The hand of the Mother of God is violet root. Orris root (iris)

Botanical characteristic

Pale iris grass is a medicinal plant, translated as Iris pallida, the second name is violet root. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, it has a thick rhizome, it is creeping. The height of the stem varies from 30 to 60 centimeters. The leaves are two-row, wide, flat, xiphoid.

The flowers are regular, fragrant, painted in a light purple color, they sit on short pedicels, and are collected in a many-flowered inflorescence. The perianth has a corolla shape, with three outer wide limb lobes, there is a tube, it is equal in length to the ovary.

There is a yellow beard on the outer lobes of the limb. The fruit is formed in the form of an oblong trihedral box. Pale iris begins to bloom in early May and this process continues until June inclusive.

This is a pale iris (photo)

Where does violet root grow?

This one grows beautiful flower on the territory of our country, but practically does not occur in the wild. It is specially cultivated by amateur gardeners in their flower beds, and you can also see it in parks. It is grown as an essential oil representative of the flora.

Used part

In pale iris, its rhizomes are used, as they contain chemical components that have medicinal action.

Collection and preparation

Usually, rhizomes are harvested from biennial plants, and it is recommended to dig them out in the fall. Adventitious roots are separated from the main root, after which it is washed under cool water, drained and peeled.

Then the harvested raw material is cut into thin slices and placed on a pallet, which is placed in a dryer. In this unit, you must set the appropriate temperature, in our case, 50 degrees is required. After a couple of days, you can get dry roots.

After that, they are laid out in cloth bags, or placed in paper bags, while placing them rather loosely. Then they are taken away for storage in a dry room, for example, in a closet, or, in the absence of such, the raw materials are placed in a ventilated cabinet.

It is necessary to use harvested rhizomes for three years from the moment of their collection, after which they will become unsuitable for medicinal use, as they will lose a significant amount of medicinal substances.

Cultivation and reproduction

To grow this representative of the flora in your garden, you will need fertile soil that will retain moisture well, and the place should be fairly sunny or semi-shady.

This flower is considered winter-hardy, so it can easily endure minor frosts. Vegetation of pale iris begins in early spring. It is propagated mainly by dividing the rhizome, in rare cases resort to planting with seeds, while they are planted in open ground seedling method.

What is the use of violet root plant?

In addition to the fact that violet root is used as ornamental plant, it is also actively used folk healers, since its rhizomes have medicinal properties, they have an expectorant effect, which is important if a person has bronchitis, as a result of which sputum is better removed, and the disease disappears.

orris root often included in some chest fees. This plant is also used in homeopathy, while it is prescribed for spasms in digestive tract, with migraine, with sciatica. Essential oil is also obtained from iris, while it is often used in aromatherapy, when such vapors are inhaled, coughing decreases in the presence of bronchitis.

This plant used to decorate the flags and national emblems of many European countries. It was even the emblem of the royal French dynasty, this flower could also be seen on coins and royal seals.

According to legend, a pale iris appeared on earth millions of years ago, it was so beautiful that animals came to admire it, as well as water and wind, which carried the seeds of iris to distant territories, and to this day, this representative of the flora pleases the human eye with its magnificence .

decoction recipe

To prepare expectorant decoction from pale iris, you will need its dry rhizome, it is needed in the amount of 10 grams. At the same time, it is first recommended to grind the raw materials with high quality, an electric coffee grinder will help to cope with this procedure, it will give it the required structure.

Then the crushed roots are poured into an enameled bowl, after which water is added to it in an amount of 200 milliliters. Next, the dishes are placed on the stove, while the broth should sweat a little over low heat.

After ten minutes, it is removed from the stove and cooled to room temperature. After that, you need to strain the broth through gauze, which is pre-folded in several layers.

Then the decoction can be used in the presence of bronchitis as an expectorant, take it 15 milliliters three times a day in the presence of a cough, while you should not refuse to take medications if prescribed by a doctor. It should be stored only in the refrigerator and not for very long, no more than five days.


Before using this plant for the preparation of potions, you should first consult with a specialist. Pale iris can be planted at your dacha, it is quite decorative and looks good against the background of other flowers.

Violet root - some types of iris were awarded such an exquisite name, or, as it is also called, iris - Germanic, Florentine or pale, the rhizomes of which emit a surprisingly delicate violet smell.

About these plants - natives of the Mediterranean, their types, features and preferences will be discussed in this publication.

with history

Cultivated from time immemorial, iris is a symbol of trust, devoted friendship and deep cordial disposition among many peoples. It is also mentioned in ancient epics and medical treatises, since the iris has long been known not only as a decorative flower, but also as the most valuable essential oil culture, as evidenced by its elegant name "violet root".

There are about a hundred such species. Almost all of them are herbaceous rhizomatous perennials, common in almost all parts of the world, except perhaps for the permafrost pole.


Iris pale (violet root) - decorative and at the same time medicinal plant with a characteristic yellowish-brown, creeping, fleshy rhizome with a dense starchy structure. The unpretentiousness of the plant allows it to be grown in any region of our country, but it is almost never found in the wild. Violet root is cultivated in gardens, pursuing two goals - decorating the estate space and using it in medicinal purposes. The rhizome contains unique chemical compounds having healing properties. The root of the iris, growing, gradually dies off from below, forming young branches that annually form leaves and peduncles.

Flowers and leaves of iris pale

The leaves of the iris are basal, they are very decorative: two-row, xiphoid with a slight wax coating, thin and flat, collected in a beautiful bunch-fan. Peduncle - a strong erect annual stem, reaching 0.3-0.6 m.

Flowers, depending on the type and variety of culture, from medium to fairly large sizes. The palette of shades of flowers is surprisingly diverse. Apparently, therefore, the name of the plant is translated from Greek as "rainbow". correct, with an excellent delicate aroma, located on strong peduncles and collected in a multi-flowered inflorescence. The color of the flowers of these species is diverse: from pale blue and lilac shades to deep purple with bordered edges of the petals. The fruit is a multi-seeded oblong box.

Culture features

Iris is a winter-hardy plant, resistant to short-term droughts and not demanding on the composition of the soil. However, luxurious flowering can be achieved from it if you create the most comfortable conditions. For example, it should be borne in mind that irises are very photophilous. Therefore, sites for culture are chosen well-lit, and the soil is carefully dug up before planting, adding humus and mineral supplements.

Iris rhizomes are an excellent planting material for vegetative propagation. For this, pieces of rhizomes or their processes with the resulting growth buds are used.

Planting and growing iris

The optimal time for planting iris is considered the period from late August to mid-September. To do this, select strong pieces of rhizomes with existing fibrous roots and 2-4 leaves, which are shortened to 20-30 cm. They are planted, deepening by 8-10 cm so that the growth buds are at soil level. Crop care consists of weeding, loosening and fertilizing. Nitrogen compounds are introduced in the spring, and phosphorus-potassium compounds are introduced in preparation for flowering. It is important not to forget that it is impossible to feed plants during flowering.

A pale killer whale wakes up in early spring as soon as the soil warms up to 8-10 ° C. Flowering occurs in May-June. Irises are periodically transplanted, because, growing, the rhizomes can be forced out to the surface, which significantly harms the plant, reducing the nutritional area and reducing the decorative effect. Transplantation of irises is carried out depending on the characteristics of the species. For example, garden and leafless varieties - every 3-5 years, Siberian - 6-8 years, yellow - 8-10 years.

German irises: varieties with photos and names

In addition to pale iris, edible violet species include German and Florentine irises.

Germanic iris - a culture with dense wide or narrow xiphoid leaves that persist until autumn. The flowers of these species are large lilac-violet with a colorful bright yellow longitudinal beard, located on long branched peduncles up to 1 m high. German violet root blooms in June.

In fact, most of the species of bearded irises grown in gardens today are derived from the Germanic iris. pure culture can be seen in botanical gardens, breeding nurseries and experimental sites. In nature, it is extremely rare, but on the mountain slopes of Transcarpathia and at the foot of the Himalayas you can still see this plant. In gardens, varieties derived from it are in the lead:

  • Summer Night is a tall variety with fragrant bright blue flowers and a bright yellow core.
  • Guards - a particularly fragrant variety with creamy yellow large inflorescences.
  • Baltic Sea - a variety of Germanic iris, with spectacular corrugated blue petals and a rich beard

German iris is excellent in cutting. Seeds ripen by the end of summer.

Florentine iris

Florentine iris is a bearded hybrid, which received a speaking name because of the decorative hairs that stand out in bright color, located on the bases of the outer petals. These plants are characterized by very high branched peduncles (up to 0.7 m), giving up to 5-7 flowers - white with sky-blue transitions or yellow, unusually refined and decorative. Possesses Florentine iris and pleasant aroma. The leaves of the culture are bluish, large, xiphoid. The plant has been cultivated in Mediterranean countries since the 15th century. In temperate Russian latitudes, the Florentine iris requires shelter for the winter, as it is notable for its low frost resistance.

A feature of the culture is exclusively vegetative propagation, since it does not produce seeds. Flowering begins at the end of May and can continue throughout June.

A prominent representative of this species is Diamond Elbrus - a tall variety with a bright aroma of large white flowers with an orange core.

The listed irises (varieties with photos and names), although they belong to medicinal species, yet more often used for decorative purposes. Despite the short flowering, these plants are distinguished by excellent decorative leaves and do not lose it until the very cold.

Iris (iris, violet root) is a herbaceous perennial with a creeping thick fleshy rhizome. The stems are usually branched at the top. The leaves are blue-green, xiphoid. Flowers solitary, located in leaf axils at the top of the branches. The fruits are multi-seeded three-celled capsules.

Kasatik got its name from the variety of shades of its flowers. They are white, purple, yellow, sky blue, reminiscent of a rainbow. "Iris" means "rainbow" in translation.

Medicinal raw materials are its rhizomes, which contain essential with a violet smell (whence the name - violet root), starch, tannins, iridine glycoside.

Medicine knows the anti-inflammatory and properties of iris rhizomes, their activity (an extract diluted in a ratio of 1:30 suppresses the bacillus).

Phytotherapists, healers, herbalists use iris rhizomes as an expectorant for treatment, with inflammatory diseases.


  • Infusion of iris rhizomes:two st. spoons of crushed rhizomes of the plant, pour one glass of boiled and chilled water, leave for 8 hours, filter. Drink three times a day for the third part of a glass before meals.
  • Decoction of rhizomes:Art. brew a spoonful of dry rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, 10 minutes. simmer, filter. Take a decoction three times a day before eating one tablespoon.

During childbirth, a decoction of rhizomes is used as an anesthetic.

Lotions with a decoction of the rhizomes of iris (iris) are used for

A decoction of iris is drunk as an expectorant in a third of a glass four to five times a day.

Avicenna in his treatise "The Canon of Medicine" wrote about the iris:

“Decoction (orris root) dissolves hardening, dense tumors,“ mumps ”and dairy. With an equal amount of hellebore ("violet root"), it also removes bruises; it also works on its own. "Orris Root" helps with polluted, promotes the build-up of meat in fistulas, even when applied in powder, and dresses the bones with healthy meat. Oil ("orris root") dispels fatigue and, if drunk with wine or vinegar, helps with spasms and muscle tears; an enema from it is beneficial for inflammation
sciatic nerve. Rinse it with decoction soothes

rhizomes of some species of iris , containing essential oil with the smell of violets. F. to. is used as an aromatic agent. For industrial production Essential oils are used by Germanic, Florentine and pale iris (Iris germanica, I. florentina, I. pallida). The oil yield is 0.1–0.2% by weight of raw rhizomes. The oil is extracted from the rhizomes by extraction with a weak solution of sulfuric acid, followed by steam distillation. The smell of violet gives the oil ketone iron, the content of which in the oil is about 12-15%.

  • - rhizome of some species of Iris, especially Iris florentina L. and I. pallida Lam. See Kasatik...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - rhizomes of some species of Kasatik containing essential oil with a violet smell. F. to. is used as an aromatic agent ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - to the ground, quite cf. At the root, at the bottom. Wed Root - foundation, essence, beginning. Wed If... your brother is not a spoiled young man... I promise you to do everything for him... Markevich. Abyss. 1, 15...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Watch...
  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - in root / ren, adv. Watch...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ROOT, -rnya, pl. - rni, - rni, ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - VIOLET, th, th. 1. see violet. 2. Light purple, violet colors...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - violet, violet, violet. adj. to violet. Violet scent. ❖ Violet root - iris rhizome, smelling of violets when dried, used. in perfumery...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - violet adj. 1. ratio with noun. violet, associated with it 2. Peculiar to violet, characteristic of it. 3. Belonging to violet. 4. Having the most typical violet color; bright purple...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - VC"...
  • - fi "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Rhizome of some species of iris; especially Iris florentina...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - purple, violet,...

    Synonym dictionary

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IRIS (Iris, Violet ROOT)

Origin and distribution. Iris is native to the Mediterranean. The plant is cultivated in Italy, France and other countries. In the USSR, iris was introduced into cultivation as an essential oil plant in 1929-1930.

Botanical characteristic. About 100 species of iris are known. In industrial culture, German iris (Iris germanica L.), Florentine (Iris florentina L.) and pale iris (Iris pallida L.), belonging to the Iridaceae family, are used. These are perennial herbaceous plants differ among themselves mainly in the color of the flowers.

The rhizome of the iris is light brown, thick, fleshy, sometimes branched, the flesh is starchy. From below, it gradually dies off, leaving behind young tubers that form leaves and flowering stems. Leaves basal, two-row, vaginal, xiphoid in shape, entire. The peduncle is annual, erect, 70-90 cm high. The flowers are large, the German iris is dark purple, the Florentine iris is white, the pale iris is light blue. The fruit is an oblong multi-seeded capsule.

biological features. The plant blooms in May - June. Iris refers to winter-hardy plants. Vegetation begins in early spring at a soil temperature of 8-10 °C. The plant is photophilous.

Iris is undemanding to the soil. It is cultivated on chestnut, carbonate, sandy and even calcareous and marl deeply loosened soils.

Iris is a drought-resistant plant. Affected by septoria and rust, damaged by wireworms.

Reproduction and agricultural technology. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively: pieces of rhizomes and shoots (annual neoplasms). For reproduction, shoots (children) with well-developed growth points are usually used. In a crop rotation, iris is placed after grain or row crops.

Plowing is carried out to a depth of 27-30 cm. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied under the main plowing (kg / ha): superphosphate - 300-400, potassium salt - 100-150. In the future, the field is periodically cultivated and harrowed to clear weeds. best term planting iris - the second half of September. planting material harvested on specially planted pure-grade mother liquors. Up to 12 young shoots are obtained from one plant. For planting, segments of rhizomes weighing 30-50 g with a urinary system of roots and several leaves are selected. The leaves are shortened by two thirds. Iris is planted in soil with a feeding area of ​​70x30 cm to a depth of 8-10 cm.

Plantation care consists of four to five inter-row treatments and two to three weedings in rows. Under the last deep cultivation (10-12 cm), superphosphate is applied - 200-300 kg / ha, potassium salt - 100-150 kg / ha.

In the second year of the life of the iris, the plantation is maintained in a loose and weed-free condition. For this, cultivation in the aisles and weeding in the rows are used.

Harvesting and storage of raw materials. In the second year after planting in August, the rhizome is plowed up with a plow or cut with a staple. The dug out rhizome is washed and dried in the sun or in special dryers. Store it in a dry place. The yield of rhizomes is 5-8 t/ha. The amount of essential oil in the rhizomes, depending on the form, ranges from 0.2 to 0.7% of absolutely dry matter.

Valuable essential oil is also obtained from iris flowers (0.1-0.3% wet weight). Plants are harvested for oil in May. The flowers are processed by the petroleum ether extraction method.

medicinal properties. In India, the rhizome is used as an astringent, laxative and diuretic. In European countries - as a diaphoretic, expectorant and laxative. In our country, a decoction of rhizomes is taken in the treatment of bronchitis. The crushed dry rhizome is used in the manufacture various medicines. AT folk medicine The rhizome is given to children to chew when they are teething.

Application. The content of iron-on in the essential oil - the main most valuable component with the smell of violets - reaches 15%. Essential oil used in perfumery for the production of perfumes and colognes of the highest quality, and the ground dry rhizome is used to produce toilet powder and tooth powder. In the textile industry, the rhizome is used for finishing canvas and silk. From the flowers treated with lime, get "iris green" for painting on ivory.

Rhizome flour is used in confectionery, for sweet pastry and sugar products. In small doses, iris is part of the spices for fish. They are flavored alcoholic drinks. In Armenia, jam is made from flowers; in Russia, kvass and honey drinks are flavored with iris.

Iris is grown as an ornamental plant.

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