Why Do Doctors Wear "Do Not Resuscitate" Tattoos? Message to colleagues. This is why doctors tattoo themselves "Do not resuscitate"

Southern California MD Ken Murray told why many doctors wear a tattoo or pendant, a medallion that says "Do not pump out", and why they prefer to die of cancer at home.

Fight, delay the inevitable, or enjoy the last moments of life?

Many years ago, Charlie, a respected orthopedic surgeon and my mentor, discovered a lump in his stomach. He underwent exploratory surgery. Pancreatic cancer confirmed.

Diagnosis was carried out by one of the best surgeons in the country. He offered Charlie treatment and surgery, which allowed him to triple his life with such a diagnosis, although the quality of life would be low (the consequences of chemotherapy, radiation and huge doses of drugs - unbearable physical and psychological fatigue).

Charlie was not interested in this offer. He left the hospital the next day, closed his medical practice, and never returned to the hospital. Instead, he devoted all of his remaining time to his family. His health was as good as can be for a cancer diagnosis. Charlie was not treated with chemotherapy or radiation. A few months later he died at home.

Dont worry. It's too much

This topic is rarely discussed, but doctors also die. And they don't die like other people. It's amazing how rarely doctors seek medical attention when the case is nearing its end. Doctors struggle with death when it comes to their patients, but are very calm about their own death. They know exactly what will happen. They know what options they have. They can afford any kind of treatment. But they leave quietly.

Naturally, doctors do not want to die. They want to live. But they know enough about modern medicine to understand the limits of possibilities. They also know enough about death to understand what people fear most - death in agony and alone. Doctors talk about it with their families. Doctors want to make sure that when their time comes, no one will heroically save them from death by breaking their ribs in an attempt to revive them with chest compressions (which is exactly what happens when the massage is done incorrectly).

Doctors are too well aware of what is happening to allow all the methods available to modern medicine to support life, when in fact nothing can be done. Someone will not agree with this approach, they will say: you need to fight to the end. But this is a conscious choice, which is why doctors wear tattoos with the message: "Do not resuscitate."

It would seem that doctors first of all should understand that by such an approach they harm themselves. After all, treatment rooms are closer to them than to anyone else. They know the treatment regimens, they can correctly apply them. But they prefer to leave without fuss. All this because they are clearly aware that any serious treatment is not without heavy losses. As a result, they continue to oppose death when it comes to the sick, but they themselves do not oppose it at all. "Many knowledge - many sorrows"? They don't think so. Competence allows you to take the situation calmly. Why panic, worry too much?.. This is not their lot.

One of the American doctors of medicine commented on the precedent something like this: “Medics categorically do not want to be subjected to chest compressions in the event of a clinical outcome. Just like chemotherapy courses for advanced cancer. Moreover, they generally relate to their treatment without any initiative. No action. This is why doctors wear "Do Not Resuscitate" tattoos. No need for excitement. It's too much".

The boundaries of the reasonable

Virtually all health care workers have at least once witnessed a "vain treatment" when there was no chance that a terminally ill patient would get better from the latest advances in medicine. But the patient's stomach was torn open, tubes were stuck into it, connected to machines and poisoned with drugs. This is what happens in intensive care and costs tens of thousands of dollars a day. (note: this is not from our reality, of course). With this money, people buy not so much hope as suffering, which we will not inflict even on terrorists.

I've lost count of how many times my co-workers have said something like this to me: "Promise me that if you see me like this, you won't do anything." They say it in all seriousness.

Every day the doctors of the globe fight for the lives of hundreds, thousands of patients. They do everything possible and impossible to defeat death, to pull the patient literally from the next world. But the doctors themselves, being mortally ill, are not ready to follow the path of their wards. If there is even one chance in a thousand, not a single patient will give up life. But doctors are special people. They also do not long for their death, but they are clearly aware of its inevitability. And they prefer quiet care. Therefore, more and more often you can see an unusual tattoo (medallion, pendant) on the doctor’s chest: “Do not reanimate.”

This is a warning to colleagues: at the moment when the bearer of the inscription is in critical condition, there is no need to rush headlong to help. No systems, injections, defibrillators, heart massage. As the saying goes, let me die in peace.

Doctor, do everything

What happened? Why do doctors prescribe treatments they would never prescribe themselves? The answer, simple or not, is patients, doctors, and the medical system as a whole.

Imagine this situation: a person lost consciousness and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. No one foresaw this scenario, so it was not agreed in advance what to do in such a case. This situation is typical. Relatives are frightened, shocked and confused by the many treatment options. Head is spinning.

When doctors ask: “Do you want us to do everything?”, Relatives say “yes” (note: the described situation does not apply to the average Russian hospital at all, as I understand it). And hell begins. Sometimes the family really wants to "do everything," but more often than not, the family just wants everything to be done within reasonable limits. The problem is that ordinary people often do not know what is reasonable and what is not. Confused and grieving, they may not ask or hear what the doctor says. But doctors who are told to "do everything" will do everything without considering whether it is reasonable or not.

Such situations happen all the time. The matter is aggravated by sometimes completely unrealistic expectations about the “power” of doctors. For example, many people think that artificial heart massage is a win-win way of resuscitation, although most people still die or survive as severely disabled (if the brain is affected).

I have seen hundreds of patients who were brought to my hospital after resuscitation with artificial heart massage. Only one of them, a healthy man with a healthy heart, left the hospital on his own two feet. If the patient is seriously ill, old, has a fatal diagnosis, the probability of a good outcome of resuscitation almost does not exist, while the probability of suffering is almost 100%. Lack of knowledge and unrealistic expectations lead to poor treatment decisions.

Of course, not only the relatives of patients are to blame for this situation. Doctors themselves make useless treatments possible. The problem is that even doctors who hate futile treatment are forced to satisfy the desires of patients and their families. Doctors are taught not to show their feelings, but among themselves they discuss what they are going through. “How can people torture their relatives like that?” is a question that haunts many doctors. Forced infliction of suffering on patients at the request of families is one of the reasons for the high percentage of alcoholism and depression among health workers compared to other professions.

Imagine: relatives brought an elderly person with an unfavorable prognosis to the hospital, sobbing and fighting in hysterics. For the first time they see a doctor who will treat their loved one. To them, he is a mysterious stranger. In such conditions, it is extremely difficult to establish trusting relationships. And if the doctor starts discussing the issue of resuscitation, people tend to suspect him of not wanting to mess with a difficult case, saving money or his time, especially if the doctor does not advise continuing resuscitation.

Not all doctors know how to speak to patients in a clear language. Someone is very categorical, someone sins with snobbery. But all doctors face similar problems. When I needed to explain to the patient's relatives about the various treatment options before death, I told them as early as possible only those options that were reasonable in the circumstances.

If the relatives offered unrealistic options, I conveyed to them in simple terms all the negative consequences of such treatment. If the family still insisted on treatment that I considered pointless and harmful, I offered to transfer them to another doctor or another hospital.

Doctors do not refuse treatment, but retreatment

Should I have been more assertive in persuading relatives not to treat terminally ill patients? Some of the cases where I refused to treat a patient and referred them to other doctors still haunt me.

For example, one of my favorite patients was a lawyer from a prominent political clan. She had severe diabetes and terrible circulation. There is a painful wound on the leg. I tried to do everything to avoid hospitalization and surgery, realizing how dangerous hospitals and surgery are for her.

She nevertheless went to another doctor whom I did not know. That doctor almost did not know the history of the disease of this woman, so he decided to operate on her - bypass the thrombotic vessels in both legs. The operation did not help restore blood flow, and postoperative wounds did not heal. Gangrene went on her feet, and both legs were amputated to the woman. Two weeks later, she died in the famous hospital, where she was treated.

Both doctors and patients are often victims of a system that encourages overtreatment. (note: damn it, I read the last few paragraphs just like some kind of mockery of our famous health care - right now my mother is in the hospital and I can quite imagine HOW we treat “ordinary” people ...). Doctors in some cases get paid for every procedure they do, so they do whatever they can, whether the procedure helps or hurts, just to make money. Much more often, however, doctors are afraid that the patient's family will sue, so they do everything that the family asks, without expressing their opinion to the patient's relatives, so that there are no problems.

The system can devour the patient, even if he prepared in advance and signed the necessary papers, where he expressed his preferences for treatment before death. For example, one of my patients, Jack, had been ill for many years and had 15 major surgeries. He was 78 (note: after treatment in our hospitals, he simply would not have lived to such an age, it seems to me). After all the vicissitudes, Jack absolutely unequivocally told me that he never, under any circumstances, wants to be on a ventilator.

And then one day Jack had a stroke. He was taken to the hospital unconscious. The wife was not around. The doctors did everything possible to pump him out, and transferred him to intensive care, where he was connected to a ventilator. Jack was afraid of this more than anything in his life! When I got to the hospital, I discussed Jack's wishes with the staff and his wife. Based on the papers written with Jack's participation and signed by him, I was able to disconnect him from the life-sustaining apparatus. Then I just sat down and sat with him. He died two hours later.

Despite the fact that Jack made all the necessary documents, he still did not die the way he wanted. The system intervened. Moreover, as I found out later, one of the nurses slandered me for disconnecting Jack from the machines, which means that I committed murder. But since Jack wrote down all his wishes in advance, there was nothing for me.

We leave quietly

Yet the threat of a police investigation strikes terror into any doctor. It would be easier for me to leave Jack in the hospital on the equipment, which is clearly contrary to his wishes. I'd even make more money, and Medicare would get billed for an extra $500,000. No wonder doctors tend to overtreat.

But doctors still do not cure themselves. They see the consequences of retreatment every day. Almost everyone can find a way to die peacefully at home. We have many options to ease the pain. Hospice care helps terminally ill people spend the last days of their lives comfortably and with dignity, instead of suffering from unnecessary treatment.

It is amazing that people who are cared for in a hospice live longer than people with the same illness who are treated in a hospital. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard on the radio that one of my acquaintances, a well-known journalist, "died peacefully at home surrounded by his family." Such cases, thank God, are becoming more common.

A few years ago, my older cousin had a seizure. As it turned out, he had lung cancer with brain metastases. I spoke to various doctors and we learned that with aggressive treatment, which meant three to five visits to the hospital for chemotherapy, he would live for about four months. My brother decided not to be treated, he moved to live with me and only took pills for cerebral edema.

For the next eight months, we lived for our own pleasure, just like in childhood. For the first time in my life we ​​went to Disneyland. We sat at home, watched sports programs and ate what I cooked. My brother even got better on home grubs. He was not tormented by pain, and the mood was fighting. One day he didn't wake up. He slept in a coma for three days and then died.

The brother was not a doctor, but he knew he wanted to live, not exist. Don't we all want the same? As for me personally, my doctor has been informed of my wishes. I'll quietly go into the night. Like my mentor Charlie. Like my cousin. Like my fellow doctors.

P.S. A certain part of the text with examples of “retreatment” from the practice of a paid insurance (very expensive!) medical system in the United States of America reads simply as some kind of mockery of our healthcare, where, despite funding from the state budget and our taxes, “free” medical care in our country exists more formally than functionally ...

Why do many doctors wear tattoos with the message "Do not resuscitate", "Do not pump out" - maybe they don't believe in the power of modern medicine? This is not entirely true. Doctors save lives, they see death and suffering. An ambulance doctor is obliged to help any person - even a millionaire, even a beggar. Why does he refuse to have someone help him?

Every doctor (especially if he is an oncologist or trauma surgeon) faces fatal outcomes in his practice. A doctor is an ordinary person who goes to work every day. His job description is simple: save lives and protect human health. Every doctor is aware that he may someday be in the place of his patient. And he will be saved by an ordinary person, the same doctor. Not omnipotent, not omniscient, not omnipotent. who, like him, knows what awaits a person after an attack, stroke or as a result of an accident. For example, when the heart stopped or when clinical death occurred.

Do you know that the chances of survival in this case are very small? And even if a person survives, he will not be able to return to normal life and leave the hospital on his own two feet? And yet - during an indirect heart massage, the patient's ribs can be broken to save his life. Doctors know all this very well and want to protect themselves and their loved ones from such a fate. They have seen so much suffering, pain and torment that they do not want this for themselves. They are well versed in the trends and possibilities of modern medicine, they know how much it will cost and what their short-term resuscitation will result in for their relatives. That's why doctors wear pendants and tattoos that say: "Do not pump out." They do not want to be returned to a life that will then be inferior.

"Do not resuscitate": medical secrecy revealed

Yet some still do not know why many doctors wear tattoos with a message not to resuscitate. After all, the doctor helps other people, without asking whether they want it or not. The doctors are doing everything they can to save a life. For some it's a job, for others it's a calling. Some doctors wish to receive solid financial compensation from relatives and friends of the patient. However, for themselves, doctors stubbornly do not want to use all possible and impossible methods to survive. Doctors prefer to leave calmly and with dignity than remain disabled. Doctors don't want to suffer. They are neither cynics nor cowards. They love their loved ones very much and understand what trials a person needs to go through, whose relative has lost the ability to move.

Even if the doctor takes measures to save a person, he does not know what the final outcome will be. But he knows how much torment, money and physical effort will be required from relatives, staff and the patient himself. That's why doctors wear pendants with an inscription warning not to resuscitate them. People without medical practice may find this decision blasphemous and selfish. However ordinary people too idealize the possibilities of medicine. After all, a person can be terminally ill or too old to fight for life, and desperate attempts to bring him to his senses will bring him hellish pain and unbearable sensations in his last minutes. Doctors know all this, and therefore ask not to resuscitate them. And not because they consider themselves the only luminaries and do not trust anyone.

The explanation is actually extremely simple. Pay attention - doctors, people who have at hand a huge number of professionals in their field, in whom they are confident, a large resource of necessary drugs and the required equipment, die without a fight.

Once, there was such a case, an orthopedic doctor discovered a serious diagnosis - pancreatic cancer. One of the best surgeons in the country offered him his help and equipment, but the doctor refused. All he did was, in the shortest possible time, curtailed all his many years of work and spent the remaining time next to his family, near a warm family hearth. This man died three months later.

It would seem, why don't professional medical staff use the services they provide? Yes, because, like no one else, they see the limited opportunities and shortcomings of their work.

They are well aware that they do not want to survive and then lead their existence in a semi-paralyzed form, or with diseases generated by the complete or partial death of brain cells.

Doctors are asked not to pump them out so that they do not break their ribs during an indirect heart massage, and this is precisely the consequences of the correct procedure, they understand that broken ribs lead to a number of the following unpleasant consequences.

These people are well aware that there is no need to extract money from relatives in order to connect the dying person to all kinds of devices so that he suffers a little more. All that is needed for someone who departs to another world is the presence of relatives and absolute peace of mind.

You ask, then why do they pump out the hopelessly ill? There are two reasons for this. The first is sobbing relatives who beg to do everything that is possible. The second, sadly, is money laundering. And often, not even at the will of doctors. They have a job, and the duty is to earn a certain amount per month.

This is why, for the terminally ill, a hospice is a much better option than a hospital. In the hospice, he will not be tormented, but will make his departure from life as painless as possible.

By the way, it is worth emphasizing that due to the fact that the work causes so much torment to the patient, albeit for the sake of his life, doctors most often become depressed or go into alcoholic binges.

Often in the conversations of health workers among themselves, you can hear phrases like “Promise me that if I am in a similar situation, you will not save me.” Sounds terrible, but that's the sad reality.

This is not to say that doctors simply do not want to live. They want to, but they want to live, and not exist in a deadly dependence on drugs, medical equipment and the like. Therefore, their last request is “Do not resuscitate. Do not pump out "...

In the topic of doctors who kill for a long time, expensively and painfully, according to all the rules of medical science. An old but correct article by The Wall Street Journal.

A Southern California M.D. explained why many doctors wear "Do Not Pump" pendants so they don't get chest compressions in case of near-death experience. And also - why they prefer to die of cancer at home.

Many years ago, Charlie, a respected orthopedic surgeon and my mentor, discovered a lump in his stomach. He underwent exploratory surgery. The diagnosis is pancreatic cancer. The operation was performed by one of the best surgeons in the country. He even developed an operation that tripled the chance of living five years after being diagnosed with this particular type of cancer from 5 to 15%, although the quality of life would be very low. Charlie was completely uninterested in the operation. He left the hospital the next day, closed his medical practice, and never set foot in the hospital again. Instead, he devoted all of his remaining time to his family. His health was as good as can be for a cancer diagnosis. A few months later he died at home. Charlie was not treated with chemotherapy, was not exposed to radiation and did not have operations. The state insurance for retirees Medicare spent almost nothing on his maintenance and treatment.

This topic is rarely discussed, but doctors also die. And they don't die like other people. It's not how much doctors heal before they die compared to other Americans that's striking, but how rarely they see a doctor when the case is nearing its end. Doctors struggle with death when it comes to their patients, while they themselves have a very calm attitude towards their own death. They know exactly what will happen. They know what options they have. They can afford any kind of treatment. But they leave quietly.

Naturally, doctors do not want to die. They want to live. At the same time, they know enough about modern medicine to understand the limits of science. They also know enough about death to understand what all people fear the most - death in agony and death alone. They talk about it with their families. Doctors want to make sure that when their time comes, no one will heroically save them from death by breaking their ribs in an attempt to revive them with chest compressions (which is exactly what happens when done right).

Virtually all healthcare professionals have at least once witnessed a “treatment in vain” when there was no chance that a terminally ill patient would get better from treatment with the latest advances in medicine. The patient's stomach will be cut open, tubes stuck into it, connected to machines and poisoned with drugs. This is exactly what happens in intensive care and costs tens of thousands of dollars a day. With this money, people buy suffering that we will not inflict even on terrorists. I've lost count of how many times my colleagues have said something like this to me: "Promise me that if you see me like this, you will kill me." They say it in all seriousness. Some doctors wear pendants that say "Do not pump out" to prevent doctors from giving them chest compressions. I even saw one person who made himself such a tattoo.

Treating people by causing them suffering is painful. Doctors are trained to collect information without showing their feelings, but among themselves they say what they experience. “How can people torture their relatives like that?” is a question that haunts many doctors. I suspect that the forced infliction of suffering on patients at the behest of families is one of the reasons for the high percentage of alcoholism and depression among health workers compared to other professions. For me personally, this was one of the reasons why I have not practiced in a hospital for the last ten years.

What happened? Why do doctors prescribe treatments they would never prescribe themselves? The answer, simple or not, is patients, doctors, and the medical system as a whole.

To better understand the role patients themselves play, imagine the following situation. The man lost consciousness and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. No one foresaw such a scenario, so it was not agreed in advance what to do in such a case. This is a very common situation. Relatives are frightened, shocked and confused by the myriad of different treatment options. Head is spinning. When doctors ask “Do you want us to “do everything”?”, relatives say “yes”. And hell begins. Sometimes a family really wants to “do it all!” but more often than not, they just want everything done within reason. The problem is that ordinary people often do not know what is reasonable and what is not. Confused and grieving, they may not ask or hear what the doctor says. And doctors who have been told to “do everything” will do everything, whether it makes sense or not.

Situations like this happen all the time. To make matters worse, people have unrealistic expectations about what doctors can do. Many people think that artificial heart massage is a reliable way of resuscitation, although most people still die or survive as severely disabled. I have seen hundreds of patients who were brought to my hospital after resuscitation with artificial heart massage. Only one of them, a healthy man with a healthy heart, walked out of the hospital on his own. If the patient is seriously ill, old, terminally ill, the likelihood of a good resuscitation outcome is almost non-existent, while the probability of suffering is almost 100%. Lack of knowledge and unrealistic expectations lead to poor treatment decisions.

Of course, not only patients are to blame for this situation. Doctors make useless treatments possible. The problem is that even doctors who hate futile treatment are forced to satisfy the desires of patients and their relatives. Imagine again the emergency room in the hospital. Relatives are crying and fighting in hysterics. They see the doctor for the first time. To them, he is a complete stranger. In such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to establish a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient's family. People tend to suspect the doctor of not wanting to mess around with a difficult case, saving money or time, especially if the doctor does not advise continuing resuscitation.

Not all doctors are able to speak with patients in an accessible and understandable language. Some people get it better, some worse. Some doctors are more categorical. But all doctors face similar problems. When I needed to explain to the patient's relatives about the various treatment options before death, I told them as early as possible only those options that were reasonable in the circumstances. If the relatives offered unrealistic options, I conveyed to them in simple terms all the negative consequences of such treatment. If the family still insisted on treatment that I considered pointless and harmful, I offered to transfer them to another doctor or hospital.

Should I have been more assertive in urging relatives not to treat terminally ill patients? Some of the cases where I refused to treat a patient and referred them to other doctors still haunt me. One of my favorite patients was a lawyer from a prominent political clan. She had severe diabetes and terrible circulation. She had a painful wound on her leg. I tried my best to avoid hospitalization and surgery, knowing how dangerous hospitals and surgery are for such a patient. She nevertheless went to another doctor whom I did not know. That doctor almost did not know the history of the disease of this woman, so he decided to operate on her - bypass the thrombotic vessels in both legs. The operation did not help restore blood flow, and postoperative wounds did not heal. Gangrene went on her feet, and both legs were amputated to the woman. Two weeks later, she died in the famous hospital where she was treated.

It would be too much to point the finger at patients and doctors when both doctors and patients are often victims of a system that encourages overtreatment. In some sad cases, doctors simply get paid for every procedure they do, so they do whatever they can, whether it helps or hurts the patient, just to make more money. Much more often, however, doctors are afraid that the patient's family will judge them, so they do whatever the family asks, without expressing their opinion to the patient's relatives, so that there are no problems.

Even if a person prepared in advance and signed the necessary papers, where he expressed his preferences for treatment before death, the system can still devour the patient. One of my patients was named Jack. Jack was 78 years old, had been ill for many years and had 15 major surgeries. After all the twists and turns, Jack quite confidently warned me that he never, under any circumstances, wants to be on artificial respiration. And so, one Saturday, Jack had a stroke. He was taken to the hospital unconscious. Jack's wife was not with him. The doctors did everything possible to pump him out, and transferred him to the intensive care unit, where he was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Jack was afraid of this more than anything in his life! When I got to the hospital, I discussed Jack's wishes with the staff and his wife. Based on my paperwork with Jack, I was able to disconnect him from the life-sustaining apparatus. Then I just sat down and sat with him. He died two hours later.

Despite the fact that Jack made all the necessary documents, he still did not die the way he wanted. The system intervened. Moreover, as I found out later, one of the nurses slandered me for disconnecting Jack from the machines, which means I committed murder. Because Jack pre-registered all his wishes, I had nothing. Yet the threat of a police investigation strikes terror into any physician. It would have been easier for me to leave Jack in the hospital on the apparatus, which was clearly against his wishes, prolonging his life and suffering for a few more weeks. I'd even make more money and Medicare would get billed for an extra $500,000. No wonder doctors tend to overtreat.

But doctors still do not cure themselves. They see the effects of overtreatment daily. Almost everyone can find a way to die peacefully at home. We have many options to ease the pain. Hospice care helps terminally ill loved ones spend the last days of their lives comfortably and with dignity, instead of suffering from unnecessary treatment. It is amazing that people who are cared for in a hospice live longer than people with the same illness who are treated in a hospital. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard on the radio that the famous journalist Tom Wicker "died peacefully at home surrounded by family." Such cases, thank God, are becoming more common.

A few years ago, my older cousin Torch (torch - lantern, burner; Torch was born at home by the light of a burner) had a cramp. As it turned out later, he had lung cancer with brain metastases. I made arrangements with various doctors and we learned that with aggressive treatment of his condition, which means three to five visits to the hospital for chemotherapy, he would live for about four months. Torch decided not to be treated, moved to live with me and only took pills for swelling of the brain.

For the next eight months, we lived for our own pleasure, just like in childhood. For the first time in my life we ​​went to Disneyland. We sat at home, watched sports programs and ate what I cooked. Torch even gained weight on homemade grubs, not hospital food. He was not tormented by pain, and the mood was fighting. One day he didn't wake up. For three days he slept in a coma, and then he died. The cost of medical care for eight months is about $20. The cost of the pills he took.

Torch wasn't a doctor, but he knew he wanted to live, not exist. Don't we all want the same? If there is a super-duper care for the dying, it is a dignified death. As for me personally, my doctor is aware of my wishes. No heroism. I'll quietly go into the night. Like my mentor Charlie. Like my cousin Torch. Like my fellow doctors.


Ken Murray is an M.D. who dared to bring up a very important topic. It's rarely discussed, but doctors die too. And they don't die like other people...

"Vain treatment" is really terrible. If the doctor worked in Ambulance or in intensive care, he is almost always against being resuscitated. When a patient is terminally ill, aged, or terminally ill, the likelihood of a good resuscitation outcome is virtually non-existent, and the likelihood of suffering is almost 100%.

Doctors refuse resuscitation

Ken tells a story about his mentor, a well-established orthopedic doctor. When he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the health worker refused any treatment. He spent the rest of his life at home with his family and died surrounded by loved ones.

Of course doctors don't want to die. But they know: everyone deserves a decent death. Like no one else, the doctor is aware of what can be done in his case, and knows how people are brought back to life, how ribs are broken by doing chest compressions.

95 thousand cases cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 2010 showed that only 8% of patients were able to survive for more than a month after this procedure. And this month was full of unbearable torments.

Doctors tend to overtreat and do everything to save a person's life. After all, saving lives is guaranteed by law, and doctors are afraid of responsibility! Relatives of the terminally ill also insist on the possibility of extending life.

But when operations are performed that cannot save a person in any way, but only prolong painful torment, it is very scary. When a doctor sees this or participates in similar therapeutic measures, he firmly decides: no resuscitation. I want to die peacefully, next to my loved ones, and I want to suffer as little as possible.

Many American doctors specify in their wills the refusal of resuscitation and even make tattoo on the body with such a request. Sometimes special key chains with an inscription are hung on things. Doctors think ahead about what their last day will be like and ask colleagues to let them leave in peace.

The death of another person is a reminder of our own death. When we mourn for someone, we mourn for ourselves. Doctors see many deaths and know that it is best to be at home in the last minutes and die with peace in the soul, without unnecessary pain ...

Each of us has a familiar doctor. Ask him about this problem. You will be amazed by what you hear in response ...

published on zachashkoi.ru according to the materials takprosto.cc

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