What does it mean to swim in a swamp in a dream. Old French dream book. Other options for ending sleep

Many scientists believe that a dream is a kind of conversation with the subconscious. And thus it conveys important information or warn of danger. Freud believed that a dream is the result of the daily work of the brain, that is, everything that a person saw, heard, thought, then he splashes out into visual images during sleep. Scientists to this day study dreams and brain activity during this process, and there are no more answers than questions.

Be that as it may, almost everyone sees dreams and somehow tries to interpret them. Let's try to figure out what the swamp is dreaming of and how this dream can affect your plans.

What must be taken into account

In order to correctly interpret your dreams, you must first learn to pay attention to important little things. All people, objects and objects are not random and necessarily mean something. In order to determine what the swamp is dreaming of, you first need to remember what kind of swamp you saw and how you behaved at that time. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the events that await you the day after the dream, they can help you interpret it. For example, if you have an important business meeting ahead of you, then most likely it will not end very well.

What you need to know about the swamp

So, it would seem that seeing a swamp in a dream is not a good sign. Firstly, this is due to the fact that in mythology it is associated with a place where evil spirits live. In Slavic mythology, you can even find a story that tells that lives in a swamp swamp man, who jokes with travelers and deliberately leads them astray.

On the other hand, and as a piece of landscape, the swamp is very dangerous place. Its surface is covered with silt, and under it flow The groundwater. A person, getting into a swamp, starts in literally fall in there, and the more he resists, the faster it happens. Getting out of the silt is very difficult and sometimes impossible.

General meaning of sleep

So why dream of a swamp? As a rule, this means that some strong changes are taking place in a person’s life, and not very good ones. Moreover, such changes are often hidden. A person does not even suspect that such an event awaits him. Changes can be both personal (betrayal or deception of the closest people), and are associated with troubles at work. A swamp can mean an evil and treacherous person who wants to drag or even drag you into some kind of bad event.

It is very important to know how the dream will end. This will help compose complete picture and correctly interpret it. If you wake up in the middle of a dream, then your troubles can still be solved.

If you managed to get out of the quagmire

Getting out of the swamp means overcoming the problems and trials that fate has provided. As a rule, in real life it is very difficult to defeat the quagmire, which means that you still have to fight for your happiness. A dream with such a favorable outcome means that you have the strength to defeat an opponent or, for example, catch a loved one in a lie and tell him about it on the forehead. In any case, despite all the difficulties, you will still be able to get out of this situation. You just need to understand the problem well, and then find the strength to solve it.

Other options for ending sleep

Not always in a dream a person successfully escapes from a quagmire. Why dream of drowning in a swamp? As a rule, such a dream does not bode well. It means that you will not be able to cope with difficulties and failures. You spent too little time on your problems, which led you to this situation. Sometimes such a dream prophesies severe illness that will take you a lot vital energy and strength. As a rule, the very process of the fact that a person is drowning in a swamp means that it is necessary to begin to act and it is no longer possible to delay. Perhaps you are also in a too depressed and overwhelmed state and that is why you see such a dream.

A swamp and a person in a dream do not always intersect closely. Sometimes you dream that you are walking past a swamp or looking at it from the side. Such a dream may mean that you are one step away from a wrong deed and you should carefully consider everything again. Perhaps some important event will happen soon. Consider the need to participate.

Let's talk about the details

What other interpretations can there be? Why dream of a swamp? Green, for example, to bad news from people you know. And if the quagmire has a fake color (red, purple), then you see the problem wrong or pay attention to the wrong situation. Sometimes I dream of a rotten swamp, as if everything gurgles and stinks there. This dream promises great luck. If in a dream you are walking through a quagmire and not drowning in it, the problem is very close, one more step - and troubles will fall on you, you need to be very careful and prudent.

Why dream of a swamp, mud and strong wind? Such a dream can warn of severe financial losses. Perhaps these days you should be more economical, do not lend money to anyone and do not invest it anywhere. If you have already committed such actions before, then the dream may warn that you will be "thrown for money." If you are not drowning in a swamp, but you are saving someone from it, this means that huge potential and soon you'll be doing well.

It is interesting to note that there are a huge number of interpretations of the same dream. And in general, it all depends on which dream book you use. “The swamp is dreaming for a reason - you will cry, trouble is knocking” - this is how, for example, the Small Velesov dream book interprets the dream. But what do other sources say about such a dream?

Freud's dream book

As mentioned earlier, the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that dreams reflect events that excite a person the most. He associated the swamp with relationships with a loved one. To the question: “Why dream of a swamp with mud?” - he answered like this: “The swamp is a relationship that leads you to a dead end, and mud is just a screen that is high time to open.” This means that in fact a person already knows that his soulmate is not suitable for him. He is afraid to leave her, and the relationship drags on more and more, and it is more and more difficult to break out of them. Freud gave a very correct characterization of such behavior, saying that a person is simply afraid of loneliness.

Deep in his soul, he understands that relations have not brought anything good for a long time, but he is afraid to destroy them, taking responsibility for such an important step as it seems to him. The dream illustrates well how a person is pulled to the bottom by completely unnecessary relationships, and the more he tries to save them, the more he goes to the bottom.

Miller's dream book

At the end of the 19th century, one famous psychologist, Gustav Hindman Miller, lived in America. He also successfully interpreted any dreams and it was because of this that he became especially popular. He considered dreams to be ciphers in which necessary information about the past, future and present. His dream book is considered one of the most complete and accurate. Why dream of a swamp according to Miller's dream book? A person will soon find himself in a difficult situation, from which it will be difficult to find a way out. If you are waiting for an inheritance, it will only be an illusion for you. If during a dream there are green bumps and clean puddles among the swamp, luck smiled at you, do not miss your chance. If you dream that it’s not you in the swamp, but your friend or relative, this means that you should expect a dirty trick from this person. Also, a dream portends a disease.

How to treat unraveled dreams

Finding out what sleep means is interesting and exciting. However, the interpretation does not always portend only happiness and success. Sometimes, as in this case, a dream can predict failure and disappointment. We examined what water, swamp and mud dream about, and we can conclude that events in the near future will not be entirely joyful. However, it should be borne in mind that once you dreamed this dream and you remember it, which means that the subconscious is trying to warn you, and this is already good sign. You must make every effort so that what the dream promises you does not come true. If, for some reason, you did not manage to do this, you should not lose heart and give up.

All events that occur in life are not accidental. They provide us with the best lessons from which to draw conclusions. If betrayal awaits you, do not despair, now you can better understand people. Financial difficulties will help you learn how to save money and not waste it in vain. Parting with a loved one can open up new horizons and bring you closer to meeting someone who is truly destined for you.

Why did it dream (interpretation of the Ladies' Dream Book)

  • Seeing a swamp - doubts await. You will think about whether to take on the case or refuse.
  • The swamp is also a sign of stagnation, lack of initiative, marking time. It is difficult to move forward from the swamp, and it is completely impossible to achieve success in this way.
  • Why does a child dream of a swamp - an alarming warning that you will contact the wrong company.
  • If you dream of a swamp with water lilies - think about your actions, some of them are life-threatening.

Seeing the Swamp, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why the swamp is dreaming - This is a warning that says that you are too lack of initiative, inert, go with the flow. In life, nothing more or less significant happens, and you stubbornly continue to blame the fate of the villain.
  • To dream that you are drowning in a swamp, and there is no time left to think. Monotony, like a swamp, draws you in.
  • A chance passes by you, which does not fall out to everyone, and at this time you are lying in front of the TV, thinking whether to reach out to grab luck by the tail, or not to be distracted from your favorite show.

Swamp according to the Small Velesov dream book

  • Seeing a swamp in a dream - to sad events, tears, to trouble.
  • A seething swamp in a dream is a symbol of impending poverty, impending troubles and boring monotonous work.
  • To see that you are bogged down in a swamp - this speaks of deceit, you trust a person who is not worthy of it.
  • Drowning in a swamp - make a mistake by getting involved in a too dangerous business.
  • Crossing a swamp along a path in a dream - in reality someone will spread gossip that discredits rumors, you will become a victim of slander.
  • Sometimes a dream speaks of delays and obstacles in business.
  • If you dreamed of walking through a quagmire, expect illness or trouble concerning another person.
  • Fall into a swamp in a dream - to big problems and troubles in life.
  • To see that a swamp has arisen in the place of a field is the death of a relative in reality.
  • If you dream of a rotten swamp - wealth.

Analysis of the dream in which the Swamp was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Z. Freud believed that a dream about a swamp indicates that against his will, he was drawn into a relationship with the wrong person. These relationships suck like a swamp. And all because there is no strength to resist the pressure and perseverance with which this person pursues you. It is possible that the fear of being alone and not finding anyone else plays an important role, you follow the principle that there is a fish for lack of fish and cancer.

Swamp - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Dreaming swamp - bad dream- This is a sign of poverty and great work ahead. It symbolizes a false path, delusion, mental stagnation, often dreams of tears.
  • To fall into a swamp in a dream is a mess in business.
  • Getting bogged down in a swamp is a deception or a carefree future.
  • Drowning in a swamp - getting into an unpredictable and even dangerous business.
  • Swamp road to go - to obstacles in business.
  • Standing in the middle of a swamp - do not do what is expected of you.
  • To get into a swamp, with great difficulty to make your way through it and eventually get out - means that in reality there will be a lot of work, a stubborn struggle for survival, for a position in society, but in the end you will achieve a solution to problems and take a worthy place in society.
  • If you try to get out, and this fails, then yours will remain unfulfilled, and the struggle with difficulties will not yet bring the desired results.
  • Jumping over swampy bumps is a way out of difficulties.
  • To try the soil with a stick is a saving caution, an improvement in the situation, a sign of an early overcoming of difficulties.

Interpretation of the Swamp from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Seeing a swamp in a dream is a warning that hard times are coming. Problems in life are likely, or it will seem that you have reached a dead end, not seeing a way out of this situation.
  • The swamp is a symbol of mental stagnation or obstacles in business, because of which they will not move from their place. It is possible that the cause of these problems will be their own indecision or unwillingness to take responsibility.
  • To see that you have fallen into a sucking quagmire is a danger, you will fall into a bad company, contact criminals.

Why is the Swamp dreaming in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Walking in a dream through a swamp or swampy places means that you will soon find yourself in adverse circumstances. The expected inheritance will be illusory, you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.
  • If, while walking through the swamp, you meet clean puddles and green bumps, you will be able to keep your luck and, having reached it, you will be careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten.
  • To be in the middle of a swamp is an inability to fulfill a duty.
  • To see other people in the swamp - close people will soon upset. This dream portends illness.

The meaning of the dream about the Wetland (Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus)

  • See how you walk through the swamp - meet unexpected obstacle when solving personal problems.
  • Drowning in a swamp - in reality you will experience a strong shock caused by the treachery and betrayal of friends.
  • Helping to get out of the quagmire - indicates untapped opportunities.
  • We saw a swamp covered with ice - means the fragility of the surrounding world and its defenselessness before the impending civilization.

Swamp in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • Uncertainty in actions, doubts about the correctness of the actions taken, a precarious state of affairs. Whatever you do will only make the situation worse. You will lose the feeling of solid ground under your feet.
  • To see that you are drowning in a swamp - you will find yourself in an unusually difficult and dangerous situation, from which you will not see a way out just like from a swamp. This will lead to suicidal thoughts, or decide to drown your anxiety in strong alcohol.
  • If you saw that it was not you who was drowning in the swamp, but someone else, this person was in danger. Perhaps it will be someone close. To help him, identify true reason the prevailing situation.

Why dream and how to interpret the Swamp according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

  • Seeing a swamp is a sign that they are not expecting better times. Material damage threatens, business failures, the future itself will be in jeopardy.
  • To see that you are wandering through the swamp, unsuccessfully trying to find a path - in reality you will become a victim of slander and slander, which will cause serious damage to your reputation.
  • If you fell into a swamp - expect danger, possibly a serious illness.
  • We managed to get out of the swamp - after the decline, things will gradually begin to improve.
  • Seeing that you are trying to clean clothes from swamp dirt is empty chores and useless efforts. Seeing a rotten swamp - to wealth.

Worldly interpretation of the dream about the Swamp (according to the writer Aesop)

  • Why dream of a swamp, a quagmire - When a person goes headlong into everyday affairs and worries, they say about him: “His swamp sucked in”, therefore a swamp in a dream means routine, monotony, boredom. According to popular belief, lives in the swamps devilry, which lures random passers-by at night with wandering lights and drowns in a quagmire. Therefore, unfavorable circumstances can be hidden in a dream behind the image of a swamp.
  • To dream that you are drowning in a swamp means that in reality you are not satisfied and tired of work. It seems to you that time has stopped, that each subsequent day is an exact copy of the previous one, that no events occur, but this mood will soon pass, and you will again perceive life in all its colors.
  • Safely pass through the swamp - an unusual event awaits soon, go on an exciting journey or a business trip that will bring many new experiences.

What to expect if you saw the Swamp in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

  • Seeing yourself walking through the swamp is a joyful event in reality.
  • To see that, while walking through the forest, they suddenly fell into a swamp - disorder and chaos will reign in business.
  • Even worse if they saw that they were drowning in a swamp. This is a sign that in the near future you will get involved in a dangerous business, an adventure that will cost too much.

Interpretation of the Swamp dream (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of drowning in a swamp in a dream - they will be dragged into a bad business; see in the swamp native person- to poverty. Move - do boring, but necessary work. Marsh grass - an affair on the side.
  • If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of drowning in a swamp - to loss. If in a dream you manage to get out of the swamp onto a dry bump, you will be able to avoid the danger that lies in wait around the corner.
  • In autumn, why dream of seeing a swamp and knowing that you can get to the right place only by overcoming this swamp, since there is no other road - you have to accept important decision: or pan, or gone.
  • In winter, why dream of getting into a swamp - a mess in business; drowning in it - getting into an unforeseen dangerous business; to go through a swamp is a joy, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Swimming in a swamp in a dream literally means getting bogged down in everyday affairs and worries. The plot reflects the routine, boredom and monotony. In order to clearly define what the aforementioned vision is dreaming of, the dream book advises to take into account the most vivid details and your own feelings.

What does Miller think?

Did you happen to swim in the swamp at night? In reality, you will find yourself in a very unenviable position. Seeing other characters in a similar plot means that a loved one will fall ill or commit an unseemly act with consequences.


Why dream at all if you had to swim in a swamp? Dream Interpretation believes that you have lost your life orientation. In a dream like this in an unusual way the binding to existing stereotypes, habits or connections is reflected.

Had a dream that you were floundering in a dirty slurry? In reality, lose the trust of others and fall into a long depression without the desire to change anything.


Did you happen to see the swampy area around? The dream calls to do an interesting thing and find a new goal, otherwise life will really turn into a continuous swamp.

What does it mean if you swam in the purest lake, and it suddenly turned into a dirty swamp in a dream? The dream book advises you to prepare for the fateful trials that will test your mental stamina.


Had a dream about how you had a chance to swim in a swamp? The dream interpretation is sure: it is necessary to immediately change the demeanor and even character.

Why dream if swimming in such strange place brought you discomfort? In real life, you will find yourself in a bad company or an unpleasant situation, and do not immediately figure out how to get out of it.

Take a chance!

Did you happen to see yourself floating in swamp water in a dream? This is a symbol of the unloved and tedious work that you different reasons you can't quit. Perhaps it is worth taking a risk and radically changing everything?

Did you dream that you helped someone get out of the quagmire? The dream interpretation is sure: you are not using the talents and abilities given by God to their full potential.

What are you afraid of?

Why dream if you had a chance to swim in a swamp yet? Sometimes such a plot very eloquently describes the dreamer's personal life.

Simply put, you are in a relationship with a person who is pulling you back and not allowing you to develop. The dream interpretation suspects that you are simply afraid of loneliness, and therefore endure.

Did you dream that the swamp was sucking you in a dream? It literally means immersing yourself in relationships or work.


In addition, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the water in the swamp and other nuances.

  • Muddy - emotional stagnation.
  • Pure - illusion, fantasy, deception.
  • Overgrown with duckweed, mud - despondency, loss of strength.
  • Fog - uncertainty, uncertainty, lack of control.
  • Sunny weather - good luck, good prospects.
  • Rain is a disease, painful experiences.
  • Storm - stupid actions, internal protest.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you had to swim in a swamp? People around you expect more from you than you are willing to offer them. If in a dream you managed to get stuck in a quagmire, then make a fatal mistake or get sick.

If in a dream you happened to drown in a swamp, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult and almost hopeless situation, and it can lead to very tragic consequences. However, the dream book does not advise to lose heart, because this is not all that such a vision dreams of.

Need a rest!

To get a true interpretation of sleep, the dream book recommends considering the main image. The swamp is a symbolic warning that you have become inert and inactive.

But making your way through the quagmire means that you are threatened with illnesses caused by emotional experiences and overwork. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to at least have a good rest.

depression sign

Why else do you dream that you had to drown in a swamp in a night adventure? Eat Great chance"plunge" into a bad company, breaking out of which will be extremely difficult.

This is also a symbol of loss of life orientation and depression. At the same time, the dream book advises to recall minor details, because the final decoding depends on this.

  • A rotten swamp can dream of wealth.
  • Peaty means an extinct feeling.
  • Appeared in the middle of the field, symbolizes the loss of a relative and bad times.
  • A quagmire is a danger posed by people.
  • Swamp grass - a love affair.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure that drowning in a swamp is for difficult times. Issues that you thought were resolved will become relevant again. The inheritance will go straight out of the hands, and disappointment awaits in love.

Act immediately!

Why dream of completely drowning in a swamp? This is a clear indication of serious illness which will take away all forces and resources.

Did you dream that you happened to drown in a swampy area? In reality, your usual work and chores depress you. However, the dream book believes that the decadent mood will certainly pass and better times are coming.

If in a dream you happened to drown in a terrible quagmire, then consider that there is no time left to think. You need to act right now!

Positive interpretations

Why dream of drowning in a swamp and being saved? If in a dream you manage to get out of the pool, then in real life you can avoid a major danger. Drowning and being saved literally means that you will find the right solution to the problem.

Did you dream that in a dream you had a chance to practically drown and escape almost miraculously? You will find the same magical improvement in living conditions.

If in a dream it happened to drown in a swamp, then the dream book advises you to remember exactly how you dived. If this is slow but sure, then in real life you will have to spend a lot of money, arranging a magnificent celebration.

View from the outside

Sometimes in a dream you don’t have to drown in a swamp yourself, but only see this action from the side. So watching a car sink means that the project that you will soon take on will move extremely slowly and difficult, but in the end it will bring profit and success.

Even skeptics who do not trust dream books often think about what dreams portend to them, especially if something unusual and disturbing was dreamed up at night. Dreams do not always come true, but it is better to know what to prepare for and what to expect - this will help to partially avoid trouble. Why is the swamp dreaming, and should you worry that disturbing events will occur in real life?

Why dream of drowning in a swamp

Should I start to worry and why dream of drowning in a swamp? As many dream books testify, one should not be delighted with such dreams - most often they portend considerable trouble. If you had such a dream, you have to wait for only one thing - betrayal. The probability that the dream will come true is almost 100%, and this cannot be avoided, even if you make every effort.

Some dream books claim that a person who has already done this repeatedly will betray, therefore, if there is a suspicion, it is better not to trust such people with their innermost secrets. There is a possibility that betrayal will commit best friend, and after that it will settle in the soul for a long time strong pain and the residue will last a lifetime. Most likely, it will not work to forgive such a thing, and to revive friendship as well.

In fairness, it’s worth saying that if you managed to watch the dream to the end, and its ending is positive - you managed to escape and get out of the quagmire, then troubles can be avoided, although this happens extremely rarely.

Why dream of a green swamp

How good will everything be in life, and why is the green swamp dreaming? Dream Interpretations warn in this regard - you can start to rejoice and look forward to future events - they will certainly bring only positive. Green color usually associated with spring, leafing and flowering, therefore, a dream in which green colors predominate will certainly portend something new and unusual. If a girl has a dream, then it is likely that a new life will soon arise in her.

Even if in a dream it turned out to fall into green swamp, you should not worry about this - good events in the future will not be overshadowed by anything. There is even a chance to strengthen your financial situation, for this you don’t have to do anything, just wait for the gifts of fate. After such dreams, men are recommended to make an offer - the chosen one will certainly answer positively.

Why dream of a dirty swamp

Why dream of a dirty swamp and should we be afraid of such dreams? You should not count on surprises or gifts of fate - night dreams, in which a black quagmire was seen, portend danger. Dirt itself does not pose a particular danger to the dreamer, but the fact that it is associated with a swamp is already a chance to run into trouble.

A dream in which it was possible to see a dark, terrifying quagmire may portend:

  1. a large number of ill-wishers (it can even be relatives or fairly close people);
  2. betrayal;
  3. the dreamer will soon be denigrated or severely humiliated, and before his own eyes dear person, which may then turn away for a long time;
  4. all the secrets or secrets that were entrusted to a loved one will be given out and will bring many difficult minutes.

Such dreams do not always come true in reality, but it is better not to experience the whims of fate and not be frank for some time.

Why dream of water and a swamp

What is the dream of water and a swamp, is it necessary to do something to avoid unpleasant events? There is little pleasant in such dreams, so you should not expect that fate will be favorable. Most often, such dreams portend soon longing, bitter disappointment in close person or sexual partner, rudeness and heartlessness from native people.

Unfortunately, such dreams almost never lie, and subconsciously a person already feels trouble and begins to prepare for them. You can calm down a little if the swamp and water do not have a connection - at first the dreamer dreams of a quagmire, and after a while - pure water. How should this be understood? In real life, a streak of disappointments will follow, but if you do not pay attention to them Special attention, and do not give up, everything will certainly end quickly and a period of joy and happiness will come.

Why dream of swamp and mud

How to respond to a disturbing dream and why do you dream of swamp and mud? Almost always similar dreams portend bad events. It will not be possible to avoid or completely prevent them, the only way out is to carefully observe the subsequent night dreams and diligently decipher them. There is a considerable chance that it will be possible to partially avoid the danger.

Dirt and quagmire may indicate such events:

  1. if you get bogged down in them, troubles and terrible misfortunes will soon begin;
  2. dirt will remain on the outfit - failures will be quite small, you can even ignore them;
  3. to walk next to a quagmire and mud - troubles will begin soon, but not necessarily with a dreamer, it may even be a barely familiar person, but it is possible that one of the relatives;
  4. drink water with mud from the bog - will soon begin to develop serious disease, it will not be possible to prevent it, but a successful recovery is possible.

Not always a dream with mud and quagmire portends such terrifying events. If you managed to wake up with good mood, night dreams did not leave behind a painful sediment, it is quite possible that the dark streak will not come.

Why dream of drowning in a swamp

What will happen very soon and why dream of drowning in a swamp? One of the most bad dreams which portends disasters and grief - to drown in a quagmire. It doesn't matter if there was clean water, green or mud - the result of such dreams is only one - quick death one of the relatives.

The sign is especially bad when a person drowning in a quagmire experiences a strong emotional stress, screaming and trying to swim out. Along with the death of a close relative, additional sorrows may appear in life - one of the relatives or even family members will become very ill, considerable problems will appear at work. The only consolation that can help the dreamer a little is that if a dream that inspires such anxiety was dreamed on Monday night, it is likely that it will not come true.

Why dream of walking through the swamp

Is there a reason to expect disturbing events and why dream of walking through the swamp? Such dreams also do not bode well for the dreamer, although one should not expect any special troubles. A dream in which you had to make your way through the quagmire, and not drown in it, but simply walk, albeit with some difficulties, promises that soon the dreamer will face a difficult choice.

Hope that help will come from relatives or close people, you should not - you need to do it yourself. There is no guarantee that the choice will be made correctly, and sleep will in no way facilitate this process. The only thing that can be done in this case is to try to follow the subsequent night dreams - it is likely that they will contain a hint of how to do the right thing.

Why dream of a swamp with mud

How dangerous is a dream, and why does a swamp with mud dream? It should not be expected that a quagmire with green mud does not hide anything dangerous for the dreamer - not everything is so simple. Very soon you will have to face difficult problems face to face, and you should not count on the fact that there is a person nearby who can substitute a reliable shoulder.

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