Strange disappearances of people. Where do people disappear to in Russia? What is outside the universe

Where do missing people go? The NKVD officers detained a suspicious foreigner. His passport was in order, but he claimed to have come from a non-existent country. Days of interrogation yielded no results. Then the foreigner was taken to a psychiatric examination. But along the way, he seemed to evaporate.

The mysterious disappearance of people is a generally accepted fact. Every year more and more people disappear without a trace. Some people disappear forever, and no one knows their fate. Who steals them and why? Disappearance of people has been happening since biblical times.

Statistics are kept of those who disappeared without a trace, and they are as follows: 2 million people disappear without a trace on the planet every year.

Disappearance statistics by country

England loses five thousand of its citizens a year, France seven thousand, Italy eight and a half thousand people, but in Germany as much as nine thousand evaporate. And Russia beats all records, losing 35,000 law-abiding citizens during the year. And how many villages have disappeared in Russia, no one fixes such a number.

There are a lot of missing cases. Here is one of them: on December 1, 1949, 14 people witnessed the disappearance in the passenger compartment of the bus. The bus left Albania for Bennington, all passengers saw soldier James Thetford get on the bus and take his seat. On the way, the bus did not stop anywhere, and when he arrived in Bennington, James was no longer there, but his things remained in place. What happened and where he went remains a secret.

There are millions of similar stories, a wife leaves her husband, the mother of her children. Absurd isn't it? But there is an assumption about wandering parallel spaces. Yes, there are parallel worlds on earth that take our citizens. Like black holes, only on earth. But this is just one of the assumptions.

There are also suggestions that people are abducted by aliens. And people work wherever in Antarctica in the mines extracting uranium or gold. There are thousands of such assumptions. But while no one can be sure that he will not evaporate tomorrow.

Unexplained disappearances

In Novosibirsk, under very strange circumstances, four people who did not know each other disappeared at once in a short time. At the same time, all four disappearances are united by the celebration of the New Year - someone disappeared, returning from a corporate party, someone after a party or a school matinee.

The first missing was 25-year-old Dmitry Petrov. He left the Pivnaya Arena bar near the Studencheskaya metro station and disappeared. His friend said that before the disappearance, the young man did not have any conflicts.

Just two days later, 27-year-old Andrei Sokolov, who was returning home after a corporate party, disappeared under almost similar circumstances. His friend said that Andrei reached his house on Fabrichnaya Street, but did not enter the entrance. The next day, the young man's phone was already switched off.

On the morning of December 28, 16-year-old Artur Harutyunyan went missing. He successfully passed the exam at the college at SibGUTI and went to the New Year's concert at the 98th school, where he had previously studied. The guy was last seen at the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station.

The fourth mysterious disappearance occurred after the New Year. 26-year-old Andrei Veliky called on January 3 and said that he was resting with friends. On the night of January 4, he left without explaining the reasons. In the afternoon, the young man left a message on his VKontakte page in which he wrote that he had forgotten his phone with friends. Andrey has not been seen since.

It is possible that all four disappearances are related. This opinion is shared by the mother of Artur Harutyunyan, who stated that her son could not disappear without warning his parents.

Mysterious stories are not uncommon on the railways. One of these, which made a lot of noise in its time, will take us to Italy at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the summer, July 14, 1911, from the railway station in Rome, I went on a "cruise", a pleasure train belonging to the Sanetti company. The passengers of the train were well-known Italians among the rich.

Surely, they casually looked at the sights, discussed their affairs with fellow travelers, made deals, communicated with families when the train approached the kilometer-long (extra-long, by the standards of that time) tunnel. But everything mysteriously ended when the composition disappeared into it. Because the other side never showed up...

The astonished railroad workers, having discovered the mysterious disappearance, began a thorough examination of the tunnel. But, to the surprise of all Rome, the train was never found. No signs of a crash, no remains, parts of the train, nothing. All 106 people disappeared into nowhere. Almost all.

Shortly after the mass detour of the tracks, two passengers of the ill-fated train were found. To say they were in shock is an understatement. It took time for them to come to their senses. And later, each of them said the same thing:

“Suddenly, everything around was enveloped in a milky-white fog. The closer we got to the tunnel, the thicker the fog became and soon turned into a real viscous liquid. We were in the vestibule when a terrible panic attack seized us, and we jumped out on the go.

For a long time, the poor fellows suffered from mental disorders, sleep disorders and psychological deviations, which were caused by severe stress. But over time, they bounced back. But the train never showed up.

The Italian railway services have decided to close the tunnel to traffic. The entrances to it were filled with stones. And during the Second World War, the arches of the tunnel were hit by an aerial bomb, burying the mystery forever.


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Thousands of people go missing every year, and the cases of these disappearances become truly discouraging, when investigators have virtually nothing to work with - situations in which no one has seen anything, and there are no reasonable explanations. It's almost the same as if these people literally vanished into thin air.

1 Maura Murray

On February 9, 2004, 21-year-old University of Massachusetts student Maura Murray emailed her teachers and employers that she was forced to leave due to the death of a (fictitious) member of her family. She had an accident that evening, crashing her car into a tree near Woodsville, New Hampshire. By a strange coincidence, a couple of days earlier, Maura also had an accident and crashed another car.

The driver of a passing bus approached and asked Maura if the police should be called. The girl said no, but the driver still made the call as soon as he got to the nearest phone. When the police arrived ten minutes later, Maura was gone.
No signs of a struggle were found at the scene, so Maura may have asked someone to give her a ride. The next day, Maura's fiancé from Oklahoma received a voice message, presumably from her, but heard only sobs on the other end of the line. Although Maura acted a little strange in the last days before her disappearance, her family does not believe that she disappeared of her own free will.

Nine years have passed, but it has not been possible to find out what happened to the girl.

2. Brandon Swenson

On the evening of May 14, 2008, as 19-year-old Brandon Swenson was driving back to his hometown of Marshall, Minnesota on a rural gravel road, his car went into a ditch. Brandon called his parents and asked them to come pick him up. They immediately went in search of the vyn, but could not find him. His father called him back, Brandon picked up the phone and said that he was trying to get to the nearest town of Lead. And in the middle of the conversation, Brandon suddenly cursed, and the connection abruptly ended.

Brandon's father tried to call back several more times, but received no answer and could not find his son. Later, the police found Brandon's car, but could not find either the guy himself or his cell phone. According to one version, he could accidentally drown in a nearby river, but no traces of the body were found in it. No one knows what prompted Brandon to swear during the ringing, but it was the last thing they heard from him.

3. Louis Le Prince

Louis Le Prince is a famous French inventor who was the first to capture moving images on film. Oddly enough, the "father of cinema" is also remembered as the subject of one of the strangest disappearances in history. On September 16, 1890, Le Prince was visiting his brother in Dijon and then went by train to Paris. When the train arrived at its destination, it turned out that Le Prince had disappeared.

Le Prince was last seen entering his carriage after checking his luggage. There were no signs of violence or anything suspicious during the trip, no one could remember seeing Le Prince outside his carriage. The windows were tightly closed, so it would have been rather difficult to jump off the train, but suicide seemed unlikely at all, since Le Prince was going to go to America to get a patent for his new invention.

As a result of this disappearance, the patent for the kinetoscope (an apparatus for showing successive photographs of movement) went to Thomas Edison. As for Le Prince, his fate is still a mystery.

At 4:00 am on December 10, 1999, an 18-year-old UCLA freshman named Michael Negrete turned off his computer, playing video games with friends all night long. At nine in the morning, his roommate woke up and noticed that Michael had left, but left all his belongings, including keys and wallet. He was never seen again.

The most curious thing about Michael's disappearance is that the guy even left his shoes. Investigators used search dogs to try to track Michael to a bus stop a couple of miles from the dorm, but how could he have gotten this far without shoes? Only one person was seen near the scene at 4:35 am, but no one knows if he is connected to Michael's disappearance. There is no reason to believe that Michael disappeared of his own accord, but there has been no news of Michael's fate for more than a decade.

5. Barbara Bolik

On July 18, 2007, Barbara Bolik, a 55-year-old woman from Corvallis, Montana, went hiking in the mountains with her friend Jim Ramaker, who was visiting from California. When Jim stopped to take in the scenery, Barbara was 6-9 meters behind him, but turning back less than a minute later, he found that the woman had disappeared. The police joined the search, but the woman could not be found.

At first glance, Jim Ramaker's story sounds absolutely incredible. However, he cooperated with the authorities, and since there was no evidence of his involvement in Barbara's disappearance, he was no longer considered a suspect. The culprit would certainly have tried to come up with a better story, rather than claiming that his victim simply vanished into thin air. Six years have passed, but no traces of a violent death have been found, as well as any hints of what could happen to Barbara.

On August 23, 2008, 51-year-old Michael Heron went to his farm in Happy Valley, Tennessee, planning to cut the grass on the lawn. That morning, neighbors saw Michael leave the farm in his all-terrain vehicle - and that was the last time he was seen. The next day, Michael's friends visited the farm and saw his truck parked on the road. A trailer was attached to it, in which a lawn mower was found, but the grass on the lawn remained untouched. His friends returned the next day and were worried when they saw the truck parked in the same place, which still had the keys, cell phone and wallet.

Three days after Michael's disappearance, investigators found the only clue: an all-terrain vehicle on a steep hill, located one and a half kilometers from his house. However, it was not clear why he needed to go there. In addition, no traces of violence were found. Michael had no enemies and no other reason to hide, so he became a truly incomprehensible mystery.

7. April Fubb

One of the most famous disappearances in British history took place in Norfolk on April 8, 1969. A 13-year-old schoolgirl named April Fabb left the house and went to her sister in a nearby village. She rode her bike there and was last seen by a truck driver. At 2:06 p.m., he noticed the girl driving along a country road. And at 2:12 p.m., her bike was found in the middle of a field a few hundred yards from where she was seen, but there was no sign of April.

Kidnapping seemed like the most likely scenario for April's disappearance, but the attacker would only have six minutes to kidnap the girl and leave the crime scene without anyone noticing. April's extensive search turned up no leads.

This case has much in common with the disappearance of another young girl, Janet Tate, in 1978, so Robert Black, a notorious child killer, was considered as a possible suspect. However, there is no evidence to definitively determine his involvement in April's disappearance, so this mystery remains unresolved as well.

8. Brian Shaffer

A 27-year-old medical student from the University of Ohio went to the bar on the evening of April 1, 2006. Sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 he mysteriously disappeared. He drank a lot that night and, after talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone, he was last seen in the company of two young women. However, no one in the bar could remember if he had been seen after that.

The most difficult question in this story, which remains unanswered, is how Brian got out of the bar. CCTV footage clearly shows him entering the bar, but none of the footage shows him leaving! Neither Brian's friends nor his family believe he went into hiding on purpose. Three weeks earlier, he had been studying well and was planning to go on vacation with his girlfriend. But if Brian was kidnapped or the victim of another crime, then how did the attacker get him out of the bar without being seen by any witnesses or security cameras?

9. Jason Yolkowski

On the morning of June 13, 2001, 19-year-old Jason Yolkowski was called to work. He asked his friend to pick him up at a nearby high school, but he never showed up.

The last time Jason was seen by his neighbor was about half an hour before the appointment, when the guy was carrying garbage cans into his garage. High school security cameras show he didn't show up there. Jason had no personal problems or any other reason to disappear, nor is there any evidence that anything could have happened to him. His fate remains a mystery even twelve years later.

In 2003, Jim and Kelly Jolkowski immortalized their son's name by founding their project, a non-profit organization that has become one of the most famous foundations for the families of the missing.

10. Nicole Maureen

On July 30, 1985, eight-year-old Nicole Maureen left her mother's penthouse in Toronto. That morning, Nicole was going to swim in the pool with her friend. She said goodbye to her mother and left the apartment, but 15 minutes later her friend came to find out why Nicole hadn't left yet.

Nicole's disappearance led to one of the largest police investigations in Toronto history, but no trace of the girl has ever been found. The most plausible assumption was that someone could have kidnapped Nicole right after she left the apartment, but the building had twenty floors, so it would be quite difficult to get her out of there unnoticed. One of the tenants said that he saw Nicole approaching the elevator, but no one else saw or heard anything. Nearly thirty years later, authorities still haven't collected enough data to establish what happened to Nicole Maureen.

As soon as a person or a group of people disappears without a trace, the construction of the most diverse, sometimes supernatural versions of what happened begins. The people in this collection have disappeared once and for all, and their stories have already grown into legends and rumors.

When a person disappears, and even worse - a group of people, it always raises questions. And also gives rise to a bunch of rumors. Sometimes this is how urban legends and other incredible stories appear. Most of the people on this list have disappeared for unknown reasons, and their whereabouts - dead or alive - have never been revealed. But if the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle can still be explained logically, then how could a man in a wheelchair who had a stroke disappear, leaving behind only a coat?

(Total 13 photos)

1. Intrepid explorer Percy Fawcett was last seen in 1925 leading the search for an ancient lost city in the jungles of Brazil with his son Jack. Many suspected that they were killed by local residents or torn to pieces by animals. Even more absurd versions were also put forward, for example, that Fawcett became the head of the tribe. His image partially inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to create a literary character - Professor Challenger.

2. In the late 16th century, a group of English colonists founded a settlement on Roanoke Island, in present-day Carolina. John White, an artist and friend of Sir Walter Reilly, was appointed governor. In 1587 White sailed home to England for a short period, then returned to Roanoke three years later. Arriving on the island, he found the colony deserted. Everyone disappeared without a trace, including the first English child born in the New World, Virginia Dare. To this day, no one knows what happened to the "lost colony".

3. In 1809, Benjamin Bathurst, a British diplomat, mysteriously disappeared in Germany while staying at a hotel. Various versions of his disappearance were discussed in the press: it could be murder, kidnapping by the French government, or suicide.

4. In 1763, a scandal erupted in the quiet village of Shepton Mallet. Owen Parfitt, 60, who suffered a stroke and was barely able to move, disappeared while sitting in a chair at the entrance to his sister's house. All that was left was his coat. The investigation of the incident did not lead to anything, the mystery remained unsolved.

5. Royal Navy diver Lionel "Buster" Crabbe disappeared mysteriously in 1956 when he was sent to spy on a Soviet ship. Later, a Russian claimed to have killed Crabbe when he found him planting a magnetic mine on the ship's hull. Some believe that he was captured and taken to the Soviet Union.

6. One of Britain's greatest unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of three lighthouse keepers on the Scottish island of Flannan in December 1900. Versions of their disappearance ranged from alien abduction to murder. But, most likely, they were simply washed out to sea during a storm.

7. British traveler George Bass became famous for his explorations in Australia. In February 1803 he went on a voyage to Tahiti and the Spanish colonies on the coast of Chile and did not return. Some historians suggest that he may have been recruited into the smuggling trade with Chile and killed there. In this photo you can see his image on a postage stamp.

8. On November 8, 1974, the day after his children's nanny was found beaten to death in his ex-wife's house, the British Lord Lucan disappeared. Although reports of him came from all over the world, he was never discovered. In 1999, he was officially declared dead.

9. When Edward IV unexpectedly died in 1483, his brother Richard III succeeded to the throne, declaring Edward's two young sons illegitimate. They were put up in the Tower of London and disappeared shortly thereafter. Popular legend has it that Richard killed the children, but the mystery remains to this day.

10. In 1948, a British plane with 31 passengers on board disappeared in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. During the investigation, no debris or bodies were found. The researchers involved in this case admitted that they did not have to solve a more difficult task than this. A year later, another British plane disappeared into the air somewhere between Bermuda and Jamaica.

11. The mysterious disappearance of Agatha Christie for 11 days in 1926 is the same mystery as those printed in her detective novels. The writer, who was eventually discovered at the Harrogate Hotel, never explained why she disappeared. Popular versions are considered a nervous breakdown and a desire to embarrass or worry her husband (who then announced his desire for a divorce). Others believe it was just a publicity stunt.

12. Victor Grayson, who became the first socialist elected to the English Parliament, mysteriously disappeared one evening in 1920, telling friends that he needed to stop by the Queen Hotel in Leicester Square for a while. There were rumors that the deputy had made quite a few enemies in the highest echelons of power. It is assumed that he was killed to stop an investigation he was conducting into government corruption.

13. In 1845, British explorer Sir John Franklin and his team of 128 disappeared after they went looking for the Northwest Passage. It is not known exactly what happened to the crew. An analysis of human remains found on Beechey and King Wilhelm Islands in the 1980s suggests that after their ships were stuck in the ice, many of the people died from disease, starvation and lead poisoning. There were also cases of cannibalism.

Mystery of disappearances

Folklorist D. Balashov in one village on the shore of the White Sea recorded the story of local residents about the mysterious disappearance of their fellow countryman. It happened in the early sixties of the XX century, and the case of the disappearance of a person was a few years earlier.

That's how it was. A company of men sat during the day on a mound in front of the hut. About 50 meters from the hut there is a haystack. Suddenly, from somewhere on the side, a young deer jumped out from behind the hut. One of the peasants sitting on the mound immediately recognized her as a deer who had strayed a few days ago from a deer herd that belonged to this same peasant.

Our reindeer herder immediately jumped up from the mound and chased after the deer intending to catch her. The wall ran behind the stack and ... - And since then, - eyewitnesses of the incident told Balashov, - no one has ever seen him again. Man gone!

And here is what the tractor driver A. Kiselev (Krasnodar Territory) wrote to me in a letter:
“My friend Vanka and I always worked in pairs. He plows one field on his tractor, and I plow another, neighboring field on mine. And somehow I am plowing the land in my field, and out of the corner of my eye I see something wrong happening in the neighboring field where Ivan worked. Vanka's tractor drove off the field and fell with its "nose", that is, the engine, into a deep ditch. On the other side of the ditch, a wide paved road stretched across the steppe. Passenger cars, trucks and intercity buses scurried back and forth along it ... I thought that Vanka suddenly became ill and he lost consciousness.
I stopped my tractor, got out of the cab and rushed as fast as I could to Ivan's tractor, which had driven into a ditch.

I run up. The motor in the tractor is running, but the tractor itself is trembling all over, shaking, because the tracks under it rotate idly, scraping the sloping slope of the ditch in one place. I see no one is driving the tractor. Where did my friend Vanka go, I think? ... Well, I turned off the engine of his tractor and let's look around. There is no Vanka anywhere! For a long time I looked for him both on the field and in the forest belts that surrounded the field. All in vain. Man gone. Moreover, the impression was such that he disappeared, no one knows where, right from the tractor cab. He disappeared without even having time to turn off the running engine!

In the end, I left my useless search, ran out onto the road and stopped the first hitchhiker that came across. I arrived at the main estate of our state farm. I came to the board there and I told the authorities - they say, so and so, Ivan disappeared. At first they didn't believe me. But nevertheless, with great difficulty, I persuaded the authorities to go with me to the place where Vanka and I plowed the land. And the authorities went ... Wow, it started like that! The police have arrived! They searched, searched, searched for Vanka, but they never found him anywhere. Ivan disappeared, as if the devil took him right out of the tractor cab! ... Here is such a story. As I remember, it happens, about her, so immediately goosebumps begin to run down the back.

November 29, 1809 - British Foreign Office courier Benjamin Baturs disappeared forever. Checking the readiness of the horse-drawn carriage, he got out of the carriage to inspect the harness. In the presence of several eyewitnesses, Baturs went around the front of the horses harnessed to the carriage and ... And since that time no one has ever seen him again!

1966 - a similar disappearance of a person, according to the English press, occurred in the city of Glasgow. Early New Year's morning, three brothers were walking along one of the streets of the city. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared, melted into thin air in front of his astonished older brothers. All attempts to find him were in vain. Alex disappeared without a trace, and no one ever saw him again, like the ministerial courier Baturs, who also disappeared in England and in exactly the same way more than a hundred and fifty years ago.

1854, July - in the city of Selma (America, Alabama), a local resident Orion Williamson melted into the air right in front of his wife, daughter and two neighbors. Mr. Williamson walked at a leisurely pace across the lawn in front of his house. And suddenly disappeared! A search was immediately launched, in which police sniffer dogs took part. However, the dogs did not find any hidden passages in the soil in front of the house. Mr. Williamson disappeared without a trace - and in the literal sense of these words out of the blue ...

1956 - a small mail plane with one pilot and four passengers disappeared in the sky over the Tambov region. Two days later, he was found near the city of Tobolsk, that is, about 1,800 km from the place of disappearance. The plane was in perfect working order, everything on board was safe. Gasoline tanks had a fuel supply for 2 hours of flight. But the pilot and four passengers disappeared...

1880, September - a man disappeared in the vicinity of the city of Gelatin, (Tennessee, America). Farmer David Leng was walking hand in hand with his wife through the field and suddenly disappeared into thin air. The witness of the mysterious disappearance was, in addition to the wife of the missing farmer, the local judge August Peck. A few minutes earlier he had arrived in his phaeton at the farm, and had just managed to greet David Lang from a distance when he vanished from his eyes, as if he had fallen into the ground.

1878, November - 16-year-old Charles Ashmore from the town of Quincy (America), went out for a minute from the house to the yard to bring a bucket of water from there. But he did not return to the house. When the father and sisters of the missing man began to look for him, they found very fresh footprints on the damp ground, which were interrupted halfway to the well ...

American John Lansing is a veteran of the Revolutionary War, from 1790 to 1801 he served as a judge of the New York High State Court and was even its chairman for some time. After he served in the legislature, he was elected mayor of Albany. 1804 - Lansing retired from politics and at the end of his life worked as an economic adviser at a college in New York. 1829, December 12 - he attended a conference of representatives of this educational institution. From there, Lansing went to the hotel where he was staying. There he wrote several letters and went out for a walk in the evening. 65-year-old John Lansing did not return from a walk to the hotel. Despite the most intensive searches, the police could not find any trace of him ...

“My disappeared husband was a great lover of fishing,” a village teacher I. I. Orlova (Voronezh region) told me. - It should be noted that he was absolutely healthy, physically strong. He was excellent at swimming. He had his own boat and a large set of fishing gear ... One Sunday afternoon he left home before dawn. He was very fond of fishing in the morning dawn, when the fish bite especially well. The husband did not return from fishing.

Worried and slightly alarmed, I went to the river around noon. I knew well the places on its shore, beloved by my husband. Quite quickly I found his boat. She was stretched out with her nose on the sandy shore. All the fishing gear was laid out in it so that it was immediately clear that the husband had not even begun to fish yet. This surprised me greatly.

I started screaming loudly, calling my husband. But he didn't respond. Terribly frightened, I rushed to search, ran a lot along the river bank, rummaged around in the bushes there. A terrible thought came into my head: maybe he drowned ?! But how could this happen if he was a wonderful swimmer ... The case ended with the fact that I turned to the police. They decided that my husband apparently drowned. The search for his body in the river ended in nothing. We searched for a long time with the help of hooks. Our river is relatively wide, but very shallow, with a weak current.

People who were looking for the body of the drowned man with hooks were very much surprised later that they had not found him. According to them, they simply had to find the body, if it were somewhere on the bottom of the river ... Where, then, did my husband disappear, one wonders? I am guessing. I don't understand anything."

On the pages of Russian newspapers and on television screens, brief police reports about disappearances appear every now and then. Their signs are indicated. Show their photos. Police phone numbers are reported, which should be called by those who have any information about the whereabouts of the missing people.

Phone calls, eagerly awaited by law enforcement officials, are very rare, even, I would say, fantastically rare.

Meanwhile, people continue to mysteriously disappear. They disappear, by no means figuratively speaking, literally in droves, en masse.
Every year, the population of Russia decreases by about 10,000 people who have disappeared irrevocably and who knows where. If we assume that the Unknown constantly puts its formidable hand to this nightmare, then specific thoughts about its moral character immediately begin to wander in the head, from the point of view of our ideas about morality, rather disappointing ...

The unexplained disappearance and whereabouts of more than thirty men, women and children who disappeared from an Eskimo village in the first half of the twentieth century near Lake Anjikuni.
Lake Anjikuni is rich in pike and trout. It is located along the banks of the Kazan River in one of the remote regions of Canada. This region is rich in legends about evil spirits. The more fascinating and mysterious is the story of the disappearance of local residents.
The whole story began in November 1930, when the Canadian fur hunter Labelle arrived in an Eskimo village, and to his surprise found that the huts were empty. But just a few weeks ago it was a hospitable, noisy settlement, in which life was in full swing. Now he was greeted with deathly silence. The hunter failed to find a single inhabitant of the village. Of course, he wanted to know what happened. However, his search yielded no results. He went around the whole village, looking into every corner.

The kayak boats of the local population were in their usual place, on the pier, and all the necessary household items and weapons were left in the houses. In the houses, the hunter also found pots with a traditional dish - stew. All stocks of fish were also in place. Everything was exactly the same as before, except for the people. The tribe, which numbered more than two and a half thousand people, disappeared without a trace on the most ordinary day. The hunter did not find any signs of a struggle.
Another detail that added to the mystery of the situation was that there were no traces of the village.
According to Labelle, he felt an inexplicable fear and tension in the abdomen, and immediately rushed to the telegraph office and sent an alert to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police. Since no one had ever heard anything like it, the police immediately sent a whole expedition to the village. The search for residents stretched along the entire coast of the lake. When the police arrived at the scene, several more facts were discovered that indicated that the disappearance was of a mystical nature. First, the Eskimos did not take sled dogs, as the hunter had originally assumed. Their icy skeletons were found deep under the snow. They died of hunger. Moreover, it turned out that the graves of the ancestors were opened, and the bodies of the deceased disappeared without a trace.
These facts baffled the local authorities. It was clear that neither of the two modes of transport people used. In addition, if they voluntarily left the village, then, in extreme cases, they would not leave the dogs tied, they would let them go, giving them the opportunity to find their own food. But the second mystery seems more strange - scientists are confidently burning that the Eskimos could not disturb the graves of their ancestors, since this is prohibited by customs.

And besides, the earth at that time was so frozen that it was simply impossible to tear it apart without the help of special equipment. According to one of the police officers who took part in the search, what happened in the village is physically absolutely impossible. Seven decades later, no one has been able to challenge this assertion. Until now, the Canadian authorities have not been able to solve the mystery of Lake Anjikuni. Moreover, they could not find the descendants of the members of this tribe. And everything looks as if this village never existed in the world.

Such at least a strange disappearance of an entire village defies any more or less reasonable explanation. Even if someone had attacked the tribe, the police would have found the remains of people or traces of confrontation, but nothing of the kind was found ...
However, this is far from the only case; history keeps many more such legends. In Kenya, in one of the tribes, researchers heard a legend about the island of Envaitenet, on which a large tribe lived for a very long time. It was engaged in trade with other tribes. But one day the trade just stopped. Scouts were sent to the island, who brought information that the village was empty, while all things remained in their places. But, again, a completely logical question arises: How and, most importantly, why were the inhabitants of a whole tribe able to cross the lake unnoticed and where did they disappear to? After this incident, the island, whose name means "irrevocable", is considered cursed.
Similar disappearances also happened in Russia. A lot of reports of similar cases appeared in the media regarding Lake Pleshcheyevo. According to history, once upon a time a beautiful city of Kleshchin was built on this lake, but one day all the inhabitants left it just like the Eskimos left their village. Legends say that this city was cursed by the Spirit of the Lake. Therefore, the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, which was built later in this area, was erected away from the lake. And although these are just beautiful legends, however, Lake Pleshcheyevo still inspires fear in the local population. Residents believe that the fog that often appears on the lake is very dangerous. And if you get into it, you can find yourself in a parallel world and return after a few days, or even disappear altogether.
Something similar is happening in the Irkutsk region. In 1997, in the Nizhneilimsk region, not far from the Dead Lake, three local police officers disappeared. And five years earlier, in the same area, a whole train disappeared along with all the people accompanying it.
The Pskov region also has its own anomalous place. This is an area near the village of Lyady, which is crossed by a ravine. It was there that the brigade sent for logging disappeared.
All these stories are united by the fact that they all have explanations, even if not entirely plausible. But how to explain the disappearance of people in front of a large number of witnesses? So, for example, the story that happened to the farmer Lange, who disappeared in front of five eyewitnesses, is widely known. And such stories also happen very often. Even in the annals of the seventeenth century there are records that during the meal Monk Ambrose literally disappeared into the air.

But in those days, such incidents were explained very simply - by the machinations of evil spirits and witchcraft. In the early 1800s, British Ambassador B. Bathurst disappeared in exactly the same way. At first, his disappearance was not given due importance, writing it off as Napoleonic intrigues. However, numerous eyewitness accounts confirmed that Napoleon had nothing to do with this case.
A more modern case occurred in our time, when the wife disappeared almost in front of her husband, just getting out of the car to wipe the windows.
But not always people disappear without a trace. Sometimes it happens that people who disappeared in one place, after a certain period of time, appear in another, completely unfamiliar place. So, for example, it happened in the second half of the twentieth century with one of the military pilots who had to eject because his plane crashed. When he came to his senses, it turned out that the place of the accident was about one kilometer away. And one of his colleagues claims that the plane simply disappeared.
The Chinese town of Guilin, known for winding branching caves, can also "boast" of cases of disappearances of people. Guides who conduct tours of the caves are forced to count tourists after each trip to the cave. And the reason is not only that someone can fall behind or get lost. In 2001, a very strange, but rather funny story happened. A new tourist joined one of the excursions, whom no one had seen before. It turned out that this man himself believes that he is in 1998, and he caught up with his group, from which he lagged behind, deciding to take a little rest in one of the caves.
In 1621, the royal guards of Mikhail Fedorovich captured the detachment of Khan Devlet Giray, who went on a campaign in 1571. What amazement was read on their faces when they found out what year they were in. According to the soldiers of the detachment, together with the Tatar army they took part in the storming of Moscow, on their way there was a deep ravine covered with fog. They managed to leave it only after half a century.
According to scientists, such disappearances can be explained by the existence of temporary "black holes" through which a person can get into a parallel reality, but getting back is almost impossible. Such gaps in time arise due to geophysical anomalies, such as faults in the earth's crust. No less frequently used is the version that people are abducted by aliens to conduct their research.
Teleportation is an unpredictable phenomenon, so it is impossible to know in advance exactly where this anomaly can take a person. Scientists also argue that residents of religious tribes, the main part of whose life is meditation, as well as Tibetan yogis, can demonstrate such miracles. Teleportation can also be explained by the fact that under certain circumstances, paranormal supernatural abilities can “wake up” in a person, in particular, the emergence of a danger to life and a great desire to leave a certain place. This assumption was proved experimentally - a dog was set on a cat. The cat was so frightened that he hissed and ... disappeared. Only the collar was found on the spot, and the animal itself was found a few days later on the roof of the church bell tower.
Similar cases are recorded almost every day. And even despite the fact that most of them have a prosaic, ordinary explanation, nevertheless, some of them really defy any logic and amaze with their mystery and mystical background. You can be sure that most of the cases will never get on the pages of the media, because there will simply be no one to tell about them ...

edited news Nine tailed fox - 18-12-2012, 16:13

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