Wish for the night to a man. What lies behind the said phrases. Voice is better than "dry" SMS

In just a few years, the world has completely changed. Today modern people cannot imagine their life without phones and the Internet. Lovers strive to be always in touch. The material will tell you how to write wishes Good night in your own words to a boyfriend or husband.

Time for correspondence

Everyone who ever had even the simplest mobile wrote a message. Good birthday poems, a few phrases with parting words or congratulations on a minor victory.

People know a lot about the dangers and benefits of short news. Psychologists have also studied this problem. But experts have not found an unequivocal answer to the question of whether SMS is good or bad. Some scientists are inclined to believe that such things distract a person from work and scatter attention. Other researchers claim that short texts help fight bad moods.

Whatever the conclusions of the experts, everyone will agree that wishing good night in your own words to a guy, a beloved husband, will not bring harm. Especially considering the fact that the partners send the message closer to midnight. This is the time when all worries and troubles have a hard day left in the past. It is then that you should tune in to a strong and pleasant rest.

The power of writing

American scientists have proved that in the body of everyone who receives a positive text from loved one, increases the level of the hormone of happiness. Especially a surge of such energy is required for people who often suffer from depression and melancholy. Perfectly struggling with sadness wishes good night. Beloved guy in your own words can warm the soul. it The best way cheer up a loved one. He will receive a good SMS and understand how important he is to you.

But this situation has another negative side. Experts have determined that a partner gets used to such positive charges, that is, to electronic scribbles. Subsequently, a character whose psyche reacts sharply to even the slightest changes will perceive the absence of a wish as warning sign. Consequently, new, absolutely far-fetched problems will appear. Therefore, it is better to first hint to your loved one that on this day there will be no good night wishes. The guy should explain in his own words that you will not send SMS due to lack of funds or employment.

Tenderness at midnight

Contrary to popular belief, strong half humanity is also delighted with affectionate and sweet phrases. No matter what stage of your relationship you're currently in, a well-written email will always come in handy. Both in the stage of the bouquet and candy period, and after ten years married life partner will be pleased to read

If playing, you can send: "In dark time I especially miss your light for days. Sweet Dreams Honey".

If you treat the task with soul, then it will turn out beautiful wish Good night. The guy should describe his feelings in his own words. Send your soul mate next text: “It’s a pity that you are not with me now. I want you to hug me! I hope we meet tonight in a beautiful vision."

The following phrase will be no less touching: “If I could, I would weave a dream for you from the lace of stars. Instead of a pillow put fragrant herbs. I would cover my body with a blanket of sun rays. Love you!"

For a strong and soft night

Feel free to show your affection. Call the person you adore by names that you often use. Know that men are no less eager for romance than women. And most likely, your soul mate will respond to SMS.

Light, gentle phrases will also help you compose wonderful good night wishes for your beloved guy. In your own words, it is easier to reveal the intentions of the soul. If today the muse did not visit you, then use the following message: “My life is empty without you. When you are far away, dreams are gray. Come back to me soon! I kiss your eyelids. May good visions come to you."

If you have checked your feelings and can confess your love to each other without hesitation, then feel free to compose frank and sincere messages. For example, your betrothed will like this wish: "My love is enough to protect your sleep even at a distance."

Way of reconciliation

Good night wishes (in your own words) will please the guy. Especially in the case when you are just starting to build joint happiness. If the relationship does not allow you to write a message whose content hints at great love, then it is better to avoid such SMS. But you can send: “Everyone closes their eyes, because they want to doze off as soon as possible. And only you and I - because this will allow us to meet each other in a dream.

Gratitude can be the basis for a message. Psychologists say that sincere words and praise cheer up. Positive emotions are especially needed when the couple's relationship is unstable, and lovers only master the art of understanding. Such a letter will hint that the daytime quarrel will not affect the further course of events.

In the event that the evening ended in a misunderstanding, SMS will help you write a short text in your own words. If a person answers, it means that he absolutely plans to continue building love. You can send: “I remember my first dream about you! I don’t want to dream of the last one today.”

Little Humor

The strong half of humanity is very fond of jokes and anecdotes. A big plus for a woman is the ability to make her boyfriend laugh. Therefore, a text with a humorous context would be appropriate. For example: “Today we sleep separately, so don't forget to set the alarm. After all, you will dream of me. And such visions drag on.”

No less interesting is the following message: “This night I ordered for you erotic dream. Tomorrow I will check if you remember everything well. A fan will be pleasantly surprised from such a letter: “I decided to wake up your conscience! Call and wish me good dreams, I can't sleep."

If you approach the task with enthusiasm, then you will definitely get a good night wish for the guy in your own words. Short texts always the most accurate.

Double benefit

Each such letter is a kind of crumb of love and care. Sometimes it's the little things that save couples. After you send the SMS, keep your phone nearby. Most likely, your loved one will call you back and say thank you for the wish. If not, do not worry, perhaps at this very moment he is dreaming about you.

The main thing in such texts is sincerity and warmth. If your soul is burning with such feelings, then the phrases will come to mind. In the morning, be sure to fix the result with a message with the content: “I wish have a good day! Waiting for our meeting".

There are a variety of good night wishes in your own words. A guy should choose those that match his nature.

It should also be noted that not only the partner will enjoy the letter, but you yourself. Such a creative process brings a lot of pleasure, and also strengthens the senses.

Good night my love
You are the best of men.
You are gentle and unique
And I love you very much.

Let good dreams come true
The nightmares will be gone forever.
In your sleep you will smile
And happiness will be here and there.

I miss you during the day
So I miss you.
And I'm waiting for the time when again
I can hug you.

I understand you are busy
Enough hustle and bustle for the day.
And I'm waiting for the evening when
I will see you again.

I love to be with you,
Talk to you for a long time.
And you are tired and dear
You return home again.

"Good night," I'll say.
And I look gently.
You rest, my love,
I will be bored without you!

The stars whisper softly outside the window,
I wish you sweet dreams
I asked them to say hello,
Kiss you from me.

Sleep, my love, it's time
Things are waiting for you tomorrow morning
Close your eyes soon
And let me into your dreams.

We will walk beside you,
Let's hug and joke
We will lie on the clouds
Run together in the meadows.

I promise I will come to you
I'll kiss you, I'll take your hand
My dear, sweet dreams
Will be next to my love!

Good night my love
Good night dear.
I want to always be close to you
Like a sky with a sad moon.

But I know it's impossible
After all, you are far from me.
And all I have to do is suffer
To be a lonely star

Good night my love
Good night, my dear.
And let us both dream
That we are together again!

My beloved, forever yours.
Only the moon knows about it.
I will only tell the night
About how much I love you.

You are a guiding star.
I will only love you.
I will fly to you in a dream
Good night, whisper!

Good night my love
Beautiful, sweet dreams to you,
Let the magical night give
Pleasant captivity of their shackles.

Let the pillow be soft
And the sheet does not slip
Let the blanket be warm
Let the bed lure you.

I want you to sleep comfortably
Let your body rest overnight
Try not to think about anything
Rather, my dear, sleep.

Good night my love
You are tired for the day with me.
You are always diligent at work,
So rest, please!

I always appreciate your concern
Your efforts are not in vain.
At least sometimes you are my favorite
Have some pity on yourself!

Forget about everything in the world now
Switch to rest.
Good night my love
And see your dreams until the morning!

You had a hard day...
How are you, my love?
Go to sleep quickly,
Rest, my dear.

It's getting darker outside the window
Night turned to evening.
You fall asleep, and the faster
There will be our meeting.

We'll see you
I'm looking forward to it very much!
Now lie down, dear.
Sleep. Goodnight!

Good night my dear
Sleep under the stars
Let nothing disturb
your nice, sweet Dreams.

Don't think about anything bad
Rest and sleep
This quiet, moonlit night
Gain more strength.

The stars whisper softly to you
The moon sings the cradle
I wish you good dreams
I love you very much.

Gently kiss on the cheek
I will send my affection
Good night my dear
I want to wish you!

I wish you good dreams
I hug you tenderly
I appoint our meeting,
I'm waiting in a dream!

Get some sleep, darling
My desired, my beautiful,
Gain strength, and in a dream,
I will come to you dear!

I send you butterflies of my kisses. Let them touch your lips and bring you vivid dreams where we walk together on the clouds.

I promise I will come to you with the first morning sunbeam and warm your beautiful features.

A night without you is a thousand hours long. Only the memories of your gentle caresses keep my heart from freezing.

I invite you to a date in a dream. We are waiting for a walk through the Garden of Eden - rather close your eyes.

Look at the sky: every star will tell you how much I love and miss you. How many stars in the sky - so many tender kisses I am ready to give you.

Let Moonlight caresses your tender features and shower you with the kisses of the stars, and the night breeze will whisper to you how much I love you.

Only the night knows mine main secret- I love the most tender, the most beautiful, the strongest and the most smart man in the world. Let her reveal my feelings to you.

I saw a shooting star and made a wish - be next to me and caress my heart.

I love the night so much when you are around, and just hate it when you have to fall asleep in an empty bed. Come at least a sweet dream.

I give you the most bright star in the sky! Her light will never fade, just as my love for you will not fade.

I will come to you with a gentle dream, I will touch your gentle lips with my lips, I will leave a delicate aroma of love on your sheets, I will whisper in your ear: “You are my only one!”

Close your eyes and listen - the gentle melody of my confessions will lull you to sleep and take you to the land of fabulous dreams.

This night I can't sleep. Bloomed in my heart beautiful flower- love for you.

Sleep tight, my beloved, and I will guard your sleep, drive away bad thoughts and pray to heaven to grant you happiness.

I wish you dreams, sweet as oriental treats, tender as clouds, bright as the most beautiful flowers.

Falling asleep, think of me, and then I will be the happiest, knowing that the night will not be able to separate our loving hearts.

Fall asleep to the quiet whispering of the stars in the sky, they will tell you how much I want to be with you tonight.

While I'm not around, let the moon guard your dream. Only she knows how sad my heart is away from you.

Your kisses are sweeter than chocolate, your hugs are warmer than a duvet, the melody of your voice is sweeter than any symphony. I fall asleep dreaming of you...

I want to guard your sleep every night, whisper hot confessions and give unearthly kisses. My love will fall on your pillow like a tender petal and gently touch your lips.

Falling asleep, I whisper your name and it leaves a sweet aftertaste on my lips.

I am sending you a message from moonlight, let him give you a bright pearl - my tender kiss.

Night fell on the ground, and in my soul it shines bright sun- all because you gave me your smile today.

Today, wait for me to visit in a dream. I will not come alone - with me will be Love, Tenderness, Sincerity and Passion.

Let the night breeze bring on its wings to your bedroom my quivering kisses and gentle caresses.

Let the angel of magical dreams tell you this night the most beautiful story - the story of our love.

So brutal and serious that he may not appreciate the wide gesture of attention that you are going to give him, then you are very much mistaken. No matter how firm and unshakable your chosen one may seem to you, we assure you that deep down he is very soft and gentle. By at least, in relation to you. And if you want to give him some positive emotions and positive, then no prejudice should prevent you from doing this.

A pleasant wish good night to your beloved man in your own words can charge him for a calm and deep sleep. And the next day, when he wakes up, your sincere words uttered for him the day before will still glimmer in his heart. Of course, in order to maximize strong effect, you need to think carefully about the text of the wishes. So we would recommend that you, before acting, familiarize yourself with the list of options presented and choose at least one of them.

the site will give you everything you need to please your man before going to bed. Let him fall asleep with thoughts of you, and let him know how dear he is to you and how much you appreciate and love him.

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and restful sleep. So that you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your dream! Gently kiss, tightly hug and very very madly in love with you !!

Congratulations on mobile

Good night my love. I wish you a good and wonderful dream, so that you sleep well and wake up in good mood and with soul inspiration. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

Outside the windows is evening. Narcissistic stars twinkle in the dark sky. Everything calms down and gets ready for sleep. The crazy rhythm of the day is gradually forgotten, it's time to rest. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my love. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate. But so far this is not possible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, good night and sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your nightly peace.

Favorite! Thank you for having me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But we are separated by night and distance. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed soon. Personally, my eyes are already drooping. But just don't forget to close the curtains tighter. Tonight is not cloudy. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a beautiful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. May your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Unless I can wake you up early in the morning with Best wishes for a new day. I look forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

I'm at home all alone, lying in a cold bed and thinking about you. I could not stand it and grabbed the phone to wish the most beautiful and smart guy on the planet a quiet and good night!

Darling, it's hard for me to fall asleep without the touch of your hands, I miss you, I look at the ceiling and imagine how you approach me, smile, kiss, how we enjoy each other without getting tired! I wish you good night, my love, and I believe that my dreams will come true. May this night give you a sweet and sound sleep that will energize you for the whole day. May the dreams that you will see give you a smile and a sense of calm. 'Cause every night I only think about you. And I know that even though we are not together now, our souls are outside, always together. We will always be there, if not in reality, then in a dream. Good night dear.

My sweet, my desired, my dear, I wish you good night. May your dream be strong and fabulous, may it fill you with new strength, vivacity and great enthusiasm. I wish you to get up from that foot in the morning, recharge positive mood and an unshakable desire to move mountains.

Let the night hug you with its fluffy and tender paws, sing you a lullaby and give you the most wonderful dream in the world! Good night to you my beloved man!

Everyone knows that the most important thing in life is love. I was convinced of this myself when I met you, my beloved. I'm so glad that I have you my only, favorite and most main man on the ground. I want to always be with you, not parting for a single minute. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you. Good night, my unique one. May you have the sweetest dream, may your night rest nothing worries. May the angel protect your peaceful sleep.

On this frosty winter night, I want to warm my boy with my love! May you be warm like never before, comfortable like nowhere else and calm in your soul as if I were there! Sweet dreams my dear!

My tenderness, dear, good,
Sleep well, my soul.
Let you dream tonight
A dream of color in which I will be.

Let our future castle dream,
The garden is huge, the sky and flowers.
May you be in knightly armor,
In the whole world there will be only us.

May the universe give you happiness.
The one you see in your dream.
The stars at night let them all shine clear
So that in a dream I could come to you.

Sleep darling, my dear,
In a dream we will meet with you
And we'll be together forever
How we dreamed then.

Your sweet dream guards
My beloved angel
I love you, he knows
And he is also in love with you.

Even though we're not together now
Together we will be in your dream
At least for a moment, at least not for eternity,
In our paradise.

Sleep sweetie, let's be together
About love we watch dreams
And dream of a heavenly place
Where we spent all our dreams.

My love, good night
Forget about all the worries of the day.
I confess that my heart wants
In a dream so that you can see me.

Let the night be a boundless river
And lulls loving.
I am the best, passionate, gentle
Forever I will be for you.

Good night my dear
And don't worry about problems.
Oh, how happy you are!
It can't be any more calm.

I'll sit on your shoulder
And I will say thank you
I am heaven, my destiny
Because I love you.

Good night my love!
Today was not an easy day.
Covered the world with a night shadow,
Entangled in an irresistible dream.

Oh, how I loved, suffered,
Oh, how I dreamed of you!
And I'm grateful to fate
That she connected us with you.

I, in my thoughts, stroke your hands.
I even have brief separations
It's not easy with you.
Love is stronger than all shackles

Full of tenderness and pain.
And even the wise men of science
They cannot connect even two words,
When they are captured by love.

I love you with all my heart
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Good night sweet dreams,
Be happy, cheerful and healthy!

I want to tell you my love
You are the most important thing that I have.
Good night - I wish you
You are like steel armor to me.

My dear, my beloved,
Sleep tight and rest
I will always be by your side,
You are my man - my dream!

Let all thoughts go free
Gentle evening warm, like a blanket.
Let the anxieties and worries go away.
Tomorrow you will meet the sunrise.

Good night I wish you.
I hug you mentally.
I dream of a future meeting
As before, tremulously loving!

My love will wrap you in warmth
So that you, beloved, sleep very soundly,
May this night be filled with magic
So that you suddenly get into a marvelous fairy tale!

I will be a beautiful queen
And you are my wonderful king!
I love you so tenderly and so passionately
After all, the heart burns with fire every moment!

The day subdued again -
Can you sleep baby
I want to hug you,
Wish you good dreams!

Sleep, my man!
My good, my hero!
The kindest, honest, his -
To the end of the world for you!

Sleep has been knocking on you for a long time
And the soft bed beckons to sleep,
Let it good sleep you dream
So that you can have a very sweet rest!

In a dream I will gently kiss you
And firmly, with all my heart, I will hug!
Our beautiful, great love
I will give in a dream and in reality!

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