How to get up early in the morning with ease. Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up. Causes of the problem and how to deal with it

Psychologists advise planning something pleasant in the morning, and doctors advise not to go to bed on a full stomach

It happens that you seem to wake up, come to work, and the body is still sleeping, your eyes are trying to close. And it seems that they didn’t go to bed late, but the state is such that they were awake all night ... It turns out that in order to feel energetic in the morning, several rules must be observed.

To sleep well, you need to sleep soundly. You can go to bed early and wake up late, but still feel overwhelmed and tired - this means that something is interfering with your sleep.

The first rule of healthy and sound sleep is to always go to bed at the same time, for example at 22.00. If the rhythm goes astray, this is stress for the body, which also affects the quality of sleep.

Try to ensure complete darkness in the room where you sleep. The fact is that the human eyelids are very thin, so even closed eyes react to any light source, and therefore, the brain also reacts to it. You seem to be sleeping, but the brain continues to work, advises general practitioner general practice Lyubov Sovenchuk.

Experts do not advise to eat up at night: the body is busy digesting food, it works, not rests. Compliance with this rule will help not only get enough sleep, but also maintain a normal figure.

Aromatherapy will also help you fall asleep faster. Drop a couple of drops essential oil lavender, valerian or pine on a cotton pad and put near the bed. If time permits, you can take a bath with these aromatic oils - this will relax the body and calm the nerves.There are also people who fall asleep watching TV - this also affects the quality of sleep. You should not overload your brain with information, it is better to lie in the dark and think about something good or read a children's book.

Plays an important role in good sleep psychological aspect. It turns out that you can set yourself up for an early rise.

Before going to bed, say to yourself several times: “Tomorrow I wake up at 6.00.” This mindset will make it easier to survive an early rise. You can also create an incentive to get up early. For example, plan something pleasant for the morning - leave a delicious cake for breakfast or prepare a beautiful dress for going to work that you have long wanted to show off to your colleagues. And be sure to think about the good things in the morning, for example, that you will meet your fate today, advises psychologist Marianna Odintsova.

By the way, you should not constantly rearrange the alarm time “later”, postponing the rise for five or ten minutes. Subconsciously, you will still wait for a new signal and, even falling asleep, you will not be able to sleep during this time.

If you follow the rules good night failed, wake up will help cold and hot shower. Before that, do some exercise- squat or jump, preferably to fast and positive music. Aroma oils will also help to cheer up, but no longer soothing, but, on the contrary, invigorating, for example, citrus fruits. But doctors do not advise to lean on coffee: for health reasons, not everyone can drink it. In addition, coffee is a kind of drug. If you drink a drink every morning, soon you will no longer be able to do without it. And since coffee is addictive, you will soon stop noticing its invigorating effect.

Morning is usually the time of the highest human activity. If you are a night owl and you want to become a morning person, then read this article. No matter what lifestyle you lead, you can gradually accustom yourself to the rhythm of the lark. Here are some tips to help you get up early.

1. Find a reason to get up early

If you don't have a reason to get up early, you will never learn how to do it. Therefore, it is very important to find this reason. Whatever reason you find, it will prevent you from wanting to reschedule your alarm clock. For example, in order not to fall asleep further, I immediately go and start my morning with its divine smell. This is my The best way get up early.

2. Set an alarm

The most difficult thing in the morning is to force yourself to get out of a warm bed. Therefore, start an alarm clock and put it on the other side of the room, put on the loudest ringtone and the most annoying. Put on a tune that can drive you crazy so you're sure to get out of bed. And no matter how, you still have to get up.

3. Wake up every day at the same time

In order not to feel overwhelmed in the morning, you should go to bed as soon as you feel tired and wake up in the morning at the same time every day. Sounds simple, but it's actually not. For example, you go to bed at one in the morning, and the alarm clock should be set for the early morning. You also shouldn't force yourself to sleep if you're not tired, because you'll feel unwell afterwards. In addition, if you try to fall asleep, and this will not work, there is a chance that you will suffer from insomnia later. Read about how to deal with it in the article -.

4. Reduce your sleep time gradually

If you are used to sleeping for 8 hours, then gradually you can accustom yourself to sleep less than this time. To make this process less painful, reduce your sleep time by 30 minutes at a time. Sleep 7 and a half hours for one week, then reduce this time by another half an hour and so on until you achieve the desired result.

5. Sun

Leave your curtains or blinds open. When the room is dark, your body produces melatonin and you want to sleep. Light keeps your biological clock running correctly, it tells you it's time to sleep. I love waking up with the warm rays of the sun on my face. Try to start your morning like this and you will definitely like it.

6. Stay awake

It’s hard, but don’t tell yourself “five more minutes,” I did this all the time and always slept through work. And this is not pleasant, every 10 minutes my sleep was interrupted by the roar of the alarm clock. So stop napping! This won't do you any good.

7. Set yourself a goal

It may sound strange, but if you tell yourself that you have to get up at 5.30 in the morning, you yourself can wake up without an alarm. If you've never tried this, now is the time. When you are able to wake up on your own without an alarm, you will feel great in the morning.

Are you a lark or an owl? Do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning? Do you have your own tips for getting up early morning? Share with us!


Our body quickly develops habits, so if you get up every day certain time then every morning it will be much easier for you to wake up. If you've been getting up during the day before, getting up in the morning every day can be incredibly difficult at first. However, in no case do not give up, do not indulge yourself, even on weekends try to get up early. Gradually, your body will adapt to such a rhythm of life and soon you will learn to get up in the morning even without an alarm clock.

If you set an alarm clock, then get up as soon as it starts ringing. The more you press the "Snooze" button, the more difficult it will be to get up after. The best way to solve this problem is to take the alarm clock to the opposite corner of the room. Thus, in order to turn it off, you will need to force yourself to stand up. Having pushed yourself once, you are unlikely to fall asleep later.

The key to waking up early is the desire to wake up early. If you have motivation, then the brain will not invent diversified different reasons which will help you sleep longer. Think carefully about the benefits of getting up early.

Before falling asleep, repeat to yourself several times the time when you need to get up in the morning. If you can concentrate, then tune your mind and you can wake up without problems.

Just because you need to get up early in the morning doesn't mean you need to go to bed as early as possible. Often people sleep much more than their body requires. It is recommended to go to bed only if you feel tired. And if you lie down before this moment, you will simply lose time.

When you wake up, do some exercises. Thanks to them, you will get rid of drowsiness, return your body to tone, and normalize blood circulation. Perfect option- to accept cold shower However, not everyone will be able to decide on such a step.

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  • how to get yourself up early

Some people are able to wake up at the first signal of the alarm clock and even for a few minutes of it, while others delay this moment all the time in the hope of sleeping longer. And if for the first the process of awakening is given relatively easily, then for the second it is akin to a feat.


Getting up to work on time is the key to a successful day, and to get up on time, you need to get enough sleep. No wonder there is a saying "morning begins in the evening." Therefore, if you hardly get out of bed, then you should reconsider the daily routine, in particular the evening. It is desirable to allocate at least 7 hours for sleep, so do not be surprised if the body begins to “rebel” with lack of sleep. And the constant restriction of the time of night rest can lead to depressive state and chronic fatigue.

Prepare for the upcoming sleep: an hour before it, turn off the TV and computer. It's best to take this time cosmetic procedures listening to calm music, reading books. The use of invigorating drinks is undesirable. And although the first sips of coffee can make you sleepy, the quality of your sleep after them will be at risk.

Mentally tune in to the morning rise and set its time. Do this every time before bed: this will allow you to "set" your internal clock and over time you will learn to wake up before the alarm.

Standing up together is fun

Get a dog. And then you don't have to drag yourself out of bed every morning. A noisy, shaggy and impatient friend will do this for you. There are many advantages to this method. In addition to the habit of getting up in the morning, you will gain, thanks to daily walks on fresh air and get rid of those extra pounds.

And if you fall asleep every day under the warm side of your loved one, then getting up early is even easier. Persuade your man to do it together. Come up with competitions, for example, whoever gets up first in the evening owns the TV remote control. Whoever gets out of bed last is the one who pays the bills this week. And don't hesitate in the morning!

Know the goal and see the landmark

Come up with a system of penalties and rewards. We didn’t get up at what time we planned, there will be no next series of “Doctor House” in the evening. Jumped with the first trills of the alarm clock? Well, so be it, today you can spit on the diet and afford to buy baklava in that new bakery near work. Just strictly adhere to the established rules and do not break them.

Good motivation works not only at work or at school. Think about what you're willing to give up morning sleep. After all, if you had a plane at six in the morning to the Maldives, you would hardly lie in bed to the last, right? There are always things for which you can go to great lengths, even refusing to sleep longer.

Set clear guidelines for yourself. Agree with yourself that you get up early in the morning at the same time for ten days or two weeks, but every day. A person can get used to anything. There is Great chance that after a two-week daily early rise in the morning, your body will get used to it and will no longer resist strongly.

Do not regret, do not think, do not guess

Put the alarm clock away. Try to wake up to the sounds of a very cheerful and loud melody. Place the music source away from the bed, so that you cannot reach your hand to the tape recorder or phone and turn it off. You will hardly be able to sleep to the screaming music. And if you get out of bed, then more than half of the work will already be done.

Most importantly, do not give yourself a second to think, sip and argue with yourself. As soon as you open your eyes, immediately jump up and run under the shower. After 10-15 minutes water procedures you may not wake up completely, but going to bed again certainly will not make sense. I'll have to wake up more.

Well, if none of the methods suit you, although you honestly tried whole month maybe you should not try to wake up so early? Perhaps your body is not in vain desperately resisting an early rise? He just lets you know that by getting up at 11 am, you will be able to do much more good and deeds.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If you are from the detachment of those whom no force can get out of bed in the morning, who runs to work or school in last minute, and for whom every morning is one big stress, we will try to help you.

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First of all, in order to get up early in the morning, two conditions must be met:

  • Come up with a strong motivation for getting up early. It can be urgent work, going to the hairdresser, charging the phone, cooking delicious breakfast for a beloved family or ... well, come up with something, everyone has different reasons for parting with Morpheus.
  • To get up earlier, you have to go to bed earlier. This is simple but very important condition, don't ignore it. The body cannot be fooled. Provide yourself with 7-8 hours of good sleep, please.

9 best recipes for cheerfulness in the morning - how to learn to get up early, and at the same time - sleep well?

  • Walk outside before bed. Usually performed by non-working pensioners and young people in love. Join now!
  • Sleep in a well ventilated room with an open window. Available to everyone.
  • Sleep on a comfortable pillow. With age, the height of the pillow should increase. Special attention give cervical region spine, all its seven vertebrae!

  • Listening to good music before bed , reading your favorite book, watching programs about nature and animals.
  • Don't eat before bed! The body will digest food and will not let you sleep soundly. The heavier the food, the harder it will be to sleep. Inner part Your body also requires rest, at least at night, because in the morning the endless processing of more and more portions of the food you supply will begin again.
  • Avoid discussing difficult issues before bed , including with yourself, do not solve unsolvable problems. Most of the problems, oddly enough, will resolve themselves after a while, and difficult tasks are solved in the early morning: while you sleep, your brain solves this problem. Remember the genius saying "Morning is wiser than evening". Sometimes the most "tricky", the most brilliant ideas come to mind in the early morning, at 4-5 in the morning. That's when the brain clicks problems like a computer!
  • Large bed and clean linen. it mandatory conditions for healthy sleep. Do not spare money on this, because in a dream we spend a third of our lives. Read also:
  • Quick shower before bed. Works instantly. Just imagine how good it feels to be in a clean bed after a shower under a warm blanket…
  • Come up with a good reward for yourself tomorrow for such a feat
    It could be interesting thing, which is waiting, can not wait for your performance, shopping and buying a long-looked-for thing, it can be a meeting with friends - otherwise you have already begun to forget how they look, all the phone, and the social network.

    Each person has their own reasons for happiness and Have a good mood, and for many people this is a job - it's a hobby! But try to add variety to the necessary routine, each time you can do something in a new way, add your own zest. Rearrange the furniture, finally!
  • Towards the rays of the sun
    Getting up early in the summer is quite simple - let the sun's rays into your bed, they will warm you and wake you up.

    Sunlight stimulates the production of an important substance in the human body - serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the daily rhythm.
  • Don't waste your precious morning time!
    Schedule the most important things for yourself in the morning. For information: mental activity the most productive time is around 10 am, well, for the sake of objectivity, at 2 and 6 pm. You can check!
  • We charge with energy and cheerfulness in the morning
    And if possible - run in the morning, preferably with a companion. Well, if there is not enough willpower for this, no one has canceled a couple of squats and sips. Read also:

    After all, it is necessary not only to wake up the brain, it is necessary that the whole body wakes up, the muscles work, the blood runs merrily through the veins. “Shut up your shoulder, swing your arm!” After all, during the day we have a lot of things to do. Good and kind.
  • We start The biological clock
    A person who is too tired during the day falls asleep with difficulty. Having washed himself all night, he gets up in the morning with difficulty. Everyone has a moment during the day when their eyes close by themselves. So close them and sleep, if possible, for 20 minutes. So tell your body: Sleep 20 minutes! You will be surprised, but you will wake up in exactly 20 minutes, like Stirlitz. Our biological clock runs smoothly.

    The biological clock works in the morning too. Many people wake up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. What happiness - you can lie down for another five minutes! During this time, you can just think about what needs to be done in the morning and during the day, how to do it most expediently and at lower cost, and also think over the logistics of all these actions. Look for non-standard solutions. And the most important thing is to wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Pleasant environment for happy early awakenings
    You need to wake up and get up in a pleasant environment: a tidy room, a clean work desk, a nice picture on the wall, anticipation of a cup good tea with honey, the hope of meeting your loved ones and just good good friends.

    And let the quantity pleasant events always outweighs the unpleasant ones. All in our hands!

Good luck!

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