How to make oil from plants. Cold cooking. How to make butter macerate

And what do you know about the words - infusion, macerate, oil extract?
Macerate (infusion) is an oil infused with kidneys, herbs, flowers, roots, bark, seeds. As a result, at the end of the infusion process, we get an oil that, in addition to its properties, gets everything beneficial features from part of the plant. The infusion process is called maceration. For infusion, you can use fresh and dry parts of the plant. Macerate on dry raw materials is easiest to prepare. But on the fresh one, not everyone succeeds, because some people experience damage to the oil, bitterness or mold.
To get an infusion (I like this word the most and I use it on my blog) I use various ways. Now I will try to talk about the main ones and you will choose for yourself the most convenient or simple in your opinion.

First method: Warm or hot languor. dry raw material.
Those. you need to make a thermal effect. Best of all in the sun, but can be replaced with a warm battery or oven.
Sun If you insist on the sun, then the time is from two to five weeks.
By the way, it is with the help of the sun that I make sugar syrup from young pine shoots and dandelion petals. And only by the solar method can you make an infusion of St. John's wort, if you apply other thermal effects, then the infusion will not turn red.
Chop herbs. Please remember that flowers cannot be crushed - this is the rule for any method. Cut the roots as finely as possible, but do not turn into powder, because. it just sinks to the bottom.
I take a dry and sterile jar, put herbs in it, leaving 5 cm from the top and pour it with oil, close the lid. We put it on a sunny window and sometimes shake it (I will add that during the infusion air bubbles begin to stand out, when shaking the process is faster), make sure that the herbs are always covered with oil, if that oil can always be added.
Strain and pour into a sterile and dry jar (remember that water is the enemy of our infusion) from dark glass. Store in a cool and dark place.
Oven If through the oven, then this is a quick warm method - we heat the oven to 40-60C and simmer in a pot under the lid for about 5 hours. Turn off the oven and keep the peas until the oven cools completely. And then everything, as in the sunny part.
Strain and pour into a sterile and dry jar (remember that water is the enemy of our infusion) from dark glass. Store in a cool and dark place.
The second way: Cold. dry raw material.
Chop herbs.
I take a dry and sterile jar, put herbs in it, leaving 5 cm from the top and pour it with oil, close the lid.
Then I put it in a dark kitchen cabinet and keep it there for up to 10 days. Shake it periodically and keep an eye on the oil level.

If you decide to fresh raw materials, then the methods are the same, but in the case of a cold method, watch your jar, because. the probability of corruption is higher. In principle, everyone is afraid that such an infusion will be worse, but I did not notice this. In the spring I prepared a chic infusion on the roots and young leaves of a dandelion, I just crushed everything and insisted. It is already winter, and the infusion in the refrigerator has not deteriorated at all.

What oil to insist on.
It’s just perfect to insist on olive oil, but you can also use good sunflower oil.
You can also use linen, almond, grape seeds etc., etc., but the oils themselves are expensive and I don’t see the point in this.
Although if you are ready to pay money, then here is a selection of oils by effects
for all skin types (moisturizing, nutrition + anti-inflammatory, regeneration):
apricot, avocado, watermelon, grape seed, jojoba, sesame, poppy, peach seed, wheat germ, sasanqua
moisturizing, nourishing, softening dry skin:
walnut, castor, macadamia, sea buckthorn, camelina, pistachio
regeneration, anti-inflammatory:
almond, black cumin
rejuvenating, tightening, smoothing:
grape seeds, jojoba, macadamia, poppy, almond, o buckthorn, peach seeds, wheat germ, camelina, black cumin
grape seed, jojoba, peach seed, wheat germ
for hair:
avocado, watermelon, jojoba, castor, sesame, macadamia, poppy, almond, peach seed, sasanqua, black cumin

oils are indicated only stable, the shelf life of which is from 1 year.
do not heat the oil above 40 - 50 degrees!

What herbs to choose. Here it is worth understanding for what purposes you want an infusion for culinary purposes or for your loved ones.
By the way, on my blog you can find recipes for three infusions: Dandelion, Coniferous and Orange (By the way, this oil can also be used in baking or added to scrub, massage oil, cream, shampoo).

You can also get acquainted with the recipes for infusions for cooking, there are a lot of herbs and the combinations are very interesting.

Vegetable raw materials, which remain after the oil has already been used or drained, contain many useful substances.
If you prepared herbal oil from succulent herbs, then from the sediment you can make cosmetic masks on the neck and décolleté area. And you can add to the scrub, as an example of the main sea salt.

How to make massage oil based on infusion.
Everything is simple. We take any favorite essential oil, let's say 50 drops. Further 200 gr. infusion (choose according to the method of exposure). We transfer to a clean jar, roll between the palms and cork.

Hello dear readers!

I get a lot of questions about how to protect myself from buying low-quality base and essential compositions for skin and hair care. But we ourselves can get a high-quality, environmentally friendly product that will help us solve our tasks. Let's see how to make an infusion, macerate and oil extract at home, and use natural medicinal products. Unfortunately, pharmacies and retail chains often offer us the cheapest products, and we are trying to choose a safer product from the worst. Why, if there is an opportunity to avoid a painful choice?

Synthetic essential oils pose the greatest health hazard. You can see rows of small dark glass bottles at almost the same price in pharmacies. This should alert you, since the content of essential oil in different plants is radically different, as well as the methods of extracting it.

Producers of high quality natural essential oils can be counted on the fingers and, as a rule, their products cost a lot of money. This should also be taken into account when choosing esters for yourself.

But we can also prepare an extract of essential oils and bio with our own hands. active substances from various plants and apply it to medicinal purposes. Of course, we cannot use oil tinctures in aroma lamps or, for example, in steam baths for face. But in skin care, for compresses, baths and massages, this is a real remedy!

Oil tinctures medicinal herbs may well replace complex oil compositions that cost a lot of money. base oil, which is oil base, absorbs everything useful material vegetable raw materials, acquiring its properties, but at the same time retaining their own! Those. this is real medicinal tincture! We can formulate and combine the properties of the oil with the properties of the herb in one or another oil composition, and prepare it at home.

For macerates, infusions or oil extracts, you will need a base fatty oil with the properties we need and medicinal plants (grass, leaves, flowers, roots or tree bark). Medicinal raw materials can be bought at the pharmacy. Pharmacy fees passed the test for environmental cleanliness and fit us.

What are oil infusions?

Infusion, macerate, oil extract - what are the differences?

Oil infusions differ both in the way they are prepared and vegetable raw materials. Let's take a closer look at the topic!

Infusion is a tincture of medicinal herbs on base oil(olive, grape, corn, etc.).

If we insist on the oil of plant flowers (i.e., finer raw materials), then this is already macerate.

And the oil extract is obtained by infusion of plant seeds, tree bark or roots, i.e. denser raw material

There are two proven ways to prepare oil infusions - cold and hot. cold way- longer cooking time (from 10 days to 2 months), and hot - quick, allowing you to save time (preparing from 10 hours to 3 days).

Important note:

Keep in mind that the longer the oil infusion (macerate or extract) is infused, the more impressive properties it will have. Ten days is the bare minimum! After 10 days, we can already take a little infusion, adding oil again. It is better to filter not earlier than after 3-4 weeks. The complete readiness of the infusion is determined by the color of the medicinal plant - the infusion is considered ready when the raw material is completely discolored. It's hard not to notice!

How to make an oil infusion with your own hands

Before you start cooking, identify your goal, i.e. what problem do you want to solve. Otherwise, you will infuse, do not use it regularly, and it will deteriorate - money thrown away and time wasted.

Make a combination of herbs, for example, to treat the skin or strengthen the hair. Having studied the plate at the end of the article medicinal plants, you will notice that most plants have universal properties. Choose an oil infusion composition that will allow you to solve several problems. Then it will definitely not be forgotten in the refrigerator!

Macerates, infusions and extracts at home

Cold cooking method

My advice:

Do not forget to stick the name of the oil infusion on the jar, the initial date of its infusion, then bookmark it in the refrigerator, indicating the final shelf life of the base oil!

Hot method - option number 1

If you have a modern multicooker kitchen appliance on your farm, then hot way you will like it more!

Hot method - option number 2

This hot method is suitable if you have chosen a solid oil for infusion or macerate, such as coconut, cocoa or shea, for example. You can make an oil infusion, macerate or extract using the hot method No. 2 in just 3 days! Let's walk through the process step by step!

We need to prepare two containers for steam bath. The upper saucepan with a stainless steel lid, the lower one - any.

Personally, I prefer to make oil infusions in the cold way - it requires less of my attention and the cold way is more environmentally friendly, in my opinion.

How to cook yourself medicinal infusions, tinctures, decoctions, ointments, powders from medicinal herbs?

Forms medicines

Preparing most medicines at home does not require special skills and special equipment. It is enough to observe the dosage and manufacturing technology of a particular agent.

There are the following main dosage forms: infusions, decoctions, tinctures, juices, powders, ointments, oils.

How to prepare herbal infusion

An infusion is a liquid dosage form, which is obtained by infusing parts of a plant in water. There are two main ways to prepare infusions: cold and hot.

In the first case, the crushed medicinal raw materials (leaves, roots, flowers, fruits of the plant) are poured with cold boiled water, insist in a closed container for the time specified in the recipe (from 2 to 12 hours). Then the infusion is filtered.

In the second case, the crushed medicinal raw material is poured with boiling water, infused under the lid from 10 minutes to 8 hours and filtered.

Infusions of medicinal plants can be prepared in a thermos. This method is convenient when the infusion is recommended to be taken hot or warm. Vegetable raw materials are crushed, placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning the medicine is ready for use.

How to prepare herbal tea

A decoction is a liquid dosage form prepared by long-term heat treatment medicinal raw materials. Decoctions can be prepared in several ways:

- the crushed parts of the plant are poured with water, the container is placed in a larger pot filled with boiling water and cooked over low heat for 15-30 minutes.

After that, the contents are infused for 15-45 minutes, filtered, squeezed and topped up with boiled water to the volume indicated in the recipe;

- medicinal raw materials are poured with boiling water, cover the container with a lid, put on a slow fire, boil for the time specified in the recipe, insist and filter;

- medicinal raw materials are poured cold water, insist for several hours, then bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes. After that, the broth is insisted (or cooled) and filtered.

Infusions and decoctions are taken orally, compresses, masks are made from them, added to water for baths and inhalations.

How to make your own medicinal tincture

Tincture - liquid alcohol or water-alcohol extract from the leaves, fruits, roots of medicinal plants. To prepare it, the amount of medicinal raw materials indicated in the recipe is crushed, placed in a glass vessel, poured with alcohol or vodka and infused for 7-14 days, periodically stirring the contents of the vessel. The finished tincture is filtered, the raw material is squeezed out.

Tinctures of medicinal plants are used for internal and external use. Since the concentration active substances in them is much higher than in decoctions and infusions, tinctures are measured in drops.

How to make medicinal juices

Juices are usually prepared from the leaves and fruits of medicinal plants. To do this, the raw materials are crushed, placed in a clean gauze or napkin and the juice is squeezed out. If there is a lot of raw materials, it is more convenient to use a meat grinder or a press to make juice. Some fruits, such as lemons, can be juiced with a juicer.

Juice is usually prepared immediately before use, since in this case the biologically active substances contained in the medicinal plant will not have time to break down under the influence of sunlight and oxygen. However, the juice of some cultures can be preserved by mixing with alcohol in a ratio of 4: 1. In this case, the shelf life of the drug is extended, but it is not recommended to give it to children.

Another way to preserve juice is pasteurization. The juice is poured into sterile glass containers, covered with pre-boiled lids and the containers are placed in a saucepan with hot water. It is heated to 85 °C and kept at this temperature for 15-20 minutes, after which the juice containers are hermetically sealed. Juices can be used as external and internal medicines, they are part of ointments, masks, compresses.

How to make your own herbal extracts

An extract is a dosage form that is obtained from plant materials using an aqueous or alcoholic extractant. The concentration of active substances in extracts is higher compared to other dosage forms.

At home, extracts of medicinal plants are made as follows. An infusion or decoction is prepared from medicinal raw materials, which is then evaporated over low heat in a closed container to half the original volume.

How to make your own ointment

Ointment - an external dosage form prepared from pounded plant materials mixed with a base. As a basis, creamy, sunflower, cottonseed, olive oil, fresh pork or mutton fat, interior fat, vaseline, lanolin. Ointments are prepared from dry powder, juice or plant extract. A variety of ointments are pastes. They have a denser texture and contain large quantity vegetable raw materials than ointments (25% or more).

How to make your own healing powders

Powder is a dry dosage form. To prepare powders, parts of medicinal plants are first dried, then ground in a mortar. Powders are both used externally and taken orally.

How to make your own medicated oils

For the preparation of oils, crushed parts of medicinal plants or juice from them are used. Vegetable raw materials are poured with olive or cottonseed oil, infused for 2-3 weeks, filtered and squeezed.

From some cultures, such as golden mustache, oil is prepared in a hot way. Raw materials are crushed, poured vegetable oil, put in an oven preheated to 40 ° C for 8 hours, then filter and squeeze.

The term extract means extracting the required (useful) substances from animals and plants using oil, water, alcohol not higher than 70%, ether, carbon dioxide, glycerin. Which are enriched with the extract of useful substances from plants and saturating it with water (infusions and decoctions), oil, alcohol not higher than 70% (infusions), dry mixture, depending on the preparation (extraction) process. The finished extract can be liquid, viscous, dry.

To prepare the extract, fresh or dry raw materials (herbs, flowers, leaves, and so on) are used.

Extracts are used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicinal purposes. Extracts can be obtained by industrial methods, and at home. Alcoholic, dry and oily extracts have a longer shelf life than water extracts. It is better to store extracts in a cool and dark place.

How to make alcohol extract

To prepare an alcohol extract, we need raw materials (fresh or dry) and 70% alcohol. If this is not so important, then alcohol can be replaced with vodka. You should not use more than 70% alcohol, since, for example, 96% alcohol tans useful substances, and they are practically not extracted. There are some types of infusions, called tentura, which are prepared with 96% alcohol.

Raw materials should be crushed, but not to flour. Raw materials can be ground with a mortar, knife, coffee grinder, blender.

We pour the raw material into a glass dish and fill it with alcohol or a water-alcohol infusion so that the raw material is two fingers lower than the poured alcohol. It is also desirable that alcohol solution was filled almost to the lid.

It should be borne in mind that juicy raw materials in the process of infusion lower the strength of the tincture due to great content moisture in raw materials. It is better to step on such raw materials at 70% alcohol without lowering it.
If alcohol needs to be diluted, then this must be done with boiled or distilled water.

Alcoholic extract insist 3 weeks. If you need to get an extract without alcohol, then you can evaporate the alcohol in a water bath, just before use.

How to make an oil extract(infusions)

For cooking oil extract it is desirable to use vegetable refined oil. Raw materials (herbs, berries, and so on) must be dry or, in last resort dried. Exception flowers medicinal chamomile.

If you use raw raw materials, then there is a high probability that the oil acquires a terrible smell and taste, so keep this in mind. It is almost impossible to fix this and you will have to redo the extract.

Finely chop the raw material, but not to dust. Pour into a glass dish so that the raw material is covered with oil, about a couple of fingers. It is better to fill to the very top, no matter what voids remain in the vessel. We close and leave to infuse in a dark and warm place for 3 weeks. Do not forget to shake the contents of the vessel once a day. If there is no warm place at home, then you need to heat the extract to 50 degrees in a water bath a couple of times a day, but you should not heat it more, since valuable substances are lost in this case.

If required, at the end of the infusion, you can drain the oil and squeeze out the raw material, and then pour the fresh raw material with the extract and insist another 21 days. This way you will make a more concentrated extract.

Store the finished extract in the refrigerator for 180 days.

3.1. Tinctures - These are liquid alcoholic or alcoholic-water extracts from VP, which are obtained without heating and removing the extractant.

For the preparation of tinctures, ethyl alcohol of various concentrations is used: 95, 90, 70, 60, 45, 40, 30, 20%. The concentration of the extractant is selected in such a way that it extracts the maximum active and minimum - ballast substances. The advantage of this dosage form is microbiological protection. In alcohol, most mechanical impurities are insoluble and in tinctures a longer shelf life than in aqueous extracts. However, alcohol does not extract many valuable biologically active substances - pectins, mucus, inulin, etc.

Tinctures are being prepared different ways: maceration, percolation, dissolution of extracts, etc.

Maceration (infusion) It is the most in a simple way preparation of extracts. Dried and properly crushed raw materials are poured into enameled, glass or stainless steel dishes with a calculated amount of extractant, infused at a temperature of 10-15 ° C, stirring occasionally, for at least two days (if the infusion period is not specified). The resulting tincture is drained, the residue is carefully squeezed out, filtered through several layers of gauze, washed a small amount alcohol and squeeze again. The pressed extracts are combined with the main one. The method of fine maceration is also used. In this case, the calculated amount of alcohol is divided into portions, pouring LRS in these portions sequentially.

Percolations - filtering, displacement of BAR by continuous filtration of the extractant through a layer of raw materials. This method is carried out in special percolators equipped with devices that ensure a continuous supply of the extractant and leakage of the extract. Both methods of preparing tinctures are carried out in a mass-volume ratio: the raw material is taken by mass, and the solvent by volume.

The preparation of tinctures from extracts is carried out by dissolving required amount extract in alcohol of the appropriate concentration.

3.2. Elixirs - this is a kind of tinctures, which are combined solutions of extracts with other medicinal substances(for example, breast or licorice elixir).

Storage. Tinctures are stored in well-corked glassware in a cool place protected from light. The precipitate falls out, filtered before use.

3.3. Extract preparations from fresh plants

Wash off dust and slightly dried VP must be crushed, because living cell is in a state of turgor, the protoplasm is tightly pressed against the cell wall and has the property of being penetrated. However, substances dissolved in cell sap do not leak out. Therefore, to extract biologically active compounds, cell walls must be destroyed.

Tinctures from fresh plant materials are obtained by maceration or bismaceration. Usually, from 1 part by weight of a non-strong raw material, 5 parts by volume of a tincture are obtained, and 10 parts by volume of a strong dichoic raw material. But there may be another ratio of raw materials and finished tincture: 1: 4.1: 2, etc.

When obtaining tinctures by maceration, the crushed raw materials are poured ethyl alcohol(usually 90%), insist for 14 days, the infusion is separated and the raw material is squeezed out. The tincture is settled for 7 days at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C and filtered.

When using the method bismaceration crushed raw materials are first poured with 96% ethyl alcohol and infused for 7 days. The second time - 20% ethyl alcohol for 3 days. The combined extracts are settled, filtered and tinctures containing 40-50% ethanol are obtained.

For example, the bismaceration method is used to prepare liquid extract onion or green onions, which is called allylchep. Apply it inside 15-20 drops for intestinal atony, atherosclerosis. To get an extract onion cleaned from external films and crushed. The mushy mass is poured with 70% ethanol in a ratio of 1.0: 1.5 and infused at room temperature within 7 days. The tincture is poured. Then the raw materials are suddenly macerated, for which they are poured with 60% ethyl alcohol (1: 1) and infused for 24 hours. After the specified time, the tincture is attached to the first.

IN traditional medicine apply tinctures from various plants. Tincture blood red hawthorn flowers prepared on 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Insist at room temperature for 14 days and filter. Apply 15-20 drops per 30-50 ml of water 3 times a day as a cardiotonic, antispasmodic, antihypertensive and sedative.

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