The procedure for passing the medical and social examination. How does the disability commission work? Collection of documents for passing the ITU

Many people with handicapped do not understand the need for a re-examination procedure, especially in the case of a disability acquired in childhood or associated with severe irreversible changes in the body. Re-examination is necessary not only to confirm earlier established disability but also to adjust the rehabilitation program, control the dynamics of changes in the state of health. Re-examination of a child’s disability is especially important for the organization optimal conditions his life and rehabilitation. The developed system of rehabilitation allows to fully integrate into the life of society.

In addition, a disabled person of the 3rd group receives monthly allowances, benefits and other payments, which greatly facilitates the solution of many problems that a sick person faces. For other disability groups, the importance of state support is even more significant. Therefore, the recertification procedure important point in the life of a person with a disability.

The procedure and terms for re-examination of disability

Re-examination takes place in accordance with the procedure established by federal law with a frequency determined depending on the disability groups. AT this moment operate following rules going through this procedure:

A disabled person of the 3rd group must pass within a year resurvey 1 time.

A disabled person of the 2nd group must come for a re-examination 1 time during the year.

Disabled people of the 1st group must undergo a re-examination 2 times during the year.

Disabled children undergo the procedure once before the end of the period for which disability is determined.

At permanent disability re-examination can be passed by writing an application personally or on behalf of a legal representative. In addition, the health care facility may also refer you for a disability re-evaluation procedure when there is a change in the patient's health status.

You can go through the procedure in advance, but to conduct a re-examination earlier than two months before the end of the disability period, you must have a personal application or a referral from a medical organization in which the course of a citizen’s illness is monitored.

The re-examination procedure is also carried out at home. For this, it is necessary that the attending physician make special marks in the direction.

Main and Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

Re-examination of the disability group is carried out on the basis of medical social expertise, which is carried out free of charge at the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise at the place of residence, the main bureau and the Federal Bureau.

The Federal State Institution "Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise" (FKU GB ITU) is a regional service for conducting an examination, as well as providing a range of services for rehabilitation and restoration of health.

FKU GB ITU performs the following functions:

Organizes a re-examination in case of filing an application to appeal the conclusion of the expert commission in the bureau at the place of residence.

Conducted by ITU in situations where special medical examination.

Carries out statistical analysis of data on the number and demographic composition of citizens with disabilities who applied to the bureau.

Develops measures to prevent and prevent disability.

Supervises the activities of each bureau.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (FB ITU) is federal Service conducting an examination, as well as providing a range of services for the rehabilitation and restoration of health. In addition, the tasks of the FB ITU include the provision of high-quality prosthetics.

The Federal Bureau organizes control over the activities of other bureaus, can appoint and carry out a re-examination, change or cancel decisions made by employees of other bureaus.

Citizens who do not agree with the conclusions of the commissions of the main bureaus may file a complaint with the Federal Bureau, where a new examination will be appointed. Here, ITU and consultations are carried out on the direction of the main bureaus in situations where it is necessary to obtain its expert opinion or it is necessary to conduct a complex type of medical examination.

Medical and social examination procedure

The examination procedure is organized by the employees of the bureau's expert group. The examination of the person who applied for the examination is carried out, his social, household, psychological and labor characteristics are considered. The medical documentation of the disease is being studied. Based on an assessment of all the data received, a decision is made to establish disability, extend it or change the disability group.

If, as a result of the commission, an improvement in the health, working capacity and social adaptation of a citizen was revealed, then the disability group can be changed. A disabled person of the 2nd group, in case of improvement in indicators of the state of health and living conditions, can receive

The conclusion of the commission is announced to the citizen in the presence of all members of the expert composition and is entered into the act of the examination. A number of information and references are also included in the document, on the basis of which a conclusion was made.

If necessary, additional examinations are scheduled, conducted in a medical organization or the Federal Bureau. In a situation of refusal of a citizen from the program of additional examinations this information is noted in the act, and the decision is made on the basis of the available information.

The examination procedure can be carried out at home if, due to the state of health, a person cannot come to the office. This requires the decision of the relevant bureau or the direction of the medical institution in which the citizen is being monitored, or the hospital where the treatment is carried out.

Conclusion of ITU specialists

The conclusion of the ITU is the result of the work of the expert commission. The composition of the commission's specialists depends on the bureau and its profile. The examination of the main bureau is carried out by four doctors of different profiles, an expert in rehabilitation work, and a psychologist. The staff of the bureau at the place of residence includes the same specialists as the main bureau, but the number of doctors of various profiles is less (three medical workers). The members of the commission make decisions based on a majority vote.

The composition of the expert commission depends on the head of the bureau, who decides on the participation of a particular specialist in the ITU procedure. Also, a citizen sent for examination to the bureau has the right to attract additional experts, but subject to payment for their work. The decision of these panel members will influence the final opinion of the ITU.

ITU specialists draw up a conclusion based on the provided medical documentation, after examining the citizen, having discussed all the information received collectively. After the announcement of the decision made, the experts of the commission give explanations on the conclusion made to the citizen who applied to the bureau.

Appeal against ITU conclusions

In a situation where the decision of the bureau’s expert commission during the re-examination of disability seems unreasonable, you can file an appeal with the bureau at the place of residence where the examination took place. During three days the application will be sent to the main bureau, where a conclusion is issued based on the results of a new examination. In a situation of disagreement with the conclusion of the main bureau, an appeal is sent to the Federal Bureau. In connection with the appeal, a re-examination will be carried out and a final decision will be determined.

The decision of the federal bureau can only be challenged in court.

To appeal against the conclusion of the bureau, you must write a statement indicating:

The name of the specific bureau for which the application is being sent.

Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, contact information) of the applicant.

Personal data of the representative.

The subject of the complaint against the examination.

Requests for a re-examination procedure.

Application dates.

How to pass the ITU?

Based on the results of the re-examination, disability is extended or removed, the disability group is changed, which entails a change in the IPR, the amount of benefits and benefits.

To successfully pass the examination, it is important not only to collect all the necessary documents and test results, but also to prepare psychologically for the procedure. The decision is made by the members of the expert team based on the assessment of disability, while important role plays the impression that the citizen makes on the members of the commission. Therefore, you can not behave aggressively or be offended by incorrect questions. Answer calmly and accurately. In this case, the reaction of embarrassment to the question will be much better than impatience and anger. Some of the most frequently asked questions to be prepared for include:

Questions about the course of the disease.

Questions about working capacity (availability of work, comfortable working conditions, etc.).

Questions about the ongoing treatment (undergoing IPR procedures, reasons for refusing the recommended types of diagnostics, etc.).

Issues related to the functioning of the body.

Questions about financial condition family members, in order to identify the possibility of the patient's participation in expensive rehabilitation programs that are not subject to state subsidies.

Re-examination of disability, documents required for ITU

To undergo a re-examination of disability, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a work book, a referral from the examination procedure, an outpatient card, an IPR with instructions on how to complete it. It is also necessary to write and take with you an application to the head of the bureau for re-examination. If during the year before the re-examination procedure consultations were held with specialists or treatment was carried out in a hospital, then the relevant documentation must be provided by a specialist of the expert staff. It is better to make copies of some documents to provide if necessary.

Disabled children undergo a re-examination procedure in almost the same order as the initial examination. The list of required documents is the same, but a certificate of disability and an IPR are added. When re-examining a child with a disability, you must have:

Birth certificate of the child or passport (when the child reaches 14 years old).

outpatient card.

Certificates of education received or certificates from where the training takes place.

Conclusions of specialists of a narrow focus, extracts from hospitals.

A document confirming disability;

Extension of disability

Before extending the disability, you must contact the medical institution at the place of residence. Must have a passport, medical insurance policy, certificates of the ITU on the establishment of disability, an outpatient card, an extract from the hospital (if there was treatment), IPR. The medical worker will issue a referral for an examination, as well as for the necessary procedures and tests. You need to visit the bureau and sign up for the next date by the end of the disability period for re-examination. After that, it is necessary to contact the attending physician for the underlying disease, who will give an opinion for the expert commission. It is also required to be examined by two narrow specialists, to whom the district therapist will refer. After receiving the test results and consulting all the doctors, you should again come to an appointment with the therapist, who will enter the data into the certificate and write out a referral for passing. Then, with all the certificates and copies of the main documents, you can go to the ITU procedure.

In case of refusal to extend the disability, a certificate is issued, which indicates the result of the examination and the grounds for refusal. The Bureau's decision can be appealed to the Federal Bureau or in court.

Re-examination of child disability

Re-examination of a child's disability takes place in a slightly different order than for adults. One parent must be present. The list of required documents is different. In addition, a disability group cannot be established, since in childhood the general category “disabled child” is assigned.

For the procedure, you need a referral from medical institutions. A re-examination takes place no earlier than two months before the expiration of the disability, but no later than the specified date of the medical and social examination. Stationary supervision for prolongation of disability at the child is not obligatory. The individual rehabilitation program is also of a recommendatory nature, the implementation of all the measures indicated in it is not prerequisite for recertification of disability.

Very often, upon reaching the age of 18, upon re-examination, disability is recognized. This is due to the fact that when setting adult disability the main attention is paid not to violations of the functions of the body, but to the assessment of the ability to move independently, self-service, work, etc.

Disability without recertification

There is a list of diseases in which disability is established without specifying the period of re-examination.

Such diseases include:

Diseases of the internal organs.

Neuropsychiatric disorders.

anatomical defects.

Eye diseases.

At the same time, disability without re-examination is established no later than two years after the initial recognition of disability for diseases of this list.

Disability without re-examination can also be established if the expert commission reveals the impossibility of improving the state of health, rehabilitation of a person and reducing the limitations of his life. In this case, no more than four years must elapse after the initial examination of disability.

To establish disability without a re-examination period, there should also be no positive dynamics in the rehabilitation carried out before the appointment of the ITU. Relevant data are indicated in the direction for examination.

In addition, the re-examination procedure is not assigned to women over 55 and men over 60, and an indefinite disability is established.

According to social security experts, it is better to undergo a re-examination even in the case of permanent disability in order to detect deterioration in health or the need to replace the prosthesis in time.

If the federal bureau checks the decisions made by the main bureau, then in case of disability without a re-examination period, the ITU can still be appointed.

Failure to appear for re-examination of disability

In case of failure to appear for the procedure of medical and social examination, the payment of the pension will be suspended for three months. If the disability is confirmed by the services of the medical and social examination within the specified period, pension payments will be resumed from the date of re-recognition of disability.

In a situation where the re-examination was missed for a good reason, the payment of pensions will be assigned from the date of the disability re-examination, including payments for the missed period. The duration of the period during which pension payments were not made does not matter. Moreover, if the expert commission establishes a different degree of disability, then payments for the missed period will be made according to the previous calculation system.

The resumption of payments is made automatically after the Pension Fund receives the relevant documentation, which is sent by a specialized medical and social examination service and confirms the re-examination procedure.

Last year, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation received more than 130,000 complaints about the work of the medical and social expertise: about the incompetence and bias of specialists, about corruption and increasing errors. Every week, the Public Chambers of the regions register dozens of appeals from citizens.

The situation in the ITU system is out of control, according to Vladimir Slepak, Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy, Labor Relations and Quality of Life of the OPRF. The head of the Interregional Center for Independent Medical and Social Expertise, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Danilova agrees with this. Before the interview, Svetlana Grigoryevna sent a letter to the editorial office from a young woman with a disability, telling about her trip to the next commission. Showed that journalists understand what people with disabilities face. There are no generalizations and analysis of problems, but there is resentment, frankness, and just real life ... We immediately contacted the author: is it possible to publish it? "Why not? I don’t mind,” said Ludmila Simonova, a wheelchair user from Bashkiria.

“Grandma is disabled, she has diabetes, and she has been in line for 7 hours ...”

“I have a disability group I since 2008. Injury cervical spine, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, - explains Lyudmila Simonova. - I live in the village. I recently went to my doctor and got tested. He wrote a letter and sent it to the city to see a urologist, a neurologist, and so on.

I'm going to the city of Beloretsk for a hundred kilometers. Doctors receive at different times and on different days - whoever is lucky to make an appointment. I had to live in the city for a week to get around everyone. I did not find a proctologist, so I went to the next city - Magnitogorsk. Another hundred kilometers… The building is not suitable for wheelchair users, the premises are old, the plaster is falling off, it is damp and cold inside. People wait in line for hours. From one in the afternoon until seven in the evening we sat with the thought: “When will we be invited?”. One grandmother came at 11 and left after eight hours. She said: "How to plow the shift." The other was crying, begging to be accepted. The old woman is disabled, she has diabetes, she wanted to eat, and she stood in line for 7 hours. ITU workers walked past with stone faces and pretended not to notice anything.

There has been no ITU in Beloretsk recently, experts from Ufa come to us in certain days. I had to live in Beloretsk, wait for the specialists to arrive. Well, relatives let me in, and it's good that I have a friend who dragged me to the 3rd floor. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how much it would take to dangle from the village to the city on impassable roads (we don’t have asphalt), to rent a car, because our buses are not equipped for wheelchair users.

This time, employees of the ITU Bureau No. 6 of Ufa came to us. According to my ideas, I should have been invited to the office at the appointed time. Ask what problems I have, give advice and recommendations about the entire list technical means rehabilitation that would make life easier and help to adapt, adapt. It is not for nothing that the word “habilitation” was added to the individual rehabilitation program. I thought that the ITU should work for the disabled, but I was wrong. I sat in line, they called me, looked at me and said: “If we redo the IPR, then we remove half of what you have entered, you are not allowed to under the new rules. Better leave the old program and go home.”

How are they removed? By what law? It turned out that I was not supposed to have an electric wheelchair, but I am a "neck", my hands do not work well. Yes, I use an active wheelchair around the house, it is easy to put it in the trunk, lift it up the stairs with me to the third floor when I visit my sister in the city, but for walking around my village without asphalt with pits and bumps, an electric wheelchair is needed. And in 2012, she entered the program for me. Now they said: "We don't care where you live."

The experts did not agree with many decisions of the attending physicians and ignored their recommendations. They treated me and other disabled people as if we had come to them to ask for alms, they were rude. The commission gave a friend a disability group, and then called her to Ufa for a second examination. I was given a month to appeal the decision to the main bureau of the region. But this will be a huge problem - you will have to drive not a hundred, but three hundred kilometers, spend your money hiring a car. This is how people with disabilities are helped to live in our country, everything is for them.”

“When I first heard that the II disability group costs 450 thousand rubles, I didn’t believe it”

We are talking with the head of the Interregional Center for Independent Medical and Social Expertise, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Danilova .

- Svetlana Grigoryevna, everything that Lyudmila Simonova writes about is true?

- Of course. Russian disabled people overcome so many obstacles in order to pass a commission, get a status or receive subsidized drugs, that mom does not cry. Now, after all, it is impossible to get an appointment with a narrow specialist, bypassing the therapist - he gives directions. First you go to him, then to the doctors, then - again to him with the results. A disabled person travels 100 kilometers to one city, another 100 to another. And, in theory, should be examined and receive assistance at the place of residence. The task of the ITU is not to challenge the diagnoses established by clinicians, but to determine the limitations of life. In our country, experts change diagnoses, cancel the recommendations of doctors, they say: "The patient has no pronounced disorders."

In the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation"disability is interpreted as "social insufficiency due to a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, leading to a limitation of life and the need for social protection." In accordance with this, in addition to expert examination, ITU institutions are responsible for developing individual programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people and determining their needs for social protection measures.

- This is according to the law, but as in life ?

– And in life, the main problem of medical and social expertise is the duration and complexity of obtaining a disability group and rehabilitation services for citizens with disabilities through the examination procedure in ITU institutions. Currently, people with disabilities often refuse to go through bureaucratic procedures and solve problems at their own expense. The legal rights of the disabled are being violated. The ITU forces people to undergo unnecessary examinations, collect unnecessary tests, arguing that they allegedly discipline a disabled person: “At least once a year he will pass a medical commission, otherwise you won’t force him.” But, in fact, the ITU bureau today is a complex bureaucracy that creates various obstacles and problems for people with disabilities.

Entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 11.10.2012 No. 310n "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and activities of federal public institutions medical and social expertise” called into question the need for the existence of the ITU itself as a separate structure.

According to paragraph 4 of this law necessary condition The formation of the composition of the bureau is the presence of at least one doctor according to the ITU. However, the specialty of the doctor is not indicated ...

- Is there really only one doctor included in the bureau, and who are the rest of the experts? Officials?

- When there were VTEKs, there were three doctors in the commission. Then they tried to include 5 specialists. Three experts are currently working, one of them is on medical and social issues. Moreover, clarifications about the specialization of the doctor were removed from the documentation. Specialists do not go to ITU, since it is impossible to get a category, it is not taken into account.

ITU General Bureaus will examine citizens with the most various diseases, and no matter how competent the ITU doctor is, it is almost impossible to navigate well in all nosological forms. And the psychologist and rehabilitation specialist included in the bureau are not competent at all in the issue of establishing disability.

In addition, according to the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95, the decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to refuse is made by a majority vote of the experts who conducted the ITU. If there is only one doctor for medical and social expertise, the objectivity of such a vote is doubtful - the main condition for recognizing a person as a disabled person to this day remains the type and severity of impaired body functions, which can only be determined by an ITU doctor (with the exception of mental functions).

In other words, the ITU bureau turns into a bureau for issuing disability certificates, which significantly increases the corruption component and significantly reduces the objectivity of the decision.

– Disabled people complain about the low professional level of ITU specialists in the regions. They say that they even confuse diagnoses. mother of a child with serious illness recently showed a copy of a document in which adrenogenital syndrome experts call ... diabetes. Where are they prepared?

- In Russia, experts are trained in internships in St. Petersburg - there is an advanced training institute for doctors. And in the ITU federal bureau. The level is really low. There are few professionals: the leaders are weak, sometimes it is embarrassing to listen to them - they do not know the regulatory documents, they are poorly versed in the legislation, and the experts in the regions do not have enough knowledge and competencies to understand and execute the orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. This is sad because the ITU system is an absolute monopoly. Her decisions cannot be challenged. In the pre-trial procedure, an appeal is carried out in the service itself: with one composition, with another, and then you need to contact the federal bureau, where often the documents sent are not opened at all. I defended my candidate and doctoral thesis there and repeatedly saw how the meetings are held, how the experts do not see the patient, do not study the documentation, but immediately take the decisions of the main bureau of the region as a basis. Decisions rarely change. Sometimes the courts, considering the claims of the disabled, decide: undergo an examination in any region of your choice. And which region will change its mind after the federal bureau?

No independent expert can approach the service, since there is no independent ITU by law - the license is given only to federal agencies. Therefore, no matter how objective and fair the opinion of an independent expert is, it will not affect the change in the decision of the federal institution ITU.

Public Chamber The Russian Federation proposes to consider “the mistakes of the ITU from the point of view of the Criminal Code of Russia” and gives examples of corruption in the Ulyanovsk and Volgograd regions…

- And there is corruption, and, unfortunately, the regions have their own rates. I'll probably put up tariffs for the card soon - there are a lot of complaints from people with disabilities. I remember when I was first told that in Vorkuta the II disability group costs 450 thousand rubles, I did not believe it. And then people confirmed. In the same Vorkuta, a surgeon was caught red-handed. It is especially scary when they extort money from real people with disabilities. Alas, this is also part of the system. It needs to be changed, but I no longer believe the talk about the reorganization of the ITU. Three years ago, this question was already raised, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was asked to calculate how much the reforms would cost. They counted a lot, wrote a lot and did not offer anything specific.

No reorganization of ITU to this stage cannot solve the problem. Examples are the largest regions, such as the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov-on-Don. The leaders were removed a few years ago, and on the ground the specialists of the primary bureaus both worked and continue to work. Nothing has changed in the service. The monopoly was and remains.

I believe that the determination of disability groups can be carried out by the medical commission of a medical organization on the proposal of the attending physician on the basis of the data of the primary medical documentation, without filling out a referral to the ITU. Currently, the attending physician presents to the medical commission a patient with temporary disability, a disabled person with a deterioration in condition for the purpose of prescribing and correcting treatment, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. Therefore, the chairman of the commission is usually aware of the peculiarities of the course of the disease of such patients. And the specialists of the ITU bureau determine the disability group, knowing nothing about the patient (if we are not talking about re-examination) and rely only on the presented medical documents and a single examination of the patient within a few minutes.

I consider it expedient to abolish the ITU service, and entrust the conduct of the ITU to the medical commissions of healthcare organizations, especially since most functions in varying degrees, the medical commission performs at the present time. The reform will require a change in the procedure for medical institutions to conduct an examination of disability, a review of the functional duties of medical commissions medical organizations primary link. On the other hand, it will make it possible to shorten the route of movement of citizens with disabilities, simplify the examination procedure, improve the quality and expand the volume of medical and social rehabilitation services provided to the disabled.

The liquidation of the ITU service by transferring its functions to medical commissions of medical organizations will allow:

reduce social tension among the disabled and citizens who are initially sent to the ITU (the long procedure for filling out referrals to the ITU and subsequent examination at the bureau will be excluded);

reduce federal budget expenditures on the maintenance of the ITU service;

reduce the burden on specialists of the medical commission and doctors of a medical organization by eliminating the need to fill out a referral to the ITU;

increase the availability of expertise for the population, because medical commissions exist in all medical organizations, while the ITU bureau is created at the rate of 1 bureau per 90,000 people, and citizens of small settlements forced to cover significant distances at their own expense to reach the ITU office;

eliminate the corruption component on the part of the ITU bureau specialists;

to legislate an independent ITU.

Important update!

How to pass the commission: algorithm

Step 1

First you need to get from the therapist on the basis of the data entered in the outpatient card.

Step 3

Passing a citizen examination. It can take place both in the office and, if necessary, at the patient's home. As a rule, employees of the institution (at least three) and other doctors of all necessary profiles are present.

During the examination itself, specialists first of all get acquainted with all the documentation, then they already conduct an examination and a conversation with the patient, analyze his condition. All actions and conversations during the work of the commission are recorded.

Step 4

Step 5

Important! The decision made by the commission is communicated to the patient on the same day on which the examination took place. In the case of a positive conclusion, the person is given the original certificate, as well as a scheme for future rehabilitation and treatment developed specifically for him.

Step 6

The appeal of a citizen with this very certificate to a pension fund or other social organization to receive a pension and other assistance. This must be done in for three days after receipt of papers.

In total, in about two months it is really possible to successfully apply for a disability.

However, this does not mean that a visit to the ITU bureau can be forgotten. Depending on the assigned group, people with disabilities in Russia must confirm their status with a certain frequency:

  • the first group - every two years;
  • the second and third - annually;
  • children with disabilities - once during the validity of this status.

Before the deadline is also possible. If this is due to a noticeable deterioration in the state of a citizen, then at any time, if not, then the disability should be valid for no more than two months.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 N95 gives citizens the right to challenge the decision of the commission. A period of one month has been allotted for the local ITU center in the main office. The same period applies for a complaint against the decision of the main bureau in the federal center.

At the same time, documents for appeal must be brought to the office where you have already been examined. It is it itself that is forced to transfer the applications of dissatisfied citizens to higher authorities within no more than three days. The last body to which you can turn in such proceedings, and the decision of which is no longer subject to appeal, is the court.

Possible difficulties

  • The patient himself is in a non-transportable state or in intensive care. The doctors of the medical institution, his relatives and the company in which the patient is employed are then required to collect papers. His collected documents are transferred to the ITU bureau on the basis of a special certificate confirming the citizen's inability to deal with everything personally.
  • The clinic in which the patient is located is a psychiatric one, and the situation is similar to the previous one, that is, the person’s condition is very difficult. At such moments, a notarized power of attorney is usually issued, and his relatives have the right to speak on behalf of the patient.
  • A citizen is able to independently deal with disability registration, but in medical institution he was denied a referral. The solution to this problem is to require a form in the form

What is a medical and social examination and what is the procedure for its implementation? What types of tasks does the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise solve? How medical and social commission determines the group of disability?

Good afternoon, dear readers! You are on the website "" and I am with you, Maria Darovskaya.

Today we will talk about medical and social expertise, its nuances, goals and features.

To begin with, let's find out what is commonly called a medical and social expertise, and how it differs from other types of expertise.

1. What is a medical and social examination and by whom is it carried out?

ITU- this is a procedure, according to the results of which experts recognize a person as disabled or deny him this status.

If experts have determined that a person is a disabled person who really needs social protection, then after that they determine which disability group he belongs to and what rehabilitation measures are necessary.

The assessment is carried out comprehensively, clinical, household, functional, psychological indicators faces (see also "" and "").

The analysis is performed based on criteria approved by the Federal authorities. The procedure itself is regulated by the Federal Law, Articles 7 and 8.

ITU is run by federal agencies- in particular, the ITU bureau. The form for referral to the study was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Task 3. Determination of disability group

There are several categories of disability: I, II, III groups s and the category "disabled child".

Disabled people of groups I, II, III are provided with a labor pension. If a person had no work experience, then a social pension is established. This rule is regulated by federal law.

Task 4.

The decision to recognize a citizen as a disabled person or to deny him this status is made after receiving and considering the data.

A re-examination must be carried out in advance, until the period for which the status of a disabled person is granted has expired.

Examination dates:

Task 5. Determining the causes of death of people with disabilities

To use the public service to determine what caused the death of a disabled person, a family member of the deceased must submit an application.

In addition to the application itself, you must provide a document confirming the identity of the applicant, a copy of the death certificate, an extract from the pathologist's examination card, a copy of the disability certificate of the deceased.

The causes of death are determined in the bureau in absentia.

The application is submitted and registered in the journal immediately upon submission. If the application was submitted, but did not provide all necessary documents, then the applicant must provide them within 10 days (working).

The decision is made by the majority of experts. When carrying out, an act is drawn up and a protocol is kept. The conclusion is drawn up in paper or electronic form.

You can read about determining the causes of death in the article "".

3. How to pass a medical and social examination - step by step instructions

Now we will look at the main steps that you need to take to obtain disability status.

Please note that if there are no grounds for obtaining the status of a disabled person, then you will be refused.

Step 1. Getting a referral

Your first step should be to make an appointment with your doctor. At the appointment, you must state that you want to apply for a disability.

The doctor will record everything you need in the medical record and write out a referral for examination. After that, you will be assigned a hospital examination. Do not hide your illnesses and injuries during its passage. You need to communicate with doctors, tell them in detail why you have this or that disease.

All information obtained during the examination will be entered into your card.


Vladimir had health problems sufficient to qualify him for a disability. But he didn't go to the doctor outpatient card was not conducted. When Vladimir wanted to receive social status disabled, he was refused.

After the refusal, he had to register, regularly undergo medical examinations. A year later, during a re-examination, he was given the status of a disabled person.

To obtain the status, you need to regularly appear at the local doctor and have records of this in the medical record. Inpatient treatment and examination will follow only after a long outpatient visit to a medical facility. In the absence of regular calls in the map outpatient treatment status will be denied.

It is the lack of success of outpatient treatment, and then inpatient treatment, that is proof of persistent pathology. Extracts from the hospital must be certified by the seals of the department. The direction is certified by the seal of the institution. Signatures of at least three doctors are also required.

Step 2. We draw up an application for an examination

A citizen can submit an application independently or entrust it to his representative. It indicates the name of the institution to which the application is being submitted, information about the applicant, formulates a request to conduct the ITU, its goals, and sets the date of submission of the application.

The recipient must sign the received application, thereby confirming the fact of its receipt.

The application is also written in case of refusal to refer to the ITU in the hospital.

Documents for the ITU are prepared by the polyclinic at the place of residence. The chairman of the medical commission is responsible for this aspect of work. It is also necessary to contact him when processing documents for obtaining a disability.

Step 3. We receive an invitation from the ITU Bureau

After submitting the application, you need to wait for an invitation. It can be compiled both in written and electronic form, including by publishing it on a specialized Internet portal.

Step 4. We collect the necessary documents

It is better to prepare the necessary documents before receiving an invitation. So you will definitely have time to collect the entire package. You will need a passport, a referral to the ITU, medical documents that confirm the state of health.

If you did not have all the documents when applying, then you need to bring them within 10 days.

Step 5. We are waiting for an assessment of the state of the body

The study is carried out in the office at the place of residence or, if there is a conclusion, then at home. Also, ITU can be carried out permanently or in absentia. The sub-expert may invite a specialist who will have the right to vote for the examination.

The task of specialists is to study the documents, conduct an examination and decide whether to grant the status of a disabled person.

Step 6. We receive an act of medical and social examination

The decision is made within 30 days from the date of registration. If the examination was carried out in absentia, then the decision and explanations to it are drawn up on paper or in electronic form. Based on the results, an act is drawn up, it is signed by specialists and the head of the bureau, certified with a seal.

All documents, including the act, as well as the protocol and the rehabilitation program, are entered in the personal file of the subject. You will receive certified copies of these documents if you write an application.

4. Where to get advice on resolving ITU issues - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

Legal and bureaucratic obstacles may arise in obtaining the status of a disabled person.

For this reason, we recommend that you obtain legal advice before starting the preparation of the necessary documents. This will help reduce the processing time, simplify the procedure, save you from multiple trips to the state authorities.

1) Lawyer

"" provides legal advice and services for paperwork in various fields. From almost 17 thousand qualified and experienced lawyers from all over the country, you can always choose the right specialist for your situation.

The company offers both free and paid services. But even at paid services the price is below the market average. After all, lawyers of the Lawyer do not need an office to provide advice to clients.

You can get advice without leaving your apartment. When submitting a question on the site, you will receive the opinion of several experts, which is equivalent to a collegial meeting and eliminates the possibility of errors.

The site is running in around the clock no days off or breaks. If necessary, you can meet with specialists offline if the case requires the direct presence of a lawyer.

2) Legal advice "Your personal lawyer"

Experts of legal advice "Your Personal Lawyer" provide advice on legal issues. You can contact the company for help by leaving a request on the website or by calling. Responses to the request are sent within five minutes.

Experts also prepare articles on topics of their profile - real estate, social security, property, family and labor, civil, tax corporate law and others.

Docexpress provides legal advice around the clock, using a 24-hour hotline. Legal assistance is provided to both individuals and legal entities.

The company also provides a free newsletter, and the site has a forum where you can see expert answers to questions already asked. In the list of the main advantages of the organization - the reliability of the information provided, speed, quality.

5. How to act if you were refused an examination - 3 useful tips

It may happen that the disability is denied. This can happen for many different reasons.

If you are sure that the refusal is illegal, then let's look at what needs to be done to appeal it.

If you have been refused, be sure to ask for a certificate of this in writing. You will be able to apply to the bureau yourself for an examination, if you have it in your hands.

If the examination shows that all signs of disability are available, then they will issue a certificate with which you need to go to the clinic and get a referral form.

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