What is sleep and dreams in terms of psychology? Sleep posture - relationship with character. Repeated attempts to do something

Freud said that every dream contains information about our hidden desires. Many are concerned about the question: why are dreams forgotten and is it possible to learn to remember them? Many facts are known when dreams gave powerful creative clues, and sometimes contained ready-made ideas. scientific discoveries or formalized ideas works of art. It cannot be said that by forgetting a dream, we lose something. But perhaps we are missing our chance to find something of value.

According to the article, we dream every night. And only a few we forget immediately after waking up.
But still, what reasons can influence the fact that we forget dreams?

The first reason: Lack of attention to their inner experiences.

Our forgetfulness is primarily a consequence of insufficient attention to our inner experiences, and therefore to the world of dreams. If dreams are not interesting to us, then they simply elude us. The same thing happens with other manifestations of our mental activity. Conversely, if we begin to take an interest in our inner world, our memory improves. She is always focused on what touches us and seems important.

Sometimes it may seem that the dreams themselves do not deserve attention. Indeed, in two cases out of three, our dreams show banal events that happened to us during the day. In a dream, daytime activities and sensations continue, thus giving us the opportunity to sort them out. When the events are insignificant, we forget the dream without cluttering up our memory. But on the other hand, if it seems to us that we already know what the dream is talking about, then we are missing its meaning.

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Reason two: We resist dreams.

Sigmund Freud considered dreams to be manifestations of repressed desires, mainly sexual in nature that disturb us too much to be aware.
The dream wraps its messages in bizarre images to protect us from such knowledge that could undermine our self-image. But sometimes this protection is not enough. Consciousness is able to resist, rejecting incoming information, and then we forget our dream entirely. But the dream can repeat its message, wrapping it in various forms for several nights. The ambiguity of dream images allows us to read the meanings gradually and recognize only what we are ready to perceive now.

Council number 1.

  • When you wake up, do not get up immediately, allow yourself to lie down for a while. Our dreams continue to live in this "dream" state of consciousness.
  • Do not make any special effort to remember the dream. Just pay close attention to the images that will come to you.
  • Write them down.
  • It is convenient if the notebook lies next to the bed so that it can be easily reached by simply reaching out. Referring to these records will allow you to see the variety of unconscious images, motives and aspirations of your own soul.

Council number 2.

  • Ask someone close to wake you up between 3 and 4 in the morning, when sleep is especially deep and dreams can last up to 20 minutes.
  • You can tell your dream to your partner.
  • Or your partner can also check to see if you are dreaming. To do this, you need to look at your eyelids and fingertips: if they twitch slightly, then you are dreaming.

Dreams can say a lot about you psychological state.. For this you need

Sleep, dreams and dreams, theories of sleep.
From the moment we fall asleep, we are at peace unlimited possibilities. In our dreams, we can be anyone and do anything. In the world of dreams, nothing is impossible. You can be on Mars, or in the distant past, somewhere in primeval caves, or you can climb the career ladder in an instant and earn millions, or vice versa, lose everything that was acquired by overwork ...
Dreams are often vague and difficult to interpret. But sometimes our dreams are so vivid and realistic that it is very difficult for us to draw a line between reality and fantasy.
So what is the significance of his dreams in a person's life? It would be logical to assume that sleep is only a product of experiences experienced by a person during the day, but is it really so? In this article, we will look at the main theories of sleep: Freud, and Jung.
The previous post explained

First, let's look at some known facts about dreams:
1. Everyone dreams and this is a fact. The only exceptions are people suffering from serious mental disorders. If you ask someone to tell you their dream and they say they never dream, they are lying. He just doesn't remember his dreams. This fact brings us smoothly to point number 2.
2. We forget 90% of our dreams. Within five minutes of waking up, 50% of your dreams will be forgotten. In another five minutes, you will forget 90% of what you saw in a dream. 10% is what will remain in your memory. Often these are the highlights of your dreams.
3. We often believe in what we saw in a dream. For example: the faces of people who in reality have never seen. Or faith in the information received, about which they did not know or hear anything before. If you try to object and hint to the interlocutor that perhaps these were images from the distant past, the faces of strangers who met, or snippets of phrases heard in the subway, on the radio, TV, etc. You will most likely hear in response: "I don't have doubt about it, in a dream, I definitely saw it for the first time." In fact, our brain is capable of doing incredible tricks, it can remember faces that we saw for only a fraction of a second, but previously, this information was hidden so as not to overload memory with unnecessary garbage.
4. Polls have shown that 20 - 40% of people have had a prophetic dream at least once in their lives.
5. 12% of people see exclusively black and white dreams, and among people under the age of 25, the figures are even lower, only 4.4%.

sleep theories. Freud.

Freud classified the mind into three areas:
"Super-I", or Super-Ego: This is a reflection of social norms, morality, the imposition of prohibitions, the formation of ideals. The super-ego strives to be socially acceptable. Let's compare it with the "Angel on the right shoulder", which keeps it under control and is in constant conflict with the "It". In essence, the "Super-I" is your conscience.

"I" or "Ego": This is the conscious mind. The ego seeks to please the id without causing problems and conflict situations. This is the balance between "It" and "Super - Ego", which in turn receive their objective existence through "I".

"It": lives by the principles of achieving pleasure at any cost and just wants everything now. Food, water, sex and other basic instincts are controlled by the id. "It" seeks only pleasure, this is your "Devil on the left shoulder."

Freud believed that during the day, your "Superego" controls the "I" and you act, socially appropriate, as your conscience requires. This means that the "Super-I" manages to suppress the "It". So when you sleep, your "It" releases all repressed, socially unacceptable desires. Our brain reproduces repressed desires in symbolic images that are more acceptable for censorship. This is why dreams are so difficult to understand and interpret.

You probably already know that Freud was a little... Okay, too obsessed with sex. All his theories are based on sex. And this is what causes skepticism towards Freud's theories. So, for example, it is not difficult to guess what Freud symbolized; (tree trunks, sticks, rockets, and all elongated objects), or (stoves, vases, pots, pans, and anything containing inner space). The most common walking up the stairs has a sexual connotation, but if you, God forbid, dreamed that you were putting flowers in your mother-in-law's vase... Then you are a 100% pervert...
However, Freud's sexual insanity does not make his achievements in the field of the study of dreams and psychology in general less significant. In addition, Freud's vision is explained by the puritanical mores of those times and the overly repressed sexuality of the Victorian era.

sleep theories. Jung.
Carl Gustav Jung - One of the best students of Freud, like Freud, Jung agreed with the theories of his teacher, he believed in the existence of the unconscious, and attached great importance to understanding the human psyche. Of course, Jung's theories are based on the ideas of his teacher, but unlike Freud, Jung gave less importance to sexuality and gave priority to spirituality. Freud reproached Jung for an excessive penchant for mysticism, and Jung could not agree that Freud considered the unconscious from the point of view of base instincts, and the content of dreams, as hidden behind images, satisfaction, socially unacceptable norms. These disagreements, and became a stumbling block in the path of Freud and Jung, they became the reason for the final break, after which, each went his own way in the study and understanding of the unconscious.

Jung proposed another structure of human personality:
The "ego" was considered by him as self-consciousness, the perception of the outside world by the personality, and all traits rejected by the personality (socially unacceptable) form an unconscious "counter ego", which Jung called the shadow. Like Freud's "It", the "Shadow" is a part of yourself, your primitive instincts, the Shadow is that side of the personality that you are not willing to accept.

"Animus" in men and "Anima" in women - archetypes representing personality traits, masculine and feminine, often repressed into the unconscious.

Self- this is the main archetype in the structure of the Ego, the archetype of the integrity of the personality, the quality that transcends the "Ego", it covers both the conscious and unconscious areas human psyche. The self is the whole potential of the individual, the ultimate goal of self-realization, self-realization.

Everything in Jung's theories is based on the presence of opposites: black - white, good - evil, man - woman, "Ego" - counter Ego, or shadow.

Regarding dreams, Jung believed that dreams were not a disguise for your unconscious, rather they were a window to it. Dreams are a kind of recommendations for solving problems in real life it is your adviser, guide to life. Dreams were considered by Jung as a process of communication between the conscious and the unconscious. The purpose of dreams is to guide, to help a person manifest his full potential ...

As you can see, both Freud's theory of dreams and Jung's theory are not particularly different, and both have a right to exist. Which one is more plausible?
Give dreams a sexual, or a more spiritual meaning?
And in general, do they give any meaning? ...
Everything is purely individual, and the choice is yours!

Sleep well and have pleasant dreams!

Almost every person experiences some kind of “vision” during sleep. We dream of people, places, events, some objects or phenomena. Most often, a person sees a dream in the first person and in the morning most forgets sleep. Some dreams affect emotions and can be very realistic. Today, scientists cannot say exactly why dreams occur, but there are several good theories that explain this phenomenon.

Why does a person sleep

First, let's figure out why we need sleep at all.

Sleep is a natural state of the body, which includes several cycles. During this period, brain activity is reduced, as is the reaction to external stimuli.

For a long time, the mechanism of the dream state and the cause of dreaming were shrouded in mystery, and scientists of different times made assumptions based on their conjectures. Modern technologies made it possible to study the human brain during sleep, and people received answers, however, only to some questions.

Until now, many believe that sleep is necessary for the rest of the brain and the body as a whole. But back in the 20th century, it turned out that this is not entirely true: during sleep, brain activity is only 10-15% lower than during a shallow nap, and the muscles may well rest, just being at rest. So why do we spend almost a third of our lives on special condition sleep?

Today it physiological phenomenon is considered not as just rest, but as a mechanism of self-regulation of the body. In the state of sleep, the systematization of memories occurs, the psyche is unloaded, the level of stress decreases, cells are renewed and toxins are removed.

What happens if you don't sleep

It is during REM sleep that a person sees vivid dreams, some of which can be remembered in the morning. Each stage replaces each other several times, while they are uneven in duration, and gradually fast sleep takes more and more time.

In ancient times, dreams were perceived as encrypted messages from underworld containing information about the future of man. "Knowing" people helped decipher these messages (). Over time, dream books appeared, which are still popular today.

However, with the development of psychology and physiology, new views on this phenomenon began to appear, reflected in several theories.

Theory 1: Dreams are images of human desires

The famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud suggested that in dreams a person sees repressed desires and hidden longings. The subconscious seems to communicate with us through dreams. Sometimes this is an exact image, and sometimes it is veiled in some symbols (images).

Freud believed that discussing dreams with a psychotherapist can help resolve internal psychological problems person. He even wrote a book, The Interpretation of Dreams, where he talks about typical symbols in dreams that can have a similar meaning to different people.

According to Freud, dreams have a hidden meaning

Theory 2: The peculiarity of the brain

But the eminent psychiatrist John Hobson, on the contrary, said that dreams do not carry any semantic load. He studied how exactly a dream arises from a physiological point of view. It turned out that random signals from the brain stem lead to the vision of a plausible reality.

The brain tries to somehow interpret random impulses and puts them into certain plots.. He often takes memories as a basis.

Interesting fact! It has been experimentally proven that mammals such as cats and dogs also experience dreams.

Theory 3: Permanent activation

Psychiatrist Zhang Jie agrees that dreams are caused by nerve impulses. That's just in her opinion, they are not accidental.

The brain organizes memories during sleep, and at the moment they move from short-term memory to long-term memory, they can be partially activated, and we see dreams.

Dreaming may be the result of the "night work" of the brain

Theory 4: Threat Modeling

This is a rather unusual explanation for why we dream. It is believed that this ability was inherited by a person from ancient ancestors, who, with the help of dreams, could imitate potentially dangerous situations.

Actually dreams are protective biological mechanism that allows you to "train" to survive threats. At modern man not like that dangerous life, like their ancestors, so there is an opinion that the functions of dreams have changed a little. Hence the next theory.

There was a period when it was believed that sleep is disease state arising from the accumulated poisons in the human body.

Theory 5: Natural Selection of Thoughts

Psychologist Mark Blencher suggests that situations that the brain models in sleep, allow it to choose the best emotional reactions . He remembers them and uses them in real life.

That is, in this case, we also train, but already taking into account what happens most often in our modern life.

Interestingly, a special kind of sleep are lucid dreaming when a person realizes that he is dreaming, and sometimes even manages a dream. Some researchers are convinced that everyone can master this with proper preparation.

Must see video from interesting information about dreams:


So far, no theory is universally accepted, but they suggest that dreams arise due to impulses in the brain and may be formed on the basis of memories.

Dream Interpretation to donate blood from a vein

It has been scientifically proven that, on average, five to six liters of blood circulate in the body of an adult. She performs the most important features in our body. We remember from school that the loss of these very five liters of blood is fatal.

However, your blood can save the life of another person. Its transfer is called donation. To know what is happening with your health, doctors take a blood test. As a rule, this is done with a finger, but a clearer picture can be found if blood is taken from a vein.

Bloody dreams

In general, blood in a dream is associated by interpreters with blood ties in real life. So, you will have certain situations related to the closest people.

Why dream of blood from a vein? The interpreters are advised to look where the veins were, since the interpretation will vary depending on whether they are located on the legs or on the arms.

Collection of biological material

Let's turn to the predictors for help

It may seem that veins in a dream appear quite rarely. it misconception. Many dream books are happy to consider what blood from a vein may dream of.

Miller's dream book

This dream book blood from a vein is considered in a negative way. It is believed that a sleeping person will soon have trouble with the law. Of course, this could be a parking ticket, but it is possible that you will be imprisoned for a more serious crime.

After such a vision, Miller advised to be extremely careful. You must constantly watch your actions and words. It is also worth being on the alert in the workplace, the dreamer may be in trouble.

The scarlet liquid from your vein still does not stop, pouring down your arm - you should be extremely careful. In the near future, scammers will contact you so as not to fall into their trap, you should not only follow everything that happens, but also think over your actions two steps ahead.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed that they wanted to take blood from a vein - there will be a quarrel with the closest relatives. If you value what is between you, then try to restrain yourself and not be rude in return.

Pull out the needle yourself

In a dream, you wanted to pull a needle out of a vein in your arm - in reality, you just can’t come to terms with the passing of one of your relatives, you yearn for him and constantly talk to him mentally.

See how the needle pierces your vein - beware of a stab in the back. In the near future, you will have to be careful and notice any nuances. Vanga advised taking such dreams very seriously and not ignoring them.

The seer also believed that the scarlet blood from a vein is the life energy of a sleeping person. Such a night vision warns you that you have played the martyr too much, indulge other people, forget about yourself. You urgently need to relax, gain strength, get your portion of happiness.

Vanga also saw in a dream in which blood was taken from you, a warning. There is an energy vampire in your environment that feeds on your powers.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

In the Wanderer's dream book, rather brief but clear predictions are given about what veins in general can dream of, and blood from them:

  • An injection in a vein in a dream - you will become the object of jokes in the work team. Do not rush to get angry, they will be quite harmless.
  • To donate blood - you will have to help a close friend or relative.
  • Cutting veins and seeing a scarlet trail - you are too conscientious person. It is worth sometimes not listening to the voice of conscience.
  • Open veins - do not waste your time, life is one, and it is too short.
  • Accidentally cut your veins - you take everything to heart, worry about it for any reason. Think positive.
  • Droppers in a vein - you should take a day off and get a good night's sleep.

Muslim dream book

Dreamed of cut vessels

Why dream of donating blood? Someone is trying to solve their affairs at the expense of you. The interpreter of dreams does not undertake to assert how such “cooperation” will affect your future life. Let you consider it your duty to solve the troubles of relatives, but these actions should not run counter to your own desires and principles.

Esoteric dream book

The cut veins symbolize the transition of a sleeping person to new level. Take the next few moments to "take inventory" of your plans and what you already have.

To donate blood - fate has prepared for you a certain test that must be passed for further development.

An injection in a vein - the subconscious gives the dreamer a signal that he should urgently take care of his health.

Modern dream book

I dreamed of blood from a vein - a sleeping person is plagued by pangs of conscience. In reality, he acted at the behest of reason, realizing that this would be correct from the point of view of the law. But in his heart he feels that it was wrong from a moral point of view, so his conscience periodically makes him suffer.

Cutting veins in a dream is a signal that your subconscious gives. AT recent times you spend too much, your requests are not commensurate with your real income.

Seeing your own biological material in a dream

Did you take blood in a dream? This dream book considers a similar plot quite interestingly. This means that another Sabantuy is planned again at work or a relative’s birthday is approaching, good friend. In reality, you are puzzling over how to allocate money for the next gift. Dream Interpretation advises to do it with my own hands, especially since handmade has been much appreciated lately.

Similar dreams from the point of view of psychology

Seeing blood from a vein - certain people constantly piss you off. You try to restrain yourself, but soon the cup of your patience will overflow, and anger will fall on a completely innocent person. Psychologists advise to talk about troubles with those people who deliver them to you, and not to take out your anger on the innocent.

Admire your own bleeding

Cutting veins - you are offended by your friend and are going to permanently end your friendship with him. Do not jump to conclusions, perhaps the person had good reasons for not answering your calls or not showing up for a meeting.

According to psychological dream book, donating blood from a vein means that friends begin to go too far, taking advantage of your kindness and reliability. worth putting clear framework what is included in your duties as a friend, and what is already personal property.

According to Sigmund Freud, if you took blood from a vein, then you have an attachment or connection that you would prefer to remain silent about. Such dreams indicate that you are on the wrong path, otherwise why would you hide your soulmate from your relatives and friends?

Also, according to the psychologist Freud, blood from a vein can mean that you lack intimacy, both physical and spiritual. And an injection into a vein can warn a sleeping person about the danger of getting infected. sexually transmitted diseases. If you do not want to get sick, then it is better to protect yourself and go to the doctor.

Interaction of the dreamer with blood

To admire the blood that flows from your vein - you strive to surround yourself with beautiful things, to make your life more enjoyable. Perhaps something is not working out for you, but you should not give up. Patience and hard work are all you need in the fight for your dream.

A lot of blood may indicate that you should get rid of the troubles in your life. Stop talking to people you're not interested in negative information, do not force yourself to do something that goes against your moral principles.

A blood test is often perceived by interpreters as a sleeping person's lack of confidence in their abilities. The dreamer is in a state of anxiety, looking for support and parting instructions. It is worth being more confident in yourself, everyone has made mistakes in life, the main thing is to learn a lesson from them.

Specific things, people, images, situations that you saw in a dream and what they mean, what information they want to convey. What is the best way for you to proceed. Dream interpretation, psychological dream book online:

What is the dream about, which means - confusion / finding landmarks.

What we watch in a dream (images): get lost in a parking lot, on an unfamiliar street or in a large store; travel in an unknown direction in a car, train; to lose keys or a bag, an obstacle, a found exit, an emergency exit, an ajar door...

As we see in a dream (situations): I do not recognize my home. I'm stuck in an elevator. I find the bag that was stolen from me.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Home is yours inner world, you yourself, any transport means movement. These images show that in your life now is a period of some uncertainty and uncertainty: you need to find new guidelines. Maybe you just went through a tough time? Such dreams appear after changes in life, both minor (dreams tend to dramatize the situation and exaggerate feelings) and painful, such as being fired from a job or losing loved one. Be that as it may, any change changes us (dreams about a passport or other personal documents show that we can lose our identity and then regain it). Be especially attentive to positive images, for example, to an ajar door - this is an indication that there is a way out of this situation.

What is the dream about, which means - submission / freedom.

What we watch in a dream (images): a chain decoration, a ring, a belt, an aquarium, a cage, a bird, a prison, a pool, a trailer, a throat, a tongue, a neck ...

As we see in a dream (situation): I swallowed (a) glass. I get into a truck with a trailer. I have a beautiful chain on. I am flying in my dreams.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. There are images that clearly point to some form of submission or captivity: chains or rings (they were worn by slaves), a prison, an aquarium. Other symbols, on the contrary, point to freedom; a bird is especially common in this capacity. It doesn't matter if you see a bird with wings spread in flight or locked in a cage, it is always about you. Or do you strive to find freedom (fly away), but you cannot, according to at least bye? This is often the case with teenagers. Flying in a dream is a sign of health and well-being in general. As for the images of the neck or throat, tongue or mouth, they have to do with the ability to express yourself: it is probably difficult for you to say certain things.

What is the dream about, which means - fatigue / energy.

What we watch in a dream (images): a snake, a horse, a pig, a hospital, an illness, a nurse, blood, a wound, hair, a tooth, fire, a cake ...

As we see in a dream (situations): My teeth are falling out. A snake rises in front of me. I eat cakes by the kilo.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. These pictures illustrate the state of our libido - vital energy that sets us in motion. She is not limited to intersexual relations, although the energy of libido is her integral part. Erotic dreams and some dreams about snakes may indicate that your libido is all right - rejoice! However, other dreams may indicate that the circulation of your life energy is disturbed. For example, dreams about teeth falling out speak of such a decrease in energy - contrary to popular prejudice, they do not at all portend death. These dreams are calling you replenish energy reserves if she's on a slump, and keep her on high level if you are in good shape.

What is the dream about, which means - the cold of loneliness / warmth of the soul.

What we watch in a dream (images): snow, fireplace, hunger, thirst, water, fire, fire, ashes, refrigerator, ice, battery, thermonuclear explosion, hand ...

As we see in a dream (situations): I am walking in the snow. My hand has been cut off. The radiator does not work in my room. Burn in a dream.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Don't be surprised to see these images appear after you've experienced a love disappointment, breakup, or mourning. However, they remain ambivalent (dual): fire, a symbol of passion, whether in the form of ashes or in the form of a flame, can emphasize the feeling, but can also be an invitation to live and feel more fervently. The hand through which we come into contact with another indicates the need for communication and encourages you to place more emphasis on creativity. As for dreams of hunger and thirst, they indicate the need to satisfy the inner hunger: it is up to you to determine the nature of this hunger - spiritual, intellectual or emotional.

What is the dream about, which means - guilt / judgment.

What we watch in a dream (images): tribunal, judge, lawyer, customs, passport, investigator, school, exam, teacher, assessment, eye, mess, being late, feeling unprepared for something ...

As we see in a dream (situations): I am retaking my final exams at school. The guard checks my documents. My boss congratulates me on my success.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Perhaps you feel guilty about not living your life - due to the fact that some "authority" (a person who has power over you) influences your decisions. In such dreams, you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation (document check) that makes you discomfort, or vice versa, you find yourself in a flattering position for you (you receive congratulations). In any case, these dreams show that you are, perhaps more than you think, vulnerable to the opinions of others, sensitive to other people's judgment of you. Dreams about surveillance are especially valuable: they call for a sober and impartial view of our responsibility for what is happening to us.

What is the dream about, which means - humiliation / exaltation.

What we watch in a dream (images): pop star, top model, president, applause, microphone, inappropriate clothes, empty village ...

As we see in a dream (situations): I have lunch with the president. I can't find my place at the table. I am dressed in long dress and boots on the feet.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. The dream pleasantly emphasizes your importance (you become a star) or puts you in a humiliating situation (you are poorly dressed). In both cases, these images speak of yours. Are you prone to low self-esteem or do you feel underestimated and belittled by others? Does your current position (in your personal life or work) allow you to develop your talents? Do you think you know how to use the chance to show yourself with better side and raise their status or rather tend to miss such opportunities?

What is the dream about, which means - poverty / wealth.

What we look at in a dream (images): money, banknotes, coins, bank, treasure, jewel, hand, bee, honey ...

As we see in a dream (situations): In the garden I find a buried treasure. A bee sits on my palm to collect nectar. I enter a jewelry store.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Images associated with money or with what embodies the idea of ​​wealth speak of inner wealth. They invite you to realize that you are more than you think. The purpose of these dreams is not only to console you, but also to encourage you to act, to force you to use these riches. Dreams about bees are interpreted in this way because these extremely active insects produce an almost divine nectar - honey. And these dreams invite you to "gather honey" wherever possible: during meetings, conversations, reading books...

What is the dream about, what does it mean - lie / truth.

What we watch in a dream (images): glasses, an eye, a photo or video camera, a mask, a hat-helmet, a spotlight or a lighthouse, a bandit, a burglar, being naked on the street ...

As we see in a dream (situations). A masked burglar is trying to break into my house. I look in the mirror and I don't see my face in it. I walk down the street in one shirt.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. The dream invites you to take a sober look at yourself. He also gives you valuable advice: . Isn't the body more real without these clothes that hide it? In a dream, nudity symbolizes truth. But we all avoid exposing some of our sides. We spontaneously refuse to confess our dark sides(n shortcomings and weaknesses). It is not surprising that criminal figures appear in our dreams: a burglar, a bandit, a pursuer. This light directed at ourselves can also be conveyed by images of self-knowledge, such as a book and a mirror.

What is the dream about, which means - mess / cleaning.

What we watch in a dream (images): broom, cleaning, garbage, dust, dirt, rag, vacuum cleaner, toilet, bathroom, mess ...

As we see in a dream (situations). I find a baby in dirty diapers. I am seen in public toilet where the blockage occurred. I wash my shoes in in large numbers water.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Pictures of cleaning appear in dreams in a positive way (everything is clean to a shine in your house) or in a negative way (your apartment is in a mess). In both cases, you are invited to properly “clean up” your life, your relationships with people or your behavior. Maybe some things related to your past are no longer needed? Old quarrels, jealousy, deep-seated grievances - isn't it time to get rid of them? Dreams in which the toilet appears testify to this need to "empty", to remove from your life that which poisons your personal development.

Recommendations: now is the time to get rid of feelings that have long lost their power, turn the page. Reconcile with your family or friend, and then move on.

What is the dream about, which means - death / transformation.

What we watch in a dream (images): a snake, a caterpillar, a frog, crayfish, a flower bud, a tree in bloom, a kitchen, an egg, a coffin, a cemetery, death, pregnancy, childbirth, a baby ...

As we see in a dream (situations): I gave birth to a child in a dream. I watch a butterfly emerge from a caterpillar. I died in my sleep. I see a dead man lying in a coffin.

Analysis and interpretation of sleep. Images indicating that this moment you are going through a positive and profound transformation, usually associated with any animal that can go through transformation, with growing plants, with spring, with everything that gives rise to life. To die in a dream is good dream, symbolizes most often. So seeing yourself (or another person) in a coffin is an unpleasant, but very positive image! A child in a dream, dreaming equally of men and women, is a symbol of the ego, that deep part of a person that wants to be born, wants to live. You can take all of these images as positive indications of the evolution you are experiencing.

Recommendations: you now have time for internal change, even if you yourself do not realize it yet, and therefore do not lose faith in yourself and take a breath.

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  • Sleep music for children. The influence of classical music on children's sleep. "White Noise" (review).
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1 Kartveli Erika Shalvovna 15.09.2015 13:23

Quoting Olga66:

I have had the same dream for many years. I am in an apartment, this apartment is not very well known to me, I am sure that there are 2 rooms in the apartment. but then it turns out that there are many more of them, and quite unexpectedly a kitchen appears from which there is access to a balcony, but more often to a huge veranda.

Hello Olga!
Your dream, I think, means that your subconscious tells you: you do not know your inner world very well. Therefore, only 2 main interests in life (2 rooms), perhaps work and family. The doors are opened for you to more widespread use their talents (self-realization through creativity, hobbies, helping other people, animals, etc.)
With some effort, you will be able to realize yourself in the transfer of knowledge or other values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you probably possess (this can also be spiritual qualities, love). Exit through the kitchen, which is considered a sacred place where the sacraments of the transformation and healing of loved ones and families are performed, says that it is time to enter a wider world of opportunities. You limit your freedom out of insecurity into your underestimated talents. You think that there are only 2 rooms, and there are more of them, you think that there is an exit to the balcony, and there is a veranda! That is, you need to work with self-esteem and
and goals outside the usual schemes of life!
Good luck!

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1 Kartveli Erika Shalvovna 03.11.2015 21:22

Quoting Olga66:

Hello, Erika Shalvovna! Thanks for the previous comment! He helped me a lot. I would like you to suggest the meanings of my 2 dreams.
1. I am wearing a men's suit and even I am wearing a man's tie. It's amazing to me and it suits me. Although in real life it would look comical on me.
2. I am on a train. I'm on the shelf according to my ticket. And everything would be fine ... yes, I clean a few seats in the car so that some man would be in the place next to me. Later, people began to come in and they could not understand why they were left without a place.

Hello Olga! Regarding the first dream: perhaps you subconsciously feel the need for those qualities that are inherent in men in order to become more successful. It seems to you that the life of men is more interesting and exciting. The second dream, I think, is obvious: YOU are ready to make efforts to be happy in your personal life, even in spite of your upbringing!
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