People of the 22nd lunar day are disinterested. Lunar birthday

Symbol 22 lunar day Ganesha is the god of wisdom and prosperity, one of the most revered gods in the world. He is considered the god of abundance and prosperity and gives reason and support for making the right decisions. This day is the day of gaining knowledge, spiritual teaching transmission of sacred knowledge. All information on this day is perfectly perceived, travel is favorable, and the implementation of mystical practices brings good result. At 22 lunar day you can take in more than the whole moon month- perhaps a non-standard solution to the problem will come to you where you did not expect it. The time wasted on this day will affect your future - if you were lazy or wasted time on this day, over time you will begin to notice that your mental capacity weaken. The moon is active today, so if you don't have anything to do, try to do something that can engage your creative thinking, such as reading, on this day.

Dreams on 22 lunar day

Everything that you dreamed about on the 22nd lunar day is a symbol indicating where the obstacles and obstacles that stand in your way are. It is quite possible that on the day of Ganesha you will hear revelations that will help you unravel the mystery on the path to what you want, or simply see aspects of your true Self.

Information about the 22 lunar day

Lunar day today is ideal for studying the Holy Scriptures, listening to Vedic lectures. Today, the balance between material and spiritual life is perfectly combined. For important projects, this is not very favorable, but even very good for learning new things. In other words, try to do things on this day where the result is not so important. If you are burdened by what you are doing on this day, try changing the task - the routine can be postponed to other lunar days. A child conceived on this day will be wise, kind. Most likely, he will become a scientist or be a public figure.

22 lunar day - the day of gaining knowledge, the day of working with the origins, turning to your roots, favorable period to rethink their past experiences and take stock.

Symbol of the day elephant Ganesha¹ (patron of knowledge, wisdom) with a broken fang, a scroll (book) and a golden key

What is remarkable about the 22nd lunar day?

22 lunar day - a period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, the transmission of sacred teachings, favorable for almost any action, if they are performed sincerely and aimed at creation.

On the contrary, any conceived negative act is doomed to failure. This is due to the fact that the deity Ganesha, who controls this period, is the lord of demons (gans), hence his name is Ganapati, which literally means “lord of the gans”.

The twenty-second lunar day is also very favorable for traveling, pilgrimage, trips out of town and business trips, taking vows and taking oaths. This is a very harmonious time, this is the very golden mean between the spiritual and material worlds.

Today, as well as possible, you can combine creativity and a fee. In Indian tradition, Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they can simply count on a flurry of inspiration, as they say, just have time to write down.

This day is also successful for people of science. Today, they will definitely come up with a non-standard solution to the problem they face. The main thing is to focus all your attention on the task and ... "Eureka!"

Astrologers believe that on the twenty-second lunar day it is good to transfer knowledge, learn from the experience of mentors, engage in self-education, attend lectures and go to libraries. Today you have a chance to learn more than in the entire lunar month. You just need not to relax, not to be lazy, but to firmly go towards the intended goal.

Your intellectual abilities in this lunar period fully activated and eager for new knowledge. If you spend it in passivity, laziness and meaningless pastime, for example, watching TV or playing cards, then the energy of the Moon will be turned against you and you will eventually notice that your memory is deteriorating every day, and your abilities are decreasing.

This is due to the fact that you did not train your mental abilities in time, and they, having not received the proper load during this lunar period, simply began to atrophy, since the body was ordered to curtail the activity of this part of your being.

Even if you don’t learn something new every day, make a heroic effort today and read at least one scientific book, learn at least one poem, do at least something that will increase your intellectual level.

Vedic lunar calendar this is the period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism.

It is good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). To teach others, pass on experience, prepare disciples, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.

Social impact of the day

Household influence

Medical impact

Diseases are dangerous, often fatal. Patients understand what is happening to them and experience fear.

It is necessary to be especially attentive to the hip belt, the sacrum, the lower part of the spine. sudden movements better not to. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot, load the stomach.

Impact on those born

On the twenty-second day of the moon, the keepers of knowledge and wisdom are born. The brain works several times more productive than in people born on other days. Spiritually rich, fair, but impartial, even cynics. They are very conservative, but they study with pleasure and luck. Easily comprehend the meaning of things, capable of any science.

However, the number of people born on this day is less than on others, sometimes 3 times.

stones- blue agate blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber.

The 22nd lunar day is the most successful time for businessmen, since Ganesha is not only the deity of removing obstacles, but also the deity of wealth. If Ganesha is properly propitiated, he will grant a person wealth, luxury, success and fame.

During this period, it is very useful to visit your mentor, a person who is an authority for you, and listen to his opinion about your pressing problems. You will definitely learn something new, you will see some nuance that you have not noticed before, but slowing down yours.

It would be useful to work with books and other information carriers, sort out archives, correspondence, check account books, and so on. Any activity with text today will give positive results.

It should also be remembered that during this period, affairs related to charity bring fantastic results. The more you donate today to the needs of spiritual societies and communities, the more will come back to you later. The main thing is that your contribution is sincere and devoid of selfish purposes.

Is it worth getting married on this day?

22 lunar day - auspicious time for marriage, but the wedding must be with a large and plentiful feast, with unusual dishes and treats.

The family created during this period will be strong, there will be fewer obstacles on its way, but they will have to develop spiritually all the time, because as soon as the spouses are mired in materiality to the detriment of spiritual advancement, such a union will immediately fall apart.

Therefore, marriage on this lunar day is recommended only for those who have completely devoted their lives to spiritual search.

How does the 22nd lunar day affect health?

The most vulnerable during this period are hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower divisions spine. Be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are engaged in lifting weights, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups.

On the 22nd lunar day, it is recommended to start a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. It is also a good time for theoretical classes, to study psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

Sex on the twenty-second day must necessarily end with a hearty and festive dinner, and preferably in the same place where you indulged love games. But before sex is not recommended.

Firstly, it is simply harmful, and secondly, according to many esoteric teachings, the place where lovers had sex becomes sacred, since great amount energy, there is a harmonization of female and male energies and angels flock to the feast of love.

Therefore, dinner after love pleasures will become a joint meal not only for the most loving couple, but also for angels and deities. Thus, the usual use of food will turn into the sacrament of the ritual.

What do dreams say on this day?

Since Ganesha is the god who removes obstacles, all dreams on the twenty-second day indicate obstacles and obstacles standing on life path.

At correct analysis a prediction received in a dream, a person can finally solve many of his problems, eliminate energy blocks and discover what actually holds back the realization of his divine essence in him.

The main thing is not to fall into the trap of your "ego" when interpreting predictions and not to replace the truth with the desired one. And of course, Ganesha, being the patron sacred knowledge, on the twenty-second day often sends revelations to people in a dream.

Esoterics of the twenty-second day of the moon

Almost all mystical schools devote the twenty-second lunar day to the study scriptures, since Ganesha is the patron god of sages, poets and all sacred texts.

One of the widespread Indian legends says that the great epic "Mahabharata"² was composed by the sage Vyasa and written by Ganesha, who used his own tusk as a pen.

Here is how it was. After the sage Vyasa had already composed his therefore, he thought about how to pass it on to his students. On reflection, he came to the conclusion that there is no one on earth who would be worthy to do this without distorting a single word. Then Brahma appeared before him and advised the sage to turn to the elephant-headed god Ganesha. Vyasa did just that.

Ganesha agreed to the proposal to write down the poem composed by Vyasa, but for his part put forward one indispensable condition, which is as follows - he will write from dictation only if the sage does not interrupt for a second in the presentation, otherwise Ganesha will immediately get up and leave.

After some thought, Vyasa agreed, but also set a condition before God, according to which he should not write anything without understanding the meaning of what he writes about. That's what they decided. Boiled work.

The sage Vyasa had to invent many turns of the epic narrative of the Mahabharata, making his presentation very mysterious and incomprehensible, so that the speed of Ganesha's pen would decrease, and Vyasa would have time to think about continuing the story.

22 lunar day - the day of wisdom and knowledge. It is useful to spend it in contemplation, and this is also the most favorable period in order to begin the study of astrology.

On this day it is auspicious to meditate on yantras⁴. Symbolic images directly affect the subconscious⁵ of a person, bypassing conscious perception. The fundamentals of the world order and the laws of the development of the world are encrypted in symbols. free >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Ganesha, or Ganapati - in Hinduism, the god of wisdom and prosperity. One of the most famous and revered gods of the Hindu pantheon all over the world (Wikipedia).

² Mahabharata ”- an ancient Indian epic. One of the largest literary works in the world, Mahabharata is a complex but organic complex of epic narratives, short stories, fables, parables, legends, lyrical-didactic dialogues, didactic reasoning of theological, political, legal nature (Wikipedia).

³ Brahma, mouth. also Brahma is the god of creation in Hinduism. Along with Vishnu and Shiva, he is one of the Trimurti gods (Wikipedia).

⁴ Yantra is a graphic representation of the energy of deities in Eastern religions (

The symbol of the day is the elephant Ganesha (the son of Shiva, the patron of knowledge, wisdom) with a broken fang, a scroll (book) and a golden key.

The period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, transmission of sacred teachings, favorable for almost any action, if they are performed sincerely and aimed at creation. And on the contrary, any conceived negative act is now doomed to failure. This is due to the fact that the deity Ganesha, who controls this period, is the lord of demons (gans), hence his name is Ganapati, which literally means “lord of the gans”.

The twenty-second lunar day is also very favorable for traveling, pilgrimages, trips out of town and business trips, taking vows and taking oaths.

This is a very harmonious time, figuratively speaking, this is the golden mean between the spiritual and material worlds. Today, as well as possible, you can combine creativity and a fee.

In Indian tradition, Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they can simply count on a flurry of inspiration, as they say, just have time to write down.

This day is also successful for people of science. Today, they will definitely come up with a non-standard solution to the problem they face. The main thing is to focus all your attention on the task and ... "Eureka!"

Astrologers believe that on the twenty-second lunar day it is good to transfer knowledge, learn from the experience of mentors, engage in self-education, attend lectures and go to libraries.

Today you have a chance to learn more than in the entire lunar month. You just need not to relax, not to be lazy, but to firmly go towards the intended goal. Your intellectual abilities in this lunar period are fully activated and thirsty for new knowledge.

If you spend it in passivity, laziness and a meaningless pastime, for example, watching TV or playing cards, then the energy of the Moon will be turned against you and you will eventually notice that your memory is deteriorating every day, and your ability to concentrate decreases.

This is due to the fact that you did not train your mental abilities in time, and they, having not received the proper load during this lunar period, simply began to atrophy, since the body was ordered to curtail the activity of this part of your being. Even if you don’t learn something new every day, make a heroic effort today and read at least one scientific book, learn at least one poem, do at least something that will increase your intellectual level.

This is a very harmonious time, the very “golden mean” between the spiritual and material worlds. Today, inspiration and a fee can be combined in the best possible way. By the way, in the Indian tradition, Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they may well count on a visit to the Muse.
For people of science, this day is also unusually successful. They will definitely come up with a non-standard solution to the problem facing them. The main thing is to focus well.

But it is better for artists to take a break from their work. It is believed that drawings and paintings created on this day can bring bad luck.

Astrologers believe that on the 22nd lunar day it is good to transfer knowledge, learn from the experience of mentors, engage in self-education, attend lectures and go to libraries. Today you will be able to learn much more than in the entire lunar month. You just need not to relax, not to be lazy, but to firmly go towards the intended goal. Your intellectual abilities in this lunar period are fully activated and thirsty for new knowledge.

If you spend it in laziness and apathy, then the energy of the Lupa will be turned against you. Over time, you will begin to notice that your memory is gradually deteriorating, the ability to concentrate decreases. Tighten up, make a heroic effort and do anything that will increase your intellectual level.

Today is not the time for reflection. But if you are still drawn to think, then occupy your mind with what you were afraid to think about before.

Think about your professional and intellectual development. Maybe you should stay at work and try to do as much as possible: another such fruitful day is not expected in the next month. But if your work is connected with physical and nervous tension, then it is better, on the contrary, to relax. Devote your leisure time to intellectual work, at least to solving crossword puzzles. But it is better to read something informative, for example, historical or popular science literature.

As already mentioned, the 22nd lunar day is favorable not only for knowledge, but also for transferring your baggage of knowledge to other people. Dedicate free time education of children, ask how they are doing at school, if any subjects are neglected, if help is needed. On this day, every parent becomes the best tutor for their child.

    Mystical influence: Day of sorrow, knowledge of life and experience of existence. You can predict, meditate, but it is better to devote this day to study, you can move forward like years of hard work. They also practice historical searches and the study of their own roots, archival work. Frequent revelations in a dream.
    This is a period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism. It is good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). To teach others, pass on experience, prepare disciples, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.
    Social influence: Wisdom Day, contacts are not recommended. Practice altruism, generosity.
    Household influence: Tears are frequent, do not travel, do not start new business. It is useful to acquire skills and crafts. Medical Influence: Diseases are dangerous, often fatal. Patients understand what is happening to them, they are afraid.
    AT medical aspect it is necessary to be especially attentive to the hip girdle, sacrum, lower part of the spine. It is better not to make sudden movements. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot, load the stomach.
    Influence on the born: Keepers of knowledge and wisdom. The brain works (in the absence of horoscope contraindications) several times more productive than in people born on other days. Spiritually rich, fair, but impartial, even cynics. They are very conservative, but they study with pleasure and luck. Easily comprehend the meaning of things, capable of any science. However, the number of people born on this day is less than on others, sometimes 3 times.
    Stones - blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber.
    Meditations: a book, bustle in the street.

BUSINESS - 22nd lunar day

The twenty-second lunar day is the most auspicious time for businessmen, since Ganesha is not only the deity of removing obstacles, but also the deity of wealth. If Ganesha is properly propitiated, he will grant a person wealth, luxury, success and fame.

During this period, it is very useful to visit your mentor, a person who is an authority for you, and listen to his opinion about your pressing problems. You will definitely learn something new, see some nuance that was not previously noticed, but slows down your path to success. It would be useful to work with books and other information carriers, sort out archives, correspondence, check account books, and so on. Any activity with the text today will give positive results.

It should also be remembered that during this period, affairs related to charity bring fantastic results. The more you donate today to the needs of spiritual societies and communities, the more will come back to you later. The main thing is that your contribution is sincere and devoid of selfish purposes.

The Indian astrological school believes that this day is very beneficial for trading, therefore it is better to carry out the most important trading operations during this period.

MARRIAGE - 22nd lunar day

The twenty-second lunar day is a favorable time for marriage, but the wedding must be with a large and plentiful feast, with unusual dishes and treats.

The family created during this period will be strong, there will be fewer obstacles on its way than other families, but they will have to develop spiritually all the time, because as soon as the spouses are mired in materiality to the detriment of spiritual advancement, such a union will immediately fall apart. Therefore, marriage on this lunar day is recommended for those who have completely devoted their lives to spiritual search.

HEALTH - 22nd lunar day

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower spine. Be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are engaged in lifting weights, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups.

On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to start a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. It is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

SEX - 22nd lunar day

Sex on the twenty-second lunar day must necessarily end with a hearty and festive dinner, and preferably in the same place where you indulged in love games. But eating before sex is not recommended, firstly, it is simply harmful, and secondly, according to many esoteric teachings, the place where lovers had sex becomes sacred, because during intercourse love couple a huge amount of energy is generated, the harmonization of female and male energies takes place, a balance is established between Earth and Heaven, and angels flock to the celebration of love. Therefore, dinner after love pleasures will become a joint meal not only for the most loving couple, but also for angels and deities. Thus, the usual use of food will turn into the sacrament of the ritual.

DREAMS - 22nd lunar day

Since Ganesha is the god who removes obstacles, all the images of dreams on the twenty-second lunar day indicate the obstacles and obstacles that stand in the way of life.

With the correct analysis of a dream, a person can finally solve many of his problems, eliminate energy blocks and discover what actually holds back the realization of his divine essence in him. The main thing is not to fall into the trap of your "ego" when interpreting symbols and not to replace the truth with the desired one. And of course, Ganesha, being the patron saint of sacred knowledge, on the twenty-second day often sends revelations to people in a dream.

ESOTERIC - 22nd lunar day

Almost all mystical schools devote the twenty-second lunar day to the study of sacred writings, since Gashena is the patron god of sages, poets and all sacred texts. One of the widespread Indian legends says that the great epic Mahabharata was composed by the sage Vyasa and written by Ganesha, who used his own tusk as a pen. Here is how it was.

After the sage Vyasa had already composed his therefore, he thought about how to pass it on to his students. On reflection, he came to the conclusion that there is no one on earth who would be worthy to do this without distorting a single word. Then Brahma appeared before him and advised the sage to turn to the elephant-headed god Ganesha. Vyasa did just that. Ganesha agreed to the proposal to write down the poem composed by Vyasa, but for his part put forward one indispensable condition, which is as follows - he will write from dictation only if the sage does not interrupt for a second in the presentation, otherwise Ganesha is here will get up and leave. After some thought, Vyasa agreed, but also set a condition before God, according to which he should not write anything without understanding the meaning of what he writes about. That's what they decided. Boiled work. The sage Vyasa had to invent many turns of the epic narrative of the Mahabharata, making his presentation very mysterious and incomprehensible, so that the speed of Ganesha's pen would decrease, and Vyasa would have time to think about continuing the story.

The twenty-second lunar day is the day of wisdom and knowledge. It is useful to spend it in contemplation, and this is also the most favorable period in order to begin the study of astrology.

MOON RITUAL - 22 lunar day

Practice of the day: Meditation on symbols:

Symbolic images act directly on the human subconscious, bypassing conscious perception. The symbols encoded the foundations of the world order and the laws of the development of the world. Meditation on various symbolic images on this lunar day contributes to their deeper understanding and penetration into sacred secrets Images.

The period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, transmission of sacred teachings, favorable for almost any action, if they are performed sincerely and aimed at creation. And on the contrary, any conceived negative act is now doomed to failure. This is due to the fact that the deity Ganesha, who controls this period, is the lord of demons (gans), hence his name is Ganapati, which literally means “lord of the gans”. The twenty-second lunar day is also very favorable for traveling, pilgrimages, trips out of town and business trips, taking vows and taking oaths. This is a very harmonious time, figuratively speaking, this is the golden mean between the spiritual and material worlds. Today, as well as possible, you can combine creativity and a fee.

In Indian tradition, Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they can simply count on a flurry of inspiration, as they say, just have time to write down. This day is also successful for people of science. Today, they will definitely come up with a non-standard solution to the problem they face. The main thing is to focus all your attention on the task and ... "Eureka!" Astrologers believe that on the twenty-second lunar day it is good to transfer knowledge, learn from the experience of mentors, engage in self-education, attend lectures and go to libraries.

Today you have a chance to learn more than in the entire lunar month. You just need not to relax, not to be lazy, but to firmly go towards the intended goal. Your intellectual abilities in this lunar period are fully activated and thirsty for new knowledge. If you spend it in passivity, laziness and a meaningless pastime, for example, watching TV or playing cards, then the energy of the Moon will be turned against you and you will eventually notice that your memory is deteriorating every day, and your ability to concentrate decreases. This is due to the fact that you did not train your mental abilities in time, and they, having not received the proper load during this lunar period, simply began to atrophy, since the body was ordered to curtail the activity of this part of your being. Even if you don’t learn something new every day, make a heroic effort today and read at least one scientific book, learn at least one poem, do at least something that will increase your intellectual level.

By the way, in the Indian tradition, Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they may well count on a visit to the Muse. For people of science, this day is also unusually successful. They will definitely come up with a non-standard solution to the problem facing them. The main thing is to focus well. But it is better for artists to take a break from their work. It is believed that drawings and paintings created on this day can bring bad luck.

If you are still drawn to think, then occupy your mind with what you were afraid to think about before. Think about your professional and intellectual development. Maybe you should stay at work and try to do as much as possible: another such fruitful day is not expected in the next month. But if your work is connected with the physical and nervous tension, it is better, on the contrary, to rest. Devote your leisure time to intellectual work, at least to solving crossword puzzles. But it is better to read something informative, for example, historical or popular science literature. As already mentioned, the twentieth second lunar day is favorable not only for knowledge, but also for transferring your baggage of knowledge to other people. Devote your free time to educating your children, ask how they are doing at school, if any subjects are running, if help is needed. On this day, every parent becomes the best tutor for their child.

Business is the twenty-second lunar day.

The twenty-second lunar day is the most auspicious time for Businessmen, since Ganesha is not only the deity of removing obstacles, but also the deity of wealth. If Ganesha is properly propitiated, he will grant a person wealth, luxury, success and fame. During this period, it is very useful to visit your mentor, a person who is an authority for you, and listen to his opinion about your pressing problems. You will definitely learn something new, see some nuance that was not previously noticed, but slows down your path to success. It would be useful to work with books and other information carriers, sort out archives, correspondence, check account books, and so on. Any activity with the text today will give positive results. It should also be remembered that during this period, affairs related to charity bring fantastic results. The more you donate today to the needs of spiritual societies and communities, the more will come back to you later. The main thing is that your contribution is sincere and devoid of selfish purposes. The Indian astrological school believes that this day is very beneficial for trading, therefore it is better to carry out the most important trading operations during this period.

Marriage is the twenty-second lunar day.

The twenty-second lunar day is a favorable time for marriage, but the wedding must be with a large and plentiful feast, with unusual dishes and refreshments. The family created during this period will be strong, there will be fewer obstacles on its way than other families, but they will have to develop spiritually all the time, because as soon as the spouses are mired in materiality to the detriment of spiritual advancement, such a union will immediately fall apart. Therefore, marriage on this lunar day is recommended for those who have completely devoted their lives to spiritual search.

Health is the twenty-second lunar day.

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower spine. Be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are engaged in lifting weights, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups. On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to start a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. It is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

Sex is the twenty-second lunar day.

Sex on the twenty-second lunar day must necessarily end with a hearty and festive dinner, and preferably in the same place where you indulged in love games. But eating before sex is not recommended, firstly, it is simply simply harmful, and secondly, according to many esoteric teachings, the place where lovers had sex becomes sacred, since during the intercourse of a love couple, a huge amount of energy is generated, there is a harmonization of female and male energies, a balance is established between Earth and Heaven, and angels flock to the celebration of love. Therefore, dinner after love pleasures will become a joint meal not only for the most loving couple, but also for angels and deities. Thus, the usual use of food will turn into the sacrament of the ritual.

Dreams - the twenty-second lunar day.

Since Ganesha is the god who removes obstacles, all the images of dreams on the twenty-second lunar day indicate the obstacles and obstacles that stand in the way of life. With the correct analysis of a dream, a person can finally solve many of his problems, eliminate energy blocks and discover what actually holds back the realization of his divine essence in him. The main thing is not to fall into the trap of your "ego" when interpreting symbols and not to replace the truth with the desired one. And of course, Ganesha, being the patron saint of sacred knowledge, on the twenty-second day often sends revelations to people in a dream.

The symbols of the day are the elephant Ganesha with a broken fang (the patron of knowledge and wisdom), a golden key, a scroll. Neutral day.

Day of wisdom, knowledge, use of acquired experience in love and relationships. AT twenty-second lunar day a person can boldly apply the wisdom accumulated over the years. Today you can use your knowledge to your advantage. You can analyze the current situation in the family and relationships with your loved one and draw conclusions.

It is favorable to share one's own experience, to give advice to people in love matters. Today, you can safely share your innermost secrets in a relationship with someone, talk about your knowledge, teach others how to do the right thing in a given situation. Therefore, if you quarreled with your loved one this lunar day and you do not know how it will be better to act, seek advice from a person who is more experienced and wise in these matters. The same can be said about the occurrence of disputable situations in the family.

AT 22 lunar day a person can objectively realize what is favorable for him in a relationship, and what, on the contrary, interferes with harmony and happiness. In this way, you can weed out the bad and choose all the good that will help you find the path to success.

22nd lunar day- period of insight love relationships. Today, a person can make for himself a lot of new discoveries about himself, his soulmate, other people and things. You can find in yourself the answers to questions that have long tormented the soul.

Singles on these lunar days you can tell fortunes for love. You can take the initiative in with the opposite sex. It's good to go on a date. Any meeting and communication today will not be in vain. Even not very good events will turn into benefits and experience for a person.

Not bad to start new business, acquaintances and connections in twenty second lunar day. Today's situations will show you the maximum implementation of the tasks set this month.

For decision making the day is favorable, because the energy of experience and wisdom will help to make right choice. The main thing is to look deeper into your soul and think carefully before deciding anything.

For communication day is neutral. On the one hand, wisdom will help you behave reasonably and measuredly. On the other hand, provocations are possible from inexperienced and stupid people who ignore self-development.

Sort things out in the family and with the second half should not be. When a controversial situation arises, you should carefully think about its wise and correct resolution. Try to avoid scandal and discuss all necessary issues in a calm atmosphere.

For marriages and engagements day is neutral.

Intimacy and sex not contraindicated, but it is better to know the measure.

For conception 22nd lunar day is favorable, because the child in the future will become a sage or scientist, a reliable defender, a champion of laws. Most likely, he will be happy, because he is a descendant of interesting ancestors and unusual circumstances. Seeker of eternal truth, keeper of good traditions.

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