Re-examination of the disability group documents. What documents are needed for re-examination of disability and how to renew

In order for a person to receive a disability, it is necessary to undergo a special examination, which will confirm the fact of disability. Such an examination is called a medical and social examination - ITU.

Passing this test is not easy. You should start with the fact that to start the passage you need a complete package of documents.

Legislative regulation

Legislation clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for granting disability. Those who apply for disability for the first time have to face a lot of incomprehensible nuances, moments that make a person fall into apathy or panic.

In particular, grounds for disability is evidence of three facts:

Moreover, it is important to note that obtaining a disability possible only if available two of the above signs, since one of them may not be enough.

Only the right to establish a disability medical and social expertise, which represents the main or federal bureau.

Direction issued for examination by medical institutions, regardless of property rights, as well as by pension or social protection authorities. It is important to understand that a person can independently apply to the ITU bureau if one of the organizations has previously refused to issue a referral.

At the same time, the examination provides for the establishment one of three degrees of disability, namely:

Obtaining the status of "disability" implies strict adherence to all norms of the law. Regulation in this matter is carried out at the expense of the Federal Law on the social protection of disabled people in Russia, as well as the PP on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.

List of required documentation

To apply for a disability, you must submit the following documents:

Step by step procedure

Registration of disability is a painstaking process that requires a huge amount of patience, and, of course, time.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary documents, it is important to defend your rights. In some cases, an applicant for disability is faced with a reluctance on the part of health workers to provide assistance and assistance in a difficult matter, despite the fact that this is their direct responsibility. However, in view of the fact that the state of health requires it, it is important to overcome all obstacles.

Medical checkup

Before applying for disability, the applicant undergoes a medical examination, according to which the diagnosis is confirmed, and the presence of a disease that prevents a full life and work is justified.

The first action that a person applying for a status needs to do is to visit his attending physician, who is obliged to record all complaints in an outpatient card and issue a referral to highly specialized specialists in order for the person to undergo a full examination.

The doctor gives the patient an appropriate form, in which there are marks which specialists need to be visited, as well as which examinations to undergo. It is important to note that the results of some examinations are valid for only two weeks. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

Also, the attending physician draws up a package of documents for further passage of the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to issue an appropriate referral, a written refusal must be issued with a reference to the reasons for the refusal. Only in this case, a person is allowed to apply independently to the ITU Commission. If the doctor refuses to write a documented refusal, the person has the right to apply to the judicial authorities.

Documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of treatment, the results of tests, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation facilities include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, a hearing aid or spa treatment, and so on. In addition, a referral form for the passage of the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Collection of necessary documentation

After the date for the passage of the commission is set, you must have all the necessary documents, in particular:

Passing commission

After collecting the necessary documentation, it is very important to come to the ITU regional office at the appointed time. As a rule, the waiting period for admission to the bureau is one month from the date of submission of documents.

The ITU commission is attended by a patient who needs to obtain a disability status, as well as specialists, in the amount of three people. They can examine the patient, if necessary, ask questions related to the health and material condition of the patient. The commission may also be interested in living conditions, social skills, education, characteristics from the place of work, etc.

All questions and answers during the meeting are recorded in the minutes, after which a vote is taken. If there is disagreement, an additional examination may be ordered.

Terms and results of registration

The process of registration of disability is carried out in stages. It takes at least 7-10 days to collect documents and pass the examination. The decision to assign a disability is made on the day of the examination.

If the commission is satisfied with everything, a disability group is assigned, which is framed by an appropriate certificate and the development of an individual rehabilitation system.

In fact, the registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and problems.

Form of disability for a child

Assignment takes up to four months. At the same time, an ITU examination is also carried out, to which the attending physician directs.

At the ITU bureau the following documents must be provided:

  1. A doctor's note.
  2. Outpatient card.
  3. Registration.
  4. Documents proving the identity of the parent or.
  5. Documents proving the identity of the child.

Children are not assigned any degree of disability, that is, there are no degrees of severity.

What to do in case of refusal

When passing the commission, a situation may arise when the patient is refused. In such a case, the patient has the right to file an appeal against the decision. It is important to observe time limits for appeals- not later than one month from the date of such decision.

AT statement indicates:

  1. Full name of the bureau to which the application is sent.
  2. Applicant details.
  3. Statement of the essence, indicating the composition of the commission.
  4. Requirement for a re-examination.

Consideration of the application takes place over three days. If the answer is positive, a new examination is appointed within 30 days after consideration of the application.


Re-examination takes place annually, since the ITU commission annually examines persons who have been assigned the status of a disabled person.

Pass order There are three types of recertification:

  1. For the first group of disabled people - once every two years.
  2. For the second and third groups of disabled people, re-examination is carried out once a year.
  3. For children, once during the prescribed period.

It is absolutely impossible to skip the re-examination procedure, since a person may lose the right to be considered a disabled person. When passing a re-examination, there is every chance of getting a category change if the doctors consider that the person is on the mend or his health condition has worsened. With a satisfactory state of health, a person may lose his disability status.

For re-examination must be provided:

Registration of disability is a painstaking task that requires a lot of patience and strength, but if you are not afraid of difficulties and know your rights and all the rules for registration, the procedure will go almost smoothly, allowing you to receive additional benefits and payments.

The rules for passing the ITU are described in the following video:

After the call, in 2019 he has the right to a medical re-examination. The law gives such an opportunity to persons who have reached the age of majority and up to 27 years. The category of validity is determined. The verification process takes place in three steps:

  • Fluorography. It is required to determine the state of the recruit's respiratory system.
  • namely blood and urine. Based on the results obtained, conclusions will be drawn whether the conscript has any serious deviations.
  • Checking the cardiovascular system. For this, an electrocardiographic examination is performed.

The results will determine which category the recruit should fall into. To date, there are fitness categories from A to D:

  • A. It implies that the conscript has excellent health and can serve in any branch of the military.
  • B. Serviceability with minor limitations (and other deviations).
  • B. The recruit is immediately sent to the reserve. However, when martial law is introduced in the country, he is also subject to conscription, and he must be trained in a civilian specialty.
  • D. The category of temporary unfitness, that is, the presence of an ailment, as a result of which the conscript at the time of the call cannot be taken into the army. In this case, a delay is presented, which, however, can be extended after the next call - this is determined by the nature and duration of the illness.
  • D. Complete unsuitability for military service. For example, this category includes people with disabilities, people suffering from chronic diseases and significant disorders in the work of various body systems.

Change of shelf life

However, the law allows you to change to another. To do this, the young man must draw up an application addressed to the head of the military registration and enlistment office, which will reflect the request to change the category of suitability and undergo re-examination. At the same time, it is important not to forget to attach to the letter all the conclusions of doctors, certificates and other documents that reflect a real improvement in health. To collect such certificates, you will need to bypass more than one specialist. So, you will definitely have to contact a surgeon, take a positive conclusion from a psychiatrist, therapist. It will also be necessary to undergo an examination in the ENT room and an examination by an ophthalmologist.

Do not lose sight of the fact that specialists from, who will be re-examined at the military registration and enlistment office, based on the results of their examination, have every right to require an additional medical examination. After the implementation of such studies, the health picture of a potential recruit will become more complete, so the doctors make the final verdict - to serve or not to serve. If there is a real improvement in health, then the young person may even count on the assignment of category A. And, on the contrary, if an additional examination revealed that health has actually deteriorated even more, the category can be changed from A to B, etc.

In our country, alas, very often young people are trying to acquire the so-called. "white ticket" for money from military registration and enlistment office staff or doctors. For our part, we strongly do not recommend resorting to such means of evading service, since they often fall not only under administrative offenses, but also under criminal articles with quite serious punishment.

Although the re-examination in general implies some difficulties, however, if a citizen is interested in an objective medical examination, it will not be difficult in principle to undergo a re-examination.

Many people with disabilities do not understand the need for a re-examination procedure, especially in the case of a disability acquired in childhood or associated with severe irreversible changes in the body. A re-examination is necessary not only to confirm a previously established disability, but also to adjust the rehabilitation program, control the dynamics of changes in the state of health. Re-examination of a child's disability is especially important for organizing optimal conditions for his life and rehabilitation. The developed system of rehabilitation allows to fully integrate into the life of society.

In addition, a disabled person of the 3rd group receives monthly allowances, benefits and other payments, which greatly facilitates the solution of many problems that a sick person faces. For other disability groups, the importance of state support is even more significant. Therefore, the re-examination procedure is an important moment in the life of a person with disabilities.

The procedure and terms for re-examination of disability

Re-examination is carried out in accordance with the established procedure with a frequency determined depending on the disability groups. At the moment, the following rules apply for this procedure:

A disabled person of the 3rd group is required to undergo a re-examination 1 time during the year.

A disabled person of the 2nd group must come for a re-examination 1 time during the year.

Disabled people of the 1st group must undergo a re-examination 2 times during the year.

Disabled children undergo the procedure once before the end of the period for which disability is determined.

In case of permanent disability, a re-examination can be done by writing an application personally or on behalf of a legal representative. In addition, the health care facility may also refer you for a disability re-evaluation procedure when there is a change in the patient's health status.

You can go through the procedure in advance, but to conduct a re-examination earlier than two months before the end of the disability period, you must have a personal application or a referral from a medical organization in which the course of a citizen’s illness is monitored.

The re-examination procedure is also carried out at home. For this, it is necessary that the attending physician make special marks in the direction.

Main and Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

Re-examination of a disability group is carried out on the basis of a medical and social examination, which is carried out free of charge at the medical and social examination bureau at the place of residence, the main bureau and the Federal Bureau.

The Federal State Institution "Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise" (FKU GB ITU) is a regional service for conducting an examination, as well as providing a range of services for rehabilitation and restoration of health.

FKU GB ITU performs the following functions:

Organizes a re-examination in case of filing an application to appeal the conclusion of the expert commission in the bureau at the place of residence.

Conducts ITU in situations where a special medical examination is required.

Carries out statistical analysis of data on the number and demographic composition of citizens with disabilities who applied to the bureau.

Develops measures to prevent and prevent disability.

Supervises the activities of each bureau.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (FB ITU) is a federal service for conducting an examination, as well as providing a range of services for the rehabilitation and restoration of health. In addition, the tasks of the FB ITU include the provision of high-quality prosthetics.

The Federal Bureau organizes control over the activities of other bureaus, can appoint and carry out a re-examination, change or cancel decisions made by employees of other bureaus.

Citizens who do not agree with the conclusions of the commissions of the main bureaus may file a complaint with the Federal Bureau, where a new examination will be appointed. Here, ITU and consultations are carried out on the direction of the main bureaus in situations where it is necessary to obtain its expert opinion or it is necessary to conduct a complex type of medical examination.

Medical and social examination procedure

The examination procedure is organized by the employees of the bureau's expert group. The examination of the person who applied for the examination is carried out, his social, household, psychological and labor characteristics are considered. The medical documentation of the disease is being studied. Based on an assessment of all the data received, a decision is made to establish disability, extend it or change the disability group.

If, as a result of the commission, an improvement in the health, working capacity and social adaptation of a citizen was revealed, then the disability group can be changed. A disabled person of the 2nd group, in case of improvement in indicators of the state of health and living conditions, can receive

The conclusion of the commission is announced to the citizen in the presence of all members of the expert composition and is entered into the act of the examination. A number of information and references are also included in the document, on the basis of which a conclusion was made.

If necessary, additional examinations are scheduled, conducted in a medical organization or the Federal Bureau. In a situation where a citizen refuses from the program of additional examinations, this information is noted in the act, and the decision is made on the basis of the available information.

The examination procedure can be carried out at home if, due to the state of health, a person cannot come to the office. This requires the decision of the relevant bureau or the direction of the medical institution in which the citizen is being monitored, or the hospital where the treatment is carried out.

Conclusion of ITU specialists

The conclusion of the ITU is the result of the work of the expert commission. The composition of the commission's specialists depends on the bureau and its profile. The examination of the main bureau is carried out by four doctors of different profiles, an expert in rehabilitation work, and a psychologist. The staff of the bureau at the place of residence includes the same specialists as the main bureau, but the number of doctors of various profiles is less (three medical workers). The members of the commission make decisions based on a majority vote.

The composition of the expert commission depends on the head of the bureau, who decides on the participation of a particular specialist in the ITU procedure. Also, a citizen sent for examination to the bureau has the right to attract additional experts, but subject to payment for their work. The decision of these panel members will influence the final opinion of the ITU.

ITU specialists draw up a conclusion based on the provided medical documentation, after examining the citizen, having discussed all the information received collectively. After the announcement of the decision made, the experts of the commission give explanations on the conclusion made to the citizen who applied to the bureau.

Appeal against ITU conclusions

In a situation where the decision of the bureau’s expert commission during the re-examination of disability seems unreasonable, you can file an appeal with the bureau at the place of residence where the examination took place. Within three days, the application will be sent to the main bureau, where a conclusion is made based on the results of a new examination. In a situation of disagreement with the conclusion of the main bureau, an appeal is sent to the Federal Bureau. In connection with the appeal, a re-examination will be carried out and a final decision will be determined.

The decision of the federal bureau can only be challenged in court.

To appeal against the conclusion of the bureau, you must write a statement indicating:

The name of the specific bureau for which the application is being sent.

Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, contact information) of the applicant.

Personal data of the representative.

The subject of the complaint against the examination.

Requests for a re-examination procedure.

Application dates.

How to pass the ITU?

Based on the results of the re-examination, disability is extended or removed, the disability group is changed, which entails a change in the IPR, the amount of benefits and benefits.

To successfully pass the examination, it is important not only to collect all the necessary documents and test results, but also to prepare psychologically for the procedure. The decision is made by the members of the expert composition on the basis of an assessment of the disability, while the impression that the citizen makes on the members of the commission plays an important role. Therefore, you can not behave aggressively or be offended by incorrect questions. Answer calmly and accurately. In this case, the reaction of embarrassment to the question will be much better than impatience and anger. Some of the most frequently asked questions to be prepared for include:

Questions about the course of the disease.

Questions about working capacity (availability of work, comfortable working conditions, etc.).

Questions about the ongoing treatment (undergoing IPR procedures, reasons for refusing the recommended types of diagnostics, etc.).

Issues related to the functioning of the body.

Questions about the financial condition of family members, in order to identify the possibility of the patient's participation in expensive rehabilitation programs that are not subject to state subsidies.

Re-examination of disability, documents required for ITU

To undergo a re-examination of disability, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a work book, a referral from the examination procedure, an outpatient card, an IPR with instructions on how to complete it. It is also necessary to write and take with you an application to the head of the bureau for re-examination. If during the year before the re-examination procedure consultations were held with specialists or treatment was carried out in a hospital, then the relevant documentation must be provided by a specialist of the expert staff. It is better to make copies of some documents to provide if necessary.

Disabled children undergo a re-examination procedure in almost the same order as the initial examination. The list of required documents is the same, but a certificate of disability and an IPR are added. When re-examining a child with a disability, you must have:

Birth certificate of the child or passport (when the child reaches 14 years old).

outpatient card.

Certificates of education received or certificates from where the training takes place.

Conclusions of specialists of a narrow focus, extracts from hospitals.

A document confirming disability;

Extension of disability

Before extending the disability, you must contact the medical institution at the place of residence. It is obligatory to have a passport, a medical insurance policy, an ITU certificate on the establishment of disability, an outpatient card, an extract from the hospital (if there was treatment), IPR. The medical worker will issue a referral for an examination, as well as for the necessary procedures and tests. You need to visit the bureau and sign up for the next date by the end of the disability period for re-examination. After that, it is necessary to contact the attending physician for the underlying disease, who will give an opinion for the expert commission. It is also required to be examined by two narrow specialists, to whom the district therapist will refer. After receiving the test results and consulting all the doctors, you should again come to an appointment with the therapist, who will enter the data into the certificate and write out a referral for passing. Then, with all the certificates and copies of the main documents, you can go to the ITU procedure.

In case of refusal to extend the disability, a certificate is issued, which indicates the result of the examination and the grounds for refusal. The Bureau's decision can be appealed to the Federal Bureau or in court.

Re-examination of child disability

Re-examination of a child's disability takes place in a slightly different order than for adults. One parent must be present. The list of required documents is different. In addition, a disability group cannot be established, since in childhood the general category “disabled child” is assigned.

For the procedure, you need a referral from medical institutions. A re-examination takes place no earlier than two months before the expiration of the disability, but no later than the specified date of the medical and social examination. Stationary supervision for prolongation of disability at the child is not obligatory. The individual rehabilitation program is also of a recommendatory nature, the implementation of all the measures indicated in it is not a prerequisite for re-examination of disability.

Very often, upon reaching the age of 18, upon re-examination, disability is recognized. This is due to the fact that when establishing an adult disability, the main attention is paid not to violations of the functions of the body, but to the assessment of the ability to move independently, self-service, work, etc.

Disability without recertification

There is a list of diseases in which disability is established without specifying the period of re-examination.

Such diseases include:

Diseases of the internal organs.

Neuropsychiatric disorders.

anatomical defects.

Eye diseases.

At the same time, disability without re-examination is established no later than two years after the initial recognition of disability for diseases of this list.

Disability without re-examination can also be established if the expert commission reveals the impossibility of improving the state of health, rehabilitation of a person and reducing the limitations of his life. In this case, no more than four years must elapse after the initial examination of disability.

To establish disability without a re-examination period, there should also be no positive dynamics in the rehabilitation carried out before the appointment of the ITU. Relevant data are indicated in the direction for examination.

In addition, the re-examination procedure is not assigned to women over 55 and men over 60, and an indefinite disability is established.

According to social security experts, it is better to undergo a re-examination even in the case of permanent disability in order to detect deterioration in health or the need to replace the prosthesis in time.

If the federal bureau checks the decisions made by the main bureau, then in case of disability without a re-examination period, the ITU can still be appointed.

Failure to appear for re-examination of disability

In case of failure to appear for the procedure of medical and social examination, the payment of the pension will be suspended for three months. If the disability is confirmed by the services of the medical and social examination within the specified period, pension payments will be resumed from the date of re-recognition of disability.

In a situation where the re-examination was missed for a good reason, the payment of pensions will be assigned from the date of the disability re-examination, including payments for the missed period. The duration of the period during which pension payments were not made does not matter. Moreover, if the expert commission establishes a different degree of disability, then payments for the missed period will be made according to the previous calculation system.

The resumption of payments is made automatically after the Pension Fund receives the relevant documentation, which is sent by a specialized medical and social examination service and confirms the re-examination procedure.

Pretty rare procedure. But there is also a second examination. It is not needed in all cases. The grounds for this are:

There is a certain list of diseases on the basis of which the group is established indefinitely. In this case, no re-examination (re-examination) is required, all benefits remain until the end of life.

In cases of a temporary period, when an improvement occurs, a group change or deregistration is possible.

What laws govern the procedure?

The re-examination is regulated by the following Decrees associated with this group:

As well as the following regulations:

  1. By order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 No. 1024n, a special List was approved, which displays all types and categories of diseases, to which disability groups they belong.
  2. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under No. 247, dated 07.04.2008. all diseases related to indefinite social security and benefits are taken into account.
  3. Health disorders acquired after injury in a technological environment are provided for by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 5 of 30.01.2002.

In addition to the above provisions, there are a lot of orders, legal acts regulating various types of documents. Official forms of acts and certificates are also provided, on the basis of which it is not allowed to conduct an examination in an arbitrary form.

Step-by-step instruction

Where to start?

The most common reason for re-passing the examination is the confirmation or deregistration of disability. Let's take this example step by step.

  1. When assigning a disabled group, a certificate is issued in hand, which clearly indicates the validity period. For this period, the patient is prescribed a periodic course of treatment or rehabilitation.
  2. At the end of the established period, the commission sets the date for the re-examination, in order to determine the state of health: whether there have been improvements or the disease has begun to progress more strongly. The legislation allows the passage of the ITU two months before the end of the term, if there are grounds for that. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the certificate contains all the marks about visits to the doctor, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment procedures.
  3. When the deadline has come, you should contact your local doctor, who will prepare the required extract, which must be signed by the head of the department or clinic. The initial commission fee is appointed at the clinic to prepare a referral for.
  4. Five days before the date of the inspection, the entire list of documents must be submitted. at the ITU office at the place of residence.

What documents need to be collected?

The most important thing is to properly prepare the documents so that you are not sent for missing data. So, what documents are needed for MSEC again? Here is their list:

  • certificate of disability;
  • IPRI certificate;
  • photocopy of passport (original to have with you);
  • SNILS;
  • all extracts from the medical history;
  • if during the treatment period an additional examination was carried out outside the clinic, on a paid basis, all the results must be attached (for example, ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography, additional tests, etc.).

If you have a job, you need to have:

  1. Statement of income.
  2. A copy of the work book.

In the certificate, the working conditions should be noted. For example, during shift work for disabled people of the 3rd group, most often, benefits are removed.

Additional list:

  • document on education (certificate, diploma);
  • for students - a certificate from the educational institution and pedagogical characteristics.

How is the process carried out?

This procedure is practically no different from. If the goal is to extend the term, then it is necessary to fully justify and prove that the patient does not really improve in health or his condition is deteriorating.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare all extracts, records of visits to the doctor, the results of current examinations and analyzes that will help create a complete picture of the course of the disease.

The commission consists of physicians from various branches of medicine. The state of health is examined collectively, taking into account all areas of the body. There are special ones, according to which the patient's condition is assessed. Based on this, they decide on the further stay of a person on social security, determine whether he needs further assistance from the state.

The decision is made by a large number of votes. If the answer is positive, the result is issued within three days in the form of a certificate, indicating the assigned group and validity period. In case of refusal, an extract is issued. If the subject believes that his rights were violated, or the decision was made illegally and unreasonably, he has the right to file a claim with the court to review the result.

Features for the child

In most cases, deviations in the health of children are visible to the naked eye. But, despite the visible deviations, each of them has to go through a difficult path in obtaining a disability, which, like adults, must be extended after a set period of time. Violations in children can be both congenital and acquired.

A disabled child is always registered at a polyclinic, where he receives the prescribed treatment for a certain period of time. He must be under the supervision of a doctor of the profile to which his disease belongs. If a child has problems with vision, then this is an ophthalmologist, if with ENT organs, then an otolaryngologist, if there are deviations in mental development, then a psychiatrist, with neurological problems - a neurologist.

IMPORTANT! It should not be forgotten to control that all entries are made on time in the medical history.

If the podiatrist thinks you need orthopedic shoes, or the ENT says you need a hearing aid, they should put it all on the card. In the future, when these needs are considered by the commission, a decision will be made that it is necessary to provide the child with everything necessary to make his life easier free of charge.

Obtaining a conclusion

When a pink certificate is issued, which indicates the validity period of his group. When the deadline is approaching, the supervising doctor calls the patient to issue a referral for a re-examination to obtain a new conclusion. Together with the referral, a list of specialists is issued from whom it is necessary to obtain a conclusion on health grounds.

In order to get to the examination, the conclusion of one specialized doctor is not enough. Most often, in children, the course of one deviation is accompanied by the appearance of deviations in another area, since children's immunity cannot work at full strength, and other vital systems are inhibited. ECG, ultrasound and other additional examinations may also be required.

In the process of passing specialists, it is worth preparing a package of documents in parallel:

  • passport of the parent (guardian) of the child accompanying the child during the period of registration of disability;
  • certificate (passport if available) of the child;
  • certificate of residence;
  • pink certificate of disability;
  • patient card, with all extracts and medical history (signed by the head physician);
  • (conclusion of the children's clinic);
  • (if the child is a schoolboy or student);
  • from a parent/guardian.

After visiting all the doctors and passing the prescribed tests, you should go to the local pediatrician to get a stage epicrisis, which briefly describes the stage from birth to the present moment, and also indicates the diseases, diagnoses, vaccinations and treatment received.

If a child has Williams or Down syndrome, autism, or other psycho-neurological disorders, then the resulting conclusion is transferred to a psychiatrist at the place of residence. After that, the conclusion is carried to the signature of the head of the clinic, where it must be signed within three weeks.

Conducting at home

If the child cannot move independently and the parents do not have the opportunity to come to the commission with him, then there is an opportunity to pass the ITU at home.

Doctors of all medical specialties must participate. Also, the parent (guardian) has the right to require the presence of their declared doctor, with the right to vote.

If necessary, the parent (guardian) has the right to pay for the services of the required representative.

How often do you need to pass?

It is necessary to sign up for the commission in advance, given the fact that usually the registration goes a month in advance. It is important to remember that you cannot be late, otherwise they may not accept and reschedule the recording for another certain period of time ahead.

Disabled people of groups 3 and 2 are required to undergo an annual re-examination, and group 1 - only once every two years. With congenital abnormalities, children are monitored for 4 years, then they are assigned a disability up to 18 years. A complete list of all types of diseases in which a group of up to 18 years is established is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 95.

Passing the examination stage, both for adults and children, is a very important process that makes it possible to have social support from the state.

One of the types of such support is for.

If you are interested in such offers and want to take part in such a state program, then be sure to read the information that our experts have prepared for you.

It is worth remembering that one should not give incorrect information, which may affect the refusal to assign a disability, if the applicant's actions are unlawful. A more complete picture of the course of the disease should be provided and then there is a chance to get a positive result.

Currently, the frequency of re-examination is determined depending on the disability group. Disabled people of group I need to be re-examined once every 2 years, disabled people of groups II and III - once a year, and disabled children - once during the period for which the child is assigned the category "disabled child" (i.e. in depending on the entries made in the disability certificate and the individual program for the rehabilitation of the disabled person). So, in order to determine the period for the next re-examination, it is enough for a disabled person to look at their documents confirming disability. They must indicate the date of the next re-examination or mark "indefinitely".
Re-examination of a citizen whose disability has been established without specifying the re-examination period may be carried out on his personal application (application of his legal representative), or on the direction of an organization providing medical and preventive care, in connection with a change in health status, or when carried out by the main bureau, the Federal Bureau control over the decisions taken by the respective bureau, the main bureau.
Re-examination of a disabled person may be carried out in advance, but no more than two months before the expiration of the established period of disability.
A re-examination before the established deadline is carried out at the personal request of a citizen (application of his legal representative), or at the direction of the organization providing medical and preventive care, in connection with a change in health status, or when the main bureau, the Federal Bureau of control over decisions taken by the respective bureau, main bureau.
Since many are connected with the fact of disability. some social guarantees and benefits, then a disabled person who, ry, did not pass the re-examination in time, fig. forges to temporarily lose many of their rights, in particular, the right to receive a disability pension. The bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which accrue and pay a pension to a disabled person, usually monitor and warn the disabled person in advance that he needs to undergo another re-examination (for more details, see the chapter “Retirement and the procedure for receiving pension payments”). The re-examination is carried out in the same order as the initial examination, i.e. the disabled person passes the ITU in the ITU institution (bureau). Of course, for the specialists of the ITU Bureau, the re-examination is usually less time-consuming if the disabled person already has an individual rehabilitation program developed earlier. According to the results of the re-examination, the former disability group may be left to the disabled person. In the event of a deterioration or improvement in the state of health, the disability group changes. In this regard, the scope of rights that a disabled person had could also be changed. For example, the amount of a pension or a monthly allowance has been increased or decreased. In the event of a complete recovery of the disabled person and a cure for the diseases that caused the disability to be established, the disability can be removed.

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