Rules for visiting a steam room in a Russian bath. Medicine for the soul and body: the sacred secrets of the bath

About when and where the first baths appeared in Russia, and how much Europe lagged behind the Slavs in this sense, perhaps everyone knows. Numerous studies have been carried out, scientific papers have been written on the bathing traditions, their significance and role in the culture of our people. It would seem that everything is clear: the bath for our ancestors was not only a means of cleansing the body, but also an effective method of healing. Moreover, it was with the cult of the bath that the tradition of visiting it at the most crucial moments of life was connected. They steamed before the wedding and washed a person before death (on his deathbed - only in a clean one), before a long military campaign and on the eve of major religious holidays. But what can I say: they conceived children and even gave birth in a bathhouse, because according to legend, it is in this room that all four elements unite, protecting the body and spirit of a person from adversity and adversity.

If the bathing cult played a less significant role in the life of the Slavic peoples, would our ancestors begin to take tribute with brooms? But it was! So, maybe our wise forefathers used the opportunity to take a steam bath with a whisk in a hot bathhouse not only for hygienic or therapeutic purposes? Perhaps, together with the cleansing of the body, they received a powerful boost of vital energy, and the bath for them was medicine for the soul?

Undoubtedly, it was just so, because otherwise the tradition of bathing in Russian bath simply would not stand the test of time, lost in the mists of time, since customs that do not carry a deep sacred meaning are doomed to die out in any ethnic group.

What knowledge did our ancestors leave us in the art of steaming? What legacy have we received from them? Do we know how to properly prepare brooms for a bath and use the power of herbs? Do we take into account, going once again to the steam room, all the accumulated - priceless, in its essence - thousand-year "bathing" experience of our great-great-great-grandparents? If not, then it is not too late to burden yourself with unique knowledge about the benefits and possibilities of the Russian bath, the peculiarities of preparing brooms for it, the preparation of healing herbal decoctions, the nuances of behavior during procedures and, in connection with this, brilliant prospects for the health of the body and soul.

The firm of brooms does not knit

Do you know that hand-tied bath broom has a stronger energy than bought on the market or, directly, in the bath? And there is nothing supernatural and mystical here: after all, everything that we do with our own hands and with love keeps the imprint of our strength and positive energy. And therefore, if you want a regular visit to a bath from a bar to become not only an extremely pleasant, but also a useful procedure, get together in May to harvest birch brooms.

You should not bet on "hunting" for flexible and resilient birch twigs covered with the first - the most useful - sticky leaves in the city. Too much dirt - and energy, including - absorb the plants of the metropolis.

Raw materials for birch (as well as from other types of wood) are best harvested in environmentally friendly suburban areas. Do not forget that each type of broom has its own - determined by nature - time for collecting raw materials. So, for example, the most popular birch brooms are best to start harvesting in May, when the size of the leaves in diameter is no more than 7-15 mm, and they have a delicate color, slightly stick to the hands and have an amazing smell! Brooms are harvested up to Ivan Kupala, cutting off flexible, durable branches with leaves on a long petiole before sunrise.

Old people say that you need to choose the “correct” birch for brooms by touching the upper part of the leaf with your tongue: if it is smooth, dry, barely velvety and the tongue does not feel rough roughness, then this is the same bath tree. My grandmother called such a birch "clean", but a tree with a rough leaf has a different name. It is called the "wilderness", that is, deaf, insensitive to the needs of the human body and soul, a tree. Brooms from a "deaf" birch will not respond to the call of a sick body, they will whip mercilessly, but you will not get a result. Excellent brooms are obtained from birch trees growing not far from water bodies: their branches are particularly flexible and durable. Such birches are popularly called "shorelines", and botanists - Bétula péndula, drooping birch. It differs from other varieties in leaves, shaped like a heart, and long, beautiful, hanging, like a willow, twigs.

Oak brooms take the second place in demand among true connoisseurs of "light steam". They have a powerful healing power, and if you want to restore energy or get rid of skin diseases, take an oak broom into the bath. Properly tied and dried according to all the rules, it will withstand at least five visits to the steam room. Oak brooms are harvested from early summer to August: cut in June, they are less durable, but massage more gently. But the August, and even more so, September brooms will whip hard, but will last a long time.

Sometimes lime brooms are taken to the bath. They have the same properties as the tree itself, so for colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, seasonal SARS and acute respiratory infections, a linden broom in Russian bath simply irreplaceable. And what a spirit is in the steam room! It seems that even the walls are saturated with honey smell!

Exotic lovers prepare brooms from fragrant, but prickly coniferous trees, firs and junipers. But in order not to harm yourself or the STEAM nick (nice play on words!), you need to know how to prepare a spruce broom and choose the “right” juniper. Sometimes they make a "composition" of several tree species, and the components are selected in accordance with the needs. For example, if you want to get rid of an annoying cough, add two or three branches of eucalyptus to a birch broom. If you suffer from rashes on the body - use the power of centuries-old oaks. If you plan to use a trip to the bathhouse to fight diseases of the joints - knit brooms from ... nettles in the summer.

When preparing brooms for a bath, remember that each tree is a living organism that gives you part of its strength. And therefore, when cutting a branch from an oak or a birch, do not be ashamed to mentally ask him for forgiveness. Do not use the gifts of the forest in a barbaric way and do not strip a tree to the last branch - you still have to turn to nature for help.

Grass - grass strife or Fitosbor for Russian bath

If you consider a visit to the bathhouse as a way to restore health, improve your mood, feel like a harmonious part of the world, do not take vodka, beer and snacks with you. Better brew some herbal tea, add honey and lemon to it, and let yourself plunge into a state of complete bliss.

So, what herbs can be brewed in preparation for going to the bath and how to do it right? "Bath" phytocollections can be conditionally divided into:

  • tonic;
  • soothing;
  • vitamin;
  • anti-cold (they are diaphoretic);
  • anti-inflammatory.

Rules for making healing tea for a bath

It is necessary to brew (and not boil!) Grass for a bath in such a way that it retains the maximum of its useful properties, otherwise the use of phytocollection will simply lose its meaning. Therefore, 3-4 hours before the "x" hour, pour herbal collection into a thermos at the rate of 2 tablespoons with a top of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Do not immediately cover the thermos with a lid, otherwise you will get "dead water": the broth must receive its portion of oxygen. If you use not only flowers and leaves of plants, but also roots and dried fruits, brew tea in the evening. Honey and lemon should not be put in a thermos along with herbs - they will lose their true taste and become less useful. It is better to add them directly to the cup before drinking tea.

Antistress tea

So, if you go to the bathhouse in order to relieve weekly tension and stress, take a sedative collection with you. Prepare tea with the addition of mint, lemon balm, oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort. Do not forget that the body can be healed not only with decoctions, but also with smells. Therefore, steam separately motherwort and mint in order to splash life-giving moisture on hot stones in the steam room. For the same purpose, you can use aromatic oils - lemon, mint, lemon balm, bergamot - individually or in combination, adding them to water and gradually pouring them onto the heater.

Sweating and anti-cold collection

Colds and seasonal illnesses are treated in Russian bath with the help of anti-cold preparations, the main component of which is linden, leaf and raspberries, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus. The broth is drunk before the first entry into the steam room, as well as “at the exit”. Forcing the skin to work intensively, diaphoretic teas contribute to the active elimination of toxins, thereby helping the body to cope with the disease faster. Of course, if a cold is accompanied by fever, visiting the bath is strictly prohibited.

Multivitamin tea

For everyone, without exception, vitamin teas are suitable. They are prepared by insisting dried rose hips, leaves, flowers and berries of wild strawberries, black currants, mulberries, chokeberries, elderberries, thorns, viburnum in the evening in a thermos. A tea glass of vitamin collection contains a huge amount of useful substances - not to be compared with synthetic vitamins! - in its natural state.

energy tea

If you want to get a powerful charge of vivacity as a result of visiting the bathhouse, to be nourished not only by the energy of a birch or oak broom, but also by the power of herbs, prepare a tonic infusion of echinacea, thyme, rosea rhodiola, nettle, strawberry.

Anti-inflammatory herbal tea

Broncho-pulmonary diseases in the bath are treated with anti-inflammatory teas based on coltsfoot, linden, sage, pine buds, eucalyptus, raspberry, viburnum. Decoctions with the addition of birch buds, yarrow, St.

Is steam always light: massage and hardening in the bath

Extreme hardening methods, such as diving into a snowdrift or an ice hole, are most effective on trained people. Therefore, if you have just started to regularly go and bathe in the bath, then hardening should begin with dousing with cool water immediately after leaving the steam room. Moreover, usually after the first entry into the steam room, the body is not yet ready to receive a contrast shower, but when the skin turns red and intense sweating begins, it's time to dive into a pool of cool water or pour a bucket of cold water on yourself.

For the youngest visitors to the bath, you can prepare a bowl of cold water and small pebbles, on which the baby can stomp with pleasure after the steam room: foot massage combined with the effect of cold water on active points gives amazing results!

As for the improvement of the skin in the Russian bath, it would seem that nothing better than a broom has yet been invented. Here you have a massage, and phytoncides, and natural oils. But, with a honey massage, and on a steamed body, nothing can compare! The skin after such a massage becomes satiny, smooth, tender, almost the same as Margarita's after Azazello's magic cream. And I really want to fly!

About the Russian bath in numbers

  • the skin, through which in the bath there is an effective effect on all organs and systems, is 20% of a person's weight;
  • through the capillary system, "working" in the steam room, passes up to 80% of the blood volume;
  • if the speed of blood circulation in the human circulatory system is at least 8 circles per minute, the treatment of any organ will be most effective;
  • an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees is fatal for the bulk of viruses;
  • in the human body there is a so-called reserve supply of blood. Its volume is about 1 liter. During a visit to the bath with a steam room, it is included in the general blood flow;
  • by the age of 25, the volume of circulating blood in the muscle tissue is almost halved! You can “disperse” it, update and clean it only with the help of a bath;
  • in the steam room, the temperature of the internal organs and skin increases by 3 and 10 degrees, respectively.

As we see, Russian bath if it is not a panacea, then at least it can claim this title.

Go to the bath correctly, be healthy and have a light steam!

It must be remembered that alcohol and a bath cannot be combined. The use of beer and vodka in most cases leads to a violation of the cardiovascular system and causes negative consequences.

You can go to the bath both in the morning and in the evening - it depends on what effect you want to get. Morning bath procedures wake up the body, energize for the coming day. Visiting her in the evening relieves the tension accumulated during the day, relaxes the muscles of the body.

If you are very tired, you should not go to the bath. It is better to reschedule the visit and go when you are in a good mood.

You can’t visit a bath with a full stomach, you need to eat during the day. The best option is a light snack before visiting the bath for 2 hours. In Russia, in ancient times, a piece of radish was eaten before the bath.

Before you go steaming, you need to take a warm shower or plunge into a cool pool, then dry your body with a towel, as the water on the skin will prevent sweating. And then you can safely go to steam.

Swimmers should take a dip in the pool before the steam room, because a long stay in the pool after the hot steam can cause hypothermia and colds.

In the steam room, the best position is lying down, so the muscles relax and warm up well.

In the bath, do not rush. It is necessary to act slowly and measuredly. Several times, without haste, you need to go to the steam room, and rest at intervals.

Not everyone knows how to steam with a broom. You can’t often give in to heat and whip yourself hard. The body must be steamed out carefully, without arranging a "gray fog" in the steam room, from which nothing is visible.

You can not go to the bathhouse and bathe with a whisk in the presence of such contraindications: the presence of acute inflammatory processes, exacerbation of internal chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraine and epilepsy. In addition, it is forbidden to visit the bath for those who suffer from skin diseases.

What is forbidden to do in the bath?

  • you can not visit the steam room with a wet head - this causes overheating and heat stroke;
  • do not bathe with a broom in the first run - the body must immediately be warmed up;
  • when you first visit the steam room, do not climb onto the top shelf - you get used to the heat gradually;
  • do not sit in a common steam room on bare boards - you need to put a sheet or towel on your feet, there should be rubber slates on your feet;
  • remove jewelry, glasses, watches.

Bath is a wonderful place for healing and pleasant pastime. After all, a visit to the steam room in combination with contrasting water procedures contributes to relaxation, uplifting, strengthening immunity and just a good rest. But how often can you go to the bath so that it is healthy? What should be the frequency of bathing procedures and is it worth visiting the steam room every day?

Benefits of visiting a steam room

To maintain the health and youth of the human body, experts recommend starting to visit the sauna and bath.

The steam room has a unique beneficial effect on the body: it stimulates regeneration processes, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, relaxes the muscular corset, reduces the negative effects of stress, expands and cleanses pores, removes toxins, improves blood circulation and well-being.

Regular bathing strengthens the heart and lungs, cleanses the respiratory system, and tones the skin. This is a wonderful prevention of colds, a means to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body.

Bath contraindications

Despite the clear benefits of visiting the steam room, many people have such procedures.

Fans of passive relaxation every time after visiting the steam room feel a boost of energy and a surge of vivacity, so they are ready to go to the bathhouse every day.

According to many medical studies, regular visits to the bath really have a powerful therapeutic effect on a person. The result of such a rest can be an improvement in well-being, normalization of pressure, and a decrease in insulin levels.

To get the most out of bath procedures, you need to know how many days a week you can visit the steam room:

  • The optimal frequency of visiting the bath and sauna for beginners is once a week, while the duration of one procedure should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • People with heart and lung diseases can go to the sauna and bath once every two weeks to gradually accustom the body to serious thermal stress.
  • Active bath attendants with good health can do it up to 4 times a week, while the time spent in the steam room is halved.
  • When carrying out cosmetic procedures, it is enough to visit the bath only 2 times a week.

The duration of the bath procedure

The optimal duration of the procedure depends on several indicators: the type of steam room, the state of physical health, preliminary preparation and goals.

The main rule is not to harm your own health. If discomfort or feeling unwell is detected, it is necessary to stop the procedure.

The optimal time spent in the steam room in one run is from 4 to 25 minutes.

Rules for visiting the bath

All bathing procedures are carried out in stages, while entering the steam room should alternate with short breaks for rest.

The first entry prepares the body for thermal stress and relaxation, so it is the longest. The time spent in the steam room is from 10 to 15 minutes.

When you first visit the steam room, the body may react to the high temperature regime with the appearance of burgundy spots. This suggests that the vessels are actively expanding and adapting to new conditions. For effective vascular training, it is recommended to alternate regular visits to the steam room with contrasting water treatments.

After the first entry, it is necessary to cool the heated body and cleanse the skin. To do this, just take a warm shower and do a light cleaning of the skin. This is followed by a break for rest, during which massage procedures are allowed.

To replenish the fluid in the body, you can drink any - warm tea, herbal decoction, fruit drink or clean water.

For not avid bathers and beginners, the process of visiting the bath is as follows: took off his clothes, rubbed himself with a washcloth, washed his hair, ran into the steam room, drank, sat, rested, dried, dressed, left. And that's it! But for real fans of the bath, this is a whole ritual and a kind of sacrament, the preparation of which requires observing a lot of little things and nuances.

What to bring?

So, the planned trip to the bath begins with the collection of the necessary things. You, of course, can purchase or rent all the necessary attributes in modern bath complexes, but it is better to have your own hygiene items. It will be both cheaper and safer.

List of necessary things:

  • waterproof slippers on a rubber basis. Such shoes will protect you when moving around the perimeter of a wet floor;
  • broom. If you are a complete beginner, then at first you can do without it. Look, for starters, how avid lovers soar;
  • couple hat. It's impossible without her. It can also be replaced with a cotton scarf. But never enter the steam room without a hat! A covered head will reduce the risk of heat stroke. Avoid products made from synthetic materials. It is better if it is natural wool, linen or cotton;
  • protective gloves made of tarpaulin and natural wool. You can not take them if you do not plan to bathe with a broom;
  • sheet or robe. Although in the washing room everyone goes naked, and everyone has already seen everything from each other, in the rest room it is customary to cover all their causal places;
  • seat pad. It will be necessary in the steam room, since not everyone can withstand sitting on bare boards at high temperatures. Besides, it's unhygienic;
  • washcloth, soap, shampoo and other cosmetics;
  • many people, especially women, like to make various masks and scrubs in the bath. This is very useful, because in the bath the skin is clean, steamed, prepared for procedures. The main thing is to find out in advance whether the administration is not forbidden such procedures;
  • oil aroma. Again, in agreement with the administration and with the permission of other participants in the process;
  • drink;
  • clothes and underwear;
  • hair dryer, comb.

What not to do in the bath

So, everything you need is collected, and we go to the bathhouse. What you can’t do there so as not to harm your health and leave only with positive emotions, described below.

  1. Consume alcohol. The strong contrast of the temperature regime already gives an enormous load on the heart muscle. And if all the action is combined with the use of alcohol, then the body may not withstand it, and the risk of getting a heart attack increases greatly.
  2. You can not bathe both on a full and on an empty stomach. Before going to the bath, you can have a light snack of natural food without artificial colors and preservatives. Heavier food eaten immediately before visiting the steam room will create heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, since the blood supply at high temperatures is directed from the internal organs to the skin.
  3. Don't drink carbonated drinks. Water with gas and so does not have a particularly good effect on the digestive system. And if under normal conditions the body still somehow copes, then in the bath it becomes much more difficult for him to do this.
  4. Do not drink cold drinks, they inhibit sweating. Water should be at room temperature. Warm herbal tea is good. 5. There is no place for patients in the bath. ARI, especially against the background of elevated body temperature, is a direct contraindication for going to the bath.
  5. Avoid physical overload. In almost all saunas you will find a room with a large bed and subdued lights. It is clear what purpose it is intended for. If you feel good, then this action in the room is not forbidden. But in the steam room this is categorically not recommended, since there is a high risk of getting physical overload.
  6. Don't overestimate yourself. Do not get involved in stupid games "on a bet" "Who will sit in the steam room longer." You need to be there only as long as your well-being allows you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Such pranks can play a cruel joke on you.
  7. Don't pour rocks. In the steam room, it is customary to “give in”, that is, pour water on hot stones to increase the temperature. The more water is poured, the higher the air temperature rises. Therefore, do not immediately pour too much water to avoid burns. At one time, one or two small ladles are enough.
  8. Do not steam a dry broom with hot water. Continuous contact with boiling water will ruin the products, the leaves will crumble from it.
  9. Sit on the bath shelves according to the rules. The top shelf is designed to be placed on it in a horizontal position. In a sitting position, the head can overheat, and the legs can't take a steam bath. On the first visit, you can not immediately climb up. Prepare the body gradually. Take some rest downstairs first.
  10. Do not wash with soap before the steam room. A lean body is more prone to burns.
  11. Do not enter the steam room with a wet head. Moisture on the hair will give a quick overheating.
  12. Do not overdo it. The first visit to the steam room should take no more than 5 minutes. Further, the residence time can be gradually increased. Focus on your well-being. But you know that the rest time should be several times longer.
  13. No warm water after the steam room. After a good steam, it is better to douse yourself with cold water.
  14. Don't chase the "experienced". If you are new to this business, do not try to sit on the shelf with the regulars of the steam room. Their organisms are already accustomed, But you may not be able to cope with the habit.

And remember that going to the bath should, above all, be fun. If you regularly feel bad there, you may have health contraindications. Consult with your doctor so as not to harm your body.

To the bath? "What's difficult?" - you ask. Warmed up, washed - and at the table with soft drinks. In fact, this is an oversimplified representation. Our Slavic ancestors knew a lot about bathing art. Today we decided to collect all their experience so that you can use it. There are a huge number of nuances, non-observance of which leads to the fact that you do not heal your body, but, on the contrary, harm it. Therefore, if you are planning to get together with a broom in the steam room, then first read our article and find out how to go to the bathhouse correctly.

Preparation for the bath ritual

It can be called like that. For the Slavs, the banya was an almost sacred place. Sick people were brought here to be treated, a newborn child was washed in the bathhouse so that he would grow up strong and healthy, the bathhouse was also flooded at the time of a person’s death to wash him. Today we go to the steam room purely for pleasure, because every house has a shower and hot water, but the smell of warm wood and oak whisk cannot be replaced by anything else.

So, how to go to the bath? First of all, you can not eat up before visiting the steam room. The last, light snack should take place no later than 1.5 hours before the event. Take kvass, mineral water, compote or natural juice (for example, birch) with you. But about alcohol on this day must be forgotten.

A hot shower is enough to keep your body clean. Bath - it's completely different, it's a place of power. The Russian bath has a high hygiene and medicinal value. However, you can not visit the steam room too often. No wonder there is a generally accepted standard to go steaming on Saturdays. Once a week is the optimal frequency. Moreover, the meaning of such an event is much deeper than a simple washing of the body. Such regularity will help to harden the body and avoid many diseases in the future.

Primary ablution

Speaking about how to properly go to the bath, it is necessary first of all to emphasize the importance of preparing the body. That is, you do not need to go straight to the steam room - first rinse under a hot shower. In this case, the water should be warm enough. The optimal mode is 38 degrees, this is enough to prepare the body for the upcoming test of high temperatures.

At this stage, the task is precisely to warm up the skin, so leave the soap and washcloth for later. The fact is that soap actively destroys the lipid layer, which is designed to protect our skin. By washing away this barrier, we leave the skin exposed to the heat of the steam room, which will dry it to parchment.

Cold head in a hot steam room

We continue to tell you about how to properly go to the bath and steam. It is very important to keep your head dry. That is, taking a shower, it is absolutely impossible to wet your hair. If you neglect this rule, you can easily get. In general, all avid bath attendants know that you need to put on a hat made of natural wool or cotton on your head. By the way, it does not hurt to moisten it in ice water and squeeze it properly. This will allow you to protect your head even better and prevent an accident. Now you are ready to meet the hot climate of the Russian steam room. Don't expect to sit here for a long time. This is not only unnecessary, but even harmful. For the entire time spent in the bath, it is better to make 5 to 10 visits to the steam room, and spend the rest of the time in the pool or in the relaxation room.

What do we take with us

Let's talk a little more about what to bring with you. It is better to think about it in advance, so that at the last moment you do not forget anything in a hurry. First of all, you will need a towel and a mat for the steam room, as well as a special hat. Don't forget flip flops that are easy to put on and take off. It will not be superfluous to grab a comb and hair dryer, soap, shampoo, shower gel, as well as clean clothes.

For a woman, the list is even more expanded due to cosmetics, which in the bath fully reveal their properties. These are masks and scrubs, peels. However, please note that there are certain standards on how to properly go to a public bath. In your private, you can apply any cosmetics in a free sequence, but going into a public steam room with a mask on your face or a scrub on your body is disrespectful to others. You can apply them, but before the steam room, be sure to wash them off in the shower. But this does not apply to hair masks. Choose nourishing formulations, apply to strands and cover it all with a shower cap. And put on a special hat for a steam room on top.

Steamed skin is ideal for applying moisturizers and masks, anti-cellulite and firming products. Therefore, take them with you to the bath. While the cream is being absorbed, drink green tea, mineral water or juice. But it is better not to drink coffee and alcohol.

Get used to the heat

Today we are talking about a classic steam room, where water is poured onto the heater and the dizzying smell of leaves from a broom. And in order to easily endure the heat, you need to know how to go to the Russian bath. In order for you to have the most pleasant impressions, you need to make the first adaptive entry. The optimum temperature in this case is +60 ° C, that is, the lower shelf of the steam room is suitable. Lie down on it and get used to the conditions. The first run is usually designed for 3-10 minutes, so do not be too zealous. For now, the broom only needs to be steamed, the most important thing is yet to come.

Second entry: go to the bath procedures

After you have had a good rest, it's time to go to the steam room again. Now the stay there can be extended to 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can not only sweat, but also try the healing power of a broom. To do this, it is best to go to the bath together. Do not forget: we steam in the bath correctly. Steaming with a broom (we will tell you the rules now) is a procedure that is not known to many today. At the same time, the expression "whip with a broom" is completely inappropriate here. In order for the procedure to be useful and enjoyable, you must first study this sacrament.

Broom massage

First of all, the plowing of the lying on the shelf is performed. In this way hot air is blown in. The massage continues with shaking. This is shaking a broom under the ceiling of the steam room and briefly pressing it against the feet, lower back and shoulder blades. Now you can move on to whipping, light blows to the skin. Be sure to alternate them with lingering strokes. An excellent type of massage is a compress. A hot broom is lowered onto the skin with a tight pressure for 4-5 seconds. Do not forget that although this procedure is pleasant, you should not delay it too much. 5-7 minutes are enough, after which you need to lie down for another 2-5 minutes, relaxing as much as possible, and only then you can get up and go to rest.

Bath party continues

It doesn't have to be going home. Use the cosmetics that you have brought with you. Drink tea, relax, rinse in the shower - and you can go to the steam room again. Each subsequent visit may be longer. But each person is different, watch your feelings and don't try to stay there too long. The maximum time in the steam room is 20 minutes.

Extreme temperature fluctuations

Since we are talking today about the organism, it is necessary to say about the favorite pastime of the Russian people. This is diving into an ice-hole, rubbing with snow, at worst, you can pour ice-cold water from a bucket on yourself. But! We must remember that this is a very big stress for the body, so if you have recently started going to the steam room, you should not test yourself for strength. Start by swimming in the pool, the water in it is usually just cool. Gradually lower the temperature of the water used for contrast treatments. Hardening is a process that is meant to be beneficial, so approach it wisely.

Bath - an assistant in the fight for a beautiful figure

This question was probably asked by all women, so in the end we will look at how to go to the bathhouse for weight loss. How can a steam room help you lose weight? It turns out that it is very simple: under the influence of high temperatures, a process of strong sweating occurs. The fluid leaves, and the body makes up for its lack by rendering it from fat deposits and muscles. Thus, the process of splitting and removing fat through the pores is started. Of course, you won't lose much, and besides, a strong thirst will force you to drink a large enough amount of water to compensate for the loss. But the running process is very useful for the whole organism. To date, the program has proven to be excellent, which includes a visit to the Russian steam room, then a cleansing peeling of the whole body and a manual anti-cellulite massage. This procedure ends with mud or

Summing up, I would like to add that the Russian people honored the bathing traditions for centuries, which means that it is very useful for us to continue the traditions of our great-grandfathers and go to the steam room. At least a couple of times a month. The bath strengthens the body and eliminates numerous diseases, gives a second youth, improves mood, acts on the skin in almost the same way as expensive salon procedures. Therefore, if you are still in doubt, heed the advice: go to the bathhouse!

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