Reminder of the population - African swine fever. Memo to the population on African swine fever

African swine fever is a particularly dangerous, highly contagious, viral disease. First registered in Russia in 2008. The virus infects wild and domestic pigs of all breeds and ages at any time of the year. It does not pose a danger to human life and health.

The disease is highly lethal, spreads very quickly and causes enormous economic damage to agriculture. Up to 100% of diseased pigs die. Treatment is prohibited, there is no vaccine.

Pigs become infected through contact with sick and recovered animals: through feed (especially food waste), water, care items, vehicles contaminated with secretions from sick animals, as well as through contact with the corpses of dead pigs and slaughter products of infected pigs. The most common cause of ASF is feeding uncooked food waste to pigs. home cooking, various catering units and canteens, slaughterhouse waste, as well as feed and grain products that have not undergone heat treatment. The disease is carried by domestic and wild animals, birds, rodents and insects.

The virus is very stable: it persists in food, water and the environment for months, freezing and drying have no effect on it. It is destroyed exclusively by heating to high temperatures.

Symptoms. It takes 2-7 days from infection to the onset of symptoms. In animals, body temperature rises to 42 ° C, shortness of breath, cough appear, appetite disappears, thirst increases, bouts of vomiting and paralysis are noted. hind limbs, on the skin inner surface hips, on the stomach, neck, at the base of the ears, on the patch and tail, red-violet spots become noticeable. Death occurs in 1-5 days, less often later. There is a chronic course of the disease.

When a diagnosis of "African swine fever" is established, a quarantine is imposed on an unfavorable point (farm, settlement). Quarantine is the only way to fight the disease. All pigs in the epizootic focus are killed bloodless method, carcasses burn. Pig corpses, manure, leftover feed, inventory, as well as dilapidated premises, wooden floors, etc. are burned on the spot. Disinfection of places where animals are kept, as well as measures to exterminate rodents, insects and ticks are carried out. Within a radius of 20 km, all pigs, regardless of signs of disease, are seized and killed by a bloodless method, other activities are carried out, including the destruction of stray animals and rodents. Under the terms of the quarantine, it is prohibited to sell all types of livestock products on the markets and export them outside the outbreak during the entire quarantine period (30 days from the date of slaughter of all pigs and the implementation of a complex of veterinary and sanitary measures). Also, in the next 6 months, it is prohibited to export crop products from the focus of the disease. Breeding pigs on farms is allowed only one year after the quarantine is lifted.

Reminder for pig owners

Do not allow strangers into your household. Move the pigs to the free range. Owners of personal subsidiary farms and farms should keep pigs in pigsties and barns without walking and contact with other animals;

Eliminate feeding pigs with animal feed and food waste without cooking. Buy food only industrial production or boil them, at a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius, before feeding;

Treat pigs and their housing once every 10 days against blood-sucking insects(mites, lice, fleas). Constantly lead the fight against rodents;

Do not carry out house-to-house slaughter and sale of pork without conducting an ante-mortem inspection and conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and slaughter products by specialists of the state veterinary service;

Memo on African plague pigs

1. What is African swine fever (ASF)?

ASF is highly contagious infectious disease domestic pigs and wild boars. The causative agent of ASF is a virus that is very stable in the environment and can survive up to 100 days or more in soil, manure or chilled meat, 300 days in ham and corned beef. In frozen meat, the virus remains viable for 15 years. On boards, bricks and other materials, the virus can survive up to 180 days.

Infected pigs shed the ASF virus in urine, feces, nasal, eye and other secretions. Healthy animals become infected through contact with sick pigs or their corpses, as well as through feed (especially through food waste containing the remains of slaughter products from infected pigs), water, care items, vehicles contaminated with secretions from sick animals.

2. Symptoms

From infection to the appearance of the first clinical signs illness can take from 3 to 15 days. At acute course disease, sudden death of animals is possible or within 1-5 days after the onset of symptoms: fever body (up to 42 ° C), rapid breathing and redness of the skin of various parts of the body, more often the ears, chest, abdomen and limbs. There may also be bloody diarrhea, coughing, bloody discharge from the nose, convulsions, and paralysis of the limbs.

The death of pigs with ASF infection is up to 100%!

There are no means for the prevention and treatment of the disease

3. Know!

To outbreaks of ASF (up to 45% of total disadvantaged areas in the country) led to the feeding of uncooked food waste to pigs.

In this regard, despite their availability and cheapness, do not feed food waste to pigs, especially those obtained from catering points that are questionable in terms of ensuring biological safety (roadside cafes, barbecue, etc.).

special danger in this regard, they represent public catering facilities located on roads passing through subjects unfavorable for ASF Russian Federation.

Using food waste as feed for pigs in order to reduce the cost of the final product, you run the risk of being left without food for a long time. sole source income for yourself and your family members. Consider Commissions

Another source of ASF infection in pigs is slaughterhouse waste, the remains of raw meat from wild boars.

Compound feed and grain products without veterinary accompanying documents purchased from various kinds merchants and sold from cars that arrived in your region from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation or neighboring countries are also elevated source danger to your farm.

There have been cases of illness in pigs after feeding them with corn left in the fields after harvesting, as wild boars like to visit such fields, and / or grass top dressing mowed at the borders of the forest in subjects in which cases of ASF were recorded.

In addition, visiting and caring for animals in everyday clothes and shoes, in which you could previously visit another farm, pose a threat.

“Gifts” in the form of leftover feed, pigs or meat products received by you from ASF-affected areas, due to various circumstances(lack of quarantine measures, latent (without manifestation of clinical signs) course of the disease) can do you a disservice and lead to irreparable consequences.

4. Measures in establishing the diagnosis of ASF

When a diagnosis of "African swine fever" is established, a quarantine is imposed on an unfavorable point (farm, settlement, district). According to its terms, all pigs are destroyed in the focus of infection, and within a radius of up to 20 km from the focus, all pigs, pig products, feed are subject to seizure and destruction.

When carrying out quarantine measures, low-value inventory and wooden buildings are subject to destruction.

It is important to know that the disinfection of utility rooms (sheds, sheds, bases, etc.) built from materials with a porous structure (adobe brick, foam blocks, brick, expanded clay concrete blocks (except facing), etc.) is not guarantees 100% destruction of the virus due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the structure of these building materials and stay in them for a long time.

Only strict observance of all measures prescribed by quarantine - the only way fight the disease.

5. What to do?

To prevent the introduction of the disease, you must:

2. regularly clean and disinfect premises where animals are kept. Constantly use change of clothes, shoes, separate equipment for caring for pigs;

3. exclude feeding pigs with feed of animal origin and food waste without heat (boiling) treatment, buy feed only of industrial production or subject them to boil for three hours;

4. not allow visits to farms, livestock farmsteads by unauthorized persons;

5. not to buy live pigs without accompanying veterinary documents, not to import/export pigs and pig products without the permission of officials of the state veterinary service, to register the pig population in the local administrations of districts and settlements;

6. not to carry out house-to-house slaughter and sale of pork without veterinary pre-slaughter inspection of animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and slaughter products by specialists of the state veterinary service;

7. not to buy meat products in the places of trade that are not established for these purposes by the local administration;

8. in the event of signs of illness in pigs or their sudden death, immediately contact the state veterinary service;

9. it is obligatory to provide the livestock of pigs for veterinary examination, vaccination (against classical plague pigs, erysipelas) and other treatments;

10. do not throw away animal corpses, waste from their maintenance and processing to landfills, roadsides, dispose of biowaste in places determined by the administration of the rural settlement;

11. do not process the meat of dead or forcedly slaughtered pigs - this is prohibited and may lead to further spread of the disease;

12. Do not use for watering animals water from streams and small rivers with a calm current flowing through forests inhabited by wild boars.

In case of occurrence of contagious diseases (including ASF), in addition to violation of veterinary rules for keeping, slaughtering, moving animals, all circumstances that contributed to the emergence and spread of the disease will be taken into account, which will affect not only administrative and criminal liability, statutory, but also on the payment of compensation for alienated animals and livestock products.


Strict execution only these recommendations will avoid the introduction of ASF to your farmsteads and will allow

avoid administrative and criminal liability.


African swine fever (ASF) is a contagious viral disease characterized by hyperacute, acute, subacute, chronic course and high mortality. Domestic and wild pigs are sick, regardless of age and breed.

The causative agent of ASF is a virus, very resistant to physical and chemical attack, remains in the corpses of pigs for up to 10 weeks, in manure - up to 5 months or more, and in the soil - depending on the season of the year, from 4 to 5 months. In frozen meat, smoked sausage, the virus persists for up to 4 months.

The source of the disease is sick pigs that excrete the virus in urine, feces, nasal discharge and other secretions.

Transmission of the disease to healthy animals can be carried out through virus-infected feed, bedding, manure, carcasses and products of slaughter of animals (meat, meat products, blood), as well as through ticks.


Between infection and the manifestation of clinical signs can take from 2 to 22 days.

In the acute course of the disease, sudden death of animals is possible or their death within 1-3 days after the first signs of the disease appear: increased body temperature (41-42 0 C), rapid breathing and reddening of the skin. Pregnant sows are aborted. In various areas skin animals may develop purple-red spots that do not blanch when pressed. Bloody discharge from the nose, diarrhea with an admixture of blood, signs of pneumonia and pulmonary edema, serous-hemorrhagic conjunctivitis are observed, convulsions, paresis and paralysis of the limbs may develop.

Means for the treatment and prevention of the disease does not exist!

Death can reach 100%!


In order to prevent the introduction of the African swine fever virus, it is necessary:

1. Comply with the requirements of zoohygienic norms and rules for keeping pigs, purchase feed from areas safe for pig diseases and heat treat it before feeding, equip sanitary checkpoints, disinfection barriers (mats) at the entry points (entrances) to the territory of farm facilities, and also keep them in working order;

3. Ensure the operation of the farm in a closed type (free-range keeping of pigs, including preventing contact of pigs with other animals (stranger pigs, other animals, birds of prey, animals, dogs and cats can be carriers of the virus), exclude access to places where pigs are kept third parties (including as service personnel, fighters, etc.), exclude the import of unprocessed equipment and entry into the territory of keeping pigs Vehicle that have not undergone special processing;

4. Do not purchase pigs in places of unauthorized trade without veterinary accompanying documents confirming the well-being of the place of export of pigs, newly acquired pigs - register with the veterinary service and rural administrations and carry out mandatory quarantine of animals before entering the main herd;

5. Provide full service to pigs by veterinarians (vaccination against diseases and provision of necessary clinical research, periodic veterinary examinations of animals with body temperature measurement, slaughter at specialized slaughterhouses or slaughterhouses in the presence of a veterinarian).

In order to avoid the spread of African swine fever in the Omsk region, each hunter must have the following information.

African swine fever is a particularly dangerous highly contagious viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boars, characterized by fever, cyanosis of the skin and extensive hemorrhages during internal organs. African swine fever does not pose a threat to humans, but causes enormous economic damage to agriculture.

The causative agent is a DNA-containing virus of the Asfarviridae family, the genus Asfivirus, is very stable in the external environment and can survive up to 100 days or more in soil, manure or chilled meat, 300 days in ham and corned beef. In frozen meat, the virus remains viable for 15 years. Resistant to influence environment. On boards, bricks and other materials, the virus can survive up to 180 days.

Clinical signs: animals lie down, sluggishly rise and move, quickly get tired. Weakness of the hind limbs, unsteady gait, the head is lowered, the tail is untwisted, thirst is increased. The skin in the area of ​​the ears, eyes, submandibular space, chest, abdomen, limbs, genitals is purple-blue with multiple hemorrhages. Sometimes they note indigestion: constipation or diarrhea with an admixture of blood, purulent discharge from the eyes, edematous inflammation in the pharynx, emaciation. In wild boars, the disease often proceeds subclinically, they are virus carriers.

The virus is not dangerous to humans. The most great danger this disease is:

  • all pigs on the farm, where the virus enters, die;
  • there are no vaccines and medicines that protect against this disease;
  • huge economic losses due to the fact that when swine is infected with African swine fever, not only sick animals are destroyed, but also those that were in contact with them.

Prevention measures:

  1. In the event that dead animals are found and there is a suspicion of African swine disease in wild boars, IMMEDIATELY inform the specialists of the Main Veterinary Directorate of the Omsk Region.
  2. Assist the veterinary service in the selection of pathological materials and disposal of animal carcasses in accordance with established requirements. Or, observing the safety rules, select the pathological material yourself and dispose of the corpses by burning. Treat the remains with bleach and bury to a depth inaccessible to domestic and wild animals. All samples should be submitted to the local veterinary station.
  3. Conduct mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination of wild boars.
  4. Destroy the insides of wild boars, skins and other by-products hunting, not used for food, in a way that does not allow them to be taken away by wild and domestic animals - burning.
  5. Butchering of carcasses of hunted animals should be carried out in places where the floors and walls of the premises intended for cutting carcasses of hunted animals allow for repeated washing and disinfection.
  6. Disinfect vehicles and devices used to transport carcasses of hunted animals (preparations with an active chlorine content of at least 5%, but it is better to use special disinfectants: Dezconten, Teotropin R+, Chloramine B, RusDez-Universal 50, etc.).
  7. When transporting the carcasses of wild boars to the butchering sites, use waterproof containers in order to prevent the ingress of blood or natural secretions animals on the ground or various vehicle surfaces.
  8. Upon completion of the hunt and butchering of wild boar carcasses, disinfect hands, shoes, knives, axes, ropes and other devices using the preparations specified in paragraph 6.
  9. Transportation of hunting products should be carried out in disposable impervious containers (polyethylene bags) in order to prevent contamination of vehicles and clothing with blood, meat juice, etc. For transportation, use only the luggage compartments of vehicles, the bottom of which is equipped with rubber or plastic trough-like mats.
  10. Do not allow the use of water in which meat and offal from wild boars was washed as feed for pigs and other domestic animals. Before disposal, such water must be boiled for at least 5 minutes or disinfected. chemicals referred to in paragraph 6.
  11. When hunting, do not leave food residue on the ground.
  12. Wash clothes after hunting hot water with a temperature of at least 70-80 degrees or warm it up at the same temperature (iron, bath) and avoid any contact with domestic pigs.

To the attention of the inhabitants of the rural settlement Orlovsky Village Council of the Yanaulsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan!

We draw your attention to the need strict observance sanitary and veterinary rules for keeping pets, carrying out preventive measures, as well as the timely elimination of possible local outbreaks of African swine fever.

African swine fever

African swine fever (ASF) is a contagious viral disease that is characterized by hyperacute, acute, subacute, less often chronic course and high mortality. Domestic and wild pigs are affected by ASF, regardless of age and breed.

The causative agent of ASF is a virus that is extremely resistant to physical and chemical attack. Transmission of the disease to healthy animals can be carried out through virus-infected feed, bedding, manure, carcasses and products of slaughter of animals (meat, meat products, blood), as well as through ticks.

Between infection and the manifestation of clinical signs can take from 2 to 22 days. In the acute course of the disease, sudden death of animals is possible or their death within 1-3 days after the first signs of the disease appear: fever (41-42 degrees), rapid breathing and redness of the skin. On various parts of the skin of animals, purple-red spots may appear that do not turn pale when pressed. Means for the treatment and prevention of the disease does not exist! Death can reach 100%!

Measures to prevent the introduction of the ASF pathogen

In order to prevent the introduction of the African swine fever virus, it is necessary:

1. Comply with the requirements of zoohygienic norms and rules for keeping pigs, purchase feed from areas safe for pig diseases and heat treat it before feeding, equip sanitary checkpoints, disinfection barriers (rugs) at the entry points (entrances) to the territory of farm facilities, and also keep them in working order;

3. Ensure the operation of the farm in a closed type (free-range keeping of pigs, including preventing contact of pigs with other animals - alien pigs, other animals, birds of prey, animals, dogs and cats can be carriers of the virus), exclude access to places where pigs are kept unauthorized persons (including as service personnel, fighters, etc.), to exclude the import of unprocessed equipment and the entry of vehicles that have not undergone special processing into the territory where pigs are kept;

4. Do not purchase pigs in places of unauthorized trade without veterinary accompanying documents confirming the well-being of the place of export of pigs, newly acquired pigs - register with the veterinary service and rural administrations and carry out mandatory quarantine of animals before entering the main herd;

5. Provide full service to pigs by veterinary specialists (vaccination against diseases and provision of necessary clinical studies, periodic veterinary examinations of animals with body temperature measurement, slaughter at specialized slaughterhouses or slaughterhouses in the presence of a veterinarian).

Measures for suspected ASF disease in pigs.

If there is a suspicion of African swine fever, the head of the farm (owner of the animal) and the veterinary specialist serving the farm (settlement) are obliged to immediately report the suspicion to the specialists of the state veterinary service and before they arrive at the farm (settlement):
- isolate sick and suspicious pigs in the same room in which they were located;
- stop the slaughter and sale of animals of all kinds (including poultry) and products of their slaughter (meat, fat, skins, feathers, down, etc.);
- to stop the export from the territory of the economy (farm) of products and raw materials of animal origin, feed and other goods.

Measures to eliminate ASF.

When establishing a diagnosis, a special commission makes a decision on declaring a farm (farm) locality, areas affected by African swine fever and the establishment of quarantine in them, determines the boundaries of the epizootic focus and the boundaries of the first and second threatened zones, organizes necessary activities for the prevention and elimination of the disease in accordance with the current instructions.

The epizootic focus of African swine fever is pig farms (in the presence of sick animals in several pigsties), individual pigsties, livestock farms, pig-breeding camps, subsidiary farms, settlements or part of them, separate yards where there are swine patients with African swine fever.

Activities carried out in the epizootic focus:
- Establish quarantine.
- All pigs in the epizootic focus are destroyed by a bloodless method. The corpses of killed and dead pigs, manure, leftover feed, containers and low-value inventory, as well as dilapidated premises, wooden floors, feeders, partitions, fences are burned on the spot. Unburned remains are buried in trenches (pits) to a depth of at least 2 m.

The premises, pens and other places where the animals were kept are disinfected 3 times in the following order: the first - immediately after the destruction of the animals, the second - after the removal of wooden floors, partitions, feeders and thorough mechanical cleaning, the third - before the removal of quarantine. Simultaneously with the first disinfection, disinsection, desacarization and deratization are carried out.

Prohibit the entry and import into their territory, the withdrawal and export of animals of all kinds, including birds.
- Prohibit the harvesting in them and the export from their territory of products and raw materials of animal origin.
- Prohibit the export of crop products from their territory.
- For the entire duration of the quarantine, the entry to the quarantined territory and the exit of people from this territory by any mode of transport are restricted.

The first threatened zone is the territory directly adjacent to the epizootic focus of African swine fever to a depth of 5-20 km from its borders, taking into account economic, trade and other ties between settlements, farms and the epizootic focus. Among the activities carried out in it is the accounting of all pigs in farms of all categories; purchase from the population of all pigs and send them, as well as pigs of all other farms, enterprises and organizations of this zone, for slaughter to the nearest meat processing plants or slaughterhouses equipped for this purpose, determined by a special commission; prohibition of the sale of animals of all kinds, including poultry, as well as trade in meat and other livestock products in the markets; a ban on holding fairs, exhibitions, and other events related to the movement and accumulation of animals, a sharp restriction on the movement of vehicles and people.

The second threatened zone is the territory encircling the first threatened zone, up to 100-150 km deep from the epizootic focus. The following activities are carried out on this territory: re-registration of the entire pig population, strengthening veterinary supervision for the health of pigs in farms of all categories, prohibit fairs, exhibitions, and other events related to the movement and accumulation of animals, sharply restrict the movement of vehicles and people, prohibit the entry (import) of pigs into farms and settlements (yards).

Removal of quarantine and restrictions

Quarantine from a farm, point, district (region, territory, republic) that is unfavorable for African swine fever is removed 30 days after the destruction of all pigs in the epizootic focus and the slaughter of pigs in the first threatened zone, other activities and the presentation of the commission's conclusion on the completeness of all activities .

For a period of 6 months after the quarantine is lifted, the following restrictions are set:

It is forbidden to export pigs, products and raw materials obtained from their slaughter outside disadvantaged areas, regions, republics by transport of all types.

Citizens are prohibited from selling pigs in the markets of regions, regions (krais), republics that are unfavorable for ASF, and business entities are prohibited from purchasing them from the population.

Post offices of districts, regions, republics unfavorable for ASF are prohibited from receiving parcels from citizens with products and raw materials of animal origin.

The above restrictions for disadvantaged administrative territories apply equally to adjacent territories. administrative regions second threatened zone.

During the period of validity of the restrictions on the roads, when leaving the disadvantaged areas, regions, republics, control veterinary and police posts should function.

The acquisition of farms with pigs in the former epizootic focus and the first threatened zone is allowed one year after the quarantine is lifted.

Acquisition of livestock in large pig breeding complexes may be allowed 6 months after the removal of quarantine and the establishment of biological control with the permission of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation. The placement of animals of other species (including birds) in such premises is allowed after the quarantine is lifted.
. For violation of quarantine rules and other veterinary and sanitary rules for combating African swine fever, the perpetrators are held accountable in the manner prescribed by applicable law



African swine fever (lat. Pestis africana suum), African fever, East African plague, Montgomery's disease is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs, characterized by fever, cyanosis of the skin and extensive hemorrhages in the internal organs. Belongs to list A according to International classification contagious animal diseases. African swine fever is not dangerous to humans! Pork is safe to eat because the virus is killed when heat treatment at 70 degrees.

The causative agent of African swine fever is a DNA-containing virus of the Asfarviridae family, the genus Asfivirus; is preserved in products of pig origin that have not been subjected to heat treatment (salted and raw smoked food products, food waste used as feed for pigs). Several seroimmuno- and genotypes of the African swine fever virus have been established. It is found in the blood, lymph, internal organs, secrets and excretions of sick animals. The virus is resistant to drying and decay; at 60°C it is inactivated within 10 minutes.

The biggest danger of this disease is as follows:

There is no vaccine or cure.

All pigs that the virus enters die.

Remedial activities are as follows:

In an epizootic focus (this is a separate yard, part of a settlement, a farm where sick animals are found), all pigs are killed by a bloodless method and burned.

In the first threatened zone (within a radius of 5 km around the epizootic focus) - total slaughter of all pigs at a meat processing plant with the production of boiled sausages or canned food. It is prohibited to sell all types of livestock products on the markets and export them outside during the entire quarantine period (30 days from the date of slaughter of all pigs and the implementation of a complex of veterinary and sanitary measures), as well as in the next 6 months - pigs and pig products.

In the second threatened zone (within a radius of 100 km around the first threatened zone), it is prohibited to sell pig products in the markets, hold fairs, exhibitions.

Breeding of pigs in the epizootic focus and the first threatened zone is allowed only one year after the quarantine is lifted.

Owners of private farms in which there are pigs must follow a number of rules, the implementation of which will preserve the health of animals and avoid economic losses:

provide livestock of pigs for vaccinations carried out by the veterinary service (against classical swine fever, erysipelas);

every ten days to treat pigs and the room for their maintenance from blood-sucking insects (ticks, lice, fleas), constantly fight rodents;

do not import pigs without the consent of the State Veterinary Service;

do not use non-decontaminated feed of animal origin, especially slaughterhouse waste in the diets of pigs;

limit ties with disadvantaged territories;

immediately report all cases of disease in pigs to the state veterinary institutions in the service areas.

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