What to wear to the sauna What to take with you to the sauna - important little things from practice What to go to the bath for a girl

What to wear, how far to go, what to take with you- a person going to a bath or sauna for the first time has no less questions than a first-grader before the First of September. Yes, and those who have already gone to bathe often feel uncomfortable in the bathhouse and do not understand what exactly needs to be done there. To make visiting a sauna (city or country) as comfortable as possible, we have compiled a short instruction on how to choose a sauna or a bath, how to behave and what to expect from the first trip to the steam room.

masha vorslav

Than a sauna
different from the bath

There are not as many differences as it might seem. Russian baths and Finnish saunas have traditionally been used not only for relaxation, but instead of bathrooms where it was impossible to install them. In tsarist Russia and later, public baths were preserved, much less luxurious than Sandunovsky, but allowing the inhabitants of the city to keep themselves relatively clean. And in Finland until the 1940s, many children were born in the sauna - often it was the cleanest place in the land, and it allowed for a "shameful" procedure away from the eyes of men, as was then considered necessary.

Now saunas and baths can consist of only two rooms: locker rooms and the steam room itself, but there must be a nearby room, if not a separate washing room, then at least a shower. The main thing in both the bath and the sauna is the heating process itself, which is achieved in slightly different ways. Although the temperature in the Finnish sauna is high (about 80 degrees, but can reach 160 degrees), it allows you to stay in the steam room for a relatively long time and generally provides a relaxed pastime. In the bath, the air is usually hotter (at 100 degrees and above), and the humidity is higher, so you only need to sit in it until the situation starts to cause discomfort (even if this happens after a few minutes). By the way, funny felt hats in the bath allow you to avoid heat stroke, so do not neglect them.

Temperature and humidity are the main difference between saunas in different cultures, so it is wiser to focus not on their name, but on a combination of these characteristics. If high humidity does not infuriate you, you can try the hammam: the heat there is relative, 30-50 degrees, but the humidity reaches 100%. It will be dryer and hotter in a conditional Finnish one (the preferences of the Scandinavian neighbors do not differ much from the Finns' ideas about the ideal sauna), but it will be very hot and, sorry, humid - in a Russian bath. Infrared saunas stand apart: they do not heat the air, but the body, and deeper, so this is an ideal find for those who cannot tolerate high temperatures. The ability of infrared saunas to normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome is rumored, but there is no clear evidence of this yet.

Why go there

On the bodily side, everything is quite simple: high temperature causes sweating, the pores open and clear a little, and the muscles warm up and stop hurting. With brooms, it will be even better to disperse the blood flow, massage and exfoliate the skin. Regular visits to baths and saunas train the heart and even lower mortality, and relaxation after the steam room comes so that it turns out to fall asleep quickly and soundly.

The cultural component should not be subtracted from the baths. In Finland, an invitation to a sauna is a sign of friendliness and respect (former President Martti Ahtisaari, for example, held diplomatic talks in them), and neglecting it can be very offensive. Despite the fact that in other countries there is no such reverence, only pleasant and close people are always invited to a bath or sauna, and you should at least thank for such a gesture in your direction. Those who are especially shy should remember that there is usually no carnal connotation in such invitations: both baths and saunas are a powerful meditative experience in which nudity simply does not interfere with listening to the body.

and safety

It is better for those who soar for the first time to skip brooms, and for the rest - to take them only from the second or third call. If the air in the steam room is dry, you should drag a basin of water to dip the brooms - otherwise they will dry out quickly. They begin to fan themselves from the legs and gradually rise to the back, and they don’t whip with all their strength from the very beginning: the intensity of the blows should be increased gradually. It is more convenient if there are two people in the steam room at this time: one is lying, and the second is working with a broom - this is also safer, an experienced partner will help to recognize signs of illness. After the last entry, you should rest for at least half an hour, then take a shower, and dress only when sweating stops.

How to behave
in a bath or sauna

A bit of captaincy: in any public place you need to behave politely, and baths are no exception. Other sauna users also come to relax, so they will certainly be strained by loud conversations. You should not take any gadgets with you: firstly, they have no place in a place with high humidity, and secondly, almost every modern device has a camera - even if you choose a playlist in Apple Music, and do not take pictures of a neighbor opposite, he probably doesn't know about it.

In general, from extraneous things in the steam room, you should take only a towel: it is not clear who could sit on the same bench before you, so perching on it with a covered or uncovered fifth point would be at least unhygienic. In addition, everyone has a different threshold of disgust, and if puddles of sweat on the bench do not bother you, then they may well spoil the mood of other visitors. Well, you should not use odorous shower gels, and even more so perfume, because extraneous odors in a closed hot room are no less distracting than chatter.

A separate conversation - about the use of cosmetics. Everything that you would like to smear on yourself in the steam room (scrubs, masks, creams) is best used between visits to the steam room, and optimally - after the last one, when you relax before taking a shower. It's not even a matter of etiquette (in a home bath, they probably won't be against a face mask), but that cosmetics must be stored and used at a certain temperature, and there is no guarantee that any component of the cream will behave differently. It is unlikely that a mass-market cream that contains few active substances will cause great damage, but it is better not to check natural remedies and cosmeceuticals with heat. In addition, heated skin is softer, which means it is easier to injure it with a hard scrub. In general, even 10 minutes after visiting the steam room, the pores will still be open, and the skin will be receptive, so the effectiveness of cleansers and moisturizers will not go anywhere.

What to go

You can go to the sauna with or without clothes. Some amateurs insist that sauna baths are not just called baths - they say that they don’t take a bath in linen. Nevertheless, it is best to focus on your feelings: if you are totally uncomfortable without clothes among strangers, you should tie a towel on yourself, even if the other participants are sitting without anything - in extreme cases, you can politely answer a puzzled look that today you are not ready get naked, but don't mind if others do.

If you are invited to go to the bathhouse or sauna in the company, you should check with the organizers, um, the dress code and the composition in which they will visit the steam room. Some prefer to bathe with their families, some - with girlfriends or friends, for others there is nothing embarrassing in the composition of participants of different ages and sexes. Depending on the answer, you can figure out whether to take a cape with you or not.

Definitely not worth appearing in the steam room in a bathing suit. The fabric of swimsuits is dense, and even if you have not swum in the pool before, it is simply uncomfortable to sweat in it. But a chlorine-soaked bathing suit is even worse, because chlorine evaporates at high temperatures, and inhaling it is not useful even for those who do not have allergies. It makes no sense to appear in a steam room in more closed clothes (including sportswear), but slates in public will come in handy - hygiene is still above all.

That's how it happens! Soon the new year, everyone is celebrating .. and you are in Leningrad. Steamed. So, so that this does not happen (at least without your knowledge), in this article we will touch on what is possible, what is not worth, and what is categorically contraindicated to do in the sauna bath, if they came to it to maintain and improve health.

All kinds of contraindications

So, first the most boring and unpleasant - to whom the bath is strictly contraindicated. Please be patient - I myself know that the classification presented below according to M. Matei is not the most digestible thing for the psyche. But what can you do?

Absolute contraindications:

General contraindications:

  • hypertension of any etiology;
  • mental or severe neurotic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of a chronic nature, accompanied by an increase in ESR;

    oncological diseases.

Relative contraindications:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases with the risk of their exacerbation and frequent relapses;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • hypertension with systolic blood pressure over 220 mm Hg. Art. and diastolic over 120 mm Hg. Art. without organic changes in the heart;
  • urolithiasis and urolithiasis diathesis.

Special contraindications:

  • insufficiency of the right or left ventricle of the heart;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension stage III according to the WHO classification.

It is better to refrain from going to the bath for those suffering from skin infectious diseases, people with reduced immunity, allergic to odors. The sauna is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Therefore, if there are doubts about the health and endurance of your body, first consult a doctor.

People over the age of 70 should visit the couples department with caution. Elderly people should not "keep up" with the young, as a bath from a pleasant, useful and healing procedure can become harmful.

What to take with you to the bath?

Well, you have read the most unpleasant part of the article and (oh joy!) found out that everything is in order with you and you can safely get together in the steam room. But here's the question - what to take with you?

When going to the bath, do not forget:

  • Rubber slippers
  • Broom
  • A hat made of wool, linen or cotton (but not synthetics!)
  • Canvas or wool mittens (it is more comfortable to work with a broom in them)
  • Sheet or bathrobe (often sheets are given out right in the sauna)
  • Bedding (so that the rear in the steam room does not melt - the benches get very hot)
  • Towel
  • Soap, shampoo, balm
  • washcloth
  • Clean, change of linen
  • comb

Optionally, you can take:

  • Shaving accessories
  • Pumice stone for heels
  • Nail scissors
  • Creams and lotions

What not to do in the bath!

And here you are. We will talk more about the intricacies of the bath procedure in more detail, but now we will consider in general terms what should not be done. The bath has its own laws, which must be strictly observed. Otherwise, not good, but harm.

In the bath, you should NOT:

    Consume alcoholic beverages. The load on the heart increases many times over. The pleasure becomes extreme, often ending in a heart attack.

    Take a steam bath on an empty stomach or immediately after taking a large amount of food, because in the bath the blood moves away from the internal organs to the skin, and for the digestion of food, the opposite is necessary. Heaviness in the stomach will not leave you. The food eaten before the bath (and especially in the bath) should be natural, without preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. In the bath, under the influence of high temperature and humidity, the course of all processes in the body changes, and all these chemical food additives can harm the body.

    It is harmful to drink carbonated drinks in the bath - the gases contained in them are active catalysts for harmful processes in the digestive tract.

    Drink cold drinks, because they slow down sweating. Warm tea is best.

    Visit the bath if your health leaves much to be desired and with severe fatigue. Especially if the malaise is accompanied by elevated body temperature. Neglecting this can lead to complications.

    physical overload, especially when it comes to sex.. The load on the heart is too high. So relax and enjoy.

    Overdo it with pouring water on the stones. From this, the air in the steam room becomes heavy and burning. The optimal amount of one serving is 100-200 ml. At the same time, the water shouldn't be cold.

    Soak the broom in boiling water - most of the leaves will be on the floor.

    Sit on the top shelf with your legs hanging down and your head up to the ceiling. The difference in head-to-foot temperature can reach 30 degrees, and more heat is required for the legs. If possible, take a horizontal position.

    Wash with soap before visiting the steam room. Fat-free skin does not tolerate heat well and is more easily burned.

    Wetting your head - dry hair better protects the head from overheating.

    Limit yourself to contrasting procedures, trying to go to the steam room more often. The duration of rest should exceed the time spent in the steam room at least twice.

    Douse yourself in a bath with warm water instead of cold (not necessarily ice). It is in combination with contrasting procedures that a visit to the bath becomes useful and enjoyable.

    Beginners need to gradually accustom themselves to the heat. And, of course, a beginner should not chase experienced bathers.

Everything should be in moderation! And the time spent in the steam room too. An acceptable rate for many is 3-4 visits to the steam room for 10 minutes. If you stay in the steam room too much, you can easily overheat and harm yourself. So that beware of overheating!

Here are its main symptoms:

  • strong heartbeat (170 beats per minute);
  • labored, rapid breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the temples;
  • nausea;
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • tinnitus.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, it is better to leave the steam room. Go, rest in a cool room and don't tempt fate.


Retreat wphilosophic:

It was believed that a person born in a bathhouse would live to be a hundred years old, because from the first minutes of his life he takes its strength. A place for a bath was chosen closer to a clean source, on an elevated area, but, at the same time, hidden from prying eyes: in a secluded corner of a peasant estate.

In the sauna, the body should relax as much as possible. The heat in the steam room, the massage with a broom, the coolness of the pool - what does it give? The skin warms up, toxins are released through the opened pores, it becomes more toned and elastic. The bath has a good effect on the respiratory system, calms the nerves, hardens, and improves the overall tone of the body. Of course, to achieve complete comfort and benefit, you need to follow some rules:

    do not abuse the stay in the steam room and pool;

    increase the temperature contrast between procedures gradually;

    drink water, herbal and berry teas and infusions;

    do not overeat, do not eat heavy fatty foods, giving preference to vegetables and fruits;

    think about what to take to the sauna from clothes, taking into account temperature and humidity.

Bath clothes for men

What to wear to the bath? This question arises more for women than for men, who have enough swimming trunks and a terry towel. However, men's clothing for a bath can be very diverse. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Swim trunks or swim shorts

They are perfect for swimming in the pool, barrel, font, taking a shower. When you enter the steam room, you can stay naked if the situation allows, or wrap yourself in a sheet or towel. Swimming trunks made of synthetic materials can get very hot and have a bad effect on the skin.

Sheet or towel

Products made from natural materials absorb sweat and moisture well, while maintaining good air exchange. Firstly, it does not allow the body to overheat, and secondly, it will keep you warm when you rest after the procedures.


A warm, cozy dressing gown does not constrain movements, covering almost the entire body. This is a very useful thing in the sauna. She replaces the towel, while it looks quite appropriate at the table where you sit with friends, even if there are women present.

T-shirt, jacket, shorts, tracksuit

You can choose any clothes of your choice. It is desirable that it be soft to the touch, light and natural, does not constrain movements, and also does not allow the body to cool quickly. Also take care of slates with non-slip soles, dry socks.

Clothes for baths and saunas are also of interest to women. In general, for them it is a similar set, but with a lot of variations. Swimming trunks are replaced with a swimsuit, loose sundresses and dresses of simple styles made of cotton and linen can be added to ordinary clothes. Pareos also look beautiful, tied around the hips, chest or neck, falling along the body in weightless folds. By thinking in advance what to wear to the sauna, you will provide yourself with greater convenience. Change of clothes will protect from dampness and hypothermia.

What to take with you to the sauna, inexperienced admirers of steam procedures are interested. When planning a trip to the sauna or a visit to the bath, you should prepare and take with you a whole set of accessories, although in some public saunas belonging to the VIP class, they supply everything you need on the spot. However, sometimes it happens that an invitation to visit a private sauna is received from friends or relatives. In this case, it is incorrect to ask what is there and what is not. The best solution is to bring everything you need for the bath with you. So, what should you take with you to the bath and how to dispose of it? And what can not be done in the bath under any circumstances?

Let's list what to cook in the sauna.

Birch or oak?

The first thing that should be in the bath is a broom. Without it, a bath is not a bath. Without a broom, visiting the bath will not make any sense at all, the pleasure of the steam room will be very doubtful. Therefore, be sure to take a broom. They can not only whip the body, but also draw steam to the body, which provides better cleaning of dirt as a result of the expansion of skin pores.

What to wear on your feet?

Slippers are the second no less important element for a visit to the bath. It is better if they are closed (i.e. with a toe), made of rubber, and not plastic (which will cause a lot of discomfort to resting legs) or rag ones (they will quickly get wet, and it will become difficult to put them on your foot). Unprotected feet in a public sauna are at risk of contracting a fungus. However, you can go barefoot to your own bath if you are sure that there is no carrier of a fungal infection in the family.

How to protect the head and hair?

A sauna cap should ideally be made of felt, wool or felt. Ask why protect the head with hair? The high temperatures in the steam room are to blame - from 80 to 100 degrees. If the hair is not covered, it will burn and become brittle. Also, the hat allows you to protect your head from overheating, which will eliminate fainting and other unpleasant moments.

What else should be provided for the bath?

The most important set is a bathrobe and a couple of towels. A bathrobe can be put on after the steam room, and it will also serve as a towel if one has been forgotten.

Do not forget that you need to take two towels to the bath. The towel for soaking the skin should be large and ideally terry-cloth. The second towel is taken as a bedding and used exclusively for its intended purpose. In no case should both functions be combined at the same time, because a towel that has been on a public bench cannot be used to wipe the body due to the fact that many different bacteria have got on it. To avoid confusion, it is allowed to take a sheet from home for bedding.

Mittens will be useful for those who intend to bathe for a long time, performing several procedures and entering the steam room. However, this is not the most necessary item in the bath, they are more often useful for professional bathers who protect their hands from injury with bath brooms.

Soap accessories will not be superfluous in the sauna - but only after the end of the main steam procedures. For washing, by and large, only soap (and, possibly, shampoo) is required. The list may include a toothbrush with paste, body lotion and other accessories according to your own needs and preferences.

The washcloth will help the soap remove dirt from the skin. The shape and size of the washcloth does not matter. Usually they take those that are used at home.

What is not a subject of extreme necessity in the bath?

A comb and brush will help to cope with tangled hair after visiting the bath.

Women take home cosmetics, who go to the bathhouse to combine business with pleasure: not only clean the body, but also take care of the skin, for which masks are made from various natural ingredients. It is important to take into account the fact that the application of folk cosmetics (or store ones) is not allowed at the time of the thermal procedure. Honey, sour cream or any natural mixture is recommended to be applied to the face only after a few minutes after being in the steam room. Otherwise, opening the pores in the heat due to their clogging with cosmetic formulations will lead to serious skin problems, and the expected effect of the mask will not be fully achieved.

Those who go to the sauna for the first time and decide to also experiment with a face mask should take into account the following fact: natural ingredients for the skin are recommended for the sauna: honey, clay, coffee grounds, crushed fruit or vegetable mixture, etc. Mask recipe every girl selects individually according to skin type.

Massage lovers never forget to bring massage oils to the sauna. Please note that in some saunas it is forbidden to bring aromatic components with you.

It is possible to saturate the air with useful aromas in the steam room through herbal decoction. The broth is splashed on the stones, and the steam is dispersed with a broom. Depending on what effect is to be achieved, choose the appropriate herb. In addition to pleasant sensations, the odorous aromas of herbs hovering in the air also have healing properties. For the preparation of decoctions at home, classic plants are usually used:

  • chamomile, coltsfoot - an excellent choice for bath procedures;
  • lavender and pine needles can calm a person;
  • Eucalyptus is good for the respiratory system.

Keep in mind that you are unlikely to want to wear worn clothes on a clean body, so a set of clean underwear will come in handy.

Use the tips suggested here, make a list of what to take with you to the bath in advance, and the first visit to the sauna will be successful. What you can not do in the bath is to drink alcohol and go into the steam room without a hat. Both are dangerous to health.

It is difficult to think of a better holiday for a Friday evening than visiting a bath or sauna. Soft steam, the aroma of spices emanating from stones, massage with a steamed broom will calm your nerves and help you relax after a hard week. However, in order to make your trip to the sauna as comfortable as possible, and besides, safe, you should prepare for it in advance and take all the necessary accessories with you. Consider what regular visitors take with them to the sauna. And what accessories will be required for the representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

What to take with you to the sauna

First, you will need slippers to avoid getting to know foot fungus. At the same time, regulars in such public places prefer rubber shoes that do not absorb moisture and do not slip too much on wet floors.

Secondly, you will definitely need a hat that will protect your hair and head from overheating. Recall that it is absolutely impossible to wet your head in a sauna, because wet skin heats up much faster than dry skin, and you can get a heat stroke. It is better to refuse the use of a synthetic cap, as it interferes with natural ventilation and accumulates moisture. The most suitable headdress in the sauna is made of natural wool, felt or a regular towel.

Thirdly, despite the fact that many visitors to the sauna do without any clothes, it is better to take a bathrobe with you. Agree that after a steam room it is much more pleasant to please your skin with a soft cloth than to wrap yourself in a wet sheet or towel. In addition, from the steam room you need to get to the shower, which is more convenient to do in a good bathrobe, and not in a wet and short "Roman toga". The terry cloth of a dressing gown also possesses small massage effect.

Fourth, do not forget that you take at least two towels with you to the sauna - a large bath towel and a small one. The latter - again for hygienic reasons - is convenient to lay in a steam room so as not to come into contact with steamed skin with

What a girl should take with her to the sauna is aromatic oils for rubbing or massage. However, in some establishments the use of oils is prohibited, so it is better to inquire about the possibility of their use in advance. But the obligatory elements will be a washcloth and high-quality shower gel, which will come in handy when washing after the sauna.

You can also take natural scrubs for the skin of the face and body, which will effectively remove the upper layer of the epithelium softened by steam. This contributes to a more active penetration of moisture and tonic substances from the atmosphere of the steam room into the deep layers of the skin.

And a little about brooms

Many regulars of the sauna cannot imagine visiting it without vigorous whipping with a broom. This is a traditional Russian procedure, which has been carried out in a bathhouse since ancient times. However, the Russian bath differs from the sauna in higher humidity and cooler air, so it is quite pleasant to bathe in it with a broom. But not everyone can withstand the treatment with a good whisk in a dry and hot Finnish sauna. Therefore, a high-quality broom can be considered a desirable, but optional attribute.

Note that most often they take self-made brooms with them to the sauna. The most famous version of the bath broom is birch, but more exotic ones can also be used. For example, linden broom, which has an antipyretic effect, or eucalyptus, the fumes from which have a beneficial effect on the immune system and are effective in various lung and colds.

What a lady needs

Many ladies love the sauna very much because, in addition to relaxing, you can also take care of your own appearance, getting a guaranteed effect. In this case, visiting the steam room becomes a regular pleasant procedure, and you need to prepare for it thoroughly and in advance.

What should a woman take to the sauna? Shadows, powders, foundations - all this clogs pores like cement mortar, which is easily and naturally removed in the sauna, so do not forget to bring a set of masks with you. You need to apply them on steamed skin, and then the effect will be really magical. Instead of factory-made, even the most expensive ones, it is better to use homemade masks made from natural ingredients or made according to folk recipes.

Very effective are such simple masks as crushed berries and chopped fruits, heavy cream or sour cream, ground coffee, cocoa, which perfectly cleanse and tone skin cells. It is not difficult to make them, even if you did not plan a trip to the sauna in advance.

If you love aromatherapy, take with you infusions of medicinal herbs that are poured onto stones. Needles, mint or lavender are good, which relieve stress like a hand. But thyme tincture causes drowsiness, so it is better not to use it if you plan to drive home.

If, purely aesthetically, shapeless are unpleasant to you and you cannot imagine yourself in a felt "Budyonovka", replace the hat with a terry turban. Neatly assembled, it will create an oriental charm for you and, like a real woman, will allow you to show off your wardrobe even where it is not customary to dress in principle.

Sauna Menu

What to take from food to the sauna? For many of our fellow citizens, visiting the sauna is associated with a plentiful feast and alcoholic "relaxation", but this is a serious and dangerous delusion for health. And if a plentiful table in the steam room is completely useless, then alcohol is just a mockery of your health. Why?

The heat in the steam room greatly expands the blood vessels, respectively, in order to maintain normal blood pressure, the heart must work more actively. Abundantly eating, visitors to the sauna or bath further increase the load on it. Judge for yourself if it's useful.

The same school physics works in the case of alcohol, which greatly expands the blood vessels without the bath heat. Believe me, not one alcohol lover got a vascular collapse in the sauna. Do not neglect the rule that alcohol is taken with you to the sauna last.

More helpful and nice

Do not forget a light and tasty drink that will allow you to replenish the level of fluid in the body after its active excretion with sweat. Give preference to natural drinks rich in vitamins and microelements, such as herbal decoctions, berry fruit drinks, fresh juices, fermented milk ayran, tan or yogurt.

Basically, that's all you need to put in your bag when going to the sauna. And the last tip: going to the steam room, devote this time only to yourself. Try to relax as much as possible, relieve stress and leave all the problems behind the doors, then the sauna will give you exactly the effect for which it was invented.

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