Dream prediction dream book. Prediction of imminent death in a dream. Dreaming - Prediction - what to expect

Hello. I dreamed of my friend that she was pregnant. I look at the stomach, and there are already prominent features of a teenager. I offer her to predict the future. I don’t understand how, but a teenage girl appears next to me, 9 years old, haircut-kare .. Then I see this girl at 6 years of age with pigtails. Then I tell my friend: your daughter will be very beautiful and happy. After that, I tell the girl: now let's go back to my mother in the stomach, and again I see my friend with a big belly.

dream prediction

War people are dressed like in old films, I felt more mature, I led these people somewhere, argued with someone and shot (I don’t remember, maybe they even killed me) then I walked along a thin wooden bridge on two sides dirty water and corpses in it suddenly I saw the head of a dead woman and white bread in my mouth, I started to get it out and eat it with appetite (although I knew that there were a lot of hungry people, but I didn’t share it with anyone) suddenly a woman spoke from behind her words to me “finally now not my one daughter to be a princess of love" and pointed to the picture on it there was a girl in modern underwear and white wings, then I felt like I was floating in the air and I had the same wings and this girl from the picture next to me on the left side, it was like a blockade and hunger and people died from it

dream prediction

Some woman tells me fortune-telling by folding pieces of wood that look like runes in a special way (there are 8 of them). I can't see her face, only her hands. She drops the "runes" into the herb cauldron and begins to stir. Then he asks if I really want to know what awaits me. I answer what I want. Then she gives me 2 "runes" out of eight and says that this is all she can reveal to me. I hold them in my hands and examine them carefully. On the first, the number 3 changes to 4 and back, on the second 10. Then she gives me an interpretation to read, which I unfortunately do not remember.

dream prediction

I had a dream in December, as if I was walking through the park with my friends and suddenly such a heavenly place is all in apple trees that are blooming and there are many tables and benches at the tables, as if fortunetellers are sitting and people come up to them to sit down and wonder and my friend says let's go, and since I don’t guess and I’m afraid to guess, I immediately refused, she says, let’s tell fortunes, so I went, and there were three of us, well, we’re walking in the garden and I look at the table free and the grandmother of God’s dandelion is sitting, she somehow liked me, I say send them to her we are on the bench and she began to talk to one friend, and I’m sitting and hiding behind the third and suddenly she tells me, bypassing the second friend and you will have two children (because my husband and I don’t have children and it doesn’t work, we are being treated) I’m right with irony and I ask, well, when, when? And she, seeing that I don’t believe, said so directly and sharply at 36 and at 38, and I wanted to ask something and woke up right under the impression that it was all in reality, as if someone hit my forehead, how do you think such a dream? And I don’t know whether to believe such dreams or not, but I really want children, all the doctors say that the children will be treated, but they are all gone, and I’m already 35 years old

dream prediction

10 Apr. I had a dream, I see some kind of grandmother - a clairvoyant, pleasant-looking, and I ask her if we will make peace with my Vl.?

She answered - look what is happening and showed me at the window, and there, in the distance, a mountain and black smoke pours ... The same thing happens to him ... Be patient and everything will fall into place ...

And 4 days later, a volcano in Iceland was shown on TV - the same mountain and black smoke ....

What does it mean? And how to understand it???

dream prediction

I relax on the coast... A lot of people... I live right near the coast... Young people pay attention to me... Even someone confesses their love... Suddenly... For some reason, some woman begins to predict people have a future .. And me too ... I don’t remember what I said ... I remember that I asked her about max (a former young man with whom we have not been together for a long time) ... At first she said. That he is a womanizer, and then for some reason she became interested and she herself wanted to know more about everything ... She did some kind of ritual ... They interfered with seclusion ... As a result, she said that he was influenced from the outside ... Kind of like a brother younger... She didn't say the most important thing... I knew that he didn't live far away and offered to show him, so to speak, in reality... But she was busy and all our communication ended... As it turned out later, this woman was a famous psychic .... Then I walked down the street ... Quickly somehow ... I sharply turned around the corner and collided with him so that I fell ... He was surprised, too ... But at my offer to see me, he said that now he has business, next time.... "

Dreams in which a fortune teller is present have a strange, inexplicable effect from the point of view of ordinary consciousness. They come true more often than dreams filled with any other images. If you remember the words of the soothsayer, then the near future will not be a special secret for you. Let's turn to dream books to understand exactly what the fortuneteller is dreaming of.

Dream Interpretations of Miller and Freud about fortune-telling for the future

Miller, in his dream book, claims that the fortune teller symbolizes anxiety about things that had to be postponed for some time.

Freud considers the fortuneteller in a dream a symbol of subconscious fears. Be careful! She is ready to tell in a dream what exactly you are afraid of. The image of a fortune teller in dreams can appear as a symbol of fear of being deceived and fear of the unknown. Such a dream portends a meeting with a two-faced person. Do not expect help from him, he is only capable of throwing dust in his eyes.

If a fortuneteller is dreaming, it is possible that the dreamer is waking up worried about things that have been postponed for later.

Who is predicted in a dream: a man or a woman

The common thing for men and women is that the opposite sex will show increased attention to your person. Dream books also speak of fundamental differences and the need to listen to the words of the fortuneteller, which contain purely individual information.

If a man dreams of a fortune teller, he will have a romantic meeting with a woman who will soon begin to manipulate him. For a woman, such a dream means that she does not have real friends in her life, but there are many true friends among the representatives of the stronger sex.

A pregnant woman who sees a fortuneteller in a dream should calm down and not worry about her position and the condition of her unborn child. Everything will be fine! An unmarried girl should also be happy - there will be a large number of fans (as the compilers of Slavic dream books think).

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a fortune teller - do not worry about the child. Everything will be fine!

The fortuneteller took hair in a dream or predicted ... death

  1. A fortune teller can predict the future for you in a dream, but you should know that in real life everything will be the other way around. Performing the right actions in the space of dreams means that in real life big mistakes and blunders are possible. For ordinary people, the future is closed, the subconscious is only trying to warn against something. Therefore, do not take the signals of the impending fate literally.
  2. A fortune teller predicting pregnancy is considered a good sign for a woman who has such a dream. It often turns out to be prophetic - expect a baby! But if a woman’s plans do not include replenishment of the family and she categorically does not want to give birth, this dream warns of the need to pay increased attention to contraception.
  3. An important, fateful phenomenon will occur in your life if a fortuneteller predicted death in a dream. It is recommended to mobilize the will as much as possible to achieve success.
  4. Fortune telling by the hand promises a man many admirers, and a woman - admirers; against this background, the birth of love is not ruled out. In the case of fortune telling on cards in a dream, pay attention to the financial side of your real life. Both positive and negative changes can occur here.
  5. If in a dream the fortuneteller told you the name of a man, then the chance to meet him in reality is very high.
  6. According to the Slavic dream book, a fortuneteller taking hair from a dreamer portends trouble.

If a fortuneteller in a dream predicted with the help of cards - in reality, pay attention to the financial aspect of your life: changes are possible both for the better and for the worse

Dreaming of a gypsy with cards or a fortune-teller grandmother

If this is a gypsy, pay attention to the fact that in reality you have no desire to control the situation. You are capable of doing unexpected things that do not bring success. The reason for this is the shifting of responsibility to others. Freud in this case warns: do not trust your fate to strangers.

I dreamed of a fortune-teller grandmother - to joyful events in the future; to increase the level of mental comfort when communicating with loved ones. If the fortuneteller in a dream is young, be sure that in the near future you will have a romantic acquaintance in reality. For spouses, this dream is a harbinger of strengthening relationships.

Important! Dreams are of three types: ordinary natural, coming from God and good angels, devilish. To distinguish the fine line separating them, many people are unable. The probability of execution of different types is not the same. It happens that dreams do not come true exactly as they are interpreted.

I dreamed of a gypsy fortune-teller - which means that in reality the dreamer is used to shifting responsibility onto other people's shoulders

Pay attention to what and in what form you dream. Remember the emotions and impressions of the dream. Write down interesting details of dreams.

Why dream of a prediction? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Most often, these are warning dreams that help you avoid unpleasant situations if you take the dream seriously and follow the advice as far as possible.

What was predicted to you in a dream? Who did you see in your dream? Whose predictions did you dream about? What did you do in your dream?

What was predicted to you in a dream?

Predicted imminent death in a dream Prediction in a dream of the future

Dream with a prediction about how much is left to live

Predicting in a dream how much is left to live, if you also remember the date of death, symbolizes the end of a period of bad luck. The dream says that during the agreed period it will be possible to cope with all the troubles and troubles in your life.

marriage prediction

Why dream that you see or hear a prediction about imminent marriage, encourages you to think about your behavior and lifestyle. Perhaps you are doing something wrong. Change yourself - and soon you will be able to receive a marriage proposal in reality.

Prediction in a dream about pregnancy

If a woman dreams that she is predicting pregnancy, the vision symbolizes the pleasant chores that may be associated with a real pregnancy. If such news is reported to a woman in position - to a safe and easy birth.

Prediction of the birth of a child

A prediction about the birth of a child is dreaming - for a pregnant woman, a dream is a warning that it is necessary to be very careful during the period of bearing a child in order to avoid complications during childbirth.

Dreaming about a disease

An unpleasant prediction about an illness was dreamed up - do not be discouraged, Felomena's dream book interprets such a vision as an imminent joyful event that will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Foretold fate in a dream

If you dreamed that you received a prediction of fate, then in real life a feeling of uncertainty prevents you from making a very important decision, which determines how your life will work out in the future. Take your time, think carefully about your actions.

Who did you see in your dream?

I dreamed of a fortune teller with a prediction

If a fortuneteller dreamed in a dream and made a prediction for you, you have a hidden desire to know about your future. Also, this vision promises a fun life full of pleasures. Just do not get carried away with pleasures of dubious origin, otherwise problems will arise.

Whose predictions did you dream about?

See a saint with a prediction in a dream

A dream in which a saint appeared with predictions concerning you personally and your life is a very important sign. Most likely, this is the guardian angel warning the wards in this way. Be sure to heed the advice and try to follow it to the fullest.

I dreamed of a soothsayer woman with a prediction

If you dream of a woman-soothsayer who makes a prediction, you need to remember the appearance of the soothsayer. If she is the owner of dark brown or bright red hair, you will find anxiety and empty chores. A woman with brown eyes warns of the riskiness of the planned enterprise.

What did you do in your dream?

Hear predictions in a dream

We heard a prediction - the dream book gives you a great chance to listen to these words and treat them as important advice. It is necessary to be careful in business in order to avoid serious mistakes that can lead to financial ruin.


Why dream Prediction, dream book Prediction to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Prediction for what dreams in a dream:

According to the dream book Prediction to see what it means - Prediction - Turn to the predictor - you are disappointed in your loved one. If you are predicted to fail, you will be disappointed. If prosperity is predicted to you, you will have a pleasant time in an intelligent company. Predict the future - you will doubt the loyalty of a person close to you

Summer dream book

Why dream Prediction:

Prediction -

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Prediction, what is it for:

Prediction -

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Prediction:

Prediction -

Dream Interpretation Future - Did you see your future? You should once again weigh all the pros and cons regarding your decision

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Prediction what a dream means:

Seeing the Future in a dream - If you see your future in a dream, you will be able to refrain from careless and even extravagant steps.

Soothsayer - The soothsayer dreams of dubious pleasures.

Fate - The dream in which you felt your fate does not always predict disagreements and misfortunes. It may simply encourage you to reach your full potential and lead a more active lifestyle. A young woman who dreamed that she was deceiving fate in a dream will boldly make a choice between a devoted friend and lover.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream Prediction in a dream?

Seeing in a dream Prediction means - Future (planned events) - you need to beware of rash acts.

Soothsayer (sorceress, witch) - you can get carried away with dubious pleasures, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.


I had a dream Prediction what it is, what Prediction means in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Prediction in a dream mean:

You dreamed Prediction what it is for - The meaning depends on whether a joyful or sad event was predicted to you. Imagine that in any case, great joy awaits you at the end. After all, even difficulties often lead to success!

English dream book Why dream Prediction in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream What does it mean in a dream Predictions - Images of a crystal ball, a Tarot deck, I-Jin hexagrams, runes or astrological symbols suggest that you are not sure about your future and strive to find out what awaits you. Since time immemorial, people have tried to find ways to predict the future in order to prevent disasters or take advantage of every opportunity. Dreams themselves have often been used as a form of divination. No one has ever been able to prove that this or that method of prediction is completely and completely effective, although it can be argued that, according to the theory of probability, any prediction will come true sooner or later. Why dream: Dreams in which you ask questions to the predictor mean that you are very unsure of the possible outcome of a particular case or novel. You need advice that science or a well-known expert cannot give, or they will not say what you want to hear. Dreams in which you find yourself a fortune teller may simply mean your desire to be gifted with one talent or another. Or maybe you already have psychic abilities? In this case, remember which form of divination you used in your dream and try it out in real life.


dream predictions

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Predictions. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what Prediction dreams mean, or what it means to see Predictions in a dream.

dream prediction

War people are dressed like in old films, I felt more mature, I led these people somewhere, argued with someone and shot (I don’t remember, maybe they even killed me) then I walked along a thin wooden bridge on two sides dirty water and corpses in it suddenly I saw the head of a dead woman and white bread in my mouth, I started to get it out and eat it with appetite (although I knew that there were a lot of hungry people, but I didn’t share it with anyone) suddenly a woman spoke from behind her words to me “finally now not my one daughter to be a princess of love" and pointed to the picture on it there was a girl in modern underwear and white wings, then I felt like I was floating in the air and I had the same wings and this girl from the picture next to me on the left side, it was like a blockade and hunger and people died from it

dream prediction

Some woman tells me fortune-telling by folding pieces of wood that look like runes in a special way (there are 8 of them). I can't see her face, only her hands. She drops the "runes" into the herb cauldron and begins to stir. Then he asks if I really want to know what awaits me. I answer what I want. Then she gives me 2 "runes" out of eight and says that this is all she can reveal to me. I hold them in my hands and examine them carefully. On the first, the number 3 changes to 4 and back, on the second 10. Then she gives me an interpretation to read, which I unfortunately do not remember.

dream prediction

I had a dream in December, as if I was walking through the park with my friends and suddenly such a heavenly place is all in apple trees that are blooming and there are many tables and benches at the tables, as if fortunetellers are sitting and people come up to them to sit down and wonder and my friend says let's go, and since I don’t guess and I’m afraid to guess, I immediately refused, she says, let’s tell fortunes, so I went, and there were three of us, well, we’re walking in the garden and I look at the table free and the grandmother of God’s dandelion is sitting, she somehow liked me, I say send them to her we are on the bench and she began to talk to one friend, and I’m sitting and hiding behind the third and suddenly she tells me, bypassing the second friend and you will have two children (because my husband and I don’t have children and it doesn’t work, we are being treated) I’m right with irony and I ask, well, when, when? And she, seeing that I don’t believe, said so directly and sharply at 36 and at 38, and I wanted to ask something and woke up right under the impression that it was all in reality, as if someone hit my forehead, how do you think such a dream? And I don’t know whether to believe such dreams or not, but I really want children, all the doctors say that the children will be treated, but they are all gone, and I’m already 35 years old

dream prediction

10 Apr. I had a dream, I see some kind of grandmother - a clairvoyant, pleasant-looking, and I ask her if we will make peace with my Vl.?

She answered - look what is happening and showed me at the window, and there, in the distance, a mountain and black smoke pours ... The same thing happens to him ... Be patient and everything will fall into place ...

And 4 days later, a volcano in Iceland was shown on TV - the same mountain and black smoke ....

What does it mean? And how to understand it???

dream prediction

I dreamed that I was walking with a group of people whom I had not seen for a long time. And one pregnant girl began to predict the future for everyone. She told me that I would get pregnant next month. Could this be true?

dream prediction

I relax on the coast... A lot of people... I live right near the coast... Young people pay attention to me... Even someone confesses their love... Suddenly... For some reason, some woman begins to predict people have a future .. And me too ... I don’t remember what I said ... I remember that I asked her about max (a former young man with whom we have not been together for a long time) ... At first she said. That he is a womanizer, and then for some reason she became interested and she herself wanted to know more about everything ... She did some kind of ritual ... They interfered with seclusion ... As a result, she said that he was influenced from the outside ... Kind of like a brother younger... She didn't say the most important thing... I knew that he didn't live far away and offered to show him, so to speak, in reality... But she was busy and all our communication ended... As it turned out later, this woman was a famous psychic .... Then I walked down the street ... Quickly somehow ... I sharply turned around the corner and collided with him so that I fell ... He was surprised, too ... But at my offer to see me, he said that now he has business, next time.... "

dream prediction

The predictor by hand answers my question: "What awaits me in the future - health, happiness, love, in material, housing terms?" He answers me: "Healer! Room. Düsseldorf !!!"

dream prediction

From Thursday to Friday, I asked the question of what awaits me with the man I met at the beginning of summer (acquaintance is not usual, and the relationship is strange, it doesn’t really add up, but I really feel it). And then I had such a dream: I am holding a boy of 3-4 years old in my arms and this man is nearby. And a voice is heard: "She gave birth to a son to Sergei."

dream prediction

Hello. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, I had this dream: several expert predictors arrived at my place of study for some kind of shooting. They predicted the future of our educational institution, but I made my way to them to ask. The first expert, a palmist, predicted to me that the person whom I love loves me, the fortune teller also predicted the same thing, but the third predictor evaded answering and gave me the task that I would go for some thing, but I don’t know how to drive, and suddenly they give me a car. My former friends are sitting in the back seat, and we are driving. I'm driving great to my destination, but back I'm having problems with the brake, I just can't find the pedal. When we finally arrived, I rushed to look for 3 specialists, but he took the documents and silently nodded and left. Help interpret this dream

dream prediction

I dreamed of a clairvoyant woman. Everyone told me to be afraid of her, to beware. But then somehow I ended up near her .. I found out that she is very similar to me (not outwardly, but in character) I remember very clearly that she, like me, is a virgin by the sign of the zodiac .. And most importantly: I she asked if I would get married, to which she answered me, have fun, relax and do not waste time, you will be gone soon .. Help !!! I'm very scared!!

dream prediction

Again I had a dream in which there is a person with superpowers. I dreamed as if I, my classmate and another girl (whom I don’t know in my life, but in a dream she is my friend), we are sitting in some kind of dark room similar to a cinema, because the chairs are in rows. I don’t remember why, but I tell my classmate Rita, let’s ask Irina, she knows the future. I turn to Irina with a request to say what we will have, and she says that everything will be fine with me, and Rita still has to wait 6-7 years, she will give birth only after forty.

In fact, we both don't have children.

Prediction of imminent death in a dream

I dreamed of some sect where they want to drag me unsuccessfully. As if I even come to them and their priestess predicts my imminent death within a year, shows me some sheet with the number 99.

It saddens me, although I understand that she is a charlatan, I try to argue with her and tell her that she is wrong.

Why would this prediction of imminent death in a dream?

Prediction about death in a dream

I dreamed that a fortuneteller was telling me fortune-telling on cards. He lays out the cards and when he opens the card, he says what it means. The first meant that I have sins, the second seems to be about the fact that I seem to be good in situations, and the third meant death. She said that a car would hit me, then she called the number 9. I immediately woke up. In a dream and after a dream, I felt fear.

If you can, please explain this dream Prediction of death.

Prediction of death in a dream

In a dream, I saw a boy who was destined to die soon, I did not know from what, but he also knew that he was dying. I wanted to feel sorry for him, but he said "don't worry about me, we'll see you soon."

Then I met an elderly woman who was also dying. I expressed my regret to her about this, and she says that there is no need to regret anything and that I, too, will soon die and everything will start with the fact that a dog will bite me.

Then I see myself in the garden with some woman, in a dream I was clearly on friendly terms with her, we walk with her in the garden, and I tell her about strange forebodings. The woman says that there is no need to worry, you never know what they say, and offers to take a walk.

We come to visit people who were also familiar to me in a dream (I can’t draw analogies in life). Street party. B-B-Q. Everyone have fun. More guests come up to the fence - they have a big black dog - like a Rottweiler. Suddenly, he unexpectedly breaks off the leash, jumps over the fence, rushes through the entire yard and bites into my leg.

Then I woke up, with a sense of the reality of sleep and even rubbed my leg, it seemed to hurt in this place.

It was very scary.

Prediction of the dead in a dream

The deceased neighbor took my hand with a wrinkled hand and began to talk about the future. That they say there will be no war with Russia, but Russia will be engulfed by an unknown disease, like an epidemic, that they say I will have a daughter, but not from my wife, but from my old love, I lowered my eyes and twisted my passport, the pages were torn, I flipped through, but the photo was not in a dream, I I understood that the passport of the deceased, next to the passport was a briquette of butter, I opened it and it was melted and slightly dirty because it was lying on the ground.

Then I saw a clear blue sunny sky, three hang gliders, a woman, a man and a child, were flying in it, but at that moment we were waiting in line for the flight to jump with a parachute with my brother, there was such a strong wind and from different directions (such an unusual feeling was and a little scary when such a wind to jump) color dream!


Woman's prediction

Dream Interpretation Woman Prediction had a dream about what a woman's prediction is dreaming of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman’s Prediction in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Listening to a prediction in a dream is a warning of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Disappointment awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something unpleasant is predicted to you in a dream, a joyful event will take place in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you are predicted in a dream that you will be rich, you will be poor.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself in a dream with a beard is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign of great trouble because of the lies that he himself will come up with. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but verify. For a man to see a pleasant but unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that his chances of a successful end to the matter are small; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you should try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then do not expect a quiet life. Blondes dream of good news and a relaxing pastime. In general, to see in a dream a woman of pleasant appearance, smiling affably at you, means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment. To see or meet an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad talk about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you liked a stranger, then be afraid of fake friends and do not trust strangers. A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes. Seeing a disheveled or ill-dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant - to worries and troubles; with a child in her arms - to a lot of trouble. See interpretation: lady, girl, hair, eyes, clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

For a man to see himself lying between two women is an improvement in health and business.

Lying next to a pregnant woman is a pleasant hope.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big chore.

In general, a young, beautiful woman with long hair - to health, new opportunities, joy, pleasure.

Old, ugly, crooked or with disheveled hair - to gossip, quarrels, squabbles, longing.

A naked woman is a symbol of illness, grief, lies.

To meet a young stranger for a woman is a nuisance.

For a man - a temptation.

Kissing a stranger is for money.

To be fascinated, to look back at some woman - to deceit from friends.

If some woman stops you, beware of failure, this is a warning.

A woman under a veil - to death.

Many women, disputes with them are intrigues and a violation of your plans.

The American tradition even interprets the dependence of the interpretation of sleep on the color of hair, eyes, the shape of a woman's nose in a dream: a blonde - to pleasant deeds and hobbies.

A brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose is a sign that you have retreated before the vicissitudes of fate.

A brown-haired or red-haired woman with a straight nose - to difficulties and troubles.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers in speculation and stock trading.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Praying - good times; pregnant - joy; women in a men's suit - experience moments of passion; a meeting of women - chagrin; kissing a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talking with a stranger - making an acquaintance; a woman with a child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; look at a woman - your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joys; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - the joy of taking - a reasonable home life; meet a woman in a dream - have a good day


Hear the prediction

Dream Interpretation Hear a prediction dreamed of why in a dream Hear a prediction? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hear a prediction by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you received some kind of prediction: do not rush to take it literally.

Most often, we receive real predictions in our dreams in the form of hints or riddles.

It often happens that, having solved such a riddle, we really get valuable information or useful advice for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Listening to a prediction in a dream is a warning of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something was predicted to you in a dream, such a dream should be taken literally. Its meaning depends on whether a joyful or sad event was predicted to you. If you made a prediction, happiness will change you for a while.

Imagine that in any case, great joy awaits you at the end. After all, even difficulties often lead to success!

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Disappointment awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something unpleasant is predicted to you in a dream, a joyful event will take place in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you are predicted in a dream that you will be rich, you will be poor.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If in a dream you turn to predictors, wanting to know your future fate, it means that in reality you will be worried about some important matter that requires an urgent decision, but in order to accept it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she will face a choice of which of the fans to prefer and whom to reject, and such a decision will require her no less subtle and balanced approach.

If in a dream you are predicted to fail, then in reality you will be disappointed by dubious pleasures, and if they portend well-being, you will soon have pleasant fun by receiving an invitation to a party. A dream where you yourself predict the future for someone suggests that in reality you will be overcome by doubts about the fidelity of your betrothed.

Dream Interpretation - Hear or see how the heart stopped

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Prediction of death

Ignore and calm down. I dreamed this so many times that they just didn’t predict it for me, with the exact dates and times, nothing came true, which means such a dream is a banal nuisance in real life, and nothing more. Checked.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction of death

Such dreams come off when a person is very worried about an unsolvable problem, business, event, etc. in real life. It has nothing to do with actual death.


Life expectancy prediction

Dream interpretation Life expectancy prediction dreamed of why in a dream Prediction of life expectancy? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Life Prediction in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Prolonged sexual intercourse

A dream of prolonged sexual intercourse can be interpreted as a symbolic reflection of the dreamer's thoughts.

In the first case, such a dream will mean: for a man - a desire to prolong what he is doing now, to do it for as long as possible.

For a woman, this dream can mean a similar desire, the occurrence of which is associated either with the inability to have time to finish the job on time, or with the unwillingness to finish it at all.

In addition, for a man to see in a dream a prolonged sexual intercourse can mean the onset of a successful period in life, which, according to his desire, should never end.

For women, a prolonged sexual intercourse seen in a dream is a sign of a favorable period in life, good luck, long-awaited acquisition and success, happiness in personal life, children's health and all the best.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you received some kind of prediction: do not rush to take it literally.

Most often, we receive real predictions in our dreams in the form of hints or riddles.

It often happens that, having solved such a riddle, we really get valuable information or useful advice for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Listening to a prediction in a dream is a warning of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something was predicted to you in a dream, such a dream should be taken literally. Its meaning depends on whether a joyful or sad event was predicted to you. If you made a prediction, happiness will change you for a while.

Imagine that in any case, great joy awaits you at the end. After all, even difficulties often lead to success!

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Disappointment awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something unpleasant is predicted to you in a dream, a joyful event will take place in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you are predicted in a dream that you will be rich, you will be poor.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If in a dream you turn to predictors, wanting to know your future fate, it means that in reality you will be worried about some important matter that requires an urgent decision, but in order to accept it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she will face a choice of which of the fans to prefer and whom to reject, and such a decision will require her no less subtle and balanced approach.

If in a dream you are predicted to fail, then in reality you will be disappointed by dubious pleasures, and if they portend well-being, you will soon have pleasant fun by receiving an invitation to a party. A dream where you yourself predict the future for someone suggests that in reality you will be overcome by doubts about the fidelity of your betrothed.

Dream Interpretation - A long period of failures

Aggression towards the specified person, despite the external removal of responsibility for the accident from the individual himself, evasion of responsibility.

Dream Interpretation - Life

Seeing your life changed in a dream, that is, presenting it in a different version than it has developed in reality, portends in reality new alternatives for your future destiny.

So, to see yourself living underground speaks of an inevitable danger that can nullify all your affairs and overthrow you from the heights you occupy to the very bottom of life.


Prediction of trouble

Dream Interpretation Prediction of trouble dreamed of why in a dream Predicting trouble? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a prediction of trouble in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you received some kind of prediction: do not rush to take it literally.

Most often, we receive real predictions in our dreams in the form of hints or riddles.

It often happens that, having solved such a riddle, we really get valuable information or useful advice for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Listening to a prediction in a dream is a warning of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something was predicted to you in a dream, such a dream should be taken literally. Its meaning depends on whether a joyful or sad event was predicted to you. If you made a prediction, happiness will change you for a while.

Imagine that in any case, great joy awaits you at the end. After all, even difficulties often lead to success!

Dream Interpretation - Trouble

Get into trouble - you may expect malaise. You need to take care of your health.

The culprit was someone's misfortune - to family quarrels, misunderstandings with friends, conflicts with companions.

Were in trouble, but were able to overcome all enemies - despite all the upcoming obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Disappointment awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Trouble

If trouble happened to your loved one in a dream, this means that the dream has the opposite meaning, and it must be interpreted in this way: the hero of your dream will be successful in business and make a happy choice. If you saw yourself in trouble, then you will achieve a lot in life and will be very respected and revered, happy in a wonderful family, and your many healthy children will always be a source of joy for you.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something unpleasant is predicted to you in a dream, a joyful event will take place in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you are predicted in a dream that you will be rich, you will be poor.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If in a dream you turn to predictors, wanting to know your future fate, it means that in reality you will be worried about some important matter that requires an urgent decision, but in order to accept it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she will face a choice of which of the fans to prefer and whom to reject, and such a decision will require her no less subtle and balanced approach.

If in a dream you are predicted to fail, then in reality you will be disappointed by dubious pleasures, and if they portend well-being, you will soon have pleasant fun by receiving an invitation to a party. A dream where you yourself predict the future for someone suggests that in reality you will be overcome by doubts about the fidelity of your betrothed.

Dream Interpretation - Troubles

If you dream that you are in trouble, it is always a happy dream, portending various changes for the better.


hand fortune teller prediction

Dream Interpretation Fortune Teller Prediction by Hand dreamed of why in a dream the prediction of a fortune teller by hand? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a fortune teller's hand in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

To the upcoming romantic acquaintance (if the fortuneteller is guessing).

If you guess to yourself - dissatisfaction with sexual life.

You can become a professional fortune teller.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

Fortune teller (witch, sorceress) - something is being started against you, and perhaps out of envy.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

If you are guessing in a dream, this means that you have to make a choice between two fans. Rely on your intuition, which will not let you down and will tell you the right choice. A young man who sees a fortuneteller in a dream will be surrounded by the attention of the fairer sex, which will greatly increase his self-esteem.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller, Witch

A fortune-teller is a kind of messenger: the method of divination can tell where and what news you will receive / your soul is in a vague twilight and vague state, everything in it is confused.

To see a young witch in a dream - the forces of your soul are slipping out of control / you are completely absorbed in yourself and do not see anything around / some kind of surprise.

To meet a witch, a sorceress in the forest - go ahead, there is no turning back.

To meet at a crossroads is to face an important decision.

Seeing an old witch is sadness / those forces of your soul that are ready for evil.

She cooks a brew - you accumulate evil in yourself, it can end badly.

She collects herbs - you are too indifferent to both evil and good.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

Fortune teller - forbidden pleasures seduce you.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If you received some kind of prediction: do not rush to take it literally.

Most often, we receive real predictions in our dreams in the form of hints or riddles.

It often happens that, having solved such a riddle, we really get valuable information or useful advice for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

Listening to a prediction in a dream is a warning of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Prediction

If something was predicted to you in a dream, such a dream should be taken literally. Its meaning depends on whether a joyful or sad event was predicted to you. If you made a prediction, happiness will change you for a while.

Imagine that in any case, great joy awaits you at the end. After all, even difficulties often lead to success!

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

See Divination.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller

Talking to her in a dream is a sign that you are confused in your love affairs, and only a happy turn of events can lead your love story to a happy ending and engagement. Hearing her prediction in a dream speaks of failure. Guessing yourself in a dream is a sign of a useful acquisition. Fortune telling someone in a dream portends an important meeting with the right person. Seeing in a dream how someone is guessing is good or bad news. See interpretation: divination, prediction, stranger.




Seeing in a dream a predictor of the future in three different guises of women

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Love, probably a predictor of the future, acts in a dream as a symbol of some dubious pleasure.



i dreamed that some girl (seemingly kind) said that the guy I like would come to me, and even after how many days he would come to me. what could this mean .. please tell me

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Nazira, the fact that there was such a prediction in your dream most likely indicates that you are waiting for such events.


the fact that I came to someone and guests and there was a sweet woman, she took my hand and said that don’t worry, everything seems to be normal, you will have two girls. And then she took her hand again and said that it seems that the level of influence of the devil is small and showed at eye level: about this))

Julia Dream Interpretation:

igor, the fact that you saw such a prediction in a dream probably indicates that you are now on the path that will lead you to happiness.


I was told in a dream that my eldest son would drown in the sea. This dream is driving me crazy. Fear does not leave me.


i had a dream that a short Muslim old man was telling me beans, he does not want to answer my questions, he just says that everything will be fine.


I dreamed that, standing at the crossing to the other side of the road, a woman (looking like a gypsy) fell out of her hands with gold rings and rings, and she seemed to be unable to pick them up. And when I bent down with the intention of helping her and picked up one of the rings (I wanted to give it to her), she said something about “insurance for feedback on a contradiction” - then I woke up (by the way, this was from Wednesday to Thursday)


I dreamed of a fortune teller whom I used to go to a few years ago, in a dream we met by chance and I asked her what changes were in my personal life, and I added that I had known this guy since December 16 as a month, she told me answered that he is a very rich guy, he has everything, he is very good, handsome, etc., what does this mean?


Maybe my dream will seem like a fairy tale or a little funny to someone, but for many years I have been looking for an answer to my dreams. Since childhood, I have had the same dream (or rather, the same topic, just the situation is different, but these bad feelings are the same) I am constantly being pursued in a dream, let's say, by an evil spirit, always in the guise of some kind of villager or loved one or someone whom I don't know and constantly wants to kill me. As a child, I had this dream almost every day, but in recent years I have had them intermittently, several times a week, sometimes every other day. It is interesting that I used to be afraid of these dreams, but then I got used to them (after all, I have been seeing them for many years) and slowly began to control, control in the sense that I can wake up during this dream. Before falling asleep, I even know whether I will have a good dream today or not, because before going to sleep I begin to spin in a spiral and fall somewhere. If in the middle of such a dream I wake up myself, if I am not distracted for a couple of minutes and immediately fall asleep, in this case, I see the continuation of sleep in the place when I woke up. On that night from 16 to 17 I again saw a similar dream and in many cases it was a semi-dark room and a night in the yard, and when I forced myself to wake up for a couple of seconds, I felt that someone was near me, but it was only on a couple of seconds and hugging her bear fell asleep again =) That's all my dreams to which I'm looking for an answer. And the main thing is that when I don’t want to see the continuation of sleep, I need to turn on the other side and lie down for at least 2, 3 minutes thinking about something else, and if I’m interested in knowing the end of the dream, it’s not enough to turn over, immediately falling asleep and the dream continues as after press pause and after play

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a predictor, most likely indicates that you can get advice from someone that is better not to follow.


Hello, today I had a terrible dream, as if a friend brings me to some girl home, and tells me now we will take you out of depression, we pass through the mirror, and a spirit appears in a friend and says: I came to predict the future, and I tell him I don’t believe, he tells me remember the army (I haven’t served in the army yet), I say I don’t believe and left leaving a photo of my hand, waited for a friend and a friend tells me that everything is fine with you only in 24 years you will get married, and I tell you that I'm not gay, nothing can be changed? He says we couldn't fix it. please help me, I’ll dream about it, it’s scary what can happen.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was a prediction in a dream most likely promises you unforeseen twists of fate.


I dreamed that I was going to the store and my classmate drove up on a bicycle from the back and in front the guy whom I love in a bright shirt, well, I went around him and went to the store and I wanted to buy dried fruits and I take them in, I take them in and then without anything I go out to street and they are no longer there! And literally in 2-3 days the guy whom I love came from vacation in a bright shirt! the question is, am I a dreamer?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Do not trust unverified advice, as a rule, such dreams speak exactly about this, so be careful in business.


I dream of predictors very often, I can’t even know what it would mean !! The last two dreamed recently. I met the first one in a dream while riding an elevator with a black cat to the 11th floor of the house (in which my late grandmother lived), when the door opened, she wrote some writings on the concrete semi-water, and at the same time reproached me that I was going the wrong way that everything is not going well in my life, she said how callous I became, ordered me to change !! The second woman dreamed of me from the 2nd to the 3rd of this month! I met her at some gathering of people, I wanted to leave from there ... but they pushed me to the soothsayer, she said a hundred, I will break up with my young man! what could that mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you can succumb to the persuasion of someone whose advice you are best not to trust yet, because this can lead to deplorable needs.


A woman came up who predicted my fate, she silently took both my hands and looked, said: “Everything in your life will be very good,” while she fell in love a little, they say, there’s nothing to worry about. She didn’t say anything for the money, and it seemed that she just wanted to help me. I didn’t have time to understand that this woman was a fortune teller, she was fair-skinned. Then I saw fortune-telling cards in her hands, she shuffled them and laid them out, but she didn’t tell me anything about them, only by hand. It was as if she also did massages when she returned home, as if I were telling my husband, let's go do a massage, he agrees, and when we come to the same fortune teller, I try to persuade her so that he does not guess that she is guessing and that he does not see her in the hands of the card, I was worried that he would not think anything superfluous that I was up to something. I saw children running around who looked like gypsy children, it surprised me, because she did not look like a gypsy and, as I said, she was fair-skinned. I spoke to her, and she sat silently, but listened and understood everything. At the end, I began to tell her about my friend, as she said that I would soon have good changes in my life, she was not a fortune teller or clairvoyant, but simply felt it. under hypnosis. I was not scared, I just didn’t understand what I said, that she had such a reaction. At this moment I woke up, but the dream left a good impression and very clear, as if it was some kind of prediction for the near future. Thank you for interpreting my dream

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, most likely, advises you to beware of the advice of those who have recently entered your life, this may lead to a disastrous result.


Hello. I dreamed of a woman with strange, large eyes, disc-shaped. She said that I have unusual abilities and can predict the future. She said that I have to help people in the future


In a dream, a fortune teller (in a bazaar or market, not a gypsy) told me that my husband (deceased) is now in prison in Kaliningrad (for some reason I have never been there and was not interested in this city), that he will be released in four or five years (I don’t remember exactly how vague it is now), and that I have a year left to live. And when my husband gets out of prison, he will marry my daughter (she is not his own, and the fact that he molested my three-year-old daughter in a drunken state led to a divorce, I quite intuitively noticed this). I asked her if this could be somehow prevented, I am young and I want to live (in a dream I was 24 years old). She said buy a cross and pray, but that doesn't guarantee anything. I am not baptized. The dream was so real that when I woke up, for a long time I forced myself to remember that I had seen my husband’s corpse, and that we had cremated him. The day before sleeping on VKontakte, his parents registered and bought a laptop. I think maybe it's because of this .... But why should I live only a year? Then I took water in my palms three times and repeated where the water goes and sleep.


I dreamed that a witch approached me and said, “Your daughter will soon go to heaven.” What could this mean? My daughter is 12 years old.


dream. a large accident a lot of broken cars dead people fire cars burn in them people I am in the center of an accident in a car my car is whole I can’t understand what happened what it could mean


I dreamed of a Muslim fortune teller who told me beans, giving the guy’s name a long Kazakh name, said that within 6 months there would be changes in my life, said that I would meet him and in a couple of months I would get pregnant from him, in addition, I asked does she have damage or an evil eye on me, she replied that there is an evil eye, then, as far as I remember, she said that everything would be fine, what would that mean?
the second part of the dream, some person told me to buy a talisman in the mosque. visited the mosque in a dream. I wanted to get an amulet (talisman) from the imam, he answered me that I should sacrifice like a ram, but I didn’t have a ram in my dream at that moment and I offered money, he refused and on this note I woke up to this meant?
I would like to receive answers to the meaning of this dream,
thank you in advance.


I dreamed about my grandmother, who turned out to be a fortune teller, I followed her and began to ask for my future, in particular for my work (I'm a musician) will I become famous, she said no, we got into the elevator and rolled down from a very high building great speed, which threw me to the ceiling, well, she constantly left me, and I wanted specifics, I wanted to know why, she turned into a young woman and as soon as she started talking, it started to rain heavily, from which we hid and still like didn’t hide in any way ... such a dream, it upset me ...


I'm married. I dream that I am in a cemetery, waiting for a witch, 3 nuns are coming towards me, one of them is a witch, without stopping, she says to me: your husband is doing something wrong. Then I dream (second dream) that my husband is sent to prison and given more than 10 years, and he tells me that nothing can be done, although he has nothing to do with this situation. Innocents are imprisoned here, he gives up. I sell my property and hire a lawyer, and he is acquitted. He didn't ask me. Why these dreams, please answer!


And I dreamed of a big dog, I caught it and closed it in a barn, after that I felt sorry for it and I let it go, and suddenly it is no longer a dog, but a fortune-teller woman who asks if I have children, I understand that I don’t, but in in a dream, I have a girlfriend with a little boy, and therefore, I said that there is, and she also looked into my eyes and said that nothing would work out with my real girlfriend, that she supposedly was cheating on me or would change in the future !!! What would that mean???


hello. I had a very strange and at the same time terrible dream. i dreamed that my parents and I live in a private house and for some reason children of my age are moving in with us, and I’m just in the 11th grade and I’m carefully preparing for the last call and graduation. but I even scoff at one girl, although not from evil, just for fun, and this continues for some time. one fine day, that girl appears before me as a woman and says that I was born on the wrong day, I tell her that June 11 is the best day for a birth, and she, in turn, said that I should be reborn on another day and should weigh at least 3-4 kg, and preferably 6.5 kg. otherwise I will die (I don’t remember, mine) not by my own death and young. I scream at her in fear and say the words “Is it my fault that she doesn’t eat! she is ill!!!" pointing to mom. she seemed to understand me and the dream ends with a happy ending. I woke up, the finger where I wear the ring was swollen and a little sore, I could hardly take off the ring...!!! could you solve my dream? I will be grateful;))


Hello! My mother dreamed as if some woman, like a beggar, said to her, “And you will die soon ...!” Mom asked again in surprise, she repeated the same thing to her and said, “Come on, I’ll tell you something else” and at that moment mother they stole all the property from the bag, she panicked, but the dream went well, kind people helped.


an anxious dream, because I read a lot of unpleasant things on the Internet. I dreamed of a man-predictor whom I asked about the future, said only about work, even the name of the company, but I didn’t remember, they were looking for him somewhere in the forest for a long time, found, but wanted to communicate only with me .. asked a lot of questions about the future, said only about work .... and swam with friends in dirty water, there was a flood in the whole city and at that time we were at the bazaar, choosing children's towels


I dreamed of Vanga. It was like she had a vision and I saw it too. In a vision, an attack was made on two little girls. Vanga started screaming in her own language, and I translated to people. We ran down the street with her and shouted: people help little girls, girls, girls ... .. Please help explain.


in a dream, the predictor (he) told me the future of my girlfriends, but not to me. I tell him: “Am I going to die tomorrow?”, To which he silently left. I run after him, but go the other way, although I know that he was not there at all. 3 brown horses are running towards me from the forest. Because of fear, I run up the mountain and fall.


I saw a fortune teller in a dream and my ex-young man was in the same room, she told me that something big was connecting the two of us, and she left ... then I ran after her and asked if something would bring us together in the future, since feelings for I still have him, to which she replied don’t let him go ... what would it all mean?


I dreamed of a woman whom I used to turn to and she removed the damage from me that my husband's mistress did, put protection. In a dream, she said that they were doing damage to me again and she would help me. Then I dreamed of burning church candles, many people, raw meat with blood and boiled meat. I separated from my husband.


I have been worried about one question for a year now, and before going to bed, I asked that the dream would give me the answer to the question that tormented me. I’m dreaming of a guy, as if we were standing at a bus stop and he showed me people passing by and said what they would have, and as if I were going into the future with every person he told about and all his words were accurate in the future for these people. I ask him to tell me what will happen to me, at first he was silent, and then said that I would become pregnant at the beginning of the year .... and then five of his silences and his eyes were so piercing, then he spoke again, said that my husband needed to check the intestines, and that I will live longer than him. In the morning, scrolling through the dream in my head, I remembered his words, and in truth, my husband has not had pain in his stomach lately. What can this dream mean, is it true ???


as if I went to some grandmother and she seemed to me a vanga or something like her. she was strong and saw everything. so I came to her and she told me everything about me, but the question torments me (in reality, I have been under investigation for no reason for the 2nd year) and So I ask her if I can handle it. And she says that it’s useless to deal with these bastards, you can’t prove it. Take chocolate and put up, go.


in a dream, my young man and I came to a fortune teller, an elderly, kind and sweet woman, first she told about my character, then about him, and then she said: you guys will always be together, yes, yes always, and then she told us to swear , but I don’t remember exactly what the oath was about, but it also looked like a promise that we would be together, as she said.


Hello! I had a dream today .... I am visiting my grandmother with my mother, and my grandmother starts acting strange - she sits with a skein of thread and a needle in front of the mirror and tries to predict something for us ... she says that one of the older sisters will lose the child, and that the Lord will not go home with us ... and I am very scared of what she says and ask her to stop, but she gets angry and continues to tell that someone will have a dead or ugly child, and I am very scared. Please tell me what this could mean?


I dreamed of my dead mother. There are a lot of my friends and relatives around me, there seems to be a river nearby. I'm talking to my daughter-in-law, and then my mother comes. Nearby is my niece, and I look at her. Then I go up to my mother and greet her. And she says to me: Soon you will become pregnant! Why is this???


From Thursday I dreamed of a fortune teller in a red sweater, she flew on a broomstick. She said that I would be very happy, I asked her when, in 2014? She told me something, but what I don't remember


a dream about how I was driving from some holiday in a car with my friends and asked to stop. I went out and went to some kind of yard near which trees with pears grow, I want to pick them up for myself and I understand that the hostess will see in the yard, I go to her and ask sell me a kg of pears, she agrees, takes out pears to me and gives them, and they are already completely rotten and wormy. I stand looking at them and it’s not convenient for me to tell her that they are bad. Then I impudently take a good pear and start eating it, and this woman herself begins to predict the future for me, says that her husband sees that at the age of 50 there will be tears, that he is still able to conceive a child for me, that he drinks and nothing will help him that it's his illness. And then another woman comes to this woman and she goes aside with her and also wonders ...


Hello, Tatyana! i dreamed that the fortuneteller, looking at me, said: Do not return to past relationships, otherwise you will have ovarian cancer (((((Here


In reality, I have a friend who helps with her predictions. I dreamed about her on the night from Thursday to Friday, saying that this year what I had been waiting for a long time (to become a mother) would come true. I asked her this year, will I become a mother? She said this: "I think so." As if she were sitting on the bed at my house, she took hold of my head with both hands and my sensations were as if I were about to faint. Then we went to the window and saw a lot of clear water, between two houses, and a frozen carcass without heads and tails (that is, dead) was swimming in it, and suddenly I screamed, look, that live one, there was one live big fish and she swam in transparent in the water, and for some reason I immediately felt so joyful in my soul that there was at least one, but alive ... Then, it seemed, her relatives came for her, and she did not want to go to them, she said that she was already so tired of them ...


The fortuneteller had a dream and said that I would live happily for a long time and be rich, my daughter would not work when she was an adult ...


I dreamed that a woman touched me on the bus and said I don’t see anything. I asked what it was connected with, she said, with your young man.


i dreamed that the fortuneteller came first to a gypsy, then another went in there with dad left from there with a friend with a colleague, the second asked what awaits me in the future, she said that I would get married that he would be harmful, I cried and said maybe then I should not get married. Why such a dream?


I dreamed that my friend went to a fortuneteller, and she told her that in our class there would be one five for the exam - I have it!


i dreamed of a fortune teller with a tattoo on her cheek, who told me that I would die early because I had diseased kidneys

Severina Stefanova:

Hello. My name is Severina. Today I had a dream - a lot of people, among whom I remember one woman - plump, with a smart face. I wanted to look at my hand and saw a cross on it, I also suddenly saw a large cross on my palm. She said that I would have a child and he would die. Somewhere from the side, the voice of my mother was heard, she said that we did not want to know our future and that was enough. I forgot the rest of the dream. Tell me, please, is it possible to believe in a dream? I am unmarried, no children.


They came with their father either to a fortune teller, or to a soothsayer. she guessed something, perhaps predicted a dream. The next day, her secretary called her father and started asking questions. after such a call, we decided to go again for an appointment. on the ground floor, there was a very wide room, on the whole floor with huge windows and in front of the stairs there was a secretary, she was talking with some man, probably also by appointment, after the man we came up, they wanted to make an appointment for me, the secretary said there were no places for today , and the next day I had to leave my father's home, so I had to get an appointment today. then my father said that they had called him, and it turned out that he was booked in for an appointment, there was already a large queue behind us, ten fifteen people, we moved away from the counter to confer, anyway, I also had to write me down, so I went up to the secretary to ask more just to ask if there are no places for today, she showed me a record, only for tomorrow in the evening and in the afternoon there were empty places. then I don’t know what happened if the father of someone found out or something else, but my father left the building with this large crowd, I almost ran after them. then everyone climbed into the truck with a covered top and I climbed. drove home standing. the lights were even turned off to hide the fact that we were inside.


I dreamed of a man and came up to me and a friend and wrote our names. Then I was told that you loved the body of your ex-husband very much and you love God. And he disappeared and then I tried to find him, he turned out to be a taxi driver, but I never found him. His words got me thinking..

The second part of the dream, I saw my nephew who wanted to see my mother and missed her .. And we visited her while she was being treated under a dropper


examining my moles, the woman described my character, but I asked where I would go (maybe I'm an applicant) and she answered.


i dreamed of a fortune teller - she advised in life among three roads to choose the road with my husband so that I would not leave him and suddenly left. I caught up with her to ask if we would have children, but I never received an answer


i dreamed: I’m in a cafe at the counter ordering food, and everyone in coffee is waiting for the predictor, they talk about him, I’m flocking as if nothing had happened, suddenly a young man of 19-20 years old appears, and a woman of 30 years old, their appearance is not I remember, I remember the guy had a denim jacket and a pleasant voice, they are standing next to me, and a woman asks him
- How old is this building?
- he answers - 5-6 years old, I used to see the club, but now it’s completely different
I grabbed his hand and immediately asked
- I will pass the exam (because I am still in school)
- he smiled and said - Yes, you will pass and very well
without letting go, I asked
- I will become a famous journalist as I dream?
he hugged me and said smiling - Try, you will become, but not a journalist! then I asked
- Will I get married? he replied
- fall in love and get pregnant, but he will have a child, so you will leave him for another,
I said that I know about it. I was previously fond of palmistry and I really know that there will be two husbands in the future, I told him about this, he took my hands and said CALUMBS, after that I woke up! help interpret the dream


Together with the predictor, we are considering wax figures of people, he has 2 of them and I have. We are having a dialogue, I tell him who his figures look like, he (a tall man in the guise of a monk) covers his figures between his palms and says something to me, but I don’t remember


An old house, an old woman - at first I didn’t want to let her into the house ... Then I let her in, she turned out to be a fortune teller. She said that I have some kind of power, or something. Then I don't remember.
Then he gives me a piece of bread and says - there will be a concussion. Eat this to make everything go higher for you..
And the day before, I dreamed of boiled eggs - a whole tray from the refrigerator - my mother-in-law gave them to me.


good afternoon, I dreamed of a fortune teller, she took some kind of bowl, said that everything would be fine with me, I asked about my personal life, she replied that everything would be fine with her and I would marry successfully. I asked if I would marry the guy that I like so much. She replied that most likely yes. The fortune teller asked me to write the guy's name, and she began to read some kind of plot. after this dream, I dreamed about this guy and we danced a slow waltz with him, and very gently.


I'm 52 years old. But I dreamed of a little girl who looked like an old woman. She pointed to my stomach and whispered in a strong accent so that I could find a chicken there. I replied that I would, as soon as I found a cockerel for this. She said that it would be later, by nationality Rumen.


And how much will your justification cost? I dreamed that my friend and I wanted to sow mushrooms, but ended up in some village - not familiar, sort of got lost, went into the house - and there was an elderly woman, we asked how we could get into the forest, and she took rice with raisins and give it scatter around a friend, and showered all of her and put it in this rice, but I only watched, although she told her something, but I didn’t listen, but only thought about how we could get out of there. Then this woman threw a couple of handfuls in my direction, as if crossing herself. Then she showed us an expensive car through the window and said a hundred it belongs to my friend, although in fact it belongs to her friend Zhiguli. I left the house and for some reason got on my bike and left. Having driven a little, I realized that without outside help I would not get out of there. She took out her phone and began to call her friend, but a crowd of people came from somewhere and began to tell the way. For some reason, the phone in my hands turned out to be broken - such a little book and the cover was torn off. She didn’t get through to her friend, although she already knew how to get out of that place. On this I woke up.


Julia Wang dreamed and to my question about children, she answered: - you will have a child, this is a girl. I asked her: - everything will be fine, she said she did not understand what it means everything will be fine, I asked: - will I live? She replied: - You will live and everything will be fine for everyone! And next to her ran a gray-white dog.


Outside, a fortuneteller similar to Vanga dreamed, and two guys were nearby, one was familiar and the other was not, She guessed to me, and predicted something, but I don’t remember what


I dreamed of a kind sorceress - 43 goals ago, I remember like yesterday, I pray for her. is it possible now to resume a meeting-communication with her, and how this can be done


I dreamed of some old fortune teller. I was her student. Someone else there, the three of us, studied with her. I know for sure that they were about the same age. Like a girl and a guy. Coins were laid out, and below, under the table, there were cards. I asked if it was possible to remove one coin, and she replied: “what are you, there is a dead girl.” Then everyone began to leave, and she asked to stay. She hung an amulet on me, and then she thought, and generally wrapped a bunch around her neck. I said that next time I will bring the books that I took from her. She said she didn't need to. And then she began to say that soon someone would die. I was worried that my grandmother. She said no. I thought about my mother. But it turned out that it was her. For some reason, I felt very sad, and I cried a lot, and she began to sing a song, but I don’t remember the words, but about death. I hugged her and continued to cry. She seemed to calm me down.


Hello, today I had a dream in which I was riding a bus and an old woman stopped us ... she pointed to me and said that I spoke or bewitched myself (I don’t remember exactly) and said that it’s not so bad ... and we drove on ... I didn’t believe her in a dream, because I don't do those things at all.


Hi. I dreamed that I came to a construction site: to look at my house under construction (high-rise building) (I really have been waiting a long time for my house to be built, or rather two apartments in two houses), I went into one of the apartments, the walls are gray-white and not even, on semi-pastel, it turns out that a homeless person lives here, he introduced himself as Gerda, then said that Hera, and then during the conversation he called a third name, some kind of old Russian, it seems Svyatoslav. He seemed to me a kind and unhappy man, I was not afraid of him, tall, light brown lush wavy hair, strong build, was stripped to the waist. I almost fell out of the unfinished balcony, a straw net was attached to it, swinging, I fell on it and slid to the edge, but he managed to detain me, grabbed me by the waist. At that moment I saw that there was a thick layer of ash on my knees. Then I began to command the process: Calmly, I told him, grab onto something, now slowly pull me back. When the danger was over, he told me something like that my back hurts after the tenth fall. And I really have a sore back in real life - lumbaga. He said it softly, charmingly and intrigued me with the fact that he can see more than other people (I thought that I might learn something else about myself) and even I looked at him as a man, he seemed interesting to me. I was so afraid to forget his name that I woke up from this and I don’t remember exactly how he introduced himself. In the same dream, I walked inside a house under construction, although it looked more like not a residential building, but a factory or a future shopping and entertainment center: large squares, columns, etc. Builders were working everywhere, doing something, and inside I noted that the construction was not frozen, work was underway, which means I would get an apartment soon. Something else strange dreamed, but I can't remember now. But Hera made a strong impression on me, as if he was in reality.


all people go to cremation. as if it is natural and necessary. and me and everyone. but a girl or a girl in white stops me and says that it’s still too early for me, there are many things to do to help people. i tell me 60 how can i, she says they have to help me. a woman in black appears nearby and asks what I have here and points with a wand to a place on my head, I try to feel the wand, but I can’t ..


The fortune-teller girl was lying on the bed in a dark room where a candle burned and reflected it in the mirror. the girl predicted something, and I wanted to light a candle, but it went out all the time


At first I dreamed of some red dogs, after which I found myself in some unfamiliar place, and then a fortune teller appeared, and he told me that my name, Masha, was cursed. And repeated it 2 times. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt.


Good Morning! I dreamed of a fortune teller. And she said that my husband has a son. I have to ask more but she left and I woke up.


such a dream, a beautiful house is dreaming, I come there with a young man, and there a young foresight looked at my hand and said that everything would be fine with me, well, she sees my future with another man, you just need to wait for everything in its time, she said I'll change jobs, city! the dream itself carried good energy


I dreamed of Malfar in the mountains, who spoke the cause of my family's problems, but I did not hear the main words and he left, I was looking for him, but in vain


Wang dreamed. I approached her with my youngest daughter, holding her hand, and Vanga predicted death to me in a year. there was nothing more


i was sorting out baby things, then they started to fall from my hands, and I started to fall myself, at that time a woman with dark hair appeared and whispered in my ear: you will die in 4 days


hello, I had a dream, I was standing at the entrance next to the dressing room and the soothsayer juna passed me


Good time of day Tatiana! I dreamed of a grandmother who predicted to me that they had spoiled me and my husband (and so my husband left without saying a word 4 years ago). And the grandmother showed the one who did it, but that woman is not alive, when in a dream I went to this grandmother, that dead woman tried to overtake me in a dream, but I stopped her with a strange gesture (with my hand at a distance), and when I came to this grandmother, my grandmother began to treat me by driving me on my hands, saying at the same time that I would feel evil with my hands! What does this mean. Dream as if in reality.


I had a dream, I came to a fortuneteller and she came out to my entrance with a broom and started sweeping on her site, I also thought that she was sweeping the negative after someone, some woman came out of her apartment. at first the fortune teller seemed good to me, but then when I looked into her eyes, I got scared and changed my mind about her telling me fortune, her eyes were black and blue, I turned around and left.



i dreamed of a beautiful woman of about fifty with long white hair, I knew that she was something like a fortune teller. she was a very pleasant person to feel. big Blue eyes. I felt that she was telling the truth, that she could be trusted. and she said just a couple of words, approaching close eye to eye. you are pregnant. the dream was not short, I did something, went somewhere, and she appeared at the front door a couple of times and said only these words. and I kept wanting to ask the gender of the child and wanted to ask about the fate of my children in general, because I already have two of them, but as she appeared out of nowhere, she dispersed into nowhere. that's the whole dream


Hall in the grandfather's house. Grandfather is either sleeping, or dying (rather the second) in one corner of the room, I am talking to a girl on the sofa in the other. During the conversation, it turned out that she was a gypsy and her grandmother cursed my other grandfather, who is currently dead, for a filthy tongue (literally). And then I asked the question “how much do I have left?” she said "10" and only lips - months.


Hello! I dreamed of 3 women in some kind of room. and one of them began to tell me that in the near future I would start traveling around all countries. why this dream?


A fortuneteller had a dream and said that I would serve two years because of my head, what does this mean?


Hello, the fortune teller dreamed in view of the old woman and says make any wish and left, then some man appeared put on some strange hat on his head due to the colored whole


a fortuneteller was sitting
and we discussed something, she said (like something about my mother, but I don’t remember (put up with my mother), and then the fortuneteller said that she was with her mother in the last minutes (with her mother)
and my mom and I are now in a litter


i dreamed of a fortuneteller who pointed me to a person and said that he was my future husband .. and he cried and said that he loved his wife .. that he could not marry me ...... .. and I watched all this from the side


i dreamed of a clairvoyant who held my hand, looked into my eyes and predicted my future and called the name of the guy who should be my destiny


Hello! I had such a dream: I was in an amusement park, when suddenly a fortune teller approached me, she was disheveled and untidy, she started to say something to me, but I didn’t hear, but only walked away. After a while, I began to notice that in a dream, wherever I went, soothsayers approached me and a crowd gathered and they all said the same thing, “You won’t die, but you won’t be able to see, hear, feel, you just disappear like a person , you will not exist, ”but at the same time they argued that this was not death. I am very worried about this dream, please explain, maybe I can find answers from you.


Hello! I had such a dream: I was in an amusement park, when suddenly a fortune teller approached me, she was outwardly frightening, untidy and told me something, but I didn’t hear, but only walked away. Then I began to notice that in a dream other soothsayers constantly approached me and a crowd gathered and everyone said the same thing: “You will not die, but you will stop seeing, hearing, feeling. You will disappear as a person, you will not exist, ”but at the same time they argued that this was not death. I am very worried about this dream, please help me interpret it. Thank you in advance.

"Well, what can I say, what can I say? This is how people are arranged ..." This line from a once popular song has not lost its relevance for centuries. Most representatives of the human race feel uncomfortable and insecure on the eve of a crucial moment, or are generally lost in the face of the future.

What can be done to improve the situation? How to do the right thing? Why is it scary to look into the future? From time immemorial, these questions have been answered by the wise (or cunning, or enterprising). In a word, fortune tellers.

But it’s one thing to turn to the services of a fortune teller in real life, and it’s completely different to go to her fortuneteller if life goes on as usual, and there is no need to ask someone for advice?

Women's dream

According to statistics, fortune tellers and predictions are more often dreamed of by women, and such dreams reflect the fair sex in the best possible way. Indeed, due to their natural emotionality and propensity for hoaxes, women use intuition more, and if they are not sure of their sixth sense, they go to check it with a fortune teller.

Yes, and be interested in what the fortune teller is dreaming of, even if she dreamed of a friend or a distant acquaintance, any of the women will be so lively and active, as if she saw this dream herself.

The interest of young ladies in various kinds of predictions and divination will never disappear, it is equally manifested both in real life and in the realm of dreams. Therefore, fortunetellers and prophecies are more classified as women's dreams. Yes, and most dream books focus on the symbol of a fortune teller specifically for women.


Every person has such a period in his life when he must make a certain choice and cannot make it in any way. Mentally going through a lot of options, he still doubts what to do, so as not to regret later.

It is in such days and weeks of mental torment that the subconscious mind comes to the rescue. Often in a dream, in the form of a fortune teller.

The situation requires a speedy solution - this is what a fortune teller dreams of predicting the future. Conclusions about your future behavior should be drawn from everything seen in a dream: perhaps the fortuneteller clearly dictated the plan of action, naming dates, names, the area in which the dreamer would succeed most, perhaps there was some clue in the appearance of the fortune-teller, in objects that surrounded you in a dream.

Such dreams require attention, but they always correspond to a particular, personally your situation, they cannot be interpreted in general, which is why it is necessary to remember even small details.

Symbol of uncertainty

According to psychologists and esotericists, a fortuneteller is nothing more than a symbol of a person's insecurity. Dreams about the paths can become a constant "series" for people who are timid, driven, who do not know how to independently determine their own

Why does a fortune teller dream if, for example, you need to choose between a vacation at sea and Agree, this is not such a vital choice to be tormented by because of it day and night. He is brave and devotes a maximum of a day to solving a dilemma, a minimum of 2 hours. And the insecure thinks about this topic for so long and emotionally that as a result he sees a fortuneteller in a dream, although in such cases the subconscious, as a rule, does not send signals.

Uncertainty in every step provokes the constant appearance of dreams of such a mystical theme.

Reflection of thoughts

Be that as it may, each of us can become his own predictor: this ability is inherent in nature, but rarely anyone can use it correctly.

To fully communicate with your deepest “I”, you need at least half an hour of complete rest a day. And since the majority has an acute shortage of time, glimpses of intuition most often appear in a dream in the form of an omniscient fortuneteller.

What is the dream of a fortuneteller predicting the future for people who, in principle, are confident in their actions and have a positive direction of thought? The symbol serves as another confirmation of their correctness and signals the fidelity of the chosen behavioral scheme. In such dreams, predictions sound very accurate, clear and positive.

If the fortune-telling is blurry, unclear, if the dream is full of omissions and inclines the dreamer to additional reflections, then he says that the desires and thoughts of a person are not yet entirely clear even for himself, that he needs to more accurately determine the “course”, and then, perhaps , it will get clearer predictions.

Quite the opposite?

Predictions are good, neutral and scary. Each of them has many chances to "be noticed" on a subconscious level. How to respond to such dreams?

Some interpreters argue that dreams tend to come true exactly the opposite. That is, when you receive a prediction about something beautiful in your dreams, you need to prepare for the bad, and vice versa. But the neutral remains neutral, none, and does not always come true.

Others insist that every information received in a dream corresponds to the general mood and plot of the dream. Therefore, if a fortuneteller from a dream prophesied wealth, success, health to a person, then so be it.

If you clearly program yourself for a specific result (success with men or women, getting a good position), the question "why is the fortuneteller dreaming of predicting this or that turn of fate" will not be so relevant. Everything will be realized according to the "program" laid down by the dreamer.

And again about women

The peak of dreams about fortune tellers for most women falls on one of the most important periods in their lives - marriage. If on the eve of the bride contemplates dreams, the main participant of which is a fortune teller, then this means that the girl is not too sure of the correctness of her choice.

Yes, and the person seems to be not bad (and with a perspective!), And her girlfriends advise, but somewhere in the depths of her soul the young lady feels that she hastened to answer: “Yes!” That this man is not quite hers, that there is something in them does not match.

Therefore, before figuring out what the fortuneteller is dreaming of in a dream, all doubting brides need to delve into themselves and determine the degree of sincerity of their feelings.

To the news and the absence of girlfriends

Both dreamers and interpreters have a question: "Why dream: a fortuneteller guesses by hand?" - placed in a separate line, since such a dream plot is the most common.

The noble dream book of Grishina interprets the appearance of a fortune teller as a symbol of the imminent receipt of news. In order to somewhat predict his character, one should pay attention to the colorfulness or gloominess of the dream, to the attributes used by the fortune-teller, and to one's trust in these persons in real life.

The modern dream book says that such a plot promises a woman increased attention from the stronger sex and, accordingly, hostility from women, which can cause the dreamer to have no real friends.

What if she's scary?

And if the image of the soothsayer turned out to be extremely unpleasant, as well as her prophecy? How to be? Why about horrific things: someone's illness, dismissal from work, or even death?

Firstly, you should not flog a fever and tell everyone this dream in a row, and even more so wait for its fulfillment. Not everything that dreams have to come true literally.

Psychologists in the symbolism of death see fear of a new stage in life, and nothing more. Perhaps the dreamer is afraid of moving, changing jobs, perhaps he is too tired, and his life has acquired a gloomy, boring shade.

In any case, everything that the fortuneteller dreams of can be found without the help of dream books, using the proven most effective of which is to look into the eyes of all your phobias and get rid of them, and at the same time from unpleasant dreams.

I rarely have dreams, but if I do, it's always to reveal some information to me. I remember a dream that I will never forget. This dream was very vivid, and it is impossible to forget it. I dreamed of Mount Golgotha. I stood on this mountain and watched. There was indescribable beauty. Everything around is green and flowers of unprecedented beauty. I saw people climb it. They walked very slowly and heavily. Each of them carried a coffin on their backs. I heard a voice. In a dream, I did not see who addressed me, only a male voice: "Take this coffin and help carry it". I remember being surprised and responding: "I can't, I can't do it... it will be hard for me." And the voice seemed to already know everything and again said to me: "You can handle it." I remember exactly that the coffin was not empty and heavy, but I carried it with ease. Its severity was within my power. The feeling was calm because I adequately fulfilled the request and helped. After a while, this dream also became predictive for me.

Dream about fighting with yourself

That day at work was very busy. My inner desire to change jobs has been in my head for a long time. I did not know how to present my desire to the authorities. The job meant a lot to me. I gave my heart and soul to her every day. Arriving home, I sat down at the table and wrote something in my diary, which I had been keeping for many years. I remember I had conflicting feelings. There was a feeling that I myself did not fully understand what I wanted at the moment. I don’t remember at all what I dreamed about that day, only I felt the feeling of fear with my whole skin. It was terrible and painful.

As I fell asleep, I felt something hit me hard. It was a human body, feminine in feel. I do not remember the pictures, only the feeling of heaviness and inner fear. In a dream, I had a great desire to throw off this half-dead, incapable of lifeless body. I remember how I tried to stretch my mouth with my hands and grabbed the hair of this creature that I did not understand. I screamed, but no one heard me. And only after a certain period of time I was able, apparently, to produce my cry in real life. My husband heard it and woke me up. The feeling of fear did not leave me for a long time. I experienced this in a dream for the first time.

Then I analyzed this dream myself, and also asked for help from those who understand dreams. And this is the answer I received: the body that frightened me and lay lifeless on me is myself, that is, my "I". It did not give me real control over my thoughts. In a dream, I tried to throw it off - this suggests that my inner strength fought with itself. When I understood all this, I felt better, and the very next day I finally and irrevocably decided to change my job. She opened her own agency and began to work successfully.

I try to ignore dreams. I only listen to those in which I feel fear or when I see other people in fear. Because it is through such dreams that personal information comes to us.

Interpretation of a dream about white candles

I dreamed of boxes, and there were a lot of them. These boxes contained a huge amount of white candles. All the candles were neatly folded to the very top of the boxes. They were brand new and different sizes.
When I woke up, I immediately wrote down my dream. At the moment of awakening from sleep, I felt excitement and a sense of experience. While I still don’t quite understand dreams, I had to turn to my friend Albina Selitskaya for help. (There is a book "How to learn to manage your dreams" by Mikhail Komlev. Just in this book, Albina explains: what is a dream? how to manage it? Do prophetic dreams really exist?) She has helped me more than once in deciphering my dreams.

So Albina explained my dream to me this way. Candles are the deaths of different people, of different ages. White means sacrifice.

The dream turned out to be a prediction. The next day, November 13, 2017, I was informed by Albina that about 395 people had died in the earthquake in Iran.

Kingdom of heaven to them...

Prediction in a dream about a map of the city of Vladimir

After a hard day at work, I decided to listen to relaxing music in the evening before going to bed. Calm music allows you to relax and calm the mind. At that moment, when more echoes of the music reached me, my mind calmed down, and I fell into a dream. I dreamed of a huge word "Way", but it was not one, but as if one after another the outline of this word appeared again and again. I searched my eyes for an answer, as if I wanted to understand what the word meant. I felt fear in my dream. So, the predictions of sleep concerned me personally. I understand that now, but it was terrible then. I also saw a map of the city of Vladimir. Again, in a dream, I consciously try to figure out why I see this card. But my dream was interrupted. I opened my eyes, and my sensations moved into real life. I tried to understand this dream for a long time. Time passed, and I began to forget about him. At work, we moved to another room. One day, while talking with a colleague, I remembered my dream. She told. She tells me: "Dina, look here." And points to the wall. Next to my desktop on the wall was exactly the same map that I saw in a dream. My surprise knew no bounds. This is how my dream became a prediction.

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