Man wants he does. Desire is the most important thing. When a person wants, he does everything to achieve this, despite the obstacles.

Discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.

“Never” is the very word that God listens to when he wants to laugh.

Everyone can love when everything is good. And only a few, no matter what.

Love is the desire to make someone else happy. Wanting someone else to make you happy is attachment.

The wise man does what he sees fit; the fool sees fit in everything he does.

A man can do what he wants, and if he says "I can't". it means he doesn't want to.

A gentle person does what is asked.
A callous person does not do what is asked.
A stupid person does what is not asked.
A smart person does not do what is not asked.
And only a wise person does what needs to be done.

Man often makes mistakes. Moreover, all his life he is only engaged in making mistakes. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. The main thing is to notice the mistake in time and correct it.

All the most precious things in life are nearby! The main thing is to understand in time that this is the most expensive thing.

“When a person wants something, he looks for opportunities, and if he doesn’t want it, he looks for reasons.” If you are looking for reasons, then maybe you are just not ready to change yourself? Then I can't help you.

Often callers say: "I really want to lose weight, but..."- and a lot of arguments are given. Let's take a look at everything "but..." so stubbornly interfere with the implementation of plans for weight loss?
If you have your "buts" - write, and it may turn out that this is not a problem at all.

“I really want to lose weight, but I can’t deny myself anything ...” And you don't need to. I promise that your diet will be varied and you will choose your own products.

“I really want to lose weight, but the constant feeling of hunger makes it difficult to concentrate on work, not to mention how it spoils my mood ...”
Your food will be sufficient so as not to feel deprived. Burnt fat gives so much energy and uplifting that it brings people out of severe depression.

“I really want to lose weight, but how hard it is to give up your favorite treats! After all, in our difficult life there are not so many joys ... "
You don't have to sit on steamed fish without salt. You can fry, boil, pickle, season everything with mustard, tomato and mayonnaise. You can salt and sweeten the dishes as much as you like.

“I really want to lose weight, but I don’t have the time or energy to cook separate dishes for myself ...”
You don't need to cook separately. You can cook for the whole family. Unless, instead of cereals and potatoes, prepare yourself a vegetable side dish or a salad of fresh vegetables.

“I really want to lose weight, but I have a whole “bouquet” of concomitant diseases, and I am afraid of even more harm to my health ...”
Our wellness program Therefore, it is done not only by those who need to lose weight, but also to improve their well-being. We have already seen many times that after the program the test results and well-being have improved a lot. Good results for high blood pressure, insomnia, migraines, leg and back pain, snoring, diabetes, depression and more.

“I really want to lose weight, but I don’t have time to go to a fitness club…”
To lose weight, it is not necessary to torture yourself physically. It's enough just not to lie on the couch all day. The program is done even by disabled people who cannot move much, especially go in for sports.

“I really want to lose weight, but I don’t trust different pills and capsules…”
There are no fat burners in the program. You will lose weight on how you eat, when and what. But a weakened body will be worse at giving away reserves. Therefore, simple vitamins are recommended during the program. This is a good restoration of strength and normalization of appearance. You do not want to look tortured and saggy after losing weight.

“I really want to lose weight, but without spending money on it ...”
You may not spend at all. After all, if we want to buy a car, we have different options. Get it as an inheritance, pick it up at a landfill and repair it (and the view is not very good and breaks often), buy it from hand (not new and without a guarantee) or buy a new one in a car dealership and with a guarantee.
So it is here - if the figure is not obtained from nature, I can tell you how and what to do, it costs nothing. You can pay for a consultation and not spend money on vitamins.

“I want to lose weight so much, but I don’t have willpower ...” There is no need for willpower. There will be enough. I will control, suggest the first time, reporting, you will be more responsible for the implementation. I guarantee moral support!

“I really want to lose weight, but then the weight will come back…” The program does not take into account overall weight loss, but fat burning. Getting everything you need and not starving, the body voluntarily gives up fat. Therefore, after the end of the program does not try to catch up. In addition, we do not lose weight blindly, but by consciously choosing products and a regimen, this knowledge will be permanently fixed and will help ourselves without refusing to control weight in anything.

But is it, you ask in disbelief, there are diets in the world that really combine all of the above?
Yes, I declare with all responsibility! There are also one of them I can teach you.

Everyone is losing weight! And you are no exception!

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Wise Thoughts

(February 12, 1809, Gardin County, Kentucky - April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C.)

American statesman, 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), first President of the Republican Party, liberator of American slaves, national hero of the American people.

Quote: 52 - 68 of 119

Who wants - looking for opportunities. Who does not want - looking for reasons.

The hypocrite reminds me of a man who killed his parents and asks the court for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan.

Hypocrite: A person who killed his parents... and asks for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan. (Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents... pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.)

The best part of our life is made up of friends.

It is better to keep quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts. (Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.)

The best thing in human life is friendship with other people.

The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.

People who do not have flaws, as a rule, have few virtues.

The world will hardly notice and will not remember for a long time what we say here, but it will never forget what they have done here...

I don't care what people say about me behind my back as long as they tell lies about me.

I don't like this person. So, you need to get to know him better.

I don't want to end the show. We are friends, not enemies. We shouldn't be enemies. While passions may have run high, they must not break the bonds of our friendship. Unknown strings of memory, stretching from every battlefield and from every war grave to every beating heart and hearth in all our vast earth, will support the voice of the Federation with their sound when they are touched again, and it cannot be otherwise, our guardian angel souls. (Inauguration Address, March 4, 1861)

I don't care what people say about me behind my back as long as they tell lies about me.

Many are able to withstand the blows of fate, but if you really want to test a person's character, give him power.

You can fool some all the time; you can fool everyone for a while; but you can't fool everyone all the time.
Speech in Clinton 8 Sept. 1858
Johnes, p. 605
This phrase was also attributed to the American impresario Finias Barnum (1810-1891). > Jay, p. 227.
It is also quoted in the form: "You can deceive all the people for some time, you can deceive some of the people all the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time." >Sandburg K. Lincoln. - M., 1961, p. 112.

You can fool some of the people all the time; You can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

How to become a master of communication with any person, in any situation. All secrets, tips, formulas Narbut Alex

Each person does only what he wants, and not what others want from him.

The biggest mistake that almost all people make is this: if we want to get something from another or encourage him to do what we need, we begin to tell him why we want it and how important it is for us. .

Do we really think that the argument: “I want it!” enough for the other person to drop everything and start fulfilling our desires? Why, exactly, should he do this? Especially if he also has desires, and they may not coincide with ours at all.

Without noticing it, we follow the absurd logic, according to which "if I want, then you owe me." And we get offended, angry, angry when this logic does not work. And it shouldn't work, because it's absurd!

Very often, parents try to get something from their children in such an absolutely ineffective way. For example, a mother says to a child: “You must eat porridge!” The child does not want porridge, and then the mother begins to force him to eat, forcing him to do so by swearing or intimidating him. The child is even more naughty, and as a result, the mother blames him for disobedience, for being "bad", etc.

But if a small helpless child can still be forced to do something by force (although thus creating inevitable psychological problems for him in the future), then with adults this “number” most often does not work at all.

This does not mean at all that we should give up our intentions towards other people and generally stop wanting anything from them. A mother who loves her child cannot simply tell him: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it,” and leave the child hungry. But she can try to find a different approach to him. Namely, instead of explaining to him that he should eat porridge (because she wants to!), Mom can think about what, in fact, the child himself wants. And use his (and not your) desires as an incentive to eat.

Maybe he wants to grow up quickly? Or maybe he wants to become the strongest in the yard, and fight back the neighbor's boy - a notorious fighter? And if this is a girl, maybe she dreams of becoming an adult and beautiful sooner? A smart mother will tell the child that this very “hateful” porridge will help him in this. And also various other dishes that are simply necessary for the child to achieve his (and not mother's!) goals.

Thus, the absurd logic (“I want - therefore you must”) will be replaced by normal, correct and effective logic: "If you want, then you must".

This logic is effective both in relation to children and adults and works flawlessly in any situation.

The point is to awaken in the other person a voluntary desire to do what you want him to do. So that it becomes really his own desire.

If he does not have his own motive, interest and desire to do what you want him to do, he will not do it, unless you start forcing him, putting pressure on him. But this is already an uncivilized way of communication, incompatible with good relations between people.

There is only one way under heaven to convince someone to do something. Have you ever thought about this? Yes, the only way is to make the other person want to do it.

Remember: there is no other way.

Of course, you can make a person "want" to give you a watch by poking a revolver in the ribs. You can force an employee into a one-time act of obedience - before you turn your back on them - by threatening to fire them.

You can force the child to do what you want with a belt or threat.

But these crude methods have highly undesirable consequences.

The only way they can convince you to do anything is to offer you what you want.

Dale Carnegie. "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

Why, then, do we act according to an erroneous logic, trying to force others to fulfill our desires, instead of gently leading them to this, forming in them the corresponding motives, interests and desires? Because from childhood, this is exactly what they did to us, and we simply adopted the erroneous methods of communication learned from an early age.

And also because very often we do not realize that each of our actions in life was performed precisely because we wanted it. Often it seems to us that we acted under the influence of circumstances or pressure from other people. And we do not understand that without our desire, no one and nothing would make us lift a finger. And if we perform some action, it means that we somehow made such a choice ourselves. Even if circumstances or other people influenced us, it is still ours and only our choice. It is very important to realize this! Realizing that everything in your life is the result of your choice, you will feel like the master of your life, you will come out of the role of a victim and realize that you are free in your decisions and actions.

After that, you can give the right to such freedom to other people. And then you will no longer try to force them to do anything. You will find that it is much more beneficial to act gently, encouraging the person to act in his best interest rather than yours, and demonstrating his own benefit from the kind of action that you expect him to do.

And you will never demand from another person that he does for you something in which there is no benefit and no interest for him.

The following exercise will help you realize that every act of yours (even the one that seems to you to be done by someone else's will) has a positive motive - that is, by doing it, you wanted to get something good for yourself.

Accordingly, you realize that the other person will not do anything unless he sees something good for himself in this action.

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60 thought-provoking quotes to help you get your mindset in order!

What do you think about in moments of peace and quiet? How far have you come, or how far must you go? About your strengths or weaknesses? About what can happen in the best case, or the worst that can happen? At times like these, pay attention to your thoughts. Because perhaps the only thing that needs to change in order to experience more happiness, more love and more vitality is your way of thinking.

Thought-provoking quotes to help you clean up your way of thinking:

  1. You cannot change what you refuse to face.
  2. Sometimes good deeds end in failure, but they are replaced by even more important and more successful ones.
  3. Don't think about the price. Think about value.
  4. Sometimes you have to step back to see certain things clearly.
  5. Too many people buy things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they don't know.
  6. No matter how many mistakes you make and how slow your progress, you are still ahead of those people who have not yet tried to do anything.
  7. If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before making room in your heart for people who didn't make the effort to stay there.
  8. Make at least one person smile and maybe you will change the world - not the whole, but at least the world of this person.
  9. Saying that someone is nasty or ugly will not help you become more attractive.
  10. The only normal people you know are the ones you don't know much about yet.
  11. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
  12. The most painful thing is to lose your head because of intense love for someone and in denying your individuality.
  13. Better to be alone than to be in bad company.
  14. As we grow older, we realize that it is not as important to have many friends as it is to have one, but a real one.
  15. Making 100 friends is not difficult. But to have just one friend who will be on your side, even when hundreds of people are against you, this is an amazing thing.
  16. Giving up doesn't always mean showing weakness, on the contrary, sometimes it means that you are strong and smart enough to put everything out of your head and move on.
  17. Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours in a day as Helena Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, etc. …
  18. If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't want to do it, you will always find an excuse.
  19. Don't choose what looks pretty; choose what makes your world beautiful.
  20. Falling in love does not mean making a choice. Choose whether to stay in love.
  21. True love does not oblige to be inseparable, but to be faithful to each other, even in separation.
  22. While you are busy looking for the perfect person, you are likely to miss the imperfect person who could make you absolutely happy.
  23. Never do something reckless just because you are temporarily upset.
  24. You can learn something of value from your mistakes, as long as you don't deny them, of course.
  25. In life, if you risk nothing, you are actually risking a lot.
  26. Once you stop chasing the wrong things, you can start chasing the right things.
  27. Every situation that has ever happened in your life prepares you for the moment that lies ahead of you.
  28. There is nothing boastful about your superiority over another person. True boasting lies in your superiority over the person you once were.
  29. Trying to be somebody, you are wasting your time.
  30. You will never become who you want to be if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now.
  31. People hide more from you than they show.
  32. Sometimes people do not notice what is being done for them until they stop doing it.
  33. Don't listen to what people say, watch what they do.
  34. Being alone does not mean being alone, and being alone does not mean that you are alone.
  35. Love is not based on sex, showing off, or walking together. Love is being with the person who makes you happy in a way that no one else can.
  36. Anyone can walk into your life and tell you how much they love you. But not everyone will be able to show it, prove it and stay in your life.
  37. Light candles, drink wine, dress nicely. Don't save everything for a special occasion, today is the occasion.
  38. Love and appreciate your parents. We are so busy growing up that we forget that our parents also age with time.
  39. If you are forced to compromise and give in to your principles for the sake of the people around you, it's probably time to change the people around you.
  40. Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the ideas of the people who love you.
  41. When someone tells you, "You have changed," then most likely you have stopped living the way they lived before.
  42. You don't have to listen to the person who disagrees with you.
  43. Be happy. Be yourself. If others don't like it, ignore them. It's your choice and you don't have to please everyone.
  44. When things are going well for you, your friends know how you are and who you are. When luck is not on your side, then you already know who your friends are.
  45. Do not look for someone who will solve all the problems for you, look for someone who will help you with their solution.
  46. Thinking the world will be fair to you just because you are fair is like hoping the lion won't eat you because you don't want to eat him.
  47. No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up every day to be grateful for your life and all that it has given you. Someone is now fighting for a piece of bread.
  48. The smallest act of kindness is far more valuable than intention alone.
  49. Many people are very poor because the only thing they have is money.
  50. Learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate the things you once had.
  51. When you start noticing the good in other people, you will eventually stop seeing and looking for the good in yourself.
  52. You won't drown when you fall into the water. You will drown standing in it.
  53. Better to know and be disappointed than to never know and always wonder.
  54. We don't want some things to happen, but we don't have the right to change anything, we don't want to know some things, but we have to learn them, and there are people we cannot live without, but one day we will have to let them go.
  55. Happiness is not in what is happening around you, but in what is happening within you. Most people always expect happiness from other people, but, in truth, it is always born not outside, but inside you.
  56. If you speak the truth, it becomes part of your past. If you lie, the lie becomes part of your future.
  57. What you do every day matters more than what you are going to do soon.
  58. You cannot start a new chapter in your life if you are still rereading the previous one.
  59. Things work out best for those people who do their job no matter what awaits them in the end.
  60. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change anything, change your mindset.
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