Famous Capricorn girls. Famous Capricorn Women

The question of style is quite sensitive. A woman is a great individuality, and the more difficult it is to divide all these individualities into 12 parts, into 12 signs. And yet, after reading the recommendations, the female representatives will be able to make some notes for themselves in order to become more attractive, emphasize the advantages of their sign and correct the shortcomings.

It is worth noting that the tastes, temperament, preferences, including in clothes, show, in the horoscope of a woman, also such a planet as Venus. Therefore, if Venus is strong in your horoscope, then there will most likely be no problems with femininity.

It will also consider the archetypal features of the 3 signs of the zodiac according to the Sun, in the field of fashion, beauty and style.

Women are Capricorns.

Capricorns are beautiful in their restraint, severity, stateliness, proud gait, attentive gaze, royal gestures. A Capricorn woman always tries to look as necessary for her position.

The safety zone is a classic, the desire zone is antiquity, the opportunity zone is originality bordering on a challenge.

Capricorns prefer those clothes in which it is convenient for them to "serve", i.e. work. It’s even good for them if some kind of dress code is set or there is a uniform. Many problems are solved by this.

But, if there are no specific prescriptions, then women will feel good in simple things having muted or dark tones, clear lines that clearly outline the silhouette.

It is quite difficult for Capricorns to show their individuality in clothes like Lions, or to put on what could be as comfortable as possible, like Cancers. Women of this type try to rely on the requirements and norms of society, which makes their life in the field of fashion easier and more understandable.

If they want to draw attention to themselves, they can make brighter accents with jewelry, scarves or scarves, handbags. A large large decoration can complement the image and say "yes" in favor of great taste his mistress.

The best jewelry for you is vintage jewelry! It is worth more often to use what was inherited, especially through the female line.

Long gloves, but not shiny ones, large scarves and shawls that have been relevant for more than a season, shawls that you can wrap yourself in so comfortably, a high or raised collar, as in old paintings, may suit you.

Oh, how I would like to advise you the crown! Don't ignore at least the hair ornaments.

In order to feel good and look great, Lady Capricorns need a sense of stability in feelings and a strong position in society. The same, you need to learn to find and build a support not only outside, but also inside yourself.

Capricorn stones: onyx, ruby, opal.

Notable women Capricorns:

Actresses, models, TV presenters: Irina Apeksimova ("Bourgeois's Birthday"), Eva Gardner ("Mogambo"), Inna Gomez ("The Last Hero"), Faye Dunaway ("Bonnie and Clyde"), Marlene Dietrich, Ingeborga Dapkunaite ("Burnt by the Sun"), Evgenia Dobrovolskaya ("Queen Margo"), Renata Litvinova ("It Doesn't Hurt Me"), Anna Legchilova ("Crossroads"), Maria Mironova (Mironova-Menaker duet), Michel Mercier (Angelica, Marquise of Angels), Kate Moss, Marina Neelova ( "Autumn Marathon"), Julia Ormond ("The Barber of Siberia"), Nina Sazonova, Anna Samokhina ("Thieves in Law"), Svetlana Sorokina (twice winner of TEFI), Valentina Telichkina ("Vassa"), Christy Turlington (model), Natalia Fateeva ("Three Plus Two"), Emily Watson ("Cutting the Waves"), Tatyana Shmyga (operetta artist).

Singers: Irina Allegrova, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Dido, Annie Lennox ("Eurythmics"), Valentina Legkostupova, Tatyana Nikitina (songs for "Plasticine Crow"), Vanessa Paradis, Donna Summer, Sade.

Ballerinas, dancers: Avdotya Istomina, Galina Ulanova.

Fashion Designers: Ann Demelmeester.

Policy: Raisa Gorbacheva, Lyudmila Putina, Tatyana Dyachenko (adviser to the first president of the Russian Federation), Jeanne Pompadour (lover of Louis XV, who actually ruled France).

Directed by: Liliana Cavani ("The Night Porter"), Larisa Shepitko ("Ascent")

The science: Sofia Kovalevskaya (mathematician).

Sport: Irina Belova, Svetlana Khorkina, Larisa Latynina, gymnasts, Elena A. Chaikovskaya (figure skating coach), Maya Chiburdanidze (the youngest world chess champion), Yulia Chepalova (Olympic champion in cross-country skiing), Lyudmila Pakhomova (figure skating) .

Aquarius women.

These women in fashion are freedom-loving, independent, interesting, inconsistent, they tend to experiment. They have little to whom they owe, and dress code rules are usually not for them.

It is very impressive that Aquarians are capable of great tolerance. This is manifested in many areas of life, including reflecting the attitude to style and beauty.

“Everyone can wear what they like. Everyone can dress how they feel comfortable. All people are different, what restrictions can there be here ?!

Indeed, maybe there are limits for someone, but not for the Aquarius Sun.

Among Lady Aquarius there are many representatives who hardly follow fashion, because. they are not interested, bored and take a lot of useful time. Others, on the contrary, try to stand out as much as possible, break stereotypes, go beyond the generally accepted framework, boldly juggle styles and images. Someone expresses himself as much as possible in creativity, and wears very comfortable, simple, even banal clothes. imagination is strongly directed to the creation of structures and images in the head, in the mental plane.

If Aquarians want to, they can go one step ahead of fashion trends. They are very good at using their colors, know how to choose the type of fabric, they can ignore makeup altogether, and if not, then mother-of-pearl and silver shades will suit them. Along with expensive jewelry, Lady Aquarius can safely use cheap jewelry of unusual sizes, shapes and colors.

To correct your internal state with the help of clothes, it is worth paying attention to the Leo style.

Aquarians have a weak energy, so you should invigorate yourself with warm sunny colors, such as orange or red. You can add spice to your wardrobe by spying on the style of Scorpions.

Gems: sapphire, amethyst, garnet.

Famous Aquarius Women:

Writers, poets, publicists, philosophers: Agnia Barto, Elena Bonner (wife of A.D. Sakharov), Helena Roerich, Virginia Woolf.

Actresses: Anna Bolshova ("Stop on Demand"), Vera Glagoleva ("Marry the Captain"), Geena Davis ("Thelma and Louise"), Nastassja Kinski ("Falling Speed"), Olga Kabo ("The Crusader"), Jeanne Moreau (“Lovers”), Irina Muravyova (“The Most Charming and Attractive”), Lyubov Orlova (“Merry Fellows”), Vanessa Redgrave (“Isadora”), Rene Russo (“The Thomas Crown Affair”), Denise Richards (“And the whole the world is not enough"), Christina Ricci ("Sleepy Hollow"), Mina Suvari ("American Beauty"), Valentina Talyzina ("Zigzag of Fortune"), Farrah Fawcett ("Poor Little Rich Woman"), Bridget Fonda ("Lake Placid), Sherilyn Fenn (Twin Peaks), Jennifer Aniston (Friends).

singers: Ilona Bronevitskaya, Anna German.

Artists: Yoko Ono.

Dancers, ballerinas: Anna Pavlova.

TV presenters, journalists: Elena Masyuk, Oprah Winfrey.

Sport: Irina Slutskaya (figure skating).

Soothsayer: Vanga.

It is not always easy to write about Pisces. They are too elusive, unusual, mysterious, tender ... It is difficult for fish to resist the harsh reality because of their softness, the desire for comprehensive kindness and universal happiness. The world is not like that. The world consists of two halves, and just from the opposite, dark side universe Pisces is so hard to put up.

The image of such a woman is something soft, light, airy, flowing, flowing down. The image of these women is more woven from their aura, from their state of mind, from their mood, than from dense fabrics and a dense plan.

The main weapon of Pisces is their femininity. Venus in Pisces is very strong, so Pisces can even be too feminine, go into this state headlong and almost drown.

For them, beauty, love, harmony is a natural and very understandable feeling that does not need explanation, so style recommendations are not relevant for this sign.

But great benefit will bring advice on the correction of the state of mind, tk. without it, Pisces is like without water, which means that clothes, jewelry and other female joys lose their meaning.

Pisces - you are able to shine from within and this light is yours best clothes.

Precious stones: pearls, amethyst, chrysolite, aquamarine. Coral can become a talisman.

Famous Pisces Women:

Writers, poets: Lesya Ukrainian.

Actresses, models: Vera Alentova ("Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"), Irina Alferova ("D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"), Juliette Binoche ("The English Patient"), Drew Barrymore ("Charlie's Angels"), Tatyana Vasilyeva ("The Most Charming and Attractive ”), Larisa Golubkina (“Hussar Ballad”), Eva Herzigova (model), Tatyana Dogileva (“Forgotten Melody for Flute”), Irina Kupchenko (“A Lonely Woman Wants to Meet”), Cindy Crawford (model), Larisa Luzhina (“ Silence"), Liza Minnelli ("Cabaret"), Ornella Muti ("The Taming of the Shrew"), Elena Solovey ("Slave of Love"), Sharon Stone ("Basic Instinct"), Ekaterina Strizhenova (TV presenter), Elizabeth Taylor ("Cleopatra ”), Jennifer Love Hewitt (“I know what you did last summer”), Isabelle Huppert (“ True story ladies with camellias"), Elena Yakovleva ("Intergirl").

Singers: Nadezhda Babkina, Tatyana Bulanova, Anne Veski, Yulia Volkova ("Tatu"), Irina Ponarovskaya, Lyubov Uspenskaya.

Ballerinas, dancers: Nina Ananiashvili (prima ballerina Bolshoi Theater).

Politics, state, society: Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, Naina Yeltsina, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxembourg.

Sport: Raisa Smetanina (skier, multiple Olympic champion).

Astronaut: Valentina Tereshkova.

First part of the article:

These days, people born under the sign of Capricorn celebrate their birthday. I propose to get acquainted with some representatives of this sign. Women born under the constellation Capricorn are distinguished by their attractive appearance, youthfulness beyond their years, freshness, and sophistication of manners. They tend to carefully hide their true age from others, although over the years they only get prettier.

Marina Neelova January 8

Sade 16 January

The Capricorn woman is purposeful, businesslike and wise. She has a clear and principled outlook on life. Thanks to her organizational skills and the ability to think soberly, she achieves a lot in life herself. On the way to a secure and dignified life for her, there are no insurmountable obstacles.

Renata Litvinova January 12

Ingeborga Dapkunaite January 20

Irina Apeksimova January 13

She does not like to flirt and does not start fleeting relationships with men. She needs a reliable life partner and serious relationship. IN family life she manages to earn money, to lead household, raise children and stay in great shape.

Michelle Obama January 17

Raisa Gorbacheva January 5

Carla Bruni December 23

Alena Khmelnitskaya January 12

A negative trait of the Capricorn woman is her unusual stubbornness. For this woman, there is no other correct opinion than her own.

Svetlana Zhurova January 7

Vanessa Paradis December 22

Kate Moss January 16

The Capricorn woman is prone to depression, introspection and mood swings. This can lead to a deterioration in her health. Sad, a Capricorn woman often seeks solace in alcohol, which her body does not tolerate :)

Anastasia Volochkova January 20

Irina Allegrova 20 January

Ambitious and stubborn Capricorns sometimes cannot achieve recognition for a long time, but when they still catch a crane in the sky, they do not let go of the tits, as they are practical and careful. Famous Capricorns often rotate in the elite strata of high society due to their natural restraint and innate sense of taste. In love, Capricorns are conservative, at home they are neat, at work they are calm and consistent. Their element is earth, the planet is Saturn.

Capricorns are talented strategists, wonderful leaders. They are slow, but hardworking, always thinking about the future. Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac are often melancholic, prone to pessimism, poorly adapted, because their subjective picture of the world is so peculiar that it can sometimes seem very strange. The vulnerable nature of Capricorns is hidden under the mask of thoroughness and efficiency. Composure and perseverance help them to emerge victorious from the battle with adversity.

Style icon Renata Litvinova is extremely interesting, extraordinary personality, the object of criticism of some and the worship of others, actress, screenwriter, director, TV presenter, clip maker, designer. It is hard to believe that the refined and languid Renata grew up in the Soviet Union, but it is easy to imagine what a girl so different from her peers had to endure during the times of equalization and obligation.

Litvinova was born in Moscow in a family of doctors, was educated at VGIK, became known to film fans after filming with Kira Muratova in Hobbies, to a wide range of viewers after the release of the TV series Border. Taiga novel. Capricorns are slow in everything, this also applies to personal life: for example, Renata entered her first marriage as a 29-year-old girl. The originality of Litvinova - her "trademark" manner of speech and behavior - is a consequence of her peculiarities of her worldview, which seems strange to many (nothing surprising, because Renata is a Capricorn). Renata's conservatism is also due to her horoscope: the film star advises all women to give up their usual comfortable sweaters, T-shirts and jeans, wear exceptionally beautiful dresses and seek happiness in love.

The famous Russian theater and film actor Konstantin Khabensky, who receives thousands of letters with declarations of love from his fans, studied at a technical school in his youth, worked as a polisher, a janitor and dreamed of a stage. But practical Capricorns do not remain dreamers for long, they prefer to take the bull by the horns - so Khabensky decided to try his luck and entered LGITMiK. The fame of the actor brought roles in the TV series "Deadly Force" and in the film "Night Watch", performances with his participation are also always popular.

The now deceased wife of Khabensky said that her husband was not at all adapted to life - this is a problem for all Capricorns. But the actor has a phenomenal performance. Khabensky himself believes that his zodiac sign dominates him, so he is a calm, but stubborn person who knows how to focus on work, demanding of himself. Thanks to his talent, professionalism and reputation as a reliable person, Khabensky passed a tough selection and played in films with the participation of Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Mila Jovovich.

A strong strategist, a talented leader, the smartest woman Alena Doletskaya stood at the origins and for many years headed Vogue Russia. Doletskaya is not only a wonderful organizer and analyst, but also a translator and teacher: she worked at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University and translated into Russian the works of Faulkner, Bradbury, as well as many works on art.

The socialite calls herself a perfectionist - well, such assessments do not run counter to the characteristics that astrologers give to Capricorns. Representatives of this zodiac sign strive for perfection and work tirelessly in order to achieve it. Restrained, pleasant in communication, well-mannered Doletskaya knows firsthand what style and beauty are. Indeed, who better than Capricorn knows the laws of elegance and the rules of good taste?

Viktor Belan (this is the name given to the singer Dima Bilan at birth) turned into a youth idol after becoming the first Russian performer to win the Eurovision Song Contest. A talented singer was born in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, as a child he attended a music school and took part in the Chunga-Changa festival for gifted children. Later, the stubborn and hardworking young man entered the Gnessin School and GITIS, in 2000 his video was aired by MTV, and in 2006 the performer went to the Eurovision Song Contest, where he took second place. For Russia, this was a phenomenal success, but for Bilan it was only a catalyst, because the goal of Capricorn striving for perfection was not achieved. In 2008, the singer again decided to try his hand - and this time he became the winner of the competition.

According to Dima Bilan, there cannot be such a dream that cannot be made a reality. No wonder the singer sang: “The impossible is possible”, after all, this is the motto of all Capricorns! Bilan believes that every person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, he decides his own destiny, and the case is just a carefully disguised regularity. Today Dima Bilan is an Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya and Ingushetia, winner of many Golden Gramophone awards, Muz-TV Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards and others. There is no doubt that a performer with such convictions will conquer more than one musical peak.

Loved by adults and children, d'Artagnan from the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" considers himself a boring person. It can be assumed that in comparison with the character of the book by A. Dumas, Mikhail Boyarsky, Capricorn by the sign of the Zodiac, seems less impulsive and emotional, but does not become less interesting as a person because of this. The actor was born in Leningrad, in an acting family. From childhood, he had the opportunity to develop his talent, studied at a music school. Young Boyarsky was educated in the Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinematography, began his career with participation in extras, then played the main roles in plays and films, and was also a TV presenter for some time.
Like a true Capricorn, Boyarsky is imperturbable and gallant, plunges headlong into work. By his own admission, even at home he thinks about filming or about the upcoming premiere, and even at the work site he is so passionate about the process that he forgets about food and rest. Capricorn always strives for spiritual heights - Boyarsky, in the course of a variety of interviews, repeatedly complained that in Russia people began to forget about real values, in the hustle and bustle they stopped noticing the main thing. The actor himself tries to be honest with himself and with his family and true to his principles.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Capricorn


The nature of Capricorn Have you ever met people who outwardly looked modest and compliant, but when it came down to it, they suddenly showed their strong will and unbending disposition?


It seems that the Capricorn Man, like Hercules, is able to hold the world on his mighty shoulders. By at least, it is people like him who give the world stability and firmness. Traditions, family values, honor, duty, discipline - without all this, the world would turn into chaos, and in many respects it was thanks to Capricorn that this still did not happen. The Capricorn man is so arranged that almost from childhood he begins to strive for the very heights. However, since the main thing he used to rely on is own forces, then with age his character is tempered, and his strength grows and grows. Ambition as the main engine gradually makes Capricorn a surprisingly whole, stubborn and hardworking personality; he can handle almost everything, no matter what he undertakes.


If you meet a Capricorn woman when she is not yet twenty, you will most likely be pleasantly surprised by her reluctance, unlike her peers, to actively use cosmetics. Against the background of her painted, in war paint, girlfriends, she will stand out favorably with unplucked eyebrows and a natural blush. However, already at the age of forty, this contrast will be simply striking: the Capricorn woman will look so young, natural and fresh that you won’t believe what age she is until you look at her passport! It will be even more surprising for you when you find out what's the key to her eternal youth This is healthy conservatism. Indeed, the Capricorn woman is so sure that her tomorrow will be no worse than today (and this also applies to her appearance), that she is able to convince even her own people of this. The biological clock!


A disciplined, sensible, serious Capricorn child from birth is distinguished by enviable patience and willpower. There is so much composure in it that sometimes it seems as if in front of you is not a baby, but an old man wise with experience and centuries-old knowledge! At the same time, the commitment to order and perseverance remain in the Capricorn child for life, helping him calmly, without fuss to overcome life difficulties and do not turn off the path to the intended goal. Capricorn baby


Agree on something in 5 minutes with Capricorn? It's just impossible! The conservative and businesslike representative of the Zodiac prefers facts over emotions, and certainly requires time to think. Back up the facts with detailed calculations and provide a plan further action, then you can count on the attention and approval of Capricorn. He is not used to making hasty decisions and agreeing to unpredictable adventures.


Capricorn is one of the most successful signs for work and career. He is ambitious, businesslike, stubborn, strong, that is, he possesses all necessary qualities in order to become a leader and have a great career. Slowly but surely, he will achieve career heights, overcoming all obstacles in his path, and he has every chance to reach the very top. He especially has a chance to succeed by choosing the profession of a scientist, teacher, doctor, engineer, manager, jeweler, impresario, worker banking sector, official, researcher.


Capricorn, despite his outward equanimity and sometimes excessive seriousness, has a tender and loving heart. The love of Capricorn is a guiding star, the merging of two people who are ready to move towards lofty goals. Therefore, already in his youth, he tries to choose the very person with whom he wants to spend his whole life.


Capricorn has a huge life force, which, as a rule, fully manifests itself only with age. In childhood, he can get sick quite often. Most often, Capricorns are prone to allergies and skin infectious diseases, intestinal diseases, nervous system, injuries of bones and joints, kidney diseases, as well as headaches. However, in childhood, and even more so in adulthood diseases of Capricorns are associated primarily with their too serious, often even gloomy, view of the world, which undermines their strength and immune system. Having learned to look at things more cheerfully, Capricorn has every chance of becoming a real long-liver - his mighty body has all the resources necessary for this.

Famous people born under the constellation Capricorn have a strong character, willpower and enviable perseverance. What other qualities of this sign influenced their success?

Perhaps the most typical representative of this zodiac sign is Stephenie Meyer. She is the author of the novels on which all parts of the Twilight movie were based. Possessing colossal capacity for work and stamina, Stephanie was able to glorify her name. Along with a strong character, modesty is also inherent in her. She was not seen in bouts of vanity, because Capricorns are not at all typical of this.

Russian singer Dima Bilan, like Stephanie, remained in the shadows for a long time. But the character of Capricorn woke up in him and now Dima is at the peak of his popularity. Having achieved his goal with honest work, Dima can safely reap the fruits of glory. He likes praise in his address. However, she does not make him arrogant and conceited, but becomes an incentive for new achievements and victories.

Actor Jude Law inherited not the most good qualities Capricorn. He is quite secretive, cautious about new acquaintances, changing environment and conditions. He lives according to plan. stability, confidence tomorrow and the earth under his feet - these are the three pillars on which his whole life rests. This is not surprising, because Capricorns tend to hide their feelings from others. They are afraid of change and surprises.

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya made a name for herself thanks to the perseverance characteristic of all Capricorns and a large supply of energy. She slowly but decisively conquered Russian show business. Many Capricorns have incredible strength, stamina and iron nerves. All this is just about Rudkovskaya, who literally rammed the entire Russian show business with goat horns, becoming the number one producer.

Actor Nicolas Cage is also a Capricorn according to the horoscope. There are many signs in his character that he belongs to this constellation. For example, mystery and impregnability. When Nicolas Cage became famous actor, it was difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that he was recognized everywhere. He still rarely interacts with fans. By nature, he is a closed person. He reveals his soul only to very close people.

Jim Carrey is a typical Capricorn. Despite the comic roles that he constantly plays in the movies, he is quite serious by nature. He greatly values ​​his family and work. These are the most important things in life for him. Like a real Capricorn, he is very hardworking. From the difficulties that arise in the process of work, the actor gets pleasure, because he easily manages to cope with any incidents. The actor does not seek to change roles in the movie. This is due to the main property of Capricorn - the unwillingness to radically change their lives. Jim Carrey is content with what he has and does not seek to reveal new facets of his essence.

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