Which teeth are primary and which are milk. When do milk teeth change? Correct order of tooth loss

Waiting for the first milk teeth in a baby is an exciting and pleasant time, although it is accompanied by some inconvenience. However, one expectation is soon replaced by another. And now mom and dad can’t wait until the baby teeth begin to change into permanent ones.

Changes associated with the growth and loss of teeth in a child always raise a lot of questions. One of the first - when the first molars appear. Answer: 6-7 years old. The rest you will learn from our article.

Growth and change of milk teeth

It is interesting to know that milk teeth begin to form when the baby is in the womb. And after birth, development begins in the gums permanent teeth. This is a long and exciting process, the duration of which depends on the characteristics individual development little person.

Normally, an adult has 32 teeth, 16 each above and below. At small child there are fewer of them - only 20. The critter begins to lose its milk wealth as soon as the formation of permanent teeth in the gum ends. They erupt, displacing temporary teeth.

Features of dental care

The sooner you teach your child to take care of the oral cavity, the healthier his teeth will be. Cleaning is necessary for both molars and milk teeth. And the first permanent teeth especially need this, because at first the enamel is still very thin. She lacks minerals to resist germs and cavities. Therefore, experts recommend using a paste containing fluorine. It is highly recommended to rinse your mouth after every meal. clean water. During the day, it is advisable to consume less sweets, because. sugar destroys enamel.

Sometimes in the process of changing teeth, there are discomfort in the gums and itching, there are complaints of hypersensitivity while eating. Calcium-containing foods and vitamin-mineral complexes help strengthen teeth. To give practical advice a qualified pediatric dentist will be able to relieve pain and itching, as well as prescribe vitamins.

Teeth grow crooked: what to do?

The curvature of the molars can appear literally out of the blue, even if dairy row was perfect. Most common cause bulging of individual teeth or their distortion is a slow growth of the jaw, while the teeth themselves grow at a normal rate. Thus, there is simply little space for the teeth, and they take up space above the neighboring ones. Another cause of curvature is the habit of sucking a finger, tongue or foreign objects (pacifiers, pens, etc.).

It is possible to determine whether the baby’s oral cavity is developing correctly at about 5 years old. Conduct a simple inspection at home and pay attention to the gaps between the teeth. If they are sufficient for the appearance of the first molars, then everything is in order. If the milk teeth sit very tightly to each other, then it may make sense to visit an orthodontist.

Extraction of a milk tooth: in what cases is it necessary?

The desire of many parents to snatch baby tooth immediately after he began to stagger, can be explained by the desire to help the child, to ease his suffering. However, this should not be done. With natural loosening, changing teeth is less painful.

There are two good reasons for prompt removal tooth:

  • when it prevents the root from cutting through, and this can lead to curvature;
  • when there is an inflammatory process.

You can also remove a tooth if it has been staggering for a long time and strongly, causing discomfort to the crumbs. In case of other concerns, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

Tooth fell out: what are your actions?

With a normal change of teeth, the wound does not bleed after falling out. In this case, it is enough for the child not to eat or drink for the next 2 hours. This will prevent the entry of irritating substances into the wound, as well as infection. As a prevention of infection, you can make a rinse solution: 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine.

If the cavity in the gum bleeds, do not be afraid. This only speaks of the rupture of thin vessels under the tooth. You can stop bleeding by biting cotton swab for 5-10 minutes. If after that the blood is still flowing, call a doctor and get tested.

Caries of milk teeth: prevention and treatment

Caries of milk teeth - common problem at babies. Many parents do not give her special significance, relying on the early loss of the affected tooth, and make a mistake. A neglected infection can provoke deformation of the jaw, displacement of the molars, as well as their defeat even in the infancy.

Most often, caries is detected at the age of 2-3 years, and on the appearance dark dots affects not only poor hygiene, but even the lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy. Improper nutrition taking strong medications, and bad habits often provoke the development of caries in the process prenatal development baby.

Caries also often occurs in premature babies, in children under artificial feeding(especially with prolonged use of bottles), as well as in babies with problems gastrointestinal tract. Often the teeth of the sweet tooth are affected. The plaque that remains after eating sweets quickly destroys thin enamel.

Immediately after the appearance of the first milk teeth, we recommend visiting the dentist. In the future, it is necessary to examine the oral cavity at least once a year. This is the main method of prevention and timely treatment.

To strengthen, you can remineralize the enamel with a special preparation. If, nevertheless, a surface spot is found, it can be “patched” by silvering. Additionally, the application of solutions containing fluorine, calcium, magnesium and silicon will help to strengthen the surface of the teeth.

  • Yellow plaque
  • Brown plaque
  • The process of the appearance of teeth in a child is always interesting to parents, so they keep track of which milk ones have fallen out and which permanent ones have come out. However, there are situations when it is not clear whether this is still a milk tooth in the mouth of a toddler or already a root. How are they different and how can you recognize them?

    What is the difference?


    This is the name of the first teeth that appear in a baby under the age of 2.5-3 years. They begin to erupt in most babies at 6 or 7 months, when mandible babies "peck" the first central incisor. Soon his “partner” also comes out, after which the incisors are cut on upper jaw, lateral incisors below, first molars, canines and second molars until the child has 20 teeth.

    This amount will remain until about 5-6 years, after - the time will come for the eruption of the first molars.

    Change of milk teeth to molars begins at the age of 6-7 years


    This is the name of the permanent teeth, which begin to be cut at an average of 6-7 years of age. The first of the molars to erupt, occupying the sixth place in the dentition, and only after that the milk teeth begin to fall out, and in their place they begin to be cut. permanent replacement. At the same time, there are more molars - there are 32 of them in total, although in childhood in most cases, only 28 of them are cut through.

    The last four (“wisdom” teeth) appear later than the others, sometimes even over the age of 30-40 years.

    If a child's milk teeth erupt only 20, then the molars will have at least 28

    How to distinguish dairy from indigenous?

    It is possible to determine whether a tooth belongs to milk teeth or to indigenous teeth by its:

    • Size and form. Temporary - small in size and more rounded, and indigenous - larger.
    • Coloring. The color of milk teeth is often white with an indistinct blue tint, and permanent ones, due to the presence of more mineralized tissues, are distinguished by a yellowish tint of enamel.
    • Location. The growth of dairy occurs vertically, and the molars are slightly directed with their crowns outward to the lips and cheeks.

    Let's take a closer look at how to understand whether a milk tooth is in a baby's mouth or is already permanent, taking into account its serial number in the dentition (the number is counted from the midline outward):

    1. If the tooth is the sixth or seventh, then it is the root, because there will be only five milk teeth on each side of the jaw.
    2. If you are looking at the fourth and fifth tooth, pay attention to the crown. Milk teeth in this place are distinguished by wider crowns and the presence of four chewing tubercles. If these are already permanent teeth, which are called premolars, they will differ in a smaller number of cusps (there are only two of them on each tooth) and narrower crowns. In a disputable situation, the tooth is compared with a similar one on the other side of the dental arch.
    3. When deciding whether a third tooth (canine) is permanent or milk in a child, its shape and size should also be taken into account. Milk fangs are smaller, and by the time of the physiological change, their sharp tips are worn out. The permanent canine teeth are longer, and their tubercle has a distinct pointed apex.
    4. Looking closely at the incisors (the first and second teeth), first of all, their size is also taken into account. If they are temporary, they are about 4-5 mm wide and about 5-6 mm high. In permanent incisors, the width of the crowns is greater - about 10 mm at the central and about 6-8 mm at the side. In addition, at the age of eruption of permanent incisors, their cutting edges are uneven (with small tubercles), while in milk incisors, by this age, the edge will always be smooth and even.

    Do all dairy change to indigenous?

    In order for a child to have molars, absolutely all milk teeth must fall out. Some mothers think that milk molars, due to their large size, are permanent and do not fall out, but this is not so. They will also fall out in due time, allowing the permanent premolars and molars to erupt.

    Wisdom tooth - indigenous or milk?

    Wisdom teeth are the four teeth that erupt last. According to their location in the dentition, they are also called "eights". Since they represent the 29th, 30th, 31st, and 32nd teeth in a person's mouth, there is no way they can be milk teeth, because there are only twenty milk teeth. In addition, they are cut at the age of over 17 years, when not a single milk tooth should normally remain in the child's mouth.

    Wisdom teeth are undoubtedly molars

    What to do if the root grows behind the dairy?

    The situation when the molar tooth has already “hatched”, and the milk tooth is in no hurry to fall out is not uncommon. In this case, you should wait a while, allowing the milk tooth to loosen and leave the dentition.

    If more than three months have passed since the appearance of a permanent tooth, and the milk remains in the gum, it is worth going with the child to the dentist.

    Can the root stay in the gum?

    Starting from the age of five, the roots of milk teeth begin to dissolve. This process takes quite a long time, for example, the root of each incisor resolves within two years, and it takes about three years for the complete resorption of the roots of molars. However, all roots dissolve sooner or later, and only after that the teeth fall out, so they cannot remain in the gum.

    What teeth change in children and in what order? It is considered erroneous that the entire dentition changes in a child. During a person's life, only 20 teeth change. Initially, 8–12 erupt as permanent. "Sixes" - the first molars in children. They appear before the prolapse of the central milk incisors.

    Milk teeth fall out: when and in what order?

    Deadlines may vary. They depend on individual characteristics of development. This process is long and most often painless, asymptomatic. Gradually resolves milk root, then it starts to wobble and falls out. What do you need to pay attention to?

    • Dentists recommend loosening, swinging milk teeth during their change. Children can perform this procedure on their own.
    • A milk tooth can sit tight and interfere with the growth of a permanent one. It is shown to consult a dentist and remove the interference. If this is not done in a timely manner, the permanent may grow crooked or in the second row.
    • After treatment, milk roots dissolve slowly. More often than not, they have to be removed.
    • If the wound bleeds after falling out, let the child hold a tampon, a piece of sterile bandage and hold for several minutes. It is advisable not to eat for 2 hours after a tooth falls out or is removed. Let the child refrain from hot, cold, sour, salty foods. Do not allow to actively rinse the wound! A cork is formed in the well, which protects against the ingress of microbes.
    • It happens early. What can this lead to? The free space in the jaw leads to the displacement of the remaining milk teeth, then the permanent ones will begin to grow crooked in due time. Here you need to consult a pediatric orthodontist.
    • The pattern of loss of milk teeth in children is always the same. Usually, they drop out in the same sequence. In most cases, the process of prolapse begins with the lower jaw.

    Baby teethBeginning of root resorption, ageDurationprolapse, age
    Upper and lower central incisorsfrom 5 years old2 years5–7 years
    Upper and lower lateral incisorsfrom 6 years old2 years7–8 years
    Molars small (upper and lower)from 7 years old3 years8–10 years
    Fangs upper and lowerfrom 8 years old3 years9–11 years old
    Molars large (upper and lower)from 7 years old3 years11–13 years old

    Comparative analysis of milk and permanent dentition

    Permanent teeth: features of eruption

    Eruption orderNameAge in years
    1 Lower central incisors
    1st molars, upper and lower
    2 Upper central incisors, lower lateral incisors7–8
    3 Upper lateral incisors8–9
    4 lower fangs9–10
    5 1st premolars upper10–11
    6 1st premolars lower, 2nd premolars upper10–12
    7 Canines upper, 2nd premolars lower11–12
    8 2nd molars lower11–13
    9 2nd molars upper12–13
    10 Third molars upper and lower17–21

    The eruption of molars in children also occurs according to the scheme. What do you need to pay attention to?

    • Vulnerability. The child's permanent teeth have a pulp bigger size compared to adults. Wherein hard tissues are just being formed, so they are easily exposed external influences. This is especially true for the "sixes". They suffer the most. Elementary precautions: the exclusion of too hard and viscous food. This includes nuts, candy, toffee.
    • Period. Between dropout temporary tooth and permanent growth may take 4–6 months. This is the norm. If six months have passed, and a permanent one does not appear in the hole, you should definitely contact a specialist. Perhaps the tooth does not have enough room for eruption.
    • Growth rate. The front incisors grow rapidly. Much slower - fangs. The growth of premolars and molars can be difficult and lengthy. The reason is the large eruption area.
    • Terms of eruption of permanent teeth in children: violations. Terms depend on heredity, developmental features, transferred infections. Eruption delay can be explained physiological cause: Tooth germs have not yet formed. There is nothing dangerous in this. it idiosyncrasy. It is also possible that the tooth is not properly positioned in the bone tissue. These and other abnormalities can be detected by a doctor with the help of X-ray diagnostics. What can violations lead to? To various defects: location outside the arch of the dentition, malocclusion, inclination, rotation, etc.
    • Molar teeth in children: temperature. Sometimes children may complain of soreness, swelling, itching of the gums, general fatigue. Most often, the temperature rises when molars are cut. The reason - in a large area of ​​inflammation of the gums. Pain syndrome also increases in this case. If the molars exceed 38 ° C, it is better to give the child
      1. The need for phosphorus. Not without fish! For cooking, use lean varieties sea ​​fish.
      2. More calcium. A variety and abundance of dairy products is desirable.
      3. Vegetables and fruits. First, this is the source essential vitamins. Secondly, solid food accelerates the process of loosening milk teeth. It is important to load the jaw during this period.
      4. Limitation of sweets. A deplorable item for children. However, it is sweet foods that lead to the formation of lactic acid, which negatively affects enamel and hard tissue.

      Change of teeth in children - additional load on the body. It will be useful to take a multivitamin complex.

      Loss and teething is a self-regulating process in the human body. It actively participates bone tissue, endocrine and nervous system. Orthodontic problems are possible here, which, with a variety modern methods corrected successfully.

    Milk teeth got their name from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who was convinced that they are formed from mother's milk. Did you know that the change of milk teeth does not always occur? In the absence of the rudiments of permanent crowns, a person can pass with milk crowns all his life, up to old age.

    When teeth should change normally, what this process depends on, what deviations can be, and how to prevent them - read in our article.

    Terms of change of milk teeth

    The process begins at age six or seven, but some children lose their teeth at age five or eight. If this happens much earlier or later, parents should definitely show the child to the dentist.

    Factors affecting the timing:

    • Heredity. Very often, the change of teeth in children takes place at the same time as that of their parents in childhood.
    • past infections;
    • metabolic problems. Violation of the metabolism of substances occurs due to rickets, phenylketonuria and other diseases that affect metabolic processes;
    • dyspepsia - disturbances in the work of the stomach;
    • lack of rudiments of root molars. Similar pathologies occur even in the prenatal period due to pathologies during pregnancy.

    How are milk teeth replaced by permanent teeth?

    When milk teeth change, their roots begin to gradually dissolve, giving way to new ones.

    How is this mechanism started?

    1. All the rudiments of permanent teeth are separated from the milk roots by a bone plate. When the molar rudiment begins to develop and increase in size, it puts pressure on the bone plate.
    2. During this process, osteoclasts appear - cells that dissolve the mineral component of the bone.
    3. In parallel with the “attack” of osteoclasts from the outside, the tooth experiences internal changes: its pulp (vascular-nervous tissue) is modified and terminated in granulation tissue which also contains osteoclasts.
    4. Thus, milk roots from the outside and from the inside are exposed to osteoclasts and are absorbed.
    5. Only one crown remains: it begins to wobble and soon falls off, because it simply has nothing to hold on to the jaw.

    Often this process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general malaise. When the tooth "breaks away" from the row, there is slight bleeding. Normally, it stops after 3-5 minutes.

    1. The first to fall out are the central incisors - at the age of six or seven.
    2. At seven or eight years, the turn of the lateral incisors comes.
    3. From nine to eleven years - the first molars, from nine to twelve - the lower canines.
    4. Later than all - from ten to twelve years - fall out upper fangs, first and second molars of both jaws.

    For most children, the process of replacing milk teeth with molars takes five or six years and lasts until the age of thirteen or fifteen.


    Do all 20 milk teeth change?

    Everything must change. If some of them have not been replaced by indigenous ones, you need to see a dentist.

    How to help a child with loss of milk teeth?

    It is important to provide your child good nutrition: include foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, fluoride, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also recommended to exclude sweets to the maximum. Great importance should be given to oral hygiene (ideally - brushing after each meal).

    When bleeding at the site of a fallen tooth, the child should be given a bite to eat with a sterile cotton or gauze swab.

    If the body temperature has exceeded 38 degrees, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs (Panadol, Nurofen and other analogues of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen).

    When is dental care needed?

    You can’t do without consultation or professional help from a dentist if:

    • there is increased swelling and pain in the gums;
    • The root molars have already shown themselves, but the “temporary” molars have not yet fallen out. They must be removed, otherwise the constants will grow crooked;
    • dairy ones have fallen out, but indigenous ones have not yet appeared. In such cases, they can erupt crookedly.

    What to do if teeth grow crooked?

    Make an appointment with an orthodontist and start treatment. Incorrect bite is corrected with plates, braces, trainers.

    Can I get vaccinated when baby teeth are changing?

    If the child has a temperature - it is impossible. If it does not affect your health and well-being in any way, you can.

    To make sure that your child's teeth change is going well, we recommend that you have regular check-ups with a pediatric dentist.

    Teeth grow twice in a lifetime - by 2-3 years (milk) and 11-12 (permanent). How does the replacement process take place, which teeth do not change in a person?

    When do children's teeth fall out?

    At normal conditions shift starts at age six. Dairy units 20, permanent - 28. 20-25 years - the age of the appearance of the third molars. They do not grow in everyone, but the absence (complete or partial) is not considered a pathology. The order of teething in children reflects the table.

    The figures are relevant for both jaws, except for canines and molars: the lower ones change before the upper ones. There are no premolars that erupt for the first time at the age of 10-12 in the milk bite. Shedding occurs as the roots dissolve from the top to the base.

    Scheme of changing teeth.

    Will molars change? The term is called molars ( chewing units) that cut through twice. The name is also used for permanent units, growing once and remaining until the end of life.


    Loss and growth rarely occur with difficulties, but problems are possible:

    1. Deadline violations. Changes are driven by individual factors. If missing unpleasant symptoms, the child's complaints of pain, inconvenience, there is no reason for unrest. But early loss provokes malocclusion: neighboring teeth tend to take the vacant place. The doctor, after diagnosing, will decide on the installation of a prosthesis.
    2. retention(eruption stop) occurs due to incorrect bookmarking, lack of space, inflammatory processes, premature removal of milk. Orthopantogram () will detect the cause of retention. Used for treatment hardware method, stimulating eruption, in the absence of results, an operation is performed.

    Prevention of retention - control over the condition of milk teeth, elimination of caries.

    Prevention of retention - control over the condition of milk teeth, elimination of caries. If removal is required ahead of schedule, it is recommended to install children's prostheses: soft temporary, easily removable structures.

    3. Signs of inflammation. Usually, the change process is painless: the gums are prepared for the growth of massive units, the roots of milk in children dissolve gradually. If the teeth fall out with the appearance of edema, a rise in temperature, severe pain, go to the dental office: the symptoms accompany the inflammatory process.

      • It is possible to loosen a swinging tooth, accelerating the loss. It is impossible to shake strong units. Dentistry operates with the concept of "spatial balance", for the preservation of which it is not necessary to accelerate the natural process.
      • When milk does not fall out, but appears nearby new tooth, consult a doctor: it may grow crooked or in the second row.
      • After falling out, a bleeding wound appears. For a while, it is worth giving up hard foods, carbonated drinks, spices that irritate the mucous membrane. Cauterize wounds with alcohol, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide is prohibited.
      • Empty spaces on the gums cause chewing difficulties. Offer your child mashed, soft foods so that unchewed pieces do not enter the stomach, disrupting work.
      • During the shift, there is a high need for phosphorus, which protects against caries, and calcium. Expand your child's diet large quantity dishes from fish, cottage cheese, dairy products.

    • Limit sweets. The acid left after their use corrodes thin enamel, provoking the appearance of carious cavities.
    • Choose those containing a specially selected combination of calcium and fluoride.
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