Umar dzhabrailov brothers. Umar Dzhabrailov. Biography. Business and banking

The ex-senator from Chechnya explained why he fired a few hundred meters from the Moscow Kremlin

On the night of August 29-30, a well-known Moscow businessman and party-goer, a former member of the Federation Council from Chechnya, Umar Dzhabrailov, opened fire in the room of the fashionable Four Seasons hotel a few hundred meters from the Kremlin. A criminal case of hooliganism was opened against the businessman, for which he is likely to get off with a suspended sentence or even be acquitted. Then the biggest loss that threatens the millionaire is that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take away Yarygin's award pistol from him.

Umar Dzhabrailov was released on bail. The investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Hooliganism" committed in a public place Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova, RIA Novosti


Versions of what happened vary greatly from source to source. According to Kommersant, the businessman, according to his friends, shot at the ceiling by accident - he was checking the serviceability of his Yarygin pistol, from which he had never fired before (Dzhabrailov was awarded a pistol more than 10 years ago). The Mash channel (linked to Life) writes without citing sources that Dzhabrailov started shooting when the ordered dinner was brought to him by a cleaner, not a waiter. And as a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told RBC, the businessman was seen by the hotel guards on CCTV monitors, he was already in the elevator with a gun in his hand. That is, this shooting was not a spontaneous reaction to the negligence of the staff of a five-star hotel.

The guards were afraid to detain the armed guest and called a police squad from the nearest Kitai-Gorod police station to neutralize the occupant of room No. 633 themselves. The door, according to the interlocutor of RBC, was opened by a man with a gun in his hands. At first he declared: “I won’t give up without a fight,” but then, realizing the consequences, he allowed himself to be disarmed: the police put him on the floor and handcuffed him. Explaining the origin of the weapon, the detainee gave the police permission to keep and carry the Yarygin combat pistol, which he was awarded by order of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Rashida Nurgalieva. Traces of three shots were found in the ceiling of the room. Note that one of the main shortcomings of the Yarygin pistol, which was put into service in 2003, is not the spontaneous firing, but, on the contrary, the delay in firing.

The ex-deputy of the State Duma told the Vesti TV channel after he was released from the police station: “There was a misunderstanding, which I regret, yes. But that was preceded by some activities on the part of the hotel staff. I had a nervous breakdown, I did not cause any harm, so I walked a little. I'm sorry about what happened. I apologize to those whom I caused inconvenience ... But how a man did the right thing.

In favor of the version that Dzhabrailov was greatly upset by the Four Seasons staff, he says that Dzhabrailov understands the hotel business very well. In 1994 - 1996 he was the first deputy general director of the Intourist-Radamer Hotel and Business Center joint venture. In 1997, he headed the Plaza group, which managed, in particular, the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel. He represented Chechnya in the Federation Council from 2004 to 2009 and founded the Avanti business association.

Therefore, such a blatant lawlessness as a cleaning lady who rolled a cart with dinner into the suite could really cause quite natural indignation of the hotelier. But on the other hand, for the same reason, he couldn't help but realize the consequences of the five-star hotel shooting. Sooner or later, he would still have questions about how the gunshots appeared in the luxurious room. However, there is another explanation for the fact that Dzhabrailov suddenly wanted to shoot. According to the police, during the arrest he did not look quite adequate, and in addition, a suspicious white powder was found in his room.


The police seized material evidence from the scene - a pistol, spent cartridges, bullets and cartridges left in the pistol magazine. Now forensics must find out whether Dzhabrailov used the cartridges that are included in the award weapon kit, or others. In the second case, the owner of the award pistol may be held liable for the illegal circulation of cartridges. However, Kommersant sources claim that Dzhabrailov had a full set of standard ammunition. The detainee has already passed a forensic medical examination to determine whether the businessman was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the shooting, but its results will be known in a few days.

The police opened a criminal case under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism”). The source of RIA Novosti reports that so far it is simply on the fact of what happened; TASS and Kommersant sources - which is directly related to Dzhabrailov. Press Secretary of the former member of the Federation Council from Chechnya Grigory Gorchakov declined to comment for Meduza. “I have no information,” he said. Dzhabrailov's assistant Rahman Yansukov told Meduza that he did not know any details of the story.

On the evening of August 30, Dzhabrailov was released on bail. The investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Hooliganism" committed in a public place. And after completion of the investigation, it can apply to the court with a petition for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapons. So, most likely, Dzhabrailov will have to part with Yarygin's pistol.


BUSINESS Online asked a lawyer, a psychiatrist and a gunsmith to comment on the incident. It was interesting to understand what threatens the ex-deputy, why did he open fire and can Yarygin's pistol spontaneously fire three times?

Evgeny Stupin- Lawyer of the Bar Association of Moscow:

- The case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 213 (“Hooliganism”), which provides for up to five years in prison. But Dzhabrailov was released on bail, because this is a gross violation of public order with the use of firearms. Perhaps he will still have an article on illegal storage of ammunition (part 1 of article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - there up to four years in prison. Dzhabrailov, most likely, not convicted, as a former senator. Usually, those convicted of non-serious articles (and this is an article of medium gravity) are given a suspended sentence initially.

The fact that he was released on bail is generally normal, because the crime is of medium gravity, he did not attack anyone. As I understand it, he showed his dissatisfaction with the fact that the cleaning lady instead of the waitress brought him some dish. It's not socially dangerous enough to shut it down. So the measure of restraint is more or less justified. True, the question was also about the white powder that they found on him. If these are drugs, then it is necessary to find out in what amount. Then the punishment can be more severe, up to life imprisonment.

Alexander Fedorovich- psychiatrist of the highest category:

- You can accidentally pull the trigger, for example, shifting something. These are the so-called crossbows, of which there are a huge number, for example, in the army, when young fighters come, they are told how to handle weapons. There are a lot of such random situations, including fatal ones.

And three times the ceiling reminds me of a joke: “I’m standing, I’m not touching anyone, I’m peeling an orange, then this one passes by. And once he slipped on a crust, fell on a knife - and so 8 times. I don’t know if it’s possible to accidentally shoot three times, if only some kind of convulsion happened, the pistol stuck to my hands, a tic happened, and the finger ticked, ticked, ticked. Don't know. It's like in the movie "Mimino": "Chandelier? Yes, I broke. Accidentally hooked a chair when leaving the room. How can you comment on this? Absolutely nothing, except as a cynical disrespectful attitude towards others. I can’t comment in any way, except that Umar is a very serious person, quite wealthy. He could simply quote the phrase that the lawyer said to him: “Tell me that it was by chance, and then it will be seen. Whether the case will go to trial or not is unknown. What decision the referee will make regarding the accidental three shots is unknown. For now, tell the media that you didn’t mean anything bad and accidentally pressed it three times.” I think so.

But about irascibility - this is a completely different alignment. Here the question is why the person took out a weapon and started shooting, whether there was a reason for this or not. Yes, we can talk about his impulsiveness, temperament. Impulsivity is a state when a person does not control his movements, that is, the distance between an emotional experience and action is very short, only a fraction of a second. Yes, we can talk about it, but this is a different angle, it's not at all about why you can shoot three times.

Igor Korotchenko- military expert, editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine:

- The Yarygin Pistol is a regular standard weapon. What accidents? The gun is designed in such a way that only a person can use and use it. Accordingly, there can be no accidents there. This is a premium weapon that Dzhabrailov has. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a person, due to certain circumstances, used it. For what purpose and how, it will be established in the course of the inspection that the internal affairs bodies are conducting today. I repeat once again, the gun does not make any spontaneous shots. This is nonsense and nonsense!

Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman, former senator from Chechnya and ex-presidential candidate of Russia. As sources told RBC, he was armed and warned the police that he would not give up without a fight.

What is Umar Dzhabrailov known for - in the review of RBC.

Photo: Frank Villagra / Kommersant

Umar Dzhabrailov is 59 years old. He was born in Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His father Ali Dzhabrailov worked in the oil industry of the republic. Dzhabrailov studied in Moscow, at the Fur and Fur College of Rospotrebsoyuz and at MGIMO (graduated from the Faculty of Economics). He served in the missile forces.

In 1988, he began working at the Moscow cooperative gallery as an art inspector. In the early 90s, he founded the Danako LLP company, which was engaged in the supply of petroleum products for state-owned enterprises.

In 1994, after meeting the American businessman Paul Tatum, founder of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center joint venture, he became the first deputy general director of this company. But in 1996, Teitum accused Dzhabrailov of intending to organize an assassination attempt on him. In November of the same year, he was shot dead in an underpass near the Kyiv railway station. Dzhabrailov's involvement in the murder could not be established, but he was banned from entering the United States.

Umar Dzhabrailov and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. 1999

(Photo: AVANTI official website)

In 1997, Dzhabrailov became an acting adviser. General Director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Complex and President of the Plaza Group of Companies. He was a member of the board of directors of the Russian Capital bank, in April 2001 he became the chairman of the board of directors of the First OVK bank.

In December 1999, Dzhabrailov announced that he intended to run for the presidency of Russia. It was put forward by the initiative group "Force of the Mind". In February 2000, the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case on the facts of falsification of signature sheets in support of Dzhabrailov by initiative groups. As a result, he took the last, 11th place in the elections, gaining 0.08% of the vote.

Hajj in Saudi Arabia, 2004. President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov (second from left) and Senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov

In 2004, Dzhabrailov became a senator from Chechnya, leaving the position of president of the Plaza group. In 2005, he created the Russian Islamic Heritage movement, whose goal is to defend the rights of Muslim groups studying Islam (jamaats).

Umar Dzhabrailov, Ramzan Kadyrov, Chairman of the Government of Chechnya Sergei Abramov. 2004

In November 2006, Dzhabrailov suggested that then Chechen President Al Alkhanov resign, which he did in February 2007. Ramzan Kadyrov was elected in his place. In October 2009, Dzhabrailov voluntarily resigned from the post of senator ahead of schedule. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to Sergei Prikhodko, an aide to the President of Russia (now Prikhodko is the head of the government apparatus). Dzhabrailov is a member of the United Russia party

Umar Dzhabrailov participates in Dmitry Dibrov's show "Oh, Lucky!" on NTV channel, February 2000

(Photo: Sergey Mikheev / Kommersant)

According to SPARK-Interfax, Dzhabrailov is a co-owner of nine companies. The largest of them is Avanti Stroygroup Investment and Construction Company LLC. Among the company's facilities is the Zilart residential complex on the territory of the former ZIL automobile plant. Dzhabrailov also owns Avanti LLC, Agroresurs LLC, Umar Dzhabrailov Company LLC and others.

Umar Dzhabrailov and Iosif Kobzon

Dzhabrailov is the chairman of the general council of the Avanti public platform for the development of business patriotism in Russia. According to the Dozhd TV channel, the trip of Dmitry Peskov's daughter to a shipyard in Crimea to settle a business dispute was organized by this particular association.

Dzhabrailov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts (according to the charter of the academy, outstanding figures of foreign and Russian culture and art, as well as persons who, through their active charitable and sponsorship activities, make a significant contribution to the development of the academy and Russian culture as a whole, can be elected honorary members). He is known as a philanthropist and collector - he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMSI). In the announcement of the exhibition of selected works from the collection of Dzhabrailov "New Element" (held at the MMOMA in 2014), the businessman is called "one of the few serious and consistent collectors of the latest art in Russia."

The well-known Chechen businessman and statesman is famous throughout the country for his extravagant deeds and novels attributed to him with Russian and world celebrities. The biography of ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov is filled with such stories. Photos of the businessman adorned the pages of many glossy magazines and yellow press.

early years

The biography of Umar Dzhabrailov began in Grozny, where his parents, who had previously been deported to Kazakhstan, returned. Therefore, he was born already in the capital of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on June 28, 1958. He was brought up in a large Chechen family, Umar has two sisters and three brothers. His father Ali (Alvi) Israpilovich Dzhabrailov worked as a secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, then moved to work in the oil industry. In his spare time he liked to write poetry. Mom Rumi Sarakaeva was engaged in housekeeping and raising children.

In 1973, Dzhabrailov graduated from high school in Grozny and moved to the country's capital. Here he studied at the fur technical school, owned by Rospotrebsoyuz. From 1977 to 1979 he served in the strategic missile units in Korosten, Zhytomyr region of the Ukrainian SSR. In the army, he joined the Communist Party, which he ceased membership in 1989.

Study and first job

After demobilization, the Moscow period continued in the biography of Umar Dzhabrailov, he came to the capital to take exams at MGIMO. He was a little unlucky - he did not get just the score necessary for admission to the country's most prestigious university. Umar remained to study at the preparatory department, like all those who served in the army, he had such a right. After a year of preparatory studies, he became a student at the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO, graduating with honors in 1985 with a degree in International Economic Relations.

Umar received a free distribution and got a job at the department at his native institute, where he worked as a laboratory assistant from 1986 to 1988. In the perestroika years that began, he got a job in one of the first cooperative galleries as an art inspector. In 1989, he represented the interests of several foreign companies in the country, since he speaks English, German and Italian and understands and expresses himself a little more.

First experiences in business

In 1989, the entrepreneurial biography of Umar Dzhabrailov began, he established his first company, Danako, which was engaged in the sale of petroleum products. He worked in it as a general director until 1994, the company owned a network of gas stations in Moscow and the Moscow region and supplied oil products to state-owned enterprises. In 1993, Umar and his partner opened a French fashion store in the Slavyanskaya Hotel.

During these years, the Chechen businessman met the American Paul Tatum. They organized a joint venture, where Dzhabrailov became the first deputy general director. He managed to save the Slavyanskaya hotel for the company, which the Moscow Property Committee intended to take. In 1996, the first big scandal took place in the biography of Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov, which made him famous throughout the country. The American partner publicly accused Umar of intending to kill him. In November 1996, Teitum, along with the guards, was shot dead near the Kyiv railway station. The connection of the Chechen businessman with the murder was not established, but he was banned from entering the United States.

business success

In 1997, Umar Dzhabrailov began his career as the head of the Plaza group of companies. He continued to work in the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel complex, transferring to the position of adviser to the general director. The Group provided property management services in the capital. Also in the same years he worked as Deputy Director for Marketing and Leasing at the Manezhnaya Ploshchad company.

One of the companies of the Millennium group, was engaged in show business, having built and managed the VI:RUS nightclub. Another of the Plaza business structures specialized in outdoor advertising, it owned about 20% of outdoor advertising surfaces in Moscow. In the early 2000s, the biography of businessman Umar Dzhabrailov continued in the banking sector. First, he joined the board of directors of the bank, and in 2001 he became chairman of the board of directors of the commercial bank First OVK.

in public service

In 2000, Dzhabrailov ran for the presidency of Russia, as he himself said - by his act he wanted to show that there is no discrimination against Chechens in the country. The businessman declared an annual income of 8.66 million rubles, an apartment and a BMW 850 car.

In 2004, he was appointed a member of the Federation Council from the Chechen Republic, where he worked as deputy chairman of the international affairs committee. In 2006, he suggested that the president of Chechnya leave his post ahead of schedule, who followed his advice, and Ramzan Kadyrov was elected to this place. In 2009, he left of his own accord. From 2009 to 2013, he served as Advisor to the Assistant to the Head of State.

Personal life

In the biography of Dzhabrailov Umar Alievich there were two marriages, from his second wife he has two daughters Danata and Alvina, who live with their mother in Monte Carlo.

He is a frequenter of star parties, often appeared on them along with famous beauties. Photos of the businessman, along with Zhanna Friske, Alexa, and even the famous black panther Naomi Campbell, adorned the pages of many tabloids.

In 2017, the Chechen businessman again appeared on the front pages of almost all Russian media resources. Dzhabrailov was detained for shooting at the ceiling with a Yarygin award pistol at the Four Seasons Hotel. He himself called it an unfortunate accident.

Businessman and ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov, who fired at a hotel in the center of Moscow, could receive a personalized weapon not for services to the Motherland, but because of his position in society, says Alexander Gusak, ex-head of the FSB anti-terrorist unit.

Dzhabrailov opened fire at the five-star Four Season Hotel in Moscow on the night of August 30. As a result of the incident, no one was injured. According to the Internet public Mash, Dzhabrailov started shooting due to the fact that dinner was brought to his room not by a waitress, but by a cleaner. As Metro was told in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, the police officers who arrived at the scene detained a man who shot upwards with his award pistol. A criminal case on hooliganism has been initiated. At the same time, the name of the suspect was not specified in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a rule, personal inscribed weapons are awarded to people who have proven themselves in protecting the state interests of their homeland, Gusak told Metro. - But in the last decade, the devil knows who and the devil knows for what. As a rule, these are people who have nothing to do with the defense of the Fatherland. In the case of Dzhabrailov, his position in society, material condition, business, and relations with the leaders of the Chechen Republic played a role. It's hard to imagine anything else.

Husak stressed that, as a rule, the security guards of large hotels inspect people at the entrance and it is not so easy to bring something forbidden inside. But in the case of Dzhabrailov, everything could be different.

If Dzhabrailov often stayed at this hotel, then it is unlikely that he was carefully examined. This is common practice. Plus, it should be borne in mind that this person is quite influential and has been walking with several guards for a long time.

The Four Season Metro hotel said that there is no panic, the hotel continues to operate as usual. Dzhabrailov's number was sealed by the police.

The RIA Novosti agency, citing its own police source, writes that law enforcement officers are now investigating whether Dzhabrailov was drunk during the incident. Also, according to the source, a white powder was found in Dzhabrailov's room, it was sent for examination.

Umar Dzhabrailov is a major businessman of Chechen origin, engaged in construction, heads the Russian-Qatari Business Council and the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. In 2004-2009 he was a member of the Federation Council, was a member of the committees on economic policy and international affairs.

/ Wednesday, August 30, 2017 /

Topics: Crime Police

Ex-presidential candidate, businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, who was detained earlier for shooting at the Four Seasons hotel, explained the shootings by his oversight. According to "Kommersant", according to Dzhabrailov, while relaxing in his room, he decided to check Yarygin's pistol, which was awarded by the order of Rashid Nurgaliyev. According to the source of the publication, for several years the businessman never used it, and since he had no experience with weapons, he fired several random shots upwards.

At the same time, no one saw or heard the moment of shooting. The hotel security was alarmed when they saw on the CCTV monitor how a man with a gun in his hand entered the elevator on the sixth floor. The guards did not dare to detain him and called the police squad.

Recall that the police opened a criminal case on hooliganism in connection with the incident. As RIA Novosti reported citing its own sources, a white powder was found in Dzhabrailov's room, which was sent for examination. Dzhabrailov may face up to 7 years in prison, he may also be deprived of the right to carry premium weapons. Currently, the businessman is under house arrest.

. . . . .

On Wednesday, a Moscow businessman, a former member of the Federation Council from Chechnya, Umar Dzhabrailov, became a defendant in a criminal case of hooliganism, who arranged an unreasonable shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel. Given that the businessman, as his friends say, accidentally shot at the ceiling - he was checking the serviceability of his pistol - and the incident itself did not occur in a public place, but in a hotel room rented by the ex-senator, he may well avoid criminal liability. But Yarygin's pistol, which Senator Dzhabrailov was awarded many years ago by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, he will most likely have to hand over.

According to Kommersant's sources, no one saw or heard the very moment of the shooting, which took place late on Tuesday evening. The security of the Four Seasons Hotel, located on Okhotny Ryad, literally a hundred meters from the entrance to Red Square, was alarmed when they saw on the video surveillance monitor how a guest of the establishment with a gun in his hand entered the elevator on the sixth floor. The security guards themselves did not dare to detain the dangerous guest, they called a police squad from the nearest Kitai-Gorod department and suggested that the law enforcement officers deal with the armed client who was staying in room 633.

However, when the law enforcement officers demanded to hand over their weapons, for some reason he said that he “won’t give up without a fight.” Fortunately, it did not come to bloodshed - the guest was nevertheless persuaded to disarm, and then they laid him on the floor, handcuffed.

Explaining the origin of the weapon, the detainee gave the police permission to keep and carry the Yarygin combat pistol, which he was awarded by the order of the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliyev. The businessman explained the shooting at the ceiling with his unfortunate oversight. According to his version, while relaxing in his room, he decided to check the pistol, which he had never used for several years, and since he had no experience with weapons at all, he fired several random shots upwards.

From the scene, investigators seized spent cartridges, bullets and whole cartridges that remained in Yarygin's store. All of them were sent for examination, which is to be established whether Mr. Dzhabrailov used the ammunition included in the set of award weapons or others. Note that regular cartridges are issued to the recipient along with the pistol and their quantity, brand and serial numbers are entered in a special invoice, which the owner is obliged to keep along with the permit. When using a different ammunition load, the owner of the award pistol may be held liable for the illegal circulation of cartridges (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). However, sources close to the businessman's entourage claim that he had a full set of regular ammunition.

The detainee has already passed an examination to determine whether Mr. Dzhabrailov was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the shooting (according to the police, he did not look quite adequate, and besides, a suspicious white powder was found in his room), the detainee has already passed. True, the results of the studies will be known in a few days.

One way or another, the police investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Hooliganism" committed in a public place. Surrounded by a businessman, they believe that this version of the investigation does not correspond to the circumstances of the incident. The shots, in their opinion, were fired by accident, and besides, not in a “public place”. A hotel room, according to civil law, is a temporary place of residence for the citizen who rented it. Thus, Mr. Dzhabrailov, most likely, will get off with an administrative punishment. But he will have to return the weapon to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So far, Yarygin has been seized by the investigation as material evidence. And after the completion of the investigation, his representative may well apply to the court with a petition for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapons. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage of the award fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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