Zhen-jiu therapy. Zhenjiu therapy

Traditional Chinese diagnostics: acupuncture, moxibustion, pulse diagnostics


Zhenjiu therapy is one of the most important branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhenjiu therapy consists of two methods of treatment.

Zhen means needle. With the help of a needle, a stimulating effect is exerted on certain points and, which is very important, with the high qualification of a specialist, the goal of a cure is achieved. This is the essence of this technique, which is called acupuncture.

Tszyu means cauterization, which consists in the fact that with the help of smoldering wormwood cigars, certain points are also directly or indirectly excited. The principle of action is the same with acupuncture.

According to the WHO, it is recognized that Zhen-jiu therapy gives an outstanding healing effect with more than 43 types of diseases. In particular, it can be noted: paralysis, prolapse syndrome intervertebral discs, diabetes, hypertension, neurasthenia, stroke, sprained neck, back pain, etc. In addition, Zhen-jiu therapy corrects blood pressure, sweating, body temperature and others physiological processes. Regardless of whether the effect is on the sympathetic nerve or the parasympathetic nerve, in any case, the Yin-Yang balance is restored and a cure occurs.

Acupuncture and moxibustion (zhen-jiu) has been known in the East for several millennia. China is the birthplace of this unique healing method. From China, the method spread to Korea, Vietnam, Japan and Mongolia. The fundamental works describing theoretical basis and practical ways zhen-ju were written several centuries before our era. The basis of the method is the impact on special points, which are the regulators of the movement of “qi” through energy channels.

Each energy channel is associated with a specific internal organ and regulate its condition. The energy channel is the path along which qi moves. There are “qi” collectors on the channel - acupuncture points where it is collected and which can strengthen or weaken its flow. Compensation for the lack of “qi” is carried out by acupuncture with golden needles. Dispersion of the pathological accumulation of “qi” is achieved by acupuncture with silver needles. Currently widely used steel needles occupy an intermediate position and, according to the action produced, can both replenish and dissipate energy, depending on the nature of the manipulations.

Practice has shown that classical acupuncture, according to the rules and recipes of ancient Eastern medicine, produces a much better therapeutic effect than other methods of acupuncture. Despite the emergence of new methods of influencing a point using electric current, magnetic fields, laser, etc. most surely and quickly healing is achieved with the help of the "golden needle" and "dragon's breath" (cauterization).

Moxibustion is an effect on active points burning moxa from wormwood, to which sage, St. John's wort, mint and other herbs can be added. Wormwood should be well dried and cleaned. It is pressed into small (pea-sized) cones and soaked in ginger juice. Wormwood cigarettes are also made by wrapping wormwood in thin paper about 20 cm long and 4 cm wide, so that the cigarette will be about 1.2 cm in diameter. As a rule, such a cigarette is used 3-4 times, letting it burn 5-20 min, and then extinguishing it. Cauterization can be either thermal or blister-forming. In its implementation, use different methods approaching the skin of a cigarette or imposing a wormwood cone on the skin. With the help of cauterization - "jiu" cure pain, inflammation, bruises, infections, ulcers, degeneration and tumors of various organs and tissues. The impact on the points is made either from a short distance, when the smoldering tip of the wormwood cigar emits heat, which has special medicinal properties due to the composition of the cigar. Cauterization is also carried out with a special mixture of herbs directly on the skin or through medical pads from plants or minerals. The radiation spectrum emitted during combustion has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the effect of resonance with the "qi" of energy channels, as a result of which even the most weakened patients quickly recover good health and recovery quickly occurs, and the substances released during combustion in microscopic quantities enter the points where wormwood tinder is burned.

Ancient Eastern acupuncture and moxibustion - "zhen-jiu" - has two main concepts - "xu-shi" and "bu-se". The state of "xu" ("emptiness") arises as a result of a violation of the physiological balance, in which either the functions of organs decrease, or there is a lack essential substances in them. The state of "shi" ("fullness") arises as a result of a violation of the physiological balance, in which either the functions of the organs increase, or an excess of some substances or the formation of painful substances is observed in them. "Bu-se" is a method of eliminating the above conditions of disturbed functions ("zheng").

In the "xu" state, the "bu" method is used, in other words, "addition", which has a tonic (exciting) effect. As a result of a successful outcome, the corresponding substances are replenished. And in the state of "shi" the method "se" - "scattering" is practiced, which has a sedative (inhibitory) effect. As a result of this treatment, excess substances are excreted from the body or disease substances are eliminated. Of particular note is the effectiveness of zhen-jiu in cases where ordinary medicinal products. Quite often, the use of ancient recipes for acupuncture and moxibustion helps patients avoid the operating table. Amazing results are achieved by activating the body's reserves associated with the functioning of the system of energy channels and acupuncture points.

In normal mode, the body uses no more than 10-15% of its maximum capacity, only the heart uses a little more - 15-18%. Even when setting world and Olympic records, the most outstanding athletes can only rely on 43% of their “power”. Why does nature so carefully guard these reserve "storerooms of health"? They are needed in the event that a person will be endangered as a species, in moments of general catastrophes and cataclysms - for units out of millions of people, these opportunities will manifest themselves in full, at 100%. They will survive and continue the existence of the species. Such is the logic of nature, whose wisdom and foresight are absolute. The key to the reserve "pantries" of the body is the system of acupuncture points and energy channels. They allow the use of those "precious gold coins" that are stored in these "pantries". Patients get relief even in cases that are recognized as "hopeless" from the point of view of others. medical methods. No other types of pharmacological, physical or surgical treatment, including the most modern ones, have access to the reserve capabilities of the body associated with this ancient system, which was kept secret in the East, and still carries many mysteries and secrets.

Highly great importance has not only the correct pricking and finding of acupuncture points, but also the use of accumulated over millennia Eastern medicine special recipes acupuncture and moxibustion, which were carefully collected and systematized by us during the study of acupuncture and moxibustion in China, North Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia. Much was passed "from hand to hand" when learning from famous doctors-- Prof. Cheng Xin, Prof. Nguyen Tai Thu, Dr. Ryo Geng Sen, Dr. Meng, Dr. Bomtsend, Dr. Tse Deng Ho, and Dr. Liu Wei


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there is an assumption that acupuncture and moxibustion originated originally in Nepal and Tibet, in Buddhist temples, where the level of knowledge was quite high for its time. Apparently, over the course of a number of centuries, this method of treatment spread in China. So, in the 111th century BC in China, the experience of using acupuncture that was available at that time was summarized. The first book on this method - "Huangdi Neijing", consisting of 18 volumes, provides information about the technique of acupuncture, outlines the indications and contraindications for its use. Somewhat later, the famous Chinese scientist Huang Fumi, based on the experience of his predecessors, wrote a work on acupuncture and cauterization "Dianjing", consisting of 12 volumes. It detailed the basics of "zhen-jiu" (acupuncture - moxibustion) therapy, great attention was given to determining the localization of points for injections, recommended forms of therapeutic effects.

In / 1-X111 centuries, the zhen-jiu method was continuously improved and more and more widely used in medical practice. During this period, numerous manuals were published on the use of acupuncture and moxibustion in gynecology, surgery, pediatrics and internal medicine. An outstanding scientist of that time, Van-Wei, applied 600 dots known at that time to a bronze figure of a man. He described these points in detail and noted the effect of acupuncture on each of them.

In 1789, the book “Zhen-Jiu Xue” (Zhen-Jiu therapy) was published, which is a short textbook.

In 1955, the Central Research Institute of Chinese Medicine was organized in Beijing with a department for Zhen-Jiu therapy.


Before starting treatment, the ancient physicians, based on the above theories, conducted a thorough survey, examination, and studied the patient's pulse. Thanks to this, they were able to very accurately establish the nature of the violation of the circulation of energy along the meridians, which is the cause of the disease and very quickly eliminate it by prescribing a special mode of life and conducting acupuncture or cauterization in right points. Such treatment was considered highly effective, as it was possible thanks to pulse diagnostics in most cases, establish the onset of the development of the disease in its latent period and conduct preventive treatment. It is not possible for us to reveal this method of treatment in more detail because of the very complex relationship between the meridians themselves and the energy circulating in them, as well as because of the “secrecy” that exists to this day in the art of mastering pulse diagnostics.

In ancient times, the main method with which Chinese doctors treated patients was born - "Zhen-jiu". What it is? "Zhen" - acupuncture, "jiu" - moxibustion.

The art of acupuncture

The legend connects the appearance of acupuncture with the name of the famous sage Fu Xi, who lived in early III millennium BC Tradition ascribes to him the first observation of heavenly bodies and the invention of the doctrine of yin and yang - the two principles of all things in the universe. According to legend, he taught people how to build houses and bridges, how to fish with a net, and how to take care of five domestic animals - a horse, an ox, a chicken, a pig and a ram. Fu Xi was a great healer. He drew up instructions on how to avoid cold in winter, and exhausting heat in summer, how to maintain healthy air and good blood in the body. But his main achievement in medicine was the creation of the doctrine of the vital channels and active points located on the human body.

Historical parallels: The estimated lifetime of Fu-Xi, the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, coincides with the lifetime of Imhotep, the Egyptian patron of healing known to us (p.35). Like him, Fu-hsi was not only a physician, but also an astrologer and builder.

“In ancient times,” the legend narrates, “when China was ruled by Fu-Xi, well-versed in many sciences, one of his subjects had a headache.” This man became so ill that he could not find peace day or night. One day, while cultivating a field, he accidentally hit his leg with a hoe and noticed a strange thing: the headache disappeared after this blow. Since then, local residents with a headache began to deliberately hit themselves on the leg with a piece of stone. Upon learning of this, the emperor tried to replace the painful blows with a stone with pricks with a stone needle, and the results were good. Later it turned out that such injections, applied to certain places on the body, help not only with headaches, but also with other diseases. It has been observed that the impact on certain points of the body leads to relief from pain or discomfort. For example, compression of the fovea upper lip allows you to bring the patient out of a state of fainting, and the introduction of needles at certain points at the base of the first and second fingers cures insomnia.

Historical parallels: Methods of influencing the active points of the body are also known in the medicine of other peoples. The inhabitants of South Africa, wanting to be cured of many diseases, scratch certain points on the body with a shell; Arabs in the treatment of sciatica cauterize part of the ear with a heated metal rod; Eskimos inflict injections with a pointed stone.

Many discoveries have been made in the field of biology and medicine, but one complex riddle has not been solved for several thousand years. This is the mystery of the "vital channels" that run along the surface of the body.

Each channel is associated with a specific internal organ. The channels of the body, like the points on them, are invisible, but they really exist, since there is a constant mutual dependence between them and the internal organs. The impact on the internal organs through these points using acupuncture and moxibustion forms the basis of one of the main methods of treatment in Chinese medicine. The first literary data on the use of this method date back to the 6th century. BC. They are set forth in the "Canon of the Internal" ("Nei-ching", around the 2nd century BC) - one of the oldest medical books in China.

Historical parallels:

AT modern medicine East and West, the doctrine of vital channels and active points located on the surface of the human body is widely used. With the help of various devices in the area of ​​active points (often called BAT - biologically active points), electrical and magnetic phenomena were detected, as well as radiations that carry certain information. Modern science tends to consider the qi energy concentrated at these points as a certain kind of matter - electrical, magnetic, acoustic, light.

The first needles were made of stone. Later they began to make them from silicon or jasper, from bone and bamboo, from metals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, stainless steel. There were 9 needle shapes; among them were cylindrical, flat, round, trihedral, spear-shaped, needles with a sharp and blunt end.

Such needles were intended not only for acupuncture, they also served as surgical instruments. For example, a sharp "arrow-shaped" needle was used to open abscesses; a needle with a round end served to split muscles during operations; a thin needle with a blunt end was used to treat those patients who were afraid of injections: instead of an injection, they simply pressed on the corresponding points. For the treatment of children, "skin" needles were made, with the help of which shallow, superficial injections were applied. Modern needles are usually made of silver or the highest grades of stainless steel. When introduced, they do not destroy tissues, because they have a very thin rod.


Active points were affected not only by acupuncture, but also by cauterization. This method is sometimes referred to in Chinese literature under such poetic names as "wonderful thunder-burned needle" or "torch-hunting at night." In the old days, it was believed that cauterization should cause a burn. “Irritation without, effect within” is an old Chinese proverb. Cauterization was carried out with the help of a heated metal stick, lit sulfur powder, crushed pieces of garlic.

Modern doctors usually use moxa (wormwood) for treatment, which gives

smoldering only pleasant warmth. It is traditionally believed that the effectiveness of cauterization increases with the increase in the shelf life of moxa. For example, for the treatment of a disease that arose 7 years ago, moxa was recommended, which was stored for at least 3 years. Cigarettes and moxibustion cones were stuffed with dried and tightly pressed mugwort; sometimes other medicinal plants were added to it. Cauterization as a method of prevention and treatment of diseases has become widespread in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and many other countries of the East.

Learning the art of "zhen-jiu"

Comprehending the art of "zhen-jiu" was very difficult and required a long time. The student had to study not only the location of active points on the "vital channels", but also the complex relationships between them. “The needle must be taken with the same care as approaching the tiger,” says an old Chinese proverb.

The first state institution where they taught traditional medicine- The Imperial Medical School - originated in China only in the Middle Ages. The school had 20 students, 1 teacher with an assistant, 20 instructors and 20 needle makers. Of great importance for teaching was the creation of the first two bronze figures, which were cast in full human growth under the direction of the physician Wang Wei-yi in 1027. All points and their names were marked on the surface of the figures. Each point corresponded to a deep channel for the introduction of the needle. From the outside, the figure was covered with wax, and from the inside it was filled with water: if the student inserted the needle correctly, a drop of water appeared on the surface of the figure. The year before, in 1026, Wang Wei-yi completed work on the Atlas of Points, which became the first officially accepted manual on acupuncture. From the 13th century copying of figures began, the method of acupuncture went beyond China and began to spread in other states of Asia, then penetrated into Europe and America. In Russia, the first report about him was made in the late 1920s. 19th century

Traditional Chinese medicine is widespread in the modern world. In 1980, the World Health Organization recognized acupuncture as a scientifically based method and recommended its use in the practice of treating various diseases.

Zhenjiu therapy is one of the most important branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhenjiu therapy consists of two methods of treatment.

Zhen means needle. With the help of a needle, a stimulating effect is exerted on certain points and, which is very important, with the high qualification of a specialist, the goal of a cure is achieved. This is the essence of this technique, which is called acupuncture.

Tszyu means cauterization, which consists in the fact that with the help of smoldering wormwood cigars, certain points are also directly or indirectly excited. The principle of action is the same with acupuncture.

According to the WHO, it is recognized that Zhenjiu therapy has an outstanding therapeutic effect in more than 43 types of diseases. In particular, it can be noted: paralysis, prolapsed intervertebral disc syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, neurasthenia, stroke, stretching of the cervical veins, lower back pain, etc. In addition, Zhenjiu therapy corrects blood pressure, perspiration, body temperature and other physiological processes. Regardless of whether the effect is on the sympathetic nerve or the parasympathetic nerve, in any case, the Yin-Yang balance is restored and a cure occurs.

Acupuncture and moxibustion (zhen-jiu) has been known in the East for several millennia. China is the birthplace of this unique healing method. From China, the method spread to Korea, Vietnam, Japan and Mongolia. The fundamental works describing the theoretical foundations and practical methods of zhen-jiu were written several centuries before our era. The basis of the method is the impact on special points, which are the regulators of the movement of “qi” through energy channels.

Each energy channel is associated with a specific internal organ and regulates its state. The energy channel is the path along which qi moves. There are “qi” collectors on the channel - acupuncture points where it is collected and which can strengthen or weaken its flow. Compensation for the lack of “qi” is carried out by acupuncture with golden needles. Dispersion of the pathological accumulation of “qi” is achieved by acupuncture with silver needles. Currently widely used steel needles occupy an intermediate position and, according to the action produced, can both replenish and dissipate energy, depending on the nature of the manipulations.

Practice has shown that classical acupuncture, according to the rules and recipes of ancient Eastern medicine, produces a much better therapeutic effect than other methods of acupuncture. Despite the emergence of new methods of influencing a point using electric current, magnetic fields, a laser, etc. most surely and quickly healing is achieved with the help of the "golden needle" and "dragon's breath" (cauterization).

Moxibustion is the effect on active points with burning moxa from wormwood, to which sage, St. John's wort, mint and other herbs can be added. Wormwood should be well dried and cleaned. It is pressed into small (pea-sized) cones and soaked in ginger juice. Wormwood cigarettes are also made by wrapping wormwood in thin paper about 20 cm long and 4 cm wide, so that the cigarette will be about 1.2 cm in diameter. As a rule, such a cigarette is used 3-4 times, letting it burn 5-20 min, and then extinguishing it. Cauterization can be either thermal or blister-forming. In its implementation, different methods are used to approach the skin of a cigarette or apply a wormwood cone to the skin. With the help of cauterization - "jiu" cure pain, inflammation, bruises, infections, ulcers, degeneration and tumors of various organs and tissues. The impact on the points is made either from a short distance, when the smoldering tip of the wormwood cigar emits heat, which has special healing properties due to the composition of the cigar. Cauterization is also carried out with a special mixture of herbs directly on the skin or through medical pads from plants or minerals. The spectrum of radiation emitted during combustion has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the effect of resonance with the “qi” of energy channels, as a result of which even the most weakened patients quickly restore good health and quickly recover, and the substances released during combustion in microscopic quantities enter the points, on which wormwood tinder is burned.

Ancient Eastern acupuncture and moxibustion - "zhen-jiu" - has two main concepts - "xu-shi" and "bu-se". The state of "xu" ("emptiness") arises as a result of a violation of the physiological balance, in which either the functions of organs decrease, or there is a lack of necessary substances in them. The state of "shi" ("fullness") arises as a result of a violation of the physiological balance, in which either the functions of the organs increase, or an excess of some substances or the formation of painful substances is observed in them. "Bu-se" is a method of eliminating the above conditions of disturbed functions ("zheng").

In the "xu" state, the "bu" method is used, in other words, "addition", which has a tonic (exciting) effect. As a result of a successful outcome, the corresponding substances are replenished. And in the state of "shi" the method "se" - "scattering" is practiced, which has a sedative (inhibitory) effect. As a result of this treatment, excess substances are excreted from the body or disease substances are eliminated. It should be noted the effectiveness of zhen - tszyu in cases where conventional remedies do not help. Quite often, the use of ancient recipes for acupuncture and moxibustion helps patients avoid the operating table. Amazing results are achieved by activating the body's reserves associated with the functioning of the system of energy channels and acupuncture points.

In normal mode, the body uses no more than 10-15% of its maximum capacity, only the heart uses a little more - 15-18%. Even when setting world and Olympic records, the most outstanding athletes can only rely on 43% of their “power”. Why does nature so carefully guard these reserve "storerooms of health"? They are needed in the event that a person will be endangered as a species, in moments of general catastrophes and cataclysms - for units out of millions of people, these opportunities will manifest themselves in full, at 100%. They will survive and continue the existence of the species. Such is the logic of nature, whose wisdom and foresight are absolute. The key to the reserve "pantries" of the body is the system of acupuncture points and energy channels. They allow the use of those "precious gold coins" that are stored in these "pantries". Patients receive relief even in cases that are recognized as "hopeless" from the point of view of other medical methods. No other types of pharmacological, physical or surgical treatment, including the most modern ones, have access to the reserve capabilities of the body associated with this ancient system, which was kept secret in the East, and still carries many mysteries and mysteries. .

Of great importance is not only the correct pricking and finding of acupuncture points, but also the use of special acupuncture and moxibustion recipes accumulated over thousands of years by Eastern medicine, which we carefully collected and systematized during the study of acupuncture and moxibustion in China, North Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia. Much has been passed from hand to hand when studying with famous doctors - Professor Cheng Xin, Professor Nguyen Tai Thu, Dr. Ryo Gen Sen, Dr. Meng, Dr. Bomtsend, Dr. Tse Dan Ho and Liu Wei

Zhenjiu therapy

Acupuncture scheme.

Acupuncture(acupuncture, acupuncture) - a word derived from acus- needle and punctura- injection; pseudoscientific trend in alternative medicine, allegedly representing the effect of treatment through exposure to metal needles or cauterization on biologically active points of the body.

Any scientific evidence there is no efficacy (as well as safety) of acupuncture. Modern Scientific research show that the effect of the so-called. "Acupuncture" is completely identical to the placebo effect, that is, it is self-hypnosis.


The birthplace of acupuncture and its further spread

The name of the practice comes from the Latin terms "acus" - needle, and "puncture" - injection (Chinese "khen-hin" - needle-heat). It was used by the oldest medicine in the world, Chinese, as early as 3000 BC. It took its origin in the religion of old China, and its justification in Chinese philosophy. It was transmitted orally from generation to generation, and in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC was given through the philosophical school of "Maoism". This school is based on the "school of soothsayers" which were associated with ascetic exercises and auto-suggestion. The heyday of the teachings of Maoism fell on the period between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD. e. Chinese ideas about the cosmos and its influence on nature, on man, the cult of ancestors was inspired by the spirits of spiritualism - all this led to the fact that people are trying to be cured through miracles, doctors, prayers for health, all-healing remedies, mysterious pills, etc.

Application of the acupuncture method in medical institutions The USSR began in the 60s. The training of doctors in acupuncture became more active after the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR "On the further development of the method of acupuncture and its introduction into practice" (1971). In the 1980s and 1990s, acupuncture flourished in Russia. Many research institutions are engaged in the study of the mechanisms of acupuncture, publish manuals, monographs on Zhen-jiu, doctors are retrained with the qualification of a reflexologist.

Since 1998, the specialty of a reflexologist has been included in the register medical specialties. Nowadays, in many medical institutions there are rooms, and even entire departments of acupuncture, where assistance is provided to patients with the most various diseases(MC "InfaMed", 1997-2000).

According to another opinion, the first use of acupuncture is attributed to the Chinese and Japanese, whose doctors still use this tool very skillfully, exercising first on wooden or paper effigies. In Europe, acupuncture became famous in the 17th century, was forgotten, and then again began to be used by French doctors.

The term acupuncture came to us from France. Also widely used is the original, broader Chinese term, zhen-jiu ( pricking and burning) therapy, which came to us during the period of "great friendship between the USSR and China."

Tatar scholar, Rashir Rahmeti Arat in his work "Zur Heilkunde der Uighuren" ( medical practice among the Uighurs), published in 1930 and 1932. in Berlin, researching Uighur medicine. Based on a drawing of a person and explanations of acupuncture points on the body, he, as well as other Western scholars, are inclined to believe that acupuncture is not a Chinese, but an Uyghur discovery.

In China, Korea and Japan, acupuncture is used in many ways. pathological conditions, including as a sedative or tonic, for the treatment chronic diseases, as well as in surgery, for example, in cases of bone fracture to stimulate the formation of callus, with dropsy to extract accumulated water from subcutaneous tissue etc.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of acupuncture remains unclear. There are two main points of view - that the effect of the method does not depend on the depth and location of the needles and is based on the effect of self-hypnosis - placebo, and that the effect of acupuncture cannot be fully explained by the placebo effect. The latter point of view is supported by data from the World Health Organization recommending acupuncture for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Modern application

Currently, there are many schools and directions, one way or another connected with acupuncture.

Traditional acupuncture




  • Emil Kremer open eyes, section "Acupuncture". - Germany: Leinfelden-Echterdingen 1, 1991. - S. 75-81.
  • Robert T. Carroll Acupuncture// Encyclopedia of delusions: collection incredible facts, amazing discoveries and dangerous beliefs = The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions. - M .: "Dialectics", 2005. - S. 15-18. - ISBN 5-8459-0830 -2
  • Molostov V.D. Acupuncture and manual therapy. Practical guide for the treatment of diseases. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - S. 784. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-24924-4
  • Urroen Peters chapter 6 "Acupuncture and reflexology" // Mystical medicine.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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