Different but equal. Why You Should Befriend Special Children

Friend, maybe there are people in your environment who are different. You do not know how to behave and communicate with them, because they seem different, not like everyone else. And your peers, perhaps, also mock them. Therefore, special people often feel lonely and useless ... But does anyone have the right to treat them with disdain?

The following videos will help you look deeper into the inner world of children with special needs, to understand what they care about, what they are afraid of, what they avoid and what they dream about. You will find out how much they need Your support and why it is worth making friends with them.

waltz duet

This touching cartoon is a story about two sisters - Siamese twins Emily and Elizabeth. They are embarrassed by their appearance: they avoid people, do not go out and do not want to communicate with anyone. The only joy is playing the piano. But one day a young violinist walked past their house. Hearing the magical sounds coming from the window, the young man decided to come closer... Frightened by the condemnation, the sisters try to drive him away, but the violinist does not go away, but, on the contrary, begins to play along with them on the violin. The video shows how important it is to pay attention to special people, communicate with them and make friends.


The main character of the following animation is a little girl named Scarlett, who was diagnosed with bone cancer (Ewing's sarcoma). To save the baby's life, the doctors were forced to amputate her lower leg, and now Scarlett has to wear a prosthesis. The girl is in despair. She feels alone. And now she can't dance. But one day, Scarlett's mother, who believes in her daughter, dresses her in a ball gown, and the girl reincarnates. Scarlett again becomes a cheerful, carefree girl with whom it is interesting to play and be friends.

Small saucepan Anatole

Are there people in the world without flaws? Each of us has our own "pot". Someone carefully hides it. For some, it is so small that it is almost invisible. And for someone it greatly interferes with life, but, alas, it is impossible to get rid of it ...

This video will tell about baby Anatole, who always walks with a saucepan, what makes him different from other people. Therefore, no one communicates with him. In fact, the saucepan is just a metaphor that will help you understand who people with special needs are and why being special is normal.

Out of sight

An anime-style short cartoon is a vivid illustration of what people who are blind experience. The video will tell you about a blind girl who was left without her only guide - a dog. A petty thief rips the bag from the baby's shoulder, and the faithful dog rushes after him. The girl has to move independently along the street, using her imagination and other sensations. Fortunately, a "magic" wand happens to her, which helps the girl find the right path.

The sound is specially amplified in the tape to show that the blind hear much better than the sighted. This amazing cartoon is the work of three students from the National Taiwan University of the Arts.

About Dima

And while watching the next cartoon, you will learn about the boy Dima. He almost does not speak and walks on crutches: each step is not easy for the baby. Children laugh at him because he is different. However, a chance meeting changes his life. The interest of a little girl and the wise advice of her mother become the beginning of a true friendship. Watch a vivid video and make sure that diagnoses are not a hindrance to fun games and mutual sympathy, and you can easily share the joy of communicating with those who are different from you.


A story about a girl Tamara, who loves to dance more than anything in the world and dreams of becoming a ballerina. She has a wonderful plasticity and a sense of rhythm. But not everything is so simple... The girl is deaf and mute. Perhaps one day Tamarina's dream will come true, because she has the unlimited support of her mother. Watch this cartoon with your friends - the video will clearly tell you how special people need your support.

Mael's Secret

Eccentrics who smile with or without reason - these are often seen by people suffering from Angelman syndrome. But in fact, they are simply not able to control their facial expressions and movements. The video will help you understand how to behave if one day you meet a person with Angelman syndrome.

My brother from the moon

French Frédéric Philibert was inspired to create this video by his autistic son. The narrator of the story is the big sister of a special boy. It is she who explains to the audience how her brother perceives the world around him: “He doesn’t seem to see or hear me, he looks at the sky ... If I were a sorceress, I would enchant him so that he would like to be with us more than on Moon." The girl came up with a special language to communicate with her autistic brother, and convinces everyone that everything is fine with him, he's just "from the moon."

Children with special needs need your support and communication. Some of them will never hear their mother's lullaby, some will never be able to run barefoot through the dew in their lives, and some will never see a birthday cake on their birthday. Do not leave special children alone with their experiences, do not be afraid to communicate with them. You'll see, you just have to smile - and a casual acquaintance will eventually grow into a true friendship.

Prepared and conducted by: class teacher of grade 5 Petrosyan S.A., 5th grade students

year 2012

Slide 1. We are all different, but equal!

Slide 2.


Now that we have learned
Fly through the air like birds
Swim underwater like fish

slide 3

We are missing only one thing:
Learn to live on earth like people.

B. Show

"Hello! Good afternoon friends!
He came so beautiful
Because both YOU and I are in it!”

slide 4.


Vedas. 2. Everyone is different, but equal!

Everyone who wants to have art, live next to different people!

This day is dedicated to everyone who dreams of living in harmony with themselves and others!

Vedas. 4. "I, you, he, she - together a friendly country, together - a friendly family, in the word" we "- a hundred thousand" I "! - the once very popular song in our country begins so optimistically and life-affirmingly.

Vika. Further, if you remember, the song contains a description of “big-eyed, mischievous, black and colored, red-haired and cheerful”, who, despite the difference in external data, interests and beliefs, got along quite well in one country. But this is how the song is sung, and everything in life is much more complicated.

Alina. Living in peace and harmony presupposes that everyone has such human qualities as mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, benevolence, restraint, compliance, sociability, tolerance….

Separately, I would like to emphasize the importance of developing in a person from childhood such a quality as tolerance.

Unfortunately, the spirit of tolerance, hostility to another culture, way of life, beliefs, habits has always existed and continues to exist in our time both in society as a whole and in its individual institutions. The school is no exception. It should be noted that the subject of intolerance at school can be both national, social, gender, and features of its appearance, interests, hobbies, habits.

In schools, classes, the problem of interpersonal relations is very common, which are often based on the phenomena of intolerance.

How many of us non-Russians have Russia

And Tatar, and other bloodlines,

The names of the bearers are not simple,

But ordinary Russian daughters!

We love our native lands

And forever - no tomorrow,

Not now -

Can't be separated

Us from Russia -

Motherland is unthinkable without us.

Slide 5.

Vika. What is tolerance?

Slide 6. (on a slide) tolerance (French) - an attitude in which it is allowed that others may think or act differently from yourself;

tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, indulgence;

tolerance (Russian) - the ability to endure something or someone, to be patient, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone, to consider the opinions of others, to be indulgent.

Slide 7.8,9,10,11,12.

Slide 20

Vika. tolerant personality. I:

tolerant and patient;

reckoning with other people's opinions and interests;

able to resolve conflicts through persuasion and mutual understanding;

friendly and caring, polite and delicate;

respectful of others and respected by them;

Ved.4 .:

respecting the rights of oneself and others, able to listen and hear;

caring, compassionate, supportive;

a patriot of his school, city, Russia, who cares about their prosperity;

a person who protects nature and culture;

hardworking, successful, independent, happy.

Slide 21.

Alina. Tolerance is not just a feeling

You will not get it once:

How much nobility and sympathy should be shown,

Only then will you understand it all.

Being tolerant is an art

We firmly believe in this:

We must live in friendship and harmony

Russians and Ukrainians, Bashkirs and Tatars

Let's answer each other with a high feeling -

(author Alexandrov P.)

Guys! Note! On each desk there is a text with a poem, the numbers indicate the numbers of the desks. Now we will have an impromptu installation. You must take turns reading the lines of the poem, given the number of the desk.

What is tolerance?

Maybe love for grandma?

Or maybe it's what mom

Did I bring it for my birthday?

I realized that this is respect

Not only to my own opinion.

See someone else's pain

I think I already can.

Give a coin to a beggar

Help the elderly.

I will not leave a comrade in trouble,

I will not let anger into the class.

If you are tolerant of friends,

You can listen to anyone.

Ready if needed

You always come to the rescue.

Believe in miracles, kindness.

Respect adults.

Don't be rude to mom and dad

You don't hate the little ones.

So it's not for nothing that everyone says

That you are tolerant.

Stay with them always

Be still gallant.

What is tolerance?

Kindness, love and laughter.

What is tolerance?

Happiness, friendship and success.

Then together we will make our world tolerant R

If everyone is tolerant of each other,

Together we will make our world tolerant.


slide 22.

Vedas. one: Our land is a place where we can love each other, observe traditions and continue the history of the Planet of Tolerance.

Vedas. 2. Rules of tolerant communication:

· Respect the interlocutor.

· Try to understand what others are saying

· Defend your opinion tactfully.

· Look for better arguments.

· Be fair, ready to admit the rightness of the other.

· Strive to consider the interests of others.


On pieces of paper (in the form of leaves) write what you think needs to be done to make the school a space of tolerance.

Attach the leaves to the tree of tolerance.

We cannot overnight make tolerant either our own behavior or the behavior of other people. However, even the most important small step in this direction. It is important that you take away from this lesson in real life how to change relationships with people, classmates.

And now we'll play a little

Game progress

Draw: the team captain takes out an emblem in the form of a heart or a smile, they are divided into two teams “Hearts” and “Smiles”

1 contest "A funny anagram."

Each team is given an envelope containing 7 letters. These letters are distributed among team members. For a while, they should line up in such a way that they get a word (for example: friendly, comrade) right - friendly; left - comrade

slide 23

Vedas. 2. The game "Determine which of the heroes of the fairy tale is deprived of the following rights" / Choose one hero from three, cross out the rest /.

The right to live



Puss in Boots

Right to inviolability of the home

Sister Alyonushka

Three pigs


The right to free labor


red Riding Hood


The right to freedom of marriage




The right to own personal property

red Riding Hood


Baba Yaga

Vika. Competition "Sing about friendship!"

For each team, the melody of a song about friendship sounds, you must sing one verse from this song.

Song "Good Road"

Ved.4. Competition “The main features of a tolerant personality”

Each team is given an envelope. Try to choose the qualities that you think fit a person with a tolerant attitude.

The team representative answers the following questions:

How do you understand the word mercy?

Why didn't you choose to show off or be rude?

Envelope 1:

indulgence, gloating, selfishness, conflict, kindness, respect, understanding, peacefulness, heartlessness, compassion, generosity, tactlessness, cordiality, boasting, equality, rudeness, mercy, arrogance, favor, respect.

Envelope 2:

peacefulness, heartlessness, forgiveness, equality, respect, mercy, irascibility, dialogue, irritation, cordiality, conflict, generosity, support peacefulness, cooperation, equality, compassion, stinginess, lies, consent, envy, mercy, kindness.

slide 24, 25

Think about it, do we all have these qualities? Can we all listen to each other calmly? To support in difficult times, to understand people who are different from us, to resolve conflicts peacefully?

Can we change ourselves? Can we cultivate in ourselves the qualities that we are talking about today?
“Today, the situation in the world is not very calm. What events that threaten the world can be named?
- War in Iraq, Israel, terrorist attacks in Chechnya, conflicts in Georgia….

Many people - civilians in these countries - turned out to be refugees. These people were forced to leave their country. Shelter for the homeless is our duty. Now refugees from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Chechnya, Dagestan are coming to Russia. These people are civilians, and they are not to blame for the policy that leads to national wars and strife.

Why do wars happen?
- Intolerance towards each other, quarrels, prejudices, anger, envy, money - the desire to enrich and establish world domination subjugate weaker countries and peoples and exploit the dependent.

It has always been that way in history. But the simple, innocent people suffer. Today, these people are in trouble. Tomorrow trouble may touch us. What difficulties do refugees face today?
- Nowhere to live, nowhere to work, national intolerance, indifference of people around and humiliation.

We must show mercy!

Mercy is sympathy, love in action, willingness to do good to everyone, kindness.
To learn to understand people of other countries, other cultures, you need to learn

understand your parents, friends, classmates.

Slide 26. Testing
And now we will conduct a test and determine how tolerant you are. If you choose the first answer, bend your finger.

Misha is badly dressed...

· It doesn't matter.

· You make fun of him.

Petya eats differently than you because of his religion...

· You ask him to explain it.

· You say he looks funny.

Joe's skin color is different from yours...

· You want to get to know him better.

· You make offensive remarks about this.

The old woman walks slowly...

· You help her and hold the door.

· You push her away to overtake

You are a girl, they put you next to a boy ...

· You are talking to him.

· You say that all the boy are zeros.

Someone is being attacked right in front of your eyes...

· You are trying to protect him.

· You pretend not to notice anything.

A child with a disability approaches you ...

· You naturally you talk to him.

· You walk away from him and don't know what to say.

Bent 7 fingers? Wonderful! You are confident, you can express your opinion. And you realized that your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins.

If from 3 to 6, then you are not very tolerant. You are not confident enough to share and express your opinion, however, you are kind and in time you will succeed.

Less than three? Ah ah ah! You are not tolerant at all! If you try to better understand yourself as you are, you can become truly happy!

Slide 27, 28, 29.30

How do you understand this parable?

slide 31.

Let's think carefully and in a low voice say the following phrases:
Our Motherland is Russia.
We live together.
We are tolerant of each other.
We are merciful, kind, fair.
If all people are like this, then children will live happily on the entire planet Earth and there will never be a war.

Conclusion . A person should strive to change himself in better side, live in peace with yourself. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

Reflection: What qualities are inherent in a tolerant person?

What are the benefits of tolerant communication?

Is it difficult to put yourself in the place of another person and understand his experience?

Final word:

Prayer for a meeting

I came into this world

not to justify your hopes,

not to suit your interests,

not to meet your expectations.

And you came into this world

not to meet my expectations,

not to suit my interests,

not to meet my expectations.

Because I am me and you are you.

But if we met and understood each other - that's great!

And if not, well, there's nothing you can do

(Slide number) Happiness to you all, peace, joy and patience! Goodbye! See you soon!

Clip "Let's be friends!"

Larisa Krieger
Pedagogical project "We are all different, but we are all equal"


AT last years In connection with the social changes taking place around the world, the processes of migration of the population are significantly intensifying. People are less and less held back by the traditional way of life, social ties, natural and environmental conditions of life and activity. A sharp change in the usual living conditions caused by the family moving to another country or region where others cultural traditions, another language, leads to disorientation of a preschool child from a migrant family.

From early childhood, the child lives in his native national environment, absorbing the cultural values ​​and moral guidelines laid down in the culture of the people.

To educate children in a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities is one of the important tasks of the work. teacher.

Kindergarten is a multicultural world where every child, no matter what nationality he is, is a representative of his world, traditions, culture. And a small Ukrainian, Armenian, Tajik, Russian and others should have an idea about the culture, way of life, life of another people. And the task teachers- to teach them tolerant attitude towards each other, to respect the traditions of other peoples.

Traditions are part historical heritage, they must be treated with great care and observed, since, in my opinion, they greatly enrich the sphere of feelings of a person, especially a child.

Unfortunately, in modern world there is a risk of losing "traditions of peoples".

I developed project on the adaptation of migrant children. To the implementation system project included both traditional and new DOW forms and methods work: game simulation, computer presentation, pictograms that taught children to see and respond to what is happening around. In parallel, work was carried out with children in various areas of activity.

Implementation forms project:

1. Cycles of classes, including different kinds activities: cognitive, artistic and visual, musical, game and others based on a single content.

2. Conversations, both individual and group.

3. Video previews (presentations, films, etc.).

4. Holding events with ethno-cultural themes.

5. Targeted excursions to museums.

Implementation timeline project consist of 3 stages:

1. Preparatory

2. Main

3. Final

Preparatory stage

includes joint planning of activities, drawing up an implementation scheme project, selection of methodological literature, drawing up work plans.


Reveal national fortune families of pupils in the group;

Individual and group conversations, viewing home holidays through photos, videos;

Develop consultations for parents "Education in children of a positive attitude towards representatives of their own and other peoples";

Make slide folders "The world of family hobbies";

Organize joint exhibitions contests: "National costumes", "Family Traditions", "National dishes".

main stage:

Target: creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of pupils.

Tasks: to cultivate love and respect for their homeland, nation, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, parents.

Final stage:

Presentation project"We various but we are together";

Holiday "Friendship of Peoples"

Integrated educational activities "We are together"

Competition for the best postcard "Together friendly family"

Photo exhibition "We various but we are together";

Expected Result:

Children's knowledge about the national cultures of peoples different countries;

Increasing the active active and passive vocabulary of migrant children;

Ability to distinguish one language from another;

Expanding children's ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Expected Result: the project helps educators to reveal to the child the world of national cultures, to expand the understanding of the way of life of people, their customs and traditions on the basis of knowledge. To promote speech, artistic, aesthetic, moral and social development children through introducing children to the culture of their people and nationalities living nearby; form in them an idea of ​​themselves and others as a person.

I started my work by talking to my parents. In conversations with parents, I explained, consulted and gave advice so that their child could quickly adapt to kindergarten.

Through historical conversations, legends and fairy tales, children learned about fascinating and entertaining facts from the past of other nationalities. The appropriate material was selected age: illustrations for fairy tales, costumes, photographic material of their region, fairy tales, games different peoples.

The child should be given the opportunity to sometimes perform on mother tongue, put on a national costume for the holiday. expedient read national fairy tales and stories in Russian in translation. A tolerant attitude towards a different culture, other languages ​​and people who are not like the majority has a positive effect on the microclimate that exists in the kindergarten team.

Such work has yielded results, migrant children have become more active, their speech has become more correct, they communicate more with all children.

Related publications:

Dear colleagues! This fall, I decided to carry out a project dedicated to autumn holidays. The aim of the project was interaction.

MINI-MUSEUM "KOLOBOK AND EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING" In our group there is a mini-museum, the main custodian of which is a rosy Kolobok. OUR DICTIONARY.

Problem: Children do not have systematized knowledge about kindergarten, the people who work in it, their professional responsibilities. Target:.

Relevance: preschool age is milestone in human development. It is at this age that active development physical.


Class hour in grade 4 on the topic:

"We are all different, but we are all equal"

Target : to acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", its origin and meaning, to cultivate a positive attitude of students towards themselves, friends, classmates, the desire and ability to forgive.

Sofia Rotaru's song "I, you, he, she..."

I, you, he, she - together a friendly country, together - a friendly family, in the word "we" - a hundred thousand "I"! - with these words, a once very popular song in our country begins. Further, if you remember, the song contains a description of “big-eyed, mischievous, black, white and colored, red-haired and cheerful”, who, despite the difference in external data, interests and hobbies, views and beliefs, got along quite well in one country.

The problem of the culture of communication is one of the most acute in the school, and in society as a whole. Knowing perfectly well that we are all different and that we need to perceive the other person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant towards each other, which is very difficult. "Pedagogy of cooperation" and "tolerance" are the concepts without which any transformations in the modern school are impossible.

This development is aimed at forming a correct idea of ​​the tolerant behavior and relations of classmates among themselves, and also contributes to the development of self-awareness in children, which helps children to see themselves and others as they really are.
Materials and equipment: classroom presentation, musical accompaniment.

Conduct form: conversation

Planned result:

Know the meaning of the word "tolerance", the rules of tolerant behavior;

Understand the meaning of the concept of "tolerant person";

Students improve the ability to answer questions, participate in a dialogue;

Adequately realize the importance of the rules of tolerant behavior in human life

Classroom script.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Statement of the theme of the class hour.

The theme of the class hour, which will be the subject of our discussion, is very relevant. I invite you to listen to a poem by my classmate.

People to the world
Born different:
Dissimilar, idiosyncratic.
To others
You were able to understand
need patience
Cultivate in yourself.
Need with good
Come to people's houses
friendship, love
Keep in your heart!

What do you think about will be discussed in our classroom? (student answers).

3. Work on the topic.

Our Classroom hour dedicated to one of major topics education-tolerance.

And the theme is: “We are all different, but we are all equal.”

1. Word of the teacher.

There are millions, billions of people around us. Every day we see many new, unfamiliar faces. We notice someone in the crowd, but not someone. We do not think that each of us is unique, there are no absolutely identical people. Even twins are usually very different in character. What to say about other people?! Each of us has his own interests, principles, desires, goals. Each of us looks different, dresses differently, talks differently. We all live in a society. And learning to live among people, to be able to communicate, is as important as studying mathematics or physics, conquering mountain peaks or exploring sea ​​depths. And if you want to live a normal life, full life, without the ability to live in harmony with other people, simply can not do. Our world is becoming cruel, disturbing, intolerant day by day. What happens to people? Why are people so cruel to each other? Listen to the poem Good and Evil.

2. Student performance:

reading the poem "Good and Evil"

Good and evil. Where does it come from in man?
When does he become good or evil?
Maybe he was born like this?
And does good exist in the 20th century?
After all, they say that we have become angrier and
But I'm sure most people
In the soul, love and faith have been preserved,
Although the war and famine survived.
Good still lives in the world,
No, it will never die!
Because always and at all times
People believed in the power of good!
Hey man, take a look around
How much beauty in the world!
Can it all suddenly
Become a victim of a terrible explosion?!
Or are we not enough wars and strife,
Quarrels, accidents and disasters?
Or we don't fully understand
How cruel has the world become?
Kindness is the world, it is the truth, the truth.
Each of us should be kind
To give a piece of it sometime
Deprived in life at least once.
At least once to do good to people,
Instill hope and faith in them,
That evil dies with sight
But the good continues to live!
Yes, there are many good people in the world,
And they live among us
And with its selfless kindness
Help us every now!
Let the sky be blue
And the sun is clear!
Let the man not be evil,
And the world will be beautiful.
Get out of your apartments!
Are my words audible?
"People, kindness and tolerance
save the world!”
And you must believe me!

And again we hear this word - tolerance. What is tolerance?

Tolerance. What it is? -
If someone asks me
I will answer: "It's all earthly.
That on which the whole planet stands.
Tolerance is people of light
Different nations, faith and fate
Open something, somewhere
They rejoice together. No need
Fear of being offended
People, colors, blood is not yours.
Fear of being humiliated
People in your native land.
After all, the planet is our dear
He loves us all: white and colored!
Let's live respecting each other!
Tolerance is a word for the living!

3. The history of the origin of the word "tolerance".

How did this word come about? Let's look into the past.


At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries in France lived Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Benevent . He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments (and under the revolutionary, and under Napoleon, and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time, maintain their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances.

The concept of “tolerance” is connected with the name of this person.

4. Definition of the concept of "tolerance".

Word definition "tolerance" on the different languages the globe sounds differently:

  • in English, readiness to be tolerant;
  • in French - an attitude when a person thinks and acts differently than you yourself;
  • in Chinese - to be magnificent in relation to others;
  • in Arabic - mercy, patience, compassion;
  • in Russian - the ability to accept another as he is.

Tolerance is often called tolerance, but this does not mean that, having struck on the left cheek, we should substitute right cheek. tolerant person- this is a person who knows how to accept another, and respected for it. Tolerance - mercy, compassion, respect for others, forgiveness, cooperation.

5. Reading poems by students.

What is tolerance?
Maybe love for grandma?
Or maybe it's what mom
Did I bring it for my birthday?
I realized that this is respect
Not only to my own opinion.
See someone else's pain
I think I already can.
Give a coin to a beggar
Help the elderly.
I will not leave a comrade in trouble,
I will not let anger into the class.
If you are tolerant of friends,
You can listen to anyone.
Ready if needed
You always come to the rescue.
Believe in miracles, kindness.
Respect adults.
Don't be rude to mom and dad
You don't hate the little ones.
So it's not for nothing that everyone says
That you are tolerant.
Stay with them always
Be still gallant.
What is tolerance?
Kindness, love and laughter.
What is tolerance?
Happiness, friendship and success.
If everyone is tolerant of each other,
Together we will make our world tolerant.

To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means to be considerate to others, to treat each other with respect.
It is no coincidence that the symbol of tolerance is the rainbow. Why?

What do you think, where does tolerance begin? Of course, with a smile.

6. Performance of the song "From a smile" (performed by children)

Teacher's word.

The third millennium is coming. Progress moves inexorably forward. Technology has come to the service of man. It would seem that life should become more measured, calmer. But more and more often we hear the words: a refugee, a victim of violence...

In today's society there is active growth aggressiveness, expansion of conflict zones. These phenomena particularly affect the younger generation, who, by virtue of age features tends to seek simple and quick solutions to complex problems.

Every person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities but sometimes the other way around...

Let's try to draw up the rules of tolerant communication (work in groups).

6.Rules of tolerant communication:

  • Respect the interlocutor.
  • Try to understand what others are saying.
  • Defend your opinion tactfully.
  • Look for better arguments.
  • Be fair, ready to admit the rightness of the other.
  • Strive to consider the interests of others.

7. Playing situations.

Let's see how tolerant we are. I name the situation, offer two answers, you choose the one closest to you.

The younger brother broke your toy.

1. You forgive him.
2. You hit him.

You had a fight with your sister.

1. You will try to talk to her.
2. You take offense and take revenge.

You are treated cruelly.

1. You respond in kind.
2. You say "no" and seek help.

You are dissatisfied with yourself.

1. You say that there are no people without flaws.
2. You blame everything on others.

You don't want to go for a walk with your loved ones.

1. You go for a walk with them.

2. You throw a tantrum.
Children count.
- If there are more number 1 answers, you show more tolerance. Wonderful! You are confident, you can express your opinion.

If more answers #2. You are not tolerant at all! If you try to better understand yourself as you are, you could become happier!

The class is a small family. And I would like kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, there would be no quarrels or swearing. But what needs to be done to make our class, our school, our city become a planet of tolerance?

8. Telling a parable.

Chinese parable "Good family".

There lived a family. She was not easy. There were over 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You will say: so what, you never know big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife. The rumor about this family reached the ruler of the country. And he decided to check if people are telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was cleanliness, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony, and came to the head of the family; tell us, they say, how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something, wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in writing. Then he handed the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man's scribbles. Dismantled with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper:

IV .Result.

And in conclusion, I want to wish you

Be kind and human

And treat each other the way you want others to treat you.

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