result, hiccups.

Important: to prevent hiccups after eating, it is recommended to soak dry food in warm water.

  • Rapid swallowing of food. With a hasty and greedy absorption of food, a lot of air bubbles enter the stomach, which inflate its walls, and then the body begins to behave in a similar scenario with overeating. Most often, similar situations occur when several pets live in the house at once. When feeding, each of them will try to eat more, snatching food in front of the “nose” of their competitors and swallowing it without chewing.

Important: food should be cut into small enough pieces, and feeding bowls should be placed on special supports in accordance with the height of the dog.

  • Increased activity. After cross-country walks and violent games in dogs, the nasopharyngeal mucosa may dry out, which often provokes involuntary hiccups. A similar picture is also observed when the animal, after waking up in the morning or daytime sleep abruptly jumps up and runs, barely regaining consciousness. This is especially true for breeds with a choleric temperament.

  • Hypothermia. The most sensitive to cold are short-haired, smooth-haired and small decorative dogs. With insufficient heating of the room or the presence of drafts, such pets must be “insulated” even at home.
  • Fright. From surprise and fear, the animal makes a sharp deep breath, in which the diaphragm contracts and causes contraction of the intercostal muscles. As soon as breathing returns to normal, the hiccups disappear.

Causes of unhealthy hiccups

If the dog hiccups not only after eating, active physical activity or hypothermia, that is, it makes sense to contact a veterinarian to determine the causes of the pathology that has arisen. Perhaps the problem is this:

  • Job disruption digestive system. This may include various disorders stomach (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence), indigestion, worms, etc.
  • Damage to the nervous system. When an animal is ill with enteritis, meningitis or distemper, along with hiccups, there may be a partial loss of coordination, muscle trembling, lack of focus and other symptoms.
  • Destabilization respiratory system. In this case, the dog will be characterized by the presence of shortness of breath, coughing, snoring, as well as excessive irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • Penetration into the stomach of foreign bodies. These can be small toys, threads and ropes, parts of dishes and other household items. Severe intoxication can be expressed in such symptoms: vomiting, increased salivation, muscle weakness, cyanosis of mucous membranes, tremor.

How to get rid of hiccups

You can help your pet at home in the following ways:

  • Do a stomach massage after eating. Especially indicated for puppies recently weaned from their mother. Since the digestive organs are not yet fully formed, with the rapid ingestion of food, intestinal peristalsis is disturbed. Massage is performed by light stroking movements in the abdomen.
  • Plentiful drink. To relieve a hiccup attack, you need to give your dog warm water to drink, as well as feed her a piece of sugar. Sweetness will help relax the nerve receptors and return to normal breathing patterns.
  • Divert attention with games. By switching the animal to another wave, it will help relieve tension from the nerve endings and help stop the hiccups.
  • Look like hind legs. In other words, make the dog "dance" by taking it by the front paws and thus placing it in vertical position. The air accumulated inside rises to the throat and comes out in the form of a burp.

Medical methods of struggle

If the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, you can inject the dog from hiccups. Drug options:

  • Cerucal. Blocks the receptors causing spasms and subsequent hiccups.
  • Seduxen, Tazepam. They belong to the category of tranquilizers that limit the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Aminazin. An antipsychotic that acts on the central nervous system to achieve an inhibitory effect. It should be remembered that after an injection, the animal may fall into a drowsiness, which is normal reaction organism.

Prolonged hiccups can also indicate an impending stroke or heart attack, so at the slightest suspicion of such diagnoses, it is urgent to take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

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It happens that the puppy suddenly starts to hiccup. This happens often, but the reasons why this happens are not known to every owner. Particularly sad little puppy, who suffers from prolonged hiccups, because you really want to solve his problem as soon as possible. Most often, hiccups that appear in dogs are completely harmless. In fact, it is a rapid spontaneous breath, which is associated with the diaphragm and its contraction. Hiccups can be both short-lived and protracted.

Dog hiccups: causes

  • A foreign body has entered the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Infection with helminths;
  • If the animal began to hiccup after any injury, then other characteristic symptoms may appear;
  • Hiccups may indicate malfunctions in the nervous system;
  • sleeping in awkward position the dog hiccups due to a pinched vagus nerve;
  • Choleric dogs, which immediately jump up and run after sleeping during the day or night, may also encounter this problem.

growth related disease

Many experts say that hiccups in dogs are completely normal. This kind of phenomenon is called growth disease. Irregular and short-term episodes of it during the passage of animals through the stages of physical and psychological development are considered quite normal. As they grow older, the intensity and frequency of hiccups decreases significantly. Therefore, hiccups are often encountered by dogs whose age does not exceed fourteen months.

There is also an opinion that hiccups are a reflex phenomenon that remains in puppies after being in the womb. So they strengthen the lungs and muscles of the gastrointestinal tract while they "live in water." If the hiccups last less than an hour, then there is no reason to worry.

Games and food

If hiccups appear in an animal after eating, then this associated with too rapid filling of the stomach when a dog greedily consumes food. In some situations, this phenomenon also appears in puppies consuming dry foods and insufficient water. Together with dry food, the pet involuntarily swallows air with its mouth, which causes the diaphragm to contract, entering the stomach and lungs. It also happens when the dog starts to lick.

In this case, it is desirable to increase the amount of liquid in the dog's "menu". Experts also advise pre-soaking dry types of food in clean water.

Also, hiccups can begin if the puppy has recently finished frolicking with his relatives. Reason - parched nasopharynx. In order to solve the problem, the dog just needs to pour water. You can also put the puppy on its hind legs and hold in this position for several minutes.

Another fairly common cause of diaphragmatic contractions in animals is considered to be severe stress or some significant disturbance.


Often puppies hiccup because they are cold. Therefore, many owners dress their dachshunds, Yorkies, Chihuahuas and other pets in special overalls, even at home. At the same time, the animal should be protected from exposure to drafts, and in windy and frosty weather it is recommended to reduce walks to a minimum.

The presence of worms

Prolonged hiccups in puppies can also be caused by helminthic invasion. Try to remember how long ago you gave your dog anthelmintics. If more than six months have passed, it is advisable to repeat the course of treatment. Dosage anthelmintics is directly dependent on the mass of the individual and its age. It is best to consult with an experienced veterinarian on this matter.


Continued hiccups can also mean more serious problems. For example, nasopharyngeal foreign body. Also reasons include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, etc.);
  • dirofilariasis.

It also happens that the puppy starts to hiccup because of CNS lesions(central nervous system). In this situation, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian immediately for a thorough diagnosis.

Protracted hiccups are often a harbinger heart attack. Therefore, watch how your four-legged friend. It is possible that he will need an ambulance.

If the problem occurs only from time to time, and not constantly, then the owners can use a drug called Cerucal. If the puppy hiccups, then this remedy can help him. However, it is able to pacify hiccups only if it is somehow associated with malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug should be used only after consulting a specialist.

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All dog owners know that their pets hiccup occasionally. This happens quite often, but few people know why it happens. I especially feel sorry for the puppy, which is plagued by hiccups, and so I want to help him quickly.

Why does a puppy hiccup, and what to do about it?

In order to understand why a puppy often hiccups, you need to know the nature of this phenomenon. Hiccups are called involuntary breath of air, which is often and rhythmically repeated. It is directly related to such a process as diaphragm contraction. Indeed, it happens that a puppy often hiccups, but it is necessary to separate when this phenomenon is short-term or long-term.

Short bouts of hiccups are not dangerous. They are associated with too sharp filling of the stomach. That is, the puppy just needs to eat more slowly, and there will be no seizures. In addition, hiccups for a short period of time occur when dry food is consumed in combination with a small amount of liquid. You just need to give the puppy more to drink, and the problem will resolve itself.

Prolonged hiccups are much more dangerous. The fact that the puppy hiccups for a long time, maybe next reason- a disease associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, hiccups can occur due to the presence of a foreign body in the puppy's body. It can also be a complication after a serious illness.

If the hiccups don't last long, just give your puppy warm water to drink. Another tip: take pet by the front paws and make him stand on his hind legs. The hiccups should go away in just a minute.

With long-term hiccups, you should not guess, because the reasons can be different, and often very serious for the health and even life of the pet. Therefore, in this case, you need to urgently contact your veterinarian and he will give advice on treatment and.

Uncontrolled contraction of the diaphragm causes hiccups, which have several causes, but usually last a few minutes and are not a cause for concern.

Most often, puppies hiccup, but adult pets also have respiratory problems. Hiccups lasting more than an hour are a reason to seek help from a veterinarian.

Causes of hiccups in dogs

Most common cause is the swallowing of air that enters the in large numbers into the stomach and lungs, causing spasm of the diaphragm and the appearance of jerky involuntary sounds. Air can get in if the animal quickly absorbs food or greedily drinks water.

excitement nervous state, stay in stressful situation also causes hiccups in dogs.

Puppies usually hiccup after waking up and eating, some babies may even hiccup in their sleep. Veterinarians have their own opinion on this matter, due to the fact that babies still have a rudimentary reflex that was developed when the puppies were in the womb. The reflex allows babies to strengthen the lungs and muscles of the esophagus.

As a result of drying of the mucous membranes during long and active walks, uncontrolled contraction of the diaphragm may occur in animals.

There are other causes of hiccups in dogs that are associated with diseases in the pet. In such cases, a number of signs appear, upon detection of which you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Such reasons include damage to the nervous system, which can be a complication after suffering the plague, helminthic invasion, asthma, stroke, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases.

Other reasons leading to convulsive contraction of the diaphragm include the ingress of a foreign body into the stomach, inhalation of air containing irritating substances.

How to stop hiccups in dogs

The goal is to change the rhythm of breathing. There are several ways that are effective if diaphragm contraction is not one of the signs of disease.

You can offer your dog water, as drinking water is known to help stop diaphragmatic spasms, or give your dog something to eat. Drinking or eating food will allow you to change the respiratory process and stop the contraction of the diaphragm, but you cannot force the animal to drink or eat.

You can play with the animal, because during the game the respiratory rate changes. Another way is to take the pet by the front paws and lift them up. for three minutes.

Distracting activities can help stop hiccups in a dog. To do this, you need to create an effect of surprise, distract the animal with a rattling, squeaky toy. Unexpected sounds act as a fright on a person, having experienced which the hiccups stop.

You can stop hiccups in a dog with light massaging movements in the chest and abdomen. Light massage will relax the muscles and normalize breathing. Agitated or stressed dogs should be tried to calm down by talking to the animal in a calm tone, stroking, and also removing the source of stress.

For regular and severe bouts of hiccups without symptoms, your veterinarian may prescribe medications stopping spasms of the diaphragm.

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