When should a woman go to bed? What time should I go to bed to wake up refreshed and well-rested? How to learn to go to bed on time

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If you are from the detachment of those whom no force can get out of bed in the morning, who runs to work or school in last minute, and for whom every morning is one big stress, we will try to help you.

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First of all, in order to get up early in the morning, two conditions must be met:

  • Come up with a strong motivation for getting up early. It can be urgent work, going to the hairdresser, charging the phone, cooking delicious breakfast for your beloved family or ... well, come up with something, everyone different reasons for parting with Morpheus.
  • To get up earlier, you have to go to bed earlier. This is simple but very important condition don't ignore it. The body cannot be fooled. 7-8 hours good night take care of yourself, be kind.

9 best recipes for cheerfulness in the morning - how to learn to get up early, and at the same time - sleep well?

  • Walk on fresh air before bedtime. Usually performed by non-working pensioners and young people in love. Join now!
  • Sleep in a well ventilated room with an open window. Available to everyone.
  • Sleep on a comfortable pillow. With age, the height of the pillow should increase. Special attention give cervical region spine, all its seven vertebrae!

  • Listening to good music before bed , reading your favorite book, watching programs about nature and animals.
  • Don't eat before bed! The body will digest food and will not let you sleep soundly. The heavier the food, the harder it will be to sleep. Inner part Your body also needs rest, at least at night, because in the morning the endless processing of more and more portions of the food you supply will begin again.
  • Avoid discussing difficult issues before bed , including with yourself, do not solve unsolvable problems. Most of the problems, oddly enough, will resolve themselves after a while, and difficult tasks are solved in the early morning: while you sleep, your brain solves this problem. Remember the genius saying "Morning is wiser than evening". Sometimes the most "sophisticated", the most brilliant ideas come to mind in the early morning, at 4-5 in the morning. That's when the brain clicks problems like a computer!
  • Large bed and clean linen. it mandatory conditions for healthy sleep. Do not spare money on this, because in a dream we spend a third of our lives. Read also:
  • Quick shower before bed. Works instantly. Just imagine how good it feels to be in a clean bed after a shower under a warm blanket…
  • Come up with a good reward for yourself tomorrow for such a feat
    It could be interesting thing, which is waiting, can not wait for your performance, shopping and buying a long-looked-for thing, it can be a meeting with friends - otherwise you have already begun to forget how they look, all the phone, and the social network.

    Each person has their own reasons for happiness and Have a good mood, and for many people this is a job - it's a hobby! But try to add variety to the necessary routine, each time you can do something in a new way, add your own zest. Rearrange the furniture, finally!
  • Towards the rays of the sun
    Getting up early in the summer is quite simple - let the sun's rays into your bed, they will warm you and wake you up.

    Sunlight stimulates the production of an important substance in the human body - serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the daily rhythm.
  • Don't waste your precious morning time!
    Schedule the most important things for yourself in the morning. For information: mental activity the most productive time is around 10 am, well, for the sake of objectivity, at 2 and 6 pm. You can check!
  • Get energized and energized in the morning
    And if possible - run in the morning, preferably with a companion. Well, if there is not enough willpower for this, no one has canceled a couple of squats and sips. Read also:

    After all, it is necessary not only to wake up the brain, it is necessary that the whole body wakes up, the muscles work, the blood runs merrily through the veins. “Shut up your shoulder, swing your arm!” After all, during the day we have a lot of things to do. Good and kind.
  • We start The biological clock
    A person who is too tired during the day falls asleep with difficulty. Having washed himself all night, he gets up in the morning with difficulty. Everyone has a moment during the day when their eyes close by themselves. So close them and sleep, if possible, for 20 minutes. So tell your body: Sleep 20 minutes! You will be surprised, but you will wake up in exactly 20 minutes, like Stirlitz. Our biological clock runs smoothly.

    The biological clock works in the morning too. Many people wake up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. What happiness - you can lie down for another five minutes! During this time, you can just think about what needs to be done in the morning and during the day, how to do it most expediently and at a lower cost, and also think over the logistics of all these actions. Look for non-standard solutions. And the most important thing is to wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Pleasant environment for happy early awakenings
    You need to wake up and get up in a pleasant environment: a tidy room, a clean work desk, a nice picture on the wall, anticipation of a cup good tea with honey, the hope of meeting your loved ones and just good good friends.

    And let the quantity pleasant events always outweighs the bad ones. All in our hands!

Good luck!

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One of essential elements realization of the feminine - taking care of your health. This is the same primary duty as, only on the physical plane. Daily targeted action. Soft austerity, consisting in the control of the daily regimen and nutrition. Purification and effective rest of the whole organism, which prepare you day by day for the difficult and joyful service to your family.

I foresee another wave of indignation: “my body is my business”, “I don’t have time to go to bed on time”, “I have nowhere to eat right at work”. very figuratively explains this position: imagine that the happiness and development of your family depend on how quickly and efficiently you cut down a tree (an example for men, but believe me, it is very suitable for us). You have a saw in your hands. Naturally, how do you loving wife and mom rush to realize the intention: saw, saw, saw ...

But after a while, your saw will become dull. And if you keep sawing, then the speed of movement towards the target will decrease, and your fatigue will increase rapidly. To keep working and achieving, you need to sharpen the saw - and remember to do this from time to time. The sharpening of the saw, the tool for achieving the goal, must become as important as the goal itself. In our case, the instrument of serving loved ones is women Health. Because when you are sick, it is bad for all family members. No one can replace a husband with such an understanding wife, and children with an amazing mother.

First we need to figure out what rhythm we live in. Beneficial or destructive, it affects the female body.

Most important aspects daily routine:

  • What time to get up?
  • What time to go to bed?
  • What time to have breakfast and what?
  • What time to have lunch?
  • What time to have dinner and what?

In reasoning about the regime, it is important to determine the starting point. The fact is that all Ayurvedic calculations of rise and fall are made according to the so-called “solar” time, determined by the culmination of the position of the sun in the sky on a particular day in a particular area. That is, “true noon” in reality does not always fall at 12:00. In the North-West of Russia, for example, the time on the clock differs from the solar one by 1-2 hours in the direction of advance. Part of the good news is that you can get up and go to bed less early. On the other hand, such a shift is sometimes confusing.

Therefore, before you start following the natural, natural for your area, daily routine, calculate your solar time. This can easily be done online. For example, on the site www.torsunov.ru: there is a simple and understandable calculator for such purposes.

Hang up: what time and why

Vedic medicine - Ayurveda - is a very sensitive and, at the same time, strict tuning fork of life, which was checked by the ancient Indians 1.5 thousand years before our era. For women and men, Ayurveda gives different recommendations on the regime: it turns out that we should go to bed in different ways, get up, too, and different amount we can spend time in bed without compromising our physical and mental health.

For women, it is best to go to bed before 21:00 solar time. The fact is that it is from 21:00 to 22:00 that lunar energy is very active in the world. And if you sleep peacefully during this period, then during sleep you can absorb a lot of it. After a few days of such going to sleep, you will begin to overflow with the energy of love and peace. If you were scared by the “childish” figure of 21:00, don’t worry, everything is not so scary. For example, in St. Petersburg in the spring, nine o'clock in the evening according to solar time falls on almost half of the eleventh time of the current time.

How longer woman does not sleep, the less chance she has in the morning to wake up calm and peaceful. The most the best prevention is to go to bed before 21:00 solar time. Although this is very difficult to do in modern life, when you really want to watch a movie or sit at a computer. Or maybe just quietly read a book while the children are sleeping.

In any case, it is undesirable to stay awake after 22:00. Scientists have proven that the human central nervous system rests only two hours a day: from 22:00 to 24:00. If you do not sleep at this time, then your brain does not rest, and tomorrow you will get up “tired from yesterday”. This is the first reason why you should go to bed at this time.

Secondly, if you go to bed earlier, it is easier for you to get up earlier. This is logical, because you just get enough sleep. If you go to bed at ten, then getting up at five or six in the morning will not be so difficult for you.

Thirdly, from 22:00 to 24:00, an hour of sleep goes two in intensity and relaxing effect. If you, for example, slept from 22:00 to 24:00, then consider that you spent not two hours in bed, but four. Accordingly, by six in the morning you will really be very satisfied with sleep, and it will be very easy to get up.

Going to bed on time is the most difficult part of the daily routine. And it takes more will power to do so. You can find a lot of excuses here: insomnia, urgent business, a very interesting movie. In the evening, in general, there is always a lot of work and activities. The closer to sleep, the more of them. You can sit at the computer, work on your favorite project. This is especially true if you have children who are already sleeping. And this is your time when you can do something in silence. You want to work, and talk, and enjoy the silence, and read books, and in general - make up for your day. The task of getting yourself to bed so that tomorrow you can get up cheerful for the sake of your loved ones and begin again the great circle of helping them, in such a situation becomes a true feat.

Before, I always considered myself an owl. Until three in the morning I could wander around the house, watch programs and films, drink tea, sit at the computer, and then sleep until eleven in the morning. My mother still recalls with a shudder how she heroically woke me up in kindergarten, then to school, and then to college. I really thought that I was a “night owl”, that I was “not given” to get up early, and therefore I would not develop this habit in myself in vain.

When I first heard the doctor's lecture about the daily routine, it caused me a storm of indignation! And when he started talking about getting up at 04:00, it was generally a different galaxy ... For me, getting up at 08:00 at that time was already a feat.

Still, my husband and I decided to try it, since Vedic knowledge had already interested us, and by applying it in life, we got it. So, the experiment "Larks" began. The first month was very difficult for me, because I had to rebuild the regime not only for myself, but also for the child. However, after about a month, a habit developed: at nine in the evening, the eyes were closed, and at five in the morning the body itself woke up.

Since then, I have been trying to follow a daily routine. Sometimes I make small digressions in connection with the feeding of the child. I allow myself to sleep in the morning if the night turned out to be difficult. Sometimes (infrequently) I work a couple of hours at night, if I need to finish an important business. AT extreme cases I let myself sleep during the day.

That is, my regime is flexible, fully adapts to the needs of a particular day. But usually at six in the morning solar time I'm already on my feet. And at 22:00 - I try my best to be in bed. Not because “it’s necessary”, but because I felt the difference.

I realized that you can get up in the morning cheerful. Rested and joyful, optimistic. You can fall in love with a new day at first sight. And you can grumble, not yet waking up - I have a lot of such experiences. I began to feel differently, my health changed in better side. Even my perpetual bags under my eyes have become much smaller.

And if you manage to go to bed at 21:00 solar time, then in the morning the sensations are indescribable! Like after a SPA - salon or shopping. This is really worth trying for yourself.

To be continued - in the next article we will talk about getting up in the morning.

Material from the blog of the American writer and lawyer Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project.

Gretchen Rubin

Not so long ago, I published a note on my vlog “I can’t go to bed on time”. Some readers will rightly point out that I have talked a lot about the importance of going to bed at night. certain time, but she didn't say a word about how hard it was to force herself to turn off the light when it was time to go to bed.

This is very important question. Ever since I started a project called "My Happiness", I have become more and more convinced that sleep is simply necessary in order to feel happy and energetic.

If you want to get more sleep but find it hard to turn off the lights, try the following:

1. First of all: determine for yourself when you need to go to bed.

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep daily. Accordingly, think about when you should get up and do some simple calculations. Even if you don't manage to go to bed on time every day, just thinking "oh, it's midnight, I should have gone to bed two hours ago" will help you get to bed faster.

2. Don't wait until you feel sleepy to think, "Isn't it time for bed?"

You will always find something to do, even if it's time for you to sleep. If you are absolutely sure that you have no sleep in either eye, despite the fact that the clock is one in the morning, give yourself a little test: sit in a dark room and tilt your head back. And sit like that for five minutes. Well, how do you feel now? Still don't want to sleep? That's how it works.

3.at least an hour before going to bed.

It’s also better to refrain from TV, but personally, the Internet draws me in much more, and I artificially stay awake for much longer. I used to sleep in again I looked through my e-mails in order to get up in the morning and “immediately into battle”, but quickly realized that after that it was much more difficult for me to fall asleep.

4.Don't drink any caffeinated drinks a few hours before bed.

5. Remind yourself often how great it is to wake up before the alarm, avoiding the unpleasant abrupt transition from dream to reality.

And now that you're still surfing the net at half past twelve at night, ask yourself the question: "Is it worth it?"

I recently spoke to a group of medical students, and one of them objected to me: “But if I go to bed at eleven, I won’t have time to watch TV before bed.” I asked, “Is there something so interesting on TV that it outweighs the pleasure of sleeping?” (I don't know what he chose as a result).

6.Start getting ready for bed early.

At some point, I realized that I often stay up because I'm too tired to take pictures. contact lenses, brush your teeth and change clothes. Then I started getting ready. A nice bonus: if I've already brushed my teeth, it's easier not to go to the kitchen for a bite to eat.

And last...

7. Create a bedtime ritual and follow it every day.

Someone makes a cup herbal tea, someone reads in bed, someone puts things in order before going to bed. Doing the same thing every night is signaling to yourself that it's time to get ready for bed.

When I was little I heard folk wisdom"sleep brings sleep." This principle works with my children, it works with me. I sleep much better when I'm well-rested and rested than when I'm overtired.

And how does it happen for you? Maybe you have your effective methods putting yourself to bed on time?

Translation by Olga Antonova

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of a sweet dream on the very interesting moment. You can't come to your senses for a long time, understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day long.

But, fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep, a person alternates between two main phases of sleep: fast and slow. Good night sleep consists of 5–6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in REM sleep.

It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, it takes 15 minutes for a person to fall asleep, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 8:45 pm or 10:15 pm.
Use this table to find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time:

Usually healthy person 7-8 hours is enough to sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping 7-8 hours, a person should wake up on his own.
Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, as the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the regime of the day and nutrition is closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Until midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you are completely asleep.

In the East, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you did not sleep at this time, then you can sleep at least 12 hours in a row, but the psyche will not rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00 there is vata (energy of movement), which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts on the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day and he will feel on himself.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 in the morning and a person will be under the influence of the energy of vata - cheerfulness all day.

In the East, this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people trying to get up tuned to spiritual development and self-awareness. Early morning of course you want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is able to think about the sublime all day long and be joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found out the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere, which cause special effect in body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is the switch from night mode to day mode happening at this time.

In other words, it is these beams that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then all day he acts in a relaxed mode. Then he struggles with drowsiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. Hence the constant use of coffee and tea, which are light narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is great for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body naturally cleansed and freed from toxins.

Many people face the problem of lack of sleep. Getting up every morning for work is a living hell. If you are interested in the question of how to learn to go to bed earlier, then this article is for you. For more than half of humanity, going to bed early is real problem. The inhabitants of the planet are chasing big money, sacrificing their sleep and health. In addition, the body receives a full recharge only during sleep. No amount of yoga, massage or relaxation sessions will help restore all the energy.

If a person goes to bed every night, but cannot fall asleep for a long time, he is worried about the question: "How to learn to go to bed early?" But before answering this question, it is necessary to explain some details. There are several types of people. The former can sleep in 4 hours, and the latter in only 8. To begin with, determine which type you are. Of course, you need to remember that a person is programmed to sleep for about 8 hours. People are also divided into First, it will be difficult to go to bed early and just as difficult to wake up early. Larks, on the other hand, can go to bed early without any problems. In some countries, this feature is taken into account and they are allowed to come to work not in the morning, but when a person has had enough sleep. The main thing is that the work is done on time.

There is such a theory that the whole dream is divided into stages. Each stage lasts 1.5 hours. That is why sleep should be a multiple of 1.5 hours. That is, 3 hours, 4.5 or 6, etc. If you wake up after 6 hours, by the end of a certain cycle, then the awakening will be normal and even vigorous. But if you wake up after 7 hours, when the next stage of sleep is in full swing, it will be very difficult. The eyes will open, the body will still sleep.

How early to go to bed?

Another answer to the question of what time to go to bed to wake up refreshed is introspection and habit development. To determine how much your body needs to sleep, you need to go to bed and wake up on your own. Write down on a piece of paper how much time you slept. Repeat your measurements the next evening. Continue like this for a few days and calculate average duration your sleep. Knowing this, you will be able to go to bed on time and wake up with ease. To sleep quickly and easily, do not eat before him. At night, you can drink a glass of milk or eat fruit. Also, before going to bed, it is better not to watch TV or use a computer. It is best if you take a bath at night and drink herbal tea. Before going to bed, you can read a book, but not for very long.

Plan your next day!

If you can't go to bed early and are therefore wondering how to go to bed on time, there is one more piece of advice. It is necessary to plan your daily routine from the evening. Plan as many things as you can get done. But remember, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Leave the most important things for the morning, they will be awakening stimulants. If there are things you don't like, save them for last. In the morning, do only what makes you happy.

How to get used to the routine?

There is another category of people. It includes those who go to bed early, but cannot fall asleep for a long time and, therefore, wake up hard. They are concerned about the question: The answer is very simple. You need to accustom yourself to the regime. Every day you need to go to bed 15-20 minutes earlier and wake up the same way. Gradually, you will accustom your body to fall asleep and wake up at the right time for you. Another important advice: the regime must be observed constantly, even on weekends. You may find this funny, because the weekend is the only possibility when you can sleep. Know that if you have a routine, you will always feel cheerful and easy to get up in the morning even without an alarm clock.

To easily get out of bed, you need to fall asleep with positive emotions and plans for tomorrow. If before going to bed you think about how you don’t want to go to work, or that you won’t get enough sleep anyway, the body will take note of this, and therefore the awakening will really be difficult. And if you plan a lot of things in the evening, cook something tasty for yourself for breakfast, then it will not be difficult to wake up.

What should be the alarm clock?

Set your alarm to low volume music. It is better if it gradually increases. Loud music may adversely affect nervous system and you will wake up in a bad mood. If all these tips do not help you, set several alarms in a row. You can also put the alarm clock away from the bed. In order to turn it off, you need to get up, and you will definitely wake up. Only after turning off the alarm, do not go back to bed, otherwise you can fall asleep and oversleep important things.

Some people deliberately set their alarm clock 5-10 minutes early so that they can soak up the bed later. Psychologists say that this is not necessary. It is better to sleep fully for these 10 minutes, and then wake up. You need to get up immediately after the alarm, otherwise you can fall asleep again later. After sleeping, open the curtains immediately. will reduce the production of the sleep hormone - melatonin - and you will feel cheerful. If the awakening occurs very early, when it is still dark outside, you need to turn on the light in the room. In addition, buy bright curtains, colored glasses for the kitchen. Place red apples in a vase. Bright colors will act on you in the same way as daylight. You can also purchase a light therapy lamp. They are sold in shops medical equipment. If you sit under such a lamp for at least 20 minutes, the production of the sleep hormone will decrease in the body. Such devices are even used to treat depression.

Water is the source of life!

It is better to start a new day with water. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water, it tones the body and energizes for the whole day. During breakfast, it is better to drink juice or green tea. If you are a coffee lover, then you should drink it at the end of breakfast. Otherwise, it can provoke an increase in blood pressure.

In general, it is desirable to sleep with the window ajar, but this is not always possible. Scientists have calculated that if you simply ventilate the room before going to bed, and then close the window and go to bed, after 2 hours the air in the room becomes stale. So open the window right after getting up and take a few deep breaths. Oxygen will help wake up the brain.

Sex is the best start to the day!

Sexologists say that best start days is sex. In the morning, the body is as relaxed as possible, and the pleasure will be unforgettable. In addition, after sex, the hormone of joy is released, which will last you all day.

What food should you start your day with?

In order to wake up easily, do not drink alcohol and coffee at night. They are classified as stimulants that affect sleep.

For breakfast, you need to eat carbohydrates, they will help the brain wake up and start working. In addition, you need to consume B vitamins, magnesium. Walnuts and sea buckthorn have a positive effect on the nervous system and stimulate the production of serotonin - the hormone of vigor.

Many are accustomed to waking up from energy drinks. Remember - this negatively affects health. Energy drinks disturb sleep, call for spasm blood vessels, reduce attention and memory. Therefore, it is generally better not to drink them, especially in the morning.

You can drink coffee in the morning, but not very much. Coffee lovers also have health problems. Their hands are shaking, sleep is disturbed. But if you know the measure and drink 1-2 servings a day, there will be no problems.

daytime sleep

Sometimes people need daytime sleep. It can last from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. For example, in Japan, there are special rooms for employees of institutions, etc., where people can relax during lunch. It should be noted that the Japanese have a high life expectancy and the same productivity.

What to do if you suffer from insomnia?

In the world there is a record - a man did not sleep for 11 days. But ordinary people already after three days, insomnia begins to go crazy: the body is depleted, the nervous system is disturbed, the person loses attention and memory, and hallucinations may appear after 3-4 days without sleep. In case of sleep disturbance, you should consult a doctor. It could be a therapist or a neurologist. There are specialists who deal with sleep problems - somnologists, but there are very few of them and it is very difficult to get an appointment with such a doctor.

Can't be accepted sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription, they have a negative effect on the nervous system. Also, because of them, attention is disturbed - this is especially dangerous for those who drive a car.

In order to wake up easily in the morning, be cheerful and whole hearty day, you need to go to bed on time.

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