What should you say to the tooth fairy when a tooth falls out? Who can be called at home during the day with a friend - the call of harmless spirits

It seems that the child has only recently erupted first baby tooth, but in fact, six years have passed since then. But, fortunately, 6-7 years old is just the age when children willingly believe in fairy tales and legends, so it will be especially good if fiction brings some benefit to a growing person.

For example, in English-speaking countries, children believe in the Tooth Fairy, who exchanges each lost milk tooth for a coin or a small gift. How to summon the tooth fairy?

How to summon the Tooth Fairy to a child

To do this, the child needs to put his tooth under the pillow before going to bed or put it in a glass of water, and in the morning he will find a pleasant surprise instead. Putting a tooth in a glass of water is even better, because it will be easier for parents who have taken on the role of the Tooth Fairy to discreetly replace it with a gift for their son or daughter.

Children react differently to staggering and subsequent loss of a milk tooth. Some guys are happy with what is happening, because the change of teeth is one of the stages of growing up, which many children strive for so much. In other girls and boys, the process of losing milk teeth causes more negative emotions for example, such children think that losing a tooth will make them look like babies. In addition, a hole in a row of neat milk teeth does not look very beautiful, which upsets girls.

Therefore, a gift from the Tooth Fairy is a compensation to the child for pain and unpleasant experiences associated with the loss of a milk tooth. In addition, parents get the opportunity not only not to ignore such significant event in the life of a child, but also to teach him to be attentive to himself, to take care of himself. These skills will certainly be useful to him in adulthood.

In addition, mom and dad, who know how to call the tooth fairy, can always show their imagination, for example, by leaving a small message from the sorceress (postcard) to the child, in which she asks him not to eat a lot of sweets so that his teeth never hurt and stay healthy, and also do not forget to brush them in the morning and evening.

What the Tooth Fairy Gives

The loss of the first tooth can be celebrated with an interesting gift - a cute teddy bear (or any other character), on the stomach of which a special pocket will be sewn to store the fallen teeth. Now the child will put each fallen tooth into a pocket, receiving a nice gift in return. Tell your child that this is not an easy bear - he will guard his teeth until the tooth fairy visits again, and in general, such a cute toy can be an excellent talisman for all occasions.

It is possible to fold fallen milk teeth not in soft toy, but, for example, in a beautiful box in which Tooth Fairy will drop in to bring a gift in time.

What other gift can a fairy fairy bring to a child? Since the gift is placed under the pillow, in a box, or in a sewn pocket, it is clear that it cannot be too big. It seems that it would be difficult for parents to come up with something grandiose for every tooth that has fallen out, so it’s quite possible to get by pleasant surprises. However, the size of the gift does not affect its value in the eyes of the child, the main thing is that such a surprise should correspond to his age and interests.

For example, a girl can receive a small doll as a gift, and a boy can receive a model car for his collection. As a souvenir from the good Tooth Fairy, various little things pleasant for a child are well suited - jewelry sets for young fashionistas, stickers, puzzles, balls and other small toys.

Since the change of teeth is associated with the characteristics of a growing organism, then a colorful children's encyclopedia about how our body works (especially if your child is interested in everything in the world and loves books) would become a topic.

In fairness, we note that although in Rus' no one made up stories about the Tooth Fairy, the tradition of solemnly saying goodbye to the first milk tooth that fell out has been known for a very long time. lost tooth they gave it to a mouse or a brownie, throwing it into the underground (the modern version is under the bath). At the same time, it was necessary to pronounce a special slander with feeling. For example, this: “Mouse, mouse, you have a milk turnip clove on you, but give me a bone and strong one!”. Therefore, if the legend of the Tooth Fairy does not seem too original to you as a parent, offer your child such an original version of marking the first tooth that has fallen out. And, of course, nobody canceled the gifts from the grandfather of the brownie or the little mouse!

My son Arseniy was waiting. He was waiting for his first milk tooth to fall out. The guys at school have all been chipped for a long time, but he is not. Though not the youngest in the class. IN recent months the question arose point-blank: not a single tooth fell out only from Senya, and from one more boy.

The whole class, including the teacher, followed this "competition". Senya's tooth fell out!!! This is a fair victory - he is older than the opponent by almost 6 months. As a result, our first milk tooth fell out at 6 years and 7 months - relatively late.

Senya has been preparing me for tooth loss for a long time - this is what I know about this from the words of Senya, who was told about the teeth by the teacher:

Teeth Instructions: Teacher's Opinion

    You can not loosen the tooth with your fingers - the fingers are dirty. The language is possible, but not in such a way that it looks stupid.

    When the tooth falls out, spit it out, and do not put your fingers in your mouth! Wash the tooth from blood.

    Do not put immediately under the pillow, but wait for the night. Be extremely careful if there are pets - they will sniff out and drag you away. Look for fistula then your tooth.

    Do not give to younger brothers and sisters - the same way: they will either eat it or drag it away.

    I asked Senya whether the children pull out their own teeth or their parents. He said - no, they always wait until he falls out. I didn’t offer to take out a tooth that had been hanging on a “thread” for a week - I’m afraid! No one has ever heard of such methods as tying a string to a door and pulling it.

    I personally learned about the tooth fairy a couple of years ago. I learned the following: The tooth fairy is a fairy-tale creature that comes to children when they lose a milk tooth. So, a fairy in exchange for a lost milk tooth leaves a coin for a child, sometimes a small gift - at the discretion of the fairy.

Calling the tooth fairy

There are several ways to summon the tooth fairy. The first way is to put a fallen milk tooth under the pillow before going to bed. Before turning off the light, you must call the tooth fairy 3 times. According to legend, after the child falls asleep, she will fly in, enter the room and pull out a tooth from under the pillow. In exchange, for which the fairy will leave a coin, or a small gift: a plush toy, a handful of sweets, an entertaining book.

Practice among peers showed that the fairy more often chooses exactly a coin - apparently it is easier to put it under the pillow unnoticed.

You can also call the tooth fairy by placing a fallen milk tooth in a glass of water. The glass is left at night near the child's bed, on the bedside table or on the floor. In no case should you cover the glass with a lid, because in this case, the tooth fairy will not get a tooth out of it and fly away without leaving money, and she may not return tomorrow.

Instead of a glass of water, an empty matchbox, or any other small container, is quite suitable. The main thing is not to forget that the window in the room must be open, otherwise the fairy will not be able to find himself in the house.

And also a non-standard solution: If a milk tooth fell out while being in nature, then it is necessary to find a tree with a hollow and put the fallen milk tooth into it. The tooth fairy will surely find the tooth intended for her, and the next morning she will thank the child.

How did we get

Be that as it may, we preferred standard method and put the tooth under the pillow. Remembering the fairy already before going to bed, frantically began to look for a coin of 1 or 2 dollars. Found - put. I didn’t look for a tooth in the middle of the night, although I wanted to put it aside as a keepsake. I couldn't find my tooth this morning! We have a younger brother, but he did not confess whether he did it.

Who is the Tooth Fairy? It is generally accepted that the tooth fairy is a fabulous creature that comes to children when their milk teeth fall out. In exchange for the missing tooth, the fairy gives the child a small gift. There are several ways to summon the tooth fairy. The child can even call it on his own.

How to summon the tooth fairy

What does he need to do to do this?

First way.

Let the child put his fallen milk tooth under the pillow before going to bed. Before going to bed, he should turn off the light and call the tooth fairy three times or read some little poem that will be dedicated to the tooth fairy.

After the child falls asleep, the tooth fairy will fly to him. She will take the prepared tooth from under the pillow, and in return will leave him a gift - a toy, sweets, books. At the same time, it will turn a little and a new one will grow in place of the fallen tooth. strong tooth.

The second way.

It is fashionable to put a fallen tooth in a glass of water. After that, the tooth fairy will come at night and take the baby tooth. But the baby should leave the glass of his bed, for example, on a nightstand, high chair, or simply put it on the floor. The glass cannot be closed, because the tooth fairy may not get it and then the child will not get a present, a new and beautiful tooth will not grow.

The third way.

Let the child take a matchbox or just a well-washed ashtray, you can even take something similar and put your tooth there. The window in the room must be open, otherwise the tooth fairy will not be able to fly into the child's room. A box with a fallen tooth does not need to be closed. Place it next to your baby. When the tooth fairy arrives, she will take the tooth and leave a small gift for the baby. Perhaps the gift will even be the one that your child has wanted for so long.

What to do if the milk tooth fell out outside the house and how to call the tooth fairy, despite the fact that you are not at home yet?

If a baby’s tooth fell out not at home, but somewhere on the street during a walk, you can do the following. You should not delay the process, proceed to the fact that you urgently need to give the tooth to the tooth fairy, who is already eager to pick it up and give the gift to the baby. A ritual to call a fairy can be done right in nature.

What needs to be done?

If there are low houses nearby, this is just a great option for a ritual. Let the baby throw a milk tooth over the roof of this house. If on this moment walking in nature, find a tree in which there will be a hollow and hide the fallen tooth there. Let the baby have no doubt that the fairy will not find him. She will definitely find him and bring a gift to the child.

Magic has been attracting people since childhood, everyone wants to know the future or answers to important life questions. Who can be called during the day at home with a girlfriend or friends: among the inhabitants magical worlds many good and evil beings. We will tell you which spirits can be summoned during the day to a novice magician, so as not to harm yourself and others.

What kind and not terrible spirits can be summoned during the day with friends and girlfriends.

We immediately warn you that séance- this is not a joke. You must be serious about meeting a creature from another world and understand the responsibility that falls on you for calling him. It is better to start with simple rituals and good essences. For example, who can be called from good spirits during the day:

  • Tooth Fairy;
  • Kind spirit of the elements;
  • sun bunny;
  • Gnome of desires;
  • Gnome Gnome;
  • Tooth Fairy.

How to summon the Tooth Fairy

It is known that the Tooth Fairy put the first coin in the 19th century to a boy of eight years. It was the young Spanish King Alfonso XIII when his first tooth fell out. This event inspired the writer Luis Coloma to create a story about a fairy, a mouse, Paris, and a boy, Booby. The book became popular and many boys and girls read it and learned about the existence of the Tooth Fairy. There are several ways to call this creation.

Option 1

You must wait until you (or your younger sister, brother) a milk tooth will fall out. Place it under your pillow and say:

"Tooth fairy, come, dream me in a dream."

As soon as you fall asleep, as if in a dream, fairies will appear to you and offer to exchange your tooth for a coin. In the morning, you will find it in place of the tooth. If you want to see the fairy in reality, then just pretend to be asleep. As soon as you feel that someone is near you, open your eyes. True, this way you can scare the tooth fairy, and she will no longer fly to you.

Option 2

In order to summon the Tooth Fairy, you need to find the fairy's house, most often it is a hollow in an old tree, which is located low. In this place you should leave a tooth with the words:

“I leave the tooth at the Fairy in the house, I call you to me today.”

At night, a fairy will come to the owner of the tooth and leave some gift. You can pretend that you are sleeping and spy on a magical creature.

Option 3

The fallen tooth is placed in a glass of water, standing near the bed. When the fairy arrives, she will definitely wet her wings and then she will not be able to fly away quickly. At this point, you can view it.

good elemental spirit

Speaking about who can be called harmless during the day, one cannot fail to mention the spirits of the elements. calling good spirit, first you need to decide who exactly you want to see. These creatures are harmless or neutral, although they have magical powers. Exist:

  • Spirits of the elements;
  • Spirits of spaces (houses, apartments, caves, etc.);
  • Beregini.

Calling them is easy, much harder to decide what you want to know. It must also be remembered that these spirits are sensitive and easily offended. Therefore, they will joke with you, excite and frighten. There are many ways to summon these spirits, we will list the most common ones.

What good spirits can be summoned during the day with friends on the street.

Option 1

On the street in a secluded place, the spirits of the elements are called, for this you need to hold hands and say a spell:

“Spirit of the elements, kind, appear. Respond to our call for help."

The words are pronounced three times with eyes closed and the spirit clearly imagined. You will feel something unusual - this will be a sign that the spirit has come. Ask him questions that interest you or ask for help, and after receiving an answer, thank him and let him go.

Option 2

Prepare a silver bell in advance. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and visualize the spirit being invoked. Once completely relaxed, ring the bell three times and say the words:

"Spirit, hear the ringing of the bell, I'm calling you, for help, appear to me."

Then stretch out your hand with the bell, as soon as the spirit comes, he will ring the bell.

Sunny Bunny

Who can be called on the street during the day with friends - for example, a sunbeam, a sunbeam spirit that fulfills wishes. Even the youngest wizard can do it. You need to prepare a white sheet of paper and a pencil yellow color. You can conduct the ceremony both by yourself and in the company of friends.

Draw a bunny on paper without lifting the pencil from the sheet. Then put the paper on the window so that the rays of the sun fall on it. Wait for the sheet to warm up a bit. Then say the cherished words:

“Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my desires, respond."

Repeat the text five times, close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Count to fifteen and open your eyes. A solar spirit will sit in your palms. Without taking your palms off the sheet, ask him for what you want. As soon as you say your will, open your palms and release the sunbeam. Soon your wish will come true.

Gnome of Desires

Who can be called at home during the day - the gnome of desires will help you fulfill your dream. It is necessary to prepare a gift for the gnome, it can be something shiny or sweet. Sit at the table, light a candle in front of you and call the dwarf, looking at the fire:

"Dwarf of desires, I call you, accept the gift, fulfill my desire."

If the entity appears, then you will feel the presence of someone behind you. Without turning around, say your wish. If you feel warm, your wish will come true, and if the candle goes out, do not wait for help. Do not rush, start small, and you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe.

Only a child who has lost a milk tooth can call the tooth fairy. There are several traditional ways make her fly. The most "standard" is to wait until the milk tooth falls out, and then put it under the pillow. Before going to bed, the child should call the tooth fairy three times in the dark or read any poem dedicated to her that you can compose on your own. Then the baby should try to fall asleep. After that, the tooth fairy will fly in, take what was prepared for her from under the pillow, and instead put the gift that the child wants to receive. A healthy and strong tooth will surely grow in place of the fallen tooth. There is also a slightly different method of summoning the tooth fairy. A child who has fallen out should not be placed under the pillow, but in a glass of water, which should be placed next to the bed. The container must not be closed with anything, otherwise the magical creature will not be able to get the item, and therefore will not leave a gift and will not be able to cast spells over a new tooth. You can also use a little in an unusual way summoning a magical fairy. The child should take an empty matchbox, a thoroughly washed ashtray or any other similar container in which the baby tooth should be placed. This container should be placed on the windowsill in the child's bedroom, the box should be open. As in other cases, the tooth fairy will exchange the fallen tooth for a gift. If the tooth fell out not at home, but in any other place, the baby may want to call the fairy right away, without waiting for him to come to his room. Try to find a low house, the child should be able to throw a tooth over its roof. You can put an object in a hollow tree. In both cases, the fairy will definitely find a tooth, and instead give the baby something desired.

2014-11-21 13:25:09


How to summon the tooth fairy

My son Arseniy was waiting. He was waiting for his first milk tooth to fall out. The guys at school have all been chipped for a long time, but he is not. Though not the youngest in the class. In recent months, the question has risen sharply: not a single tooth has fallen out only in Senya, and in one more boy.

The whole class, including the teacher, followed this "competition". Senya's tooth fell out!!! This is a fair victory - he is older than the opponent by almost 6 months. As a result, our first milk tooth fell out at 6 years and 7 months - relatively late.

Senya has been preparing me for tooth loss for a long time - this is what I know about this from the words of Senya, who was told about the teeth by the teacher:

Teeth Instructions: Teacher's Opinion

    You can not loosen the tooth with your fingers - the fingers are dirty. The language is possible, but not in such a way that it looks stupid.

    When the tooth falls out, spit it out, and do not put your fingers in your mouth! Wash the tooth from blood.

    Do not put immediately under the pillow, but wait for the night. Be extremely careful if there are pets - they will sniff out and drag you away. Look for fistula then your tooth.

    Do not give to younger brothers and sisters - the same way: they will either eat it or drag it away.

I asked Senya whether the children pull out their own teeth or their parents. He said - no, they always wait until he falls out. I didn’t offer to take out a tooth that had been hanging on a “thread” for a week - I’m afraid! No one has ever heard of such methods as tying a string to a door and pulling it.

I personally learned about the tooth fairy a couple of years ago. I learned the following: The tooth fairy is a fairy-tale creature that comes to children when they lose a milk tooth. So, a fairy in exchange for a lost milk tooth leaves a coin for a child, sometimes a small gift - at the discretion of the fairy.

Calling the tooth fairy

There are several ways to summon the tooth fairy. The first way is to put a fallen milk tooth under the pillow before going to bed. Before turning off the light, you must call the tooth fairy 3 times. According to legend, after the child falls asleep, she will fly in, enter the room and pull out a tooth from under the pillow. In exchange, for which the fairy will leave a coin, or a small gift: a plush toy, a handful of sweets, an entertaining book.

Practice among peers showed that the fairy more often chooses exactly a coin - apparently it is easier to put it under the pillow unnoticed.

You can also call the tooth fairy by placing a fallen milk tooth in a glass of water. The glass is left at night near the child's bed, on the bedside table or on the floor. In no case should you cover the glass with a lid, because in this case, the tooth fairy will not get a tooth out of it and fly away without leaving money, and she may not return tomorrow.

Instead of a glass of water, an empty matchbox, or any other small container, is quite suitable. The main thing is not to forget that the window in the room must be open, otherwise the fairy will not be able to find himself in the house.

And also a non-standard solution: If a milk tooth fell out while being in nature, then it is necessary to find a tree with a hollow and put the fallen milk tooth into it. The tooth fairy will surely find the tooth intended for her, and the next morning she will thank the child.

How did we get

Anyway, we preferred the standard method and put the tooth under the pillow. Remembering the fairy already before going to bed, frantically began to look for a coin of 1 or 2 dollars. Found - put. I didn’t look for a tooth in the middle of the night, although I wanted to put it aside as a keepsake. I couldn't find my tooth this morning! We have a younger brother, but he did not confess whether he did it.


How to summon the tooth fairy?

The tooth fairy is a magical character in Western fairy tales. According to legend, a fairy flew at night to a sleeping child for a lost milk tooth and left a gift or a coin instead.

Only a child who has lost a milk tooth can call the tooth fairy. There are several traditional ways to make it fly. The most "standard" is to wait until the milk tooth falls out, and then put it under the pillow.

Before going to bed, the child should call the tooth fairy three times in the dark or read any poem dedicated to her that you can compose on your own. Then the baby should try to fall asleep. After that, the tooth fairy will fly in, take what was prepared for her from under the pillow, and instead put the gift that the child wants to receive. A healthy and strong tooth will surely grow in place of the fallen one.

There is a slightly different method for summoning the tooth fairy. A child who has fallen out should not be placed under the pillow, but in a glass of water, which should be placed next to the bed. The container must not be closed with anything, otherwise the magical creature will not be able to get the item, and therefore will not leave a gift and will not be able to cast spells over a new tooth. You can also use a slightly unusual way to call a magic fairy. The child should take an empty matchbox, a thoroughly washed ashtray or any other similar container in which the baby tooth should be placed. This container should be placed on the windowsill in the child's bedroom, the box should be open. As in other cases, the tooth fairy will exchange the fallen tooth for a gift.

If the tooth fell out not at home, but in any other place, the baby may want to call the fairy right away, without waiting for him to come to his room. Try to find a low house, the child should be able to throw a tooth over its roof. You can put an object in a hollow tree. In both cases, the fairy will definitely find a tooth, and instead give the baby something desired.

In order for a strong and strong tooth to grow in place of a milk tooth, the lower one that has fallen out should be thrown onto the roof, and the upper one should be thrown onto the floor. The tooth fairy will notice your actions and monitor the health of the child.


How to summon the Tooth Fairy?

It seems that just yesterday your baby's first teeth erupted, and now it's time for them to fall out. The only good news is that at the age of 6-7 years old children still believe in fairy tales and miracles, and a lost tooth may not be such a big tragedy for a child. After all, you can give it to a mouse or the Tooth Fairy and get a gift in exchange for a tooth.

How to carry out this ritual, how to call the Tooth Fairy? UAUA.info will share the secret.

How to summon the Tooth Fairy with a child?

When children loose their teeth, they react to it in different ways. Some are afraid of pain, afraid to remain toothless, while others, on the contrary, are very happy, because this event to some extent symbolizes the process of growing up a child. But, unfortunately, still more kids are very worried when their teeth fall out, which is why it is necessary to connect the Tooth Fairy. A gift from her is such a compensation for experiences and discomfort, which he experienced when he staggered and a milk tooth fell out.

How to summon the Tooth Fairy so that she can pick up the fallen tooth? To do this, just put the tooth before going to bed in a glass of water, under the pillow, on the windowsill, or leave it in the corner of the room. Most convenient options for parents who play the role of the Tooth Fairy, there are a glass of water, a window sill, in this case, picking up a tooth and leaving a gift in its place will turn out almost silently. Moreover, the baby can leave a small message from the Tooth Fairy asking him not to eat a lot of sweets, brush his teeth thoroughly 2 times a day and eat cottage cheese and other healthy food.

Gifts from the Tooth Fairy

The loss of milk teeth in a child is, of course, a grandiose event, but nevertheless it is not necessary to give huge gifts to the child, in this case everything is individual.

The tooth fairy can bring the baby a toy with a pocket where he can store the rest of his teeth, a box in exchange for a tooth. You can tell the baby that these items are not simple, but magical - they will protect the teeth until the Tooth Fairy arrives. Small dolls, cars and other pleasant little things will be excellent gifts.

Because tooth loss is associated with age characteristics child, you can please him with a fascinating encyclopedia about the device human body.

Strong teeth and good gifts from the Tooth Fairy!

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