Cancer Woman: delicate, graceful, feminine. The main character traits of a Cancer woman. Characteristics of a Cancer woman

At first, it will be difficult for you to determine whether she is sensitive and gentle, or just unbridled. This question will remain unresolvable for you until the end. At times she will be gloomy and her sad mood will spread to you. At times she will burst into laughter and envelop you with her tenderness. The Cancer Woman is sometimes a little crazy, sometimes a little sad, and at the same time has a rich imagination. She has a good ability to save money. Naturally, you won't be able to look under her mattress until you marry her. Modesty is one of her traits. She always has money set aside. She may start spending them when she feels unhappy, but her income will always be higher than her expenses. Your personal account may be of interest to her, because. money is always of interest to her, this is her favorite topic of conversation. She won't turn you down if you don't have money yet, but you're trying to earn it. And she will help you get them and at the same time you will be free to spend them. But don't go too far. Otherwise, she will feel that your mutual well-being is slipping away.

When you give such a woman an expensive gift and she says she shouldn't have done it, she's really not pretending. In order to somehow divert her thoughts from accounts, income, expenses, take her to the seashore for a walk in the moonlight. Here you will see her with all her charm. The moon will reveal all her secret dreams, and the proximity of the sea will bring her relaxation. It is possible that during this hour you will see all her emotions that you will like, try to develop them.

She will have two approaches to you: soft, feminine, timid, modest, and the second - where she will apply all the known tricks of Eva, such as desperate coquetry. You will like it if you are in love, and if you are just friends, then her activity and excessive flirtatiousness can only annoy you. This type of Cancer woman poses a serious danger to true love and a good family. There are many men who have left their families for this clinging Cancer. Fortunately, such Cancers are a minority. They can bring a lot of trouble to other women.

She doesn't like being criticized. It really hurts her if she looks funny, she just can't stand being dumped. Cancer Woman is rarely openly aggressive. The typical Cancer woman hesitates all the time, so you need to make the first move to continue the relationship. If she moves forward, then either side or sideways. Being timid by nature and gripped by the fear of not being accepted, she prefers to be the echo of a man.

Be kind to her mother. A mother is a woman who should not be offended in anything. But her sense of humor doesn't extend to her mother-in-law's jokes on her. Never read her diaries, because. Cancer loves to have mysteries and secrets. She does not like to confess herself, but she will listen to your confession.

Her constant fears can bother you: she is afraid that she is not beautiful enough, not young enough, not elegant enough ... And it does not matter that her figure is like that of Venus de Milo, her mind is like that of Aristotle, she still will not feel confident. Convince her that she is young, beautiful, smart and she will become yours. And you should say it 20 times a day, it is always not enough for her.

Her mood will change on average 4 times a month according to the vases of the Moon plus also 2 times a day according to the tides. It is very difficult to predict her mood. This can create attraction and mystery around such a woman, but it will not be easy for you.

The typical Cancer woman is an excellent cook. She will not serve you canned food or frozen vegetables for lunch. The kitchen is her favorite room. She will be hovering over you like a mother hen, and you will like it, because. most men love it.

To all her fears, one more can be added - she is afraid that you do not love her enough. But a man can easily prove it, so prove it to her as often as possible.

Once you have conquered her, she will not leave you behind as long as she is alive. And this is not bad, because there are men who enjoy such affection, they will never lack food or expressions of her love. It is very cruel to play with the heart of such a woman. she will obey you and love with sincere tenderness. Why kindle love if you have no serious intentions? You can start flirting with her, but it will be very difficult for you to end the relationship with her. She doesn't take hints. There is nothing artificial or petty in her feelings. If she already possesses something: a man or a cup, then they should be her property forever. She may not make a good impression on your friends, but she will definitely impress you with her charm. She prefers to leave her deepest emotions for those closest to her. And after her, when you meet other women and compare them, perhaps you will run back to your Cancer and beg her to cling to you tightly again.

The most difficult aspect of dealing with her is keeping her from crawling into her shell. Her emotions are so sensitive and tender that the slightest remark can hurt her very much. And it is very difficult to predict what she might be offended by. A Cancer Woman can cry a lot, so keep your handkerchief ready. It doesn't have to be greedy. But she has a habit of collecting unnecessary things. She rarely throws away a piece of string, an old pattern, her husband... And who are you to say that she won't find a use for these things later?! Don't ask her how she will use one shoe. She is using it! This is not the kind of woman who might like a man who burns a hole in the bedspread. Everything has a sentimental value for her. All the things she possesses are her treasures. She guards them jealously. This, of course, does not exclude you. She is not so much jealous as possessive. And these are different things.

The Cancer woman feels that she herself cannot change anything in life or overcome any difficulties. When an unfavorable moment in life begins for her, she may shed tears, but her natural reaction will be to fold her hands and patiently wait for everything to settle down. Patience is one of the most pleasant qualities of Cancer. However, when she is in a state of depression, you should try to get her out of this state before it goes too far. Sometimes she likes to be treated like a child. The desire to be a little spoiled by her beloved is her secret and deep desire. She really needs to make sure and know that you cannot live without her. And sometimes she will do everything possible to pity you and make your protective instincts speak in you. But don't let yourself be fooled by her weakness at such moments. This is a defenseless little child who is waiting for your protection from this cruel world, he can perfectly cope with everything himself, if he takes care of it. After another quarrel, when she will look at you with wet, frightened eyes, remember, as soon as you leave, turn the corner, she will rather wipe her eyes, put the record on the player and start to clean up the closet perfectly. Of course, you can't pinpoint when her depressions are real and when she just wants your sympathy, and at those times it's best for you to stay with her and listen to the record together.

This woman is capable of heroic deeds and sacrifices for the sake of the one she loves. The courage that she lacks for herself is fully manifested in loved ones who need her strength. She will never betray you when you are in a difficult position, at such moments she can remind you of a solid rock. With children, she is also strong and is a refuge for you. They will have a good understanding. You may feel some loss of focus when the children arrive. For Cancer, motherhood is very important. There will be room for you, but you will have to move a little.

Her main character trait is unshakable possessiveness, but not aggressive. She is deeply convinced that no matter how far you move away from her, you will always return to her and she will wait patiently for you. Who is she: a fragile, tender woman or persistent and hardy? But the answer is not so important, is it?

Today on Horoscope Guru we present you a guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer. Thanks to this article, you will surely know how to conquer and defeat this lady on the spot. We will also discuss its nature and disadvantages so that you know what to prepare for. So read carefully!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - the character of the Cancer girl

Representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer are born from the twenty-second of June to the twenty-second of July. These are the most mysterious women in the entire horoscope. They are so mysterious that their behavior should be unraveled, like some kind of clever puzzle. The most interesting thing is that these ladies are such by nature, they do not play some kind of game. By nature very secretive, closed. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to find out what is really going on in their head right now.

Also, these ladies are quite shy and modest. They very rarely brag about something, and they also don’t really like to demonstrate their talents and abilities. This is also due to the isolation of the representatives. You can communicate with them for ages without even suspecting what accomplishments they are capable of and what they have achieved.

They are also very feminine girls. They have some special charm that cannot but attract the attention of others. And this is not strange: after all, Cancers are representatives, and therefore they have their own specific attractiveness. There seems to be some very special halo around them.

In addition, Cancer women are very devoted and loyal. They will never let their loved ones down. Betrayal for them is something impossible. Also, these ladies will stand as a wall for their relatives and friends. If someone offends them, Crayfish will show the power of their sharp claws. And maybe even turn into a real Lion! More specifically, Lioness...

Also, representatives of this sign are very thrifty and economical. They always put off for later, store things "just in case." This is due to the fact that it is very important for the Rakins to have confidence in the future. They will never spend crazy amounts of money on some of their instant desires. And it's not because they're greedy. They just like to save money and skillfully handle money.

In addition, Cancers are very hardworking and diligent people. If they have a job, they give all their best and approach their work with all responsibility. They will never let you down. In general, it is difficult to call Cancers careerists. It’s just that if they have the opportunity to move up the career ladder, then they will definitely take advantage of this opportunity. They don't need power. They want to provide for themselves and their families.

By the way, at the expense of the family. Cancers are very family women. They are always very attached to their family and friends. For them it is important. These ladies are especially careful about their parents. Sometimes this can result in too much attachment, almost addiction. But when at her own family appears, these ladies give all of themselves for her well-being. They will try very hard to become an ideal wife, mother and mistress. These are not powerful girls, so they will not fight for leadership. On the contrary, they would like to be behind their partner, like behind a stone wall. They are terribly caring, so they will constantly look after their husband, take care of him.

Cancer girls are very fond of children. They make very good mothers. As soon as these women have a child, they are ready to give him all the best and move mountains for him. They will blow dust particles from their child. Sometimes Cancers take care of their children so much that this becomes their negative feature. After all, overprotection also does not lead to anything good.

As you already understood, Cancer women know how to love. They are not interested in all sorts of intrigues, usually they prefer a serious relationship. And when they have these relationships, they seem to go blind. Cancers are ready to forgive everything to their beloved, even if he is a truly unbearable person. That is why representatives of this sign often suffer from - they can't get out of them. This is due to the fact that Cancers are insanely afraid of being alone. They are also quite big owners, so they cannot come to terms with the fact that someone will not belong to them.

Besides, these ladies are sentimental as hell. They seem rather cold, but inside they have a very tender, sensual soul, which is ready to endlessly give people warmth and affection. Cancerians believe in true love. They are very romantic persons, dreamy. They really want to meet a person with whom they will be together for the rest of their lives.

Also, representatives of this zodiac sign are very emotional and vulnerable. Outwardly, they usually remain calm, but inside they are a real storm! Cancers very often change their mood, they react very subtly to any external factors. About this only the closest people know. It is difficult for many to believe that these outwardly balanced girls can burst into tears several times in one hour, get angry and even laugh! The vulnerability of these ladies often harms them, as they react to everything just too sensually. An unsuccessful glance can offend them so much that they will suffer for several more months because of this. Here they are!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - the disadvantages of the Cancer girl

Of course, everyone has their shortcomings. The main disadvantage of Cancer women is, perhaps, their touchiness. They are terribly touchy, just a nightmare! And you can't even tell it from the outside. They will continue to communicate with you, but inside they will have an all-consuming that devours them. And it will be terribly difficult to deal with it!

Also, Rakini does not tolerate criticism at all. If you even say a crooked word to them, you can already pack your bags and go home. They won't forgive you. And if you also make fun of them, then generally write wasted. From any remarks, these ladies begin endless longing, suffering and, in general, a complete nightmare.

It is because of their hypersensitivity that Cancerians are very prone to depression. They are much more likely than everyone else to experience a state of anxiety, melancholy. Very often, these women themselves cannot explain what is the reason for their sadness. At such times, they really need support.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to attract the attention of a Cancer girl

The mysterious and enigmatic Rakinis are very attractive to the surrounding people. But, of course, not all of these ladies pay attention. If you want to get a look, then you should compliment them as much as possible, admire them and smile. Be friendly and good-natured, but don't forget to keep some intrigue.

Also, you should remember about the sensitivity and romance of these ladies. That is why you will need to create such a melancholy halo around you with a touch of slight sadness. It doesn't hurt to complain a little about your broken heart, but don't get carried away with it. Complain about the imperfection of this world, but do it in such a way that Cancers do not think that you are just some kind of loser. Of course, don't forget to let them know that you want to meet your true true love.

It will also be nice if you show how much you love animals. Cancers appreciate such things very much, as they themselves are insanely prone to compassion. It is quite possible that attention to a homeless cat will melt the heart of these women.

Also remember that these are very shy ladies. You must do everything to make them feel their strength, so that they feel comfortable around you.

Well, do not forget about the appearance. Have a very refined and neat, they always look good. You must match. The most important thing is, of course, neatness. But your clothes should be tastefully chosen.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - what kind of guys like a girl Cancer

Cancerians are looking for stability in their partner. They don't need some ardent romantic adventure. They want a serious relationship. So show them that you are that person.

Also, you must prepare yourself for the fact that it will take a long time to fight for the hearts of these ladies. They need time to start trusting the person and open up to him. During this period, you should look after her beautifully, pay as much attention as possible. Prove to her that she is the only one for you. Don't skimp on words. After all, they love beautiful dates! Just approach this case outside the box. Well, compliments should pour out of you like a river, of course.

It is also very important that these ladies feel safe with you. Sometimes treat her like a little child. Such girls need to be pampered, indulged in their whims, consoled and supported. Show her your ability to protect.

Be sure to take care of these girls. Meet them from work, escort them home, bring them food, treat them, put a jacket on their shoulders when it's cold outside. This attitude of Cancers is much more appreciated than the most expensive gifts.

Remember that these women love to talk heart to heart. They simply adore such conversations, lively conversations. In addition, they will listen to you very carefully.

And, of course, be honest. You should not try to play some games with them - they do not understand this. Better just be honest. This will definitely work.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to understand that a Cancer girl likes you

It is very difficult to crack a Cancer girl. They are insanely secretive and rather silent, so it will not be easy to guess their feelings. In addition, they rarely show their experiences in principle. Also, Cancers are terribly sensitive natures inside, who try to look and act like they are made of flint. That is why they are unlikely to take the initiative, to take any steps towards a meeting. It's up to you.

There are, of course, several signs of Cancer sympathy. For example, you can ask her about her personal life or family. If a girl starts telling you about it, then she likes you. After all, she would definitely not tell such intimate things to just anyone!

Either way, be decisive. Do not give up and continue to woo these ladies, even if they show complete indifference.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to keep a Cancer girl

Their partners have been trying to unravel the mysterious Cancers all their lives. These girls are so mysterious that even the closest people sometimes cannot understand the motives of their behavior. But if you want to keep a representative of this zodiac sign, then you won’t have to do any particularly magical tricks.

First, you must constantly show concern. The more you take care of the Cancer girl, the less she will doubt her choice.

Secondly, do not stop admiring your beloved. Constantly compliment her, praise her, admire her. She will appreciate this. She needs to understand what is most important to you in life.

Third, support and protect it. She really needs a strong support, a helping hand. Only with a person capable of this, she will feel comfortable.

Well, try to avoid conflicts. Even the smallest quarrels Cancer endures with great difficulty. After each such trouble, this girl is experiencing a real mental catastrophe.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to fall in love with a Cancer girl: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo


You are a very temperamental and strong person, and the Cancer girl will definitely appreciate this. But your constant "passions" can scare her, so you need to settle down a bit and lead a more relaxed lifestyle.


You have a lot in common with Rakinya. You equally appreciate the family, so it will not be difficult for such a girl to like you. The main thing is to show less selfishness and temper.


You have too different worldviews to build a romantic serious relationship. But both of you will be great. You will be comfortable together.


Hardly anything will work. You both need strong support and a helping hand, so you will most likely just suffer together. There are chances only if you become a really strong and solid person.

a lion

Praise her often and show your good qualities: the ability to protect, reliability and generosity. But with pressure you need to reduce a little - you can scare her.


For you, the Cancer girl is just a treasure. Only she will be able to appreciate your discretion and attention to detail. The main thing is not to criticize her and do more romantic things.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to fall in love with a Cancer girl: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces


Raku girl will definitely like you, as you are a very polite and helpful person. But if you want to build a serious relationship with her, you will have to lead a more sedentary lifestyle.


You have great compatibility! You will become exactly the person who will save Cancer from bouts of depression, protect her and cheer her up. Just curb your jealousy first!


At first, you can interest this person with your brightness and energy. But over time, it will become clear that you have completely different views on life, so it is unlikely that your relationship will be serious.


If you show the representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer your willingness to support her and take care of her, then you will definitely be able to build strong together. Just say words of love to her more often.


It is unlikely that you will succeed. You are very different, you have almost nothing in common. If you want to win the heart of a Cancer girl, then you will have to change your whole life.


Just be yourself and it will be yours. In general, you can not put any effort. All your character traits are the standard for Cancers. By the way, this girl will also satisfy your needs, and as much as possible.

As you already understood, Cancer girls are very gentle and sensitive persons. Even if they try to prove the opposite with all their appearance and behavior. They need care, understanding and support. If you can give it, then the heart of these women can be in your hands.

In the face of a Cancer woman, you will find a friend who knows how to keep secrets, a good housewife who loves her home and cooks deliciously, as well as a natural maximalist who needs all or nothing.

There are two radically opposite types of Cancer women. Some are affectionate, like cats, moderately shy and humble. While representatives of the second type are their complete opposite. This is expressed in a storm of emotions, unpredictability and even some instability. But there are features that unite these two types.

The element of the Cancer woman is water. That is why her mood can seem so changeable and unpredictable, like undercurrents. The expression "Alien soul - darkness" best describes the internal state of Cancer. The characteristic of the sign is a woman who looks calm and even a little indifferent, but in her soul is a very vulnerable and sensitive nature. She tends to over-dramatize, although in fact there is no reason for this. The patron planet of Cancer - the Moon - endowed women with emotionality, magnetism and mystery.


If you are going to criticize the Cancer woman, then get ready for her to be upset to tears. The fair sex, born under the auspices of the moon, are endowed with the ability to feel the slightest negativity from others. It is common for this sign of the Zodiac to see a double meaning in everything that is said about him.

They think a lot about the past, analyzing and imagining what could change if they acted this way and not otherwise. The Cancer Woman is always ready to listen. You can trust her, and she will keep what you say secret.


Her desire to appear strong and independent can look akin to capriciousness. For a Cancer woman, stability is very important. She appreciates the work to which she is already accustomed and considers her second home. She will arrange everything with home comfort and think a hundred times when she is offered another position. It will seem that she is weighing the pros and cons or stuffing her own worth, but in fact she simply does not like change.

Her rule of thumb is less is better. A Cancer woman is ready to sacrifice her career for the sake of family happiness. But a man will have to try very hard to convince her that she can shift all financial responsibility onto his shoulders and feel comfortable setting up a home nest.


The house is a secluded refuge for the Cancer woman. The characteristic of her attitude to housing is reflected in the proverb "My house is my fortress." It is a pleasure for her to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in which you can hide from all problems. And again, the tendency of this zodiac sign to constancy affects. She will not make repairs every year, change and rearrange furniture. The main thing is that everything is in its place and at hand.

Cancer women are considered one of the best hostesses. Their house is clean and smells delicious. If a representative of this sign takes up the preparation of a dish, then she cooks with all the best, taking into account every advice prescribed in the cookbook.


It doesn't cost her anything to charm a man. A potential life partner is immediately impressed by female modesty, combined with the power that Cancer ladies mask excessive vulnerability. A man will be conquered by her charm, charm and ability to listen.

She will be a devoted and faithful friend of life, but first the fan will have to work hard. Romantic dates should be the most unusual, and constant signs of attention in the form of flowers and gifts will only add points to him.

Even when the candy-bouquet period is far behind, the Cancer companion needs a constant demonstration of care and feelings. An indifferent man has no place next to her.


Since it is difficult for a sign under the auspices of the Moon to part with everything that is dear to him and provides reliability and protection, then his representatives marry late. They are too attached to their parents and are not ready to go on a long voyage of independent family life. But when a Cancer woman decides to marry and chooses her life partner, he will appreciate her devotion to family happiness. She will not “nag” if her husband has problems, she will understand, support and try to help. In return, it will require only a feeling of warmth and care.

In marriage, Cancer wives become owners. Their propensity for stability comes into play again. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that. A jealous woman who demands fidelity from her husband will never commit adultery herself. The relationship of Cancer-woman in compatibility with men of other signs is formed as follows:

  • the most successful alliances are with Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces;
  • happiness in marriage with Capricorn, Sagittarius or Leo is possible only with certain compromises;
  • marriages with Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Aquarius are considered the most unsuccessful.


Mom-Cancer somewhere in her soul remains a child, so she is so close to her childish feelings and emotions. She gets along well with other people's children and is very attached to her own. For the most part, Cancers are mother hens: very caring and loving, worrying about every step. Guided by their experience of late marriage, they insist that the children do the same and are very jealous of each new friend of their daughter or son's girlfriend. They expect eternal affection from their child and do not even imagine that someday the children will grow up, leave their home and build their own family happiness. Cancer moms can even be offended if the children do not call them for a long time or do not congratulate them on the next holiday.

In combination with the eastern horoscope

Depending on the year in which the Cancer woman was born, the protection of the signs of the Chinese horoscope affects her character.

  • Cancer Monkey. She has an entrepreneurial streak and always has a plan. Everything she does is for a reason. Mostly they are very creative and self-sufficient people.
  • Cancer Rooster. Pleasant and charming, although she tries to control everyone. Sometimes the latter results in a public showdown. Often promises, but does not fulfill, confident that she has already done too much.
  • Cancer-Dog. Very contradictory. Ready to go to the ends of the earth for a goal, even if it's not worth it. Doesn't hide his feelings. Living with her is interesting, although sometimes difficult. Irresponsibility prevents her from realizing her abilities.
  • Cancer Pig. The soul of the company, good-natured and very sociable. It costs nothing for her to resolve a dispute between employees or find a compromise in relation to a loved one. She rarely reaches great heights financially, but at the same time she is very generous.
  • Cancer Rat. Dreamy, conservative and faithful for life girlfriend. The relationship with her lasted for many years. All thanks to the ability to understand people, compare facts and objectively assess the situation.
  • Cancer Bull. Contradictory from softness and delicacy to aggression and despotism. The hidden leader who returns courtesy for courtesy. Purposeful and going ahead.
  • Cancer Tiger. He does not know how to be angry for a long time because of his softness and romance. In business and in love, her emotions take over. Likes to be the center of attention and can lose his temper if someone tries to sort things out in moments of anger.
  • Cancer-Rabbit. A little fixated on herself and does not tolerate criticism in her address. A creative person, prone to illusions and self-flagellation. Lucky were those who managed to conquer the Rabbit and make them their companion. Such a woman would not exchange her home for anything.
  • Cancer Dragon. They are very creative and have their heads in the clouds. As a result, new ideas are constantly coming up. Developed intuition, which helps to make the right decisions and achieve goals.
  • Cancer-Snake. Attentive, mysterious and cautious. He defends his interests to the last, but in case of danger he retreats. Doesn't like to take risks. A cautious Snake is difficult to stir up. She does not want to leave her lair, despite the high demands in terms of well-being.
  • Cancer-Horse. Moderately sociable and respectful of others. Sometimes it comes to the point that the Horse allows others to use him. Always calm, and sometimes suffers from low self-esteem.
  • Cancer Sheep. Likes stability and does not tolerate change. Stubborn and at the same time malleable, moderately lazy and active, bold and indecisive. These contradictions make the complex nature even more mysterious and unpredictable. They demonstrate either one side or the other, depending on the correct approach to them.

Do not be surprised if you meet two completely different women in the same company, and both turn out to be Cancers according to the horoscope. One of them will chat uncontrollably, attracting everyone's attention, the second will mysteriously keep quiet and show herself to be a person who is interested and able to listen.

But no matter what type of Cancer woman you meet, remember that in their person you get a girlfriend for many years. A child at heart, a Cancer woman is a good mother, caring and loving, demanding the same from her children. Men should take note that a Cancer woman is not easy to achieve. But she will become a faithful companion, create comfort and coziness in the house, and even leave work for the sake of the family, if the man asks, and she will be sure that it is safe and secure with him.

You can learn interesting facts about Cancer and the opinion of astrologers about this sign from the video.

Text: Sasha Gluvein

The constellations under which we were born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will talk about representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

Do not take this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​who you need. In no case do we urge you to destroy an already established relationship, if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Woman - Cancer

Woman - Cancer has an extremely subtle and complex mental organization, most likely, it was she who served as the prototype for the saying that someone else's soul is dark. As a rule, Cancers need the support of loved ones, but are too timid and shy to express their feelings out loud.

Cancer Woman cannot stand criticism and ridicule, from her point of view, nothing is worse and cannot be. She will cherish the painful memory until the opportunity for revenge presents itself.

In general, the memory of Cancers can only be envied, they never forget anything, they are able to easily reproduce almost verbatim what they once heard. Cancer women are in awe of the past and often believe in the transmigration of souls. They are not afraid of the dust of centuries, they are happy to read historical novels, buy antiques and are ready to hang portraits of their ancestors on the walls, if any. However, family photo albums may well replace them. Cancers feel very keenly that they are a link in the chain that connects the past and the future. For them, life is much more than just the here and now.

These women are very economic and are ready to invest a lot of time and effort in arranging their own home. Perhaps the result of their efforts will seem somewhat old-fashioned to someone, but it will never be tasteless. Their kitchens are often somewhat reminiscent of paintings by old Dutch masters. The English expression "My home is my fortress" is 100% true for women - Cancers of any nationality.

Woman - Cancer will leave the house without eating only in exceptional cases. She loves and knows how to cook, and her refrigerator is always packed to capacity. At the heart of this behavior is a hyper-desire for safety. She just needs to know when she can next eat or when she will next receive her paycheck.

Cancers, as a rule, do not cross the line between frugality and stinginess, but they have a strong need to save money for a rainy day. But this does not prevent them in exceptional cases from using shopping therapy to treat mental wounds.

On the one hand, a woman - Cancer is not a talker at all, she knows how to keep secrets entrusted to her. On the other hand, she is an excellent storyteller, who is a pleasure to listen to, unless she is telling an anecdote. In this case, the Cancer woman is unlikely to be able to resist laughter, and he does not paint her at all, because nasty hysterical notes “jump” in him every now and then.

These persons never betray their friends, and even more so their beloved man. True, this fidelity often depresses the latter, somewhat subtly resembling prison bars. Cancers are sure that the reward for their loyalty should be constant confirmation that they are loved. You need to treat them like fragile and expensive porcelain - extremely carefully and gently. It can be difficult for women born under this zodiac sign to start any kind of relationship, despite the fact that their modesty and genuine compassion attract men. To win the heart of a Cancer woman, you need a full arsenal of romantic "tricks", from dating by candlelight to reading love lyrics, and a lot of free time, because Cancers do not give up without a fight!

Cancer women are maximalists by nature, they need "all or nothing", "wedding or parting."

By and large, Cancers need only two things, but they need global ones - love and security. She needs a love that is "above sex", one that means a home - a full bowl, children and stability. She will never invite a man into her bedroom if she is not sure that he is in the mood for a long-term relationship.

Cancer Woman is the prototype of a woman who, under no circumstances, will not leave her husband, even if he turns out to be an alcoholic, a womanizer or a grump. She will bravely bear her cross. Many men complain that such forgiving love gets on their nerves, psychologists explain this approach to marriage with an unconscious fear of being unworthy of a partner. Husbands, in turn, often take advantage of this circumstance and constantly reproach and humiliate their wives.

Cancer Woman and Sex

A man who can convince a Cancer woman that she does not need to be ashamed of her libido will be royally rewarded. She is very sensitive to the slightest changes in her partner's mood. If he is sensitive, gentle and caring, her sexuality is revealed like a flower under the rays of the sun, and then it is in her power to make a man feel like the best lover on Earth.

She does not like quick sex in the back seat of a car, Cancers prefer to make love, hurrying slowly, in the most comfortable environment. These persons are sure that if we are talking about true love (no other one categorically suits them), then a man should do his best and provide a decent place for intimacy.

She is not averse to having sex at home, as she feels as protected as possible there. When a Cancer woman is exposed for the first time in the presence of a man, it is very important for her to hear how beautiful she is. She needs compliments no less than love foreplay. If the partner does not frighten her away with her rudeness and pressure, she will gladly lay a route with her lips along his erogenous zones, kissing and biting sensitive places. Cancer women love to make love at night on the beach - the moonlight and the whisper of the waves allow them to be liberated.

Their touches are light and careful, they touch their partner with pleasure, stroking him, and with no less pleasure accept reciprocal caresses, almost purring. Aroma oils also tune them in an erotic mood.

Cancer women prefer doggy style and other variations on the theme "Man from behind", so they do not need to worry that their partner will be able to watch facial expressions during orgasm.

As a rule, Cancer women do not need extreme sexual changes. There are many admirers of lesbian love among them, as a rule, the reason is that they consider men to be too rude creatures.

Who suits her

The ideal couple is a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man, despite the fact that both partners are very emotional, they perfectly complement each other (including in bed). Otell's jealousy of Scorpio can scare away most women, but not the Cancer woman: in such a situation, she will feel protected by his feelings.

Another very good party for a Cancer woman is a Pisces man. She perfectly manages to return him from heaven to earth, organize his life, in a word, be his “mother”, thus realizing her powerful maternal instinct.

With a man - Virgo, a Cancer woman is on the same wavelength, they are "doomed" to live happily ever after, because both love order, are economic and economical.

The Cancer Woman and the Cancer Man make a very successful combination, they have a fantastic amount in common and they are never bored together. Mutual respect reigns in this union. Only depression is dangerous if both partners fall into it.

The Taurus man, although stubborn, is able to balance the tenderness and fragility of the Cancer woman, they perfectly complement each other.

Since the Cancer woman prefers to be led rather than a leader, she gets along well with the Leo man. Such relationships will be stable, this family boat is unlikely to turn into a Titanic.

A man - Aries will make her go crazy - first from her mismanagement, and then from the heat of passion (however, both processes can run in parallel). Maybe they will not die on the same day, but you can safely tell your grandchildren about this novel.

Who does not suit her

The Cancer woman gets along extremely poorly with the Gemini man: he, who is used to thinking rationally and calculating all options, categorically does not like her hypersensitivity. She, in turn, worries about his frivolity and lack of stability.

With the Aquarius man, it is best for the Cancer woman to maintain friendly, friendly relations, but the romance will be overshadowed by constant squabbles because of his frivolity.

The Capricorn man, although he can offer her much-needed confidence in the future, but next to him pretty soon the Cancer woman may feel like an unnecessary hindrance in his life.

She finds the Libra man sexy and charming, but for sure the lack of stability on his part will ruin everything.

The Sagittarius man can make a strong impression on the Cancer woman, but thriftiness and house keeping are not his strengths, in addition, he is too unpredictable for her.

Ruler planet:☽ Moon. Element: Water.

Cancer Woman

Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but, having got to know her better, did you see a romantic nature and a tender, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she is peace itself, but next to you, her mood changes every now and then, demonstrating either joy, or thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, it’s just that a Cancer woman allows few people to see herself as she is: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers.

That is why, if a relationship with a Cancer woman is dear to you, the worst thing you can do is start to scold and criticize her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is able to fall into dull melancholy if they are openly voiced to her. And this is only half the trouble: in the end, the longing of the Cancer woman will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply close up, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

However, there are more pluses in a relationship with a Cancer woman than minuses. For the sake of them, you can learn to bypass sharp corners. Cancer is so feminine, so charming, cooks so amazingly and is such a wonderful hostess that she can make the happiness of any man who dreams of a family hearth.

She is not attracted by holiday romances, because in relationships she is looking not for a fleeting riot of feelings, but for real values: love, loyalty, care, attention. The betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, but for her part, she is simply not capable of them.

Having become the chosen one and even the life partner of the Cancer woman, always remember that, despite all her love for you, many of her thoughts and memories will remain inaccessible to you. Take for granted the fact that in her soul there is a place for little secrets, but if she shares with you her doubts and fears (of which she has many), support her with words of encouragement. The fact is that many Cancers are characterized by self-doubt, and you will have to try to inspire her with faith in her strength.

At the same time, the Cancer woman, for all her fragility and romanticism, can hardly be called a creature hovering in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, perfectly able to manage the household, handle money, stock up for a rainy day and raise children.

By the way, in the latter respect, Cancer has no equal at all, to the point that she is able to sit at the crib all night long, listening to the child’s breathing: is it even, does he sleep well? Such excessive guardianship leads to the fact that it is difficult for the children of a Cancer woman to learn independence - everything is done for them almost before the wedding by their mother. However, what they definitely do not lack is attention, care and high self-esteem brought up by their mother.

In relation to difficulties, the Cancer woman usually does not show much stamina, preferring to patiently wait for the black streak to end. However, this does not apply to cases where someone close to her is at risk. Rising to the defense of a loved one, the usually calm and affectionate Cancer woman is ready to fight like a lion! Becoming her husband, you will never doubt her devotion, and yet even at the golden wedding, looking at her surrounded by children and grandchildren, you will think that you have not unraveled many of her secrets, and first of all - the secret of her unique charm.

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