Home remedy for head lice. What folk remedies help get rid of lice? Folk remedies for lice on long hair

Today, many people know about lice and nits firsthand. Indeed, it is very easy to become infected with pediculosis, and this disease can be acquired regardless of the level of one's own cleanliness and social status. According to statistics, every third person on the planet suffered from this disease.

From lice folk remedies

Today, the modern chemical industry offers many drugs that can destroy lice and nits in one day. Among them are

  • emulsion benzyl benzoate,
  • sprays Couple Plus,
  • Pediculen,
  • cream Nittifor

Against lice, pomegranate and cranberry juices are very effective, as well as any vegetable oil available in the house (sunflower, olive, grape seed, etc.). The whole is lubricated with oil hairy part head, after which the hair is wrapped with plastic wrap and left for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, the hair is washed with shampoo. The listed juices are rubbed into the scalp covered with hair, and after a couple of hours they are washed off with water. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, it is advisable to comb out all the nits from the head with a special comb, which today is on sale in almost every pharmacy.

How to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day with folk remedies

Vinegar from lice and nits - recipe and reviews

One of the most effective and safe anti-pediculosis drugs has long been considered ordinary vinegar, which, nevertheless, must be used very carefully. For example, in a glass warm water diluted two tablespoons of 70% vinegar essence, after which the resulting solution is applied to the head. After about half an hour, the head is poured with running water. To increase the effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated after 7-10 days.

Pediculosis is a problem that every person faces. Most often, this disease makes itself felt in preschool and school age. The phenomenon is not pleasant, but you need to know more about it, since only a specific fight against lice gives an effective, sustainable result.

Pediculosis is a skin irritation resulting from the bites of human lice, which feed on human blood, thereby increasing their population on the human body.

For some reason, people start looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of lice only when they encounter a problem in person. Few people pay attention to a slight itching of the head or body. Only when the problem becomes apparent, they begin to take measures to combat insects, which not only cause discomfort and disgust, but are also carriers of many infectious diseases.

Where do lice come from

Many medical professionals believe that lice are the result of malfunctions. nervous system person. Frequent experiences, stress, fear cause the development of insects on the body, which is also reinforced by non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Various can attack the human body. The most common:

    head ones - settle on a person’s head, lay nits, attaching them to the hair, have a light color, their body size reaches 3 mm;

    pubic - settle on the scalp, small, barely noticeable individuals;

    bodily - live in human things and can cause discomfort in any part of the body, these are the largest lice, whose body reaches 4-5 mm.

What is the complexity of the fight against human lice

Regardless of what species the louse belongs to, the principle of its reproduction is the same:

    blood nutrition;

    laying nits;

    favorable living environment - unsanitary conditions.

But this does not mean that they cannot start with clean people. For infection, a single close contact with a person who has pediculosis is enough.

The most difficult thing is to deal with children's pediculosis, since not all parents detect insects in the heads of their children in time and do not solve this problem at the same time. If at least one child in the class is a constant carrier of lice, then the problem becomes closed. There is a source of infection - there is soil for an increase in the population of insects.

The complexity of the fight against human lice lies in the fact that when treating the body, head or pubis with effective means, often only the insects themselves die, but not their eggs - nits that are firmly glued to the hair. Lice can only be defeated by regularly combing out nits and dead individuals after treating infected areas of the body.

It is not always possible to comb out all the nits in one procedure or to select them manually, so preventive regular combing with a thick comb, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is recommended.

If at least one nit retains its viability, after three to four weeks, pediculosis re-enters initial stage development.

Removing lice: a cardinal solution to the problem

So let's see how. Get rid of pediculosis help as modern toxic medical preparations, and folk remedies against lice.

The cardinal fight against lice on the pubis and head is to shave off the hair. When we are talking about a man or a boy, then the problem is solved simply, but when they get into long hair women or girls is a difficult task, but it also has ways of its effective solution.

Since medicinal preparations designed to exterminate insects are not safe, contain toxic components in their composition and can penetrate the bloodstream and poison the human body, many people do not risk using them, especially on children, and resort to traditional medicine.

Our ancestors left a huge arsenal of tips on how to get rid of wearable insects quickly and effectively. Just the same, they will be discussed below.

Traditional medicine: the most effective remedies for lice

Folk remedies for lice and nits are a real salvation if there is no pharmacy nearby or there is no trust in medications. Expelling lice with folk remedies is an individual process.

Traditional medicine involves the use of poisonous medicinal plants and improvised means that can, like any therapeutic, cause allergic reactions. Therefore, treat pediculosis folk recipes You also need to be careful not to harm your health and the health of your children.

Vinegar, pomegranate, lemon and cranberry juice are the easiest solution to the problem

It has long been known that if you wash your hair with the addition of vinegar, then lice will lose their ability to multiply in the hair. The thing is that the acidic environment created by vinegar essence, destroys the glue that holds the nits so tightly on the hair, and they are easily combed out. Creation acid environment for wearable insects it is deadly, because nits not only fall off from it, but also die, which is very important if you want to achieve a great irrevocable effect in the struggle for cleanliness.

If we evaluate all folk remedies for lice on long hair, then the use of vinegar is the most affordable and safe, if the proportions of its dilution in water are correctly observed in order to prevent scalp burns when washing or rinsing.

The use of vinegar alone does not completely solve the problem; infected areas of the body are treated with it only after persecution of living adults and only hatched ones.

Vinegar and table salt compresses are also effective (1 glass of vinegar + 5 g of alcohol + 43 g of salt). The compress is aged on the head during the day, after which it is washed off with shampoo, leaving no pungent unpleasant sour smell.

An acidic environment for insects can also be created with the help of lemon, cranberry and pomegranate compresses, the action of acidic juice is identical to vinegar, but safer than it, because for its use it is not necessary to observe proportions. Pure juice is applied to the hair roots and distributed along their entire length, after which a plastic bag is put on the head. The compress is aged for several hours. For best effect fresh mint can be added to the juice, the aroma of which is very unpleasant for lice.

Dust soap, dichlorvos, kerosene and turpentine

Previously used dust from lice. Many people still use dust soap for lice. But at the same time, it should be understood that dust is the strongest poison, and too frequent treatment of the head with it is not recommended.

When using dust, kerosene, turpentine and dichlorvos, a plastic bag or a plastic cap for the head is also required. Dust is applied along the entire length of the hair, kerosene and turpentine as well, only diluted further sunflower oil(1:12), dichlorvos is sprayed into a bag that is quickly put on the hair.

Medicinal, fragrant and poisonous plants

Folk effective remedies for lice include the use of recipes with fragrant medicinal herbs. Lice are very afraid of mint, geranium, burdock, black cumin, elecampane, angelica, white bird cherry.

Geranium for lice

From crushed fresh herbs a decoction is boiled, which is infused for several hours, after which they rinse their heads, make compresses with it, use it for.

Treatment with such healing decoctions you need to continue for a week, regularly doing the selected type of procedure.

Most Effective herbal remedy from lice - an infusion of poisonous hellebore. A maximum of two procedures within two weeks, combined with combing out the nits, give a stable result.

Even onion and garlic are effective folk remedies for lice. Crushed slurry of cloves and bulbs is applied to the hair and kept for several hours. As well as highly aromatic essential oils. For example, tea tree from lice is very effective. The essential oil of this plant is highly toxic and has a pungent odor that insects cannot tolerate.

Ointments and creams

The people from lice cooked not only herbal infusions, but also made ointments that were rubbed into the scalp, forehead and whole body. Plants were crushed to a powdery mass and mixed with any kind of vegetable oil.

Today, lice use mercury or boric ointment. They are rubbed into the skin only after cutting the hair.

Whatever means you use, if you want to remove head, pubic or body lice (underwear), you performed treatment with folk effective remedies or pharmacy medicines, it is possible to achieve their complete destruction only after several procedures, the first of which is the most difficult, the subsequent ones are performed in order to prevent pediculosis.

The fight against head lice can last several months!

    You should never despair if one, second, third remedy does not give the desired result. Always located effective solution Problems. The main thing is to use lice products correctly according to the instructions and recommendations.

    If there is no experience in the fight against insects, then pay more attention to folk methods treatment of head lice, they are more or less safe compared to potent medications.

    If a ethnoscience is powerless even if all the recommendations are followed, then it is possible to use both folk and medical remedies in one complex.

    The fight against lice is accompanied by the simultaneous putting things in order in the house, washing and carefully ironing things and linen.

It is possible to defeat pediculosis only thanks to perseverance and patience, which should be stocked up in advance, as well as identifying the source of infection, with which any possible contacts are limited.

Pediculosis is a disease that occurs as a result of the appearance of lice on a part of human skin covered with hair. Diagnosis of this disease is perceived with condemnation in modern society, so most people resort to treating head lice at home.

In our time, you can get sick with pediculosis and being very clean. One has only to touch the head of an infected person in the subway with their head or hair, use a towel or comb of the patient, or simply try on his hat.

Feeding on human blood, lice begin to multiply intensively, and this leads to the fact that the head often itches, lymph nodes increase, and red spots from bites appear.

It doesn't matter if you decide to buy special shampoo in a pharmacy or you will treat an ailment using folk remedies inherited by your grandmother, the result will be only if the basic rules of behavior and treatment are followed:

  • having decided on the method of treatment for pediculosis, check its safety and absence negative consequences specifically in your case;
  • use the drug strictly according to the instructions and be prepared to repeat the procedure during the first week after initial use;
  • given the fact that all dead insects and their larvae (nits) need to be combed out, find a comb with small and densely spaced teeth, be prepared for the fact that some eggs will need to be picked by hand.

It is important to rinse everything very well medicines. Do not be too lazy to rinse the curls several times, if you wish, you can prepare a solution of vinegar to make your task easier.

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies at home

With pediculosis, you need to act very quickly, since these insects, harmless at first glance, can be carriers serious illnesses. It saves that in our time it is not so difficult to rid your body of their presence. In pharmacies you can find great amount a variety of well-acting insecticides that will quickly help you solve your problem. But they are not a panacea either. Recent times cases have become more frequent when people's choice falls on treatment with folk remedies, which are often much more affordable and not so harmful to the body. Our grandfathers and grandmothers used these funds, and the result of their influence does not cast doubt on the effectiveness of these methods.

Dust or tar soap

Who would have thought that this soap, so accessible to any person, can help to subside already adult lice without much effort in just one application. Yes, and there is nothing complicated in its use: you need to very carefully lather your hair along the entire length and leave it under a plastic cap for 30-60 minutes (the longer the hair, the longer you need to keep it on your hair). At the end, it is very important to wash your hair well with shampoo, preferably for dry and damaged hair, and for rinsing, you can even use sorrel broth. Don't forget that after bath procedures, the hair must be thoroughly combed and already dead insects removed.


The use of kerosene in the fight against lice is a very effective method, although not applicable to everyone. Children and pregnant women are strongly discouraged from using this method. Also, it should not be stopped if the skin is damaged.

For maximum safety, it is recommended to combine kerosene with vegetable oil. The optimal proportion is one to twelve. The resulting liquid should be lubricated with all the hair and go to bed with it. It is necessary to put on a plastic hat and warm your head with a towel or scarf. In the morning, we wash everything off and comb out the still wet hair.

Burdock or elecampane

One of the most safe methods salvation from pediculosis for many years has been considered a decoction of elecampane and young shoots of burdock. This recipe is passed down from generation to generation, and both the root of elecampane and the leaves of this plant are always used in cooking. In order for the decoction to be ready for use, the herbs must be poured with centigrade boiling water and left for one and a half to two hours.

All future and current mothers can rest easy and stop looking for more safe means. This "miraculous potion" can wash not only small children's heads, but also the hair of pregnant women, regardless of the trimester.

Beneficial features elecampane are contained in the substances found in its root and rhizome.

hellebore water

This tool is considered one of the best among the drugs that help in the fight against lice. Not only does it instantly neutralize adult insects, it also significantly softens nit capsules.

For the procedure, you will need to purchase hellebore and rubber gloves to protect your hands. You will also need a plastic cap and a towel.

Apply the liquid evenly to the hair and put on a cap, leave for half an hour. The skin of the face must be protected from the ingress of the drug. To do this, twist the towel and wrap it around your head like a bandage. Don't forget to wear gloves. After the required time has elapsed, wash off the drug.


The acid present in cranberry juice has an adverse effect on nits. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice must be rubbed very well at the very root of the hair and then distributed over the entire length of the strands. You can also add some honey to the juice. It is advisable to leave oiled hair under a plastic cap for three to four hours, then wash your hair thoroughly. I think that it is no longer worth reminding that while still wet, the hair needs to be combed out very well with a comb. If desired, cranberry juice can be replaced with pomegranate juice. This fruit has a similar effect on harmful insects and their larvae.


Vinegar is great at killing lice. Often it is used mixed with other ingredients, although some people prefer to use it as a complete remedy and without impurities.


Vodka is a very affordable and easy to prepare and use way to deal with lice. However, it is important to understand that this method can lead to serious burns. skin and often quite badly spoils the hair. That is why, it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of young children under five years of age.

As mentioned above, this method is very simple. It is necessary to moisten the hair abundantly from root to tip with either vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees (alcohol is diluted with water). After holding the hair under a plastic cap for a quarter of an hour, you need to comb your hair and wash everything off.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is another very effective method from the list of folk remedies for the fight against pediculosis, but prohibited for use in the treatment of this problem in children. So that after applying peroxide you are not bothered by burns on the skin, you must definitely dilute it in half with water. Also, do not forget that after this procedure, your hair may become a little lighter.

Apply the liquid for 10 minutes completely on all hair, then thoroughly wash your hair using shampoo. Hydrogen peroxide is good because it completely corrodes both adult lice and their larvae, and also neutralizes the glue that holds hair and nits together.

Masks, ointments

Traditional medicine is also rich in all kinds of recipes for ointments and masks prepared at home.

  1. For this ointment, it is necessary to take the leaves of the wild rosemary, hellebore root and turn them into powder, then pour them with melted lard. To avoid consequences, you must adhere to the following proportion: one part of hellebore, one part of rosemary and three parts of lard. The resulting mixture is left in a warm oven for 12 hours. We apply the finished ointment on the head all night, put on a plastic cap, and wash it in the morning using shampoo.
  2. In the preparation of this remedy, we again need hellebore root. Add anise seeds in the same volume to it and grind until a powder is obtained. next step will mix powder from plants with pork lard in a ratio of one to two. The method of application of this ointment is similar to the previous one.
  3. Garlic can also help a lot with head lice. Well-ground garlic cloves are applied to the scalp in a circular motion three times a day for four days in a row. At the end of the cycle of procedures, it is important to wash your hair very well using shampoo, after which in no case should you forget about combing already dead lice from your head.


It's no secret that prevention is always better than cure. If you do not want to become the happy owner of "bad neighbors" on your head, try to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Do not be lazy to constantly check the heads of your children and pay attention to your own condition.
  2. If the disease is confirmed, immediately proceed to medical manipulations.
  3. It will also be necessary to process the things of a person who is ill. Wash your bedding very carefully (please Special attention on pillowcases), clothes, hats.
  4. If possible, get rid of the towels that were in your use.

Always give preference only to your personal items (combs, rubber bands, hairpins) and, if possible, collect loose hair on public transport.

Important to remember

Given the fact that folk remedies are famous for their availability and ease of preparation, you should always remember about existing contraindications and possible complications. In no case should all pregnant women and children use drugs that contain alcohol and toxic substances. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop using the product and, if necessary, take antihistamine medicines. Be very careful when using alcohol, peroxide and vinegar. Never forget that they can cause burns and are only harmful if you have obvious scalp damage. And always remember that the therapy prescribed by a specialist is always much safer and more effective than any self-treatment.

Types of lice

How do lice appear?

Naturally, the appearance of all three types of lice in humans can be prevented if hygiene is observed. But there are times when cleanliness does not protect against such "guests". Head lice, for example, are easy to catch while trying on a regular hat, if a person infected with lice has tried it on before you. Most often head louse settles on a woman's head. Long Thick hair- the most fertile ground for her. And besides, it is the girls who tend to ask their girlfriends for a comb to fix their hair. Therefore, you always need to be ready and know what folk remedies for lice exist.

Pubic lice are transmitted during sexual contact, sometimes through bedding and other household items.

Symptoms of the disease

Most main symptom pediculosis - severe itching .

Head lice dominate the scalp. Accordingly, a person will be disturbed by itching in the head area, on the back of the head, behind the ears. The presence of flats will be indicated by severe itching in the pubic area. Body lice will disturb in the area of ​​​​a snug fit of clothes to the body.

If you do not use special medications and folk remedies against lice, constant scratching can lead to the appearance of pustules, boils and the like. backfire. BUT open wounds, as you know, are an excellent place for various infections to enter the body.

Of course, severe itching interferes with a peaceful rest, as a result of which sleep is disturbed, a person becomes irritable, loses his appetite, and it is difficult for him to concentrate on work.

Lice treatment with folk remedies

Recipe number 1. Salt and vinegar in the fight against nits and lice

Agree, it is very unpleasant when head lice annoy you. Treatment with folk remedies will help you quickly and effectively get rid of them. Moreover, even ordinary wine vinegar and salt. You will need 43 g of salt and a glass wine vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and add 5 g of strong alcohol. Hair must first be washed and dried. Soak gauze in the prepared solution and apply to the most affected areas. Lotions must be kept on the head all day, but at the same time change the compress three times a day. This remedy not only helps to get rid of lice and nits, but also soothes the skin, reducing itching.

Recipe number 8. Mercury ointment as a means of getting rid of flats

If you are plagued by pubic lice, treatment with folk remedies will help in this situation. Unlike the treatment of head lice, here you have to get rid of the hair. Then you need to thoroughly wash the body using laundry soap. A 5% white mercury ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas. Instead, you can also use a 5% boric ointment or loncid. It is necessary to rub these ointments twice a day for two days.

Also, don't forget to pay attention to clothing and bed linen. Things need to be washed thoroughly, and if possible, it is better to boil. It is better to dry things in direct sunlight, and then carefully iron them with a hot iron, especially in places where wrinkles form.

head lice small, grey-white. This species settles exclusively on parts of the body with hair.

Pubic lice choose a habitat according to their name (pubis, scrotum). The disease is transmitted sexually, through bedding, household items.

Lice Symptoms

Treatment of lice and nits with folk remedies

Recipe 2. Head lice should be combed out with a thick comb, or very effective way- shave your head. But, unfortunately, not everyone will like this option.

Recipe 3. Effective remedy- a decoction of burdock, tobacco, lavender.

Recipe 4. Vinegar and plain water(2:1) mix, with cotton swab Apply the solution to your hair. After that, wrap the head with polyethylene and a scarf for an hour. Then comb the hair with a thick comb and rinse with water. room temperature with shampoo. The procedure will need to be repeated in a week.

Recipe 5. Take kerosene and sunflower oil one by one, lubricate the hair with the resulting liquid, wrap it with polyethylene and a scarf for six hours. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo. Repeat in a week.

Recipe 6. Shampoo - 20 ml mixed with seven drops of thyme oil. Apply to hair for one hour. Rinse your head warm water and comb out. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times in a row.

Recipe 7. Homemade lice ointment. Take 25 drops essential oil oregano, thyme, verbena, meadow geranium, melted wax 5 grams, vaseline 85 grams. Mix everything well until smooth. The ointment is applied for 6 hours. The hair is covered with polyethylene. After that, the hair is washed with warm water and shampoo and combed out.

Recipe 8. We take kerosene and smear the hair. Wrap your head with a towel, hold for two hours, then rinse everything off and comb your hair.

Recipe 9. Cranberry juice is used to get rid of nits. It is rubbed into the head for a week. Cranberry juice promotes peeling of nits from.

Recipe 10. Vinegar diluted with water (2 tablespoons per glass of water). Treat the head with the solution and comb out the hair. The vinegar breaks down the glue that holds the nits to the hair.

Recipe 11. Two tablespoons of mint, a glass pomegranate juice boil for 10 minutes. Rub the decoction into the scalp.

Recipe 12. Larkspur excellent remedy from lice. Ten grams of larkspur, 5 grams citric acid, one glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 6 hours, strain. Rub the solution for 10 days.

Recipe 13. Squeeze the juice from a small handful of cranberries, apply all the pulp that remains to the hair, rub it thoroughly. Cover the head with cellophane, tie a scarf around and leave everything to dry completely. Next, rinse your hair and comb well. Basically, everything goes away after the first use.

Recipe 14. Cut the grass of a flowering marsh wild rosemary, the roots of hellebore as finely as possible, melt unsalted lard or lard. Use the following ratio 1:1:3. All ingredients insist 12 hours in a warm oven. Follow. So that the broth does not boil. Strain the content. Lubricate areas of the body infested with lice.

Recipe 15. Mix equal amounts of anise seeds, white hellebore powder. Prepare an ointment in the following way: one part of the resulting powder for two fats of animal origin. Lubricate the hair of the head.

Recipe 16. When infested with pubic lice hairline you need to shave and rub a gray mercury ointment or use feverfew. The ointment is washed off after about three days. The procedure can be repeated several times.

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