After the hassle did not sleep all night. How to stay awake all day if you haven't slept all night

Negatively affects the body. The mood deteriorates, the brain works more slowly, metabolic processes are disturbed, the risk of obesity and diabetes increases. Unfortunately, no amount of fighting spirit will help you make the right decisions if you don't get enough sleep. Even stimulants, such as coffee, will not allow you to think better.

But you can prepare for the night wake as well as possible. How to stay awake and survive the night away from bed and recover as soon as possible? So…

How to survive a sleepless night

1. Try to get enough sleep

It is not always possible to plan a sleepless night, but if you guess that you will have to suffer, prepare your body for the load. If you already sleep little, and then do not sleep at all, the negative effects of such a regimen will only accumulate.

But if you usually adhere to the regime and rest within the normal range, from seven to nine hours, then one sleepless night will not hurt. And if you sleep longer for a few days before a night marathon, then the consequences for the body will be minimal.

Yes, the article is about how not to sleep. But sometimes 20 minutes is better than nothing. If you can get some rest, it is better to give preference to short sleep.

Two problems. The first is the risk of oversleeping. The second, just as serious, is the inability to sleep. Well, how to take a break for 20 minutes if your head is full of business, tasks, tickets? Lie down on the floor in the yoga pose "Shavasana". Even if you are not a fan of meditation and other things, just lie down on a flat, hard surface, spread your arms and legs to the sides, set the alarm (20 minutes!), And then relax the muscles in turn, starting from your toes and up to the top of your head. Consciously, forcing yourself to be completely liberated. It will take two minutes to relax. Another 18 you will either sleep, or at least just rest.

If possible, sleep for an hour or a half. This will wake you up from REM sleep and feel refreshed.

3. Turn on the light

We need darkness to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. If you don't want to fall asleep, turn on the lights. For example, a light source located near the eyes (table lamp, monitor) will bring the brain into an active state.

4. Ventilate

We sleep better when the room is cool, that is, the temperature is kept at about 18 ° C. If you want to be cheerful, the room should be neither warm nor cold. 23–24 ° C is the temperature at which it will not make you sleepy.

5. Take a cool shower

Sometimes the mere thought that it is time to climb into cold water wakes you up. It is necessary, it is necessary to wash (at least) if an invigorating shower causes panic. The action of the method is short-term: the charge is enough for half an hour or an hour, then you have to go through the procedure again. But remember that she is.

Replace washing and showering with ice cream or popsicles. No more than once a night, so as not to conflict with the next paragraph.

The candy will respond with irresistible fatigue in a few hours. Sweets will not help to keep energy: sugar will sharply raise the level of energy, and then the forces will leave you just as abruptly.

It is better to eat foods that will provide you with energy for a long time. For example, light foods with a high protein content. What is this food? Nuts. Eggs. Nuts again. Eat it with vegetables and fruits.

Do not put anything heavy and greasy on your plate, temporarily forget about fried chicken legs and hamburgers. And instead of gorging yourself once, eat small meals throughout the night to keep you fueled all the time.

7. Drink coffee, but in small portions

Coffee, of course, is a stimulant, but the dose of caffeine should not be exceeded.

A couple of liters of coffee invigorates just like a couple of cups, it's not just about the quantity. The main thing is not to drink the entire dose of coffee at once.

When you have a night without sleep ahead, you need to focus on tasks. If you drink more than two cups at once, you will overexcite the nervous system and lose concentration.

Therefore, when you start to get tired, slowly drink a cup or two, it is better to chew something. Then, after four hours, you can go for a coffee supplement.

When the norm for coffee (which is four cups a day) has already been completed, switch to water. With sufficient fluid supply to the body, each cell works better, and it is much easier to focus on work.

There are also folk remedies for cheerfulness. For example, tincture of Eleutherococcus or ginseng. Add them to tea (in therapeutic doses!), they are natural tonics that will help fire up the brain and make it work.

8. Chew Better

Chewing gum increases activity and can even improve brain performance. Help yourself and choose mint gum. Peppermint promotes brain activity, and its aroma improves memory.

By the way, about smells. Essential oils of mandarin, lemon, orange, rosemary also invigorate. Do not like flavorings and oils - just seize your dream with oranges, or better - a fruit dessert with citrus and mint.

9. Get up and walk

Every 45 minutes, take a short break to take a short walk. If you drink a lot, as advised above, then you will have to constantly go to the toilet, so use the forced break to walk a little more.

This is especially important if you work all night at the computer. From time to time, do the well-known exercise: take your eyes off the screen and focus on a distant point.

Instead of a little warm-up, do a massage. A full body massage will turn you off, but it’s better to stretch individual points. Neck, ears, head, fingers - restore blood circulation in these areas to make it easier to think and move.

10. Choose an active background music

Set aside sounds of nature, mantras, lullabies and romantic music until the next day. Tracks that are too monotonous, even sharp and loud ones, will also not help to keep cheerfulness. Make a dynamic playlist that you want to dance to. At three o'clock in the morning there will be no time for entertainment over the abstract, but it will not pull you to sleep.

Sit in an uncomfortable chair. Straighten your back, grab your gadgets and set reminders. Only no armchairs, sofas and soft pillows. Stools, a flat floor - these are your jobs. Keep the body in good shape so that the brain does not relax either.

12. Find bright impressions

When the eyes are covered with a sleepy veil, you need to wake yourself up with an emotional bomb. Talk to someone whose views are obviously opposite to yours, and on the most sensitive topic (you can arrange a discussion in the comments). Open a link to a resource that you sincerely hate. The task is not to get carried away and not to prove to your opponent that you are right with all your might, but simply to get a dose of adrenaline and open your eyes wider.

How to survive the next day

All attempts to artificially add vivacity can only be a temporary measure.

You don't add more resources to yourself when you pour an energy drink inside. You're just helping your body burn its own fuel by working two or three shifts in a row.

Therefore, throw all your strength into recovery.

1. Don't drive

Studies show that a sleepy driver is no better than a drunk driver. So if you have a sleepless night on your schedule, ask someone to drive you to work or take public transport. Until you get at least four hours of sleep in a row, no driving.

Do not want to destroy the normal mode - do not go to bed during the day. Otherwise, you risk falling asleep so that you open your eyes only in the evening. And then it will be much more difficult to return to a normal schedule. If you sleep, then according to the night mode: 20, 60, 90 minutes. Not more.

3. Save coffee for later

When your hands reach for the coffee can and energy drinks, resist. Even if you drink coffee six hours before bedtime, caffeine disrupts your rest. You need to drink a couple of cups in the morning, but after 16:00, stop going to the coffee machine. Otherwise, despite the nightly adventures, you will not sleep well.

4. Stop multitasking

It is better to choose two tasks and work on them in turn. When you feel that you no longer understand what you are doing, take a break, and then sit down for another task. Don't do them all at the same time - your brain just can't do it fast enough. But he also cannot be busy with routine work. From the same actions you will be pulled into a dream, and a new task activates thought processes. Leave yourself room to maneuver to keep your thoughts on track.

5. Keep Drinking and Eating Vegetables

Yes, yes, yes, drink water! We are aware that this is the most popular advice when it comes to health. Well then, follow him. :)

If we sleep little, we crave high-calorie foods and eat more often than usual, although physical activity is reduced. Therefore, by the way, regular lack of sleep is associated with a high body mass index.

Proper nutrition is especially important when you are not doing well with the rest of the regime.

The way out is to crunch vegetables and fruits, nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants will protect cells until you can provide them with a normal recovery.

6. You need to do at least exercises

It is better to pull iron on another day, as well as to run many kilometers. But they will help to survive a difficult day and disperse sleep. Well, after light physical activity, even an overloaded brain will sleep better.

7. Eat little. And don't drink

A tired brain will crave pleasure, and the easiest way to get it is through food. The dangers of overeating have been known for a long time, so you will only feel unbearably tired if you eat an extra piece.

And advice from the cap: don't drink anything alcoholic. Lack of sleep + alcohol = disaster.

Scientists have long established that alcohol generally has a detrimental effect on sleep, so if you want to recover from yesterday's night run, even a glass of wine will be superfluous.

Even if you are chronically sleep deprived, you can improve your condition if you sleep 10 hours in a row. Such a dream will help restore motor skills, and in the morning you will feel much better.


So, if you need to survive a sleepless night, remember that the body will not be delighted. This means that in other areas you need to take care of health: proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of liquid (and not alcohol), both at night and the next day. Schedule opportunities to recover and take breaks from work.

Nothing will happen to you from one such night, of course. Maximum - you will be irritated for a couple of days.

But chronic lack of sleep affects health, but that's another story.

Consequences of lack of sleep

Many of us say: "I sleep only 3 hours a night and feel great." In fact, this statement is far from the truth. Due to constant lack of sleep, the following processes occur in the body:

  1. During a night's rest, the body is cleared of toxins that adversely affect memory and attention. Scientists believe that one night without sleep is comparable in its consequences to a concussion. The very next day after it, you may notice unpleasant symptoms in yourself: dizziness, tinnitus, impaired concentration, nausea.
  2. Violation of the biorhythms of the body - stress for the body. If you systematically do not give the body a rest, then it experiences the consequences of chronic stress. This leads to an exacerbation of diseases with a latent course, as well as the emergence of new ailments. Due to constant fatigue, depression sets in, sudden changes in mood, outbursts of anger appear.
  3. Good sleep is very important for the normal functioning of all organs. First of all, the immune system suffers from its lack, which leads to frequent colds.

To get rid of these consequences, you need to know the rules that will help you regain strength. The main one is to sleep well, properly prepare for full-time rest and get enough vitamins from food.

What to do if you want to sleep

If you have not slept all night, then the best way out before the new working day is a 90-minute rest. But not everyone can afford to spend time in bed. In this case, it is time to use the following tips:

  1. Take a contrast shower, after which you need to rub yourself with a hard terry towel.
  2. Practice Hatha Yoga. In this practice, there is one good exercise that clears the area of ​​the brain responsible for the rhythms of sleep and rest. It is called Kapalabhati. To perform it, you need to sit with a straight back, take a deep breath and begin to make intense, noisy exhalations through the nose. You will inhale instinctively. Breathe this way for about 2 minutes. This exercise can be used during the day, it will not bring harm.
  3. Put yourself in dis comfortable conditions- sit with a straight back, choose a hard chair, turn on the light brighter, ventilate the room.
  4. To activate the work of the nervous system and blood supply, keep physical activity. A 15-minute walk at a brisk pace has been proven to give you a boost of energy, allowing you to do 2 hours of office work. Good help to disperse the blood and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain, squats and jumps.
  5. Breakfast should be light. It is best to include fruit, juice, nuts, and a strip of dark chocolate.
  6. Many people advise drinking coffee after a sleepless night, but this is not the right approach. Replace coffee with green tea as it is rich in theanine and caffeine. These substances act softer and longer. After espresso, you will be pulled back to sleep in 1-2 hours, while the same amount of green tea will invigorate you until the middle of the working day. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
  7. Menthol is a good energy drink. Use mint leaves, chewing gum, or candies with this flavor to activate your brain. You can add mint leaves to green tea to speed up the recovery process.
  8. Morning sex triggers the release of the hormones oxytocin and serotonin. They encourage physical activity and improve mood.
  9. Put some essential oils on a handkerchief. Mint, rosemary or any citrus oils (orange, lemon, bergamot, lime) help to cheer up.
  10. Resort to acupuncture: rub your nose, ears, feet and palms. Press lightly on the temples.

Some of these tips can be used throughout the day. Remember that the body is not deceived, in the evening you need to go to bed early in order to get a good night's sleep.

When people suffer from insomnia, in the morning there is a feeling of weakness that violates the usual mode of work. Sleep problems arise during long preparation for study, night work, fun night. Everyone has had at least one sleepless night in their life. How to cheer up after it, we will tell below.

Who long time does not sleep, falls asleep in the morning, in the afternoon feels an irresistible desire to sleep well. If you need to get up for a meeting, work, study, you should not lie in bed: time is dragging on, you can fall asleep again. There comes a deep phase, after which it will be difficult to wake up. Invigorates coffee, acting after 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink freshly prepared drink. Thanks to the reception, the energy will be restored before the end of the day. Do not take several cups of coffee, which will overexcite the nervous system. Smells will help you quickly come to your senses.

Aromas that activate the brain:

  • citruses;
  • juniper;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine.

Chew mint gum that activates the brain. To wake up quickly, you need to turn on bright lighting. Important things should be postponed until 10 am, when the body recovers. By 13-14 hours, drowsiness will reappear, it is better to take a nap for 30-60 minutes.

If you can not sleep, you should listen to the recommendations:

  1. You can cheer up by doing exercises. Run up and down the stairs - blood will flow to the brain.
  2. Freshen up. Go outside in winter, open windows, wash your face, turn up the air conditioner.
  3. Sit straight. Correct posture helps awaken the brain.
  4. Relax with food. Eat light meals - heavy meals will increase drowsiness. Avoid caffeinated drinks after dinner for a sound sleep.
  5. Relax with pleasures. Pleasant emotions, meetings with friends stimulate brain activity.

The next peak of falling asleep occurs at 18-19 hours. You should not go to bed, it is important to overcome yourself by falling asleep at the usual hours. If wakefulness fails in the morning, weakness and drowsiness will appear.

Advice. Waking up, without getting out of bed, the “Bicycle” exercise is performed so that blood quickly rushes to the limbs.

Can you recover after a sleepless night?

The best option to recover is to sleep for at least half an hour to restore the body's strength. A short nap relieves stress, improves condition, increases mindfulness. The body receives a charge of energy, which will last until the evening.

After drinking a cup of coffee, you need to charge. Thanks to home gymnastics, the work of the body is activated, well-being improves. For recovery, water procedures help, causing stress in the body, splashing out adrenaline. A contrast shower relieves stress, fights drowsiness.

To be more cheerful after a sleepless night will help the conditions in which it is impossible to fall asleep. It is recommended to sit on a wobbly chair, turn on the music, bright light.

What to eat for breakfast

To recover faster, you need to think about what to have breakfast. It is worth eating healthy food that gives extra energy. Great options:

  • oatmeal with fruits and berries;
  • hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • nuts.

Don't skip your first meal - it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If it is difficult to wake up in the morning, drink green tea instead of coffee - it will have a tonic effect. For greater effectiveness of the drink, tea leaves are brewed for 20 minutes. It is worth drinking plenty of water to help cheer up. A small bar of dark chocolate produces an effect similar to a mug of coffee. Sweetness provokes the production of endorphins, which uplift the mood, forcing the brain to become more active.

What Not to Do

  1. Get behind the wheel. In a sleepy individual, the concentration of attention, the speed of reaction decreases. Motorists find themselves in situations where instant decision making is needed. It is better to take a walk - fresh air will have a positive effect on health.
  2. Eat fatty foods. From junk food, drowsiness is more pronounced. You need to eat often, in small portions.
  3. Drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day. Coffee invigorates, frequent use of the drink is a threat to the body.
  4. Take energy drinks. They help to get rid of insomnia, negatively affecting the work of the body.
  5. Drink medicines. This is permissible after consulting a doctor. Taking vitamin C is allowed in limited quantities, it helps to restore strength.

A sleepless night will negatively affect the work of the whole organism, the next day it will be hard to work. It is important to survive the day and enter the optimal sleep-wake mode. With a regular violation of the regime, you need to find an hour or two to sleep.

Your body works according to biorhythms, whether you sleep or not. In the late evening, in the middle of the night, at dawn and in the middle of the day, inhuman fatigue will roll over you. It will seem to you that if you do not lie down right now, you will simply fall asleep sitting up. This state will last for about 20 minutes, and then there will be a surge of vigor. But few people like to sit for 20 minutes in a state of suspended animation, so the body will have to be deceived. Coffee will not help here, and physical activity will do. Get up, stretch, jump and do some exercises. The more active the movements, the better. Over millions of years, our bodies have not changed much, so physical activity after school hours means one thing - danger is somewhere nearby. You seem to be running from a saber-toothed tiger, otherwise why would you be jumping in the middle of the night? This means that the body mobilizes forces and drowsiness will be removed as if by hand. It also works during the day.

Don't drink too much coffee

Only the first cup invigorates, and all subsequent ones only aggravate the situation and make you more and more sleepy. Here's the thing: caffeine is absorbed very quickly and increases blood pressure, so you will feel much more alert in 15 minutes. But after an hour you will be even more drawn to sleep, and with each next cup it will be more and more difficult to fight sleep. The fact is that coffee contains not only caffeine, but also theophylline theobromine and vitamin R.R. These substances, on the contrary, lower blood pressure, which makes you want to sleep. Therefore, with each cup of a fragrant drink, you seem to swing the swing more strongly: you are more and more cheerful every half an hour, and then you are more and more drawn to a horizontal position. And the more coffee you drink, the harder it will be for you to fight sleepiness.

Drink green tea

A cup of green tea has as much caffeine as a cup of espresso. But its impact on your body will be much softer, and you will stay alert longer. The combination of caffeine and tannin found in tea works a little differently than pure caffeine.

Turn on the lights

If you need to spend a sleepless night at home, do not save money and turn on bright lights everywhere, and not just in the room where you are. The same goes for a cloudy day after a sleepless night. This is just a way to deceive the brain: when it is light around, it is more difficult for it to go to sleep. If you didn’t sleep at night, and you need to spend the day at the computer, tweak the monitor settings: the brighter the colors are, the easier it will be to fight drowsiness.

take a shower

Everyone knows that a contrast shower helps to cheer up. Of course, this is the best way to recover after a sleepless night, but on one condition: if that night you did not drink anything stronger than coffee. If you came in the morning from a party, a contrast shower is contraindicated for you. Your vessels have already suffered, they do not need an extra load now. You will cheer up for 5 minutes, and then your head will hurt and pull you to sleep. It is better to take a warm bath, and gradually change the temperature of the water to cool.

Make a coffee scrub

Don't skimp and don't use the grounds from the cup - you need freshly ground coffee. Apply shower gel to your body, then take a handful of coffee and rub yourself all over. The skin will become fabulously smooth, and the charge of vivacity will definitely last for three hours.

Eat something tasty

And finally - the most pleasant advice: try all day to eat only what you love. On the net you can find a list of products that supposedly energize, but in this case they will not help you. But your favorite food is a guaranteed pleasure, that is, a guaranteed increase in the level of endorphin. And this cunning hormone makes us feel not only happy, but also vigorous, full of strength and ready to move mountains.

After a fun party, a night of intensive preparation for exams, overtime work, a working day comes that needs to be safely experienced. Getting into the work process and staying awake the next day is hard. The body requires rest, reactions slow down slightly, attentiveness and productivity decrease. Closer to dinner, there is a strong desire to sleep. There are several tricks on how to recover from a sleepless night and hold out until the evening.

The best option is to sleep for an hour and a half in the morning. Short sleep relieves stress, increases the ability to assimilate information, improves physical condition. The body receives a small supply of energy, which helps to hold out during the day. Do not think about how to wake up after a morning sleep if you have not slept all night. In 90 minutes, sleep will go through all the stages, enter the fast phase. It is easy to wake up at this moment. After waking up, drowsiness and fatigue are not felt. When time is running out, try to sleep for 20 minutes. Drink coffee to make getting up easier. The caffeine will take effect in 20 minutes and will provide an easy wake up. No matter how much you want to stay in bed and take a nap for a couple of minutes, get up right away. A minute can turn into a longer time. The brain will enter a deep sleep phase and it will be very difficult to wake up.

Invigorating smells that activate the brain help. Inhale after sleep the aroma of citrus, pine, eucalyptus, nutmeg, juniper. If hustling at work, late nights, studying at night is your norm, buy a bottle of scented oil and apply a few drops on a handkerchief. It can be used at work when it becomes sleepy. Thus, even if you have not slept all night, you will be able to be more or less alert all day.

The next step in preparing the body for a working day after a sleepless night is a little morning exercise. It will help you finally wake up, improve your well-being, and activates the activity of all body systems.

Contrasting water procedures will be of great benefit. Such a small stress for the body contributes to the release of adrenaline. A small release of the hormone stimulates the nervous system, provides the brain with additional blood. A contrast shower washes away the remnants of lethargy, a person feels collected, ready to study or work.

If a woman has not slept all night, she will try to mask her sleepy appearance. Bright light is considered the enemy of sleep. During gymnastics and beauty care, turn on bright overhead lighting, which will reduce drowsiness and give a signal to the brain that it's time to wake up.

What to eat for breakfast

Don't take breakfast lightly, especially after a sleepless night. Treat yourself to healthy food that gives you energy. A good option is oatmeal with berries or fruits. You can eat cottage cheese, eggs, hard cheese. If there is not enough time, eat nuts. When it's hard to wake up and get up in the morning, drink green tea instead of coffee. It gives a good tonic effect. There is only one trick: brew tea leaves for no more than two minutes. After prolonged brewing, the drink acquires soothing properties.

After a hard night, the morning will be cheerful if you eat a piece of dark chocolate. It promotes the production of endorphins, which will cheer you up and make your brain work. Good coffee will help to cheer up, but several cups of an invigorating drink drunk in a row will overexcite the nervous system.

How to stay awake during the day

Do not despair if you did not manage to follow the previous recommendations. A short nap in transport will help you recover and significantly improve your condition. Nuts will replace breakfast, and a run to work will invigorate.

A night without sleep reduces the perception of information. Postpone difficult tasks until 10 a.m. The body will adapt by this time. But by 13-14 hours, drowsiness will again begin to overcome at the workplace. Constantly sleep deprived people know how to cheer up after a sleepless night. Try to find 20 minutes for sleep at lunchtime. To wake up easier, you need to repeat the trick with coffee. The first minutes after waking up will be difficult, but later the body will thank you for a short rest with an increase in working capacity. Energy will last until the end of the working day. But what to do if you can’t sleep, but you need to focus on work?

A few tips to help you get through the day after a sleepless night:

  • Do a little exercise.
    Running up the stairs, a few sports exercises will increase the amount of blood flowing to the brain. You will immediately feel energized.
  • Freshen up.
    Wash your face, or open a window, go outside, lower the temperature of the air conditioner.
  • Take a break for food.
    Eat an apple or a light sandwich, a piece of chocolate. Heavy food will make you sleepy. To sleep well at night, after dinner you will have to give up caffeinated drinks.
  • Maintain a straight posture.
    The correct posture while sitting allows you to maintain cheerfulness.
  • Relax with pleasure.
    Laughter and positive emotions stimulate brain activity.

The next peak of drowsiness occurs at 18-19 hours. Fight the urge to take a nap and go to bed at your usual time. A short nap in the evening will break the routine. The day will end with wakefulness, you will not get enough sleep again. The morning will begin with a heavy awakening, and in the afternoon you will want to sleep again.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don't know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.
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