Is it possible to darken the finished glasses. Spectacle lens tinting

Dark or, more correctly, sunglasses - an accessory loved by both men and women. It is not always used for its intended purpose - jokes are still popular about how many girls use "the most fashionable glasses this season" exclusively as a hair band. Someone so does not represent existence without sunglasses that remains in them even in the evening, when the sun has long gone down below the horizon, and in a cafe, and in a club. And this can be understood, because correctly selected glasses can advantageously correct the shape of the face and give a person a special charm.

Sunglasses are becoming an integral part of the image, a favorite thing and a collectible. But today we will discuss the extremely practical side of wearing sunglasses: in fact, do they protect from the sun and is it really necessary for our eyes? Or sunlight useful rather than harmful?

Discussing this issue, experts unanimously answer - ultraviolet radiation harms the retina of our eyes. It can cause retinal burns and, as a result, premature visual impairment and even blindness.

However, quite a bit of ultraviolet gets to our eyes: the harshest and most harmful UV rays are retained by the ozone layer, part of the radiation is blocked by the lens in our eyes. But even the minimum that still reaches the retina can lead to problems. Surely you have noticed that on a particularly sunny day, the eyes get very tired, they literally hurt. And it’s not for nothing that we begin to squint, trying to somehow reduce the incoming light flow, our body knows better than we what is harmful to it and what is useful, and does not want to let too much sunlight into the retina.

By the way, this causes wrinkles around the eyes. I understand that we are unlikely to scare men with this fact, but nevertheless, why age your face if there is an opportunity to avoid it?

So, drawing conclusions from all of the above, we can definitely say that you will definitely need sunglasses:

  • summer especially sunny day;
  • on the beach, where water and sand (white) actively reflect the sun's rays;
  • in the mountains or fishing;
  • on a sunny day in winter.

But it is better to avoid wearing glasses indoors, transport, in cloudy weather, in the evening, when the sunlight is soft and not blinding. The point is that from permanent wear glasses may develop a fear of light - photophobia. And then even minimal light will cause you severe discomfort.

The second question arises: what glasses to choose? They are now sold in the truest sense of the word on every corner. Are the not-too-expensive pieces from the store next door good enough to protect your eyes, or should you go to the optician and fork out for some branded sunglasses?

Here we come to the most interesting. Sunglasses are not always sunscreen. Yes, they reduce the brightness of the color, we become comfortable, we stop squinting and ... harm our eyes! Because the ultraviolet continues to penetrate through these darkened lenses, and our pupil, deceived by the reduced brightness of the light, has expanded and quietly passes these UV rays! In addition, fairly cheap glasses made of low-quality plastic can simply ruin your vision (for example, due to different centering of the glasses, i.e. due to the fact that the glasses are simply crooked), and you will see distorted through them, with incorrect color reproduction .

High-quality glasses can be with glass or plastic lenses, but the degree of protection against UV radiation must be written on them. Or the seller must have a certificate for this product, which must contain all the characteristics. Stickers like: “100% UV protection” and “Total UV absorption” should not be trusted, especially if they decorate glasses with a price of 300 rubles.

By the way, if we talk about the price of quality glasses with UV protection, then in principle you can meet 1500-2000 thousand rubles. Of course, it is unlikely to be a branded model, but the main thing is eye protection. GUCCI will cost exactly at least 5,000 rubles. Definitely a bit pricey in my opinion. But well-known companies value their name and the quality of their products very much, which means that for this amount you will buy not just lenses in a frame, but the confidence that the frame will not warp on the second day, the screws will not fall out, and the lenses will not be scratched, which is the degree UV protection is as specified in the documents, and you will not harm your eyes.

Wander through professional optics stores, look, estimate, read the documentation that they can provide you with. Unfortunately, my online search showed that online stores rely on the design of frames, but do not indicate information about UV protection. Probably, in such cases it is worth writing to the support service, clarifying the characteristics of the glasses, asking to send certificates.

And finally, I would like to consider a question that has always interested me personally: what are polarized and photochromic lenses and do we all need to wear them?

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are commonly referred to as "chameleons". Chameleons will be indoors regular glasses(even if the room is sunny enough), and when you go outside, they will darken, moreover, depending on the intensity of the light. The principle of operation of photochromic lenses is based on the content of photochromic substance molecules in the lens material that react to ultraviolet light.

Chameleons have several features at once, which can be safely considered as advantages:

  • such glasses can be with diopters. which is very convenient for people with poor eyesight. After all, not everyone uses lenses and can choose ordinary sunglasses, and hide their eyes from bright sun necessary;
  • even if the glasses are without diopters, it is still very convenient. First, because the lenses react to light levels, you always get enough protection. Secondly, you do not have to take off and put on glasses all the time if you are running from the premises to the street and back;
  • chameleons protect against glare, providing good vision clarity.

It should be noted that photochromic glasses are not darkened inside the car, except for special chameleons for drivers.

Polarized sunglasses

The point of polarized sunglasses is that they block out the glare that interferes with our vision. In general, these highlights are not particularly critical, and therefore wear polarized glasses not necessarily all the time.

However, there is a category of people for whom polarized glasses will be very useful. These are drivers and fishermen. I think everyone who was driving, and even just sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver, knows how annoying the light reflected from the shiny parts of oncoming and ahead cars, as well as the glare on the windshield. For fishermen, glasses will be relevant, as they will remove glare from the water, which make it difficult to see the float.

Bonus tip: how to check that the glasses offered to you in the store are really polarized?

take two polarized glasses(identical). Put some on yourself and look at the light source (incandescent lamp, sun). Then rotate the second glasses relative to the first ones by 90 °, aligning their lens to the lens. Again look at the light source. If you no longer see the light, then you can safely take these glasses. And by the way, for polarized glasses, the degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation should also be indicated.

Health to you and clear vision!

Pretty sunglasses or prescription glasses?

Now you don't have to choose!

We offer you the opportunity to install in any frame tinted or photochromic lenses, or choose frame with sun clip!

At the same time, whichever option you choose, your glasses will have lenses with diopters according to your prescription!


In fact, these are sunglasses, but (!!!) the lenses are not just darkened, but also with diopters according to your prescription!!! On our website you can choose 2 dimming options 15% and 75%.

15% is a barely noticeable, very light toning. Corresponds to the 0th category of dimming. Used if you often have to be in overly lit rooms, or to increase the contrast. AT recent times lenses with this tint can often be seen in glasses of famous fashion houses.

75% is a fairly strong dimming to feel calm in the bright sun. Corresponds to the 3rd category of dimming. The vast majority of ordinary sunglasses have exactly the 3rd category of dimming.

All lenses also have a multi-coating, including anti-reflective coating, water-dirt-repellent and hardening layer.


Eyeglasses with photochromic lenses- most convenient option for summer!

You don't have to have multiple glasses - just one is enough. These are the lenses that popularly called "chameleons". The main reason for this name is the ability to change the degree of its darkening as quickly as a chameleon changes its color.

Wherein indoors they will be almost light(only 15% tinting), and darken up to 75% in the sun, which corresponds to the 3rd category of darkening (this is the category for most sunglasses).

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the photochromic elements of the lenses are activated only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and do not work if you are separated from the sun by glass (for example, indoors or in a car).

Like tinted lenses, photochromic lenses have a multi-coating, which includes an anti-reflective coating, a water-dirt-repellent and hardening layer.

Glasses with clips

Glasses with a sun clip are a very convenient option, and there are a lot of cases where a clip would be appropriate!

Also clips are best option if you have difficult diopters. With high diopters or strong astigmatism, tinted or photochromic lenses are only possible "on order", and they will cost several times more than lenses "on the price list".

In the case of using a clip, you order ordinary lenses, the diopter range of which is much wider than that of tinted lenses, and for cases of sun protection, you use a sun clip.

You can watch some of the frames with clips right now:

How to order glasses with tinted or photochromic lenses?

We can insert tinted lenses with diopters in any frame presented on our website!

To order, select the model of glasses you like, and click the "Order Now" button. You will be taken to the options selection page. Now only 3 short steps separate you from the glasses:

Step 1- specify your parameters from the prescription for glasses. Depending on the diopters chosen, the availability of tinted lenses may vary. Most lenses are available for diopters from +6 to -6

Tinted lenses are lenses that transmit only specific color spectrum.

They have fixed tones or are photochromic (chameleons). And tinted lenses for glasses have a solid color or gradient.

Lens tinting is needed in order to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays during daylight hours, especially in spring and summer, when they are especially intense.

Also, lightly tinted tinted glasses are worn for aesthetic purposes (hide wrinkles, bags under the eyes, circles around the eyes, no makeup) or when treatment of certain eye diseases is necessary.

Tinted eyeglass lenses turn this accessory into a stylish element of your look that matches hair color, make-up, clothing.

Particularly good are gradient glasses, tinted by half or two-thirds. They make the eyes very expressive.

For men, sunglasses will certainly add charm and make women even more attractive in the summer.

Sunglasses can be bought ready-made, in a wide range frames and lenses, or custom-made tinting in optics. Or order ready-made colored lenses of your choice.

Tinting is applied both to the most common monofocal lenses and to lenses with computer filters that protect eyesight from increased stress.

The intensity of tinting is possible from 5% to 85%. If you drive a car, then you need to know that in dark time glasses with tinting no more than 25% are used for a day. Also, the color of the lenses is very important for drivers, so as not to confuse the colors of the traffic light.

In addition to tinting, a special coating is also applied to the glasses, which is called UV protection. Its presence is easy to check during tanning. If light circles remain under the glasses, then the lenses do not transmit UV radiation.

Now let's talk about why glasses are tinted in different colors. In addition to completing a fashionable image, they have other tasks.

Contrast and image depth are enhanced when lenses are tinted brown or yellowish. This is important when playing sports. And to increase concentration and performance, you should choose a red-orange color.

For skiing or sailing you need to order glasses with orange filters. They block the blinding glare of snow or water. And these lenses help drivers in fog, poor visibility conditions and soften oncoming headlights.

Yellow lens color enhances contrast in twilight, fog and reduces eye strain.

People who spend a lot of time at the computer are shown pink or beige lenses with 10% tint. They reduce eye strain by increasing image contrasts.

Green tint transmits visible light well and has a calming effect on the psyche.

Lenses with a green-brown filter have healing effect and shown to people with elevated intraocular pressure or glaucoma.

For colored lenses, it is important to choose the right frame. For example, frames for single-color lenses are acceptable. bright colors. And for multicolor, you should choose thin-rimmed or metal frames. The frame of the large size will emphasize the color of the lenses.

It is important to know that tinted lenses transmit light worse, so you should not read for a long time or do work that requires eye strain.

According to WHO statistics, about 25% of the world's population has vision problems. Therefore, doctors are constantly developing new ways to correct ophthalmic disorders. One of the achievements in this area was the invention of chameleon glasses. The price for them is affordable for most potential buyers, while the product has a whole list of advantages.

Gentle eye protection

The uniqueness of chameleon glasses lies in the fact that their lenses change their color and degree of dimming depending on the light. Such glasses are called photochromic. If a person is indoors, then the amount of sun rays affecting the eyes is minimal, and the lenses remain bright. But as soon as he goes out into the street, the lenses of the chameleon glasses change their color to a darker one, creating comfortable conditions for review. This protects the tissues of the eyes from the harmful effects of excessively bright light and glare.

Chameleon glasses are universal:

  1. They both perform a protective function and help correct vision by using lenses with diopters in their design.
  2. Wearing chameleon goggles allows you to fully protect your eyes from negative impact ultraviolet rays. Immediately responding to their decrease and increase, the degree of light transmission changes. This provides a reduction in the load on the tissues of the eye. As a result, visual fatigue is significantly reduced, capillaries on proteins turn red less, contrast and clarity of vision increase. This property is especially relevant for those who have sunny weather increased lacrimation begins.
  3. Chameleon glasses can be used both in corrective and in preventive purposes with a predisposition to certain eye diseases. For example, ophthalmologists recommend such models to their patients who have dystrophic changes on the retina. Use of eyeglasses that regulate the dose ultraviolet radiation helps reduce the risk of cataracts. Various lenses can be inserted into the product, such as aspherical or progressive lenses.
  4. This is not only convenient: the use of chameleon glasses for vision allows you to save a lot. Now a person with poor eyesight does not need to wear in clear weather and contact lenses, and sunglasses.

Manufacturers are constantly improving the models and glass used to create them. A couple of years ago, the degree of darkening of the lenses directly depended not only on the lighting, but also on the air temperature. This led to the fact that in the cold season the color of the lenses changed quickly, while in the summer months the photochromes reacted much more slowly. But today this shortcoming has been corrected, and modern technology production has achieved independence of the dimming speed from temperature environment, which significantly improved product quality and efficiency.

The difference between models in form and materials

When buying chameleon glasses, keep in mind that they are different types. Models differ from each other in the degree of darkening of the lenses:

  1. Weak darkness. Such glasses absorb from 15 to 50% of the sun's rays. Their glasses usually have a brown tint. Thanks to the translucent lenses on the street, such chameleon glasses look attractive, for which they are popular with the fair sex.
  2. Medium darkness. Their ability to absorb light ranges from 50 to 60%. Such models should be chosen for long walks; drivers and people whose eyes sometimes begin to water and squint from the bright sun. Glass tint is grey.
  3. Increased darkness. Lenses with increased absorption of ultraviolet rays are usually green. They are a reliable barrier to 80% of the light. They are recommended for high sensitivity(if the sun causes dryness and pain), as well as patients suffering from pathologies of the organs of vision.

Ophthalmologists in the absence special indications advised to opt for models with medium degree dimming. These goggles are great for protective function at different conditions external environment.

Also, the models differ from each other in form and materials of manufacture. The frame can be made of plastic or metal. But lenses should be chosen only from silicate glass, because only it allows you to create a photochromic surface.

Who are these glasses suitable for?

Due to its versatility, these glasses will be useful to almost everyone:

  • people who have hypersensitivity to the light;
  • patients with pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • suffering from or having undergone ophthalmic diseases;
  • people with farsightedness or nearsightedness when using lenses with diopters;
  • drivers;
  • for all customers as a means of prevention and reducing eye strain.

Eyeglass care is simple: just wipe the lenses regularly from dirt and, if necessary, tighten the screws on the frame.

Product cost

Depending on the chosen model of chameleon glasses, the price may be different. It consists of the cost of the frame, lenses and manufacturing work. original products famous brands, such as Ray Ban, costs more than 12,000 rubles.

But chameleon glasses from less popular brands tend to be just as good. Buy good models with standard photochromic lenses you can at a price of about 1500 rubles. If you need to correct your vision, then the lenses are purchased separately. Their cost starts from 900 rubles.

Detailed information about photochromic lenses:

Have you or your friends already used chameleon glasses? Have you noticed any difference compared to regular sunglasses? Be sure to share your experience in the comments.

05.04.2017 01:04

Photochromic lenses are made from polymers and mineral glass, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the photochromic substance in the surface at a depth of 0.20 mm. This achieves the effect of uniform shading, regardless of the intensity. optical power. Indoors, they will be ideally light, transmitting light, and on the street they will become dark: gray, brown or green. There are a wide range of photochromic lens offerings on the optical market today, from stock lenses to prescription lenses, so let's take a look at the different options.

How to choose the right photochromic lenses

With the help, you can reliably protect your eyes from the development of diseases, reduce the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet rays. This is important if you need to constantly stay under the scorching sun. To choose the right one, you should take the advice of professionals or read the rating of the best photochromic lenses of 2017 and focus on them when buying.

Glasses with chameleon lenses are definitely a good purchase, but how well do you know the features of photochromic elements? Why, for example, one lens costs 2000 rubles, and another 3500 rubles? Is it worth it to overpay? Let's try to figure it out.

Here are some features in photochromic lenses worth paying attention to:

  • Minimum shading . The transparency of photochromic lenses in their calm state there are three types: 0% (completely, crystal clear); in the region of 3-5% (light, light tinting); 10-12% (XTRActive technology, noticeable tinting);
  • Maximum degree of dimming . The maximum degree of dimming in open space, on a street in a city, on a beach or in a country house, which we know about is 87%. There are also lenses with a maximum darkening in the region of 50-60%. All this affects the cost of the lens.
  • Lens darkening and clearing speed . If the lens "thinks for a long time", respectively, the technology for its creation is simpler and older, the price will also be lower than innovative developments. Roughly speaking, you buy the speed and intelligence of photochromic adaptation to weather conditions.
  • Darkening the lenses inside the car . Highly important point for many of our clients. There are lenses that do not darken in the car at all.
  • Lens coatings. A lens with a basic set of coatings will always be cheaper than a premium set.

All of the above aspects affect the cost of the lens. Most often, the prices for photochromic spectacle lenses are fully justified from the functional set.

Rating of the best photochromic lenses from Ochitos

1. Rodenstock Perfalit ColorMatic IQ 1.54 Solitaire Protect Plus 2

Why is this lens in the first place? Topcoat SPP 2 consisting of just a bunch of layers of optical varnishes:

  1. strengthening;
  2. enlightening;
  3. dirt-grease and water-repellent;

sounds like a standard soup set, however, gives a 1 year warranty on its top coat, in addition to this, Solitaire Protect Plus 2 protects the eyes from artificial blue spectrum and from UV, respectively. In our opinion, the main advantage is the ability to darken up to 30% in the car, you do not need to pay extra for this charm, as is the case with Transitions XTRActive. There is a simpler version of this lens, only with a hardening coating (Duralux) and almost two times cheaper. Maximum dimming up to 85%. In terms of cost, this lens is noticeably higher compared to Korean photochromic lenses, even if you choose the super-cooling Aquamare, you still won’t get blackout in the car.

2. Transitions VII Signature Technology

Why didn't we write some lens brand for second place? Because lens manufacturers Essilor, Seiko, BBGR, Nikon, Rupp Hubrach, Shamir, Indo do not have their own photochromic technology, they use developments from Transitions. Next, branded coatings from these manufacturers are already applied to the lens and you get what you get. Specify a specific brand this case would already mean a battle of coatings, but not photochromic properties. Below is a list of successful coverage and cost combinations for Transitions.

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