Year of the Dragon according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. Ambition and perfectionism: a detailed description of those born in the year of the Dragon

> Year of the Dragon

The man, who born in the year of the Dragon, boasts excellent health and a large supply of energy. Representatives of the sign are very capricious and have great willpower, but at the same time they are quite emotional and receptive. As a rule, such people are noble and intelligent. They are often called the soul of the company, because they are sociable and open to everything new. Most people of this sign are perfectionists, they always strive to live correctly and put forward quite high demands on themselves and others. The dragon has some negative qualities: he is able to quickly get irritated, succumb to feelings of resentment and anger. This sign is very stubborn, obstinate and suffers from excessive pride. In the heat of the moment, Dragon people can afford to stir up too much.

Dragons are incredible enthusiasts, true devotees of whatever they do. They prefer to see things through to the end, and after completion they feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. These people have the ability to convince, inspire and lead. They give good advice, which is always listened to by others. Their opinion is always important and valuable in any company. Dragons give themselves entirely to their chosen goal: no one will convince them and no one can interfere. Easy things, these people often shift to other people's shoulders, preferring to control their implementation. Any dissatisfaction or accusation against them, the Dragons diplomatically nullify, maintaining their impeccable reputation. Sometimes they behave with people arrogantly and unrestrainedly.

From childhood, representatives of the sign vehemently defend freedom and always choose independence. They are characterized by frequent disputes with their parents, often they leave the family early, expressing their dissatisfaction with the prevailing moral principles or upbringing.

Dragons have a variety of global goals, for the implementation of which they use their power and authority, cunning and ingenuity, relying on a well-developed intuition. Bureaucracy and conservatives, all those who are inherent in indecision and timidity, become enemies of the Dragons. Defending themselves from like-minded people, Dragons spend a lot of time and effort. At such moments, these people turn into cruel, merciless despots and, one by one, strike at the enemy. Quite often, completely innocent people fall under the distribution. This is their drama, because at such moments the Dragons are not subject to reason and justice - they rely only on intuition. If people - Dragons, not accustomed to defeat, do not immediately manage to defeat enemies, they feel weak and worthless. The same rule applies in love relationships: Dragons approach the object of their attention with full confidence to conquer it. If this does not work right away, such a relationship is doomed to failure.

Dragons have the ability to ignite in a matter of seconds and cool down just as quickly, so very often they are in a long search for their halves. Dragons are usually desirable and loved in marriage, although they rarely truly love a partner themselves. These people are often the objects of personal dramas and experiences, which cannot be said about the Dragons themselves: they almost never experience severe love suffering. There are many bachelors among the representatives of the sign. Few Dragons marry at a young age, and some of them remain single for life.

An extroverted dragon is always the favorite of the company. He will instantly conquer all those present (especially the female half) with his charisma and charm, as well as wit and sparkling humor. Dragons are wonderful psychologists, lovers to reflect on life and give valuable advice.

An introvert dragon is a closed person who prefers to trust their thoughts to paper. They often become writers, editors, researchers. These people are equally polite to others, but they choose friends exclusively intuitively.

Dragons face the greatest difficulties at the beginning of their life, defending their independence and their own worldview. Happiness usually comes to them in their declining years, when the Dragons have achieved everything and can safely reap the benefits. They are admired and taken by example.

Eastern astrologers consider the years of the Dragon to be very successful and powerful. The sign symbolizes the growth of prosperity, wealth and the rise of vitality.

Dragon Compatibility with Other Signs

Dragon and Rat

This is an ideal relationship, spiritual and spiritual idyll and mutual understanding. The rat is always useful and needed by the Dragon, for which the Dragon will be eternally grateful to her. It is also a strong friendship in which both partners respect and appreciate each other. Significant growth is expected in business relations if the Dragon is at the helm.

Dragon and Bull

Marriage is very superficial: endless stubbornness and power struggles destroy the union. The Bull is sometimes fascinated by the charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is often attracted by the thriftiness and practicality of the Bull. But this is not enough for a strong relationship. Friendship is absolutely impossible, as mutual understanding is completely absent. Business relationships can only be successful with the full leadership of the Dragon and the unquestioning obedience of the Ox.

Dragon and Tiger

Very promising relationship in marriage. These are two very strong personalities, in addition to this, the Tiger sees a reasonable and wise person in a partner. Friendship is also strong and indestructible. In business relations, this is a strong partner team, although the Dragon still takes the reins of government into its own hands.

Dragon and Rabbit

Subject to the continuous compliance of the Rabbit, the union promises to be lasting. The rabbit does not like the partner's overbearing disposition, but his optimism and kindness defuse the situation. Friendship usually does not work in such an alliance. Things often go well due to the tandem of the financial and commercial knowledge of the Rabbit and the entrepreneurial spirit of the Dragon.

dragon and dragon

This is a whole emotional storm, an explosive mixture of two outstanding minds. The union is characterized by emotional intimacy and a warm atmosphere. Real friendship is rare because of the constant competition. Joint business is not recommended because of the eternal pursuit of leadership and the inability to yield to each other.

Dragon and Snake

A wonderful marriage. The beauty and charm of the Snake fascinate the Dragon, even if the Snake has several admirers. Happiness in such a marriage is completely in the power of the cunning and wise Snake. Friendship can also be very strong - the signs harmoniously complement each other. Joint work will go well if the Snake, in addition to valuable advice and guidance, will work for the good of the common cause.

Dragon and Horse

The union has no prospects. Huge differences in the characters and worldview of the signs. Friendship will also lead to nothing - the Horse is very selfish and is used to only reaping the benefits. The dragon also loves to receive, but at the same time is able to invest. Business relationships can develop, but only short-term.

dragon and goat

A very fragile relationship. The goat hardly manages to bring happiness to the Dragon, although she herself can be absolutely happy under his wing. Friendship is strong. The goat is able to charm and charm the Dragon. Business relations will be promising if the Goat becomes the director and personal manager of the Dragon.

Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In the East, the Dragon is considered a symbol of joy and good luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence.

A magnificent animal gives a person wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity, which, however, does not at all mean a calm and easy, comfortable life. The dragon shimmers and shines, but cannot blind: often its benefits are only an illusion, however, like the strength of the personality. This bizarre beast both exists and does not exist at the same time. Born by the imagination of the people, serene and powerful, he will spew fire, gold and water, but he himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ashes, like a phoenix, a new Dragon will be reborn...

An unstoppable enthusiast, the Dragon is born under the sign of good luck. This is a bright and extraordinary personality. The representative of the sign has a lively character, he is proud, very self-confident and conceited, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy and slander. Many Dragons are endowed with high intelligence and succeed in almost all endeavors.

In communication, the Dragon is categorical and not very diplomatic, but very trusting (not to be confused with naivety!). Despite the manifestations of excessive demands on others, he has many friends, because he gives much more. This person is always in the spotlight, his views and judgments are highly valued, because he always has an original opinion on each specific catch.

The dragon is distinguished by good health, great vitality and incredible energy. He is ready to work day and night to get what he wants, although he is quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live for today, and nothing irritates him more than waiting.

The Dragon has diverse interests. He is fond of sports. He has a spirit of adventure and adventure. Given the availability of funds, he will not miss the opportunity to travel, preferring obscure places rather than beaten tourist routes.

In general, representatives of this sign are sensitive and demanding, full of activity and endurance. Dragons are born to win - that is why they do not have to need anything (such, for example, is the billionaire Paul Getty). Having certain inclinations of a leader, they achieve good results where they can embody their ideas, and are especially successful in those areas where contact with the media is necessary. However, will the Dragon choose the career of an artist (Gina Lollobrigida, Patrick Swayze), a singer (Tom Jones, John Lennon, Placido Domingo), a warrior (Joan of Arc), a priest, an athlete (Arvydas Sabonis, Pele), a doctor (Fyodor Uglov) or politics (Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Tito, Che Guevara) - everywhere he will shine.

There are the following varieties of the Dragon.

As you know, the eastern (or Chinese) horoscope contains 12 characters. This list includes the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Each sign corresponds to a constellation (in the "dragon" case, this is Aries). Each symbol has its own characteristic, which, by the way, often turns out to be extremely accurate - many character traits of people born in the same year really coincide, not to mention the fact that it largely influences the fate of a person.

The Chinese tell a beautiful legend, according to which, before descending to earth, Buddha called all the animals to him. However, only 12 of them came. As a reward for service, the Buddha gave everyone a year of reign, lining them up in the order in which the animals came.

People born in 1988 (the year of the Dragon, which we will consider below) belong to the sign of a mythical creature that usually appears in legends as a treasure keeper, so many Dragons are quite rich. It is a symbol of good luck and a secure supply of actual forces, so Dragon people are often bright and strong personalities. They conquer other signs with their charm and charm, which glisten like golden scales and attract attention. In this article, we will consider its characteristics in more detail, we will also find out what year 1988 is the year of the Dragon and what is its impact on the character of a person.

Dragon Man - what is he?

This personality is very fascinating - Dragons often find themselves in the spotlight due to their sense of humor, curiosity and irrepressible energy. These people know how to behave, speak correctly and are distinguished by pride and a sense of their own pluses. This is not to say that Dragons do not like attention - it flatters them and increases their self-esteem, which is already quite high.

Dragons are impulsive. Often such people do not have elementary tact - this leads to misunderstanding between them and those around them, and after all, Dragons are used to saying what they think, without thinking at all about the risk of offending the interlocutor. However, their advice should be heeded, since the recommendations they give are usually very useful - in fairy tales, these creatures are not in vain famous for their wisdom.

Dragons are capable. Whatever profession the representative of this sign chooses, he will have enough actual strength to realize himself in it. Dragons can give preference to a creative, political, medical, religious profession - and any of them will bring them success.

These people are reliable. Strength and reliability make them excellent friends who themselves notice the troubles of their comrades and try to help. Not superfluous is the power of Dragons in everyday life. Moreover, it seems inexhaustible, but behind the outer facade lies a kind and sensitive heart, not inclined to wage war and compete. The only desire of the Dragons is to become better, reaching great heights with every step. However, they are quite competitive, which is of course a huge plus for any career. Thanks to his intelligence and determination, the Dragon is able to bring even a serious company out of the crisis.

dragon and love

Given the charm of the Dragons, it is easy to guess that they do not suffer from a lack of fans (or fans). It is not difficult for them to achieve heights in the love field, but it is even more difficult to stay on them, because, dejected by the excessive dependence of their soul mates, they can go in search of others. Dragons need partners who will not limit their freedom and interfere with expressing their own peculiarity, but at the same time will not become their shadow. Each Dragon is looking for someone who will complement and balance his character. 1988 is the Year of the Dragon what?

This is the year of the Earth Dragon. And, of course, this symbol endowed those born this year with a couple of personal traits. What are Earth Dragons? The character of such people is very similar to Dragons - representatives of other elements. But, thanks to different elements, some differences are clearly noticeable.

Earth Dragon Character

I would like to see that this characteristic is only suitable for those who were born in 1988. What color was the Year of the Dragon? The dragon of 1988 is yellowish (the color of optimism, fun and sociability, not to mention the fact that it is the color of gold), so it is not surprising that working with finances is especially easy for these people thanks to the highest mind. Earth Dragons make excellent bankers, financiers, and sometimes talented organizers. Usually they are not deprived of financial support from the outside, in general, as well as moral.

The main character traits of Earth Dragons

Those born in 1988 are distinguished by pride, irrepressible enthusiasm, a huge supply of energy (they live for today and do not like waiting), also stubbornness and a little bit of vanity. Meanwhile, the Dragons are also intelligent and noble - they are always ready to help those who need it. Dragons can be called in a sense naive, because hypocrisy, pettiness and slander are alien to them. Dragons are unsophisticated, as they are accustomed to act and speak directly.

Earth Dragons are lucky with friends. Usually they, despite the apparent lack of diplomacy, do not suffer from a lack of comrades - they are constantly in the spotlight, they have something to say or advise on any issue, they always have their own original opinion. Dragons demand a lot from those around them, but in return they give even more.

The radiance of the Dragons, like gold, is noticeable far away, but it is, in fact, an illusion. In fact, people born this year are quite peaceful and vulnerable, although they seem inflexible, strong and strong.

Dragon Release 1988

1988 is the year of which dragon? The element of the sign also plays a role in the interpretation of character. The element of the Earth Dragon is the Earth (the gnomes are its guardians). Earth Dragons are open and sociable, they have enough stability, which Dragons of other elements lack. They are able to show patience and prudence in various areas of life and, thanks to these qualities, win.

Dragon and other symbols compatibility

We already know which Dragon is 1988. Character compatibility can play a significant role in partner relationships. Of all the eleven characters, the Monkey is the most perfect for the Dragon, as they perfectly complement each other: the first needs the cunning of the second, and she needs his strength and reliability. However, the union of the Dragon and the Monkey lacks depth. Relations with the Snake are considered another impeccable alliance - her wisdom will balance the unrestraint of the Dragon and make his life more peaceful. The representative of this sign will get along well with the Rat, giving her the confidence she lacks in the next day. No less successful will be an alliance with the Rooster. Relations with the Tiger will not bring peace to the Dragon, as their temperaments are very similar. But, above all, the horoscope recommends the Dragon to avoid the pessimistic Dog, who does not believe in his success.


In this article, we learned that 1988 is the year of which Dragon (the characterization of this sign, in truth, is very interesting, and it will certainly be interesting to read not only to Dragons), and what is its compatibility with other signs.

Year of the Dragon

Hieroglyph of the Dragon: Chen.

Dragon motto:"I reign."

Sign location: fifth.

Triad: the first (the triangle of the Creators).

Element (element) of the Dragon sign: Earth-Yang.

The nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: east-southeast.

Approximately corresponding to this period, the sign of the western zodiac: Aries.

Time of day ruled by the Dragon: 07.00-09.00.

Color: yellow.

Dragon Gem: amethyst.

Food Traditions: poultry meat, cereal dishes.

Years of the Dragon

  • February 16, 1904 - February 3, 1905, the year of the Wood Dragon.
  • February 3, 1916 - January 22, 1917, the year of the Fire Dragon.
  • February 23, 1928 - February 9, 1929, the year of the Earth Dragon.
  • February 8, 1940 - January 26, 1941, the year of the Metal Dragon.
  • January 27, 19521 - February 13, 1953, the year of the Water Dragon.
  • February 13, 1964 - February 1, 1965, the year of the Wood Dragon.
  • January 31, 1976 - February 17, 1977, the year of the Fire Dragon.
  • February 17, 1988 - February 5, 1989, the year of the Earth Dragon.
  • February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001, the year of the Metal Dragon.
  • February 23, 2012 - February 9, 2013, the year of the Water Dragon.
  • February 10, 2024 - January 28, 2025, the year of the Wood Dragon.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Energy, sipa, self-confidence, pride, nobility, directness, dignity, eccentricity, intelligence, passion, determination, innovation, generosity, loyalty, ambition, justice. They can be tactless, too domineering, arrogant, demanding, intolerant, tend to suppress and tyrannize others.

The dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese horoscope, the only mythical creature among animals corresponding to the signs of the 12-year cycle. This legendary creature is a symbol of good luck, freedom and power. Unlike western dragons, eastern dragons are kind, human-friendly creatures.

The dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac

The sign Dragon has the nature of Yang and correlates with the element Earth, in which both principles are most harmoniously balanced. The dragon corresponds to the east-northeast direction, which, in turn, is associated with the morning. This direction corresponds to the end of spring, the time when Yang begins to gain strength. The month of the Dragon is called the 3rd month of the Chinese calendar year (according to the Gregorian calendar, this is approximately April); The time of day is dedicated to the dragon from 07.00-09.00 - the so-called "fifth guard".

The Dragon sign in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to yellow (huang), or rather, golden yellow (jin-huang), which is correlated with power and authority. During the Qing Dynasty, only the emperor was allowed to wear yellow clothes. Golden yellow is also associated with the Yellow Imperial Dragon, the Yellow Emperor Huang Di (the first ruler who united most of China under his rule).

The Dragon enters the first Triangle of Spiritual Kinship - the Triangle of the Creators, the vertices of which are the first, fifth and ninth branches, i.e., respectively, the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. In this triad, the Dragon acts as a leader.

It may seem strange for such an active sign, but the Dragon manages to establish excellent relationships with almost all signs of the Chinese zodiac. The best, even ideal, union in love, marriage, friendship and business arises with the Rat, but just very good combinations with the Monkey, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep) and Pig. An alliance with a Dog is strongly discouraged.

Publication date: 08/16/2011

The dragon, according to the Chinese, who “awarded” one of the years of the 12-year cycle with his name, is a very strong and powerful creature. He can be a reliable patron and protector, but under a different set of circumstances, he will incinerate with a fire-breathing maw or beat him with a powerful tail before his opponent has time to group up or say anything in his own defense.

They are all different. But they are united by the Dragon

What does he say horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon? A person born in the year of the Dragon can bring positive or negative to the world, but in no case will he become a mediocre inhabitant of the planet lost in the crowd.

Dates of those born in the year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon is: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and the future 2012.

The Dragon will enter into force on January 23, 2012 and will hand over the reins of power to the Snake following it on February 9, 2013.

Traits of those born in the year of the Dragon

So, those born in the year of the Dragon are honest people, alien to hypocrisy, flattery and deceit. Thanks to this, they are noble, decent, even, with proper education, intelligent. However, they are characterized by incontinence, associated with an unwillingness to put up with injustice, mental uncleanliness (yes, and with physical, by the way, too). Therefore, the Dragon can involuntarily offend with a word when, under the influence of emotions, he says something without thinking.

Dragons are very independent. Moreover, in everything - in the company, in work, in hobbies. You can often hear the prefix "himself" from them. They like to engage in self-treatment, self-improvement ... but they also often “sin” with self-flagellation.

What the Dragons undertake is certainly brought to its logical conclusion. They are very demanding both to themselves and to those who, by the will of fate, had to be “in harness” with them. But the Dragon will never shift its own share of the duties due to them onto other people's shoulders. Although someone else's negligence and carelessness will not tolerate and tortures such a person with nit-picking and criticism. Yes, something, something, but you will not find patience and tolerance with the Dragon.

Spheres of Success Born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is an outstanding and strong leader. He is able to organize, it seems, anything and anyone. Business, politics, art, science, military affairs - all this may be in the area of ​​​​his competence. Such a person knows how to plan, keep in order both the thoughts in his head and the surrounding space.

However, life can make the Dragon go on a dubious path. Do not be surprised if you have to find out that some criminal "celebrity" is exactly the Dragon by the year of birth. In this "position" the Dragon is able to succeed no less than in any other. And the most interesting thing is that such "pranks" in most cases remain unpunished for him and get away with it.

In any case, the Dragon is not threatened by one thing - poverty.

Dragon and love. Horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon are usually popular with the opposite sex and have a lot of fans. Dragon Woman can be briefly described as a socialite.

Dragon Men not so urgently in need of universal worship. Some of them even prefer to remain bachelors, wishing that their freedom was not limited by anything. But, regardless of the gender of the Dragon, their life partners should always remember that these people need solitude from time to time.

Being in love, the Dragon surrenders to the feeling with all its inherent ardor, until the existing relationship at one moment seems to him a habit and routine. Dragons are not at all sentimental and bored relationships break ruthlessly. And they can immediately set off in search of new love and impressions, fortunately, they always have someone to choose from. The main mistake made by their partners, perhaps, should be considered attempts to fully control the Dragon and subordinate it to their influence.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rat, Monkey and Rooster are the most suitable companions for the Dragon. Each of these signs will complement and help the Dragon in different ways: the Rat - with devotion and the ability to plan a family budget, the Monkey - with patience for all the dragon's complexities of character, the Rooster - with the ability to be content with little and unpretentiously live in the shadow of the Dragon's glory.

But it is better not to connect your life with the Tiger and the Dragon Dog. The Tiger will hourly bring disharmony into the life of the Dragon with its own charisma, while the Dog has excessive realism and pessimism for him.

Dragon and Zodiac. Combination of horoscopes

Dragons born under different zodiac signs, of course, differ from each other to some extent. Stars enhance some qualities in them and weaken others.

Dragon-Aries should be called the Dragon in the square. The sign Aries is closest to the eastern Dragon in spirit. Thanks to this, such a person will not only go to his goal, but fly towards it as if on wings. However, the stubbornness and straightforwardness of Aries often serves him as a bad service: having stuffed a bunch of bruises and bumps on the way to success, he loses a considerable share of the joy from him. Therefore, it would be nice for the Dragon-Aries to acquire a reliable partner who could stop him in time and protect him from breaking through the walls with his forehead. Suitable activities for Aries-Dragon are trade and construction.

Taurus greatly softens the Dragon, making him more of an esthete and connoisseur of beauty, rather than a formidable ruler. As a rule, they are good family men. In addition, they are very scrupulous about their appearance, love accessories, etc. The best occupation for the Dragon-Taurus is something from the field of applied art - interior design, sculpture, painting, etc.

Duality Gemini leads to the fact that such a Dragon can in the most unexpected way move from extreme peacefulness and good nature to extreme anger. The Gemini Dragon loves showiness and tries to be so even to the detriment of himself and his loved ones.

Constellation Cancer makes the Dragon a wonderful builder of castles in the air. He really knows how his plan should look like, but he does not bother to think over the little things ... or rather, what seems to him to be little things. That's really, truly: "gasoline is yours, our ideas." If there is a smart and practical companion next to the Dragon-Cancer, then you can count on a really strong and beautiful castle.

dragon lion It's a constant suspense and doubt. “Am I good enough in this lighting?”, “Was I adequately solid and impressive in that situation?”. It would seem that it is worth finding a quiet place for yourself away from everyone, and all problems will disappear by themselves. But it was not there! This Dragon cannot do without spectators. Therefore, a good way out for him is radio, organization of celebrations, etc.

Realism and practicality Virgin combined with the imagination of the Dragon gives an interesting effect. Such a Dragon knows how to convince of anything, because his conclusions are logical and seem to be quite justified. It is only later that it may turn out that he was "skidded". So it would be good for the Dragon Maiden to find some area for himself where he could allow his fantasies to be turned into hard cash. For example, a stylist, cosmetologist or marketer selling something, well, not quite material (perfumes, or what?) - just right!

At Dragon Libra the eternal problem - spleen. He seems to be bored and fed up with everything. In the opposite field, he is disappointed, the work is seen as routine and promising nothing. If only there was something like that, with risk, adrenaline, new experiences! Such a Dragon is good at traveling, conquering peaks (literally), becoming a test pilot...

Dragon Scorpio make sure you bring something big. If business, then oil, if leadership, then the whole country. He will not run a chain of stalls with cigarettes and Pepsi-Cola. The Generalissimo would also have come out of it wow. Only the Almighty would lead away from big crime, because the dragon Scorpio also has no fear of this sphere of “activity”.

Sagittarius Dragon- probably the most calm and reasonable among all the signs that were born in the year of the Dragon. He values ​​friendship, has great decency. And does not particularly need to be the center of attention and fame. Such Sagittarians make excellent "gray" cardinals, but absolutely disinterested and devoted to the work they are doing.

Born in the Year of the Dragon Capricorn, like Sagittarius, do not need excessive pomp and veneration of the crowd. They would have more income, but stability ... But the "dragon" essence still takes its toll, so it is possible to recognize the Capricorn Dragons by what exactly they decided to do. They are inevitably drawn to something extraordinary, say, to breed crocodiles or sell voodoo masks.

Dragon Aquarius does not accept imperfection, and, moreover, in itself. Any failure that a representative of another sign would “step over” with a shrug of his shoulders will cause him a feeling of discomfort for weeks and will not let him forget about himself. Aquarius-Dragon will spend a lot of useful energy on this and can lose a lot in success.

Dragon Fish prudent, intelligent, has a sense of beauty. A science fiction writer, probably, he would have come out great. But the trouble is that the Dragon Fish has low self-esteem. He probably wouldn't even think about it. Now, if someone thought it up... As for the more "mundane" spheres of life, the best option for him is finance.

Famous Dragons

The dragon is an intellectual, charismatic personality, aesthete. Therefore, you will find famous Dragons in various areas of human activity. For example, writers born in the year of the Dragon are E. Poe, O. Wilde, Omar Khayyam, M. Sholokhov, C. Perro, L. Carroll, J. R. Tolkien, I. Brodsky, M. Gorky. Dragon Actors - M. Dietrich, Al Pacino.

Known to the world and philosophers who were born under this sign. Among them are F. Nietzsche, F. Engels, O. Spengler, J.-J. Rousseau, I. Kant. And, of course, there are many politicians among the Dragons: J. d'Arc, Nicholas II Romanov, Martin L. King, A. Lincoln, Che Guevara, V. Putin, F. Mitterrand, E. Shevardnadze.

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