What needs to be done to make a wish come true? What do you need to do in order to want something

Letter to the editor

Hello. I am from Mariupol. Recently, in a Russian group, I read advice on how we should fight the fascist junta.

Some weird people talk about guerrilla fighting methods, how to make self-igniting cocktails, etc. And I have a question: why do we need this?

I must say right away that I am for Russia, or rather, for my city to be part of Russia, like all the years since its appearance on the map. But the point is that our struggle does not make any sense in the conditions in which we are placed. I'll explain why.

Mariupol, like many other cities, voted for the DNR. Then NATO. Once we have already fought to become part of Russia, and we did it despite the repressions, terror and information blockade of the junta and its local henchmen. We have already been shot, and burned, and crushed by armored vehicles, and bombed with hail. What else needs to be done in order to become Russia again, if Russia itself is not going to take us away like Crimea? What to fight for?

To become the DPR? We are not against the DPR, but most people see no point in these republics, which Russia has not recognized. And the standard of living in the DPR has been brought to such a state that there are hardly many who want to live like, for example, Novoazovsk in the DPR. Everyone is working or in poverty. Many come to us in Mariupol to survive.

Fight to be burned in shopping malls? This is how the Kyiv fascists burn and kill us anyway. Fight to be lied to on TV? So they lie to us anyway, only in the Ukrainian language. Fight to get us in again betrayed and sold? So who will call us smart? Already scientists.

We can fight when Moscow officially tells us: “Mariupol is Russia. We will win". But Moscow says the opposite. During the Second World War, party workers handed out leaflets to partisans in the occupied territories with appeals to fight the Nazis and wait for liberation. And the weapons were handed over and the coordination of the partisans was carried out from the center. Who is from Putin's United Russia» wrote at least one word in support of local resistance?

And I will answer: no one!

And I will also say that today we need to fight not for Mariupol, but for Moscow. There you need to shake the entire top, put honest people and patriots in power, and send the bourgeois bastard to hell. And then it will become a signal to all of New Russia - to Kharkov, and Odessa, and Nikolaev, that the time has come. Then there will be something to fight for.

Igor A.*, Mariupol

* initials changed - approx. ed.

Dear and dear Igor. Your letter is very exciting. I would like to encourage and inspire you in every possible way, to say that everything is not as you wrote. But alas, so far. So far so, but I am absolutely sure that not forever. I am sure that there will also be a holiday on our street.

The fight always makes sense. Wrestling is not only on the street - you are right. This is a struggle in your soul and for the souls of people. This is a disagreement with untruth and manipulation, this is the courage to maintain a sober mind and a fervor of heart, to show the light to the erring, to help the disbelieving and demoralized near and far. Save faith, strength, your truth, our Truth.

We here in Russia know that not all of the so-called. Ukraine has gone crazy, as propaganda tells us. That it is not by the Kyiv kovtuns and trukhans, who do not climb out of talk shows on Russian TV, that one must judge people and their aspirations on the other side of the border. The real people in the occupation of Bandera - OUR people - are millions, deprived of their voice, abandoned and betrayed - from Mariupol to Lvov and Uzhgorod.

Big Russia and in uniform Russian Empire And How Soviet Union- not a random conglomeration of territories and people, but a single organism - a state-civilization. She's been cut to pieces. And we are confident in the editorial policy of our portals and defend the idea that it is unacceptable to divide Russians into varieties, into “correct” and “wrong”. It is unacceptable to declare our historical lands "cut off chunks of the Russian world" and renounce them. And we also know that Russia. Not only will it not be able to flourish, but even survive.

Write us. Don't be discouraged. You are not alone. As the Red Army soldier Sukhov said to the proposal "to die immediately or suffer" - we will still suffer, we will fight, and then we will win!

Ivan Berezina, portal, "Russia forever"

It is difficult to disagree with the conclusions of the author of the letter. Of course, life under occupation is terrible. But the struggle, the risk, the feat - all this makes sense when there is support from Russia. However, the Kremlin assessors do not support either the Donbass or the whole of Novorossia, and they cannot cope with it alone. On the contrary, the government of the Russian Federation, having promised help and protection to the Novorossians through the mouth of its President, abruptly changed course, first inspiring, and then in the meanest way betraying the people who rebelled against Nazism.

It turns out that everything initially went according to a treacherous plan. When, during the Maidan, Yanukovych called the Kremlin, he received a recommendation from Putin not to disperse the Maidan and withdraw Berkut. That is, already then Putin supported his Western accomplices and the Bandera junta. And Yanukovych, instead of ignoring treacherous advice and acting on his own, chickened out.

There is nothing surprising. Donbass and Novorossia are a powerful industrial region. There is a communist spirit hidden in it, and this spirit is terribly afraid, first of all, of the modern anti-people Kremlin. The Banderonazi, capitalist, anti-human government of Poroshenko is much closer and more understandable to the Kremlin assessors than the labor anti-Nazi Novorossiya.

Yes, we must begin with the reorganization of Russia: its government, its society. There is such a program. And there are people capable of this transformation. The renewal of Russia will indeed become a signal for the rise of all Russian people, abandoned by the Kremlin to be devoured by the Nazis in many newly minted countries located in the territories that seceded from the USSR, a signal for the reunification of the Russian and the entire Soviet people.

Alyona Novorosskaya (Donetsk), editorial staff of the People's Journalist portal

Dear brother!

When CrimeaNash suddenly happened, we, the citizens of Russia, started up. We thought, well, it's finally started! The uprising of the Russian spirit has begun and the abomination of the rotting body of our Motherland will be etched out. With hope, they accepted the uprising of Donbass. Numerous videos on the Internet were watched for hours and rejoiced at the birth of Novorossia.

The caring sons of our people went to Donbass from all over our former vast Motherland. But the forces of evil turned out to be more insidious than we thought. The heart went cold when Putin recognized Poroshenko. This was the moment of the murder of Novorossiya. Bad forebodings settled in the soul immediately.

When the bombing of peaceful cities began, I experienced shock and horror. After the liquidation of the field commanders, the leaders of the Russian world, it became clear right away - this is a sentence for all of us.

Russian society was divided, one part began to believe in Putin's cunning plan and continues to be deceived to this day. The other part very keenly felt the hostility of the existing system.

The people of Russia could not come together to defend Novorossiya at the crucial moment. Such a category of people as “watchers” and “waiters” appeared. Still unawakened, the Russian people of Russia did not understand that even a drop of blood, called not ours, would return to Russia as rivers of blood. Now we see that the flames of Odessa have reached Kemerovo. In Odessa, it was pointedly said - you can burn Russians! And they began to burn Russians already in Russia. They burned down a whole block in Rostov, burned children in Kemerovo.

Sincerely, Irina(Ulyanovsk), editorial office of the portal "People's Journalist"

Hello dear countryman!

Until recently, none of us could even imagine that Donetsk and Mariupol would be separated by a border, but it happened. And it happened through no fault of ours.

Together we rose to fight against Ukrainian neo-Nazism, we voted together in the May 11, 2014 referendum on independence, we were unanimous and convinced of our right to freedom, to native language, in memory of our ancestors who fell in the Great Patriotic war. But the bloody line of demarcation suddenly cut our land to the quick.

And this line was imposed on us by the partnering oligarchs of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, for whom both our land, and our shrines, and our life and death have become the subject of bargaining and vile profit. Our conscience is clear, we have done everything in our power, and I am sure that the desecration of the Russian Donbass will not be in vain for those high-ranking merchants, hypocrites and cannibals who are partnering to build a business on our blood and the blood of our children.

But I believe that it will be replaced new Russia- a great and just Power will be reborn, which will truly become a mother for us, and not a stepmother. I believe that people will one day come to their senses and call to account the presumptuous and snickering "servants of the people" who are pushing the country into the abyss.

We, and all Russian people, still have a decisive "battle for Moscow", but our cause is just and we will win.

Sincerely, Lyubov Donetskskaya, the editors of the portal "People's Journalist".


What does it lead to constant desire get rich and what is the role of deprivation in a person's life? Such socio-philosophical questions are put before the reader by the famous religious thinker, writer and publicist Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin.

According to the author, the art of life lies in the ability to easily endure the cares and hardships of life. Difficulties have always accompanied human life. Each of us has ever experienced deprivation or faced a choice: necessary or desirable. In such situations, everyone acts differently: someone is content with what they have, relying on better times, and someone cannot come to terms with such a situation and strives to get what is missing with all his might.

Ivan Alexandrovich thinks about this that a person should not pay all his attention to trifles. The author writes: “In life there must be some higher, all-determining value…”, thus showing that the role of things fades before the significance of the strength of the spiritual vein in the existence of people. Ilyin also claims that one who constantly thinks about what is missing will always be "hungry, envious and charged with hatred."

As an example, I would like to cite a recent incident that happened to an elderly resident of Smolensk and her son. Last years Throughout her life, this woman was actively involved in charitable work. This was mainly manifested in the help of the local church and the theological seminary adjacent to it. Before her death, the elderly lady bequeathed her entire fortune to the name of the city parish. Her own son did not at all oppose the mother's wishes, arguing that he already has everything he needs, but he does not need it beyond measure.

Reasoning on the topic of human greed and what it leads to is vividly presented in the ancient Greek myth of King Midas. The greedy and insatiable ruler wished that everything he touched turned into gold. The gods fulfilled his request, but this did not bring happiness to the king. The gift of Midas became his curse: food, drink, servants and even his family - Midas turned everyone into gold. Unfortunately, in our time there is also such a curse, when, due to an insane thirst for enrichment, people betray their loved ones, exchanging them for “gold”.

Summing up, I would like to turn to the saying of I.A. Ilyina: "Deprivations can bring a person true wealth, which he would not otherwise comprehend." These words contain the answer to the question of the role of deprivation in human life.

Each new day brings us new needs and desires. As a result, desires become so numerous that they lose their value and meaning. To get the result, from each area of ​​your life, highlight the one most important desire for you. Remember that the desire must be born from your soul, and not dictated by the people around you.

Desire needs the right wording

Many dreams remain in the category of unfulfilled desires due to incorrect wording. Begin each of your desires with the words "I want ...". I am a very powerful word that starts the processes of the Universe, accumulates the flow of energy and correct use becomes a powerful tool. But one "I" is not enough. Pay attention to the words that follow. “I should ...”, “I would like to ...” and any phrase with a particle “would” indicates your helplessness and uncertainty. All this information is sent to the Universe, as a result you are helpless and uncertain in your life goals. If you can’t formulate a desire correctly, and when you pronounce it, you feel an internal rejection, think about it, maybe this desire was inspired by others around you and is not truly yours.

No "no" and "not"

Our consciousness is not familiar with negative formulations, so the desire will be fulfilled without a “not” particle. What do we get as a result? The most hidden fears will come true, and the dream will remain waiting for its turn.

About time, timing and place

Dreams don't have to be abstract. Each desire must have a clear time and territorial framework for implementation. If you want to buy your apartment, the thought "I want an apartment" will not be enough. Determine where it will be located, how many rooms to have, by what time you want to purchase it, you can even choose the color of the wallpaper in the hallway.

For a wish to become a reality, significant changes will be required. This will affect your environment, lifestyle, place of work. If you want higher wages, then it is likely that you will lose your current job, but do not rush to despair, the Universe is leading you to great achievements, and an interesting and good position awaits you just around the corner.

"Manuscripts don't burn"

Whatever you want, write it down on a piece of paper. If your imagination and skills allow you, draw what you want or illustrate with your favorite pictures from magazines.

Say your desire every day for 5-7 minutes, at this time try to imagine how you are already the happy owner of what you want so much. Here you drink fragrant tea in your own kitchen, arrange gatherings with friends, go on vacation to distant islands or get behind the wheel of a brand new car.

And about the main thing...

Remember that your desire requires action. Break the goal into several sub-items, each of which will have a time frame and specific solutions. The universe always helps the persistent, in your life you will meet necessary people, paths will open, but only if you yourself act.

07/11/2016 at 09:15

In the article you will learn:

What needs to be done to make a wish come true

Hi all!

Imagine that before you were born, you were shown your life. The way you make mistakes, the way you love what you shouldn't love, gain weight and lose patience, suffer and are afraid to lose things, people, health... Would you believe it? “Yes, this cannot be!” you would say.

  • But that's how our life works! We live under the burden of experience, the way we were taught and do not even suspect that what we want can come into our lives the most magically , without hard and difficult ways!

Today I will tell you what you need to do to make your wish come true easily and happily (and as quickly as possible)! But first, do not be lazy and read about how to make a wish list correctly. Still, we talk about dreams with you, and this is important!


I will share techniques where you do not need to strain your brains and all your strength for a long and painful time, making your way through difficulties and obstacles to the goal. On the contrary, you need to be in a state of lazy relaxation, with a smile, with humor, as if effortlessly creating as you wish.

This world is called Simoron" is a system of techniques where you yourself create a world of miracles around you. And these are not unfounded statements! More imagination, fantasy, childish faith in miracles and you will plunge into this real life like I once did! From the outside, simoroners may seem eccentric. But in fact, being a Simoronian is lots of positivity and humor!

So, what needs to be done to make the wish come true:

  • Formulate it and write it down. The question may arise: why? I already know what I want.” Er, no. When the target is spoken and fixed, you bring it to life in this way, make you part of the real world, and do not leave a gray background in your head that you chew every day. And in general, what questions, this is the world of magic!

    How to phrase: affirmative, with time stamp.
    “I want a palace in a day” - it is clear that the Universe will only laugh, but it will fulfill its plan, you will continue to want a palace. But " I got an apartment in a residential area of ​​my city within a year"- this is a concrete real wish that will come true.
    Also do not use the NOT particle. Instead of " I won't bad mom- "I will be a wonderful mother to my children." Agree, a completely different turn? The more emotion, the better! To find out the rest rules for formulating desires, read this .

  • The next step what you need to do to fulfill your desire - visualize(I highly recommend reading about how to invest energy in visualization). Complete the resulting wording with a suitable picture. Cut out from a magazine or print from the Internet, but the picture should convey good emotions and demonstrate that everyone will only get better from doing what was planned!
  • In fun and exciting ways magic and work wonders!

Simoron rituals

Simoronians have a lot of rituals, since everyone can create them, the main thing is a spark of enthusiasm. I offer a few of the most popular:

Most importantly, do it in a hovering state! When you are free from negative thoughts, emotions, you have a wonderful mood that you want to sing and laugh, bring only good to everyone! If you want, for example, to take someone else's husband away, then, of course, the Universe will not approve of such intentions, especially since she has already reserved for you a meeting with the perfect man


I offer another cool way to make your plan come true - this is create a collage! I combine this technique with the wheel of life balance.

I have created these collages in my entire life great amount ! And to health, and to meet a guy, and to travel! When I write an article on the detailed creation of collages, I will definitely post pictures of my collages from many years ago :) Here's an example, I was 15 years old when I made it: D I wonder if you can find two of my pictures?

Step by step:

So, if you feel inspired and ready to create new reality, then let's get started:

Show the finished collage to friends and family (only to those who approve. If you think that they will have a dubious reaction, then do not show it), but do not brag, but share your pleasant emotions. With their love for you, they will contribute to the speedy implementation of your goals.

And finally...

Now imagine a huge space carousel. At that moment I was looking at the sky. And direct the flow of your desire to this carousel, watching how the carousel begins to spin and gain momentum with incredible scale power. Forward! Now the most cherished wish will really come true!

Tell us, did you make collages of desires? You like it?
Share your results with me and with your friends.
Subscribe to news. I have prepared many more interesting things for you!

P.S. And finally I give you a huge goldfish to fulfill your desires. Use it wisely!

Dream and implement. With love to you, June.

Do you want to learn how to create a working team in the workplace with a 100% guarantee of its effectiveness? The method of Galina Sartan is the most effective in this area. And all because it is based on the basic distribution of the effectiveness of the group and the effectiveness of the leader. The redistribution of this efficiency provides amazing opportunities. It would seem such a simple approach, but everything ingenious is actually simple! Read detailed description this approach in the article.

Let's start with an example of a very recent conversation with a customer. At the first meeting, we were told that we would like to make a team of our employees. The activities carried out by other providers to unite and create a team spirit did not give the results that were expected.

What results do you expect from the team? What is she for? - we began to find out.

The customers replied that the whole company works according to the design principle. Experts from different areas gather to develop and implement the project. They are required to work harmoniously for the result, creative solutions and compliance with the project criteria adopted by the company. In every project, of course, there is a leader.

Customers told us that at the team-buildings, the employees who were selected for the project got to know each other, began to communicate, and it seemed that they were now a team. But when they started working on the project, the euphoria quickly passed, conflicts and misunderstandings began to arise, what was required of them. As a result, the project manager moved to directive management, stopped working with the team and began to give individual tasks to each employee. Now the project is slowing down, they are significantly behind the schedule, the manager “drags everything on himself”, there is no creativity.

"What did we do wrong?" - the customers asked us.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of team formation through the redistribution of team effectiveness.

Take a look at the Team Efficiency Dynamics chart. It shows the seven stages a group goes through when creating a team. At each stage, the ratio of the effectiveness of the leader of the group or team is indicated.

Chart "Dynamics of team efficiency" ©, 2016 All rights reserved

Let us explain in more detail what this ratio means. It is known that in any group or team there is a leader. Sometimes he is called a leader, although in this case leader is a more correct name, as it combines the qualities of a manager and a leader. During the interaction of the group and the leader, their effectiveness is redistributed. If the effectiveness of the leader in relation to the group is high, for example, 90%, then the leader actually “drags on himself” all the work of the employees of such a group. We remove such a leader, and the effectiveness of the group is reduced to only 10%.

Consider the redistribution of group efficiency on the example of the work of the head of the sales department. If he constantly thinks about how to fulfill the plan, calls his employees for reports, checks their work with clients to the smallest detail, controls the process at every stage, then his efficiency is quite high in relation to his group of employees. In this case, the group is left with a small percentage of efficiency in the form of fulfillment of what the leader decided. Employees will be rather passive performers. The effectiveness of this group will not be high - from 10% of group efficiency with 90% of the leader's efficiency. And it can reach a maximum of 40% in relation to 60% of the effectiveness of such a leader. We see this in the graph at the "Work" stage.

Or another example of already teamwork, which is called “Teamwork” in the graphics. At this stage, the effectiveness of the leader and the team begins to be redistributed in favor of group efficiency and can reach a ratio of 80% of group efficiency to 20% of the leader's efficiency. This means that the leader contributes his share of the necessary efficiency to the work of the team, and the team begins to increase the share of its effectiveness in the form of active participation in the implementation of the tasks set. The higher the effectiveness of the team in this ratio, the greater its potential and the more time the leader can devote to other tasks, for example, strategic ones.

Pay attention, when the leader's efficiency prevails in percentage terms, we say the word "group". When the effectiveness of the group prevails, we already call it a “team”. it important point. That's why The redistribution of efficiency can be viewed as a diagnosis - you have a team or a working group. The first four stages are the working group. The next three steps are the command.

It should also be noted that initially you can assemble a group for a team task from specialists who do not even know each other. The main thing is that their professional skills and abilities are suitable for achieving the task. And as they go through the seven stages of team effectiveness, they will develop the skills of successful communication, the development of creative solutions and conscious performance discipline. The leader of this team will also develop additional skills in participatory leadership and team management.

This is confirmed by our practice of building teams at the workplace in customer companies. Let's take an example. In one of the departments of a large company, the director changed several times. The heads of the subdivisions of this department took a wait-and-see attitude towards each new director and all his innovations. As a result, the leadership of the department at the time of the arrival of the next new director was a set of passive, “wiser” employees who successfully “survived” the third director over the past four years. They reacted traditionally to the new director - "let's see how long it lasts." All managerial steps of the director, related to the reorganization of the work of the department, were taken passively and more like a "sitting strike". No one openly objected, but no one did anything. All plans remained only in words. It was at this moment that we were invited to conduct a team building training. Initially, the request was: “Conduct training and create a “team spirit” among the heads of the department.” This is a common request in the market, and if you follow it, little will change and teams for work tasks will not be formed. We transferred the request to the working plane - the solution of the reorganization tasks set for the department in the format of three business sessions. During such business sessions, managers unite under work tasks, develop them best solutions. They also receive information about teamwork technologies: what are the group effects; how to manage groups rather than individuals; how to diagnose and manage the type of group conflict; how to conduct team sessions and highlight team tasks; how to effectively conduct team discussions and make team decisions.

During three one-day business sessions, with breaks for working out decisions taken management team has evolved into effective team ready to get on with the job. The team under our leadership went through five stages of group dynamics and reached the level of efficiency distribution: 60% team efficiency and 40% leader efficiency. Further development the team was already independent, as its members learned to self-organize their activities, began to recognize their inefficiency and reached the necessary distribution of efficiency. According to the results of three business sessions, the director of the department expanded his skills and acquired the qualities of an engaging leader. He began to decide less "for others" and more trust in the work of his team, which significantly increased its efficiency.

It should be especially noted that not all tasks should be solved by command technologies. A team is needed to solve team problems. Other non-team tasks are solved by employees in the usual mode of work.

A month after the last business session, the director of the department noted that the efficiency ratio had reached 70% x 30%. The team independently developed methods for increasing its effectiveness and increased control over the implementation of decisions made at team sessions, which reduced the time for their implementation. The sessions themselves began to take place more concisely in time - no more than 30 minutes.

So, thanks to the passage of the necessary stages by the group, it has achieved efficiency that leaders can only dream of. How does this happen? Gradually, using a certain set of technologies. Each of the seven stages is mandatory and cannot be jumped over, bypassed or changed. This has been proven by our many years of practice and simulation of working teams in European companies 1 . At each of the seven stages, there is a gradual redistribution of the effectiveness of the leader and his group, which develops into a team.

At the stage "An association" 90% of group efficiency is taken by the leader and only 10% is given to the group. And this is understandable: when employees are selected and united for a specific team task, the main burden falls on the leader. This stage is always present when people are united in groups, even if they do not have team tasks. At this stage, it is very important to create a clear understanding of the functionality among employees, who is responsible for what, what is the motivation and what is the result of their work. To summarize, we can say that this is the stage of the predominance of management, which is built by the leader of the group. And as he implements the basic principles of management, group efficiency is redistributed.

When the leader transfers part of the work to employees, the group moves to the stage "Work". At this stage, employees know what and how they need to do, what will be the result, what remuneration they will receive. As a rule, at this stage, group members work individually, and the leader also individually accepts reports and distributes tasks. The feeling of a group is only manifested during corporate events or in good relationships between employees. Sometimes a group at this stage is called a team, which is fundamentally wrong and causes unjustified expectations from its work. Let's explain why. Members of the group are not yet able to independently formulate the best performance of the assigned team tasks, regulate their activities and bear group responsibility for the result. Most working groups in companies are in the second stage. And better efficiency in such groups does not exceed the following distribution: 40% of the effectiveness of a group of employees to 60% of the effectiveness of the manager. This is due to the fact that the leader is dominated by his own decisions, which fall on employees.

per stage "Agreement" the group passes only on the condition that it has been assigned command tasks. Part of the freedom in the field of independent formation of the best execution of the assigned team task is transferred to employees. Since most groups generally do not progress beyond the second stage, it is difficult for leaders to recognize the need for the next stage. Moreover, at the “coordination” stage, the effectiveness of the group decreases. Employees begin to actively interact with each other, in a new and already independently distributed roles within the group - there is an internal struggle for power, ambitions are manifested. All this happens against the backdrop of solving a group problem. At this moment, the role of the leader becomes especially valuable, who must know what is happening in the group and what actions can move it further or throw it back.

The “Agreement” stage is critical and difficult for the manager, as it is necessary to endure the decrease in the efficiency of employees, the constant clarification of relations and disagreements regarding the tasks set. Often, managers prefer to return to the “Work” stage and stop the so-called “showdown” with the usual actions. And this easily happens as soon as the leader “takes power into his own hands” and begins to tell employees what to do.

If the leader has the necessary knowledge and patience, then after a while the group will begin to move to the fourth stage. "Redistribution". Intra-group rules will appear, the group will gain very valuable experience in recognizing and regulating its ineffective behavior. Decision-making will take place within the group, and not directly from the leader.

The main feature of the team is the presence in the group of self-regulation of their behavior. Business literature often writes about this, but does not say how such self-regulation is achieved. Pay attention to this important point! The group can regulate its own behavior only when it begins to recognize its ineffective behavior. Therefore, the third stage "Agreement" is the key to the transition to teamwork. And reaching the fourth stage "Redistribution" enables the group to start interacting in a different way. Employees and the manager get the experience of high-quality collaboration on a different level. Efficiency percentages are gradually redistributed. As soon as the working group begins to jointly achieve team goals in a better way, it moves into the fifth stage. "Command Setting".

At the “Team Setup” stage, employees consciously approach the implementation of team tasks. They already know when to bring in the manager's resources or bring in other employees to additional features. At this stage, they are much more effective, but constant adjustment of their joint activities is required to reduce the time for discussions and execution. The entire fifth stage is such a setting. For example, employees can already discuss the best solutions to a given team task without conflict. But these discussions are dragging on. Noticing this, they seek more effective methods discussions to save time. Allocate from the group of the moderator who is recording. Not all team members are involved in the discussion of individual issues, but small subgroups involved in this, and then the results are reported to the whole team. Make plans for discussions and prepare for them in advance, introduce visual techniques to demonstrate their work.

Gradually the team moves to the sixth stage "Teamwork" when the developed rules make it possible to quickly and efficiently find better ways solutions to team problems. At the sixth stage, the percentage of the leader's participation in team work decreases exactly as much as the team has the necessary resources to achieve the team task. Our work experience shows that such a redistribution can reach 80% of the effectiveness of the team to 20% of the effectiveness of the leader.

seventh stage "Decay" occurs when the team achieves the tasks assigned to it. In this case, its existence ends. The stage of "Disintegration" can be complete - employees disperse to their divisions. May be partial - the core of the team, together with the leader, remains, but is supplemented by new employees with the skills and abilities necessary to perform new team tasks. In this case, the group goes through all stages of team development much faster, since some of the employees and the leader (team core) already have the necessary experience. They know what will happen and how, and better involve new employees in team interaction.

Thus, we get a coherent system of group efficiency redistribution with a clear transition plan working group to team interaction.

Prerequisites for building working teams:

  1. The basis of the formation and management of teams is the redistribution of efficiency between the leader and the group. This can also be a diagnostic in determining the effectiveness of any unit in the company.
  2. The leader in the process of passing through the stages of team effectiveness develops the qualities of team leadership, which include the skills of involving staff in joint activities. Without going through group dynamics, the skills and qualities of team leadership will not be viable, as there will be no conditions for their application.
  3. Employees should be combined into teams only when it is necessary to perform team tasks within the framework of the goals. Making teams for the sake of teams is inefficient for business.
  4. To achieve team effectiveness, it is necessary to pass the third stage “Coordination”, during which employees learn to recognize their ineffective activities in a group. Without recognition of inefficient activities, the transition to self-management in a team is impossible.
  5. The selection of employees in the team is carried out according to the necessary skills and abilities, functionality. "Team spirit" and team relationships arise from the stage of "Team attunement". Distracted from work tasks, team building activities lead to improved communication, but the group remains at the “Work” stage.

1 John Katzenbach, Douglas Smith “Team Approach. Creation of a highly effective organization”, 2013

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