Where is Kuyvashev's family in a year. The whole truth about the biography of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev. Start of work

The whole truth about the biography of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev The weakest point in Kuyvashev's biography is information about his education. Truthful data in this area may cast doubt on the entire career of a “politician” on a Russian scale. Kuyvashev understands this very well... That is why, in his "team" you will not find a single person who has ever studied with him anywhere... Let's start our research with this "weak link" in the biography of Evgeny Kuyvashev. Yevgeny Kuyvashev “Wonderful School Years…” Usually, high-ranking statesmen in their biographies pay special attention to their school years, describing in detail where they studied, how they studied, remembering classmates and teachers. In the case of Yevgeny Kuyvashev, this topic is clearly undesirable. In all the numerous biographies of Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the period of study at school is carefully missed. Only one of them mentions: “Evgeny Kuyvashev was born in 1971 in the small village of Lugovskoye, near Khanty-Mansiysk. After school, he went to work at Surgutremstroy, then went to the army ... ”. From this line it is impossible to understand where Kuyvashev studied (in which locality, at which school), what education he received (secondary or incomplete secondary), how he studied, what abilities he showed. It is known that until 1986 the course of schooling was 10 years (elementary school - 3 classes, basic - 5 years, senior - 2 years). In 1986, a 4-year elementary school course was introduced on an experimental basis, with those already in elementary school "jumping over the number" at the end of the current grade. Evgeny Kuyvashev, judging by his age, graduated from the 9th grade in 1986 under the 8-year education program. The question arises, did Kuyvashev limit himself to a certificate of completion of the 9th grade or did he continue his education in the 10th-11th grades? If Evgeny Kuyvashev limited himself to 9-grade education in 1986, then what did he do for almost 3 years before he started working as a mechanic in the Surgutremstroy trust in March 1989? And, accordingly, if in the summer of 1988 he received a certificate of completion of 11 classes of secondary school, then why did he find a job only a year later, only in March 1989, immediately before being drafted into the army? There is, of course, an option that could explain this gap in the biography - this is if Evgeny Kuyvashev was a “repeated student” and graduated from the 11th grade in 1989. But then he could not fall under the spring draft in the army in 1989. In any case, "white spots" begin to appear. The biography of Evgeny Kuyvashev does not answer these questions and requires additional verification. People say that his acquaintance with the school ended for him in 1986 with the receipt of a certificate of completion of the 9th grade ... But for now we will interpret any doubts in favor of Kuyvashev. We will assume that in 1988 he received a secondary education, and until March 1989, for almost a year, he rested after studying at school. “School of life of Yevgeny Kuyvashev…” In the Soviet years, the army was considered the “school of life” for any young person. Serving in the Soviet army was prestigious. Young people were preparing themselves for this service, they dreamed of serving in prestigious military branches (Airborne Forces, Navy, border, aviation ...), many were eager to go to military schools. In the biographies of almost all political figures in Russia, military service finds a worthy reflection (he served in the Airborne Forces, served in the GSVG, went through hot spots, etc.). Well, if a soldier rose to the rank of sergeant, to a foreman, or received, albeit an anniversary, an award, this was necessarily reflected in his subsequent biography. Yevgeny Kuyvashev has a "tension" with this. In his biographies, modest references like “in 1989-91. served in the Soviet army”, “went to the army”, “after returning from the army”. Kuyvashev never and nowhere remembers serving in the army. Why? Anyone who served in the army in Soviet times knows the answer to this question. It was considered unprestigious to mention the army “school of life” if a person served in the so-called “construction battalion”, where they mainly called up “losers”, guys with incomplete secondary education or “illegal” young people who had drives to the police. Well, the service of those who ended up in the so-called "disbat" in the army was considered quite shameful. In any case, the persistent silence by a state politician of such a fact of his biography as military service raises questions and mistrust. We will continue to study this period of the biography of Yevgeny Kuyvashev on our own. “Evgeny Kuyvashev orthodontist” If we carefully study the biography of Evgeny Kuyvashev, we learn that after the army, the future governor allegedly worked for less than 3 months as a “methodist in physical education” in the Surgut department of technological transport No. 1, after which he entered the secondary vocational Tobolsk medical school named after Volodya Soldatov. The activity of a demobilized soldier in the role of a "methodologist in physical culture" raises questions. Firstly, there is a requirement for this profession - "the presence of a higher professional (physical) education or the presence of a secondary vocational (physical) education and work experience in physical education in other positions for at least 2 years." The Soviet Union was still in the yard and these requirements were strictly observed. And, secondly, why would a guy from the village of Lugovskoy get a job in Surgut for 3 months if he was going to get an education in Tobolsk? Judging by the biography, Evgeny Kuyvashev received the specialty “dentist-orthodontist” or “dentist” (at different times it was called differently at different times) in 1 year and 10 months of study at a medical school. At the same time, it is reliably known that this specialty could be obtained at the school only "on the basis of secondary education in full-time education with a mandatory training period of 2 years and 10 months." And for 1 year and 10 months it was possible to get only two specialties - "junior nurse for patient care" or "dental hygienist". There were no other options. External education at the medical school is not provided. How to explain this "gap"? There are reasonable suspicions of illegally obtaining a diploma ... Moreover, the director of this school, a deputy of the Tobolsk Duma, Tatyana Tulyakova, and the head of the department of the school, Galina Gnatenko, were later accused by the Tyumen Regional Prosecutor's Office of selling diplomas without passing exams, and only their "frank" confession saved them from prison , dismissal of his own free will and an amnesty that arrived in time from the State Duma. The option of buying a diploma is quite likely ... You ask, who buys such diplomas and why? Everything is very simple. They are bought by those who do not have a full secondary education. The purchase of such diplomas makes it possible to "finish" secondary education and get the right to enter universities. The version of buying a diploma is strengthened by the fact that, according to the recollections of residents, Kuyvashev appeared in the village of Poikovsky with his wife not in 1993, but in 1992. It is known that Kuyvashev's wife Natalya worked in the village library from 1992 to 2006. This is also evidenced by the information that subsequently came to the inspectors from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Their memo states that “the candidate's autobiography states that after graduating from the Tobolsk Medical School in 1992…” (see the memo below). Thus, it turns out that Evgeny Kuyvashev graduated from medical school not in 2 years 10 months, and not even in 1 year 10 months, but in 10 months of study. This situation raises serious questions and requires additional verification, including whether he received secondary education at school. There are all signs of illegally obtaining a diploma of a “dentist-orthodontist” at the Tobolsk Medical School and falsification of information about a 1.5-month period of work as a “dental technician” ... Evgeny Kuyvashev is a lawyer - a "border guard-correspondence student"? The profession of "dentistry" in a small village hospital did not open roads to bureaucratic positions. It required at least some higher education, preferably a lawyer or an economist. To do this, judging by the biography, in 1994 Evgeny Kuyvashev allegedly entered the Moscow Military Institute of the Border Service of the Russian Federation (since 2003 - the military institute of the Federal Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation), and in 1999 he graduated from it with a degree in law. Many media outlets expressed doubts about the validity of this education, which opened wide career prospects for Kuyvashev. Of particular interest is the investigation conducted by the journalists of the popular information site Znak.com Aksana Panova and Dmitry Kolezev. It's no secret that in any military university, young men are in the barracks. How did Evgeny Kuyvashev manage for 5 long years to combine the work of a concrete mixer operator, a rigging rig, deputy chairman of the Afghan Veterans Union on commercial issues, a legal consultant and assistant to the head of the administration of the small Siberian village of Poikovsky with studies at the border military institute and living in a Moscow barracks? The answer of the head of the institute V.N. Kozlov from 10/23/2012 was a sensation. It was reported that data on Kuyvashev's studies at the institute "are not available", and "remote form of study at the institute is not provided." But just a few days later, an “addition” to the answer comes, stating that “Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich really graduated from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia in 1999. At the end of the training, a diploma of BVS No. 0759726, registration number 13054 was issued. Qualification "lawyer" was awarded in the specialty "Jurisprudence". It seems that the FSB institute realized that we are talking about a whole governor ... But another document, namely, a “memo” addressed to the head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Civil Service and Personnel, S.N. Dubik, presents a special shock. , prepared during the appointment of Evgeny Kuyvashev to the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. Here is its text: The note states that E. Kuyvashev studied at the border school not only in the specialty "jurisprudence", but also in the specialty "operational, command", which he never mentions anywhere. Studying in such a specialty is in no way compatible with work in a remote Siberian village. Well, the most sensational, it is alleged that Kuyvashev violated the conditions of training, refused to fulfill the contract on serving in the border guards of Russia for 5 years after graduation, for which he was dismissed from the bodies of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. In fact, a person is deprived of a diploma in a command specialty for refusing to participate in the second Chechen company ... And this is not at all suitable for a "politician" ... The inspectors also doubted almost all of E. Kuyvashev's data on his "legal labor activity and income E .AT. Kuyvashev in the period from 1992 to 1994…”, i.e. his work as a dental technician (remember our doubts) and deputy chairman of the Nefteyugan branch of the Afghan Veterans Union on commercial issues. Of course, where does such a record come from for a person who did not serve in Afghanistan and does not have any economic education? In fact, the inspectors came to the conclusion that the biography of the candidate for the envoy of the President of the Russian Federation is “fake”, and he received all the diplomas illegally. It is no coincidence that the authors of the document are asking for permission for additional verification with the involvement of the FSB of the Russian Federation. But, judging by the further development of events, someone's powerful hand stopped this process and on September 6, 2011, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev appointed Evgeny Kuyvashev to the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. Or maybe it was precisely such people that D. Medvedev needed before the next presidential elections and elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation? After all, the fact that V. Putin would go to the presidential elections instead of D. Medvedev became known only after 2.5 weeks, namely on September 24, 2011 at the congress of the United Russia party. But that's another story... Was there a "cadet" Kuyvashev? The fact that the diploma of "lawyer-border guard", as well as the diploma of "dentistry", was obtained by Yevgeny Kuyvashev illegally, does not raise serious doubts. This is also evidenced by the results of a survey of Kuyvashev's "classmates" in the VKontakte social network. Of the several dozen people who graduated from the same university in 1999, no one remembered the “cadet” Kuyvashev. But some of the alumni's remarks gave clues. Here is a replica of a certain Denis: “I know and remember our entire course - for the first time I see this, although I roughly know how he could get a diploma ...”. Graduate Evgeny gave a new hint: “The law school was generally paid, civilians studied at it, the law faculty had nothing to do with military service, only cadets studied in person, correspondence students - no, as far as I know, there is no law faculty anymore ... ". And, finally, the most informative hint is given by someone Dmitry: “He could study at SSU (Social Humanitarian University), and finish the 5th year in the border guard at the correspondence school, they have such a service, ... a friendly civilian university, where you can get under a simplified scheme diploma…". The fact is that in the 90s the border service was withdrawn from the FSB system and the border institute survived as best it could, was in free float. It was during these years that there was also a commercial law faculty, where correspondence education was practiced, including transfer from other commercial universities. Such "cadres" were supplied by the so-called Social Humanitarian University. This is one of the many "daughters" of the Social Humanitarian Academy, which had branches in 159 (!) Russian cities. Today, the “phenomenon” of SSU (SGA) is already known throughout the country, this university has provided services for “distance” learning to hundreds (! ) thousands of Russians. Moreover, for "separate" money, the university training program could be completed in a few days. It is no coincidence that all branches of this university today are deprived of educational licenses. In 1998, there was such a branch of the university in Nefteyugansk. The most advanced SSU students received a “certificate” of completing 4 years of SSU and, on its basis, “finished” higher education at some less scandalous university, for example, at a border institute that had contractual relations with SSU. Thus, most likely Evgeny Kuyvashev "received" higher education according to this scheme. And the “posting” of a cadet according to the “command-operational” specialty with the conclusion and subsequent termination of a “service contract” and the non-issuance of a diploma in this specialty that the client does not need is a purely technical process, inevitable for a military university. Times were like this... Today (since 2003) this university is in the FSB system and, of course, is not responsible for the "pampering" of the 90s. Hence the shyness in the answers of the head of the school, it seems that there was no cadet Kuyvashev, but the governor Kuyvashev also “received” a diploma ... Someone will ask, could not Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev have made everything cleaner? The fact of the matter is that this operation was carried out not by the governor Evgeny Kuyvashev, but by the young Zhenya Kuyvashev, who was sitting in a remote Siberian village and did not see any special prospects .... He solved a specific problem. It was clear that soon his “boss” Eduard Khudainatov would leave his post and leave the village of Poikovsky, and a diploma was urgently needed to take his place. We suspect that it was in 1998-1999 that the young assistant head of the village pulled off this operation, which allowed him to become deputy head of the village in 1999, and in 2000 to head the village. However, local experts claim that the scheme was even more complicated, three-stage. In 1997, a correspondence legal department of the branch of TSU (Tyumen State University) was opened in the village of Poikovsky, which was headed by the head of the apparatus of the Nefteyugansk district council, Nadezhda Appakova, a friend for the village administration and assistant to the head of the village, Evgeny Kuyvashev. It was to the branch of TSU that, most likely, Kuyvashev's primary admission was organized. In order to “accelerate” the studies, the 2nd-4th course was apparently sent through SSU, and in 1999 the student of TSU-SSU Kuyvashev was already “finishing” the 5th year of the Moscow Border Institute. Perhaps that is why, almost all residents of Poikovsky are surprised at Kuyvashev’s “lawyer-border guard” diploma and claim that Kuyvashev always said that he was studying at TSU ... These are the miracles of higher Russian education ... We will continue to study this miracle ... “I am not me, diploma - not mine ... ”And finally, anecdotal. Evgeny Kuyvashev is the first graduate of Yale, who has become a systemic politician of modern Russia... The fact that while still working in the village of Poikovsky, Kuyvashev graduated from Yale University in 2002 with a degree in management, the graduate remembered for the first time far beyond the Siberian village... Do not laugh, all this in all seriousness. In the biography of E. Kuyvashev, presented to the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev for inclusion of his candidacy in the personnel reserve of the President of Russia, it is written: “In 1993 he graduated from the Tobolsk Medical School, in 1999 - the Institute of the Federal Border Service with a degree in law, year - Yale University with a degree in management. Nothing more, nothing less... Apparently, Kuyvashev understood that Medvedev loved foreign things... And then it spread through all the biographies and autobiographies of Yevgeny Kuyvashev. For those not in the know, Yale University is a private research university in the United States and, along with Harvard and Princeton, is one of the "Big Three" best universities in the world. Yale University graduates are 5 US Presidents (William Taft, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush Sr., William (Bill) Clinton, George W. Bush), 6 US Secretaries of State, 5 US Treasury Secretary, 2 US Secretary of Commerce and even one Secretary of Defense USA. Agree, Kuyvashev has a good neighborhood... Rumor has it, it was this "zest" in the biography of the Head of the Administration of Tyumen that impressed the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and his chief adviser Arkady Dvorkovich. Evgeny Kuyvashev immediately got into the "Medvedev's personnel reserve", and on January 29, 2011 he became Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev in the Ural Federal District. Further more, already on September 6, 2011, Kuyvashev was appointed plenipotentiary in the Ural Federal District, and a week later on September 14, 2011 - a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, i.e. actually a "member of the Politburo" Dmitry Medvedev. In truth, a Yale diploma gives cosmic acceleration... I wish I knew from what sometimes "rubbish" the biographies of the great political figures of modern Russia are born... But the trouble came "from where they did not expect." In the autumn of 2011, the "orange opposition" in Russia was headed by another "Yale graduate" - Alexei Navalny. The Yale diploma has become a symbol of the "State Department courses", a symbol of anti-Russian policy. Being a "Yale graduate" has become indecent, and Navalny's classmate is even dangerous. Kuyvashev quickly reacted to the changing situation, saying in January 2012 during the presidential campaign of V. V. Putin literally the following: “I did not study at Yale - I just listened to lectures there. I didn’t study, I don’t have a diploma.” It turns out that Yevgeny Kuyvashev deceived President Medvedev? Of course, he deceived, where did the Head of the village of Poikovsky in the early 2000s get the money for his studies, which cost 52,000 dollars a year? But the phrase “I just listened to THERE lectures” leaves many questions. Where is it there? It is no coincidence that the “verifiers” mentioned above recalled in their report Kuivashev’s studies at Yale and “uncontrolled” trips outside the Russian Federation ... And this already smells like a spy detective ... Conclusions Readers, probably, were convinced that Evgeny’s “biographies” Kuyvashev is an extremely opportunistic document. Kuyvashev changes them at his own discretion - depending on the situation. Information about the "education" of Yevgeny Kuyvashev may be of interest only to the investigating authorities. As, however, and information about his "work path", the study of which we have already carried out. But, if such “biographies” appear in modern Russian reality, then someone needs it ... This topic, namely, who was behind the career of E. Kuvashev, we will also reflect in our investigation ... So that such “mistakes” do not repeat …

Sverdlovsk region. He was the plenipotentiary of the President of Russia (D. Medvedev) in the Urals Federal District (2011-2012). Has several higher educations.

Childhood and youth

Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich was born in the village of Lugovskoy, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO), on March 16, 1971. After he graduated from high school, he went to work for the Surgutremstroy trust. After he served in the army, then he entered the Tobolsk medical school. He graduated from it and received the specialty "stomatologist-orthodontist" in the ninety-third year.

Start of work

After some time, he decided to move to the Nefteyugansky district of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, where he settled in the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky. Since 1997, he began working in the local administration. Yevgeny Kuyvashev was an assistant to the head of his village. Then he rose to the position of assistant to the deputy head of the administration of the Nefteyugansk region E. Khudainatov.

Village head

In 1999, Evgeny received a diploma from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2000, he headed the administration of the village of Poikovsky. Kuyvashev's predecessor Khudaynatov actively invested in the improvement and construction of this settlement. As the local press put it, Poikovsky became another capital of the district, like, for example, St. Petersburg for the Russian Federation.

The governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug A. Filipenko highly appreciated the successes of Kuyvashev as head of the village administration. Eugene did not stop there and continued to improve his settlement. Since 2000, Poikovsky has been recognized three times as the most comfortable settlement with a population of more than twenty-five thousand people. In 2004, he was awarded the title of "the most comfortable village in the Russian Federation."

Evgeny Kuyvashev, whose photo can be seen in this article, combined leadership activities with teaching the theory of state and law at the local branch of TSU (Tyumen State University). In 2002, he received a degree in management from Yale University in the United States of America. Since 2003, the press began to call him an activist of the United Russia party.

Moving to the capital

In early 2005, Evgeny Kuyvashev, whose biography is closely connected with politics, left his post in the village administration. It was mentioned in the press that he would head one of the departments of the bailiff service. Eugene moved to Moscow, where he was appointed deputy head of the Main Directorate of the FSPP. This department was then headed by who in the early 2000s served as deputy chief bailiff of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.


Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich did not stay long in Moscow, and in the same 2005 he left the capital of Russia. It was reported in the press that in November 2005 a new method of city government was introduced in Tobolsk. the then mayor of the city became the head of the municipality and the chairman of the local council, and administrative powers were to be transferred to the city manager, who was hired under a contract for 5 years.

The United Russia party recommended Yevgeny for this post. The media noted that he was invited to head Tobolsk back in those days when he was the governor of the Tyumen region. On November 14, 2005, the latter was appointed head of the administration of V. Putin.

On November 30, 2005, the Tobolsk City Council approved the official's candidacy for the post. The media noted that he was able to organize an excellent team around him, which worked successfully after Kuyvashev left his post.


On July 5, 2007, Evgeny Kuyvashev was elected mayor of the city of Tyumen. He replaced S. Smetanyuk, who took over as deputy governor of the Tyumen region V. Yakushev. It was mentioned in the press that thanks to Kuyvashev, Tyumen was included in the Energy Saving Quarter program to stimulate energy conservation. The fact that the Tyumen embankment was erected was also noted.

Another of his initiatives was the installation of glass doors and walls in the offices of city administration officials. As planned, this was supposed to help reduce corruption in the bureaucratic ranks. But Kuyvashev's step was more populist, because only the offices of ordinary employees were made of glass, and not the directors of departments and deputy heads of the mayor's office.

Retraining and new posts

In 2010, Evgeny underwent retraining at TSU under a program called "State and Municipal Management". On January 29, 2011, he was appointed deputy to N. Vinnichenko, who was the presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District. At this post, Kuyvashev replaced A. Beletsky.

The press wrote that Yevgeny would deal with economic issues that were previously supervised by S. Sobyanin, who at that time held the post of deputy plenipotentiary representative P. Latyshev. It was noted that the latter developed a development program that provided for the involvement of all Ural subjects in the general system of economic relations. He did not have time to realize it, since he stayed at his post for only six months.

The media assumed that Yevgeny Kuyvashev would continue the work of Sobyanin. But in April 2011, reports began to appear that there were some problems with the financing of the project. And the Ministry of Finance did not allocate funds from the country's budget for expensive projects.

In the summer of 2011, some persons from Tyumen, whose names are not specified, filed an application with the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee about Kuyvashev exceeding his official powers. We are talking about the time when, while still in the position of city manager, Evgeny Vladimirovich decided to postpone the construction of an underground pedestrian crossing. The regional department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation did not initiate a criminal case.

That same summer, the official was appointed D. Medvedev's investment commissioner for the Urals Federal District. His duties were to assist entrepreneurs in the implementation of investment projects.


On September 14, 2011, Kuyvashev was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation. And already on the fourteenth of May of the following year, he was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary in the Ural Federal District and appointed acting. Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region On May 29, 2012, he was officially approved as governor. His candidacy was supported by the majority of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Legislative initiatives

In August 2012, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, put forward an initiative to license the activities of organizations involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. He argued that this licensing is important for the safety of citizens. On his behalf, the state center "Ural without drugs" was created in the Sverdlovsk region. It was mentioned in the press that the logo of this center was very similar to the logo of the public organization "City Without Drugs", which was headed by


Unconfirmed information appeared in the media that Kuyvashev was associated with businessmen A. Bikov and A. Bobrov, who were suspected of money laundering. They were called his sponsors. The governor himself denies everything.

A well-known journalist, the former editor-in-chief of the Ural news agency Ura.ru, who was accused in a number of criminal cases, claims that it was Kuyvashev who "ordered" her. There is no official confirmation of this.

Personal life

Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich, whose wife is known in our country as a successful business woman, is happily married, has a daughter and a son. His wife Natalya is a co-owner of a wine boutique called Three Glasses, located in the historical center of Tyumen. Owning an elite alcohol store is Natalia's dream, which she was able to bring to life. In addition, she has assets in some other business areas, in particular, she owns several cafes.

Kuyvashev today

Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev in May 2016 reported to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region on the results of 2015 and outlined plans and possible prospects. According to his report, from the moment he took office and until 2015, 8 million square meters were put into operation. m of housing. The level of wages and production volumes increased by almost 1.5 times. He notes that the region's economy during this time was able to receive 1.5 trillion rubles of investment.

Governor's income

Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich - governor with a class rank. On May 5, 2011, he was awarded the rank of State Councilor of the Russian Federation, second class. And already on November 30, 2011, he became the First Class Full State Councilor of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, Kuyvashev's income (then he worked as presidential envoy) amounted to 3.7 million rubles. The income of his wife Natalia is 3.1 million.

After Kuyvashev became the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, he bought an elite apartment in the center of Yekaterinburg worth about sixteen million rubles.

TASS-DOSIER. On September 11, 2017, the election commission of the Sverdlovsk region announced that the election of the governor of the region, held on September 10, was won by the acting head of the region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev (United Russia). After processing 100% of the protocols, he received 62.16% of the votes. The second place was taken by the managing director of PJSC "Plus Bank" Alexei Parfenov from the Communist Party (11.64%). Evgeny Kuyvashev has been the head of the Sverdlovsk Region since 2012.

Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev was born on March 16, 1971 in the village of Lugovskoye in the Khanty-Mansiysk region of the national district of the same name (now the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, KhMAO).

In 1993 he graduated from the Tobolsk Medical School named after I.I. Volodya Soldatova (now has the status of a college) with a degree in dentist-orthodontist, in 1999 - in absentia, the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (now the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia) with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2010, he completed professional retraining at the Tyumen State University under the program "State and Municipal Administration".

In 1989 he worked as a mechanic in the trust "Surgutremstroy" (Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug).

In 1989-1991 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

In 1991, he worked as a physical education methodologist at the Surgut Department of Technological Transport No. 1.

In 1993. - a dental technician of the medical and sanitary part of the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky, Nefteyugansk district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

In 1993-1994, he was Deputy Chairman for Commercial Affairs of the Nefteyugansk Branch of the Union of Afghan Veterans.

From 1994 to 1996, he worked as a concrete mixer operator and rigging rig worker in the Salym rigging department of Yuganskneftegaz joint-stock company.

In 1996-1997, he held the position of a legal adviser in the repair and maintenance department in Poikovsky.

In 1997-2000, he was assistant to the head of administration, first deputy head of the Poikovsky administration, Eduard Khudainatov (in 2010-2012, he was president of the Rosneft company).

In 2000-2005, he served as head of the village administration. At the same time he taught municipal law, the theory of state and law at the Poikovsky branch of the Tyumen State University.

In 2005 he moved to Moscow. From January to November 2005, he was Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow - Deputy Chief Bailiff of Moscow Alexander Komarov. Nikolai Vinnichenko has been the head of the Federal Bailiff Service since 2004.

In November 2005, Evgeny Kuyvashev returned to the Tyumen region. November 30 of the same year was elected head of the administration of Tobolsk. The deputies of the city duma unanimously voted for his candidacy. Kuyvashev headed the administration of Tobolsk until July 2007.

In 2007-2011 he was the head of the administration of Tyumen. He was elected by the city parliament on July 5, 2007.

January 29 to September 6, 2011. - Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District (UFO) Nikolai Vinnichenko.

From September 6, 2011 to May 14, 2012 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the Head of State in the Urals Federal District. Appointed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Former plenipotentiary in the Ural Federal District Nikolai Vinnichenko became Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

From September 2011 to May 2012 - Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

On May 14, 2012, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Evgeny Kuyvashev was appointed Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. Alexander Misharin, who previously headed the region, resigned ahead of schedule for health reasons.

On May 29, 2012, the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region gave Yevgeny Kuyvashev the powers of the head of the region on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. 46 out of 49 deputies present voted for his candidacy. On the same day, he officially took office.

On April 17, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the early resignation of Yevgeny Kuyvashev from the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region and appointed him interim head of the region.

He was a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of local self-government (in 2007-2011).

He is a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs (since 2012).

Member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the Regional Branch of the United Russia Party in the Sverdlovsk Region.

In the rating of the effectiveness of the heads of Russian regions, compiled by the Civil Society Development Fund in June 2016, he entered the third group of heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation ("average rating"). Shares 63-64th places with the head of the Komi Republic Sergey Gaplikov, with whom he scored the same number of points - 53.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 is 3 million 334 thousand rubles, spouses - 9 million 968 thousand rubles.

Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2011).

Awarded the Order of Honor (2012).

Married, has two children. Wife - Natalia (born in 1974), entrepreneur. He is the director and co-owner of Lelya LLC, which owns the Three Glasses chain of elite wine stores located in Tyumen and Tobolsk. Daughter - Elizabeth (born in 1997), son - Dmitry.

It had to happen. And it had to happen any day now. And (sorry for the tautology) happened. Since April 17, Yevgeny Kuyvashev's work book has been marked "Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region." The fact is that the powers of Yevgeny Vladimirovich will expire very soon. Vladimir Putin appointed Kuyvashev the head of the region in May 2012, and the elections will take place only on September 10. Therefore, in any case, we could not do without the "acting governor".

By the way, until autumn in the region the prefix "acting" will be not only for Yevgeny Kuyvashev, but also for all ministers. However, this is not so important. The main thing is that they work well.

Note that the current governor has repeatedly expressed a desire to run for a second term.

In the coming years, the Sverdlovsk region should enter the top three leading regions, - Yevgeny Vladimirovich promises the people of the Urals. - We are developing the Five-Year Development Program for a qualitative leap forward in the region. I am sure that together we will be able to make our native region even stronger, more competitive, more attractive for life.

Also, the mayor of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman expressed a desire to compete for the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region. But his colleague, city manager Alexander Yakob, is on the side of Evgeny Kuyvashev.

Evgeny Vladimirovich knows the situation in the Sverdlovsk region, demonstrates a great store of knowledge about the region, has behind him solid experience in senior positions in local governments, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Urals Federal District. In addition, Evgeny Vladimirovich has a strategic, comprehensive, comprehensive program "Five Years of Development", aimed at achieving ambitious goals - the prosperity and well-being of every inhabitant of the Sverdlovsk region, - said Yakob.

It's been said!

“Kuyvashev has potential!”

For the Sverdlovsk region, this appointment is the best sign, - says the former governor of the Middle Urals, a member of the Federation Council, Eduard Rossel. - This suggests that the President of Russia appreciated the work of Yevgeny Kuyvashev as governor over the past five years. This means that he has the potential to work in this position for the next term. Over the past five years, the Sverdlovsk region looked very good compared to other regions in terms of its socio-economic situation. The Governor consistently developed all our positive undertakings.

By the way

Evgeny Kuyvashev is a diverse personality. We have put together a small selection of photographs to illustrate this:

Dossier "KP"

FULL NAME.: Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich

Place of Birth: Lugovskoy settlement, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Career: In 2000 he became the head of the administration of the village of Poikovsky. At the same time, he taught the theory of state and law at the Poikovsky branch of the Tyumen State University. Since 2005 he has been the head of the administration of Tobolsk. Since 2007 - mayor of Tyumen. 2011-2012 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District. Since May 29, 2012 - Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region


"Apartment for macho"

Where the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev settled. A PHOTO

A popular topic of conversation among the Sverdlovsk establishment: Governor Kuyvashev will not be in the region for long, he will soon leave for Moscow. Gossips will have to be disappointed: Evgeny Vladimirovich is seriously settling in the capital of the Urals. Since this summer, he has been the owner of spacious apartments in a house on Nikolai Nikonov Street. The Internet newspaper site managed not only to find photos of the interior of this apartment, but also to find out its cost, and also to find out who turned out to be the happy neighbors of Yevgeny Kuyvashev.

The Sverdlovsk governor started talking about buying an apartment in Yekaterinburg just a few days after his appointment. The original version was found in the De Gennin residential complex on the bank of the city pond (Nikolai Nikonov St., 6, 8, 10). However, the deal fell through, according to unofficial information, due to the incorrect behavior of the sellers of the apartment, who began to spread information about the upcoming sale and hint that after it the developer company (Atomstroykompleks) would strengthen its position in the construction market.

But Yevgeny Kuyvashev liked the chosen area, and soon another apartment was picked up for him, in the neighborhood. It is located in a residential building at Nikolai Nikonov, 4. This is a 16-storey residential building built in 2006 by the SMU-3 construction company. The building has a total of 29 apartments, three apartments on one site. The house belongs to the elite category, although in terms of comfort it is far from prestigious residential complexes like Tikhvin or Admiralsky. The playground in the courtyard is very small, but the concierge, security and the ability to take the elevator to the parking lot are options for almost any residential building in the center of Yekaterinburg.

Probably the most valuable thing in a house is its geography. The windows overlook the Temple-on-the-Blood, you can walk to the governor's residence (as you know, Evgeny Kuyvashev sometimes moves on his own two feet in the warm season, which bribes many citizens).

Its total area is 144 meters, living area - 99. The apartment has three rooms, renovated in high-tech style. The apartments were furnished, plumbing and furniture - from the author's collections of Italian and German designers (so it was said in the announcement of the sale, a copy of which can be found on the Internet to this day). All kitchen appliances have been installed. Before Yevgeny Kuyvashev, no one lived in the apartment. In advertising the property, the realtors used the flirty slogan "Apartment for macho" with the image of a red pepper.

I wonder who became the governor's neighbors. According to the site, the bard Alexander Novikov lives on the same landing as Kuyvashev (the apartment number differs by one digit). It is known that Kuyvashev and Novikov are friends. In the cultural environment, there is a rumor that the musician can become the Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region. Also living in the house are the chief federal inspector for the Sverdlovsk region Boris Kirillov, businessmen Sergei Maizel, Evgeny Tiunov and Evgeny Ustyuzhaninov.

The cost of Yevgeny Kuyvashev's apartment, taking into account the market value of a square meter, is 13.5 - 16.5 million rubles. It is possible that a discount was made during the sale, given the special nature of the transaction and the fact that the apartment has been on sale for a long time.

It is known that at least part of the amount the governor took a mortgage. Earlier, sources in his administration spoke of such a possibility. And Evgeny Kuyvashev himself recently stated that he pays about 80 thousand rubles a month on his loans.

The administration of the governor confirmed the site that Yevgeny Kuyvashev acquired the apartment by taking out a mortgage. “Now Evgeny Vladimirovich is engaged in registration of a residence permit and at the end of this month he will become a full-fledged Yekaterinburg resident,” Ilya Ananyev, deputy head of the governor's administration, told our correspondent. According to him, the apartment was chosen on the basis of proximity to the center and the place of work: “The governor would not like to waste time traveling. In addition, he likes to walk to work, noticing the details of city life and the communal problems of the city,” Ananyev explained. He noted that he was not ready to give the exact address of Kuyvashev's housing due to the fact that he "should have a personal space." The administration also does not name the bank in which the transaction was made. According to unverified information, it could be VTB-24.

Reference: where did the Sverdlovsk governors live

Evgeny Kuyvashev - the first of the Sverdlovsk governors who prefers to live in a city apartment, rather than outside the city. Eduard Rossel lived in his own cottage in the prestigious village of Maly Istok, and on weekends he went to his house in the village of Kharenki. However, Rossel also has an apartment in Yekaterinburg, in a house on Krasnoarmeiskaya Street. The governor himself did not live there, his grandson Alexander used the apartments.

Alexander Misharin never got his apartment in Yekaterinburg. He lived at the state dacha in Maly Istok. During Misharin's governorship, large sums of budgetary funds were spent on the repair of the government complex in Maly Istok, which gave journalists reason to think about the fabulously expensive repairs in Misharin's house.

Yevgeny Kuyvashev refused to move to Maly Istok. For a long time he used the same housing as during his work as plenipotentiary - a modest service apartment in a house on Gurzufskaya Street. Now Kuyvashev has more spacious apartments.

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